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Chapter 4

Advances in Research and

Development in Rock
Fragmentation, Damage, Wave
Propagation and Fracture
Mechanics Applications.
Advances in Numerical
Modelling and Simulation
Techniques for Drilling
and Blasting Optimization
98 Santiago Chile, May 2006 Fragblast-8
The Mechanics of Spalling
in Rock - a Reconsideration
Hans Peter Rossmanith
Institute of Mechanics and Mechatronics A2
Vienna University of Technology A-1040 Vienna, Austria

Spalling is a wave-induced dynamic fracture phenomenon where the waves can be either elastic, elasto-plastic, or
shock waves. From a continuum mechanics point of view, fracture mechanics and wave propagation form the main
ingredients in the formation of spalls. On a micro-structural level, however, micro-mechanics including damage
mechanics becomes the vehicle of investigation of spall formation. From a structural geology point of view, in many
cases the rock mass cannot be modeled as a continuum. In this case, a discontinuum approach has to be taken where
the individual features of the rock mass such as joints and faults need to be taken into account. From an application
point of view, spallation is important where rapid loading by explosives, impact, or energy deposition, occurs. The
range of applications stretches from blasting in mining engineering to damage prevention to structures under explosive
excitation (Bangash, 1993).
This contribution offers a multi-faceted and multi-disciplinary approach to the study of spalling with special attention
to analytical and experimental work. The reader is assumed to be somewhat familiar with the basics of continuum
mechanics, fracture mechanics, and propagation of elastic, plastic and shock waves. The application to rock and
concrete will show the effects of simple structural geological discontinuities such as open and closed joints on the
(shock) wave field. Use will be made of time-space diagrams which, in past investigations, proved very useful in
practical applications to blasting problems.

INTRODUCTION are made of, play a decisive role in resisting the external
dynamic incident. For high intensity excitations of short
Problems of material failure near a free surface due to duration, the interaction process becomes highly localized
impulsive high intensity loading have been studied and only a small portion or a single component of the
extensively in the past (Hopkinson, 1914; Kolsky, 1963; structure will be affected by the dynamic excitation. Hence,
Rinehart & Pearson, 1964; Rinehart 1975). For materials the constitution of the material in this localized vicinity of
strong in compression but weak in tension such as rock and load application becomes the predominant factor and the
concrete, spalling is one of the best known failure problem may be appropriately described by elastic,
phenomena caused by the reflection of incident plastic, or shock wave propagation. Loading cases of this
compressive pulses due to explosive or impact loading. sort typically include explosive loading when blasting in
Even the earliest investigations revealed that spallation was quarrying and open pit and underground mining, and high
an evolutionary process where the fracture resulted through velocity impact in penetration mechanics (Rossmanith,
nucleation and growth of micro-fractures in the material, 1983; Atkinson, 1987).
and Zhurkov was apparently the first to propose a damage In English the word spall denotes a fragment or a
mechanics based concept (Zhurkov, 1965). Material splinter, and spalling has the meaning of to split or
properties such as fracture toughness and mechanical fracture. The Cornish Mine terminology teaches that
anisotropy, and the microstructure largely control the spalling is an ore processing term: spalling is the breaking
formation of the spall process. In the early investigations it up of large chunks of rocks into manageable lumps. A
was believed that the spall would be created modern definition of spall fracture rests on the notion of a
instantaneously at the time and the place when and where fracture process that occurs simultaneously over an area
the resulting stress would reach the fracture strength. by the nucleation and growth of many micro-cracks or
The response of materials and structures to rapid and voids at essentially the same time, but not by the growth of
high intense loading is rather complex, but the behavior of a single crack as in conventional fracture mechanics. Such
the impacted solid may be roughly divided into three conditions are only created by stress waves. Hence, spall
modes (Meyers, 1994): fracture refers to damage caused by tensile waves
a) Elastic behavior for loading conditions that result in generated upon reflection of compression waves at free
stresses below the yield limit; Hookes law is applicable surfaces or at interfaces with high-low acoustic impedance
for metals, concrete and homogeneous rock. mismatch. Grady defines spalling as the process of
b) Plastic behavior for loading conditions beyond the yield internal failure or rupture of a solid due to tensile stresses
limit; large deformations, heating and failure may result in excess of the tensile strength of the material. This
due to a variety of mechanisms; strain rate effects on dynamic failure is usually achieved through transient stress
plastic flow and plastic wave propagation need to be wave interference and interaction. In contrast to the
taken into account. classical definition of a spall, in Gradys definition (Grady,
c) Strong shock behavior for loading intensities where the 1988) free surfaces play no role in the spall process,
pressures generated exceed the strength of the colliding because the spall forms, when an internal region of the
solid bodies which now behave hydro-dynamically; the material is carried into sufficient tension, and failure occurs
loading is so short and intense that the material no through a process of growth and coalescence of micro-
longer possesses rigidity. cracks or micro-cavities. The deformation can be either
elastic/brittle or elasto-plastic, in the extreme case of a
For low intensity excitations both, the geometry of the shock-wave like in a fluid (Seaman et al., 2003,
overall structure and the material the structural components Rossmanith et al., 1993).

Fragblast-8 Santiago Chile, May 2006 99

The tensile waves necessary for the formation of a spall, arbitrary shape f+ = f(x-ct) with pulse length P and
however, can be produced by the interaction of a magnitude o. The tensile stress has reached the fracture
compressive stress wave with a free face or a suitable strength sf at a distance dS behind the free face. At this
interface. In this case, spalling is the direct consequence of distance, the spall distance, the material will separate.
dynamic interaction of a stress wave with a free surface Momentum and energy associated with the shaded area
(and under certain circumstances at a dissimilar interface are trapped within the spall section which will fly off to the
separating two solids). The interaction occurs through the right hand side. The remainder of the pulse - of length P*
superposition of a portion of an incident compression wave = P - dS - xr - will be reflected at the newly established free
that has not been reflected and the portion which has been surface at position x = -dS. The spall time, tS, i.e. the time
reflected and transformed into a tensile wave. If blast elapsed between the time the front of the wave hits the free
waves interact with the free surface, additional spalling may face and occurrence of the fracture, and the spall distance,
be achieved through the interaction of the trailing tensile tail dS, behind the front follow from the shape of the pulse by
with the tensile reflection of the leading compressive part of tS = xr / cP and f = f(-dS - xr) + R f(-dS + xr) where R = 1
the blast wave. Depending on the material behavior the for a free surface. Generally, the position of the spall, dS,
dynamics of spall formation will be quite different. depends strongly on the shape of the pulse. For a
Regarding the differing definitions of spalling by Grady & rectangular pulse the spall distance is much larger than for
Kipp, Kolsky and others one recognizes immediately that the triangular pulse of equal length.
there is no common agreement on a universally acceptable
definition of spalling and the process of spalling may
denote very different physical processes.
Over the last several decades, new findings using
sophisticated and innovative experimental techniques,
measurement diagnostics, and constitutive rate models
have led to a fundamental reformulation of the general
picture of the spall process and formation. The spall
process typically nucleates at a large number of
microscopic flaws and/or pores on a meso-level. If a
sufficiently high stress operates on the structure, the
statistical distribution of micro-inhomogeneities such as
micro-flaws or micro-voids nucleate, and as nucleation
proceeds by growing the micro-flaws or micro-voids, the
distribution evolves and the micro-discontinuities coalesce
within the material. This dynamic process of flaw or void
coalescence on the meso-level occurs at a stress and
temperature-dependent nucleation rate and the growth
extends over the entire period of stress and temperature
application. This combination of nucleation and Figure 1: Spalling by wave reflection at a free surface.
coalescence is termed damage, and smearing out the
inhomogeneities, a continuum damage theory may be Spalling may also occur if an elastic plane stress wave is
developed on this basis. If the damage concentrates and reflected at a dissimilar interface joining an acoustically
reaches a certain limit fragmentation sets in. This damage hard to an acoustically soft material and the pulse hits the
evolution process is controlled by the entire stress history interface from the acoustically hard side. Then, the incident
prior to fragmentation. It is clear that this process is not a and reflected pulses are given by fi = f(x-cP1t) and fr = R
simple one-parameter process governed by a single f(x+cP1t), respectively, where the reflection coefficient is
quantity such as the fracture strength or fracture expressed in terms of the acoustical impedances Z1 and Z2
toughness, but rather a rate process where the microscopic in the form R = (Z2 - Z1)/(Z2 + Z1). The product Z = 0cL is
and macroscopic views of the fracture phenomena are the acoustic impedance of the material. Note that an
connected through events occurring in the process zone. acoustically soft-hard interface does not produce spalling
The fracture mechanics view point put forward originally by when an incident compression wave impinges from the soft
Wieghardt, Griffith, and Irwin provides useful results at the material side. A particularly interesting situation arises in
other extreme in which a body is fragmented into small or the case of blast wave reflection (pulse length = ++)
larger particles under the action of very large stresses at a free boundary or at a dissimilar interface, where a
(Wieghardt, 1907; Griffith, 1920; Irwin, 1957; Grady, 1988; leading compressive pulse + is followed by a trailing
Grady & Kipp, 1995). tensile pulse , and stress superposition of the incident
tensile portion L- with the sign-converted reflected leading
DYNAMICS OF SPALL CREATION tensile pulse -+ might exceed the materials tensile
strength and thus may induce spalling.
The classical spall process refers to elastic wave A single spall occurs if the amplitude or the compressive
reflection at a free surface or a hard-soft dissimilar material part of the incident stress wave is only slightly higher than
interface. The material (here the rock mass) is viewed as a the fracture strength of the material. However, if the material
continuum. This section will refer to uni-axial conditions of is relatively weak against tensile fracture and the transient
plane strain. The incident wave will be a plane elastic wave. stress pulse is relatively strong, multiple spalling may
The motion of a homogeneous, isotropic, linearly elastic occur. Multiple spalling is the development of several
solid body is governed by the equations of motion, Hookes parallel, juxtaposed fractures where successively new free
law and the strain-displacement relations (Kolsky, 1963; surfaces are being created by the flaking off of the spalls.
Graff, 1975; Goldsmith, 1960), together with appropriate The remaining portions of the incident stress wave are
initial and boundary conditions. From these equations the reflected at these free surfaces thereby chopping the
classical equation of wave motion may be derived. incident wave into pieces of definite momentum and
An elastic wave will be reflected when it reaches a free energy. The final portion of the wave with amplitude smaller
surface or a dissimilar interface of the material in which it is than the fracture strength will be simply reflected and does
traveling. Figure 1 shows the reflection of a pulse with not create any further spalls. A multiple spall phenomenon

100 Santiago Chile, May 2006 Fragblast-8

may be characterized by the spall sequence: = {(dSi, tSi), non-uniform blasting results characterized by unwanted
i = 1, 2, ... n} where the spall times and spall distances may non-uniform fragmentation.
differ in legnth. Spall time and spall distance depend on the Within the framework of electronic detonator based
shape of the incident wave and in the case of an interface advanced blasting technology optimal fragmentation, i.e.
on the acoustic mismatch of the contacting materials. In the creation of an optimal spall sequence or spall pattern,
most realistic situations, the incident pulse changes its is also strongly influenced by the length of the stress pulse.
shape and intensity as it moves through the material. A high Shorter stress pulses expend their energy in the front
intensity short pulse usually decays and flattens out. The section of the face and there is very little or no spalling
consequence of this flattening is that on reflection at the behind the immediate vicinity of the free face. On the other
free face or the interface the spall distances will become hand, long pulses enhance spalling and may open up a
larger and the spall times longer. As pulse flattening large number of joints, perhaps all the way to the first row
depends on the plate thickness for two-dimensional of the blast. Of course, the gas pressure will cooperate with
experiments, the spall distance increases with increasing spallation to ensure the blast result (Cooper, 1996). The
plate thickness. shape of the blast stress pulse is most important in pulse
Since for elastic waves the induced stress and the reflection and joint fracture. In a highly pre-conditioned rock
particle velocity are linearly related, the higher the stress, mass the individual spalled blocks carry away trapped
the greater the velocity with which the material will tear momentum and energy. For easily spallable material the
loose and move away. For a low amplitude stress pulse the entire stress pulse is successively trapped in the layers or
first spall will be the only fracture that develops and often blocks and consumed. Further parameters that influence
remains invisible inside the material. For higher amplitudes, spalling include varying or differing material properties of
the spalled portion of the material will carry enough energy the layers and joint fillings such as quartz or clay.
and momentum to tear itself loose from the parent body and Further complexities are introduced when obliquely
move with considerable velocity. The respective ejection impinging planar or non-planar stress waves interact with a
velocity can be in the order of several hundred meters per free surface or a dissimilar interface. Any obliquely
second and follows directly from the balance equation for reflected longitudinal (shear) stress wave will give rise to
the momentum. two reflected waves, and their superposition may introduce
oblique spalling. Here, it becomes necessary to distinguish
SPALLING IN JOINTED ROCK between the mechanics on the macro-level where the spall
will lead to fracture and fragmentation, and the meso-level
In quarrying and mining engineering, the rock mass where local spalling will occur. In addition, the shear wave
invariably includes joints and other geometrical and enters the picture. Hence, local spalling on the micro-level
material discontinuities. Structural geology defines the could occur by the formation of small micro-cracks under
degree of inhomogeneity and anisotropy of a rock mass tension, by the formation of shear cracking, or by a
(continuum with finite tensile and compressive strength combination thereof. The micro-flaws generated would then
which is weakened by a finite set of parallel joints) the coalesce to form a macro-crack on the macro-level. As the
structure of which may profoundly influence the spall amplitudes of the reflected waves strongly depend on the
sequence and the resulting fragmentation pattern. The angle of incidence, the formation of the micro-spalls as
interface toughness, Kc,int, or joint strength, f,int, at the shown in Figure 2 depends on the material behavior
joints or interfaces, which may reach from zero to very large (Rinehart, 1975). These micro-spalls do not extend very far
values, is a decisive quantity in this spall process. The as the stress driving conditions in the wave do not allow for
interface toughness as well as the bond strength may also appreciable extension. Hence, micro-spalling is a highly
differ from interface to interface in a regular or in a random localized phenomenon. In the case of mode conversion,
fashion. The joints can be either open, closed, weaker or shear-induced micro-flaws will be generated which finally
stiffer than the base rock material. Assume that the rock will coalesce into a macro-crack. The character of the
mass in bench blasting is weakened by a set of vertical macro-spall is determined by the angle of obliquity of the
joints Ji (i = 1, ... n) with associated joint strengths or incident wave.
resistance Rfi = fj (i = 1, ... n) possibly different for each
joint. If the bench contains very weak joints (Rfi = fi 1)
a spall will appear just behind the free face, otherwise spall
fracture will occur further away from the original face of the
bench leading to larger chunks of unbroken rock. The
higher the joint strength the larger the block next to the face
in the bench (Rossmanith & Fourney, 1982; Rossmanith,
2002, 2004). As successive free faces of a bench will suffer
some degree of damage due to previous blasts, the
strength of joints in the benches of open pit operations
usually increases with depth from the bench face. Previous
damage reduces the likelihood of occurrence of larger
blocks. The individual spall initiation basically depends on
the structural geology of the rock formation and varies from
site to site and from blast to blast. If the joint strength Figure 2: Spalling due to oblique wave reflection at a free
follows a random distribution the weak joints in any boundary (taken from (Rinehart, 1975).
realization will break earlier and thus introduce a random
type distribution of spall distances (= blocks) which may
contain one or more unbroken joints. Effectively, this NON-LINEAR MATERIAL BEHAVIOR
introduces a screening effect, where an open joint further
behind the front will open prior to others which are located A structured wave is a solution to the non-linear elastic
closer to the bench face. A trap is therefore created for part equations in which the velocity and the deformation
of the stress pulse leading to out-of-sequence spalling. For gradient, expressed in stress terms, are continuous
severely random distributed joint strengths highly uneven functions (Drumheller 1998; Meyers, 1994). If these
spall sequences are obtained, which in turn results in highly functions are discontinuous, the solution is termed a shock

Fragblast-8 Santiago Chile, May 2006 101

wave. When studying the reflection of a non-linear particles behind the rarefaction wave have been
compressive stress wave from a free boundary or a accelerated to twice the particle velocity in the shocked
dissimilar interface, there is a fundamental difference region. Any characteristics within the fan region correspond
between the material (Lagrangian) and the spatial to tangents to the left-going isentrope (which for all
(Eulerian) description and formulation of the problem. In the practical purposes collapses with the left-going Hugoniot)
Euler description the motion of the free surface or interface between the shocked state {P1, 1} and the state at the free
must also be evaluated. The reflection and refraction of edge, {0, 21}. Because the velocity of the characteristics
weak elastic-plastic waves across interfaces between within the fan is proportional to the slope of the
solids of dissimilar elasto-plastic properties requires the characteristic, the wave velocities within the fan varies
acceptance of weak discontinuities in the derivatives of between that of the leading edge, passing through the
stress, strain, and velocity components (Jahsman, 1974). point {P1, 1}, and the trailing edge passing through the
point {0, 21}.

The theoretical analysis of shock wave propagation rests Spalling is a dynamic tensile stress induced fracture
upon the three equations for the conservation of mass, failure phenomenon which can occur in various materials
momentum and energy (Cooper, 1996; Seaman et al., from brittle to ductile material behavior. Rock is considered
2003). Usually the term Eulerian shock velocity refers to the a quasi-brittle material and, therefore, spalling is a well-
relative velocity of the shock with respect to particle velocity known phenomenon in rock mass. Depending on the input
of the moving non-shocked medium. Dynamic impulsive wave produced by explosive action or high-velocity impact
loading of a rock mass by the detonation of an explosive and the material behavior, the spalling result may be quite
results in nearly steady state shock wave propagation in the different.
material. For steady waves a shock wave velocity U with Spalling is a difficult dynamic damage and fracture
respect to the laboratory frame can be defined. Then, the problem where, on the micro-level, material damage is
conservation equations may be recast into the well-known dynamically initiated, grows, and through coalescence
Rankine-Hugoniot jump equations, which must be satisfied generates a macro-crack which may ultimately lead to
by material parameters on the two sides of a shock front failure of the structural component or the structure itself.
(Asay et al., 1993; Davison et al., 1996; Kipp & Grady, 1996; Spalling involves the ejection of target material either in
Zukas, 1991). The final state, after shocking, can be the form of a single slab, often called a spall, or in the form
calculated from the measurement of just two parameters, of a spray of fragments or debris. When optimal throw of the
the shock velocity, U, and the particle velocity, 1. blasted material is required, tailored spalling via tailored
One of the striking differences between linear and pressure pulse versus time relationship of the detonating
nonlinear stress waves (shock waves) is that linear waves explosive is feasible. On the other hand, if adequate
do not interact while nonlinear wave do interact when they protection against the occurrence of a spall (or debris),
meet by reflecting off waves. Hence, wave-wave interaction ejected with high velocity from the bench face, may be
is a vital part in the analysis of nonlinear waves. When a assured by the use of weaker buffer plates or zones next to
right-going shock interacts with a free surface a left-going the bench face.
rarefaction wave which is characterized by a fan type
structure bounded by the left going fast rarefaction front REFERENCES
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