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1g por cada lb qusde pesa

111g de protena por dia

115g de protena

almoo - claras de ovo com manjerico/espinafre, pedaos de carne, molho de tomate

jantar - peito des frango cortado aos bocados com 2 ovos (nuggets saudaveis), um
bocado de salteado e arroz integral
torsdaassatilha integral com carne na frigideira, abacate, coisas verde
carne cortada, massa espiral integral e molho de tomate caseiro

112g proteina
27g fataa

Your BMR Is: 1282

Your TDEE Is: 1924
BMR Basal Metabolic Rate (The number of calories your body burns at rest, with
zero activity)
TEF Thermic Effect of Food (The number of calories burned in the process of
digesting food you eat)
NEAT Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (The number of calories burned in all
activity outside of exercise)
TEA Thermic Effect of Activity (The number of calories you burn exercising (or
higher than usually energy output)

Add these all up and we arrive at your TDEE, or Total Daily Energy Expenditure

Why is TDEE important for fat loss?

TDEE is the most important bit of information available to us when trying to gain
muscle or burn fat and lose weight, because it is the total number of calories we
burn. In order to burn fat, we must eat less calories that this number. Creating a
deficit from your TDEE will force your body to use your stored body fat as fuel,
and this burn fat and lose weight from the one place we want to lose it the most.
Our body fat! This is why when counting macros, we always base our calorie intake
on our TDEE calculator numbers, and not some other number like BMR from our BRM
Calculator, or some arbitrary number the medical community still uses such as 1200
calories for women, and 1800 calories for men.. HOG WASH!!
Unless we know exactly what our TDEE is, we have no way of knowing how many
calories to consume while dieting to burn body fat or gain (preserve) muscle. The
IIFYM TDEE Calculator is perfect for flexible dieting and burning fat. The TDEE
calculator tells us how many calories we should consume to accomplish our goals in
an effective and efficient manner while preserving muscle. In other words, the TDEE
calculator allows us to get the best results, in the least amount of time, safely.
Now remember, there is not substitute for human experience and trial and error, but
the IIFYM TDEE Calculator will get us decently close.
Use the IIFYM TDEE Calculator to figure out how many calories your body needs to
function at your current activity rate. From there, subtract 15-20% from that
number the TDEE Calculator provides in order to see how many calories you should
eat daily to burn fat and lose weight at a steady pace. It is not recommended that
you subtract more than 25% from your TDEE calculation. The IIFYM TDEE Calculator
will help you stay clear of dropping calories too low.

To figure out your TDEE and get started with macro tracking and IIFYM, fill out all
of the fields in the TDEE calculator below.
Once you know your TDEE using the TDEE Calculator, subtract 20% from that number
and split your diet calories up in to macros.

Protein: .8 to 1 gram per pound of lean body weight (subtract your body fat from
your total weight to get lean mass)
Fat: .3 to .4 grams per pound of lean mass
Carbs: The remaining number of calories left will be filled with carbs.

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