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MGA Meeting Minutes August 19, 2017

Attendees: Jim Keighley, Don Nemeth, Les Hall, Don McChesney, Brandon Pattillo, Jack Baum, Rob Kinard
Not Attending: Ken Parkinson
The Founders Cup:
The event was well attended with 62 players versus 36 last year. The two flights, Spalding and Burden,
were well received. We received positive feedback on lunch from the tennis grill.
The Holley October 21-22, 2017
$60 Entry Fee
The Holley is a two-man net better ball match play tournament. You and your partner will be assigned
to a six-team flight. Each team will play each of the other 5 teams in the flight. If a flight has a bye
match that match will be played against par.
Flights will be determined by the total handicap of the two players on the team.
Competitors will receive 100% of their handicap as of October 15. Players will receive stokes off the
lowest handicapped player in each match.
The 8-stroke rule will apply.
Each team members must play from the same set of tees for the entire tournament.
Saturday October 21st Tee times starting at 8AM 3 Nine-hole matches. Lunch will not be provided
by the MGA, but will be available for purchase from the beverage cart or the Courtside Grill.
Sunday October 22nd 8AM Shotgun 2 Nine-hole matches. After play, a brats and sausage lunch will
be provided. Immediately following lunch, flight winners will compete in the shootout to crown the
overall champion and runner up. Beer will be provided during the shootout.
Deadline to sign up is Wednesday October 17th.
60/40 Cash Raffle:
We will continue the practice of drawing and posting the winning raffle ticket numbers and awarding
raffle prizes during play. The prizes will be available at the pro shop. The 60/40 cash raffle will be drawn
live just prior to the shootout.
Discussion Topics:
Ken Parkinson submitted notes from a recent Greens and Grounds Committee Mtg.:
Recently completed aerating Jones course greens and fairways. Top-dressed and dragged. Done with
Cupp greens, but will not do fairways this year too wet and too close to overseed time. The Cupp will be
overseeded again this year. Probably, will continue over seeding one course for two or three years; then,
switch to the other course. Ian says that this schedule of aerating each May and July/August will
continue for the next five years, or until he feels the courses are healthy enough to back off a little.
Focus this year was to get rid of the Goose grass, which Ian feels he was quite successful. Next year
will be the proof. Next, he will focus of the Virginia Creeper, and the other weed grasses. Ian will be
working next to fill in the cart path and cut back the Crepe Myrtles where you step of the path going to
the green of 17 Jones. There was discussion of changing the flag locations on a more random basis than
is being done now. Seems that many times the locations are the same on same days each week.
We began putting together the 2018 tournament calendar, and initial planning for the year end MGA dinner.
Candidates for next years MGA Committee:
The MGA Committee is entertaining candidates for the three positions that will open when current
members roll off at the end of this year. If you are interested in serving for a three-year term please
notify one of the current MGA Committee members listed above.
Next meeting - September 30, 2017 at 7:30 am.
MGA Committee

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