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BC Renegamers (a Campus Gamers club)

1801 Panorama Drive, INDT 7A
Bakersfield, California 93305
Friday, August 25, 2017 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Bakersfield College
II. ROLL CALL (The Secretary &Treasurer will determine the number of paid, active members
are present out of those on record. A majority quorum must be established to hold a bonafide
III. ADOPTION OF AGENDA (The Committee will discuss this agenda and may choose to
amend or edit the agenda. Upon conclusion of the discussion the Committee must adopt the
IV. ADOPTION OF MINUTES (The Committee will discuss those minutes and may choose to
amend or edit the minutes. Upon conclusion of the discussion the Committee must adopt the
A. The minutes from 7/14/2017 will be reviewed for adoption.
V. PUBLIC COMMENT (The Chair will take public comment on any action item on this
agenda. The time allowed for public comment shall not exceed five minutes. Speakers will be
allowed one minute.)
VI. INDIVIDUAL REPORTS (The Chair shall recognize any executive officer of the
Association, including the Advisor(s), to offer a report on official activities since the
previous meeting and make any summary announcements deemed necessary for no longer
than five minutes.)
A. Chair, President, Chad Hidalgo
B. ICC Representative, Vacant
C. Treasurer, Vacant
D. Advisor, Thomas Rush and/or Manuel Fernandez
E. Community Advisor, Edward Webb
VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Items listed in this agenda item have already been read or
discussed once and thus are considered for approval of the committee )
VIII. NEW BUSINESS (Items listed in this agenda item have not already been read or
discussed once and thus are considered for approval of the committee)
A. ACTION ITEM: Approval to pay the amount of $16 to Campus Gamers, Inc. for sale
of lanyards, charms, pins, and wristbands sold during New Student Convocation 2017
B. ACTION ITEM: Approval to donate $54 (30% of proceeds from New Student
Convocation 2017) to CMNH for Lauren Small Childrens Hospital
C. ACTION ITEM: Approval of special meeting for the express purpose of ratifying the
rewritten bylaws and filing registration for FY2018
D. ACTION ITEM: Approval of Lawrence Salcido as Treasurer until elections in
E. ACTION ITEM: Approval of Alex Apatiga as ICC Representative until elections in
F. ACTION ITEM: Progressive Re-write of bylaws, all sections and articles are open for
discussion and amendment.

IX. COMMENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS (The Chair shall recognize in turn members
requesting the floor for a period not to exceed three minutes.)

X. ADJOURNMENT and Next Meeting Reminder

A. Special meeting September 1,2017; Venue TBD if approved
B. Regular meeting September 8, 2017; 1:00 PM INDT 7A

Listen in on the Conference Call: 1- (641) 715-0632 Participant passcode: 488263
Agendas are posted 72 hours before the meetings commences. Agendas are posted electronically at bcrenegamers.weebly.com
If you would like a copy of any of the agenda items listed, please email bcrenegamers@gmail.com
Link to minutes from July 14, 2017

BC Renegamers (a Campus Gamers club)
1801 Panorama Drive, Business Building, Room 5
Bakersfield, California 93305
Friday, July 14, 2017 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Tonys Pizza
3651 Mt. Vernon Ave.
Bakersfield, CA 93306
Listen to a recording of this meeting
A. Meeting was called to order by President Chad Hidalgo at 1:06 PM.
A. In attendance: Chad Hidalgo, Lawrence Salcido, Patrick Chao. The current active
membership is comprised of only 5 members and whereas 3 out of 5 constitutes the
majority required by the BC Renegamers Constitution to establish quorum, a bona fide
meeting may be held.
B. Alexandra Apatiga entered quorum at 1:10 PM
A. A motion to amend by striking MegaBitez and replacing with Tonys Pizza, 3651 Mt.
Vernon Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93306 was made by Chad Hidalgo and seconded. The
motion passed without objection.
A. The minutes from 3/24/2017 were reviewed and adopted without amendment.
A. Chair, President, Chad Hidalgo
i. Making Meetings Official when at MegaBitez
1. Travel paperwork on file for MegaBites, Tonys, Dennys
2. Mesh Cowork meeting pending elections
ii. Review of BC Renegamers Constitution regarding officers not attending
meetings. As Colin Audet has not attended meetings, the position of
Treasurer is now vacant.
B. ICC Representative, Vacant
C. Treasurer, Colin Audet
D. Advisor, Thomas Rush and/or Manuel Fernandez
E. Community Advisor, Edward Webb


A. Business Office requires that our minutes reflect group approval to donate club funds
to Extra Life. ACTION ITEM: Approval to donate amount we collected at Extra Life
2017 ($735.00) to Childrens Miracle Network Hospitals.
i. A motion to approve the donation of $735.00 to Childrens Miracle
Network Hospitals was made by Lawrence Salcido and seconded. Seeing
no objection the motion entered roll call without discussion.
Lawrence Salcido votes aye.
Alexandra Apatiga votes aye.
Patrick Chao votes aye.
With a unanimous vote in the affirmative, the motion passes to approve
the donation of $735.00 to Childrens Miracle Network Hospitals.
B. Constitution Review pertinent selections from the BC Renegamers Constitution were
read. In light of having so few active members at this time and a need exists to revise
the BC Renegamers Constitution, we will use time in the next meeting to make
revisions and ratify. We will also prepare our registration documents for FY2018.
C. Vacancies of Executive Board
i. Vice President Lawrence Salcido
ii. ICC Representative Patrick Chao
D. Reregistering for FY2018
i. Budget
ii. Officers
iii. Events
E. Sponsors
i. MegaBitez committed to providing prizes for ExtraLife
ii. SilverWolf committed to providing prizes for ExtraLife
iii. Kern County Smash Bros. committed to providing equipment for
iv. T-Mobile need to follow up and see where they are with a committment
F. Recap of Extra Life
i. What was right, what was wrong?
1. Venue was good, but far from Garden Fest
2. Better Wi Fi
3. Better advertising
4. Better volunteer arrangements
5. Better budget allocation
6. Better Chalking
7. More cart drivers better decorating on carts
8. More recruiting other clubs, start early
9. More training


A. Campus Gamers at the Maya, sign up with doodle app to help out.
B. New student convocation coming up August 17th, set up lanyards and charms. Request
fundraiser and table/chairs and banner. Follow up on banner with Lawrence.
X. ADJOURNMENT and Next Meeting Reminder
A. Next meeting August 25, 1:00 PM INDT 7A

Listen in on the Conference Call: 1- (641) 715-0632 Participant passcode: 488263
Agendas are posted 72 hours before the meetings commences. Agendas are posted electronically at bcrenegamers.weebly.com
If you would like a copy of any of the agenda items listed, please email bcrenegamers@gmail.com

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