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Power Drawer
Cutoff Site Light
l.! . Unilormity for max mum
vlsib ity
Precrse cutoff front and rear
el minates light po ution
. H gh beam ut ization
. Lower mount ng heights
. Fewer poles and luminaires
. Low E. P.A
. Energy savings

Contined area sports applications

Large areas requiring controlled, glare-free lighting

Large area sports applications

Area Lrght ng D v s on [4cGraw Ed sof Co.npany
Foolcandle PlotA IOOO-wall MH 50 Mo!nt na He.rhi G d ncr-"m-"nls r5

Foolcandle Plot B IOOO walt HPS. 60 Mouni nq H-arqtrl crid ncrements l5l

Lamp Luminaire
Type Des qnalion Heiqht An0le lnit al Spacinq (X)

30 000
30 ,12 5. 36 140
40 38 r80
NPS ru400 50 000 42 s',,
50 220' Footcandle Plol C 4OO watt MH 30 N/o!ntrncr He qht Gr cl increments tO'
LJl000 r40 000
50 29 280
320 B

MS400,H0B 40 000
58 r30
40 31 I Ill
MN 40 5S 2AA
M1000/U r07 800 50 ,10' 68 230
60 280

1. Unforrntes. a app catons lvlaix/l',/l n rato s l2 I or beTter Ave/
f,4nralo s35I or better CUTOFFlora lum na res occurs at 79o
above nad r or ess
2. J ower foolcandles are desired. go lo heighl des red and reduce
arr]p llallage l,4u l ply Fc va ue by ratio d ljerence of lumens Un
lor.n t es do not chanqe EXAI,4PLE l000walt[/]Hat280'spacng
and 60'pole heght=3 2 Fc Use 400 watt [4H at 40000 ]07800
lLrmens= 371 x 3 2=l l9F.l
3. Footcand e p ots A lhroLrgh D are 1or s nll e um naiTe Foolcandle Plot D 4oo-watt HPS 40 Mounlrnq Herqhr cr d ncrements jO'

Area L girlrnq D v s on. llccraw Ed/son Compan!

Power Drawer
Site Light can:
I With
Provioe Security Lig hting
Controlled Beam,
Sharp Cutoff
O fignt Large Areas With
Control ed Adtustable,
sharp cutoff Lighting
(D Provide Un form Contro ed
Build no Flood Lig hting
I Provide Precise SharP
Cutoff At Property Line
! Provide lrreg u lar Area
Control ed Beam, Sharp
Cutoff Liq hting


. Area Light ng D v s on. McGraw Edison Cornpanv

l-+ A -'r-l o
o Cataloq Number (l)
o Shon Lonq Lamp Luminaire
ol Distribution Distribulion Iamp and Ballasl (2) Watts EPA (4)
T o
g FC2067S FC2O6BS l\ilercury-CWA 400 (3)
B l\,leralHalid c!ryA 400 (31
E FC2167S FC216BS

!,t FC2251S FC2258S H 0h-Prssure Sod um Fe0!lator (3)
th FC2267S FC2268S Hioh-Pressure Sodi!m FeQUlator 400 (3)

o Cataloq Number (l)

o Short Long Lamp Luminaire
c' 0istribution Distrihution Lamp 6nd Ballast (2) Watts EPA (4)
Dimensions -inches 6
A B c g FC3OBTS FC3088S lvlercury-CWA r000 (31
FC31B7S FC3lBBS lvleta-Ha de cwA t000 t3l
Ser es 2000 201ir I614 9r2 E r500
ul FC3r 97S FC319BS fiileta Ha de CWA
Ser es 3000 2711 22 l3 o FO32B7S FC32BBS Hiqh'Pressure Sodium B0!lator 100013)

(1) Lamps nol incuded Use arnps Jor base down to horzonta power laclor
operatron 400wall oplcs ncude arnp postonng sockel for use (31 Mulli-Tap Ballast Ava able Add suffx 9 to cataog number
with MS400/HOF [40 000 urnen] Iamp O.der mount ng frlle. e g FC2257S 9.
seParate y (4) Ettective Prolected Area n square {eel EPA cacuated wrth
[2) Ballast Ava abe ]20 through 480 volts Specly volage as um na re 1 led 450 above hor zonlal
calaog number sLrlfx eg: FC2067S120- Al balasls are hgh Finish BronTe lherriosel ename U.L- L slccl C.S.A. Cen,led

FA64 Comp eLely prew red with

4 Jeet ol #l4 SO cord and slra n
re ief bush ng Casl alum nLlm
FA65 Frts 2 rnch pipe (2fu nch O D ) and 3 inch O D
tenons Gasketed w r ng compartmenl has prov s on lor
inieTna or external w ring CaIbrated serraled knuckle
FA66 Permrts se ectron of arm ng ang e for opl
mum lghtng performance Ca braled. serraled
,o ,r" .ot "- g o
constTUclon l'/lounls on f at sur and cast rrarks for prec sion aiminq Pholo conlro ta ns a gaskeled compartmeni for nterna w r ng
lace Calibrated horizonlal and accessory eas y rnsla ed n wrring cornpaTlmenl cover connectons Has a rnch p pe p ug on two s des

verl ca adlLrstrnenls and lnte w lhoui mod lical on for sLflacc wrr ng on llat surface or oler
gral y cast sighl ng marks for ,1 nch squaTe oT round e ectr ca bor Photoconlro
Precrs on a ni ing accessoTy eas y rnsla ed n wrng compartment
aovcr w lhoLrl mod I cat on


Vandal Shield

Cat. No. Housinq Size Cat No FAl 120

F^2 2AA/244
FA25 Series 2000 F A3 217
FA35 S""ries 3000
Ava ab c for
[,1ater al PolyLarbonate 100u walts max mLrm
Exclusive Ballast Drawer Assembly

us.* h6kffi Other Mountinq Fitters . Contains a eleclr cal components ba/lasl assembly lo accepl new HID lamp
. S des nto housng connecls to Power ba lasl
sLrpp y wrth po ar zed qLr ck disconnect . Accorn modates ba lasts for 400 and I000
p Lrg watt rnercury h gh pressure sod um and
. Simp f es inslallat on and ara ntenance rnelal ha de amps and 1500 watt meta
F 467 FA68 FATO FA71 . Prolects rnvestmenl by srngle charnge ol ha de amps


United States: Canada:

Area Lighting Division Area Lighting Division
McGraw-Edison Company Halo of Canada Lightil|g, Inc.
76Ol Durand Avenue 5130 Creek Bank Road
Racine, Wisconsin 534O5 Mississauga, Ontario L4w 2G2
414 554 aOOl Telex: 26-4459 416 625 2511 Telex: (,6-961284 800521 o l9a0 Area L ghtr.g O v s o. Mccraw-Ed son Company
Pr nled rn !SA

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