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The masthead of this magazine is effective as it has two different

colours that attract attention: red and white. The text is in a large
white sans serif font. There is a red box placed behind the word
film, making it stand out to the audience effectively, as well as
showing the audience immediately what the magazines genre is.
The red box is also an interesting shape, making it look like a
blockbuster ticket, providing a direct link into the film industry.
The main image is unconventional of a magazine, due to its lack
of direct address via eye contact. This is seen on most large
magazines as it catches the audiences attention and draws them
into the magazine. However, the image is still effective as it
creates a sense of drama and would make the audience wonder
what or who she was looking at. By making the main image a
close up shot of Kiera Knightley is effective as she is extremely
recognisable in the film industry which can be exemplified
through the subtitle which revealed she was voted number 1
British actor.
The red and white colour scheme is carried through the
magazine cover well providing continuity. Elements of yellow are
also brought into the colour scheme. This is a good colour pattern
as they are all bright colours that stand out against the dark
background image.
The coverlines of the magazine are placed neatly on the left side.
They are situated in a line, making it easy for the audience to
read. The coverlines are effective as they feature famous names
of British film, to attract their target audience for example: Jude
Law, Clive Owen, Stephen Fry, Nick Horan and Mr Kubrick.

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