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Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) categorizes diabetes as xiao ke, sometimes

translated as '?nner wasting,' or '?asting thirst disease.' The common symptoms

include profuse eating, profuse drinking, profuse urination as well as obesity,
impotence, tingling numbness, sores and clear-eyed blindness.

Causes: Juvenile onset diabetes is considered an inherited condition and is

categorized as yuan qi deficiency. It usually begins with long-standing stomach
heat together with TCM Spleen deficiency. It can be caused by over-eating hot,
spicy, greasy, fatty, thick flavored foods or alcohol or by liver and stomach heat
causing an abnormal rise in appetite. Spleen deficiency can be caused by over-
eating too much sugar, sweets and carbohydrates, fatty foods, worry, insufficient
exercise, fatigue.

TCM Spleen deficiency results in obesity, fatigue initially as well as the

opposite, anorexia, emaciation, muscular atrophy as the disease progresses.

If internal heat continues, it eventually damages the yin fluids of the stomach,
lungs and gives rise to abnormal thirst.

TCM Spleen deficiency also gives rise to TCM Kidney yang and/or yin deficiency.
Kidney Yin and/or Yang deficiency is the cause of urinary problems as well as

Adult diabetics also exhibit signs of Liver Qi Stagnation with Qi and Blood
deficiency that can cause Blood stagnation.

Spleen deficiency can also be complicated by Damp Heat in the Lower Warmer (pelvic
area), causes sores, urinary problems, impotence, restless leg syndrome, and/or

TCM also categorizes diabetes according to the Triple Warmer location:

1. Upper Warmer diabetes involving the lungs and stomach

2. Middle Warmer diabetes involving Stomach heat and Stomach Yin deficiency.

3. Lower Warmer diabetes involving the TCM Kidneys.

A TCM practitioner must clinically evaluate each diabetic patient according to the
above symptomatic criteria and prescribe herbs accordingly.

TCM Treatment based on Pattern Discrimination


Lung and Stomach Heat Pattern

Symptoms: Thirst, dry mouth and tongue, frequent urination with excess amount

Tongue: red tongue on the tip and sides, possible yellow tongue fur

Pulse: forceful and rapid

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