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Issue 5:3, August 2017

Note from the Editor and Incoming Section Chair ......................................................................... 2

Honors, Awards, and Promotions ................................................................................................... 3
Roco Quispe-Agnoli .................................................................................................................. 3
Member Publications ...................................................................................................................... 3
Graduate Student News................................................................................................................... 8
Other News ..................................................................................................................................... 9
MAVCOR Giga Project ............................................................................................................. 9
Inaugural meeting of En los Bordes del Archivo (ELBA) ......................................................... 9
Panels Sponsored by the Colonial Section at LASA 2018 ....................................................... 10
Opportunities and Calls for Papers ............................................................................................... 11
Best Article in Colonial Latin American Studies by a Junior Scholar ..................................... 11
XI Jornadas de Historia Colonial, Santiago de Chile, 16-19 de octubre de 2018. ................... 12
Journal of Colonial Latin American Studies ............................................................................ 13
Resources ...................................................................................................................................... 14
About the Colonial Section of LASA and Colonia/Colnia ........................................................ 14
Note from the Editor and Incoming Section Chair
Dear Colleagues,
This year I will have the honor of serving both as the editor of Colonia/Colnia and the chair of
the Colonial Section of LASA. And it will be my privilege to work with two outstanding teams
of colleagues in order to achieve the newsletters goals and further the sections mission.
Roco Quispe-Agnoli, as assistant editor, along with Claudia Berros, Daniel E. Nourry Burgos,
Haley Schroer, and Mariana Velzquez, who serve as graduate assistant editors, will help keep
the readers of Colonia/Colnia up to date on the honors and awards received by scholars in our
field, section members publications, graduate student news, general news, professional
opportunities, and relevant sessions at major congresses. I take this chance to thank the editorial
team for all their work. And I encourage readers to keep submitting any news items of interest,
as well as any thoughts about issues related to our common field and/or the profession for the
newsletters forum department. Instructions for doing so may be found at the end of each issue of
The sections council benefits from the responsiveness and enthusiasm of Mnica Daz, who
served as section chair last year; Kelly McDonough, who is this years vice-chair and chair of
awards committee; Nathan Gordon, who will be the sections secretary/treasurer, as well as our
social media coordinator (check out the sections Facebook page); and Caroline Egan, who also
manages the sections communications.
As of June, the section had 142 registered members. This will allow us to sponsor three
guaranteed sessions at next years LASA Congress, which will take place in Barcelona, Spain
from May 23-26, 2018. These sessions will be dedicated to Colonial Mobilities, Colonial
Tongues, and The Colonial Religious Apparatus, and they will be organized by Kelly
McDonough, Caroline Egan, and Nathan Gordon, respectively. A description of each session
appears in the Other News department below. The Colonial Section will also be sponsoring the
second triennial Best Article in Colonial Latin American Studies by a Junior Scholar award.
Submission details can be found below, in the Opportunities and Calls for Papers department.
Finally, I would like to remind our readers that the deadline for submitting panels and individual
papers for LASA 2018 is September 7, 2017 by 5:00 p.m. EDT. If you need to renew your
LASA membership, please dont forget to register as a member of the colonial-section as well.
The small membership fee sustains the awards for best dissertation, best article, and best book
that the section sponsors on a rotating basis. A strong membership allows us take advantage of
the resources LASA offers, such as a Colonial Section website, and to have a proportionate
number of guaranteed sessions at each LASA congress. I look forward to meeting many
colonial-section members, old and new, in Barcelona!
Comments and suggestions are always welcome; you may send them to me at
Pablo Garca Loaeza
Colonia/Colnia 5:3
August 2017, p. 2
Honors, Awards, and Promotions
Roco Quispe-Agnoli

Roco Quispe-Agnoli (Romance and Classical Studies, Michigan

State University) received the 2017 Flora Tristn Book Award for the
best scholarly book about Peru published in 2016 for Nobles de
papel: Identidades oscilantes y genealogas borrosas en los
descendientes de la realeza inca, an interdisciplinary work that traces
the long-term claims of an indigenous family by considering titles of
nobility and coats of arms (history), genealogies and kinship
(anthropology), visual arts, and theoretical approaches to gender,
identity, and otherness. The book was hailed by members of the
LASA-Peru Section jury as an innovative study that will have a
significant impact in Latin American Cultural Studies and Perus
Historiography and that fits well in the current global political
situation characterized by immigration bans and womens claims on
gender inequality. More information.
A post-award interview (in Spanish), La historia de Mara Uchu Inca en Mxico, which aired in
El Arriero on May 12, 2017, offers insight into the authors research journey. Interview.

Member Publications
This feature showcases the work of section members and serves to keep the community abreast of the latest
published research on field-related topics. For guidelines, see the final section of this newsletter.

Bentancor, Orlando. 2017. The Matter of Empire: Metaphysics and Mining in Colonial Peru.
Pittsburg: University of Pittsburg Press.

This book examines the philosophical principles invoked by apologists

of the Spanish empire that laid the foundations for the exploitation of
the Andean region between 1520 and 1640. Bentancor ties the
colonizers attempts to justify the abuses wrought on the environment
and the indigenous population to their larger ideology concerning
mining, science, and the empires rightful place in the global sphere.
This metaphysical framework is grounded in a close reading of
sixteenth-century debates on Spanish sovereignty in the Americas and
treatises on natural history and mining by theologians, humanists,
missionaries, mine owners, jurists, and colonial officials. Their
presuppositions were a major turning point for colonial expansion
and paved the way to global mercantilism. More information.

Colonia/Colnia 5:3
August 2017, p. 3
Bergmann, Emilie L. and Stacey Schlau, eds. 2017. The Routledge Research Companion to the
Works of Sor Juana Ins de la Cruz. New York: Routledge.

Intended for scholars and students, this comprehensive guide to

research offers analyses of the current state of Sor Juana
scholarship in twenty-two essays by distinguished sorjuanistas. The
essays address Sor Juanas major works and literary genres, as well
as their institutional contexts (political, ecclesiastical, and
intellectual), the history of their reception, and continuing academic
debates on biographical questions, the circumstances surrounding
the Respuesta, and diverse interpretations of other major works,
including Primero sueo, Neptuno alegrico, lyric poetry, and
secular and religious theater. The volume includes extensive
bibliography on each topic. More information.

Brian, Amber. 2017. Shifting identities: Mestizo Historiography and the Representation of the
Chichimecs. In To Be Indio in Colonial Spanish America, edited by Mnica Daz, 143-
166. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.

Daz, Mnica, ed. 2017. To Be Indio in Colonial Spanish America. Albuquerque: University of
New Mexico Press.

The conquest and colonization of the Americas imposed new social,

legal, and cultural categories upon vast and varied populations of
indigenous people. The colonizers intent was to homogenize these
cultures and make all of them Indian. Focusing on central
colonial New Spain and Peru, the volumes contributors deepen
scholarly knowledge of colonial history and literature, emphasizing
the different ways people became and lived their lives as indios.
While the construction of indigenous identities has been a theme of
considerable interest among Latin Americanists since the early
1990s, this book presents new archival research and interpretive
thinking, offering new material and a new approach to the subject.
More information.

Colonia/Colnia 5:3
August 2017, p. 4
Daz, Mnica and Roco Quispe-Agnoli, eds. 2017. Womens Negotiations and Textual Agency
in Latin America, 1500-1799. New York: Routledge.

Even though women have been historically underrepresented in

official histories and literary and artistic traditions, their voices and
writings can be found in abundance in the many archives of the world
where they remain to be uncovered. This volume seeks to recover
womens voices and actions while studying the mechanisms through
which they authorized themselves and participated in the creation of
texts and documents found in archives of colonial Latin America.
Organized according to three main themes, Censorship and the
Body, Female Authority and Legal Discourse, and Private Lives
and Public Opinions, the essays in this collection focus on womens
knowledge and the discursive traces of their daily concerns found in
various colonial genres. More information.

_______. 2017. Uncovering Womens Colonial Archives. In Womens Negotiations and

Textual Agency in Latin America, 1500-1799, edited by Mnica Daz and Roco Quispe-
Agnoli, 1-16. New York: Routledge.

Garca Loaeza, Pablo. 2017. Fernando de Alva Ixtlilxochitl: A New Native Identity, In To Be
Indio in Colonial Spanish America, edited by Mnica Daz, 243-265. Albuquerque:
University of New Mexico Press.

_______. 2017. Tetzcoco en la Conquista, De Catemahco a Tezcoco: origen y desarrollo de

una ciudad indgena, edited by Javier Eduardo Ramrez Lpez, 93-117. Texcoco:
Dicesis de Texcoco.

Gonzlez, Carolina. 2017. La esclavitud en los registros judiciales y en las leyes de libertad.
Chile, 1810-1823. In Amrica en Disporas. Esclavitudes y Migraciones Forzadas
(siglos XVI-XIX), edited by Jaime Valenzuela Mrquez, 113-129. Santiago: Pontificia
Universidad Catlica de Chile, Instituto de Historia, Red Columnaria, RIL Editores.

_______. 2016. Me es intolerable su sevicia. Dolor por crueldad y demandas por papel de venta
de esclavos negros y mulatos. Santiago, 1700-1800. In Sentimientos y Justicias.
Coordenadas emotivas en la factura de experiencias judiciales. Chile, 1650-1990, edited
by Mara Eugenia Albornoz Vsquez, 126-153. Santiago: Acto Editores.

_______. 2016. Afro-Descendant Slaves in the Legal System of Colonial Chile, 1770-1823. In
Slavery, Memory, Citizenship, edited by Paul E. Lovejoy and Vanessa S. Oliveira, 27-51.
Trenton: Africa World Press.
Colonia/Colnia 5:3
August 2017, p. 5
McDonough, Kelly S. 2017. Plotting Indigenous Stories, Land, and People: Primordial Titles
and Narrative Mapping in Colonial Mexico. Journal for Early Modern Cultural
Studies 17.1: 1-30.

Nemser, Daniel. 2017. Infrastructures of Race: Concentration and Biopolitics in Colonial

Mexico. Austin: University of Texas Press.

In colonial Mexico, the Spanish authorities governed in large part

through spatial concentration, gathering people and things in specific
ways, at specific points, and for specific purposes. This book traces
the rise of concentration as a technique of colonial governance. By
exploring four case studiescentralized towns, disciplinary
institutions, segregated neighborhoods, and general collectionsit
shows how concentration projects laid an enduring, material
groundwork or infrastructure that enabled processes of
racialization, or the production of new racial categories and
subjectivities. The production of race, it argues, was an effect of the
spatial politics of colonial rule. More information.

O Toole, Rachel. 2017. Mobilizing Muleteer Indigeneity in the Markets of Colonial Peru. In
To Be Indio in Colonial Spanish America, edited by Mnica Daz, 95-121. Albuquerque:
University of New Mexico Press.

_______. 2017. The Bonds of Kinship, the Ties of Freedom in Colonial Peru. Journal of
Family History 42(1): 3-21.

Post, Ben. 2016. Eusebio Velas Mexican Hagiographies: Self-fashioning in Eighteenth-century

Theater. Hispania 99 (4): 589-99.

Quispe-Agnoli, Roco. 2017. Sor Juanas Romances: Between Fame, Contemplation, and
Celebration. In Routledge Research Companion to the Works of Sor Juana Ins de la
Cruz, edited by Emilie Bergmann and Stacey Schlau. 152-163. New York: Routledge.

_______. 2017. The Indigenous Sacred as Evil Otherness in Early Colonial Andes. In To be
Indio in Colonial Spanish America, edited by Mnica Daz. 191-216. Albuquerque:
University of New Mexico Press.

Colonia/Colnia 5:3
August 2017, p. 6
Snchez-Godoy, Rubn. 2016. El peor de los remedios: Bartolom de Las Casas y la crtica
temprana a la esclavitud africana en el Atlntico Ibrico. Pittsburgh: Instituto
Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana / University of Pittsburgh.

Este libro ofrece un estudio genealgico de las opiniones que Las

Casas expresa sobre la esclavitud africana en las Indias.
Snchez-Godoy examina todo el corpus lascasiano, persiguiendo
en ste una compleja trayectoria vital y textual que va desde el
momento en el cual el clrigo Las Casas sugiere la introduccin
de esclavos como estrategia para aliviar los sufrimientos de la
poblacin indgena en el Caribe hasta el momento en el cual el
Obispo Las Casas expresa su arrepentimiento con respecto a esa
sugerencia y declara su profunda preocupacin con respecto a la
existencia de la esclavitud en las Indias. Ms informacin.

_______. 2017. Viaje terminado, viaje inevitable, viaje imposible: La superacin literaria del
viaje a Europa en Memorial de Aires de Machado de Assis. Perfrasis 8.15: 77-93.

Velzquez, Mara Elisa and Carolina Gonzlez, coords. 2016. Mujeres africanas y
afrodescendientes: experiencias de esclavitud y libertad en Amrica Latina y frica
(siglos XVI al XIX). Mxico: Instituto Nacional de Antropologa e Historia.

Las mujeres africanas y afrodescendientes fueron decisivas en la

formacin de las sociedades del mundo, particularmente durante la
Colonia. Sus experiencias y contribuciones en distintos continentes
y regiones han sido documentadas por varios estudios. Sin
embargo, sta es la primera vez que se ofrece en espaol una visin
de conjunto, comparando realidades de mujeres esclavizadas y
libres de origen africano en puertos ciudades o haciendas en
diversos pases de Amrica Latina y frica. Esta obra rene textos
de especialistas que atestiguan distintas vivencias de mujeres
negras, mulatas, morenas o pardas en Per, Mxico, Argentina,
Nigeria, Costa Rica, Brasil, Angola y Senegal. Ms informacin.

Colonia/Colnia 5:3
August 2017, p. 7
Graduate Student News
This feature highlights the work of the newest members of our field. For guidelines, see the final section of this

Sedeo-Guilln, Kevin R and Fabrcio Silva, eds. 2017. Descentrar la modernidad/Decentering
Modernity. Nomenclatura: aproximaciones a los estudios hispnicos: Vol. 5. Lexington,
KY: University of Kentucky, Department of Hispanic Studies, UKnowledge.
_______. 2017. Biblioteca fantasma, reconstruccin virtual y conocimientos coloniales:
transmutaciones de la biblioteca personal del ilustrado americano Manuel del Socorro
Rodrguez. Cuadernos de Ilustracin y Romanticismo 23: 31-55.
Successful Defense of Dissertation
Miguel A. Valerio (Spanish and Portuguese, The Ohio State University), Kings of the Kongo,
Slaves of the Virgin Mary: Black Religious Confraternities Performing Cultural Agency
in the Early Modern Iberian Atlantic (July 2017).
Javiera Jaque (Romance Languages and Literatures, Washington University in Saint Louis),
Misiones jesuitas en la Frontera de Arauco: resistencia mapuche, negociacin y
movilidad cultural en la periferia colonial (1593-1641) (April 2017).
New Employment Attained:
Miguel A. Valerio (Spanish and Portuguese, The Ohio State University), one-year postdoctoral
teaching fellowship in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures at
Washington University in St. Louis.
Javiera Jaque (Romance Languages and Literatures, Washington University in Saint Louis),
Assistant Professor of Spanish in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at Colorado
Papers Presented at Professional Conferences
Javiera Jaque (Romance Languages and Literatures, Washington University in Saint Louis),
Desplazamientos transandinos en el Chile del siglo XVII: rutas y misioneros caminantes
de la Compaa de Jess. Chile Transatlntico 2016, Santiago, August 16-19, 2016.
_______. Movement in Seventeenth Century Chile: Walkers, Routes, and Jesuit Missionaries.
Tepaske Seminar 2016 at the University of Kentucky, Lexington, April 8-9, 2016.
Grants and Fellowships Awarded
Kevin Sedeo-Guilln (Hispanic Studies, University of Kentucky), Dissertation Enhancement
Award, The Graduate School, University of Kentucky, in support of a research trip to
Quito, Ecuador (April 29-May 16, 2017).

Colonia/Colnia 5:3
August 2017, p. 8
Ximena Gmez (History of Art, University of Michigan), Twenty-Four-Month Chester Dale
Predoctoral Fellowship from the Center for the Advance Study in the Visual Arts at the
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. (2017-2019).

Other News

MAVCOR Giga Project

The Center for the Study of Material and Visual Cultures of

Religion at Yale University (MAVCOR) is pleased to announce the
launch of the MAVCOR Giga Project: 360 panoramic and high-
resolution giga-pixel photography in religious spaces. In March
2017 MAVCOR collaborated with Peruvian photographer Ral
Montero Quispe and the Society of Jesus in Cusco to photograph
within the six Jesuit churches in the Cuzco, Peru area. These
photographs, the first contributions to the Giga Project, are now
available for viewing at mavcor.yale.edu/material-objects/giga-

Inaugural meeting of En los Bordes del Archivo (ELBA)

The first meeting of En los Bordes del Archivo (ELBA):

Escrituras perifricas y efmeras en los virreinatos de Indias took
place in Madrid, July 5-7, 2017. The meeting was coordinated by
Esperanza Lpez Parada (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
and Judith Farr Vidal (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones
ELBA brings together a team of research fellows that meet at
annual seminar-workshops to discuss individual projects related
to writings of the periphery and lesser known documents that
remain invisible in archives of colonial Spanish America. It also
aims to examine the notion of archive in its broadest terms (as
repository of documents, knowledge, memory and its metaphors,
and tool for the archeological interpretation of knowledge in
colonial Latin America). The overall project has received funding
from Spains Ministerio de Economa, Industria y Competitividad
and will run until 2019. Several members of the LASA Colonial
Section participate in this project. More information.
Colonia/Colnia 5:3
August 2017, p. 9
Panels Sponsored by the Colonial Section at LASA 2018

The Colonial Section of LASA will sponsor the following guaranteed panels at the 2018
Congress, which will meet from May 23-26 in Barcelona Spain:
Colonial Mobilities
Scholars have driven home the idea that space/place is inherently always-in-motion and always-
transforming due to interactions among people, animals, plants, objects, built structures, etc. This
panel will focus on the intentionally broad concept of mobility/mobilities in colonial Latin
America. It will address such questions as, how did bodies, ideas, material objects or other goods
move in space and time? What were the results of such movements? What might be gained from
our focus on mobilities today? The panel organizer is Kelly McDonough (University of Texas at

Colonial Tongues
The famous phrase siempre la lengua fue compaera del imperio, included in the Gramtica
de la lengua castellana (1492) by Antonio de Nebrija, seems to anticipate the major role that
lengua and lenguas would play in the colonial world. Captives frequently acted as translators;
clerics produced grammars and vocabularies of Amerindian languages; and a variety of
alphabetic texts, from lyric poetry to legal claims, circulated in Amerindian and European
languages. This panel will include papers that address the idea and importance of lengua and
lenguas in early colonial literatures and histories. The panel organizer is Caroline Egan
(University of Cambridge).

The Colonial Religious Apparatus

Throughout the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, religion inevitably governed many colonial
discourses, primarily due to the otherness of the New World, its peoples, and their dissimilar
cultural and spiritual practices. Catholicism often served as an instrument of possession and
negotiation. Spanish and European writers recurrently utilized religious dialog as a means of
justification, colonization and even empathy, and while mestizo and indigenous writers
acclimated to the power of the written word, they found themselves using religious discourse as a
space of conciliation by the seventeenth century. This panel will focus on these issues and
include papers that highlight the strong presence of the religious apparatus in colonial works.
The panel organizer is Nathan Gordon (Brigham Young University).

Colonia/Colnia 5:3
August 2017, p. 10
Opportunities and Calls for Papers

Best Article in Colonial Latin American Studies by a Junior Scholar

The Colonial Section of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) is pleased to
announce its prize for Best Article in Colonial Latin American Studies by a Junior Scholar.
The Awards Committee of the Colonial Section of the Latin American Studies Association
invites members of LASA Colonial to compete for its prize for best published journal article
by a junior scholar written in English or Spanish in the field of colonial Latin American
studies. The Awards Committee is particularly interested in essays that explore new research
methodologies. The competition will only be open to doctoral students (ABD), assistant
professors, or associate professor (within five years of being promoted to this rank).
Submission Guidelines:
To be considered for the competition, authors must be current members of the Colonial
Section of LASA by the submission deadline. Current members of the Colonial Section
executive committee or jury members for this prize may not participate in this competition.
Only one entry per person will be accepted. The winner of the prize must be a doctoral
candidate (ABD) or hold the rank of assistant professor or associate professor at the time of
the awards ceremony (May 2018).
Articles published in a refereed journal between January 2015 and December 2017 will be
eligible for consideration.
Each email submission (one entry per person) must include:
1) A CV (2 pages max.)
2) A 500-word summary of their article (as a word.doc)
3) The published article (as a word.doc or PDF)
These documents must be emailed to the Chair of the Awards Committee, Professor Kelly
McDonough (kelly.mcdonough[at]utexas.edu), by 11:59 PM, January 15, 2018. This deadline
is final and non-negotiable.
A jury of three scholars of Colonial Latin American Studies from different disciplines will
select the winner. The recipient of this award will be notified by April 1, 2018 and will receive
five-hundred dollars and a certificate of recognition at the 2018 LASA Congress Colonial
Section Meeting, which will be held in Barcelona, Spain.

Colonia/Colnia 5:3
August 2017, p. 11
XI Jornadas de Historia Colonial, Santiago de Chile, 16-19 de octubre de 2018.

El Departamento de Historia y Ciencias Sociales y el Centro de Estudios Americanos de la

Facultad de Artes Liberales de la Universidad Adolfo Ibez convocan a acadmicos e
investigadores a participar en las XI Jornadas de Historia Colonial a realizarse en la ciudad de
Santiago, Chile, los das 16, 17, 18 y 19 de octubre de 2018. Las XI Jornadas de Historia
Colonial sern multidisciplinarias, pues a las lneas de investigacin histricas, se sumarn los
ejes temticos de historia del arte, literatura barroca, derecho indiano y filosofa del Siglo de Oro
espaol. Se invita a presentar propuestas de ponencias, conforme los ejes temticos que ha
definido la organizacin:
1- mbitos letrados, circulacin del saber y prcticas intelectuales (Coordina Felipe
2- Estudios Andinos (Coordina Soledad Gonzlez)
3- Justicias cotidianas y dinmicas de poder: jurisdicciones, sujetos, culturas (Coordinan
Aude Argouse y Mara Eugenia Albornoz)
4- Catstrofes coloniales consecuencias pasadas y presentes (Coordina Alfredo Palacios)
5- Esclavitudes y migraciones forzadas, siglos XVI-XIX (Coordinan Jaime Valenzuela y
Hugo Contreras)
6- Representaciones coloniales. Imgenes y visualidad en Amrica (Coordinan Fernando
Guzmn y Josefina Schenke)
7- Extranjeros, conflictos y relaciones imperiales, redes y circulaciones de forneos en la
Amrica Colonial (Coordina Ignacio Chuecas)
8- Religin y sociedad en Chile colonial: cambios y permanencias (Coordinan Rodrigo
Moreno y Cristin Leal)
9- La historia en los mrgenes sociales y geogrficos del Imperio Espaol. Espacios locales y
regionales (Coordinan Yssica Gonzlez y Fernando Venegas)
10- Religiosidades de indios en las Indias Occidentales. Negociaciones en el Orbe Colonial,
siglo XVII y XVIII (Coordinan Gerardo Lara y Enrquez Cruz)
11- Clasificar y catalogar Chile: objetos, artefactos, actores y libros en circulacin, siglos
XVI-XIX (Coordinan Olaya Sanfuentes y Rafael Gaune)
12- Mujeres, familia y vida cotidiana en la sociedad colonial, siglos XVI-XVIII (Coordinan
Mara Teresa Contreras y Macarena Snchez)
13- Dinmicas de poder en mbitos municipales: elites locales, agentes de gobierno y
prcticas polticas, (siglo XVI-comienzos del XIX) (Coordinan Ins Sanjurjo y Eugenia
14- Hacia la comprensin de nuevas dinmicas de pensamiento y escritura en el barroco
colonial (Coordinan Jorge Cid y Luz ngela Martnez)
Colonia/Colnia 5:3
August 2017, p. 12
15- Derecho Indiano (Coordina Arturo Ibez)
16- Comercio, finanzas, y economas locales en el mundo colonial, siglos XVI-XIX
(Coordina Francisco Betancourt Castillo)
La fecha lmite para el envo de resmenes de ponencias es el viernes 31 de agosto de 2017 al
correo: jhcolonial2018@uai.cl. El comit organizador comunicar las ponencias aceptadas el 23
de octubre de 2017. Ms informacin.

Journal of Colonial Latin American Studies

The Journal of Colonial Latin American Studies (JCLAS) is an open access interdisciplinary
peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research in the field of colonial Latin American
studies. It is the official scholarly publication of the Colonial Section of LASA. The journal is
currently hosted by West Virginia University and benefits from technical support from the
University of Minnesota.
JCLAS is an international endeavor that brings together a multidisciplinary network of scholars
from Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe, Canada, and the United States. It is open to all
scholarly approaches and theoretical perspectives in the humanities and the social sciences, and
welcomes articles, review-essays, book reviews, and research notes that reflect the changing
perspectives in the field of colonial Latin American studies.
The founding of JCLAS attests to the fact that, in the past few decades, scholarship in colonial
Latin American studies has expanded significantly. This field of study has been enriched by an
interdisciplinary orientation that has resulted in deeper understanding of cultural production in
Latin America during the colonial period, and of the complexities of colonialism in general.
Recent work in colonial Latin American studies has been characterized by the crossing of
disciplinary boundaries to better analyze a broadening of the range of topics, agents, products,
and events. Indigenous American authors and women writers of the colonial period, for instance,
are now being studied in innovative ways, but much remains to be done in this area. Among the
new objects of study are works pertaining to other discursive formations, such as legal texts,
scientific documents, material objects, and visual productions, which deserve more attention.
The aim of JCLAS is to promote excellence in research, to provide a platform for in-depth
analyses of colonial phenomena, and to break new ground by gathering and disseminating fresh
insights liable to suggest new directions for the field. We invite full length original articles (max.
9,000 words) and research notes (max. 4,000 words) in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and
French. The publication frequency is 2 issues per year.
All submitted manuscripts are subject to evaluation by the Editor, the Associate Editor, the
Editorial Board, and to blind peer review by two anonymous independent referees. Previously
published material and work under consideration elsewhere will not be considered. All
submissions should be sent directly to the editor at rmarrero[at]umn.edu.

Colonia/Colnia 5:3
August 2017, p. 13
American Society for Ethnohistory (ASE) LASA Colonial Section on Facebook (public page)
Asociacin Internacional de Literatura y Cultura LASA Colonial Section on Facebook (closed group)
Femenina Hispnica (AILCFH) LASA Colonial Website
Asociacin para el Fomento de los Estudios LASA Colonial Member List
Histricos en Centroamrica (AFEHC) Latin American Library at Tulane University
Association for Documentary Editing (ADE) Newberry Library Digital Resources
Association for Latin American Art (ALAA) Portal Europeo REDIAL CEISAL
Amrica Latina Portal Europeo Los Primeros Libros project
Blog IguAnalista Renaissance Society of America (RSA)
College Art Association (CAA) Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies
Colonial Latin America on the MLA Commons (RMCLAS)
Conference on Latin American History (CLAH) Sixteenth Century Society and Conference (SCSC)
Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and
(CLAG) Publishing (SHARP)
Guatemala Scholars Network, and weekly GSN Society for Latin American and Caribbean
newsletter Anthropology (SLACA)
Hispanic American Historical Review Online Society for Textual Scholarship (STS)Spanish
Community Paleography Digital Teaching and Learning Tool
Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana World Digital Library
Josiah, the John Carter Brown Library online catalog

About the Colonial Section of LASA and Colonia/Colnia

The Colonial Section of LASA is a forum where those who study the colonial period in Latin
America come together across disciplinary boundaries to share information and exchange ideas.
The section was formed in the fall of 2012 and currently has over 130 active members in the
United States and abroad. The 2017-2018 section officers are Pablo Garca Loaeza, West
Virginia University (chair); Kelly McDonough, University of Texas at Austin (vice-chair and
chair of awards committee); Nathan Gordon, Brigham Young University (council member and
secretary/treasurer); Caroline Egan, University of Cambridge (council member); and Mnica
Daz, University of Kentucky (council member). Caroline Egan, University of Cambridge, is the
sections communications manager. Nathan Gordon, Brigham Young University, coordinates our
use of social media.
Colonia/Colnia is the quarterly newsletter of the Colonial Section. The editorial staff consists of
Pablo Garca Loaeza, West Virginia University (editor); Roco Quispe-Agnoli, Michigan State
University (assistant editor); Claudia Berros, Michigan State University; Daniel E. Nourry
Burgos and Haley Schroer, University of Texas at Austin; and Mariana Velzquez, Columbia
University (graduate student assistant editors). Issues are published in February, May, August,
and November. Submissions are due by the 15th of the month prior to publication.
Members are encouraged to contribute any material that may be of relevance to scholars of the
colonial world. In particular, we invite submissions to the following sections:

Colonia/Colnia 5:3
August 2017, p. 14
Member Publications. Current members of the Colonial Section are encouraged to send
the full citations of material published within the previous calendar year (Chicago author-
date style preferred) to Mariana Velzquez, mv2447[at]columbia.edu. In the case of
books, authors may include a brief summary (100-words maximum), a link to further
information, and a cover image, to be included at the editors discretion and as space
Colonial Forum. This section is a space for the expression of ideas and opinions related
to our field in the form of letters to the editor. Materials should be sent to
Spotlight on the Archives highlights repositories with collections of interest to scholars
in our field. To suggest institutions to be profiled in future issues, please contact Roco
Quispe-Agnoli, quispeag[at]msu.edu.
Graduate Student News is a space for sharing information for and about PhD candidates
engaged in the study of colonial Latin America from within any discipline. Graduate
students are not required to be section members to participate. Material should be sent to
Claudia Berros, berriosc[at]msu.edu.
All of the abovementioned sections are included on an occasional basis, as determined by
member submissions and editorial discretion.
Listings or summaries of conference sessions should be submitted to Haley Schroer,
Calls for papers, awards and distinctions, and any other material should be sent to Pablo Garca
Loaeza, Pablo.Garcia[at]mail.wvu.edu.
Colonia/Colnia does not sell advertising or include general book announcements on behalf of
publishers. However, we are always happy to include in Member Publications listings for
books written, edited, or translated by section members.
Previous issues of Colonia/Colnia can be accessed on the Colonial Section website.

Colonia/Colnia 5:3
August 2017, p. 15

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