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1. MULTILEVEL ANALYSIS OF PROJECTIVE DRAWINGS (MAPD) Instructions-Adult Form Descriptive definitions and pictorial examples of scoring factors can be found in the following references: Buck, J. The House-Tree-Person Technique; Revised Manual, Los Angeles: Western Psychological Services, 1966. Hammer, E. The Clinical Application of Projective Drawings. Springfield, Illinoi Charles Thomas, 1967. Wenck, S. House-Tree-Person Drawings: An Interpretive and Diagnostic Handbook. Los Angeles: Western Psychological Services, 1988. The factors represented here were clinically validated on adults and are referenced in Ogdon, D. Psychodiagnostics and Personality Assessment. Los Angeles: Western Psychological Services, 1978. The outline of the MAPD followed the format of this reference. Scoring factors that seem obvious should be marked with an X while subtle or questionable factors marked with a question mark though there is some evidence that questionable scoring factors are as likely to be valid as obvious ones. Thus, I recommend all possible scoring factors be scored in this manner. When an item refers to the sex of the patient it is designated as "males", "females" or “male patient", "female patient” When an item refers to the sex of the figure drawn it is stated "male figure", or "female figure", or "figure of a male/female". Each item is associated with one or more hypotheses. A single statement may have many descriptive vords thet are believed to be associated together i.e. interrelated factors. Part of the statement may be valid while the rest of the statement may be less valid or false. For items where there are two or more hypotheses represented, validation of one statement does not imply validation of the other statements associated with that factor though all statements or any number could be valid for any particuler patient. Evaluation of a patients's drawings should stress traits validated by internal consistency (i.e. where several items score and have the same or similar hypotheses.) On the other hand, hypotheses obtained from only a single factor may be as equally valid and useful as a hypotheses with internal consistency. Note: Interpretation of H-T-P results should ultimately be corroborated with clinical impressions, and other psychological tests of a more objective and standardized nature (eg. MMPI, MCMI etc...) This form of the MAPD was prepared for the instructional and clinical use of the students or faculty, of the Wright State University School of Professional Psychology for any appropriated and ethical clinical or educational purposes determined by the user in accordance with the above instructions. H. Owen Ward, Jr., Ph.D. 12. 1s 14, 15. 16. 17, a - 17 - REFERENCES Machover, K. (1949). Personality projection in the drawing of the human figure. Springfield, Illinois: Charles Thomas. Hammer, E. (1958). The clinical application of projective drawings. Springfield, Illinois: Charles Thomas. Howard, G. (1986). Dare we develop a human science. Notre Dame, Indiana: Academic Press. Swensen, C. (1957). Empiricel evaluations of human figure drawings. Psychological Bulletin, 54, 431-466. Swensen, C. (1968). Empirical evaluations of human figure drawings: 1957-1966. Psychological Bulletin, 70, 20-43. Hammer, E. (1965). Critique of Swensen's “Empirical evaluations of hunan figure drawings". In B. Murstein (ed.), Handbook of Projective Techniques (pp. 655-659). New York: Basic Books. Roback, H. (1968). Human figure dravings: Their utility in the clinical psychologist's armamentarium for personality assess- ment. Psychological Bulletin, 70, 1-19. Kahill, S$, (1984). Human figure drawing in adults: An update of the empirical evidence, 1967-1982. Canadian Psychology, 25, 269-297. Buck, J. (1966). The house-tree-person technique: Revised Manual. ‘los Angeles: Western Psychological Services. Ebel, R. (1961). Must all tests be valid? American Psychologist, 16, 640-647. Meehl, P. (1965). Structured and projective tests: Some common problems in validation. In B. Murstein (Ed.), Handbook of Projective Techniques (pp.83-88). New York: Basic Books- Little, K. (1965). Problems in the validation of projective techniques. In B. Murstein (Ed.), Handbook of Projective Techniques. New York: Basic Books. Ward, H. (1990). Multilevel analysis of projective drawings: A wholistic validation study. (Doctoral dissertation, Union Institute). University Microfilms, No. 9033329. Lewin, K. (1936). A dynamic theory of personality: Selected papers. New York: McGraw-Hill. Allport, G. (1946). Personality: A psychological interpretation New York: Henry Holt. Klein, R. (1986). Questioning the clinical sefulness of projective psychological tests for children. Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 7, 378-382. Ogdon, D. (1978). Psychodiagnostics and personality assessment. Los Angeles: Western Psychological Services. MAPD — ADULT FORM Name/Cods A. Erasing In moderation producing an improvement in drawing &. Flexible person with satisfactory adjustment Excessive Uncertain, restless and in conflict aver & decision Dissatisfied with him/herself Anxious and looking far help Chronically ill Overly amaous and may also have a underdeveloped conscience Organic/neurclogical disorder naore B. Placement Central a. A normal adjustment, reasonably secure person Insecure, rigid, especially in interpersonal relations unusally large or wide stance &. Aggressive tendencies t side a, Relatively stable and controlled behavior & c Tends to intellectualize to control emotions Tends to he introverted and inhibited 6. Oriented toward the future ©. Highly sensitive to environmental changes f. Negativistic, rebellious tendencies a. Impulsive, acting-out tendencies with desire for immeciate gratification b. Extroverted ar if appearing introverted then preoccupied with his/her needs Self-conscicus and/or self-centered Qverly oriented toward the past Feelings of uncertainty and apprehension High aggressive or sexual desire, or low energy level with tendency to cover up these desires b. High level of aspiration, striving hard for achievement or difficult goals c. Optimistic, sometimes unjustifiably d. Excessive Use of fantasy eg, daydreaming, T.V., wavies, ete ©. Tends to be emotionally distant and aloof f. Unsure of him/herself and tries to caver this up a. Feels insecure and inadequate bu. Tends to get depressed, perhaps with a defeatest attitude c. Concrete, reality-bound orientation (rather than theoretical or abstract) d. Calm, relatively stable Upper left a. Prone to immature behavior especially under stress b. Insecure, cautious, timid, witndrawn, excess fantasy ©. Anxious d. Severe mental/emotional condition, thought disorder, psychosis right a. Desires ta forget an unpleasent past b. Excessively optimistic In any corner a. Tends ta withdraw On edge or bottom of paper (especially with small, faint drawing) Ue a. Insecure and feels a need for support. b. Overly dependent and fears independent ection c. Anxious d. Tends to avoid new experiences and be absorbed in fantasy ©. Depressed Lower corner a. Excessive feelings of inferiority Lower left corner a. Depression and preoccupied with the past C. Pressure Consistent &, Normal and stable adjustment b. May experience episcdes of extreme withdrawal Unusually variable a. Up and down energy level b. Insecure, erratic In otherwise norwal drawings 2. Flexible, adaptive personality Unusually heavy Very tense Possible organic/neurelogical disarder High energy level Assertive, forceful, ambitious Aggressive with acting-out tendencies Anxious, particularily under stress Suspicious, law trust, paranoid traits . LackS conscience, antisocial traits Unusually light Insecure, hesitant, fearful, timid, inhibited Poor adjustment, weak ego strength Low energy level Anxious with obsessive traits, neurotic Depressed and indecisive yoseance wange D. Size Unusually large a. Aggressive with acting-out tendencies b. Expansive with euphoric or grandiose tendencies ¢. Feelings of inadequacy that are somewhat or mostly unconscious d. Emationally hyperactive, manicy 1-0 ©. Organic/neurelegical conaition, alcoholism f. Weak conscience, antisocial traits g. Suspicious, low trust, parancid trait Unusually small a. Unhappy, insecure, defensive with low self-esteem, feelings of inferiority, inadequacy Anxious Inhibited, timid, shy with withdrawal tendencies Depressed Depends too much on others, with childish behavior Withdraws under stress Weak person, low ega strength . Compulsive traits, neurotic _2A. Normal drawings overall a. Low energy, low insight, superficial optimism 28. Very tiny a. Severly mental/emotianal condition, thought disorder yosnace —, Stroke, Line & Shading Directional preferences Horizonal mavement (males only) a. Weak, fearful and self-protective Vertical movement a. Assertive, determined, high activity level Curving line emphasis a. Healthy, flexitle yet somewhat: unconventional Rigid, straight line emphasis @. Rigid with aggressive or withdrawing tendencies Continuous changes in direction of stroke a. Insecure 2. Quality of strokes 28. Firm, unhesitating &. Secure, persistent, ambitious person Interrupted, . curvilinear &. Slow, indecisive b. Depends tac much on others c. Easily gives in to others, submissive, feminine Jagged lines/edges emphasized &. Impulsive, hostile, acting-out tendencies 20. Sketchy Insecure, timid Strives to get things just so, meticulous, precise Doubting, uncertain, indecisive Chronic pattern of maladaptive attitudes/tehavior, character disorder e. Hyperactive/expansive under stress 2. Straight, uninterrupted &. Decisive, quick-witted, self-assured, assertive Trewulous, shaky, uncoordinated &. Organic/neurclogical condition, alcoholism b&. Poor contact with reality, phychosis Vacillating direction, vague, interrupted lines a. Insecure, anxious, vacilliating 3 Lengin of Strokes anco Long strokes Self-contrelled sometime to the point of over-inhibi tion Short, discontinucus strokes & Impulsive, excitable, possible psychasis/organicity SC. Very short, circular, sketchy strokes &. Anxious, depressed, timid, uncertain 4, Excessive shading and shaded strokes 4A. Random, scribbled shading a. Anxious b. Easily gives into others, submissive c¢. Suffers from chronic physical problems 48. Heavy shading a. Exaggerates and dramatizes complaints, overly sensitive, denies aggression, histrionic, neurotic b. Anxious and depressed 5. No shading 2 Chronic pattern cf maladaptive attitudes/behaviar, character disorder u __GENERAL DRAVING FACTORS A. Detailing 1. Lack of Getarl a. Feels empty, withdrawn or tends ta disregard convention bp. Suffers with stress related illness, psychosomatic c. Organic/neurological condition d. Sad, depressed essive detail a. Rigid, amcous, absessive-compulsive b. Overly sensitive, unhappy, critical, moralistic ©. Fears acting-out on impulses, views world as dangerous d. Suffers stress related illness, psychosomatic ©. Possitly develeping a severe mental discrder eg psychotic or organic 2A. With important details omitted a. Condition deteriorating, decompensating xtreme excessive detailing a. Moad swings, manic-depressive traits Bizarre details a. Severe mental/emotional condition, thought disorder Labeling of details a. Severe mental/emotional condition, thought disorder &. Distortions and Omissions Gross distortions a. Severe mental/emotional condition, thought disorder b, Organic/neurolégical candition Moderate distertians a. Anxious Onassion a. In conflict over_, (lyse in area of conflict? page 5 11-C C. Edges of Paper 1. Drawing on bottom edge a. Insecure and seeking support from others b. Depressive tendencies 2. Drawing using side edge a. Feeling restricted by environmental forces b. Strong needs for security c. Aggressive tendencies Edge preventing drawing completion a. Organic/neurological disorder At bottom a. Holds in anger then explosive episodes At left edge 2. Worries about the future At right edge a. Desires to escape an unpleasant past At top edge &. Excessive use of fantasy b. Achievement oriented, high drive level D. Groundline Treatment Groundlines spontaneously drawn az. Insecure and seeking security b. Unstable and seeking stability Very heavy ground] ines a. Anxieus Groundlines sloping downward #. Uncertain and fearful about the future On both sides cf figure a. Feels isolated, helpless, maternal dependency conflicts E. midline Emphasis tressing midline a. Poor self-concept, feelings of inferiority especially over body image Row of irrelevant buttens down midline &. Dependent, feels inferior physically with preoccupation over body functions F. Symmetry Extreme bilateral symmetry a. Anxious worrier, tends to forget unpleasant thoughts and intellectualize b, Emotionally cold, distant and over-contrelled ¢. Anxious, depressed and suffers stress related illness d. Insecure JA. Mechanical, formalistic or bizarre effects a. Suspicious, mistrustful, critical, poor relationships with a severe disorder 18. Drawing begun with measurement details or use of props a. Perfectionistic attitude and fear ef lesing control, may depersonalize under stress Page 6 In-F Marked disturbance of symmetry a. Feelings of insecurity and inadequacy b. Physically uncocrdinated eg. non-athletic c. Conflicts with self-concept possibly with sexual issues d. Careless, poor self-control, overactive with tendencies to act-out G. Transparencies Existant a. Anxious, severly disturbed person with poor judgement and sexual maladjustment H. Miscellaneous Drawing Factors Clouds spontaneously drawn a. Anxious Fragmentation inadvertently drawn a. Anwious Impotency (unable to respond to task) a. Organic/neurological disorder Mutilation er degradation of any drawing &. Aggressive, hostile persan Ferseverations a. Orgunic/neurolegical disorder Refusal to draw or complete a drawing a. Hostile negativism Shadews spontaneously drawn a. Anxious Sun spontaneously drawn large &. Feelings of inadequacy particularily with regard to authority figure relations Turning paper from presented orientation a. Hostile negativism 1 I. DRAWINGS OF PERSONS A. Head Unusually large a. Aggressive, expansive b. Ego-inflated, self-righteous, self-centered mistrusting, critical c. Overvaluation of intelligence d. High achievement aspirations ©. Uses fantasy excessively f. Immature, overly dependent and inhibited g. Poor emotional and social adjustment fh. Dissatisfaction with physique i. Anxious J. Organic/neurelogical condition or preaccupation with headache pain vere mental/emotional condition, thought disorder Page 7 r= «4 Unusually small &. Feelings of inadequacy or impotence (intellectually scecially, sexually) Feelings of weakness and inferiority Weak ego strength Anxious worrier, obsessive-compulsive Denial of guilt and/or desire to suppress other dist bing thoughts Irregular contour a. Organic/neurological disorder b. Severe mental/emotional disorder, thought disorder Head drawn last a. Severe mental/emotional condition, thought disorder Head omitted a. Fearful of rejection, failure b. Feelings of estrangement and desire to suppress disturbing thoughts Head out of alignment or "Floating in Space” a@. Organic/neurological disorder Head only (other than artistic portrait? &. Severe mental/emotional condition, thought disorder Back of head drawn a. Withdrawn from other people, but maybe critical and accusatory ang ® 8. Hair Hair emphasis on nead, chest or elsewhere a, Sexual preoccupation b. Compensation far fears of sexual inadequacy/impotence ©. Aggressive/assaultive tendencies ¢. Self—centered &. Homosexual interest or concerns though maybe covered up (check histary of contacts) Elaborate coiffure, exceptionally wavy/glamorous usually with cosmetic emphasis a. Suffers stress related physical condition (eg. asthma) b. Inclined toward sexual acting-out (check history) with poor form quality a. Anxiety or virility conflict which may be manifest. in sexual acting out With heavy shading a. Angry with aggressive tendencies b. Anxious, perhaps over sexual or aggressive fantasies c¢. Excessive sexual interest/involvement, 4. Concern with sexual excitement (eg. sexual dysfunction) Long but unshaded &. Conflict over séxual fantasies Emphasis on jaw a. Virility conflicts, possibly witn detachment from close relations Male Patient! Hair on male figure careful and precise and messy on female figure a. Psychosexual immaturity b. Hostility towards females, selfish demands for female attention. Page & mr-68 Hair omitted or inadequate &. Feelings of sexual inadequacy b. Fearful ef rejection/failure ¢. Severe mental/emational condition, thought disorder d. Lew energy level Hair in disarray a. Confused thinking, thought disorder C. Facial Feautres Omission of facial features with rest drawn adequately Evasive and superficial in interpersonal relations Inadequate environmental contacts, withdrawing tendencies c. Excessively cautious and fearful/timid d. Demonstrates hostile impulses ©. Poor prognosis for effects of therapy f. Severe mental/emotional condition, thought disorder 9 f a om Organic/neurolagical disorder acial features Withdrawal tendencies b. Fearful/timid and self-conscious in interpersonal Dim relations ¢. Weak ego strength Qveremphasis and streng reinforcement of facial feautres @. Overconcern with outward appearance and social image b. Aggressive, socially dominant behavior covering up feelings of inadequacy/weekness Displacement of facial features a. Mental deterioration/retardation Non-human, animal or bizarre facial features a. Severe mental/emotional condition, thought disorder Shading of entire face, unless depicting skin color, freckles ete &. Severe mental/emotional condition, thought disorder D. Eyes and Eyebrows Unusually large or strongly reinforced a. Suspicious, critical, accusatory, paranoid b. Anxious ¢. Oversensitive to social opinion d. Socially outgoing By males a. Homosexual interest, tendencies (check history With pupils omitted &. Guilt aver pornographic or voyeuristic interes: Unusually stall or closed eyes a, Introverted tendencies b. Self-absorbed, contemplative, introspective €. Pornagraphic ar voyeuristic interest With eye orbit is large with tiny eyes &. Visual curiosity and quilt feelings, probably over voyeuristic or pornographic interest Small circles far eyes (especially when alsa used for mouth, nose and buttons) b, Immature, childish, attitudes/behavior Fage 9 1r-o Eyes omitted a. Ineffective adjustment, uses poor judgement b. Visual hallucinations/perceptual alterations c. Severe mental/emotional condition, thought diserder, psychosis d. Pornographic or voyeuristic interest Closed eyes a. Covert hostility Pupils omitted (empty eyes) a. Introverted, self-atsorbed, withdrawn, poor copeing/communication abilities Pupil omitted from only one eye a. Severe mental/emotional condition, thought disorder, psychosis Gutline of eyes a. Suspicious, critical, mistrusting, parancid Wide-eyed stare a. Exaggerates and dramatizes complaints, overly sensitive, denies aggression, histrionic Placed on side of head &, Suspicious, critical, mistrusting, paranoid 10. Two eyes depicted in prafile drawing &. Severe mental/emotional condition, thought disorder Psychosis 11. Eyebrows and eyelashes treated unusually W11A, Elaboration especially with very trim or arched eyebrows a. Critical of uninhibited behavior, refined cver-controlled, moralistic 1181. In Males a. Effeminate, homosexual interest W11E. Bushy eyebrows &. Primitive, gruff, uninhibited tendencies W11G. Raised eyebrows a. Attitude of disdain perhaps contempt toward others/self 110, Frowning eyebrows a. Hostility Eyelashes detailed by males a. Homosexual interest, overt or unwanted thoughts E. Ears and Nose Large or unusual ears, strongly reinforced or viewed through transparent hair a. Overly sensitive. to criticism b. Suspicious, averly sensitive, mistrustful, parancid, ideas of reference c.. Auditory hallucinations, perceptual alterations d. Minimizes contact with environment Omission of ears &. Healthy with normal adjustment b. Auditory hallucinations, perceptual alterations c. Minimizes contact with environment Questions marks for ears &. Suspicious, mistrustful, oversensitive, parancid Gark dots in ear area @. Auditory hallucinations, perceptual alterations Page 10 Wr -€ &, Nose emphasis through pressure or size a. Conflict over sexual expression b. Covering up fears of sexual inadequacy and opposite se: ¢. Hotesexual interest, overt or unwanted thoughts d. Depressive tendencies 5A, With nostril indicated and emphasized a. Aggressive tendencies affecting stress related illness possibly respiratory SB. Elderly a. Suspicicus, averly sensitive, paranaid 6. Shaded dim or truncated nose 6A. Males a. Feels guilty over masterbation 68. Females a, Hostile toward men, has at sometime wished she were male 7. Nose omitted a. Feels put down, weak, inadequate, impotent, low self-esteem §. Button or triangle nose a. Immature, excessively dependent 9. Sharply pointed nose &. Acting-out tendencies 10, Long, phallic nose a. Tendencies toward exhibition of body 100. Males a. Feels a loss of masculinity F. Mouth and Chin 1. Mouth Emphasis a. Retreats to immature behavior under stress, regression b. Verbally aggressive, tends te over-indulge, overly dependent ¢. Alcoholic, asthmatic or hypertensive d. Speech problems ©. Uses profane language and is prone to verbal outbursts af temper f. Eating disorder, symptoms of gastric distress Depressed and immature Effeminate male, sexual difficulties/concerns Adult Poor self-concept IC. Elderly a, Unable to communicate Mouth omitted a. Feels guilty over verbal aggression b. Depressed c. Stress related physical illness, usually respiratery 4. Difficulties communicating with others e. Rejects need for affection Concave (open and hollow) mouth a. Passive, immature dependency, possible chemical dependency Cupid bow mouth (females enly) a. Stress related physical illness, usually respiratory Page 11 Wr =F Full lips a. Self-centered, sensual, dependen 6. Full lips in male figure (male patients only) a. Effeminate male 6A. With lipstick like color &. Self-centered, homosexual interest 7. Objects in mouth (cigarettes, toothpicks, pipes etc...) a. High sex drive 8. Open mouth a. Stress related physical disorder, often gastrointestinal 3. Protruding lips a. Passive-dependent, immature, poor adjustment 10, Short, Heavy line for mouth a. Strong feelings cf aggression expressed cautiously, passive-aggressive 11. Single line unsmiling mouth a. Depressed 1A. In profile a. Tense Slash line mouth &. Verbally aggressive/sadistic, hypercritical 18, Sneering expression a. Hostile 14, Teeth showing Immature aggressive/sadistic tendencies 15. Tiny mouth a. Self-centered, egotistical, compulsive, independent 16, Wide upturned line effecting a grin a. Superficially congenial, inappropriate affect 17. Chin emphasized &. Domina at and aggressive b. High energy level ¢. Covering up feelings of weakness d. Feelings of social inadequacy 18. Chin appearing week a. Feelings of weakness or inadequacy especially in social situations b. Feelings of powerlessness/impatence, psychological or physical G. Neck and Adam’s Apple Short, thick neck a. Tends to be gruff, stubborn and rigid b. Tends to be impulsive c. Difficulty keeping impulses from hindering reasoning Long neck Separates intellect/ideas from emotions causing difficulty contrelling impulses b. Cultured, socially stiff/rigid, formal, moralistic €. Dissatisfied with body image Exceptionally long, thin neck &. Severe mental /ewatienal eondit schizoid, psychotic b. Exaggerates and dramatizes complaints, overly Sensitive, denies aggression theught diserder, Page 12 1-6 ©. Covering feelings af body ness/inferiority with aggressive/competitive strivings or physical prececupatio 4, Gne-dimensianal nec| a. Difficulty n ©. Immature Laci 5. Neck omitted a. Impulsive b. Immature c. Organic/neurolagical disorder Adams apple emphasis (male patients only) a. Feelings of sexual inadequacy (social or physical) maging impulses with rational contrals of impulse contral H. Torso and Body (trunk, shoulders, breasts, waistline, hips, buttecks, joints etc 1, Slash lines en body a. Tendencies taward self-mutilation or suicide 2. Unusual treatment cf trunk 2h. Angular figures a, Masculine personality features Asynuetry af body on limbs a. Exaggerates and dramatizes complaints, overly sensitive, denies aggression, histrionic Double or confused beady contour in female’s drawings Cespectally in same sex figure? @. Preaceupation with bedy weight, fantasizes perfect/glamorous bedy Flat wide trunk Cfeuales only? a4. Overweight or obese Grassly disarganized or fragmented figure a. Severe mental Gisarder, possible organic condition Large trunk &. Many unsatisfied needs and goals Leng and narrow trunk 3. Tends to be shy and detached from people, schizoid Guission of trunk &. Severe mental discrder, possible organic canditian Reluctance to close bottom of tru &. Sexual prececupation and/or conflict/concern, (hetero or homosexual ) Rounded trunk a. Passive, less aggressive, effeminate, immature hemesexual interest wading of trunk in female figure (males only? 2. Aggression toward opposite sex, rejection of body impulses Small trunk 3. Feelings of inferiorty and denial of sexual and aggressive drives Square shaped body a. Severe mental/ewotional condition, thought disorder, psychosis Thin trunks a, Dissatisfaction with body image, including inferiority feel ings Page 13 1-H _20. Upper part of two parallel, unbroken lines from head to feet &. Severe mental/emotional condition, personality disorganization &. Shoulders treated unusually Absence of shoulders a, Severe mental/ematienal condition or possible organic disorder _38. Erasure, reinforcement or uncertainty in drawing shoulders &. Excess concern with body development, sex indentifications, suffers psychosomatic illness _3C. Female figure with broad shoulders, tiale figure with large soft, boscw-like shoulders a. Sex role confusion, may have desired to be the opposite sex 80. Large shoulders &. Strong need far control and power, desires to dominate _3E. Pointed shoulders &. Tends to act-oul impulses _3F. Squared shoulders a. Hostile/aggressive and excessively defensive -3G. Tiny shoulders a. Feels inferior to others, overt or covert _3H. Unequal or asymmetrical shoulders &. Emotionally unstable/unbalanced A8I. Shoulder emphasis in female’s drawing a. Hostility toward men, may be radical feministmasculine protest _3J. Massive er excessively broad shoulders in male’s drawing &. Aggressive acting-out tendencies, conflicts over sexuality Breasts treated unusually in male’s drawing (eg erasures, shading, furtive marks, obscuring by pockets, transparency with no other transparency? a. Emotionally and psychosexually immature S. Large breasts &. Overdependent on mother figure (past or present) 5A, Males a. Emotional and psychasexually immature b. Overly dependent, oral addictions (food, alcohol ete...) 58. Females a. Identifies with a dominant and productive mother b. Likes to show off, attention seeking, exhibitionistic, narcissistic 6. Small breasts a. Feels rejected by mother 6A. Fewales a. Unaffectionate, stingy toward children _7. Breasts omitted a. Severe mental/emotional condition, psychosis _7A. Females a. Feels immature b. Unaffectionate, ungenerous toward children Waistline treated unusually 8A. Heavy line or other excessive emphasis at waistline a. Conflict aver sexuality 88. Unusually high or low waistlines a. Fear/repression of sexual impulses Page 14 qr - 4 Ercken line or reinforced waistline a. Irritable, tense, stress related illness (eg asthmatic? essively tightened waistline giving carset appearance a. Problems with emotional control and temper outbursts __-8E. Wasp waist in male figure (males only) &. Homasexual interest essive shading of waistlim a Conflict over sexual behavior 8G. Selts, elaborate or emphasized a. Sexual precccupation/obsessions b. Artistic interest/expression helps contre] body impulses c. Suffers from irrational fears 861. Heavily shaded belt a. Conflict over controlling sexual impulses 9. Hip emphasis SA. Males a. Homesexual interest Females a. Interest in child bearing SC. With excessive shading a. Fear of homosexual interes’ 10. Buttock emphasis a. Immature: bh. Sexual deviate (eg homosexual, sexual crime, fetishes ete...) ¢. Fear of homosexual interest 11. Fresence of genitalia in nonartists a. Severe mental/emotional condition psychosis b. Behavior problems, conduct disorder, poerly socialized Joint enphasis a. Fragile adjustment, concerns over bady/bady functioning =. Overly dependent on mother, immature sexual attitudes . Passive dependent, fantasizes being aggressive d. Anxious, cbsessive-compulsive tendencies @. Suffers from arthritis A. Knee emphasis a, Homosexual interest 128. Kneecap drawn a. Suspicious, mistrusting, overly sensitive,paranoid 1%. Indications of internal anatomy a. Severe mental/emotional candition, somatic delusions LISA. Few sketchy lines in chest or pelvic region (not rib lines) a. Physical problems which may suggest somatiform disorder F I, Anterior Appendages (Arms, Hands, Fingers? 1. Aras treated unusually 1A. Arms akimbe (on waist/hips? a. Self-centered, bossy, dominant Broad arms &. Feels competent to. achieve Arms behind back 3. Reluctant to compromise or meet people half-way b. Striving ta control aggressive, hostile attitudes c. Feels guilty 161 2A Page 18 r= Folded arms 4. Suspicious, hostile attitude b. Rigid attempts to maintain rigid control of violent impulses ¢. Passive, non-assertive orientation Female drawing by female a. Conflict over fewinine sexual qualities, feels reject Frail, flimsy, thin, wasted, shrunken arms a. Feels weak and inadequate, physically or psychalagically Limp arms at side a. Ineffective, inadequate, low competence Long, strong arms &. Active, aggressive, ambitious, overcempensating Elderly @. Feeling frustrated and angry Long arms and hands &. Feels the need for a protective: mather-type figure Mechanical horizontal extension of arms s. Emationally shallow, blunted affect, immature disturbed Omission of arms in same sex figure &. Depressed, feelings of inadequacy, ineffectiveness Passive, withdrawn Omission of arms in opposite sex figure &. Feels rejected by the opposite sex, perhaps opposite sex parent Outstretched arms and hands Desire far interpersonal relations, a cry for help Reinforced arms &. Striving for achievement and/or power, physically or psychologically With broad shoulders &. Aggressive, assaultive acting-out tendencies Opposite sex/non-self figure a. Often feels punished Short arms 8. Lacks ambition, feels inadequate b. Feels insecure, lacking confidence c. Overly dependent, passive-dependent Stiff arms at side &. Inhibited, rigid, compulsive Transparent arms a. Feels inadequate Arms unattached to trunk a. Fears criticism, rejection, feels inferior Arms unequal in length a. Anxious regarding performance competence Ving-like-arms &. Severe mental/emotional condition, emotionally detached/aloof, schizoid Hands treated unusually Behind the back, out of sight a. Conflicts with evasive tendencies, guilt feelings for manual activities (eg. masturbation), antisocial tendencies Fage 16 Ir -1 Covering the genital/pelvic region @ Sexual conflicts, fear of sexual activity/advances by others b. Autoerotic masturbatory. activity Females & Sexual maladjustment Hands drawn last a. Feelings of inadequacy, withdrawal from environment Large hands a. Compensating for feelings of inadequacy b. Impulsive and socially inept Mitten-type hands &. Controlled aggression expressed indirectly with eccassional outbursts Qnission of hands a. Depressed, insecure, feels inferior, masturbatery guilt b. Severe mental/emotional condition, organic disorder Hands in pockets #. Suspicious of others, evasive, feels guilty possibly over masturbation b. Lazy, delinquent behavior Shaded hands a. Feelings of guilt/anxiety associated witn aggressive or sexual acting-out wall hands &. Feels insecure and helpless Swollen hands &. Overly inhibited Vague or dim hands a. Lacks confidence and/or productivity, secially awl 2. Fingers treated unusually SA. Clenched fingers made inte fists a. Very angry and potentially rebellious but may cover it us and suffer gastrointestinal distress Detailing ef joints of fingers and fingernails a. Obsessive control of aggression, intellectualizes Pointed fingernails a. Angry and hostile Fewer than five fingers a. Feels inadequate Fingers without hands a. Immature aggressive/assaultive tendencies Large, especially very large fingers a. Aggressive/assaultive tendencies Long, especially very long fingers a. Immature in attitudes and behavior, infantile at times More than five fingers on a hand a. Aibitious, aggressive, acquisitive strivings Omission of fingers a. Problems relating with others, desire to punish self, Quilt over masturbation Petel or grape-like fingers, short and rounded s. immature, feels inadequate, infantile behavior at times Scribbled fingers a. Possible organic/neurological condition Heavily shaded or reinforced fingers # Guilt feelings often associated with stealing or masturbation ard masterbation Fage 17 Wi- 7 LL. Talon-like, dark straight lines or spiked fingers A Immature or paranoid aggressive/assaultive tendencies effecting physical health (eg. ulcer, hypertension? J. Locomotor Appendages and Stance Characteristics 1. Legs treated unusually 1A. Chopped off by bottom of page eet ecling dependent/restricted, lack of autonomy 18. Crossed legs a. Cautious, defensive over sexual approaches, sexual dysfunction 1C. Disparity in size ef legs B Mixed feelings over need for independence/autonomy and/ar sexuality 1D. Leng, especially very long legs &. Strong need for independence/autonomy ie. Muscular legs on female figures or feminine legs on male Figures Sr Confusion over sexual identification eg. may have wanted at one time to be the opposite sex _1F. Omission of, er refusal to craw legs & Feels stuck/immobile, psychologically er physically _1F1, With refusal to draw figure below the waist a. Acute sexual disturbance and/er pulling away from people eg. psychosis _1G. Reinforced legs &. Aggressive/assaultive tendencies lH. $hort, especially very short legs &. Feels stuck/immobile and pulling away psychelogically or physically eg. psychosis “ir. Thin, tiny, shaded, wasted, shrunken lege with « full body B. Psychologically deteriorating, crippling lack © autonomy, possible organic factors _iJ. Transparent pants, revealing legs, especially if shaded a. Fear of homosexual interest but may deny this eg homosexual panic 2. Feet treated unusually _3h. Beginning drawing with legs and feet and detailing then more than the rest af the figure a. Depressed, discouraged with guilt feelings 28. Bare feet on a fully clad figure B. Negative, oppositional, hostile, acting-out tendencies 2C, Elongated feet 2. Covering up feelings of insecurity with sexual exploits eg. Don Juanism 20. Emphasis on feet a. Sexual problems (eg. feeling of sexual inadequacy? aggressive/assaultive tendencies 25. Large feet B. Excessive security needs with psychosomatic illness (eg. ulcers) Omission of feet &. Inhibited, dependent, helpless feelings, psychosomatic or severe disorder 26. Over detailing of feet B. Effeminate/feminine, self-centered, worrier/cbsessive Page 18 ir - J pointed sharply a. Hostile tendencies zt pointed in epposite directions 2. Ambivalence over strivings for independence b. Poar control of impulses Resistance to drawing feet a. Depressed, discouraged, physically withdrawn Small, especially tiny, feet a. Insecure, dependent, withdrawn, suffers psychoscmatic illness V-shaped feet a. Depression with psychotic/ruminative features related to ageing (late mid-life), involutional melancholia 3. Tees treated unusually 3A. Toes in figure not intended to be nude a. Strong pathological aggressive tendencies 38. Pointed toes a. Aggressive tendencies _3C. Toes drawn and circumscribed by a line ‘a. Blunting or repressions of aggression 4. Unusual stance 4. Legs pressed closely together a. Tense, rigid, with sexual maladjustment (eg. frigid impotent, promiscuous, sex addict, etc...) 401. Figure small and shaded &. Tense, self-conscious, awkward, withdrawal tendencies, neurotic _4A2. Extreme in female's drawing of female a, Subcanscicus desire for sexual contact Male’s drawing of female figure &. Fear of rejection for sexual interest in opposite sex, fantasizes sexual aggression _4n4. In combination with arms pressed to body a. Fear of people, pulling away as with schizcid/paranoid condi tions anting stance, when legs float into space a. Severely insecure and dependent as in chronic alcoholism, epilepsy or other organic condition aC. Tiptoe stance a. Tenuous grasp on reality _4D. Wide stance &. Strong need to escape b. Aggressive defiance of authority sometimes in reaction to insecurity 401. Figure in middle of page &. Aggressive/assaultive tendencies _AD2. Figure in middle of page with tiny, shaded or reinforced light pressure feet or with groundlines a. Aggressive/assaultive tendencies masking feelings of insecurity Ae K. Posture, Movement and View Perspective 1. Various postures L1A. Grotesque and incongrucus postures a. Deeply emotionally unstable _18. Leaning figures a. Insecure but may not show it outwardly Page 19 in - ted figures a, Displays insecurity Stiff posture a. Tense individual, rigid control of impulses/fantasies depressed ar chronically ill Vertical, rigid with arms and legs straight down and closed a. Foorly adjusted, rigid Action figures Moderate, non-violent action (eg waxing, running, playing? &. Flexible, good adjustment, bright Figures suggesting whirling movement a. Severe mental/emotional condition Violent action figures &. Aggressive person Front view a. Honest and emotionally accessible to others, frank With over-dressed figure a. Likes to show off, expose self or be center of attention _4. Profile view a. Evasive, reluctant to face and communicate with others unless on own terms Reserved or reluctant to be open in interpersonal . relations ¢. Serious adjustment, withdrawal or oppositional difficulties 40. Absolute prafile with only one arm/leg visible &. Suspicious, low trust, critical, paranoid Prefile of head with bedy in front view Socially uncomfortable/uneasy Evasiveness or feelings of guilt in secial contact Often uses poor judgement, immature, regressed Likes te shew off, expose self, be center of attention, exhibitionist ©. Dishonest, distorts and covers up truth/reality _6. Confusion of profile and full face view (most commonly forehead/nese in profile with eyes/mouth in front view) a. Organic/neurelagical condition b. Severe mental/emotional condition, psychoti of person to viewer &. Severe mental/emotional condition, psychosis b. Suspicious, low trust, critical, paranoid ¢. Lacks well developed conscience, psychopathic tendencies ancy _7. Bacl L. Clothing and Other Appurtenances, 1. General considerations WIA. Patient asks whether they should/should not use clothing a, Self-conscious about physical appearance _1B. Drawing less than two articles of clothing a, Possible organic/neurolagical condition Fage 20 mr k _2. Over-clothed figures, especially when drawn with energy and conviction f-centered, childish with sexual maladjustment. b. Self-centered, uses appearance to draw attention from others c. Over inhibited sex d. Uses clathing te stimulate social/sexual exci tment ©. Superficially social and extroverted f 9 ally, excessively modest Strong need for secial approval and dominance Somewhat lacking in conscience, prone to antisocial behavior h. Aloof from people, daes not seem to get close, few/no friends 3. Under-clothed or nude figures (not artist or currently in weight lifting) Self-centered, childish, with sexual maladjustment a b. Attracted to their own bedy, narcissistic c. Interest in pornographic material, voyeuristic d. Likes to shaw off or expose self or be center of attention, exhibitionist ©. Precccupied with body processes, f. Masturbates g. Introverted, fantasizes alot and does net gain satisfaction with social relations, few/no friends 3A. Nude lying down a. Prececupied with sex 4, Clathing toc big for figure a. Feels inadequate, suffers self-natred/disdain Transparent clothing a. Interested in pornographics/voyeurist and/or likes to expose self/exhibitionist Severe mental/emotional condition, psychosis Uses poor judgement frequently Possible organic/neurological condition seen through pants in male patient’s drawings Fear of homosexual interest, homophobia or head seen through hat Tnmature sexual behavior Skirt outlines with a line in the middle to suggest trouser legs in female figure drawn by male patients &. Sexual confusion/immaturity 6. Striped clothing 6A. Monotonous a. Compulsive tendencies 68. In horitizontal a. Difficulty controlling aggressive and/or sexual impulses: 7. Button emphasis a, Dependent inadequate and immature b. Acting more childish and immature lately and/or depressed c. Self-centered, preoccupied with bedy functioning d. Attempting to contre body impulses 7A. On cuffs a. Worrier/obsessive anxiety Mr=t Focket emphasis a, Immature, dependent personality b. Enotionally deprived of maternal affection, antisocial traits Large pockets emphasized a. Emotionally dependent on mother, adolescent striving for sexual prowess fale patients a. Independent Tie emphasis a. Concerned over sexual matters, sexual inadequacy &. Preoccupied with sex, homosexual conflict Tiny, uncertainly drawn or debilitated ties a. Feels inadequate sexually, including attractiveness Leng and conspicusus ties &. Sexually aggressive, possibly coercive, over compensating with sex Ties blown off to one side a. Overt sexual aggression 10. Shae emphasis 10A. Male patients a, Sexually impotent in crisis of ageing 108. Over-detailing of shoes, laces etc. a. Feminine/effeminate, worrier/obsessive 10C. High heel shoes detailed by male patients or on male figures a. Homosexual interest 10D. Sharply pointed shoes a. Aggressive tendencies 10E, Scots on male figures by males a. Homosexual interest Vi, Bescellaneous appurtenances emphasized VA. Belt emphasis a. Preoccupied with sex 1B. Belt emphasis with heavy shading a. Conflict over sex, possibly # sexual phobia 1G. Belt buckles emphasis 3. Dependency needs, striving to meet needs, unmet needs 110. Cap visor elongated or phallic hats a. Insecure, lacking confidence i1E. Hat constructed to conceal the eyes a. Reluctant to interact with environment VIF, Cigarettes, canes, guns a. Preoccupied with sex 116. Male patient drawn canes a. Homosexual interest. 11H. Earring emphasis a. Likes to show off, expose self, be center of attention exhibitionist. Vil]. Male patient drawing female figure a. Feninine/effeminate traits/think ing VII. Gloves on hands &. Struggling ta control emotions or inhibit aggression lJ. Female patient drawn hat en figure a. Venturesome, willing te take risks 1K, Fipe large, conspicuous or stoked actively &. Freaccupied with sex/virility Page 22 rir-u lib. Recreational equipment emphasized (eg. tennis racket, gel clubs etc...) 3. Variable moods, cyelothymic LIIM. Trouser, fly emphasis &. Sexual concern/conflict LIN. Weapons tucked in belt or carried in figure’s hand &. Hostile acting-cut tendencies, lacks well developed conscience, sexual preoccupation M, Miscellaneous Ways of Drawing Persons _I. Clowns, soldiers, witches a. Hostile toward pecple, tends te want to punish others, delinquent tendencies b. Tends to put themself down LIA. Clowns, a. Resistant/defensive toward testing, tends ta show off or clown around alot, exhibitionistic, creative IB. Witches a. Hostile toward females, overtly or cavertly expressed Cowboys a. Immature striving for masculinity _3. Older appearing drawing compared with patients age a. Acts too much in the parent role Feanut-man and snow-man when seriously compliant with instructions a. Evasive with regard ta revealing self, problems with physical or body image Dehumanized figures, boxy, robot, geometric~, manikin~, or monster-like figure &. Organic/neurolegical condition b. Severe mental/emotional condition, psychosis Seductive figures by female patients a, Self-centered, dramatizes complaints, tend to deny aggression, strong desires for affection, histrionic Stick figures Insecure, evasive Negativistic and hostile Paar interpersonal relations, psychopathic tendencies Poar body image, perhaps obese Anxious and depressed synthesized figures with poor integration Organic/neurological candi tion 8. Younger appearing drawings compared with patient's age &. Immature and clings to things/persons with whom they are emotionally invested b. Dramatizes complaints, strong desire for affection, tends to deny aggression, histrionic N. Treatment of Male and Female Drawings 1. Drawn by either sex IA Confusion/scrambling of sex characteristics a. Confused over sexuality issues, poor adjustuent 18, Minimal sex differences evident a. Retrests te immature, behavior, regression IC. Same sex drawing depicting child @. Retreats to immature behavior, regression Page 28 nl -N Head of male larger than female figure S. Perceives males a5 socially dominant Head of female larger than male figure SD Perceives females as socially dominant Ouission of arms in opposite sex figure So reels rejected by the opposite/sex, perhaps cprosite sex parent Drawing of epposite sex looks elder than pacient ‘&. Immature in sexual attitudes Drawing of same sex leaks older than patient la, Striving for maturity and self-control Drawing of same sex locks significantly younger than patient a Retreats to immature behavior, regression Drawing of a baby ee lery immature, self-centered, dramatizes complaints, demanding of affection, histrionic Refusal ta draw opposite sex figure @. Hostile and/or fearful of the opposite se Refusal to draw opposite sex figure below the waist ho rearful ef sex (heterosexual or perhaps in general), suffered sexual trauma Same sex figure drawn with considerable neatness and elaboration while opposite sex figure is smaller and dilapidated a Self—centered, exaggerated sense of self-importance, expleitive, gives little to others, narcissistic LIM, Same sex figure shaded S. Anxious in general and/or anxious aver heterosexual activity 2. Orawn by male patients 2A, Female figure drawn first S. Conflict with sexual identity, disturbed, poor self-concept Male figure in profile and female figure in fromt view a. Self-protective/evasive but ready to expose females possibly with pernographic/voyeuristic interes male figure detailed, kindly, appearance, perhaps in profile uhile female is in front view a. Immature in sexual attitudes eg. equates self-worth to sexual prowess/conquests Male figure is grandiose, exhibitionistic,self~inflated while female figure, though smaller shows greater force S Negativistic attitudes toward others, tends to belittle opposite sex for fear of being dominated Male figure off balance ar without hands or feet a. Feels inadequate oF. female figure larger, more muscular or with wide stance while male figure is puny a. Passive, disturbed, feels inadequate, addiction prone shading of female trunk, especially if drawn first 3. Overcentrolled/rejection of beady impulses 2H. Female figure with hair emphasis, large breasts and leg exposure a. Strong sex drive Female figure much larger than male figure a. Desires greater sense of personal strength/male identification, depressed age 24 rit Faceless female Hostility and/or fear of opposite sex hale figure twisted in perspective to emphasize hips and buttocks a4. Homosexual interest Female figure very aggressive while male figure appears enasculated, effeminate and collapsed &. Emotianally immature with feelings of inferiority . Drawn by female patients BA. Male figure is smaller, deformed, or with neglect of aggressive/assertive contact features la. Hostility/competitive toward opposite sex SE. Male figure drawn first,with other signs of disturbance &. Conflict with sexual identification, homosexual interest b. Strong aggressive, competitive traits Female figure looks masculine ‘a. Hostile/competitive with opposite sex, suffers psychosamatic illness (eg hypertension? Female figure drawn with lack of feminine contours a. Sexually disinterested, low sex drive Heavily shaded figure of male &. Anxious over sexual activity (in general or with opposite sex) 1V,_ DRAWINGS OF HOUSES A. Unusual Modes of Presentation Absence of essential details (at least one door, one window ne wall, a roof) a. Severe mental /emotional condition/deterioration Sun added spontaneously by females a. Overly dependent Clouds added spontaneously a. Generalized anxiety Mountains drawn in the background @, Defensive attitude, need for independence Groundlines added spontaneously a. Apprehensive, feelings of insecurity Shadows cast by the house a. Anxious Shrubs drawn around the house a. Insecure and feels the need to erect self-protective barriers Tulip and daisy-like flowers a. Retreats te immature behavior, regression Shrubs drawn by males &. Defensive, perhaps paranoid Shrubs drawn by females 2. Happy-go-lucky, venturesone Many trees spontaneously drawn around the house a. Strong needs for dependency Inability to integrate the part cf a house into a unified whale a. Organic/neuralogical condition Anthrepomerphic houses (looks like a face using windows/door etc.) a. Retreats to immature behavior, regression Page 28 wr Blueprint floor plan presentations a. Severe conflict in home Well dene &. Suspicious, low trust, critical, paranoid tendencies Poarly done &. Organic¢/neurological condition Rear of house drawn ‘a. Witvdrawn, oppositional /negativisti Quthouse srawn &. Aggressive, hostile, character disorder Difficult drawing angles a. Organic/neurological condition Sitting on & spontaneously drawn cloud-like ground line a. Poor contact with reality, reality distertion Toppling-over house &. Developing severe mental/emotional condition developing psychosis B, Apparent Distance Very distant appearance a. Desire ta withdraw, psychologically inaccessible b. Home situation beyond their ability to handle effectively c. Feeling rejected or acts rejecting toward ene or more significant others Close appearance a. Expresses feelings of interpersonal warmth: b. Open with feelings, psychologically accessible ©. Perspective en from below (worm’s eye view) 4. Feelings of rejection and unhappiness in home b Tends to withdraw inte only limited social contact c. Feels inferior and inadequate d. Goals perceived as unattainable €. Critical of traditional institutions, political reactionary, perhaps depressed Seen from abave (birds eye view? Rejects part or all of home life Critical of traditional institutions, politica, reactionary ¢. Desire to escape rejecting homelife, perhaps depressed and/or compensating for these feelings d. Presents as superior/grandious but compensating for fears me D. Size and Placement Very small house Withdrawal tendencies Feels inadequate Rejects howe/homelife Retreats to immature behavior, regression Fsychologically disturbed le patients @. Self-contralled, humble and reserved b c a Iv -0 Page 2 Very large house, filling page a@. Feeling great frustration over a restrictive environment b. Uses fantasy and avercompensating to defend against fears c. Hostile and aggressive tendencies d. Feelings of great tension and irritability House at bottom edge of page a. Feels insecure and inadequate b. Depressive tendencies Male patients &. Shy, often avoids interpersonal contact. Fenale patients a. Tough minded, emotionally stable House high on page @. Fear of environment, desires to avoid conflict with others Female patients 4. Well controlled, self-disciplined House on left side of page, female patients a. Psychosccially reserved @ E. Parts of House Treated Unusually 1. Chimney Drawn quickly, easily and appropriately a. Good adjustment 18. Emphasis through reinforcement a. Overly concerned with nurturance from homelife b. Concerns over sexuality €. Likes te show off or expose self to others d. Developing intellectual decline/detericration Angled chimney a. Retreat to immature behavior, possible organic condition b. Insecure, fear of failure/ emasculation/ castration Multiple chimneys a. Overly concerned with se: fears b. Overly concerned with intimacy issues -1E. Omission of chimney a. Feels a lack of psychological warmth in the home b. Difficulty with sexuality, possible sex dysfunction -1E1. Male Patients a. Insecure, fear of failure/ castration, emasculated IF. Two dimensional chimneys drawn by male patients a. Feeling of inadequacy in sexual/dating relationships 1G. Smoking chimney 161, Smoke blowing left ta right a. Normal adjustment, conservative attitude _167, Intense smoking 8, Feels pressure from environment 162. In great profusion &. Considerable inner tension/anxiety in hame situation 164, Blowing from right te left a. Pessimistic, feels under pressure ality, maybe covering up Page 27 IW- E 1G5. Glowing bath to left and right a. Distorted contact with reality, perhaps psychotic _166, In @ single line a. Lack of emotional warmth in the home ising frem home with no channey a. Lass of sexual feelings/interest Z. Deor Absence of door &. Psychologically inaccess ible/ closed, withdre. b. Distant family relations c. Feels isolated from others G. Severe mental/emational disorder, psychosis Door drawn last. a. Relations with others distasteful/inadequate b. Tends to withdraw Very large door &, Overdependent on others b. Needs to impress others with social accessibility Very small door a. Feels socially inadequate and indecisive b. Reluctant to be socially open/accessible, withdrawn ¢. Tends ta back aff from others Male patients a. Shrewd, evasive, dishonest Heavily hinged or locked doors a. Withdrawn and defensive b. Hostile and suspicious Drawn above baseline without steps a. Psychologically inaccessible/closed b. Involved with others only on their terms Open doors &. Strang need for emotional warmth from environment Vacant house with open door &. Inadequate defenses Door knob emphasis a. Prececupied with sexual matters b. Excessive concern over interpersonal relations %. Rain spouts and gutters Emphasized and reinforced &. Defensive and evasive b. Suspicious c. Prececupied with sexual matters 4. Roof 4A. Apex of roof not closed a. Poor contact with reality, confuses reality with fantasy b. Poor ego boundaries, perhaps a severe mental/emotional condition sis through size or shading &. Excessive seeking of satisfaction in fantasy b. Concerned about contralling fantasy _-481. Large in Size a. Introverted and fantasizes excessively __AC. Blown down roofs a. Feels overwhelmed by forces beyond his/her contre! 40. House drawn only as a roof a. Excessive use of fantasy b. Severe mental/emotional condition, psychosis 1H. 8 46. Eup Page 26 We 4. Single line for roof a. Severe mental/emotional disorder, below average 1Q 4k. Eaves emphasizes a. Overly defensive, suspicious, evasive 46, Smaded reof @. Anxious and uses fantasy excessively 5. Shutters SA, Closed shutters a. Extremely withdrawn b. Extreme defensiveness 88. Open shutters a. Psychologically accessible/open, good social adjustment. 6. Steps and walkways _8A. Steps heading to @ blank wall &. Withdrawn and in conflict over psychological accessibility b. Problems with reality testing ¢. Organic/neurological condition €&. Walkways 681. Well proportioned and easily drawn a. Emotionally stable, psychologically accessible, good social adjustment, -682. Very long walkways a. Reduced psychosocial accessibility/closed, feels need to improve social skills _6B3. Very narrow at house, broad at end a. Desires to remain aloof with superficial friendliness socially 684. Wide walkways a. Socially open and accessible 7. Walis Strong walls a. Good ego strength/healthy Than walls @. Poor ego strength Over emphasized walls a. Making a conscious effort toward self-control Absence of walls a. Poor contact with reality b. Feelings of unreality, derealization Baseline for wall emphasized &. Anxious b, Oppositional, poor self-control Disconnected walls a. Difficulty contralling emotions/behavior b. Feelings of self-alienation, depersonalization Double perspective with narrow end walls &. Retreats to immature behavior, regression b. Average ar lower I@ ¢. Organic/neurological disorder Double perspective with both end walls exaggerated &. Excessive self-protectiveness b. Severe mental/emotional condition psychotic €. Organic/neurolagical condition Peripheral lines faint and inadequate & Foor ego strength b. Tense, inadequate defenses rage 2s wre I. Peripheral lines overemphasized a. Conscious effort. to maintain ego strength 7K. Single perspective, only one wall shawn &. Strang need to waintain acceptable social image b Evasive tendencies LK), If a side wall a. Withdrawn, oppositional, paranoid traits JL. Transparent walls ‘a. Poor judgew-nt, peor contact with reality, psychotic &. Compulsive need to structure situations c. Below average 1Q, retarded d. Organic/neurelogical condition 7M. Horizontal dimension overemphasized a. Vulnerable to pressure from the environment b. Foor orientation to time ¢. Depressed or anxious d. Covert homosexual interest JN. Vertical dimension overemphasized a. Overdependent. on fantasy satisfactions b. Failing contact with reality 70. Walls unconnected with a baseline, unless paper based &. Feelings of unreality/derealization, poor reality contact &. Windows _8A, Adequate in number and size a. Healthy social accessibility 88 Aesence of windows a. Hostile and oppositional b. Withdrawal tendencies c. Severe mental/emotional disorder SC. Few in nunber a. Retreats tc immature behavior, regression 80. Large in number (especially if in bedroom a. Likes to expose/draw attention to self, exhibitionist 801. Without shades or shutters a. Open te contact with environment 802. With shades a. Overly cancerned with environmental interaction 8. Curtains and shades absent Does net feel the need to hide feelings aF. Curtained windows a. Withdrawal tendencies, emotionally reserved SF1. Easily and freely drawn a. Normal, healthy homelife SFZ. Drawn closed a. Evasive attitude eF3. Not closed a. Anxious in social involvements G. Shades extending outside the windows a. Severe mental/emational condition, psychosis SH. Heavily reinforced windows a. Concerned with interpersonal relations b. Concerned with over eating, excessive drinking, drugs etc Open windows: a. Failing ego strength/control, closed psychological accessibility Page 30 b. Problems with overeating, excessive drinking, drugs, ete Oval shaped windows a. Liberal, experimenting attitude Very small in size &. Psychological inaccessibility/closed, aloof b. Lack af interest in people, schizoid tendencies Without panes &. Hostile and oppositional With many panes a. Psychologically accessible/open but reserved Triangular shaped windows @. Overconcern with female sex Many interstices giving barred effect a, Some aspect of environment feels like a prison Locks emphasized on windows &. Overly defensive V. DRAWINGS OF TREE! A. General Considerations Essential details missing (trunk, at least one branch) &. Developing intellectual deteriora Large sun spontaneously added a. Concern/conflict aver authority figure relationships b. Generally perceives environment as warm and nurturing B. Types of Trees Apple tree &. Desires children b. Immature, tends ta retreat into immature behavior under stress, regression Female patients a. Pt.may be pregnant with child b. Suspicicus of others Christuas tree, out of season &. Unmet dependency needs Dead tree a. Depressed with guilt feelings, suicidal b. Severe sense of futility/apathy with profound inadequacy and inferiority feelings ¢. Severe mental/emotional condition, neurosis/psychosis d. Withdrawn, ne close friends, severe disturbance, schizoid @. Poor prognosis for therapy Dog urinating on tree &. Aggressive person lacking in character Enormous trees &. Aggressive tendencies b. Attempting to cover up inferiority feelings by acting/fantasizing competence/superiarity c. Overly sensitive, easily hurt, Desire ta dominate and control others patients 8. Non-defensive SG. Male patients &. Conscientious SC When drawn on an arc like hill a. Strong dominance need, et Drawn in a geographic depression a. Feels inadequate b. Depressed Isclated on a hilltep a. Feelings of superiority, grandiose b. Feels isclated and struggling for autonomy c. Tense striving for distant or unattainable goals If tree is rugged and large a. Tends to want ta dominate, likes to be center of attention, exhibitionist If tree is small a, Dependent. on mother figure Keyhole trees (a continuous line enclosing a key-hole shaped area) @, Oppositional ar hostile impulses which may be internalized b. Minimal cooperation or motivation to perform well c. Rigid personality with potential for explosiveness Large trees, especially if well centered a. Self-centered 10, Leaning to the left 2. Emotionally unstable due te desire for impulsive acting-out b. Fixed on the past and afraid of the future ¢. Introverted, traits of autism and/or narcissism Leaning te the righ a. Emotionally unstable due to fear of impulsive emotional ity b. Desire ta repress/avoid unpleasant memories c. Excessive optimism about the future Nigg’s tree (a continuous line depicting jagged outline of tree) 3. Defensive, keeps people at an emotional distance encapsulated personality, hostile Partly up # hill a. Feelings of striving b. Need for shelter and security Phallic trees, male patients a. Problem adjustment, psychosexual conflicts/immaturity Saplings a. Feels immature b. Retreats to immature behavior, regression Shadows cast by a tree ‘@. Conscious anxiety regarding past interpersonal relations which were unsatisfying _I6A. Added after sun was drawn a. Compulsive tendencies Swall trees a. Weak ego. with low energy level © Inferiority/inadequacy feelings c. Introversive or withdrawal tendencies _LI7A. Orawn on a crest of an are~like hil &. Feels isolated from others and dependent on mother maybe oVereater/obese or excessive drinker ibitionistic tendencies Split trees (looks like 2 one dimensional trees with branches on one side) Decampensating into a severe mental/emotional conditicn, psychosis, organic syndrome 13. Swing in tree, by women patients a Relaxed attitude, lack of tension bo Experimenting, non-conservative orientation Tiny trees a. Inferierity and inadequacy feelings b. Withdrawal tendencies Viewed from above a. Feels defeated and depressed Weeping willows &. Depressed Vindblown trees 2. Feels overpowered by environmental or socio-economic forces C. Treatment of Parts of Trees Branches Open crowns with @ well developed branch structure Cntrusive presentation? a. Stereotypical male characteristics eg. achievement. dominance, competitive, striving, competent Closed crowns with foliage drawn as circular and not. structurally attached to the trunk (inclusive presentation? a. Sterotypical female characteristics eg. dependent withdrawn, anxious, less competent Broken or cut-off branches & Feelings of trauma, insecure, impotent/castrated Falling branches a. Losing ability to cope with environmental pressures Neglect of branches a. Lack of enjoyment from interpersonal relations ort club-like or spear-like branches a, Hostile/aggressive tendencies with acting out potential which may be masochistic b. Unconscious fear of failure, insecure, emasculated 16. Shortened, bleak branch structure a. Environment perceived as bleak and unhappy very tall branches, extending off of top of paper a. Excessive fantasizing as in schizoid conditions inadequate impulse control Tell, narrow branches a. Excessive fantasizing, introverted, schizoid b. Fear of seeking satisfaction in environment Turning inward a. Self-centered, introverted tendencies b. Obsessive-compulsive anxiety Excessive branches and. leaves a. Racing thoughts, manic condition essive branches on small trunks #. Overenphasizing satisfaction seeking from environment b. High achievement strivings overcompensating for inadequacy feelings ¢. Precarious adjustment wml 2. 2A 2 2¢ 21 20 WE Page 33 ve Branches, large in proportion to trunk &. High achievement motivation as compensation bk. Hightened interest in seeking satisfaction from environment, Gveremphasis on left. branches a. Emotional instability with impulsive acting-out Overemphasis on right bra’ “es a, Emotional instabili with excessive tendency to avoid or delay emational «..isfactions Tiny branches on large trunks a. Frustrated with environment, feelings of inadequacy Very faint branches a. Anxious and indecisive Pointed limbs a, Hostile acting-out tendencies Thick, very short “cut-off” branches &. Suicidal tendencies Broken or dead branches a. Traumatic experiences, felt loss of resources insecure, fears failure Thickening branches to the outside a. Oppositional, rough, course, ambitious, impatient, aggressive A branch low on the trunk Retreats to immature behavior, infantile ranch extending off the top of the page a. Tendency towards fantasy satisfaction Branches not connected to the trunk &. Unable te cope with environment One dimensional branches a. Feels inadequate and impotent b. Unsatisfied by current environment €. Organic/neurolegical candition d. Low ego strength Two dimensional branches not closed at distal end a. Inadequate control of emation Two dimensional branches partially drawn with foliage implied by shacing or matching a. Healthy, socially very effective Stylistic treatment of crowns Cloud-like crown &. Active fantasizing in @ childish avoidance cf reality, low energy level Confused jumble of scribbled lines a, Confused, excited, impulsive, emotional lability Curlicue indication of crown a. Enthusiastic, talkative, social active but perhaps lacking endurance Swirling lines are heavy a. Confused and tense Flattened crowns a. Inhibited, feelings of inadequacy/hopelessness environmental pressure b. Attempt to reject or deny a painful fantasy life Shading-hatching crowns where maladjustwent or anxiety is implied &. Depressive, labile moods, insecure Page 34 vec 3. Leaves Absence of leaves, foilage omitted (especially not in fall or winter? a. Inner barrenness, empty, lack of ego integration Falling or fallen leaves &. Feels unable to conform to sccial demands b. Losing ability to conceal socially unacceptable thoughts, deteriorating social adjustment Bl. Female patients a. Concerns with menstrual/gynecalogical functioning 1. Many leaves a. Trys to appear productive/fruitful perhaps with obsessive-compulsive tendencies 3D. Leaves not attached to branches a. Deter ioration/decompensation 301. Numerous leaves @. Obsessive-compulsive tendencies SE. Sharply pointed leaves &. Aggressive, acting-cut tendencies SF. Two-dimensional and meticulously drawn a. Obsessive-compulsive tendencies 3G. Two-dimensional and too large for the branches a. Inadequacy feelings behind a facade of adequate adjusting b. Covers up feelings of inadequacy with show of compe tence 3H Very sparse leaves, nearly barren limbs a Feels the need for more refined/acceptable meansof adjusting b. Trys ta conceal self-concept behind a conforming appearance 4. Tree trunks 40. Animals peeking from hole &. Overly dependent, retreats to immature behavior , regression _4A1. Female patients a. Outgoing, assertive 48. @nimal urinating on trunk a. Aggressive character disorder 4c. Barren or truncated trunks or stumps with little branches sprouting &. Stunted psychological development which is now being healed/overcome 4D. Broad based trunks &. Inhibited, slow to comprehend 4E, Dead trunks &, Perceives a loss of ego control in obtaining satisfaction from environment _4F, Discontinuous trunk cutline a. Impulsive, excitable, impatient 46. Enermous trunk &. Aggressive, reacting to perceptions of a restrictive environment _fH. Faintly drawn trunk a, Inadequate, indecisive, anxious _4I. Large trunk & Precarious adjustment due to frustration with satisfying basic needs, inmature, self-centered Page 35 ve Leng trunk &. Retreats to immature behavior, regression Narrower at base than elsewhere a. Psychologically disturbed, low ego strength, inhibited One-dimensional trunk a. Feelings of powerlessness, low ego strength, possible organic disorder Periphery reinforced a. Striving to maintain self-control and integrity, may use compensatory defenses Sack-like crown a. Passive and indecisive Scars on trunk a. Traumatic experience, possible post-traumatic stress disorder _4P, Shading, especially deep shading a. Feels inadequate, converts emotional upset into physicel symptoms, agitated depression Shert trunks with large crown a. Self-confident, ambitious, proud/canceited Slender trunks with large branch structure a. Precarious adjustment due to excessive striving for satisfaction in some manner Thickening and/or constrictions of the trunk &. Inhibited, shy, retreats to immature behavior Tiny, thin trunk a. Feelings of inadequacy, ineptness, weakego Two dimensional trunk with one, two dimensional branch a. Serious trauma in late childhead Easily drawn a. Healthy, normal adjustment. Inconsistently drawn or heavily reinforced a. Anxious Meticulously drawn a. Compulsive, excessive anxiety over interacting with environment Depicted by several vine-like vertical lines which are well separated @. Withdrawn, no close friends, closed emotionally, schizoid 6. Roots 6A, Undue emphasis on roots or roots entering greund &. Insecure, concerned with hold on reality, feels like they are losing their grip, regression &. Inhibited, conservative 68, Tapering easily into ground &. Good contact with reality 681. Male patients 5. Trusting person E2, Female patients a. Self-disciplined &C. Dead roots 4. Fears losing grasp on reality ©. Losing motivation, emotionally unstable €. Depressed and ruminating obsessively Ssion of roats and baseline as. Feels insecure and inadequate 6 Page 36 vee Poorly erganized root structure a. Emotionally unstable, poor social skills/general functioning, inadequate Roots on edge of paper a. Feels insecure and inadequate b. Depressive tendencies haded roots &. Anxious and insecure Talon-like roots &. Aggressive and suspicious, mistrusting, critical of others, paranoid b. Foor contact with reality, losing grip Thin reots making tenuous contact with ground a. Poor reality contact Transparent roots a. Weakness in reality contact ‘ b. Withdrawn, no close friends, closed emotionally, schizoid 2 ©. Organic/neurclogical condition

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