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At first, there was nothing...

See nothing, smell nothing, taste nothing, hear nothing...

Feel nothing...

But then...
Slowly, ever so slowly, the feeling of warmth crept up from the distant toes that I had long since
forgotten. The soothing, pleasant feeling of warmth flowed through my cold veins. It felt like I was
high on ecstasy, it was the best feeling I could ever remember feeling. The soft glow of healing
surged through aching muscles that had, for far too long, been frozen.

Once the warmth had spread through every corner of my legs and torso, it advanced on to my head.
Each sense activated in turn, each brought new experiences and pleasures. It began with my nose
and I took in the glorious smells that I most loved; chocolate and daffodils. And for what could have
been seconds but felt like weeks theses two things were my life, my surroundings and my room.

Next the power that was awakening me moved to my ears and for the first time that I could
remember I heard what was going on. I heard voices of people who seemed to have invaded my
alcove of thought, my place of solitude and my room. The voices sounded harsh and alien, but were
accompanied by soft, gentle music that made the voices blend into one soothing tune.

Soon after my tongue found its existence and I made sounds similar to those of the harsh language
but still unrecognisable as words. The sound of my own making seemed to flow through my world of
chocolate and daffodils, and gave it shape and form. Though I could still see nothing the sounds
formed an echo of a bed under me and another echo of a table next to me upon which the chocolate
and daffodils sat.

The smells then widened to include that of sweat and blood coming from beds which had formed
near by. The harsh alien words soon changed and became soft and sweet, like the music, but still
remained other worldly. Then the sour, bitter taste of lemons appeared in my mouth and the space
of daffodils, the dwelling of chocolate and the room of aliens blurred and changed and once again it
reformed. It was different; this time it made memories of my childhood, my wedding, my family and
of my accident. Each memory a flash and became by being, my soul and my room.

Soon, my environment became a fairground with bright colours and joyful sounds swirling around
me creating a tunnel which would lead me to my fate. I tried to push the image from my mind, but it
only sped up. The rollercoaster before me became a snake of evil, jet black with red glowing eyes,
and the whirling shapes and sounds became laughing faces mixed with the image of my near death
yet to be. But my damned legs that propelled me forward could not be stopped and they marched
me towards my inevitable demise.

Then from the swirling-ness came a small girl, who called me,
She filled my room of torment with nice happy things like the chocolates and the daffodils which
replaced the laughing faces and made my journey to the snake on the track seem happy and nice.
The twisting, spiralling, churning tunnel became colours of florescent green and yellow and then
became blue and purple, before finishing on pink and red. The nice things from the bedside now
floated along behind me like a pair of obedient dogs, and when I turned to watch then they seemed
to smile at me even though they had not obviously moved to do so.

As my journey towards the snake neared completion, it once more became the coaster it once was,
yet still maintaining some sense of evil intent.

And yet, there my memory faded, once more it became the room with the bed. Still not seen, as my
eyes remained cold and dark, but felt as if every thing was glowing with some sort of aura which
glowed and imprinted upon my mind. Though at the same time it was like seeing the smells around
me as those things which smelt most glowed brightest. The nearest person shaped being glowed the
brightest, making it look like an angel, their forms dripping with fanatical light.

As I ͚felt͛ on in awe at this fantastical life form. It turned to me and spoke in words I did not know but
could still ͚feel͛ the sense of. ? ? 

Finally, the drifting room around me took a final solid shape. The first things to solidify were the
cold white walls, with large windows through which nothing could be seen but greyness. The door in
the corner was a riveted steel slab that made the room feel like a prison cell. Out of the walls formed
pictures, of fields of lush green with flowers of every colour. From the greyness through the
windows, the beds that I had felt before shaped themselves. From the floor rose metal tables with
all kinds of strange and wonderful medical equipment.

Then for me the last piece of my mind puzzle fell into place and for the briefest second I realised
who this strange humanoid figure was. I looked into her crystal blue eyes and they hypnotised me in
the same way they had when we first met, at her birth. I had been the first person to hold her and I
remember standing rock still staring into those beautiful eyes for what could have been years.

But now the crew fates of time had reversed the table and my daughter would be the first person to
see my eyes from my rebirth, when I awoke from my coma. Her eyes faded back, relinquishing their
hypnotic stare, and although she was still recognisable I realised I had not seen her but felt her as
with the rest of my room.

My eyes were disfigured and blinded, to be so for the rest of my life.

And that, was how my mind, became my world, my life and my room.

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