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Examining the didactic contract when

handheld technology is permitted in the
mathematics classroom. ZDM-International
Journal of Mathematics Education, 42, 683-695

Article in ZDM: the international journal on mathematics education November 2010

DOI: 10.1007/s11858-010-0271-8


10 59

3 authors:

Robyn Pierce Kaye Stacey

University of Melbourne University of Melbourne


Roger Wander
University of Melbourne


All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, Available from: Roger Wander
letting you access and read them immediately. Retrieved on: 02 August 2016
ZDM Mathematics Education (2010) 42:683695
DOI 10.1007/s11858-010-0271-8


Examining the didactic contract when handheld technology

is permitted in the mathematics classroom
Robyn Pierce Kaye Stacey Roger Wander

Accepted: 19 June 2010 / Published online: 25 July 2010

 FIZ Karlsruhe 2010

Abstract The use of mathematics analysis software Keywords Mathematics education  Technology 
(MAS) including handheld scientific and graphics calcu- Didactic contract  Computer algebra system 
lators offers a range of pedagogical opportunities. Its use Dynamic geometry
can support change in the didactic contract. MAS may
become an alternative source of authority in the classroom
empowering students to explore variation and regularity, 1 Introduction
manipulate simulations and link representations. Strategic
use may support students to direct their own learning and During the teaching careers of our more experienced
explore mathematics, equipping them to share their find- mathematics teachers, standard equipment for doing
ings with the teacher and the class with more confidence. mathematics has moved from books of tables (loga-
This paper offers a framework for examining the impact of rithms, anti-logarithms, sines, cosines, etc.) through simple
the use of MAS on the didactic contract. Lessons were calculators to mathematics analysis software (MAS).
observed in 12 grade 10 classes, with 12 different teachers Many studies have shown that having MAS holds promise
new to MAS. MAS technology was used with a variety of for enabling fundamental changes in classrooms. This
didactic contracts, mostly traditional. The framework drew paper proposes a structured approach to examining such
attention to many ways in which the teaching differed. changes.
Analysis of the didactic contract must consider both the MAS is software capable of performing the algorithmic
teaching of mathematics and of technology skills, because processes necessary to do routine mathematical procedures
these have different characteristics. In all classes, both from any branch of mathematics, including any or all of
teachers and students saw the teacher as having a respon- arithmetic calculations, symbolic manipulations, statistics,
sibility to teach technology skills. Students saw technology graph sketching and construction of geometric figures. In
skills as the main point of the lesson, but the teachers saw secondary school classrooms, MAS may now be available
the lesson as primarily teaching mathematicsone of the as computer software (e.g. spreadsheets, function graphers
mismatches which may need negotiation to adapt didactic and dynamic geometry packages) or handheld calculators
contracts to teaching with MAS. [e.g. four-function, scientific, graphic, computer algebra
systems (CASs), CAS plus geometry]. This software may
be used individually (usually as handheld calculators) or
with the whole class when projected to a large screen as an
integral shared part of the lesson. Already MAS is available
for ubiquitous handheld and mobile technologies including
mobile phones. Changes in the social dynamics in class-
rooms which use technology have been widely reported. In
R. Pierce (&)  K. Stacey  R. Wander
this paper, we examine the cognitive side of the classroom.
University of Melbourne, Level 7 Doug McDonell Bldg,
Melbourne, VIC 3010, Australia Based on the literature, this paper puts forward a frame-
e-mail: r.pierce@unimelb.edu.au work of questions for examining the didactic contract in a

684 R. Pierce et al.

classroom where MAS is available. This framework is then (i) the domainknowledge to be taught and learned; (ii)
trialled as a lens for analysing classroom data. the didactic status of this knowledge; (iii) the nature and
characteristics of the ongoing didactic situation; (iv) the
distribution of responsibility with respect to the knowledge
2 The didactic contract and MAS at stake, between the teacher and the students (p. 118).
The didactic contract will have a different character as
In this section, we review the use of the term didactic these dimensions vary. For (iv) and (ii) above, e.g., at one
contract in the literature then consider factors that may extreme, there are classrooms where students are expected
impact on the didactic contract, noting the links with socio- and expect to follow the teachers methods exactly whether
mathematical norms (Yackel and Cobb 1996) explained the knowledge is well-established or new, whilst in others
below. This is followed by a summary of pedagogical students are expected and expect to demonstrate initiative
opportunities afforded by MAS, including potential to with all their mathematical thinking.
support changes in the didactic contract if desired. The didactic contract between a teacher and class can be
studied at the macro, meso or micro time scale. The
2.1 What is the didactic contract? dominant nature and characteristics of the didactic situation
and the distribution of responsibilities may vary across
The didactic contract is a frame for analysing classroom these time scales. When examining the didactic contract at
interactions. The term didactic contract was introduced to the meso-level (e.g. a sequence of related lessons) or
mathematics education by Brousseau (1997) and is part of micro-level (an episode within a lesson), different facets of
his theory of didactical situations. In seeking to unpack the didactic contract may be in operation. For example, the
Brousseaus (1997) use of this term to an English speaking balance of responsibilities between participants in the
audience, Warfield (2006) explains that in a classroom classroom may change during the course of a lesson as
there is activities with different didactic aims are worked through
(Hersant and Perrin-Glorian 2005, p. 119). It is as if the
a complex set of relationships of obligations between
overall didactic contract, implicit as it is, has multiple
teacher and student. Sometimes explicitly, but more
clauses which operate under different circumstances in the
often implicitly, a determination is reached about
classroom, just as a legal contract has separate clauses
what each has the responsibility for managing. The
which come into operation in different circumstances.
resulting system of reciprocal obligations resembles a
Students may understand, e.g., that the teacher expects
contract. The part of that contract that is specific to
them to practise certain routines exactly as shown in one
the target mathematical knowledge is called the
instance, but to use initiative to invent their own solution
didactical contract. (p. 33)
strategies later in the lesson.
The didactic contract then is about reciprocal responsi-
bilities and expectations of the teacher and students with 2.2 MAS and the milieu
respect to mathematical knowledge. Trouche (2005) sug-
gests, e.g., that students expect the teacher to have taught The didactic contract is between the teacher and the stu-
them what they need to know and may be indignant if they dents. In the theory of didactic situations, other things in
come to a problem that they do not know how to tackle. the classroom (concrete materials, texts, white board,
The reason that they become indignant is that, from the mathematical problems posed, etc.) are part of the milieu.
students point of view, this teacher has not upheld his or The didactic contract includes understandings between the
her part of the didactic contract. Teachers who want their teacher and the students about how, when and why ele-
students to tackle non-routine problems or open investi- ments of the milieu will be used or not used in teaching and
gations must pay attention to constructing a non-traditional learning activities. MAS is a part of the milieu, but as this
contract with their students. Students also have responsi- section notes, it can play a very distinctive role. Laborde
bilities under a didactic contract. Teachers expect their and Perrin-Glorian (2005) write that the material or
students to take reasonable actions to learn from the les- intellectual reality, on which the student acts and which
sons. They can be justifiably annoyed if students do not may impinge on his/her actions and thought operations
carry out their part of this contract. Beyond such basic may be referred to as the milieu. The system of interac-
aspects, there are many possible nuances to the didactic tions between the students and the milieu is both a con-
contracts that are established between teachers and their sequence of and a source of knowledge. (p. 5) Because of
classes. its computational capability, interaction with MAS is most
Hersant and Perrin-Glorian (2005) distinguish four definitely both a consequence of and a source of knowl-
interdependent dimensions of a didactic contract. These are edge. MAS can, e.g., partially fulfil some of the roles of the

Examining the didactic contract 685

teacher, such as checking answers and providing prompts. mathematical norms do not coincide, much of this paper
For this reason, it has been suggested by many researchers could be cast in either framework.
that MAS technology, such as CASs, may not just be part An important difference between the didactic contract
of the milieu of the classroom but, in a sense, become and socio-mathematical norms is that the theory of didac-
another player in the communication interactions and the tical situations predicts that any didactic contract will
didactic contract of the class. For example, Hoyles, Noss necessarily and regularly break down because for learning
and Kent (2004) from their wide ranging experience of to occur the teacher cannot provide for the student all that
studying technology in classrooms view MAS as much the student is to learn, but can only provide situations from
more than a mathematical tool, being a genuine mediator of which it may be learned. These breakdowns are of great
social interaction that can shape the construction of the interest in the theory of didactical situations. It is the more
didactic contract and socio-mathematical norms. Drouhard permanent aspects of the didactic contract that are closer to
(1997) summarised observations such as these when he socio-mathematical norms.
proposed that the rather than the traditional teacher
knowledgestudent triangle, with MAS, analysis of 2.4 Pedagogical opportunities
classroom interactions should also include groups and the
MAS (in his case CAS). This paper explores these ideas. Since the first introduction of the four-function calculators
in schools, researchers have explored the new opportu-
2.3 Mathematics classroom norms nities MAS offers for teaching and learning (see, for
example (chronologically) Etlinger 1974; Stacey and
Readers of English language literature unfamiliar with the Stacey 1983; Heid 1988; Stacey 1997; Vincent 2003;
notion of didactic contract will find it as resonance with the Drijvers 2005) There have been many strands to this
construct of socio-mathematical norms (Yackel and Cobb research, related to (a) changes in what mathematics is,
1996). Patterns of expected and acceptable behaviour in can be, or should be taught, (b) changes in assessment
classes are part of the established culture of schools (the and (c) opportunities to enrich and strengthen the teaching
norms), perhaps modified by the special requirements of of mathematics. Pierce and Stacey (2010) have summa-
particular subjects. For example, it may be that if students rised this last strand, which they call the pedagogical
wish to ask a question they should raise their hands. At the opportunities of MAS, in what they call a pedagogical
same time, students expect that if they raise their hands, opportunities map (see Fig. 1). Functional opportunities
then the teacher will give them clarification or assistance. (i.e. MAS capabilities to execute algorithms quickly and
These behaviour patterns are part of what Yackel and Cobb correctly) underpin the ten types of pedagogical oppor-
(1996) refer to as social norms. They label patterns of tunities. Boxes in the lowest row of Fig. 1 (labelled the
expected behaviour that relate specifically to interaction tasks level) identify opportunities that operate through the
about mathematics in a classroom the socio-mathematical mathematical tasks that students encounter. The three top
norms. For example, a mathematics teacher may establish boxes note opportunities that relate to new views of the
the practice that when students answer a question they subject mathematics that can be stimulated by MAS:
should be prepared to justify their answer mathematically, opportunities to reassess subject goals and teaching
rather than simply giving an answer. This is a socio- methods. The middle row (the classroom level) relates
mathematical norm, and it can also be seen as part of the to two ways in which the interactions in the classroom
didactic contract operating in that class: both the teacher might change or be changed with MAS. The left-hand
and students share responsibility for explaining mathe- box identifies that using MAS can alter social interactions
matical thinking. The teacher of a class where students do in the classroom. For example, it is often observed that
justify their answers mathematically in a productive way students are increasingly sharing mathematical ideas,
will likely have also established a range of associated perhaps because they share screens or perhaps because
social and socio-mathematical norms. Some aspects of the they have more confidence to contribute to class discus-
acceptable behaviour in this regard are principally social sions (Pierce and Stacey 2001a). The right-hand box
(e.g. to show respect for the opinions of other students, and identifies changes that may occur in the didactic contract
patience when their ideas are difficult to understand), in a classroom using MAS. Broadly, this right-hand box
whilst others are principally mathematical (e.g. a mathe- references the cognitive rather than the affective side of
matical justification will not simply be an example or as interaction. Many teachers are seeking a more construc-
assertion but will probe more deeply). Although the con- tivist classroom with more active student learning, and
structs of didactic contract and socio-mathematical and they see new technology as one way of fostering this, and

686 R. Pierce et al.

Fig. 1 Pedagogical Pedagogic al map

opportunities afforded by
mathematical analysis software
(from Pierce and Stacey, 2010) mathematic s analys is s oftware

g oals & met hods)

(Re-as sessed
Subjec t
Exploit c ontr ast Re-balanc e Build
of ideal & emphasis on skills, metac ognition
mac hine c onc epts, and over view
mathematic s applic ations

per sonal aut hor it y)

(Impr ov ed d isp lay,
Classr oom
Change C hange
c lassr oom P E DA G O G IC A L c las s room
soc ial O P P O R T U NIT IE S
didac tic
dynamic s c ontrac t

ac c ess, ac c urac y )
(I mp r oved speed,
Sc affold
Use r eal Explor e Simulate Link
Task s

data r egular ity r eal r epr esentations
and situations
var iation

Pr imar y pur pose and str ength
Exec ute algor ithms quic kly
and ac c ur ately C HA NG E

are therefore seeking a different type of interaction about 1. What domain is to be studied?
mathematics. This paper is concerned with this right-hand a. What is the mathematical focus?
boxthe effects (potential and actual) of classroom use b. What is the technical focus?
c. What is the balance of importance between the mathematical and
of MAS on the didactic contract. technical learning goals?
In the next section, we review research related to the Didactic status of knowledge
2. What is the didactic status of the knowledge to be studied (in a given lesson)?
didactic contract and technology, in particular handheld
a. What is the didactic status of the mathematical knowledge?
technology. In the light of the literature and our research b. What is the didactic status of the technical knowledge?
experience, in Fig. 2, we propose a framework of questions Distribution of responsibility
3. Whose responsibility is it for learning to use the MAS?
for considering the clauses of a didactic contract which a. How do the teacher and student balance this responsibility?
may be specific to a MAS classroom. b. Is the teacher expected to have all the answers about MAS features, or
is there an expectation that students and teacher can learn together?
4. Are a range of alternative MAS operating strategies permitted for students?
5. Are a range of alternative MAS mathematical strategies permitted for students?
6. Whose responsibility is it for deciding whether to use MAS?
3 Framework for studying the didactic contract Nature and characteristics of the ongoing didactic situation
in MAS classrooms 7. Is MAS allowed, or encouraged, or tolerated or forbidden for simple functional
8. Is MAS allowed, or encouraged, or tolerated or forbidden for complex functional
We structure the investigation around the four dimensions use?
of Hersant and Perrin-Glorian (2005), described above. 9. Is MAS output allowed, or encouraged, or tolerated or forbidden for supporting
mathematical arguments?
Figure 2 shows a series of questions, organised around 10. For which of the following purposes is use of MAS output/displays expected:
these dimensions, which can be used to identify the char- a. Scaffolding pen-and-paper skills;
b. Using real data;
acteristics of the didactic contract in operation in class- c. Exploring regularity and variation;
rooms where MAS is available for teaching, learning or d. Simulating real situations;
simply doing mathematics. These questions are derived e. Linking representations;
f. Other?
from the issues raised in the literature that relate to
teaching with MAS and their use will be illustrated in the Fig. 2 Questions for considering the didactic contract in an MAS
lesson reports below. Of special interest are the changes to classroom

Examining the didactic contract 687

the didactic contract as technology is newly introduced and important (especially during a particular teaching episode)
establishing its place. or more generally where the balance lies. As well as
varying during lessons and between teaching assignments,
3.1 Domain and didactic status of knowledge it is well documented that this balance has changed over
time and has had different balance points for different
Working with MAS requires consideration of an extended levels of education (Pierce and Stacey, 2001b). Similarly,
domain of knowledge, going beyond mathematics to the didactic status of knowledge is likely to be different for
include technical knowledge and skills (Pierce and Stacey the two aspects. Indeed, manipulating this (so that, e.g.,
2004). At one extreme of a continuum (shown in Fig. 3 and new technical knowledge may be taught in the context of
indicated by the lower dashed arrow) is the knowledge and well-known mathematical knowledge) is a common strat-
skills to operate the technology without any regard to egy considered by teachers (see Berry, 1999).
mathematics (e.g. to adjust screen contrast). At the other
extreme, working with MAS requires mathematical 3.2 Distribution of responsibility
knowledge that is unchanged whether one works with MAS
or not (e.g. understanding key mathematical concepts). In There have been many discussions in the research literature
the middle, still spreading along a continuum (indicated by about the role of the teacher in the process of learning to
the upper dashed arrow) is what we call technical knowl- use technology and the process of learning mathematics
edge and skills, which mix machine and mathematical using technology. The distribution of responsibility for this
knowledge, e.g. to use appropriate menus and syntax to learning is at the heart of the didactic contract.
operate the software mathematically. This additional Whilst the teacher may take the responsibility for stu-
knowledge domain needs to be taken into account when dents learning to use the hardware and appropriate tech-
considering teachers and students responsibilities that nical skills, the process may be shared with students. Some
form part of the didactic contract. teachers expect that if their students are indeed digital
Given that there are two (related) domains of knowledge natives (Prenksy 2001; Bennett, Maton and Kervin 2008),
in mathematics lessons involving MAS, they need to be then they will have little or no difficulty working out how
considered separately and then together when examining to use a new technology. They may pay little attention in
the dimensions of the didactic contract related to the class to learning to use technology. In contrast, in a study
domain to be studied and to the didactic status of knowl- of UK students working with CAS, Monaghan (2004)
edge during a particular teaching episode. When consid- observed teachers moving quickly around the class
ering the domain of knowledge to be studied, part of the attending to technical and hardware problems. He inter-
didactic contract is constituted by whether each of the preted this as teachers concern to ensure that technical
parties (teacher and students) sees that mathematics goals difficulties did not prevent students attending to the
alone are important, or whether technology goals alone are mathematical task at hand. Monaghans teachers took

Fig. 3 The continuum of

knowledge and skills required
Pierce & Stacey, 2004)
Machine Mathematics
only Technical aspects only


Location Select
of keys exact
Use Derivative is
& menus or
parenthese rate of
Adjust approx change
screen Permissible
variable Command
names Select syntax
Change Number of
batteries graph factors of
window polynomial

688 R. Pierce et al.

responsibility for seeing that students acquired the new However, mathematical correctness or errors may not be
skills. obvious to the student if the mathematical knowledge
Trouche (2004) draws attention to the complexity of involved is new. Evidence of this is given in reports of the
both learning to operate the technology and learning to use use of MAS to support the learning of by-hand skills (see,
technology for doing and learning mathematics. Implicitly, e.g., Kieran and Damboise 2007). All of these factors need
he is calling for greater attention by teachers in his setting to be considered by the teacher when they decide to
to teaching students to use technology. He introduced the devolve responsibilities to students.
term instrumental orchestration to point out what he sees Another aspect of the distribution of responsibility in the
as the necessity of external steering [by the teacher] of didactic contract with respect to MAS lies in whether
students instrumental genesis. Guin and Trouche (2002) students are free to choose amongst mathematical methods
had raised the issue of maintaining classroom social norms, for problem solving, including to decide whether or not to
such as class discussion of results, when students are use MAS to solve a problem. Literature on this is discussed
working with advanced calculators. They introduced the in Sect. 3.4.
strategy of devolving responsibility to one student (the
sherpa student) to pilot the overhead-projected calculator. 3.3 The didactic contract can be changed
This student will sometimes be free to take initiative and at by the presence of MAS
other times be expected to merely follow the mathematics
described by the teacher but in each instance the sherpa Across the literature, it is clear that teachers reactions to the
student effectively becomes the technology demonstrator possibility of having MAS in their classrooms vary greatly.
for the class. In this way, the teacher guides the calculator Several analyses explain this by whether teachers welcome
work of the whole class by monitoring the work of the changes in the didactic contract or not. Some mathematics
sherpa student. The sherpa student occupies a special role teachers are concerned that use of MAS in the classroom will
in the didactic contract operating in the classroom: this disturb a well-established didactic contract whilst other
student takes on a special responsibility and both teacher mathematics teachers are pleased that this may open up new
and students have expectations regarding the sherpa stu- possibilities for the distribution of responsibility for knowl-
dents contribution to the development of knowledge in the edge. Norton, McRobbie and Cooper (2000) discuss sec-
class. ondary teachers reasons for not wanting or wanting to use
It is interesting to consider whether responsibility for computers in mathematics classes, and provide examples of
new technical knowledge is treated in the same way as new differences between teachers. From their case studies, we
mathematical knowledge. Hersant and Perrin-Glorian can read the negative example of Peter who makes it clear
suggest that the teacher can delegate responsibility to that he does not want his students to use computers. Peter
students with respect to new knowledge only in a didactic expects (and wants) to be the source of knowledge for his
situation whose milieu is endowed with a feedback students and he expects these students to spend most time on
potential (p. 119). A major challenge for lesson design in drill and practice. Mary in contrast is positive about the use
recent decades has been creating a milieu with feedback of technology. She does not expect her students to spend
potential, so that classrooms can move away from tradi- significant amounts of time on drill and practice but wants
tional exposition-example-exercises teaching and students them to use software to explore mathematics phenomena.
can build their own knowledge in a more active way. A Mary wants her students to take more responsibility for their
milieu including MAS has very high feedback potential, own learning and does not expect to be the sole source of
and so it should be possible for didactic contracts to be mathematical authority for her class.
operating where students take a higher level of responsi- Monaghan (2004), who for many years, conducted
bility for new knowledge when MAS is present. This could research on the use of CAS in secondary mathematics
occur for both mathematical and technical knowledge. In classes, commented that there is no standard form of tea-
some situations, it will be obvious to the user, teacher or cherstudent interactions in technology-based lessons. This
student that the result of a certain action made on the MAS suggests that there was no common didactic contract for
is correct or incorrect, e.g. a new page does or does not classes using this form of MAS and that the socio-mathe-
appear or the slider does or does not move by the desired matical norms may be different in different teachers
amount. On occasion, MAS also provides information on classrooms. Some teachers studied by Monaghan con-
how to correct errors. This is the feedback being provided sciously saw using technology as a means of changing their
by the MAS, which can help students take responsibility practice so that they spent less time on exposition. This
for learning technical skills. MAS can also provide feed- would indicate a change in the didactic contract, as well as
back on mathematical correctness and errors to assist stu- exploitation of the feedback potential of the MAS-enriched
dents to take more responsibility for their learning. milieu.

Examining the didactic contract 689

3.4 Characteristics of the didactic situation which formerly rested entirely with the teacher. Their
teacher was also pleased to see this developing
The way in which MAS is allowed, permitted, encouraged independence.
or forbidden to enter into the expectations of how mathe-
matics is done is a part of the didactic contract. For 3.5 MAS as a player in the didactic contract
example, having MAS may lead to changes in the accepted
ways of presenting and communicating mathematical There are some reports in the literature which describe or
meaning. Monaghan (2004) observed that technology is analyse the role that MAS takes in particular classrooms,
often not just a tool for doing the mathematics but a which often identify a unique place in the classroom
medium for expressing the mathematics. The record of interactions. For example, in an intensive study of a class
interactions with the technology together with each out- of undergraduate students, Pierce and Stacey (2001a)
come may be used as a basis for student reflection. Such a reported that the students included MAS in their discus-
strategy involves a change in the socio-mathematical sions as an available authority. Students were overheard
norms for the accepted basis for mathematical discussion. to say things such as: What does yours think? (p. 38).
Ruthven and Hennesey (2002) noted that many students Geiger (2009), who has closely observed secondary stu-
responded positively to simple changes like not having to dents working with CAS over the past decade, notes that
write everything down whilst they were working because MAS has a role in mediating both individual and collab-
the MAS provides a record (this change was also noted by orative learning. He elaborates a framework employing
Pierce and Stacey, 2001b). When students need to con- broad categories of student behaviour when using MAS
struct a record for communicating their mathematical and the anthropomorphic roles which they give it: For
working once a problem has been solved, the authority of example, some students feel in control of their technology
the MAS in the classroom is also involved. Ball and Stacey (Technology as Servant), whilst others feel that they are its
(2003) promoted a rubric that teachers might use as a basis victims (Technology as Master). Some students eventually
for negotiating with their students new socio-mathematical adopt technology as a Partner or even an integral Extension
norms for written mathematical solutions. This rubric of themselves.
assumes that outsourcing calculations to MAS, even
extensive sequences of calculations, is permissible and that
not all intermediate steps and results need to be recorded. 4 Using the framework to analyse lessons
Instead, they suggest it is sufficient for students to record
an overall path of the solution with reasons (e.g. I will In this section, we use the framework in Fig. 2 to analyse
differentiate the function, find where the derivatives are aspects of the didactic contracts operating in lessons using
equal to zero, and test these points to see if they are MAS. Meso and micro characteristics of the didactic
maxima.), the inputs that they key into the MAS (e.g. contract are inferred from the experimental data. Often
the function entered) and selected answers (e.g. the values these appear to be evidence of macro, long standing,
of the function at points where the derivative is zero). characteristics.
There are various other reports of changes to the The analysis of the various classroom studies noted
didactic contract as a result of the introduction of MAS to above suggests that the role assigned to the MAS will vary
the classroom. A key issue is how teachers deal with the from teacher to teacher, and that the relationship students
explosion of methods (Artigue, 2001) that occurs when develop with their handheld tool will reflect this, even as it
new mathematical power is added to the classroom. Ball varies from student to student. Because of shortage of
and Stacey (2006), e.g., report the case of Neil who was space, the lessons are not reported individually, but we
surprised, but pleased, to find that, when given choice, draw on them all to give good illustrations of the overall
many of his students did not reproduce the solution strat- findings.
egies he had demonstrated but chose other approaches
facilitated by their work with CAS. This represented a 4.1 Methodology and data collection
change in the didactic contract. Previously, Neil expected
students to use the mathematical methods he had demon- For this paper, we draw data from the 12 occasions on
strated, with a preference for pen-and-paper symbolic which a grade 10 quadratics lesson was taught. The MAS
work, rather than use of MAS. However, over a year, the was TI-Nspire(CAS): handheld for the students and with
notion of what constituted an approved solution had the teachers computer or handheld projected either using a
broadened. With the help of CAS, students took on view screen, interactive whiteboard or data projector. All
responsibility for finding effective solution strategies, 12 teachers were new to using TI-Nspire beyond its

690 R. Pierce et al.

graphics calculator capabilities. They represent a middle 5 Results and discussion

group of adopters (neither early nor late) and not all were
enthusiastic about the use of MAS for teaching mathe- Much of the didactic contract is implicit and so we are
matics. The schools goals for the research were to produce making inferences about apparent components of the
quality lesson plans that became part of their lesson bank didactic contract from the observations. It was apparent in
and to gain a better understanding of how to teach with all classes that there was a shared understanding between
technology. The lesson was designed, taught, analysed and the teachers and the students that their task for the lesson
refined through a modified form of lesson study. Lesson was to follow the lesson documents closely in order to
study has a long history in Japan (see, e.g., Isoda, Stephens, help the researchers from the university. Given this
Ohara and Miyakawa, 2007) and in recent years has been intention, the variations in the lesson delivery and in the
used to support professional development in many coun- revealed aspects of the didactic contracts in the 12 classes
tries. In our study, the authors (as researchers) planned a were especially interesting.
lesson with input and advice from teachers at the schools.
They identified the need for a lesson at the culmination of a 5.1 Domain and didactic status of knowledge
unit of work on quadratic functions to consolidate concepts
through application and linking representations (Fig. 1, Hersant and Perrin-Glorian (2005) identify the importance
Task level). of the domain and the didactical status of the knowledge as
For studying the pedagogical opportunity of linking a context that influences the didactic contract in operation
representations, the lesson, Marinas Fish Shop investi- on any one occasion. In Marinas Fish Shop, the math-
gates the relationship between an area and a variable length, ematical focus was the knowledge of quadratic functions
in a simple real world context (Fig. 4). The relationship is encountered during the preceding unit of work. The aim
quadratic and it is explored using geometric, graphic, was to consolidate and apply this knowledge, using geo-
numeric and symbolic representations. This Australian metric, graphic, numeric and symbolic representations,
lesson (described in detail by Wander and Pierce, 2009) supported by TI-Nspire(CAS). Thus, the key part of the
was inspired by La fonction de lenseigne - Lenseigne knowledge domain for this lesson consisted of knowledge
lumineuse developed collaboratively by French teachers and skills from the middle section of the continuum shown
and researchers (Aldon, 2009), although it is considerably in Fig. 3, where knowledge of the software interacts with
modified. The lesson plan in its final version is available knowledge of mathematics. Mathematical knowledge from
from http://extranet.edfac.unimelb.edu.au/DSME/RITE most areas of the Grade 10 work on quadratic functions
MATHS/. would be called upon in solving the problem.
Teachers taught the lesson, observed by the researchers The didactic status of the mathematical knowledge was
and by those of their fellow teachers who were available at mixed; some was old knowledge that might be seen as the
the time. After the lessons, teachers and researchers met for responsibility of the student (e.g. the use of Cartesian axes),
retrospective analysis of the lessons which fed into a cycle whilst other parts (especially related to quadratic functions)
of refining the lesson plan and further trials. Researchers were recently introduced or recently institutionalised, but
made observation notes and all lessons were digitally not fully consolidated. Similarly, the didactic status of the
recorded. A brief survey was administered after each lesson required technology knowledge varied. Students had basic
to all participants, i.e. students, teachers and researchers. In knowledge of the hardware. In general, the dynamic geo-
addition to the focus group, brief interviews were con- metric and symbolic use of their handheld device was new
ducted with teachers. Analysis of the data from observation to them as was creating a scatter-plot using data capture.
notes, lesson transcripts and video recordings was based However, their knowledge of the required function graph-
around the framework questions in Fig. 2. Responses to the ing and numeric modes was reasonably established.
first three, open survey questions were read several times Operational knowledge, such as finding a document or
then classified according to the emerging themes. The changing pages, was familiar but not yet automated for
results are discussed below. all students.

Fig. 4 Problem context for

quadratics lesson: the fish shop
and various possible signs

Examining the didactic contract 691

With respect to the didactic contract and the domain of new for these students. From the students perspective this
knowledge, we found that the perceptions of the teachers second domain was of prime importance. This difference in
and the students as to the underlying purpose of the lesson participants understanding of what the lesson is mostly
differed. This was shown most explicitly by analysis of the about underlines the reason for the questions in the
surveys given after each lesson. Data are reported from the Domain section of Fig. 2.
six classes where a majority of students returned permis- We saw examples where mismatch of student and tea-
sion forms required by our ethics committee. cher expectations appeared to result in breaks in didactic
The results are summarised in Table 1. The first item contracts, with likely consequences for learning. In several
asked what the respondent thought was the key point of the of the classes observed, students frequently diverted the
lesson. Variation is to be expected to an open question, teachers attention away from the mathematical discussion
after a complex lesson with many components. However, to attend to technical and hardware aspects of their hand-
the students generally saw that the main purpose was to held calculators. In these cases, it was hard for the teacher
learn new TI-Nspire(CAS) skills (71%), whilst five of the to give the mathematics adequate attention, since every
six teachers viewed the main purpose to be linked to student was keen that the display on their handheld exactly
mathematics (83%). This major difference in perceptions matched the teachers. This was often not necessary for the
can be expected to impact on both teachers and students mathematical discussion.
expectations during this class. Question 2 shows a similar The mismatch of student and teacher expectations may
pattern. Many of the students (46%) but none of the have itself arisen from a break that students themselves
teachers gave an answer related to technology when asked perceived in the normal didactic contract. In the students
to identify new mathematical ideas. prior experience, handheld calculators had normally been
The responses to Question 3 show that both students and used to check answers, to draw a graph and perhaps find a
teachers recognised that there were new technology point of intersection or to carry out harder/longer calcula-
(hardware and technical) skills to learn during the lesson. tions (all functional purposes). The intention to use the
The teachers emphasis on mathematics in Question 1 is handheld device as a pedagogical tool appears not to be
not because they thought that the students had mastered the fully realised by students.
technology skills, but it reveals how they see their role in
the didactic contract. From the teachers perspective, as 5.2 Distribution of responsibility
they observed or taught the lesson, the primary knowledge
domain was the mathematics: an exploration of a problem Next, we consider the distribution of responsibilities in the
using quadratic functions. For the second knowledge classroom. Based on Hersant and Perrin-Glorian (2005),
domain, learning to use TI-Nspire(CAS) for mathematics, we were not surprised to observe that the sections of the
teachers recognised that many of the technology skills were lesson requiring new technology skills would be carefully

Table 1 Grouped responses to open survey questions after Marinas Fish Shop lesson
Learn to use Use TI-Nspire Mathematical Other (%)
TI-Nspire (%) for mathematics (%) concepts (%)

Question 1: What did you think was the key point of the lesson?
Students (n = 84) 71 19 5 5
Teachers (n = 6) 17 0 83 0

Linking Using technology Nothing new Other

representations for mathematics

Question 2: What new mathematical ideas do you think students learnt during the lesson?
Students (n = 83) 8 46 20 25
Teachers (n = 6) 33 0 50 17

Data capture Movable Quadratics; Combination

or regression diagram graph techniques or other

Question 3: What new use of TI-Nspire do you think students learnt during this lesson?
Students (n = 77) 25 8 29 39
Teachers (n = 6) 33 0 0 67

692 R. Pierce et al.

directed by the teacher in most classes. Even though the way to do it or Ive seen several methods around the
necessary steps were included in the student worksheet, class lets look at the most common.
each teacher clearly expected to take some responsibility In summary, it appears that the distribution of respon-
for showing students how to use these facilities on their TI- sibility for learning to use technology is likely to follow the
Nspire(CAS) and many students reciprocally expected the already established didactic contract with respect to the
teacher to do this, often directly asking the teacher to show teachers willingness to engage with student suggestions
them. and permit independent methods.
Across the 12 classes, there was considerable variety in
degree of responsibility taken by and given to students for 5.3 Nature and characteristics of the ongoing didactic
learning to use technology. In some classes, we saw evi- situation
dence of previously established didactic contracts when
most students waited for their teacher to remind them or Even though the teachers were all working from the same
show them which button to push and which menus to use, lesson documents, we observed considerable variety in the
so that these actions were nearly done in unison. At the clauses of the didactic contract pertaining to the role of
other extreme, in some classes, we observed students going MAS for doing and exploring the mathematics. In nearly
ahead with the worksheet, and working ahead with TI- all classes, students were allowed or encouraged to use
Nspire(CAS) with the teachers unspoken approval. In their TI-Nspire(CAS) for checking or for exploring and for
these classes, it was common to see students show inde- drawing graphs, although use of symbolic algebra (a major
pendence in operating TI-Nspire(CAS) and checking with a focus for these students) was more restricted.
friend instead of the teacher. Different divisions of All but one of the teachers used MAS to start the lesson,
responsibility for learning to use technology already as written in the lesson plan. The prepared TI-Nspire(CAS)
seemed established in many classes. files began with a carefully constructed dynamic diagram
We looked for a correlation between the learning of of the shops fish-sign, where the area of the fish-sign could
mathematics and the learning of technology skills in the be seen to vary as students used a slider to vary the
degree of responsibility for independent learning given to dimensions of the fish. This diagram was given in two
students and also in the teachers openness to individual versions; first without measurements to draw students
students ideas. It appeared across the sample that they are attention to the general behaviour of the area as the length
often related. Some teachers lead their students step by step changed, and then with measurements of length and area to
through both the mathematics and technology use, showing check their conjectures. However, when students were
students what to do and expecting them to copy the button asked to calculate the area of the fish-sign first for
pressing. It was common to see these same teachers lead numerical cases and then for the general case using alge-
very carefully guided mathematical exposition that dem- bra, approval to use technology varied: you may use TI-
onstrated approved methods. Nspire(CAS) if you wish, you may use TI-Nspire(CAS)
Several other teachers gave moderate guidance for the if you NEED to, you shouldnt need to use TI-Nspir-
mathematics and expected students to be able to operate e(CAS) for this but. Technology use for arithmetic was
their TI-Nspire(CAS) handheld with little teacher inter- approved but not encouraged for the required expansion of
vention. These teachers were not surprised when students binomial expressions and collection of terms. However, all
suggested alternative MAS actions and were happy to teachers approved of using MAS for plotting many points,
demonstrate the actions suggested to the whole class. There and all teachers accepted a curve fitted to the data as a
is perhaps an expectation here that students will make source of information showing that the function had a
alternative suggestions about technology methods, but not minimum point.
about mathematical methods. One teacher did not use the dynamic diagram, but only
One teacher especially positively encouraged alternative drew students attention to the static images of the fish-sign
student initiated technology strategies with remarks such as on paper as in Fig. 4. He commented after the lesson that
I dont do it that way but well try it and then going technology was not needed in that section of the lesson,
ahead to display the steps for the whole class. This teacher believing that students should be able to visualise the
also had the most open approach to students mathematics. changes. Perhaps not surprisingly this teacher told his
For example, when the teacher overheard one student students quite firmly that they should not need to use TI-
telling another the half base by height formula for the Nspire(CAS) to help with their area calculations.
area of a triangle, he commented that using that formula Other teachers encouraged students to use MAS to
was just one way to find the area. During the lesson, he support their thinking. One teacher used the dynamic dia-
often acknowledged and encouraged alternative mathe- gram at the beginning of the lesson to stimulate the stu-
matical strategies by saying things such as yes thats one dents thinking about the problem. He insisted that they

Examining the didactic contract 693

make and write down conjectures regarding the problem mathematics. Teaching students to use MAS became an
and at that time he did not suggest a correct view, instead additional, although subsidiary, goal of the lesson. Both
leaving their conjectures open to motivate the subsequent teachers and students accepted that the domain of knowl-
investigations. This teacher expected students to take edge in the classroom should now include teaching stu-
responsibility for the mathematics needed for the problem dents how to use technology. Whereas the students saw this
(possible because it was the end of the unit of work) and as the key point of the lesson, for the teachers, the main
encouraged them to use the TI-Nspire(CAS) to support and point remained to teach mathematics, although now assis-
check their work rather than asking him. He provided ted by technology. There is a break in the contract here
guidance but did not institutionalise solutions for every between the expectations of teachers and students. As
problem. In the didactic contract in this class, students were handheld technology becomes even more ubiquitous and
given and accepted responsibility for mathematical think- migrates to devices (such as phones, or internet access
ing and for checking their work with the help of MAS. devices) more intimately connected to the student, it will
be interesting to see where responsibility for teaching
students the technical skills needed to use MAS settles. It
6 Implications and conclusion may be interesting for future studies to track this evolution.
Distinguishing the clauses of the didactic contract rela-
This paper began by discussing the notion of a didactic ted to teaching mathematics from those related to teaching
contract with a focus on the elements of the didactic con- technology seems important and is a feature of the
tract relevant to teaching with MAS. Many pedagogical framework in Fig. 2. In general, there seemed to be a
opportunities are offered by the introduction of MAS to relationship between aspects of the didactic contract such
classrooms, including at the classroom level of Fig. 1. as expectation of independence or alternatively working
Just as MAS offers an opportunity to make positive lock-step as a class across both the teaching of technology
changes to the patterns of social interaction in classrooms, skills and of mathematical skills. Although there was
so too MAS may offer teachers the possibility of making considerable variation shown, teachers generally expected
positive changes in the didactic contract operating in a and accepted alternative strategies for using MAS but did
classroom. In concert with the pedagogical opportunities not expect alternative mathematics strategies. Although
offered at the task level (see Fig. 1), which can assist they offered approved MAS strategies, most were willing
students with exploration and looking at mathematical to allow alternative methods. On the other hand, most
ideas in different ways through multiple representations, teachers clearly institutionalised mathematical strategies,
teachers see opportunities for having students (1) work and did not expect students to make their own contribu-
more independently, (2) take more responsibility for their tions. This may be one aspect of the didactic contract
learning and for exploring mathematical ideas, and (3) for where MAS may encourage an opening up of mathematical
them to devise, within limits, solution methods of their own thinking.
creation. In our study, most teachers expected to use MAS At this early stage of learning to use the TI-Nspire
to support (1) but few were confident that students, even (CAS), both teachers and students seemed to regard it
with MAS, would achieve (2) and (3). principally for doing rather than exploring mathematics.
The paper presented a framework of questions for This may change as they build confidence and skills and
studying the didactic contract in relation to MAS. This develop strategies for using simulations and symbolic
structure framed our snapshot in time of the didactic algebra. In our schools, the specialised handheld technol-
contracts operating in 12 classrooms with mid-adopters ogy for doing mathematics is currently purchased by all
early in their experience of teaching with handheld MAS. students or in class sets with everyone having the same
The lesson was, for many, an early experience of teaching brand, model and operating system. The teacher strongly
with MAS other than to find answers quickly or to draw feels the responsibility to teach students to use it. The
graphs. Several general points emerged from this exami- analysis of the didactic contract above is firmly grounded
nation, in addition to the details presented in the paper. in this current experience of handhelds. We foresee several
Certainly, we saw a variety of didactic contracts in oper- developments in handheld technology that may impact on
ation, a few of which had many of the features advocated the didactic contracts in future classrooms. There has been
as desirable in the literature. Other teachers may develop some convergence of syntax and menu structures and
an interest to change in this way later as they have more facilities such as dragging, so that the current assumption
experience with MAS, as happened with the teacher Neil, by teachers that these are specific skills that need to be
reported by Ball and Stacey (2006). Instead, for the taught may soon not match reality. Indeed, if MAS is
moment, most teachers appeared interested in using MAS installed on a device such as a smart phone, students will
because they saw it as a newly approved way of doing already know how to zoom to resize, move between pages,

694 R. Pierce et al.

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ments and helpful comments from the anonymous reviewers. Isoda, M., Stephens, M., Ohara, Y., & Miyakawa, T. (Eds.). (2007).
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