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Ovieal “aya Nothing Is Impossible key ‘Words and Musicby Joth Hunt dae® Jere [CHORUS] «ok ON &Ge c eg? Through You, I. can do an-y-thing. I__. can do all _things ‘cause it's You who gives me strength. Noth ing is im-pos-si-ble. ooo G ‘Through You, blind __ eyes are 0 - pen, strong holds are bro - ken, Last time to Coda @ a3 Am7 F Tam liv - ing by faith, __ Noth ing is im-pos-si-ble. INSTRUMENTAL 1 F Cc Dm F ” Tm not gon-na 199808 sso ng 980 ©2008 orship Mase Ministries Int Ine Forse ey wih Song me i “Align rere wocom #813863 Nothing Is Impossible- 2 as Dm F Am? 6 live by what I see, Tm not gon-na live by what 1 PRE-CHORUS Am? G _ we See 8 6 a ER feel. —_ Deep down 1 ‘Amow that You're here with me, __ an = y= thing. an = y= thing, © Coda [ENSTRUMENTALS BRIDGE, c I believe, I be eve. I believe, I be- lieve in You. T believe, I be- Nothing Is Impossible - 3 ean do an- y-thing. I can do all__ things “cause it’s You who gives me strength. Noth ing is im-pos-si-ble. Through You, blind ~ eyes are o - pen, I believe, I be- I believe, I be- Jieve. I believe, I be - lieve in You. Now And Forever Words and Music by Dave Chumcha, cz F2 cz Fe | lif_my eyes to_the mountains, where doss__my help come from? 5 02 F2 c2 F2 QO Grd My help oomes from_ the Lord of __ ore - a- tion, 1 fit__my eyes to__ the moun - tains, where does__my help come from? 49 €2 F2 cz Fe My help comes from_ the Lord of__ cre - a -tion,_ And You will al ~ w Be — SS = = ways guard my fife and You will nev = er sloop, _ ‘And 1: know. 19 GIB Fr z SS a= SS SS 0 Ss — M nev = er fat as tam in___ Your keep. When the sun__ cereal Sopot Forse soli wh te Sonu! Fanwct Or highs Reserved. wean ‘Call License 13869 Now And Forever - 2 now and_ for - ev gr, Better is One Day Matt Rods Ae Bsus B 1.How @0ne) 5 EB vly is Yourdwel-ling place, thing I ask’ and I would seek: 9 EB OLord al - > ty. For 4 to see Your bean - ty, i B Bous my soullongs and © - find You in ven faints for You. ‘the place Your glo - ry dwell i A For here my heart i Onething T ask and Bous with-in Your pre - senoe, I would seek: to see Your yy, Baus I sing be-neath the to find You in the Aa Act sha-dow of Your wings. place Yourglo - ry dwells. 22 » Bet-teris oneday in your courts,bet-teris Baus Hat 42 ACH Bas BG# = — Ss = aby aYoulousintire ovdysTarontbaturawan ter tas 25 A act Baus Eat one day in Yourcourts, bet-ter is one day in Your house, bet-ter is 27, A Ct 3 as > E ae ee ===: E =F = 2 oneday in Yourcourtsthanthou-sands else- where, than th. I-sandselse- where, 30, 2B Ch? Bsus A? Bous fae Lees S555 5S 555s = = 20One clse- where, ‘Myheartand flesh eryout for You,the f-ving God. 34 Chin? Bos A? — BeuChn? Bous A? ‘Your spi-rits wa-tertomy soul__ Tetas-ted and Ive seen. Come oncea-gainto me, 38 Hot Fin? Bous I will drawnear to You, J willdrawnear to You, to You. a's 2 Bs B a Bet-teris 46 A Ach Bsus B/Gt Ae aret Baus 5yGt one day, bet-toris one day, bet-teris one day than thou-sands else- where. Bet-terip 50. a of -Brus a # Bau 8. A/c E/Gt — ie Bes D. SH A oe - p > ae one day, beteteris one day, bet-teris one day thou- emis ee wierd Bet-teris 2x @ enot How Great Is Our God ‘Words and Music by Chris Tomlin, Jesse Reeves: and Ed Cash Ja76 ‘VERSE, G F Em! 1. The splen -dor of the King, __ clothed in maj - es = ty; @.And) age to age He stands, — and time is in His hands; — -Be-gin-ning and the End, Be-gin-ning and the End. ‘The God 1 G Em! Him - sf in—_light,_— and dark ness tries thie, - - bead, three in one, Fa - ther, Spit - it, Son, 0 and trem -bles at His voice, and trem-bles at His voice. — How great — the “Li-on and the Lamb, the ‘Li-on and— the Lamb, — 5 [CHORUS b Em? is our God! Sing with me: How great is our God! ©2004 si Music spepe | Wondrously Made oranvody oie Sones Poms cfac ipa uated sc oom Ccitcane fae How Great Is Our God - 2 6 maj? D e Fine — And all will see how great, how great is our God! _ r 2 ——— [BRIDGE 0 6 2.And Name & - bove all names, — a Em Crmaj™ worthy of all praise, — My — heart will sing: How great — is our Godt c a 6 | p DS. al Fine is our God! — How great ESS o oe Shout to the North C Moderately fast, in ovo J. = 60, ‘We've been through fire, we've boen though rain, 6 f= c D c ‘east and the west, ve - Snir all, [== = (19 cc UK Ae arco a sy Cin — Fe tents Bwen SECSS Mg ee a a i sve Und by prin

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