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Japanese - English - Japanese

Japanese (Kanji) Japanese (Romaji) English

ban urban

aenmekki-k galvanised steel

arumi sekis fukug laminated aluminium composite

paneru panel
ashiba scaffolding

bijutsukan art gallery, art museum

ben tarekabe smoke baffle, smoke curtain

bka setsubi fire protection equipment

bunka shisetsu cultural facility

byin hospital

chiji authority

chij above ground

chika basement, cellar, underground

chikagai subterranean / underground passage

chikai basement

chi'iki area, region

chb kitchen, galley

daigaku university

danbana stair nosing, nose

dan'ita (stair) tread

danmen section

danmenzu section drawing, section view

dansa (stair) step

datsui-shitsu changing, dressing, locker room
electrolytic colouring (of anodized
denkai chakushoku
doa door (Western-style)

dro road, highway

(Japanese type) veranda, porch,
open corridor
vestibule, ante-chamber (airlock
gijutsu-teki kijun technical standard

ghan plywood
gsei jushi chg peinto
(SOP) synthetic-resin oil-based paint
habagi skirting

haichi-zu layout drawing, site plan drawing

haien setsubi smoke extraction equipment

haikan plumbing, piping

haisuimizo drainage; ditch

hakubutsukan museum

hashira pillar

heimenzu plan drawing

heya room

hiroba plaza

hoksha pedestrian

horikomi hikite (door, hardware) flush pull

jiban kairy ground improvement

jikatenj exposed ceiling

jinetsu geothermal

jinetsu riy geothermal utilization

jinja Shinto shrine

jink manhole

jisshi sekkei detailed, final design

ant: jtan top (ant: bottom) edge/surface

juntaika quasi fireproof

juntoshi keikaku kuiki quasi city planning area

jkyo chi'iki residential area

residence, housing, residential
kabe wall

kabekakeshiki wall-mounted

kado-shikichi corner site

kaidan stairs, stairway, staircase

kaik-bu opening (e.g. window, door)

number of stairs or
stories AE / storeys BE
kamimaki-ki toilet roll holder

kanry completion

kansei completion

katan, shitaba bottom edge/surface

keage (stair) rise height, rise

kekomi (stair) nosing protrusion

kekomi, kekomi'ita (stair) riser

kenchiku architecture

kenchikuka architect

kenchiku menseki building area

kenchiku seigen building restriction

kenky shisetsu research facility

kensetsu construction

kesh shikkui, shikkui stucco, plaster

kihon sekkei basic, preliminary design

kimitsu air tight

kishu tree species

kbai gradient; slope

kgaku engineering

kgakusha engineer

ki-shitsu changing, dressing, locker room

kji construction work

ksokudro highway

kz structure, construction

kz sekkei structural design

kyry kensa bridge inspection

machi town

mado window

madodai window sill

majikiri partition (wall), partitioning

majikiri kabe partition wall

mawaribuchi crown molding (ceiling)

menseki area

meji joint

michi road, street, way, path

mokuzai-rui wood species

nobeyuka menseki total floor area

nokidoi rainwater gutter

okuj roof, rooftop

psu (drawing) perspective

sekkeisha designer

sekk-bdo drywall, gypsum board, plasterboard

setsubi equipment

shaon sound insulation

shi city

shikichi site

shikichi menseki site area

shikichi-zu site plan

, shikkui, kesh shikkui stucco, plaster

shisetsu facility

shitaba, katan bottom edge/surface

lifelong learning center AE/ centre
shgai gakush sent
shji paper sliding door

shkaki fire extinguisher

shka setsubi fire extinguishing equipment

shsai detail

shozaichi location

shunk completion (e.g. of construction)

shunknen year of completion

shseizai laminated wood, engineered wood

SOP(gsei jushi chg
SOP() peinto) synthetic-resin oil-based paint

suid water service, water supply

sunp dimension

taika fireproof

tatemono building

tatemono yto building use

tatetoi rainwater downpipe

tenba top surface; crest, crown

tenkai-zu interior, wall elevation drawing

tenken-guchi inspection opening

tera temple (Buddhist)

tesuri handrail

tobira door

tokai city

tokuch feature

tokuni shitei no nai ba'ai unless otherwise specified

toride-guchi outlet (e.g. for piping)

tmen (stair) tread depth, going

trishin axis (grid)

toshi town, city, municipal, urban

toshika urbanization AE/ urbanisation BE

toshi keikaku kuiki city planning area

tsuyakeshi-iro matte color AE/colour BE

waku (door) frame

WC wc (shinshsha-y) WC (for disabled)

yane roof

yoku-shitsu bathroom, bath

yfuu western style

yuka floor

yuka mikiri (flooring) transition profile

yuwakashi-shitsu kitchenette, small kitchen

zairy material
English Japanese (Kanji) Japanese (Romaji)
above ground chij

air tight kimitsu

ante-chamber (airlock passageway),
architect kenchikuka

architecture kenchiku

area menseki

area, region chi'iki

art gallery, art museum bijutsukan

authority chiji

axis (grid) trishin

basement chikai

basement, cellar, underground chika

basic, preliminary design kihon sekkei

bathroom, bath yoku-shitsu

bottom edge/surface katan, shitaba

bridge inspection kyry kensa

building tatemono

building area kenchiku menseki

building restriction kenchiku seigen

building use tatemono yto

ceiling, exposed jikatenj

changing, dressing, locker room datsui-shitsu, ki-shitsu

city toshi, shi, tokai

city planning area toshi keikaku kuiki

completion kanry, kansei

completion (e.g. of construction) shunk

construction kensetsu

construction, structure kz

construction work kji

corner site kado-shikichi

crest, crown; top surface tenba

crown molding (ceiling) mawaribuchi

cultural facility bunka shisetsu

designer sekkeisha

detail shsai

detailed, final design jisshi sekkei

dimension sunp

ditch; drainage haisuimizo

door tobira

door (Western-style) doa

(door) frame waku

(door, hardware) flush pull horikomi hikite

downpipe (rainwater) tatetoi

drainage; ditch haisuimizo

(drawing) interior, wall elevation tenkai-zu

(drawing) layout, site plan haichi-zu

(drawing) perspective psu

(drawing) site plan shikichi-zu

dressing, changing, locker room datsui-shitsu, ki-shitsu

drywall, gypsum board, plasterboard sekk-boodo

electrolytic colouring (of anodized
denkai chakushoku
elevation: interior, wall tenkai-zu

engineer kgakusha

engineered wood, laminated wood shseizai

engineering kgaku

equipment setsubi

exposed ceiling jikatenj

facility shisetsu

feature tokuch

final, detailed design jisshi sekkei

fire extinguisher shkaki

fire extinguishing equipment shka setsubi

fire protection equipment bka setsubi

fireproof taika

floor yuka

(flooring) transition profile yuka mikiri

galvanised steel aenmekki-k

geothermal jinetsu

geothermal utilization jinetsu riy

gradient; slope kbai

ground improvement jiban kairy

gutter nokidoi

gypsum board, drywall, plasterboard sekk-bdo

handrail tesuri

highway dro, ksokudro

hospital byin

housing jtaku
inspection opening tenken-guchi

interior, wall elevation drawing tenkai-zu

joint meji

kitchen, galley chb

kitchenette, small kitchen yuwakashi-shitsu

arumi sekis fukug
laminated aluminium composite panel
laminated wood, engineered wood shseizai

layout drawing, site plan drawing haichi-zu

lifelong learning center AE/ centre BE shgai gakush sent

location shozaichi

locker, dressing, changing room datsui-shitsu, ki-shitsu

manhole jink

material zairy

matte color AE/colour BE tsuyakeshi-iro

municipal toshi

museum hakubutsukan
number of stairs or
stories AE / storeys BE
opening (e.g. window, door) kaik-bu

outlet (e.g. for piping) toride-guchi

(paint) SOP (synthetic-resin oil-based SOP ( SOP (gsei jushi chg

paint) ) peinto)

paper sliding door shji

partition (wall), partitioning majikiri

partition wall majikiri kabe

pedestrian hoksha

perspective drawing psu

pillar hashira

piping, plumbing haikan

plan drawing heimenzu

plaster, stucco shikkui, kesh shikkui

plasterboard, drywall, gypsum board sekk-bdo

plaza hiroba

preliminary, basic design kihon sekkei

plumbing, piping haikan

plywood ghan

quasi city planning area juntoshi keikaku kuiki

quasi fireproof juntaika

rainwater downpipe tatetoi

rainwater gutter nokidoi

region, area chi'iki

research facility kenky shisetsu

residence, residential building jtaku

residential area jkyo chi'iki

road, street michi

road, highway dro

roof yane

roof, rooftop okuj

room heya

subterranean / underground passage chikagai

scaffolding ashiba

section danmen

section drawing, section view danmenzu

Shinto shrine jinja

site shikichi

site area shikichi menseki

site plan shikichi-zu

site plan, layout drawing haichi-zu

skirting habagi

slope; gradient kbai

smoke baffle, smoke curtain ben tarekabe

smoke extraction equipment haien setsubi

sound insulation shaon

stairs, stairway, staircase kaidan

(stair) nosing, nose danbana

(stair) nosing protrusion kekomi

(stair) rise height, rise keage

(stair) riser kekomi, kekomi'ita

(stair) step dansa

(stair) tread dan'ita

(stair) tread depth, going tmen

stucco, plaster shikkui, kesh shikkui

street michi

structural design kz sekkei

structure, construction kz

technical standard gijutsu-teki kijun

temple (Buddhist) tera

toilet roll holder kamimaki-ki

top edge/surface jtan

top surface; crest, crown tenba

total floor area nobeyuka menseki

town toshi, machi

tree species kishu

underground, basement, cellar chika

underground / subterranean passage chikagai

university daigaku

unless otherwise specified tokuni shitei no nai ba'ai

urban toshi, ban

urbanization AE/ urbanisation BE toshika

(Japanese type) veranda, porch,
open corridor
vestibule, ante-chamber (airlock
wall kabe

wall, interior elevation drawing tenkai-zu

wall-mounted kabekakeshiki

wall, partition wall mashikirikabe

water service, water supply suid

WC (for disabled) WC wc (shinshsha-y)

western style yf

window ado

window sill madodai

wood species mokuzai-rui

year of completion shunknen

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