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BasicLabel - Added OneZero as a Boolean display option
AB PCCC Drivers - implemented PD data table access
EthernetIPviaDHRIO - Added DHRIOChannel property
AnalogValueDisplay - Added KeypadPasscode property
BasicLabel - Was not updating the BackColor if the value=""
LinearMeterH - TargetValue band was working in reverse
LinearMeterH,V - Added CenterTargetValue Property. Uses tolerance*4 to calc min and
LinearMeterH,V - Allow 0 BorderWidth
LinearMeterV - Added same properties and fixed sizing issue with border
LinearMeterH,V - Improved transparency and backgound image
Gauge - Added region for corner clipping problem
AlphaKeyboard - was growing in size and causing problem on 800x600 resolution
Meter2 - Scaling was wrong when zero centered
MeterCompact, GageCompact - New controls
EthernetIPtoDHRIOforSLCMicroPLC5 - fixed to allow multiple DHRIO cards in same rack
RotationalPositionIndicator - changed to let work with transparent background and
EthernetIP Drivers- fixed a problem with SerialNumber overflow not allowing
StackLight - Added Events for light value changed

PCCC drivers - fixed problem with reading sub elements of Timers/Counter/Control
DF1 - fixed problem causing RSEmulate to not work on multiple pages
DF1 - AUTO baud find was not working for BCC
Keypad pop up was creating too many event handlers
DF1 driver - If a double 16 was broken into 2 receives a bad checksum was
PCCC - Extract data had a problem with a 82 character length string
PCCC - Re-implemented fragmented reading when request is longer than maximum packet
OmronDrivers - Fixed a problem when SynchronizingObject was nothing
MainForm - added code snippet to ensure all forms close properly
GroupPanel - Added BackColor3
MessageDisplayByBit - Added LogFile property
PilotLight - Added ValueToWrite property
OmronEthernetFINS - Fixed a problem that would no allow 2 HMIs to talk with same
MessageDisplayByBit - Limit the number of bits to 63 by limiting the
Added MainMenuButton - See the comment section in the code for its use
Omron Drivers - Added INIFileName property
OmronEthernetFINSCom - fixed a problem in Removing DLL Instance
BasicButton - Limit click to only left mouse button
AdvancedHMIcs project added to solution for those who prefer a C# base
OpcDaCom - Added PollRateOverride property
EthernetIPtoDHRIOforSLCMicro - New driver
MainMenuButton - New form change button for building Main Menu style applications
Fixed CalculationsAndConversions.StringToWords
Omron Drivers - Fixed a problem causing multiple Send Que threads
Omron Drivers - Some Writes were occuring twice
FINSEthernet Driver - added to fire ComError event
AlphaKeyboard - Improved with more options (contributed by Godra)
ScreenCleanButton - New Controls to blank screen for period of time
EthernetIPforCLXCom - fixed a problem when a lot of strings were used

Modbus - Fixed Function Code 22 (correctly this time)
Corrected spelling of KeypadAlphaNumeric property
AlphaKeypad - If cursor was at far left and BackSpace button clicked, would throw
EthernetIP drivers - added RoutePath property for bridging across a CLX (e.g.
1,1,2, )
EthernetIPforCLXCom - fixed problem with BOOL array subscriptions
KeyboardInput - New control to allow input from keyboard or Wedge scanners
PCCC Drivers - fixed problem with timers and counters that caused flicker in
BasicLabel - PLCAddressVisible was affecting PLCAddressHighlight
SerialDF1 - Added EnableLogging property
EthernetIP drivers - added BeginGetAttributeSingle CIP service
Pipe - Added cross fitting

Modbus - Was not updating the last element in a list of subscribed items
TwinCAT - Driver Improvement when using multiple drivers
Tank - Added a line to exit OnCreateControl if Parent Container did not exist
EthernetIPforCLXCom - fixed problem with writing to BOOL arrays
Keypad - Min/Max check always failed if these properties were changed
BasicLabel - Added ActivateKeypad for external triggering
Tank - Fixed problem when MinValue is not 0
EthernetIPforCLXCom - Added TimeOut property
Modbus - Fixed Function Code 22 Masked Bit Write
BasicLabel - Corrected spelling of KeypadAlphaNumeric

MessageDisplayByValue was not updating
Keypad - added PasswordChar property
FormChangeButton - Added PasswordChar property
SLCMicro drivers - Fixed a problem causing high CPU usage
Modbus - Better error reporting to controls (subscriptions)
ChartByArray - Was throwing exception on com errors

BasicLabel - Fixed problem with HighlightBackColor in design mode. Added HighLight
BasicButton - Fixed problem with HighlightColor and OriginalColor field
EthernetIPforMicro800 - set DisableMultiServiceRequest to True by default
All Controls - changed SubscribeToComDriver so changing ComComponent during run
time will work
TwinCATCom - Would not start communications
MessageDisplayByValue, MessageListByValue - ValueChanged Event, new value out in
Value property prior to firing event
Meter - Fixed number alignment
EthernetIPforSLCMicro - Added BeginGetDiagnosticStatus to allow retrieving
processor information

SelectorSwitch3Pos - fixed problem with position and ValueLeft/ValueRight
Renamed all instances Comm Component to ComComponent
Implemented a "truer" form a INI files with sections and parameters on all drivers
ModbusTCPCom - fixed a problem causing it to not accept an IPAddress

MessageDisplayByValue - fixed SpeakMessage
ComBridge - New componet
Added IniFileName and IniFileSection properties to drivers to allow multiple
settings in single file
MessageDisplayByValue - Forecolor can now be specified for each message

Omron - Was not reading data
MomentaryButton - Added MinHoldTime and MaxHoldTime Properties
Odometer - New Control
ChartBySampling - Added more options in check of XValueType for Time
ChartByArray - Scaling of values implemented
DataSubscriber - Removed SynchronizingObject
DataSubscriber - PLCAddressValue has scaling options

PLC5 - added bit writing, fixed floating point
MessageListByValue - added IniFileName property
Ethernet Drivers - Corrected a problem when using the default IP address
IsPLC5 property - made it hidden
GraphicIndicator - Fixed problem with font color (ForeColor)
ChartBySampling - Added ability to chart boolean values
DateTimeDisplay - Renamed and added DisplayFormat property
BarLevel - Added PLCAddressMinimum and PLCAddressMaximum, Minimum and Maximum
account for ValueScaleFactor
PLCAddressItem - Implemented Description and Name
BasicLabel - Was not showing prefix on boolean value
VerticalSlide - Corrected for ValueScaleFactor compensating of scale
DataSubscriber2 - Added function GetValueByName
Added new control SelectorSwitch3PosByValue

PLC5 - Reworked the PCCC based drivers to improve support for PLC5. Now supports
Floating and String in PLC5
DF1Com - renamed for more consistency, added PLC5 support
ChartBySampling - Modified for when XValueType is set for Time
EthernetIPforCLX - Fixed a problem that could potentially create too many threads
ChartByArray - Added PLCAdddressYAxisMax property
Modbus - Adapted drivers to newest driver model
ModbusRTU - Fixed so it would allow changing baud rate after connection
DataSubscribers - Changed BeginInit and EndInit to Public
EthernetIPforCLXCom - DataReceived would not fire if required more than 1 packet
(partial transfer)
MfgControl.AdvancedHMI.Drivers.Common.CalculationsAndConversions.WordsToString -
Added overload to handle array of strings
BasicLabel - Added a Return immediately after processing a Boolean
EthernetIPforCLX - Added an overload to make BeginReadMultiple easier to use

Thermometers - Support for new expansion pack
Fixed an issue with some controls when a control was added before a driver

DataSubscriber2 - Added ability to use array with NumberOfElements
EthernetIPforCLXCom - Fixed the INI file being used for an IPAddress

OmronFINSEthernet - SourceUnit based on IP address to fix problem with multiple
DF1Com- Fixed BCC and improved response time
Micro800 - Support for strings added
EthernetIPforCLX - fixed some issues with BOOL array subscriptions
TwinCATCom - Fixed an issue with susbsciption becoming duplicates
BasicButton - Made write asynchronous to avoid screen freezing on loss of com
PilotLight - Added Blink property
EthernetIPForCLX - Improved performance of GetTagList
BarLevel - When FillDirection was to left, the value did not show
EthernetSLCMicroCom - wasn't reporting com errors back to subscriptions
SubsctiptionHandler - Fixed where it could mistakenly allow duplicate subscriptions
OmronHostLinkCom - reworked based on latest driver model
Modbus - added MaxReadGroupSize property
IComComponent now precompiled to fix VS problem
Meter2 - Scale problems if zero centered
Modbus - added BCD capability by using B prefix (e.g. B40001)
Modbus - Support added for read 32 bit float of address 3xxxx (F30001)
EthernetIPForCLXCom - bit 31 (e.g. DintTag.31 would cause an error when using Read)
CheckBox - new control added
OmronHostLinkBaseCom - Allow SynchronizingObject as nothing for subscriptions
PLCAdrressItem - Added a description field
PLCComEventArgs - Change SequenceNumber to Int32 for CLS compliance only

EthernetIP - further optimizing to increase speed
BasicDataLogger2 - added support for ScaleFactor
EthernetIPforSLCMicro - IPAddress property now accepts INI file
EthernetIPforCLXCom - Fixed GetTagList and added reading Program scope tags
EthernetIPforCLXCom - If send a floating point to write to a LINT, it would fail
while converting
BasicDataLogger2/BasicDataLogger - Would not log on DataChange
DigitalPanelMeterBlue - added BackLightColor property
Modbus - Writes are syncronous to avoid SendQue full
OmronFins - Fixed a write to W0 in certain processors, was sending a bit number
AllenBradleySLCMicro - writing to bits can now accept True/False
Modbus - Improved response with Waithandle

FormChangeButton did not fire click event
BasicDataLogger2 - Added PauseLogging
EthernetIP (CIP) - Fixed a problem with the ForwardCloseRequest packet
MessageDisplayByBit - Added PLCElementBitWidth and PLCNumberOfElemts
MesssageDisplayByBit - fixed several problems
OmronFINS - fixed some problem with bit subscriptions
ChartByArray - Added RefreshAllPoints for an array with fixed number of points
MessageDisplayByBit - Added ValueBitMask property
ChartByxxx - Added YAxisMin and YAxisMax properties
GraphicIndicator - Added support for BackgroundImage
Modbus - Added support for U3xxx addresses (unsigned)
EthernetIPforSLC/Micro/PLC5 - Split the PLC5 driver into its own

EthernetIP - Was not Unregistering session on close
EthernetIPforCLXCom - Was adding to many items in a Multiple Service Request
EthernetIPforCLXCom - If write value does not have >=numberOfElements, it would
throw an exception
Micro800 - Disabled MultipleServiceRequest
Df1Com - Would not work across multiple forms
EthernetIPforCLXCom - Was not recovering after com loss
TwinCATCom - If a write is tried without a connection, it would throw an exception
TwinCATCom - If the PC ad 2 IP addresses, it could add the wrong one to the route
GraphicIndicator - Added SizeMode to allow turning off stretch
EthernetIPforSLCMicro - did not read more than 236 bytes

EthernetIPforCLXCom - Add ReadClock function and SetClock function
OmronEthenretFINSCom - Fixed a problem causing a long connection when using UDP

ChartBySampling - First version of new trending chart
EthernetIPforCLX - was sending subscription data twice
BasicDataLogger2 - more intuitive for multiple data points
Pipe - Implemented BackColor
CIP - Added GetAttributeList Service (part of GetClock)
BasicLabel - Change to Double before applying format to fix floating point round
EthernetIPforCLXCom - Fixed a problem causing an exception in DataLinkLayerComError

TwinCATCom - fixed a problem with reading array
DataSubscriber - would not match if case was different when coming back from driver
OpcDaCom - Ignore a disconnect exception that can occur
Modbus - If a Long and a Float were within 20 registers, it would always use the
type of the first
OmronFINS - A bit designation was sending 0xff on registers such as D0, this wads
changed to be 0x00
OpcDaCom - Read and BeginRead were reversed in functionality
ChartByArray - First version of this control that will chart values from an array
in the PLC
SLC/Micro - Addresses can bve specified like an array (e.g. N7[10])

EthernetIP - fixed a problem when writing after waiting so long. Caused by leftover
debug code

EthernetIP - set default connection size to 508
SLCMicro - fixed problem with reading Timers and Counters

EthernetIPforSLCMicro - Set ConnectionByteSize to 236
EthernetIP - Added CIPConnectionSize property to allow adjustment for older

EthernetIPforCLXCom - Refactoring to reduce CPU usage
EthernetIPforCLXCom - Added MultipleServiceRequest for performance increase
BasicLabel - Added KeypadShowCurrentValue property
BarLevel - prevent an exception on invalid value
Modbus - Fixed writing to unisgned (e.g. U40001)
DataSubscriber2 - Created to make multiple tag subscriptions more intuitive

SelectorSwitch3Pos - Fixed PLCAddressValueLeft and PLCAddressValueRight not working
OpcDaCom - Fixed problem with using topics with RSLinx OPC Server

MesssageListByValue, MessageListByBit - Added RemoveDuplicateMessages property
MessageDisplatByBit - Added INIFile property
AllenBradleySLCMicro - Fixed problem with reading arrays larger that 150
EthernetIP drivers - changes to increase speed (NOTE: Also increases CPU usage)
Modbus - Added "U4" address option for unsigned 16 bit integers

EthernetIPforSLCMicro - fixed a problem with grouping subscriptions
TwinCATCom - fixed problem with writing to array

TwinCATCom - made the Write function synchronous to avoid send que full
MessageByBit - Fixed a problem with the type converter
TwinCATCom - fixed a problem with reading data, Transport returned 1 too many
Modbus - Added SwapBytes property
EthernetIPforCLXCom - fix for allowing driver to be in a UserControl
EthernetIPforCLXCom - Tag writing will now wait for a response (synchronous) to
avoid SendQueFull
Df1Com - Fixed AUTO for baud rate

EthernetIPforCLXCom - Fixed writing to BOOL array
EthernetIPforCLXCom - Fixed accessing BOOL array element 31
EthernetIPforCLXCom - Fixed PROGRAM scope tag access

EthernetIPforCLXCom - Fixed subscribing to bits within INT/DINT/LINT
BasicIndicator - Added SelectColor3Changed event
Added MessageListByBit
TwinCATCom - Fixed problem with using ini files for IP address and AMD Nes ID
BasicLabel - Added ValueLeftPad properties

EthernetIPforSLCMicro - fixed a problem with writing strings
EthernetIP - Code cleanup in the transport layer, fixes to make app exit faster
EthernetIPforCLX - removed a line of debug code causing an exception
TwinCATCom - Changed AMSNetID to be based on IP Address if on PC without TwinCAT

EthernetIPforCLX - fixed a problem with reading large amount of data that requires
a partial transfer
SubscriptionHandler - Added check for the property to exist to avoid exception
TwinCATCom - changes to make easy conversion to TwinCAT.Ads.Client
Barlevel - fixed NumericFormat, fixed value running out of display when exceeding
PopKeypad - Added Location property to IKeyboard
ModbusRTUCom - Added CloseConnection

ModbusRTU - Added ConnectionEstablished
ModbusRTU - fixed problem with changing PortName after connection was established
TwinCATCom - More restructuring

Changed communication threds to background=true so the application properly exits
FormChangeButton - modified to use default form instanced My.forms...
General Fixes to allow to work on Linux under Mono
EthernetIP - Fixed problem causing a very long reconnection time
EthernetIPforPLCSLCMicroCom - reworked subscription to latest multithreaded model
EthernetIP - Increased timeout period from 300 to 500ms and reduced to no retries
OpcDaCom - Added OPCServerPath for use of Remote OPC Servers
BasicTrendChart - Implemented BackColor property
Annunciator - If clicked on, it would go off even though value was true
TwinCATCom - Continued restructuring

EthernetIPforCLXCom - Fixed a problem when using an array of UDTs
MessageListByValue - Fixed a TimeStampFormat problem
DataSubscriber - Can subscribe to multiple values by putting comma separated values
in PLCAddressValue
BasicDataLogger - Can now log multiple points similar to DataSubscriber
EthernetIPforCLXCom -Added DataReceived as default event
SoundPlayer - New component added
LinearMeters in expansion pack - Fixed NumericFormat not working
MessageListByValue - Added ability to show back colors

MessageListByValue - changed to default date format
EthernetIPforPLCSLCMicro - Fixed problem when changing IP Address
OpcDaCom - fixed a problem when using topics (RSLinx)
Added GroupPanel
Form - Created AdvancedHMIDrivers.Utilities.StopComsOnHidden
EthernetIPforCLXCom - A read of a bit designation was not returning True/False
EthernetIPforCLXCom - Change to allow subscriptions to work without a
Omron Drivers - Fixed problem with bit addressing, fixed problem cauing "Incorrect
String Format"
AnimatingPictureBox - Fixed the PLCAddress property naming
TwinCATCom - general bug fixes

EthernetIPforCLX - fixed a problem in CLXAddress with returning wrong element for
Bool array
Modbus - 16 bit values can be forced to use a particular function code by using an
address such as 16:0001

EthernetIPforCLX - fixed a bit level reading problem
Tank - removed the aspect lock ratio

CLX, Modbus, and TwinCAT drivers - fixed a problem causing high CPU load when
disabling subscriptions
CLX - fixed several fixes causing mis-coms
TwinCATCom - Fixed issues with reading strings and Bool

EthernetIPforPLCSlcMicro - Added IPAddressChanged event
Added back the Imported Namespaces to VisualBasic
AnimatedPictureBox - Fixed a problem with refreshing
EthernetIPforCLX - Fixed some issues causing timeouts

TwinCATCom - Continued reworking
Began code modifications for working on Mono for Linux and iOS
ModbusTCP - TransactionID is now combination of ObjectID and next number. Allows
easier distinction with Wireshark
EthernetIPforPLCSLC - Suspend subscriptions when changing IP address

EthernetIPforCLXCom - fixed problem with reading subelements
EthernetIPforCLXCom - Fixed a problem with ObjectIDs
OPCDaCom - fixed a problem with unsubscribing
SubscriptionHandler - Fixed a problem with changing a PLC Address
TwinCATCom - Being completely reworked to comply with new architecture, may still
have bugs in this version

Modbus Drivers- Changed to use Concurrent Collections for DLL
ModbusTCP - UnitID was not being put in the packet
EthernetIPforCLXCom - Fixed a problem with reading bool arrays above element 15
EthernetIPforCLXCom - CIP error code reporting added
EthernetIPforCLXCom - Fixed problem with arrays in UDTs

Modbus Drivers - Fixed a problem with synchronous reads
Modbus Drivers - Added function code 22 for writing bits in Holding Registers (Not
supported by many devices)
EthernetIPforPLCSLCMicroCom - Fixed problem with multiple instances connecting to
different PLCs

Modbus Drivers - fixed a problem when only subscribing to a bit within an integer
and not the integer
Modbus Drivers - Changes to ensure all threads stopped after closing app
Modbus Drivers - Fixed a race condition causing no data to return intermittently

Added SupressErrorDisplay to all controls
Implemented IDisposable in CIP
Modbus - ConnectionCount implemented so one instance can be disposed, but not kill
the DLL

Modbus drivers - consolidated code and refactored
Modbus drivers - implemented subscription read optimizing
Modbus TCP - fixed problem with multiple instances pointing to different devices
MessageDisplayByBit - Added BitChanged and ValueChanged event
MessageDisplayByValue - pass new and old value to ValueChangedEvent

Modbus - Fixed a problem with bit level addressing
ModbusRTU/TCP - Fixed Long and Floating problems
Modbus - fixed problems stopping it from shutting down properly

Reworked ModbusTCP
Modbus - added bit level addressing (e.g. 40001.0)

ModbusRTU - Fixed a problem with reading bits
EthernetIPForPLCSLCMicro - fixed problem when using multiple instances

Revamped ModbusTCP to current architecture
EthernetIPforCLX would start communications very slow if the form has a large
number of controls
Added BasicTrendChart
Added BasicDataLogger
Fixed StackLight problem created after 3.8 conversion
Fixed some exceptions being reported in the immediate window
EthernetIPforCLXCom - fixed some optimizing issues

ValueScaleOffset added to DigitalPanelMeter
Negative values not reading with ModbusRTU
Multiple consectutive Long Modbus values not reading correctly
EthernetIPForCLXCom updating subscriptions staggers across PollRateOverride to
eliminate com slugging

Send ModbusRTU errors to the first subscription
Controls would not convert a numeric value to a boolean, would return Invalid Value
EthernetIPForCLXCom problem fixed with multidimensional arrays

GraphicInidicator PLCAddress properties were named incorrectly
MessageDisplayByValue IniFile can now specifiy back color as 3rd parameter
EthernetIPForCLX - fixed a synchronous read of a single bit with a DINT
ModbusRTU would not write to Long values correctly
Added Omron HostLink(Serial for C200 series) and FINS(Ethernet/Serial for newer
controllers) drivers
Meter2 was not updating needle position

Restructured Solution to separate controls making C# project additions easier
Added floating point read/write over ModbusRTU by preceding address with an "F"
BasicLabel would not show suffix if ScaleFactor was changed from 1
BasicButton was not going back after Highlight if BackColor was black
NumericSevenSegment in expansion pack did not show decimal
Visual Controls with PLCAddress* property that use boolean values, can now all be
preceded with "NOT "
All controls adapted to new model to allow easy addition of PLCAddress* properties
to link properties to PLC
If the "DisableSubscriptions" is set to True, then on startup it will not attempt
to connect to PLC

Modified to EthernetIP driver for efficiency

DigitalPanelMeter - fixed the decimal position that was overlapping digits
DataSubscriber - Fixed a problem that may cause DataChanged to fire twice
EthernetIP drivers - Changed to avoid flooding the que if same packets requested
multiple times

EthernetIPforCLX - fixed a problem occurring when reading a tag for the first time
(caused by TransactionNumber)
DF1Com - Fixed some issues

Changes in DF1Com
ModbusRTU - implements 3.5 characters of silence between packets

ModbusRTU - fixed prolems with reading multiple bits
ModbusRTU - removed TreatDataAsHex property
ModbusRTU - Changed Subscription poll timer
ModbusRTU - Improvements to subscriptions to improve response
ModbusRTU - Improvements to recovery from comm loss

Fixed Cancel key action on AlphaNumeric keypad
Added BackgroundColor property to each message in a MessageDisplayByValue
EthernetIPforCLX - Fixed another problem when using subscription without
SynchronizingObject (line 1258)
ModbusRTU - fixed function code 6 (write single holding Register)

ModbusRTU - Fixed problem with writing outputs (function code 5)

Fixed problem with reading bits in ModbusRTU
TwinCATCom - TargetIPAddress and AMSNetID can use INI file as the property value

Added a timeout parameter for the GetTagList
Fixed FormChangeButton if same form as already open was used so it would not hide
EthernetIPforCLX - Setting bit 15 on an INT type caused a Math Overflow
EthernetIPforCLX - Fixed problem when using subscription without
BeveledButton (Expansion pack) - Added BackColorOn property
EthernetIPforCLX can use a *.ini filename in the IPAddress property

Fixed CRC problem with ModbusRTU driver
Added PLCAddressVisble to the FormChangeButton

Cancel Message speaking when a new message is triggered
Problem with writing to ACC and PRE on SLC driver (AllenBradleyPCCC.vb)
Added GetTagInformation to EthernetIPforCLXCom
Three position selector was showing incorrect when Value>2
Removed the Powerpacks reference and the Resizer
Fixed a problem in TwinCATCom that wouldnot allow the polling to occur
EthernetIPforSLCMicro was closing the connection when more than one form was used
with same driver

Fixed a problem with writing a 0 to SINT and writing a bit
Fixed a problem with the Gauge not setting Comm Component

Fixed problem with SINT and LINT data types in CLX driver
Fixed a problem with reading BOOL array in CLX driver
Added HydraulicCylinderAnalog
Fixed a problem with reading integers in ModbusTCPCom
Fixed problem with reading R6:0.POS
Fixed a problem with subscriptions to timer sub elements in an array in
Fixed a BOOL array problem if the first bit in a subscription was not DINT aligned
Fixed a sign issue with SINT in CLX driver
Fixed a problem with multi-level tags using array in multiple levels
Fixed Out of bounds problem in ModbusTCP
Updated the OPC driver and renamed to OpcDaCom
Added SuppressErrorDisplay property to BasicLabel
Resolved an issue with ValueChanged event with SelectorSwitch
Fixed problem with writing bits in a DINT tag (e.g. MyDintTag.0)

Fixed a problem with the LinearMeterVert in the Expansion pack
Changes made to DataSubscriber to attempt to fix Handle created errors
Fixed a problem with DisplayTime in MessageDisplayByBit
Fixed ModbusTCP driver
Added PilotLight3Color

Fixed some issues with writing to BOOL arrays
Fixed issue with BOOL array subscriptions
Fixed a problem causing high CPU usage
Fixed a problem in MessageDisplayByValue that caused TextChanged event to
continuously fire
Added Port property to EthernetIPforPLCSLCMicroCom
Added FillStyle property to BarLevel
Added KeypadWidth property to FormChangeButton

Resolved a warning from DF1 and simulation drivers

Fixed problem with reading in AllenBradleyPCCC.vb
Fixed a problem with MessageDisplayByBit

Fixed problem with reading in AllenBradleyPCCC.vb
Fixed a problem with the DataSubscriber
Actuall added the resizer component
Fixed problem with writing strings to SLC/micro

Added Resizer component
Removed Solution Folder causing problems with opening in VB Express
Fixed Problem with writing to bits within integers
Fixed problem with multiple drivers using different slot numbers

Changed ReadSynchronous to Read
Change ReadAsynchronous to BeginRead to comply with .NET patterns
Changed WriteData to Write
Removed Function BeginRead(ByVal startAddress As String) As Integer from

Changed PassCodeButton name to FormChangeButton

V3.50 - Major Revisions

Eliminated ScaleFactor properties in controls and replaced with ValueScaleFactor
Changed all PLCAddressVisibility property names to PLCAddressVisible
Added KeypadScaleFactor to BasicLabel and DigitalPanelMeter to allow entry to be at
a different scaling that value
Changed all PLCAddressEntry property names to PLCAddressKeypad to make it more
Major Change-Subscription callbacks now return a PLCCommEventArgs object instead of
an array strings
New names for EthernetIP (dropped one m), now EthernetIPforPLCSLCMicroCom and

New components
DataSubscriber - used to connect to a value and fire an event when data is received
PassCodeButton - used to open a form and prompt for a passcode before doing so

Fixed a problem in some of the meters that would cause flicker

BasicLabel now has a Value property to make it more consistant with other controls

Added IniFile to MessageDisplayByValue to read messages and values from file
File should be like this:
0,No Messages
1, Alarm1
2, Alarm2

Changed Events in controls to follow closer to .NET Best Practices

Added ValueChanged Events to controls
ConnectionEstablished and ConnectionClosed Events added to CLX driver
Fixes to OPCComm to work with Matrikon and Bosch

Replaced ReadAny with ReadSynchronous and ReadAsynchronous

Removed all referenced to AsynMode

Added ReadSynchronous to IComComponent and all drivers
ReadSynchronous should now be used in place of the following:

Now becomes:

Changed controls to use ReadAsynchrnous when Toggle output type set

BarLevel would split number on Right fill direction when bar got too small
EthernetIP issue when sync and subscriptions simultaneously

Fixed problem with reading large numbers of element in SLC/Micro

Fixed issue with reading large arrays in CLX driver
Attempting to address problem when mixing Synchronous and Asynchronous reads

Gauge now shows negative numbers on digital display.
Barlevel no longer hides value when bar is too small for text
Added TextSuffix property to Barlevel
Fixed SetRunMode and SetProgramMode for SLC and Micro
Fixed a display refresh issue with the Digital Panel meter when the ScaleFactor is
Transparency at corners of popup keypad is not fixed
Fixed Communication issues with PLC5

Fixed GetTagList function in ControlLogix driver
Fixed problem with connecting to EN2T on ControlLogix driver
Fixed problems with SLC driver

Based on .NET 4.0 framework
With .NET 4.0, A Chart is available under the data group of ToolBox
PilotLight can use different colors for on state and off state
Added KeypadMinValue and KeypadMaxValue to BasicLabel to limit value entry
Fixed problem with Modbus driver that would cause it to work for about 1 minute,
then give index error
Added CloseConnection to EthernetIPforPLCSLCMicro and EthernetIPforCLX
Reworked some socket data handling inside the Ethernet/IP driver
Changed EthernetIP drivers to eliminate First Chance Exceptions that would cause
slower reads
Fixed problem in EthernetIPforCLX driver with reading string arrays

Added SpeakMessage property to MessageDisplayByValue

Added ValueToWrite as OutputType option on BasicButton
TwinCAT driver is part of the package again

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