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AP Gov Name ______________________

Practice FRQ: Democracy

The simple definition of Democracy is rule by the many. However, the complexities of governance, as well as the
large number citizens living in modern states, require representative systems that distribute political power to a
manageable number of leaders and institutions rather than relying solely on popular consent.

A. List three principle characteristics of a Democracy (1 point each, definition is not required to earn a point)

Popular sovereignty: people entrusted with the ultimate power over government
Limited Government: powers of government bound by institutional checks
Universal Suffrage: Free elections, right of all adults to vote
Majority rule, Minority rights: rule of law based on majority decisions, protection
Competing political parties: acceptance of oppositional and peripheral ideologies

B. Explain the Difference between direct democracy and representative democracy. (1 point each)

Direct or participatory democracygovernment in which all or most citizens participate directly

Representative democracya government in which leaders make decisions by winning a competitive struggle
for the popular vote.

C. Explain at least two reasons the Framers of the Constitution preferred representative democracy to direct
democracy. (1 point each must indicate how each would result from direct participation)

Government should mediate, not mirror, popular views

Elected officials should represent the people, not register majority sentiments
Believed most citizens did not have the time, interest, or information to make reasonable choices
Believed even the most informed could be manipulated by playing on fear and prejudices
Protection of civil rights and liberties should not be left to popular vote
Tempered sweeping changes in policy
Reduced the risk abuse of power by a tyrannical majority or self-serving office holders

D. Identify what is meant by majoritarian politics. Using two theories of elite influence, describe whether the
distribution of power in a representative government is truly democratic by contrast.

(1 point) Majoritarian politics elected officials are the delegates of the people, acting as the people

(2 points each must describe contrast with the above)

Class viewthe government is dominated by capitalists; reduces the political power of those with less access
to means of production
Power elite viewthe government is dominated by a few top leaders, most of whom are outside of
government; reduces the political power of those not represented by various industries and interest groups
with great influence. Concentrates political power with those in leadership positions.
Bureaucratic viewthe government is dominated by appointed officials; reduces the influence of the people
elected officials to control the policy making process, reduces the peoples ability to hold their government
Pluralist viewthe belief that competition among all affected interests shapes public policy; requires
active engagement and participation in political process, reduces the political influence of citizens not
affiliated with a particular advocacy group

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