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Summer 2010

N e w s a n d V i e w s f o r E i g h t h D i s t r i ct B a n k e r s

F e at u r e d i n t h i s i s s u e : District and U.S. Banks on the Mend? | Small-Business Lending Problems

Fed Conference Call Helps Banks

Navigate CRE Loan Workouts
E conomic conditions continue to
severely stress the commercial
real estate (CRE) market. The CRE
Good Loan Workouts Have Three Components
market is experiencing increasing 1. Analyzing the borrower’s repayment capacity – The analysis
delinquencies, value deterioration due
should demonstrate the borrower’s willingness and capacity to
to rising cap rates, and substantial
repay under reasonable modified terms.
refinancing risk over the next several
years. The magnitude of the challenge 2. Evaluating the guarantor – The guarantor should have both the
is driven home by the fact that U.S. capacity and willingness to provide ongoing support. The bank
banks held $1.8 trillion in outstanding should have documentation to demonstrate the guarantor’s capac-
CRE debt as of May 2010. ity to fulfill the obligation. The documentation should include a
In response to tremendous losses written and legally enforceable agreement.
in CRE, the federal banking supervi- 3. Assessing collateral value – Consideration should be given to
sors issued in October the Interagency
the reasonableness of the underlying assumption of the bank’s
Policy Statement on Prudent CRE
Loan Workouts. The purpose was collateral valuation. Weaknesses in collateral valuations should
to promote supervisory consistency, be addressed, and the degree of collateral protection should
enhance the transparency of CRE be assessed.
workout transactions, and ensure that
supervisory policies and actions do not
inadvertently curtail the availability of of credit risk at the Federal Reserve’s
credit to sound borrowers. Board of Governors, and his team,
When problems with CRE loans consisting of Robert Walker, Virginia
arise, bankers and borrowers often Gibbs and Brian Valenti.
work together to restructure the loan. “The guidance is not a panacea for
But CRE loan workout situations can solving all of the challenges of man-
present unique considerations, leav- agement and resolution of troubled
ing bankers with more questions than loans,” explained Siddique. “And it’s
answers under the federal guidance. not meant to be any form of forbear-
So, on May 5, the Fed’s experts held ance, but rather a reiteration of exist-
a nationwide teleconference call to ing principles.”
explain the guidance to bankers and The general guidance focuses
to answer their questions. More than on the following:
1,300 financial institutions joined the • promoting prudent workouts,
call, submitting 60 questions for con- • recognizing that reasonable and pru-
sideration. dent workouts are in the best interest
The program was presented by of both banks and borrowers,
Sabeth Siddique, assistant director continued on Page 7

T h e F e d e r a l R e s e r v e B a n k o f St . L o u i s : C e n t r a l t o A m e r i c a ’ s Ec o n o m y ® | stlouisfed.org
Central View

News and Views for Eighth District Bankers

Independence Is Best Route
Vol. 20 | No. 2
www.stlouisfed.org/publications/cb for Fed Accountability
Scott Kelly
314-444-8593 By Julie Stackhouse

Central Banker is published quarterly by the B ankers are well aware of the
unprecedented actions taken by the
Federal Reserve in the fall of 2008 to
Public Affairs department of the Federal
Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Views expressed stem the downward spiral of the finan-
are not necessarily official opinions of the
cial crisis. At various points in time,
the Fed had more than $1.5 trillion out-
Federal Reserve System or the Federal
standing in loans to financial institu-
Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
tions and, more recently, has purchased
$1.25 trillion of mortgage-backed secu-
Sign up for Central Banker e-mail notices at rities to stabilize the economy. Julie Stackhouse is
www.stlouisfed.org/publications/cb/. Follow The magnitude of the Fed’s response senior vice president
the Fed on Facebook, Twitter and more at to the financial crisis has caused some of the St. Louis Fed’s
stlouisfed.org/followthefed. to question why the Fed has the free- division of Banking
dom to engage in such actions with- Supervision, Credit
To subscribe for free to Central Banker or out the explicit consent of Congress. and the Center for
any St. Louis Fed publication, go online to This freedom to stabilize the financial Online Learning.
www.stlouisfed.org/publications/subscribe.cfm. system without political direction is
To subscribe by mail, send your name, address, commonly referred to as “central bank
city, state and ZIP code to: Central Banker, independence.”
P.O. Box 442, St. Louis, MO 63166-0442. Legislation recently passed by the House of Representa-
tives could affect central bank independence by permit-
ting frequent and ongoing reviews of monetary policy and
The Eighth Federal Reserve District includes
financial stability decisions, deliberations and actions by the
all of Arkansas, eastern Missouri, southern
Government Accountability Office (GAO). Currently, mon-
Illinois and Indiana, western Kentucky and
etary policy actions are not subject to GAO review.
Tennessee, and northern Mississippi. The
The implications of such reviews are significant and
Eighth District offices are in Little Rock,
concerning. GAO reviews of discount window loans, for
Louisville, Memphis and St. Louis. example, could serve to dampen the willingness of banks
to borrow from the discount window during periods of
financial instability. Take, for example, the first two days
following the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001. If banks had
been reluctant to use the discount window for fear of GAO
disclosure, would our financial system have rebounded so
The implications for monetary policy effectiveness must
be carefully weighed. The Federal Reserve’s ability to act in
the long-run best interests of the economy depends impor-
tantly on its credibility and independence from short-term
political pressures, including the temptation of governments
to use the central bank to fund budget deficits or alter the
way monetary policy is conducted. Numerous studies have
shown that countries whose central banks are protected
from short-term political influence have better economic
performance, including lower inflation and interest rates.
Without question, the Federal Reserve should be account-
able to the electorate for its actions. However, audits by the
GAO are not the best way. Indeed, retaining the indepen-
dence of the central bank may well be the best method for
preventing government from misusing monetary policy for
short-term political purposes.

2 | Central Banker www.stlouisfed.org

Q u a r t e r ly R e p o r t

Are District and U.S. Banks

on the Mend?
By Michelle Neely Earnings Are Up but So Is Loan Delinquency

P rofits strengthened at Eighth

District banks and their national
peers in the first quarter of 2010, an
Return on Average Assets
1Q 2009 4Q 2009 1Q 2010

indicator that the industry may have District Banks 0.18% 0.09% 0.58%
hit a turning point. Return on average Peer Banks -0.10 -0.34 0.24
assets (ROA) climbed 49 basis points Net Interest Margin
to 0.58 percent at District banks in the District Banks 3.63 3.67 3.77
first quarter; at U.S. peer banks—those
Peer Banks 3.56 3.65 3.77
with average assets of less than $15
Loan Loss Provision Ratio
billion—ROA jumped 58 basis points
and into positive territory, hitting District Banks 0.90 1.07 0.77
0.24 percent. (See table.) Peer Banks 1.32 1.58 1.12
Smaller institutions continue to be Nonperforming Loan Ratio
more profitable than their larger coun- District Banks 2.19 2.86 3.08
terparts. District banks with average
Peer Banks 3.32 4.15 4.25
assets of less than $1 billion averaged
ROA of 0.76 percent in the first quar- SOURCE: Reports of Condition and Income for Insured Commercial Banks
ter; national peer banks in this size NOTE: Banks with assets of more than $15 billion have been excluded from the analysis.
category recorded an average ROA of All earnings ratios are annualized and use year-to-date average assets or average earning
0.43 percent. assets in the denominator. Nonperforming loans are those 90 days or more past due or
The increase in profitability is the in nonaccrual status.
result of modest increases in net inter-
est income and substantial declines in
points at District banks and a stagger-
loan loss provisions and noninterest
ing 46 basis points at U.S. peer banks
expenses. The net interest margin
in the first quarter. Some of that
(NIM) rose at both sets of banks to 3.77
decline no doubt reflects a ratcheting
percent, an increase of 10 basis points
back of normal end-of-year accounting
for District banks and 12 basis points
for U.S. peer banks. At both sets of
The drop in loan loss provi-
banks, declines in interest income
sions does not seem to be related to
were more than offset by declines in
improvements in asset quality, espe-
interest expense, resulting in rising
cially at the District level. The ratio
of nonperforming loans to total loans
Net noninterest expense shrunk
rose 22 basis points to 3.08 percent in
19 basis points at District banks and
the first quarter at District banks and
12 basis points at U.S. peer banks.
was up 10 basis points to 4.25 percent
Although personnel and other nonin-
at U.S. peer banks. Among the three
terest expenses fell and noninterest
major categories of bank loans—real
income increased slightly, the primary
estate, commercial and industrial,
factor driving down net noninter-
and consumer—only consumer loans
est expense was a large reduction in
showed a drop in delinquency sta-
impairment losses for goodwill and
tus. Nonperforming loan rates in the
other intangible assets, especially at
real estate portfolio continue to rise,
institutions with assets of more than
especially in the commercial area.
$1 billion.
More than 11 percent of all District
A substantial reduction in loan loss
construction and land development
provisions, however, was the domi-
loans were nonperforming at the end
nant determinant for the large uptick
of March; for U.S. peer banks, the ratio
in earnings. Loan loss provisions as a
percent of average assets fell 30 basis continued on Page 7

Central Banker Summer 2010 | 3

Ec o n o m i c F o c u s

Kentucky’s Economy Lags

Behind Typical States’
Bankers Could Help by Encouraging Better Education

By Maria Gerwing Hampton mirrored each other: If an economic

area’s population contracted, so did the

K entucky’s economy has grown

slower over the past decades when
compared with the national aver-
area’s job growth. The overall impres-
sion is one of a fairly robust economy
down the north-south corridors
ages, but there have been bright spots, around Interstates 65 and 75, particu-
noticeably in housing. larly to the south, and of contraction
“By almost any measure, the Ken- at the far eastern and western parts of
tucky economy has grown much the state. (See Figures 1 and 2.)
slower than the typical U.S. state,” says Data show the steepest decline in
Ken Troske, director of the Center manufacturing jobs between 1970
for Business and Economic Research and 2008, while services jobs showed
at the University of Kentucky. “And the greatest increase over the same
it’s not just a regional issue, because period. While lagging the U.S. aver-
Kentucky has grown much slower than ages on population and job growth,
other Southern states. While there Kentucky as a whole fared somewhat
are regional differences within the better in the housing market. “There
state, no region in Kentucky is more was no sign of a housing bubble in
prosperous or has experienced faster any of the nine markets,” Coomes
growth than the typical U.S. state.” says. “The nine metro areas added
Troske joined Paul Coomes, econo- a net of 225,000 housing units in the
mist and professor at the University last decade, with a growth of 11 per-
of Louisville, to give presentations on cent, the national average. However,
the state’s regional outlook during the occupied housing units only rose by
St. Louis Fed’s Economic Teamwork 135,000, or 7 percent, also identical to
event in Louisville in November. They the U.S. as a whole; so, vacancy rates
provide an update for us here. have risen substantially in all markets
“While from 1929 to 1970 Kentucky except Bowling Green.”
closed the gap between itself and the To help understand why growth in
rest of the country, since then the Kentucky lags other states, Troske
Kentucky economy has been stagnant examined one area that has the poten-
or may have even reversed course,” tial to give the state an economic boost:
Troske says. the stock of knowledge, meaning the
Coomes’ research echoes Troske’s state’s innovative activity coupled with
statements. Coomes examined popula- educational levels of the work force.
tion and job growth over the past three Of all the factors that affect growth
decades in nine economic areas in and (demographics, local and state gov-
around Kentucky. Economic areas ernment and taxes, infrastructure,
are large regional markets, defined by etc.), “the single biggest factor that
the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. explained why some states grow faster
These areas group together contigu- is the stock of knowledge in a state,”
ous counties that are tied together by he says. “Comparing the stock of
commuting, retail, transportation and knowledge in Kentucky to the stock of
media. All of the areas containing knowledge in other states shows why
Kentucky counties also include coun- Kentucky has performed so poorly
ties in other states. over the recent period.”
Coomes explains that population Kentucky also ranks 48th in the
growth/loss and job growth/loss country in the percent of adults with

4 | Central Banker www.stlouisfed.org

a college degree. One of the primary Figure 1
reasons for the low percentage of Three Decades of Population Growth, 1977 to 2007
college graduates in the state is the Economic Areas Around Kentucky
high dropout rate at the state’s post-
secondary schools. In Kentucky, only Nashville
23 percent of students who start at a Knoxville
two-year college end up completing
a degree compared with 28 percent
in the typical state, while less than Memphis

half the kids who start at a four-year Indianapolis

college end up completing a degree
compared with 56 percent for the rest
of the country.
Business leaders in general, and Paducah 1977-87
community bankers in particular, Evansville 1997-07
played a major role in helping to pass
the 1991 Kentucky Education Reform
Act, which provided a kick-start to the United States

reform of elementary and secondary

-20% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
education in the state. These lead-
ers can play a similar role in reform- SOURCE: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis figures. The figure includes Charleston, W.Va.,
for comparison.
ing higher education in Kentucky.
“Bankers could start by urging all
participants in the higher education
market—students, administrators and Figure 2
politicians—to view education as an Three Decades of Job Growth, 1977 to 2007
investment and to focus on the return Economic Areas Around Kentucky
of this investment instead of fixating
on the initial cost of the investment,” Nashville
Troske says. He also suggests that
education leaders in the state need to
be rewarded based on the number of
kids who graduate from college and Memphis
not just on the number who graduate Indianapolis
from high school or the number of kids
who enroll in college.
Troske concludes by saying that, Louisville
“Only through a consistent, long-term Paducah
commitment to increasing the number Evansville
of college graduates in Kentucky can
we reverse the decades-long decline in
the state’s economy and begin catching United States

up with the rest of the country.”

-20% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%
Maria Gerwing Hampton is the senior branch SOURCE: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis figures. The figure includes Charleston, W.Va.,
executive of the Louisville Branch of the Fed- for comparison.
eral Reserve Bank of St. Louis.

Central Banker Summer 2010 | 5


Community Leaders Explore

Small-Business Lending Problems
By Lisa Locke some banks cutting credit card lim-
its, owners are finding it harder to

O wning a small business can be

filled with many unknowns and
risks for the owners, especially in
get other types of credit.
• Stricter underwriting standards are
limiting the supply of loans to small
the current economy. With new or business. Financial institutions
expanding small businesses being the have returned to more traditional
largest source of private employment, underwriting standards, which are
many economic development experts more dependent on equity and cash
are relying on building companies flow than on credit scores. At the St.
locally instead of the traditional model Louis meeting, one financial institu-
of recruiting large corporations to the tion representative described this
community. as “getting back to lending basics in
Today, many businesses are strug- underwriting.”
gling to stay afloat because of troubles
in the financial services industry, • The demand for small-business sup-
which have led to more-restrictive port services and for assistance from
lending policies. In late winter and small-business development centers
early spring, the St. Louis Fed’s Com- is on the rise. Technical-assistance
munity Affairs department helped providers report that they are seeing
address the financing needs of small a different type of client: Small-
business by gathering key stakehold- business owners who traditionally
ers to share their perspectives on sought lending from banks are now
lending matters. seeking help from support-service
The St. Louis Fed’s meetings helped providers and searching for alterna-
identify credit gaps in small-business tive funding sources.
financing and gathered information on • Participants agreed that the U.S.
regional differences in access to credit. Small Business Administration loan
Participants included representatives programs are great; however, most
from community and national banks, financial institutions have not taken
political offices, and community and advantage of the new programs and
business groups from the Little Rock, increased guarantees. Many bank-
Louisville, Memphis and St. Louis ers see SBA products as requiring
zones. The key takeaways were simi- too much preparation and monitor-
lar, as participants generally agreed on ing of the loans as too cumbersome.
the following:
• Collaboration between financial
• The economy continues to be an issue institutions and support-service
for small businesses, particularly providers is needed to sustain small-
with available capital and access to business development. A referral
capital; consequently, many small system and better communication are
businesses are more fragile. “The needed between the organizations.
best customers we cater to are hun- Findings from these local meetings
kering down, and we continue to sup- are being combined with information
port them in difficult times as best we collected from around the country. As
can,” said one banker. He explained a result of what the Fed learned, the
that if his bank can’t give a loan to Fed’s Board of Governors in August
a long-time customer, another bank will share the findings and best prac-
won’t give that person a loan, either. tices and discuss future actions. In the
• For some, credit cards were their Eighth District, the next step will be
primary source of capital, but with to bring together lenders, technical-

6 | Central Banker www.stlouisfed.org

Navigate CRE Loan Workouts Essentially, cash flow is king on
continued from Page 1 loan workouts. Siddique urged his
listeners to “decide whether a loan to
• expecting examiners to take a bal- a sound borrower should be adversely
anced and consistent approach in classified by determining whether
their review of banks’ workout well-defined weaknesses exist that
activity, and jeopardize repayment.”
• understanding that restructured The federal guidance provides some
loans will not be adversely classi- detailed examples of loan workouts. As
fied solely because the value of the a general rule, banks should contact
underlying collateral has declined to their chartering authority and/or their
an amount less than the loan balance. primary federal supervisor for answers
to specific CRE loan workout questions.
In addition, financial institutions
Bankers interested in listening to the
that implement prudent loan work-
online recording of this special “Ask
out arrangements after performing
the Fed” program may do so by con-
comprehensive reviews of borrowers’
tacting the Federal Reserve Bank of
financial conditions will not be sub-
St. Louis at askthefed@stls.frb.org.
ject to criticism for engaging in these
efforts, even if the restructured loans
have weaknesses that result in adverse >> M o r e O n li n e
credit classifications.
“We’re sure you’ve heard this many Policy Statement on Prudent
times: ‘Prudent workouts’ means CRE Loan Workouts
that each loan should be judged on
its own merits and not on trends,”
Siddique noted. “Prudent workouts docs/srletters/2009/sr0907a1.pdf
are in everyone’s interest, but not all
loans can be worked out. And bankers
CRE and Debt Problems
should keep in mind that ‘pretend and www.stlouisfed.org/publications/cb/
extend’ is not a prudent loan workout.” articles/?id=1849

Are District Banks on the Mend? the coverage ratio increased slightly,
continued from Page 3 but at 53.76 percent, remains well
topped 15 percent. below the District’s ratio.
The large decline in loan loss The District’s average leverage
provisions and continued increases ratio remained virtually unchanged
in nonperforming loans put more in the first quarter at 8.83 percent.
downward pressure on the District’s For U.S. peer banks, the average
coverage ratio (the ratio of loan loss leverage ratio rose 12 basis points to
reserves to nonperforming loans). The 9.14 percent.
ratio declined 364 basis points to 62.42
percent, indicating about 62 cents are Michelle Neely is an economist at the
in reserve for every dollar of nonper- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
forming loans. For U.S. peer banks,

assistance providers and alternative

financial providers to explore the >> M o r e O n li n e
possibility of developing a loan fund
for the St. Louis region. Several meet- When Will Business Lending
ing participants have expressed their Pick Up?
interest in being part of the ongoing http://research.stlouisfed.org/
Lisa Locke is a community affairs special-
ist in the Louisville Branch of the Federal
Reserve Bank of St. Louis.

Central Banker Summer 2010 | 7


Central Banker Online Reader Poll

S e e t h e o n l i n e v e r s i o n o f t h e s umm e r 2 0 1 0
C e n t r a l B a n k e r f o r m o r e i n s i g h t s, r e g u l ato ry New rules governing debit cards and over-
s p ot l i g h t s a n d F e d n e w s. drafts take effect this summer. The new
rules are supposed to benefit consumers.
V IE W S RU L ES AND Will the new rules make you more or less
RE G U L ATIONS likely to use overdraft programs?
• Annual Report: Why the
Fed Is a Well-Designed • Participate in the Fed’s • More likely, because I like being able to
Central Bank Regulation C Public opt in to overdraft services for my debit
Hearings card and ATM transactions.
• Current State of the
Banking Industry • Agencies Issue Corre- • Less likely, because opting in could
spondent Concentration lead me to overspend.
TOO L S Risks Guidance
• The new rules won’t change my
• Follow the St. Louis • Final Debit Cards and spending habits.
Fed via Social Media Overdraft Protection
Rules Effective in July Take the poll at www.stlouisfed.org/publica-
• Use This Easy Resource tions/cb/. Results are not scientific and are
for Consumer Credit • Final Stage of Credit for informational purposes only.
Conditions Card Changes Coming
in August In the spring issue’s poll, we asked how often
• Fed Makes New Reports you use checks these days on a personal
for Online Electronic level. Based on 661 responses (percentages
Adjustments are rounded):
• 41 percent said they still use checks
because they’re safer than electronic
>> O n ly O n l i n e payments.
Read these features at www.stlouisfed.org/ • 28 percent said they use a combination
publications/cb/ of checks, cash, credit/debit cards and
electronic payments.
• 19 percent said they use them once
or twice a month.
• 13 percent said they don’t use
them anymore.

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