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(Received the assent of the Governor on the 27th .Nbvember '

1957 ;first published in the Fort. St. Go orge Gazette

on the 1lth December 1957.)
An Act to provide for the registration of Veterinary Practi-.
tioners in the 3[Stste of Tamil Nadul.
WHBR~AS it is expedient to provide for the registration
of Veterinary Practitioners in the 3[State of Tamil Nadu] ;
BEit enacted in the Eighth Year of the Republic of India
as follows :-
1. (1) This Act may be called the ' [Tamil Nadu] Short title,

Registration of Veterinary Practitioners Act, 1957. extent and

(2) It extends to the whole of the [State of Tamil cammencement.
NadLq . .
(3) It shall come into force on such date as the -
Government may, by ~c+;flwtion, appoint . I

2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires- Definitions.

(a) " Counci! " means the '[Tamil Nadu Veterinary
Council] established under section 3 ;
1These words wen: substituted for ?he word " Madras '' by the
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, as amended by the
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second Amendment) Order;1969.
2 For Statement of Objects and Reasons, see Fort St. George
&zet?e Extraordinary, dated the 12th October 195'33, Part IV-A,
page 50.
This Act w& extenaed to the added tenitories by section 3 of,
and the First Schedule to, the Tamil Nadu (Added Territories)
Extension of Laws Act, 1964 (Tamil Nadu Act 8 of 1964).
. .
- zk
;7 I2

8 This expression was substituted for,the expression " state of . $

Madras " by the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, 3 ,

./, ',

as amended 'by the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second' . . r,+~

'~mendmeqt)Order, 1969. .. ..$,
' I -

4 This .expressionwas substituted for the expression " Madras $ '

Veterinary Council9' by paragraph 3 (1) of, and the Schedule to,.
the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1970, which was deemed
to have come into force on the 14th January 1959. L

- (6) " Government " means tho State Government;

(c) " hospital ", " dispensary " or '' infirmary "
means an institution wilere animals hrc treated in accor-
dance with methods approved by the Council ;
(d) " register " means the registei + of veterinary .
practitioners maintairled under this Act ;
(e) " registered practitioner " mems a veterinary
practitioner whose name is for the time being entered in
the register.
Establishment of - 3. (1) The Goverumeot shall, by ootifictrtion, establish
Council*a Council to be called t he [Tamil Nadu Veter inacy Council].
(2) The Council shall be a body corporate, shall have

perpetual succession a 11tk a common seal tlal sl~n!l,'by tho


Constitution of
said name, sue and be sued.
4. (1) The Counzil shall consist o f - i
(a) four m:mhe~selected by tia rci,lstcrecl practi-
tioners from, among t t~emselves; r T~
(6) one me nber elected from among themselves by rzr;'
the registered p r x t itic aers who are m~tei~lbcrsof the Faculty $.
of Veterinary Science oC the University of Madras ;
(c) one n ~ e n b e relected fro~nanlong tkernselves hy
such members of the Madras Veterinary College Council as ,"'
are registered practitioners ;
( r l ) the Principal of the Madras Veterinary Collegc
ex -0ficio ; and
I (e) two members noininatcd by the Government.
(2) In the event of the requisite nurnbcr of ~nembers
not being elected under any of tile c l~uuses(a), (h) and (c)
of sub-section (I), the Government may fill up the vaancy
or ~acanciesby ilornilwting the required number of regis-
tered practitioners. Every registered prac~itioner so
nominated shall be d ~ c ~ n etod be a ~nenlber duly ekcted.
(3) The Presideat of the Council shall bc elacted by
the members of the Council from among iliemselvcs :
Provided that for a p ~ r i o dof thrce ycurs liom the dare
of the est;:':~hment o f the Council under this Act the
Prcsic' -2t shall be a person nominated by the G o v e r m g t
. .-

i! 1 This expression was sub$tituted for thc cxpresqion "Mrdras

Veterinary Council" by P J I J I ~ $ I .3(1)
R P ~of. %:idthe Scii'laditlcto,
Tamil Nadu Adap;atiml oi l.:r Order, 1 ' ) X wikicil was tlzenlcd
to have come into furce dn f lie i 4th Januaq 1 1169.



+. 1

1957 : T.N'. Act XXJJ

--- --

time and place and in such manner as the Government may,

by notification, determine.

Registration oj V e t o r f ~ ~''~699

and if he is not a l r e a d ~ amember of the Council, shall be

ex-o@cio member of the Council in addition to'the members
specified in sub-section (1).
(4) The election of members under sub-section (1)
and of the President under sub-section (3) shall be held at
such time and place and in such manner as the Council may,
by regulations, prescribe :
Provided that the firbt election shall be held at such

( 1 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary Privilegesof

contained in any enactment, rule, by law or any other tloners.
provision of law, no certificate required by law to be given
by a veterinary practitioner shall be valid unless it is given
by a registered practitione~a u t h o r i d to issue such a
certificate by the orders of thc Government for the time
being in force.
(2) Except with the sanction of the Government, no .
one other than a registered practitioner shall be competent
to hold an appointment as a veterinary physician, s~ ~ g e o n
or other veterinary officer in: any veterinary hosp;:al, dispen-
sary or infirmaw which is maintailled or aided by the
Government or a local authority.



registered practi,

6. No vacancy in the Council and no disqualification Acts of Councj.

of, or defcct in the election or nomination o f , any member dated
be deemed to invalidate any -act or proceeding of the ,tC.
Council in which such member ot. person has taken part.

act as. Secretary of the Council and who shall also act as
Treasurer unless the Council appoints another person as
(2) The Council may also appoiut such other officers
and servants as. it may deem necessary for the purposes
of this Act.
(3) The Registrar or any other officer or savant
appointed under this s~ctionshall be deemed to be apllblic
servant within the meaning of section 21 of the Indian penal
Code (Ceutrd Act of 1860).

"0' to be invali

7. (I) The Council shall appoint a Registrar who shall other

by dip
of the Council OF the person presiding at a meeting shall qualification,

Registrar and

:J .





' 1


. I

700 itegbtrrrtion oj Vctr>i4i/rnry L i Y 5 7 : 'T,N, bet S!&l


Register. 8, (1) It s5all be thz drity of Llm llcgistriis to kcep

register of veterinary pr;tct i 1 io ners ant!, I'i,om Lmi m to tirnc,
to revise the register aud i~iii~lish it in t Iu: prea*ribcci rnanncr.
(2) The register s h ~ l be;
l desmed to be a public docu-
ment within the ~neaningo f the Indi.Ll1 17vidcncc Act, 1872
(Central Act-I of 1872).
(3) The namc of any registered prnctit ionoi who dies
or whose name is dir rctuti to bo jemovcct I 11% t 11:. register
under section 10 shall be reuzoyed fic3~11the ItcgIckr. For
this purpose, information rcgrding the dtnt h of" r cgistered
practitioners shall be f~trnishedto t hc itegis::.i:r by such
officers, in such forin alxd in such manner. i t n u y be

*sonsentitled 9. (1) Every person who possesses ally oi' the quslifi-
beregistered* cations specified in Schedule I hall, on pay,ueat of the
prescribed fee, aod on fitrnishing to the Registrar proof 01'
his qualification for registration, be entitled to l~irvchis
name registered in the register.
(2) Every persoli far the time being rcgistercd under
ally law for the rogistral ion of veteritxtry y~r:tctitionursi l l
force in any othcr State in India shall, on plrym~ntol'the i
prescribed fee, be entitleti to have his nr;me entered in t l ~ e
register if the Council has cntcred into tm tlgrcemnt \vifl~
the authority administering that law for reciprocal recogni-
tion of registrations made under that law and those made
under this Act.
(,; Notwithstanding any thing contained in sub-
section (1) or sub-section (2), the Council may refuse to
permit the registration of any person who has beed collvicted
of any offence which, in th.: opinion of the Council, implies
a defect of character disentit:ing him to be regiskered or
who, after an inquirjr a: w?;!.h op>ortunity 11os been given
to him to be heard in person or by plcador, has becn held
by the Council to have been gc:'y of profissionnl
(4) Every registrar ion..under sub-sect ion (1) or sub-
section (2) shall be in force for onc y e a and may, on pay-
ment of the prescribed fee, be renewed kom yeap to year.
, (5) A registered prastitioner may, on payment of the
, prescribed fee, apply for registration uader n new name or
in respect of any additional qwlification obtained subsequent
to the registration under t,l:'s Act.


1957: T. .N*ActXXI] Registrat ion of Veterinary 701

9ract i t loners
10. (I) The Council may, if it sees fit, and after giving
due notice to the person concerned and inquiring into his terat ion
objections, if any, order that any entry in the register, Council.
which shall be proved to the satisfkcaciion of the Conncil
to have been fraudulently or incorrectly made or brought
about, b- ssnc~!'ed Or amended.
(2) (i) The Co~1cilm y direct the, removal altogether
or for a specijied period from the registe~ of the name of q

any registered practitioner who hqs been convicted of any

offence which in the opinion of the Gurrcil impliw a defst .
of character djsentitling him to bs rr?_sirte& or who, after
an inquiry at which opportunity has h e n giwn to him to
be heard in person or by pleader, has been heid by the
Couxtd to h i e hem guilty of professional r n i s c o d ~ .

(ii) The Council may also direct that any name. so

removed shall be restored on application made by the paay
and in accordance with the rules made.
a - >

(3) Any registered practitioner may make an appli- . , :-

cation to the Council fog the deletion of his name from the

, I
. . , -) :$

register and the Council may, on such applicstion and ,., ,.,.

subject to such rules as may be made by the.G o v e m n t , -, .

. :-o\':"'
A ' . p

direct such deletion. Any. such practitioner apply

for fresh registration under section 9:
, .

'[lOA. (l)*Notwi thstanding Anything contained i n this special PXQ* ''

Act, the Council may, by order in writing, amend the- "ision for f he
register by deleting therefrom the name of any .$erson, iegistere. .
who by reason of the alteration of boundaries under the
Andhra Pradbsh and Madras (Alteration of Boundaries)
Act, 1959 (Central Act 56 of 1959), has ceased to reside
or practise in the 2[State of Tamil Nndu] :

Provided that the Council may , before' passing

an *ider, make such inquiry as it deems necessary.

1 This acctinn was inserted by the Madras Adaptation of Laws

Ortlcr, 1961, which was deemed to have come into force on the .
1st April 1960.
2 This expression was substituted for the expression ''State of
~ ~ d by ~the ~Tamil~ Nadu
' ' Adaptation of Order, 1969, as
blnendedby the TcImil Nadu A(lapt8tion of h w s ,(Second Amendq
qent) Order, 1969,

(2) Any r I :tggi'icved by nil oi.c!cu u rider

sub-section (1) ma) appeal LO such ail1llt>l.i(y ailc! within
such time as may b: sjxcified in this h c h ~ l fby the Govern-
ment and. suc.1 authori~yshall pass s~ichordcr 011 ille appeal,
as i t thinks fit.
(3) An ordcr of ihc Council i~ndcl- sub-scction (11,
or where an appeal [?as been preScrrcd against it under
sub-section (a), the ord~!.of the appcflete aut 11orjly, shall
be final.
(4) The provisions or this sect ioll shall ccasc to be
force from such datc a 1116 G o w r n m ~ nmay, ~ by noti-
fication appoint.]

Jurisdiction 11. No act d.onc i n r he exercise of any powel- conferred

of Civil by or under I his Act on the Government or t hc Council or
Courts. the Registrar shall b? ~ L I L ' Sioned
I in any Civil Court.

Controlby 12. Ifat a!~ytitnci t shall n p p u a r t ~tllc

~ Govcrnlllcnt
G@vernment-that the Cou -4
I has iicg;~cicdto cxct.ci sc or R n s cxccedcd 01.
abused w y powcr confer-reel u p o n ii LI ncJ.1.r Illis Act. or has
.neglected to perlirm al:y duty imposed opon i t by t his Act,
1.iie Gqvcrnment may notif'y t hc pat'licu 1ii1.s or auclt ncglcct,
cxccss or abuse to t hc C:oullcil ; ant! i S t ile Council iaiIa
remedy such neglect, ~xcc.saor abi~se. within sucll tinlc as
may b~ f i x 4 by tile C;c)v:i.wnent in ihib bh:tl( the Govern.
m~zntmay, Tor the purpose of ren~edyinyzuch neglect, excc.rs
or. abuse. cause all 01- a n y of thc poiv1:i.s ;tnd c h t jes ~f tllc
Counci 1 to be excrc:sed a n d performed by such agellcy and
for such p-:i.iod as ilzc Covij-nment rnay t flj nk lit.
1 ~ o w e r o f 13. (1) The Couilci I shall have po\ve~-lo call on the
I tc governing body or othct-aut horityot a n y ; nsti tutj on referred
call for
lnformatibn to i n Schedule I1 granti ilg a degree or diplo~nai ncladcd i n
regarding Schedule I or desi rous of having the deyrco or diploma
= @ c ~ ~Of Q granted
w by i t i ncluded i n t hc caid Sc]ledulc I--- ,
mhiing and
examina- (a) to furnish such reports, rctorns or other
. tions.
informati011 as the Council may require to cnable it to
jod.ge the efficiency of the instruction given therein in
veterinary science ; a1 d
(b) to provjdc htci l i t i ; ~ to cnablc a n y mcmkr of *
the Councll dcputcd by i: i n this bchalf,to inspect the
i nstjtution at 1hc ? it11e o f i c:tcl?i ng or at t hc 1i nac of cxami 08.
-- -
- 703
.. *

1957 : T &.Act XXJ] Registration of Vot erirjary , -. -

P ~actitioners

(2) If the said body or avthority refuses io comply

with a n y such demand, the Governnle~ltmay, upon report
by the C ~ u n c i l ,direct the removal from Schedule I, br
refuse to include in that Schedule, any'degme or diploma ,

granted by t hat i nsti tution.

b 4

14. Every person who falsely pretends t o be a Penalty for

registered practitioner , whether ally pelson j s actually falsely
deceived by such pretcnce or no:, shall, on conviction, td pretending
be a
b- li ablc t o bc pu nishcd wil h fine whi ch may extend. to one registered
t housarld i.upces. praet it ioner*

15. (I). Thc Govcrninenl, may, i F they are satisfied Alteration

on the report of the Council or othcrwi~c,that the COUT-t; Of in list of
study and examinations prescl-ibcd. by any college or body qualifica- '
conferring any degree. or diploma included in Schedule I tions ,,tion& '

are not such as to ScCnrre the po~s~?ssion by per:onsobtaining in Schedule

such degree cr 4iplcma cf the r e q u i ~ ~ tkfiowledge
c and 1.
skill for the efficient psacl-i ce oft hej r profession. by not ifi-
cation Clirect that such cle~reeor di ploma shall be removed
from Schedule 1 by the Counctl an? that ,Schedule shall
thereupon be alrsred accordingly. ,

(2) The Govt.rnmznt may, i i' they are satisfied,

oi1rher~~postoftneCoul1ci1orotherw~se ~hatthemurkeof .
study and exam~naiionspiesciibed. by any college or body
confcrring a degree or diploma not i ncluded in Schedule I
are such as to secure tne poa~es~ion by Persons obtaining
such degree or diploma of the requisite knowledge and
skill for the efficient practice of their profession., by
notification, direct tha.t such d.egree or diploma shall be
included i ri Schedule I by the Counci 1 and that Schedule
shall thereupor.
+ be altered accordi ngly.
. *
16. . (1) The (?over nm&t m y , by notification, &ke Power to
make rules -
r ulcs for th:: purpose of cwryi ng out the 'provisions of md
this Act. : regulations* '
. .

(2) In particular and without prejudice to the

generality of ihc foregoing provision, such rulcs may
provide for-
, .(a) t 11s clecti on of members to t he Counci 1 ;

(b) the term of office of

nated members of the - Counci 1 ;
t hc elected and nomi -


(c) the c i r ~ u ~ n s t a ~jl11

c ~wlli
s sll a i~lcll~bcl of t hc
Councj 1 shall bc (?:.cmed to have vtlcatccl h i s o f f i ~ c;
( d ) the proced.ure to be followzd !'or fifii ng up a
vacancy when the scat of a n y incmber of the Council
bccoaes vacant ;
(e) tllc elrctior~of the PI-esidentof the Coullcil or
of any other persoil presiding over the Council, and the
term oi U,?I~:Cof t l ~ cP1-csidclql ;
(() t llc pro~:cdurc at mcct i c~:;b of t l ~ eCounci 1 ;

( g ) tllc i nsrit:ltion, heari 12g a13ddisposal of appcals,

the authorities compettnt t o 110ld inquiries and hear
appeals and the p oc!:clu re to bc followcd i 11 such i nquiries
and appeals ;
( I t ) t h e con~pilation and publi cniion of the register ;
r Act;
(i) the dispinal of the fees reczived u n d ~ this

( j ) all nlattcrs expressly required or allowsd by thi s

Act to be prcscii bcd.

(3) Thc Couccil may, with the prcvicus aanction

of*the Government , 11lslke regulati qns-
(rr) for the zonvening of the mcetiilgs of the Coun-
cil :
(b) Tor t l ~ cconduct of busj ncss at such niecti rigs ;
(c) for the appoi ntinent and cocltrol, and thc
fixatiqn of pay and allowances of the officers and servants
referred t o in szction 7.

(4) A11 regulations ulade bythe Councilunder sub-

s ~ c t i 0 . l (3) sllnll LY published in the Fort St. George

( 5 ) The Govcrnqent may, by notification, c a ~ ~ c c l

any rcgulntion.

(6) The p ~ w e rt o make, tg1,es.under t hi s Act shall .'

be subject to the condition of 'pre%ous~ublication.
. ,
(7)All rules made. and all noli ficatjons r ssued under
a ..Y1

this Act shall, as soon as hossi blb 'i$er they are made, be -
placed on th. tabla q$:both tb<.Hop~$q~ ~f rhg Legislature *:'.
a n d shall be subject to su~K~o;i~ficiitjonsby w;ty b;f Q&nd..
men t or repeal as, the --lcgislati ve Assembly. may iaakd '
aithi n!f ~ u r t g g n ~ ~ -"0s
d ~ yw.1iIcp
..,,r~ . j the
, s . -.ugly .sits.
-,, ,.. ap.
*-...I3pu.e sv Is x
either in'the 'same sessl on or in more than one si!ssio&.-
' ..-. l i
. - ,
. ,
- - --
P . *

. I,.'

- ' 7
i , j

Quqlifi~t~ons. .*
(See sections 9,13 and 15:)

3. %C&hS of Ve'& ~~ a f t kt:~ lbq.*~ rd' B w ~ ,

4, eaduates of the Bombay Veterinary College, Bombay. Y


college, Hissar, PbPJqiab.

5. Graduates oft hd~unjab~eterinar'y :. -.-
- X 1

6 . Licensed Veterinary Practit loners, 'Punjab. I

it ,.
. -
7. GraduatesoftheBeng?l Veterinay Colle~c,Calct.tla.
8. Gradubtes of the Bihar Veterinary College, Patna.
9. Graduates of the College of Veterinary Science and Animal
Husbandry, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh.
10. Graduates of the Osmmia College of Veterinary Stience and
Animal' Husbandry, Hyderabad.
11. Graduates of the Madhya Pradesh Veterinary Collea,
1 Ja balpur .
12. Graduates of Veterinary Science, Assam Veterirary College,
13. Members of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons,
14. Doctors of Veterinary Medicine or Bachelors of Veterinary
i Science of Universities in countries of the Commonw ~ a l t hother than
the United Kingdom.
15. Doctors of Veterir.ary Medicine of Universities in the
United Statesof America. I'


7'06, n- m i s t rat $04~f~~~lset;~&ar~?

3 [1957'. T.N: A& =I. ,

P ~cttuit io t2 ers

(See section 13. )
1 . Bengal Veterinary College, Calcutta.
Bihar Veterinary College, Patna.
... 2.
*. 3. Bombay Veterinary Callege , Parel, Bombay.

5. College of Veterinary Scierice
.,. , and iininimal Hwbandry,

6. Veterinary College, aaubati, A s m .
. , 7. College of Voteriliary Soicncs and Animal Huabndry,
Itlrydeqbad., . ., . 8

Madras Veterinary College, Madras.

Veterinasy College, Jabslpw, Msdhys Pkadearb *
"t .
. 7 510 Regi~traiionofVeteriilV [I981 ;T.N. Act 27
I' .., . prac tit ioners (Amendment)
-' B .- T A W NADU ACT.NO* 27 OF 1981'.
:'. 1981.
. . i .
-4 *. .*
[Received the assent of the Governor on the 9th May 1981,
first published in the Ta,mil Nadu Goverament Gazette
- 1
- A
, ,
Extraordinary on the 12th Mu? 1981 (Chithirai 30,
.+-, -.t
~hunmathi-2.012-Thiruvalluvar Aandu).l
,. . ~n ~ ctotamend the Tamil.Nadu Registration of V e t e r i w y
. Practitioners Act, 1957.

%a it enacted by tbe Legislature of the State of T d l

Nadu in the Thirty-second Year of the Republk of India
as follows :-
1. (1) This ~ c maty be called the ramil Nadu Re&
Short title and tration of Veterinary Practitioners (Amendment) Aot,
commence- 1981.
(2) It shall cone into force OF such date as the
State Government may, by notification, appoint.
Amendment of 2. In sec5on 4 of ttr: T a S l Nadu Registration of
section 4,Tami 1 Veterinary Practitioners Act, 1957 ( T d l Nadu Act XXT
Nadu Act XXI of 1957) (bet einaiter referxed to as the principal Act),-
of 1957. (a) in sub-section (1)-
(i) in clause (b), for the expression "University
of Madras", the expression "Tamil Nadu Agricultural
University" shall be substituted ;
(ii) for clause (4, the following clauses shall be

66 - - tbe Dean of tae Madras Veterinary Gollege,

ex-officio ;
(dd) the Director of Animal Husbandry,
ex-~Jiciowho shall be the President of the Councill
(ddd) the Director of Institute of Veterinary
preventive Medicine, Ranipet, ex-oflci~and 1 " ;

(b) sub-section (3) shall be omitted ;

(c) in s~b-section(4), the words, figure and brkkets
"md of the President under sub-section (3)" shall be
- -
*For Statelnenl of Objects and Reasons,See TamilNa& Govet?fm
,,section 1 p aExtraordinary*
p 73.
dated the 5th FebruarY 1981 IQrt IV-

8 T.N. Act 2TJ Regbtration of 511

Veterinary Practitioners
3. After section 10-A of the principal Act, the folloning Insertion of
section shall be inserted, namely :- new sect ion
10-B in Tamil
Nadu Act XXI
"10-B. Appeals.- (1) Any person aggritlved by- of 1957.

(a) any decision of the - Registrar refusing to

regkter under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) of section 9,
rnw appeal to the Council ; or
(b) any decision of the Council under sub-
section (3) of section 9 or section 10, may appeal to the
(2) The appeal under sub-section (1) shail be
preferred within three months from the date oC the receipt
by theaappellantof the decision appealed against :
Provided that the appellate authority may, in
its discretion, allow further time not exceeding three
months for preferring any such appeal. if it is satisfied
that the appellant had sufficient cause tor not preferring
the appeal in time.
(3) In disposing of an appeal under sub-section
(I), the appellate authority may, after giving the partv an
opportunity of making his representations pass sucn
oi-ier thereon as it may deem fit.
(4) The order of the appellate authority on such
appeal shall be final.
(5) The appellate authority may, pending the
exercise of its powers under this section, pass such inter-
locutory orders as it may deem fit.".
4. After section 11 of the principal Act, thc following insertion of
sectloll shall be inserted, namely :- new section
11-A in Tamil ,

'' 11-A. Jurisdiction of criminal courts.-No Court Nadu Act ?LXI

of 1957.
shall take cognizance of any offence punishable under
this Act except on complaint in writing made by Registrar
in this behalf.".
5. In section 16 of the principal Act,- Amendment
(a) in sub-seetion (2), clause (e) shall be omitted ; of sect ion 16,
Tamil Nadu,
(b) in sub-section (4), for the expression 'For7 Act
195f.XXI of
St. George Gazette", the expression " Tamil Nadu
Government Gazette " ahall be substituted.

The following 4ct of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the
nqqcnt of thc Governor on the 23rd December 1993 and ig hereby published
for grn( r:~l i1ifo1.mnt'1011 :-

ACT NO- 35 OF 1993.

An Aci Jurrher to Amend the Tamil Nadu Registration of Veterinary
Practitioners Act, 1957.

l$E it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in. the
~b%t$-fburth Year of the Republic of India zs follows :- I

may be called the Tamil Nadu Registration of Veterinary

ent) Act, 1993.
4 2 ) It dial1 cope into force on such date as the State Government
may, by notification, appoint.
2. I n section 4 of the Tamil Nadu Registration of Veterinary Practi- Amendment of
j957. tioners Act, 1957 (hereinafter referred tc as the principal Act), after sub- 4*
section (41, the following sub-section shall be edded, namely :-
'" (5) Save as otherwise prbvided by or u ~ d e rthis Act, elected and
nomiwted members of the'council shall hold office for a term of three yearn
from thdmdateof their election or nomination and shall be eligible for re-
election OP e-nomination .
3. In section116 of the principal Aet, in sub-section (2), clause (b) &all *z!?gtof
be omitted.

(By order of the Governor)

to Government,
Law Department.
( 131 )
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r C r i t \ i n I i o ~ i ' a v A N I ) I'I<INIIN(I.MADRAS ON - - 1

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