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West Green
4 Vincent Road, London N15 3QH
Parish Office Tel No: 020-8888-5518 E-mail: westgreen@rcdow.org.uk
Facebook: West Green - St John Vianney Church
Our website: http://stjohnvianneywestgreen.co.uk/
(SJV Parish Centre 020-8888-5518)

19th / 20th AUGUST 2017


One of my best friends - who is more like a brother - is from Iran.

Where he grew up, he was not allowed to wear shorts. This was very
uncomfortable when the weather was hot. It was a relief for him
when he went on holiday in the south of Iran, to the Isle of Kish,
where he could wear shorts. Whenever I would go to his house in
England, he would always ask me if I wanted to wear a pair of shorts.
When I would look at him with confusion and decline, he would act
very surprised, and say, Are you sure? For him, the mark of good
hospitality, was to offer his guests a pair of shorts.

In the first reading from the prophet Isaiah this week, it says, I will make foreigners joyful
in my house of prayer. My friend wanted to make me joyful in his house by offering me a
pair of shorts. God invites us to make foreigners - non-Christians - joyful in his house of
prayer, the Church. How do we do this? By offering people a pair of shorts on Sundays? It is
an interesting idea, but maybe not. So, how do we make foreigners joyful in the Church?

I think the answer involves first recognising that we were foreigners to God. In baptism, we
have truly become Gods children. But have we experienced this? Are we joyful in Gods
house of prayer, as children of God? Or, do we feel like foreigners to God? Are we
miserable when we are at Mass, grumbling if the celebration has gone on for more than
an hour, or not singing because we dont have any reason to sing to God?

I think this is important, because our identity as Catholic Christians is to be joyfully

missionary: to joyfully make foreigners joyful in Gods house of prayer, the Church. If we
lack joy, how are we going to make non-Christians joyful? It begs the question as to how we
can grow in joy, and be even more intentional in joyfully welcoming non-Christians into the
church. And, not only welcoming non-Christians, but also helping to make them grow into
joyful missionary disciples, who welcome other non-Christians.

This is my last Sunday here at Saint John Vianney. I thank you for the amazing and warm
welcome that you gave me during my one year here. I leave with a very heavy heart. I will
miss you all, and regret that I wasnt able to spend more time journeying with you in our
mission to make foreigners joyful in Gods house of prayer. Im confident that God has a
plan. Who knows what will happen in the future! I might be sent back here at a later date.
Stranger things have happened! Until then, you are all welcome to Gods house of prayer in
Our Lady help of Christians, Rickmansworth, where I am being sent in September. I hope
that I will be welcome to visit at some point in the not too distant future here too.

Until then we will be united in prayer. Father Damian

THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY IN 1) Pre- Communion (age 6-7);
LAST SUNDAYS COLLECTIONS 2) First Communion (age 8 and above);
3) Post Communion (for children already
completed their First Communion
Please take a REGISTRATION FORM from
Every Tuesday after our 9:15am Mass
the BLACK FOLDER on the shelf at the
BACK of the CHURCH - fill it in; attach
CATECHETICAL PROGRAMMES copies of Birth and Baptism Certificates of
All the activities take place in the Parish the child and return as soon as possible to
Hall. Any enquiries please contact the Parish Office, 4 Vincent Road. (only1
Sr. Devy on 07403 784 463 or the Parish application to date)
Office on 020 8888 5518
2017-2018 The Religious Instruction programme
CATECHETICAL PROGRAMMES for 2017-2018 will be held on
If your child is in Primary School Year 3 (or ADULTS (RCIA):
above) in September 2017 If you are interested in preparing for your
and you wish to enrol in next years First Communion, Confirmation or
First Communion Programme exploring your faith, please complete an
Please fill in the registration form now application form available at the back of
available at the back of the church and the church and contact the Parish Office.
return to the Parish Office 4 Vincent The programme will start in
Road N15, by 27th August. 7 OCTOBER 17 in the Jubilee Hall:
(25 applications to date} 4.00-5:45pm - Followed by 6pm Mass.
If you are in Year 10 in September or If you would like to have your child
above baptised on the 9th September or later, the
and wish to make your Confirmation next next session will be on Monday 4th and
year. 18th Sept 17 at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall.
Please fill in the registration form now Please contact the Parish Office to book
available at the back of the church and your place on the course.
return to the Parish Office 4 Vincent Road Parents whose children were baptised in
N15, by 27th August. July and August are reminded that the 2nd
(21 applications received to date) session on Monday 18th Sept.

In the Parish Hall after (Sun.) 9am and
11am Masses
For Children attending State Schools

If you wish to enrol your child/children for

the 2017/2018 Programme in preparation
Today, Sunday 20th August at 11am Mass Help a Calais Minor! APPEAL from JUSTICE
we have a formal farewell for AND PEACE & MARIA SKOBTSOVA HOUSE
Fr. Damian (The Calais Catholic Worker offering
With reception afterwards in our Parish emergency hospitality to young, refugees)
Hall. How to help a migrant Calais minor this
Thank you for your generous contributions summer: Brother Johannes writes: Gifts
to the Retiring Collection last weekend are welcome for Personal use; BUT PLEASE
which raised the sum of 978.51. This will FOR NOW ONLY! WE HAVE ENOUGH
be presented today, 20th August. TOWELS AND TOOTHPASTE! For the
We invite people to bring a plate / dish of house; Food see list. (J&P advice:
food to share. Justice and Peace will visit Calais in the last
Please see the list and note that these foods week of August (28th -1st September). If
need to be in place before Mass. Thank you! you have any of the items, please transport
them to our office during the coming few
PARISH OUTREACH SOUP RUN: weeks (phone 0208 888 4222 or St John
The next Soup Run on Sat. 26th August Vianney Parish 0208 888 5518) for storage.
Group A We have no collection service up till then.
Volunteer drivers needed for the soup Or if you decide to make the trip yourself
run. with goods, contact Brother Johannes to
arrange a convenient time: 0033 6 68 04
33. 170 Rue Anatole France Calais.
For full details please take a leaflet
The repose of the souls of:
available at the back of the church.
- Michael Fomenky: Marianthas brother
who died recently in Cameroon.
- Clive Pringle whose funeral service will DAY RETREAT
take place at Enfield Crematorium on At the Divine Mercy Retreat Centre,
Tuesday 22nd August at 3.30pm Ramsgate, Kent on Saturday 2nd September
- Jude Ibude (brother of Mary) who died 2017. Cost 15 per person. Coach leaves
on 2nd August 2017 from St John Vianney Church at 6.30am,
Our sincere condolences to their respective back at 7pm.
families. For further information contact Mario
May they rest in peace. Pereira on 0798 555 3325 or Virginia on
0780 972 4043
The Haringey parishes are exploring the ~~ CHURCH CAR PARK ~~
possibility of housing a Syrian refugee Please note our car park
family with the support of the CAN ONLY FACILITATE THE MAXIMUM
governments Community Sponsorship OF 17 CARS and NO MORE.
scheme. One essential requirement is to For Health and Safety reasons, we ask
find a house or flat for a family. If you might parishioners/visitors to use their
be able to help with this, please discretion when using the church car
contact Father David Ardagh-Walter on park for the safety of all attending Mass
0208 800 8374. We shall need a number by, not blocking the gates into the
of other helpers, but accommodation is key church yard, church steps or the black
to this project gate at the side of the church.
Entrance Antiphon The repose of the soul:
God is in his holy place, Clive Pringle
God who unites those who dwell in his house; Dympna ryan
he himself gives might and strength to his people. Jude Ibude
Michael Fomenky
First reading Michael Walsh
Isaiah 56:1, 6-7 Teresita Reyes Manese
Psalm 66 William & Hanna Hearne
Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the RIP
peoples praise you. RIP Anniversary
Ann Keelan
Second reading
Eileen McNicholas
Romans 11:13-15, 29-32
Felix Lobo
Gospel Acclamation Joseph Longstaff
Alleluia, alleluia! Mary Davey
The sheep that belong to me listen to my voice, Patrick Hennessy
says the Lord, I know them and they follow me. Patrick Ryder
Alleluia! Special Intentions:
Gospel Cardinal Cormac Murphy-OConnor
Matthew 15: 21-28 Lilly Walsh
Ann Lettice
Communion Antiphon Gretta Lettice
With the Lord there is mercy; William & Ana Wadhams
in him is plentiful redemption.
Kathy Nyland
Mary Day
MASS & SERVICE TIMES Wedding Anniversary
Evrol & Patricia Ng Ying
Mass 9:15am
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, For the sick and those in our parish
Friday, Saturday Bernadette Stapleton, Con Kelleher, Greta
Lettice, Jim McGeoghegan, Mary Towell,
(Sat.) 6pm; Matthew Stapleton, Nelda & Angelo Catani,
Sunday: 9:00am and 11:00am Nellie OShea, Pippa Da Cruz, Pantaleone
Mansi, Mary Towell, Rita Mongelard, Sarah
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Namagambe, Sherry Arul, Val Eaves,
Saturday: from 9:45 am 10:15am Yvonne Joseph


Tues to Fri 10am-12noon, 1pm-4pm
Fr. Joe Ryan, Parish Priest
Fr Damian Ryan, Assistant Priest To make an appointment
Sr. Devy Pranadjaja, Parish Sister Phone: 0208 888 5518 or email
Germaine Ng Ying, Parish Adm/Secretary westgreen@rcdow.org.uk
We cannot guarantee to have anyone available outside
of these hours.

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