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VOCABULARY GENIUS 15 TEACH: Lets Go Try a 28 TEACH: 10 Tips to Teach

Kite Collocations
3 ELICIT: 8 Great Ways to
Elicit Vocabulary from
ESL Students 16 TEACH: Have Some 29 TEACH: 10 Language
Laughs While Learning Activities that Can Make
English Everyday Better
4 FIND: 7 Best Sources for
New Vocabulary 30 TEACH: Survival Time:
17-18 TEACH: Mail Call! Working Together to
Turning Your Classroom Overcome
5 INTRODUCE: 7 Best into a Life-size Post
Ways to Introduce New Office
Vocabulary 31-32 TEACH: 5 Ways to
Help ESL Students Start
19 TEACH: No Pain, No Improving Academic
6 REVIEW: 7 Best Ways to Gain: Goal-Setting Vocabulary Tomorrow
Review Vocabulary Activities that Get
Results 33-34 TEACH: Still More
Conversational and
7 GAMES: 7 Best Games Academic Phrases
for Vocabulary Class 20 TEACH: Putting the to Fake Your Way to
Shoe on the Other Foot: Fluency
ESL Activities with Sole
8 REVIEW: 8 Killer Online
Resources for ESL
Vocabulary Review 21 TEACH: Savvy
Senses - Its All About
9 REMEMBER: 7 Infallible Observation
Tricks to Help ESL
Students Remember
New Vocabulary 22 TEACH: What Does
It Mean to Be Free?
10 TEACH: What Do You Conversations and
Do? How to Teach an Activities for the ESL
Interdisciplinary ESL Classroom
Unit on Careers
23 TEACH: Trick or Treat:
How to Teach Giving and
11 TEACH: Are You Free on Making Choices
the 12th? Realistic Ways
to Teach Appointment- 24 TEACH: X-Ray Vision:
Making What Will You See?

12 TEACH: Extreme 25 TEACH: Star Light, Star

Structures: ESL Lessons Bright, Seeing Stars in
with Strength Class Tonight

13 TEACH: Getting Serious 26 TEACH: You Can Get

About Fire Safety: There from Here:
Essential Activities for The Keys to Teaching
Your ESL Class Your Students to Give

14 TEACH: Good Luck

and Bad: Secure the 27 TEACH: Once Upon a
Former With These ESL Time: Teaching ESL with
Activities Fairytales
8 Great Ways to Elicit Vocabulary
from ESL Students
Definitions are a very easy way to
S: No, not never. I seldom go to the

elicit vocabulary, especially when it is
taught in context and in batches. Say you
This is often the case when we elicit vo-
are practicing words related to office sup-
cabulary that is, when we try to get them Another great way to elicit vocabu-
plies. You provide the definitions and stu-
to say certain words instead of providing lary in natural-sounding conversation is to
dents supply the right words:
them for them. Here are some strategies pretend that theres something you cant
that will make it a little less like teeth-pull- T: Im going to the stationary store remember: Remember that for Hallow-
ing and a little more like conversation. to buy some supplies. I need one of een you talked about the costumes you
those things you use to cut paper. wanted to wear? What was that monster
WHEN SHOULD WE What is that called? you told me about? The one that turns
ELICIT VOCABULARY? S1: A pair of scissors! into a wolf when theres a full moon?
T: Thats right! And I need one of those
Eliciting vocabulary and introducing vo- things you use to draw a straight line You can have great fun with this and elicit
cabulary is not the same thing. You in- or measure them. as many words as you want during any
troduce vocabulary when its completely S2: A ruler! class.
new, and you may use some of the tech- T: Yes! I also need that device we
niques outlined below to help you pres-
ent it, but you will be the one providing
the new word.
use to fasten papers together with
S3: A stapler!
This is clearly the best strategy for
Use a dictionary to get the definitions if visual learners and young learners in
On the other hand, we elicit vocabulary its too hard to come up with them on your general. Simply point out something in
when we want the student to come up own. an illustration or flashcard to elicit the vo-
with the word on their own, either be- cabulary from your students: So, Sarah
cause they may already be familiar with
it, or it is something you have previously
taught, and you want them to remember.
There are some words that are best
went shopping, and we can see here she
bought lots of things. What did she buy?

In this case, the student provides the

word you seek.
understood in a scale. Heres one ex-
ample: cold cool warm hot. Draw
a scale and omit the words you want to
Word clusters or mind maps are the
8 GREAT WAYS TO ELICIT elicit from students. ideal graphic organizer to elicit vocabu-
VOCABULARY <- cold ------ ------ hot -> lary from students. You start by placing a
general topic in the center of the cluster

There are words with very clear op-
Ask students:

T: What do we say about the weath-

and students add words that relate to that

posites, which is why they are so useful

when we want to draw out a word from a
student. But try to avoid the direct ques-
er when its not so hot, but nice and
S: Its warm.
Elicit vocabulary and test your stu-
tion, What is the opposite of ...? Use T: What do we say about the weather dents memory. Listen to or read a dia-
context instead: when we have to wear a sweater but logue and ask detailed questions later:
T: Are you usually awake at 3 am? its not that cold? What did the boy want for Christmas?
S: No, Im asleep. S: Its cool. What did he get?

Use synonyms to elicit vocabulary,
This also works great with adverbs of fre-
quency: never seldom sometimes
usually often always
but similar to the case above try to avoid And that is the problem for some time.
asking, What is the synonym of ...? Try In this case, establish the frequency by If they are not given the opportunity to
an activity like paraphrasing. You make asking the student questions: use the words theyve learned, rest as-
a statement and the student must para- sured, they will forget them. If students
phrase it by using a synonym: T: How often do you go to the mov- are not using all of the vocabulary theyve
T: I can type quickly. ies? learned, try to find ways to draw them
S: You mean you can type fast. S: Once a year out from them and use them in contexts
T: So you cant say you never go to that will help them remember them. They
the movies. wont be at a loss for words again.

7 Best Sources
for New Vocabulary
Listen up, that is, listen in on
conversations between native speak-
YOUR STUDENTS ers. Challenge your students to go to
a public area and listen to two or more


Use a newspaper or magazine
native speakers talking to one anoth-
er. As they listen, have your students
write down any unfamiliar words they
to teach new vocabulary. Have stu- hear and then bring those words back
dents choose one unfamiliar word for the class to discuss.
from an advertisement or headline,

cut it out, and illustrate that word on
a separate piece of paper or in their COFFEE TALK
vocabulary notebooks. Setting your students up with
conversation partners will give them a


Games like Scrabble, Scattergo-
limitless resource for new vocabulary.
If you can, set some class time aside
each week or each month to meet
ries, Balderdash and Boggle give you with a class of native speakers. Let
a chance to introduce your students to pairs of students have natural conver-
new and unfamiliar vocabulary words. sation, and challenge your students to
Leave these games in a corner of your write down any unfamiliar words they
classroom for independent study peri- hear and ask their conversation part-
ods or play in groups or as a class, ner for an explanation.
either on rainy days or the day before

vacation. Consider not keeping score,
but challenge yourself to play words BY THE BOOK
your students do not know. Particularly for older or academ-
ic bound students, textbooks can be

Movies and television are great
one of the biggest challenges of their
post ESL careers. Use textbooks in
your class to show your students the
sources for realistic dialogue. Your types of vocabulary they will need to
students can find not only situational be familiar with. Collect text books
vocabulary but slang expressions as from several different subject areas
well when they look to the big screen. and then challenge students to read
Show short clips in class multiple selections from the books and memo-
times and challenge students to listen rize any vocabulary they come across.
for specific or unfamiliar words or ex-
pressions on the second or third time


Ask students about their areas
of interests, and then give them vo-
cabulary that they can use in those
situations. For example, a student
may enjoy theater, video games or
cooking. Each of these interests uses
lingo, or vocabulary specific to that
topic. When you give your students
words that link to a preexisting inter-
est of theirs, they are more likely to
remember the words and use them in
real situations.

7 Best Ways to Introduce
New Vocabulary
material for this type of vocabulary
TRY THESE 7 BEST instruction. You can also pair syn-
WAYS TO INTRODUCE onyms, homonyms or any other sets
NEW VOCABULARY of words that have some connection.

Use pictures of new vocabulary 6 GET PHYSICAL
Use Total Physical Response,
words to introduce them to your stu- the ESL technique that links a physi-
dents. You may choose to use flash cal movement to English words. Illus-
cards, magazine images, online pic- trate new words through action as you
tures, picture dictionaries or photo- introduce the word to your students,
graphs when helping your students and then have them repeat the words
picture new words. and the actions that go along with

Using real objects to introduce
new vocabulary will aid your students Teaching word roots as you in-
in remembering the new words. It will troduce new vocabulary has many
also give your kinesthetic learners a benefits for your ESL students. It
chance to make a physical connec- gives them tools for understanding
tion with a lexical concept. Show your new vocabulary they have yet to en-
class an object, say the word, write it counter, helps them see the relation-
on the board, and then pass the ob- ships between words, and can even
ject around and have each of your help them make links between their
students say the word out loud. native language and English.

Before introducing a new vocab-
ulary word, describe the scene which
in which it would be used. Then, re-
phrase the scene using the new vo-
cabulary word. For example, I ate too
much food. I overate. This will help
build connections between English
words and teach synonyms without
even trying!

Make up original songs to intro-
duce new vocabulary. It will not only
aid certain learning types, but it will
also bring an element of fun into your
classroom. Simply use a simple, fa-
miliar tune (Twinkle Twinkle Little Star,
The Wheels on the Bus, Happy Birth-
day, etc.) and make up your own lyrics
using the vocabulary you are teaching
your students.

Try teaching pairs of words at
one time. Antonyms are the perfect

7 Best Ways
to Review Vocabulary
zle to review vocabulary with your stu-
TRY THESE 7 BEST dents. Clues can be word definitions,
WAYS TO REVIEW fill in the blank sentences, synonyms
VOCABULARY or antonyms. Then, students fill in
the puzzle with the target vocabulary

1 WEAVE A WEB words.

Use an idea web to review any
themed vocabulary your students
have studied. Start with your theme Pair work can be a great means
in the center of the board (e.g. sports, of vocabulary review for your stu-
school, etc.). Then add spokes off that dents. Have one person read a sen-
topic for each word your students offer tence or definition and quiz his part-
(e.g. soccer, baseball, etc.). You may ner. Then have students switch roles.
even want to add spokes off those As students play the role of teacher,
words for further related vocabulary they will also be learning themselves.
(e.g. goal, goalie, score, etc.).


To review a conversational pat-
tern which includes new vocabulary,
Have students create their own set of give groups of students a list of the
vocabulary flash cards. Using a met- phrases that should be used in the
al ring and small cards or cardstock, dialogue. Students must then put
students write each vocabulary word those phrases in the correct order so
with its definition on a card. Then, that the conversation makes sense. If
they punch a hole in the corner of their you like, have students copy the cor-
card and attach it to their ring. Stu- rect conversation into their vocabulary
dents can carry these convenient sets notebooks.
of words with them and review them in
any free moment they have.


Have your students respond to
questions or repeat what you say in
chorus. First, give them the correct
pronunciation of a word and then lis-
ten as everyone repeats it in unison.
Then ask a question and see if your
class can answer it together.

Fill in the blank activities are a
classic and effective way of teach-
ing and reviewing vocabulary. Give
your students independent sentenc-
es, paragraphs or phrases with key
vocabulary omitted and have them
fill in the blanks. You can also have
your students write their own fill in the
blank activities for their classmates.


Use an original crossword puz-

7 Best Games
for Vocabulary Class
who takes a turn with another word.
TRY THESE 7 BEST The person holding the stack of cards
GAMES FOR YOUR when the timer goes off loses.

Write vocabulary words on indi-
Choose ten categories with your
students or before class starts (e.g.
types of pets, city names, sports,
vidual index cards. Break your class items in a kitchen, etc.). Use an alpha-
into two teams, and have one individ- bet die to determine the letter for each
ual from each team act out the same round of play. Set a timer for three
word. The team to correctly guess the minutes, and students must think of
word first scores a point. one word for each category that be-
gins with that rounds letter. Students

Write vocabulary words on in-
score one point per word, and the per-
son with the most points at the end of
three rounds is the winner.
dividual index cards or use your set

from charades. Break your class into
two teams, and one individual from
each team draws a picture on the Choose an unusual word from
board. Drawers cannot use letters the dictionary and spell it for your stu-
numbers or symbols in their drawings. dents. Each person creates a fictional
The first team to guess the word cor- definition for the word and writes it on
rectly scores a point. an index card. You write the actual
definition on another index card. Col-

Create your own memory game
lect and shuffle the cards, and then
read all the definitions. Students must
try to guess which definition is the real
using vocabulary words. Write each one.
word on individual index cards. For

each existing card, make a matching
card with the definition, a synonym
or an antonym. Students shuffle the Using a picture with many ele-
cards and arrange them all face down ments (I-Spy books work great), stu-
on a table. Students take turns flip- dents attempt to find an object in the
ping over two cards. If the cards make picture that begins with each of the
a set, the student keeps the cards and letters A through Z. After about five
takes an additional turn. The person minutes, students compare answers.
with the most cards at the end of the The person with the most correct an-
game wins. swers wins the round.


Write each vocabulary word on
an individual index card. Students sit
in a circle with a timer set for a random
amount of time (3-8 minutes works
well). Shuffle the cards and give the
deck to the first person in the circle.
That person draws a card and tries to
get his classmates to guess the word
by giving verbal clues. He cannot
say the word or any part of the word.
When someone guesses the word, he
passes the stack to the next person

8 Killer Online Resources
for ESL Vocabulary Review
dents have chosen a category, they will terest to more advanced students is the
ITS NO BIG SECRET THAT ENGLISH find lots of words to review. They can Idioms section, where students will not
VOCABULARY IS ESSENTIAL TO YOUR choose to spell each word by them- only see the definition of each idiom
STUDENTS SUCCESS, NOT ONLY selves by clicking on the appropriate but also read it and hear it being used.
WHEN IT COMES TO DOING WELL ON letter in the spinning wheel, or they can Finally, there are links to online games
TESTS, BUT ALSO IF THEY WISH TO choose to see how each word is spelled. designed for the classroom, with clas-
IMPROVE THEIR OVERALL ENGLISH In the classroom, you can set up teams sics that any ESL teacher will enjoy
FLUENCY. to challenge each other for points. playing with their class, like Jeopardy.
First, you need to teach vocabulary

3 7
like a pro. Then, you need to review
the words theyve learned, preferably
through some fun games. But it doesnt LearningChocolate (www.learn- ESLGamesWorld (eslgames-
stop there. To really acquire new vocab- ingchocolate.com/) is an online vocabu- world.com) offers interactive classroom
ulary, students must constantly practice lary platform that provides great prac- games that your students will abso-
and use new words. With these 8 vo- tice for students of all ages. Though the lutely love. There are games to practice
cabulary learning resources, your stu- images are not that great in some cas- grammar and sentence structure, as
dents will have the extra practice and es, it still gets the job done. Students well as great vocabulary games featur-
review they need. Try some of these on- have a variety of matching exercises to ing classics like Snakes and Ladders,
line activities in class to review for a test complete, and may even listen to and but also picture labeling games and lis-
or instruct students on how to review write each word. Theres also a nifty tening games, as well as an assortment
vocabulary when theyre on their own. little dictation exercise! Wonderful for of other types of games. There are also
self-study! fantastic Vocabulary Quizzes on a wide
8 KILLER ONLINE range of topics, including phrasal verbs.
MyVocabulary (www.myvocabu-

(dynamo.dictionary.com) Its no
lary.com/) is another site that is not
specifically tailored to ESL students,
but offers some interesting vocabulary
Youd be surprised at how many
free online resources Cambridge offers
for ESL learners to practice vocabulary.
exaggeration. This is one dynamite on- lists and activities. If you go to Themed Although these resources are designed
line resource for advanced vocabulary Puzzles section, youll find vocabulary to accompany some of the books pub-
review. Powered by Dictionary.com, activities for all of major holidays like lished by Cambridge University Press,
WordDynamo offers lots of different Halloween, Christmas, Thanksgiving they can be used for vocabulary review,
ways in which students can practice and more. whether you are using these books in
and review vocabulary, from match- particular or not. For instance, if youre

ing games to crossword puzzles and
VOCABULARY.COM teaching students who will be sitting for
flashcards. The site is not specifically the PET, Cambridge offers a Vocabulary
tailored to ESL students, so most of the Vocabulary.com is an invaluable Trainer through which they can review
vocabulary may be too advanced, but source of vocabulary for advanced all of the PET vocabulary theyll need.
I always recommend this resource to learners, particularly adult learners who Although its meant as a complement
students who are planning to take the have reached a language plateau they to their Objective PET book, any stu-
TOEFL as there are exercises that are cant seem to get out of. Under Vocabu- dent taking the test will benefit from this
specifically targeted to this group. For lary Lists they have words that relate practice. The same happens with the
your less advanced ESL students, Id specifically to todays news and current First Certificate. Theres a Vocabulary
recommend checking out the Elemen- events. A great complement if you wish Trainer for FCE any student can use.
tary School level lists - they may offer to discuss current events with students.
just the right amount of challenge to be-


ginner/intermediate ESL students. ENGLISHMEDIALAB

Spin&Spell (www.spinandspell.
In their Vocabulary Games sec-
tion, EnglishMediaLab (www.english-
medialab.com/) provides dozens of lists
com/game.swf) is a fantastic online and activities to choose from. There are But dont forget to give them enough re-
resource for young ESL learners. The memory games with or without audio, sources so that they can continue work-
app gives you five categories to choose video lessons, interactive quizzes and ing on their own at home.
from: clothes, food, transportation, ani- online games that are great for begin-
mals or home vocabulary. Once stu- ners in particular. Now of particular in-

7 Infallible Tricks to Help ESL Stu-
dents Remember New Vocabulary
to them. And then repetition should fol-
low at progressively longer intervals.
So, to ensure that students will remem-
ber the words you teach them, they
Organize words into word clusters, and
BLOCKS. itll help students create associations
must use them again and again.
They are the principal carriers of mean- between words. For each set of new
ing in speech and without them, stu- Try this:
words, create the first cluster together,
dents simply cant communicate. Intro- Use new words immediately after
then for future clusters have students
ducing vocabulary to ESL students is they are introduced (introduction
recreate them on their own.
usually not a problem. We try to elicit followed by practice)
vocabulary as much as we can. Still, Use them again one hour later Try this: Lets suppose you have taught
despite our best efforts, students dont (quick review at the end of class) animals in different lessons throughout
remember as many words as wed like Use them again one day later (re- the year. Write the word animals at the
them to. Lots of new words are under- view the words they learned the center of your cluster and let students
stood when introduced, but then dis- previous day) branch out from there by supplying dif-
appear into oblivion. How can we help ferent types of animals, like farm, jun-
Use them one week later (general
students remember (and use) more gle, domestic animals. Students then
review of words learned in the pre-
words? Try these tricks. continue by naming the different ani-
vious week)
mals in each category.
Use them one month later (review/
preparation for a test)
ALS WHENEVER YOU CAN When practicing new words, make sure

When we speak, words are gone with
the wind they disappear in a matter
of seconds. Students may understand
students not only remember the word
itself but its proper collocation or usual
verb-noun combination.
Youve probably heard this again and them, but their minds are quickly filled Try this: When teaching Business Eng-
again (especially from me!) but it cant with other thoughts. Our brains, how- lish, dont just teach words like appoint-
be emphasized enough. The first step ever, are wired to process visual infor- ment, contract or meeting, teach
in helping students remember vocabu- mation differently it sticks, whether we phrases like make an appointment,
lary is teaching it in context. This means are visual learners or not. sign a contract or cancel a meeting.
you should never provide a list of iso-
lated, and least of all unrelated words,
for them to learn. Words should be in-
troduced within the context of a story,
Try this: Whenever possible use flash-
cards, pictures, or posters when intro-
ducing new words. Use the same visu-
Quite often we give students vo-
everyday situation, sport, activity or any cabulary exercises to complete, and
als, or different ones, to test students
context your students are familiar with. while this is important to help them
memory of the words previously taught.
practice writing the new words, studies

Try this: We often teach words related also show that practicing words out loud
to weather with pictures of clouds, rain,
MAKE THE WORDS is more effective in improving retention
sun, etc., and thats perfectly fine, but MEMORABLE than practicing them silently. Apparent-
try this instead. Print out the Weather ly, the ear is an important ally when it
By definition, memorable event or oc-
Channels 10-day forecast. Talk about comes to remembering vocabulary.
casion is easily remembered. By the
what the weather will be like today, to- Try this: Games are a great way to
same token, you can make new words
morrow and the day after tomorrow. Will practice vocabulary out loud. Play this
more memorable by using techniques
there be any thunderstorms in the next Clothing Memory Game (busyteacher.
that engage students and get their at-
10 days? When that storm hits you can org/10115-clothing-memory-game.
be sure your students will remember html) but make sure students make
the word thunderstorm. sentences with the words. Or try a
Try this: Introduce vocabulary related to
game like Guess the Sport (busyteach-

feelings by making exaggerated faces.
USE THE RIGHT TIMING It will make your students laugh, and er.org/1144-guess_the_sport.html).
FOR REPETITION chances are theyll remember them MOST STUDENTS HAVE NO TROUBLE
more. The same thing will happen if you COMPREHENDING NEW VOCABU-
There are plenty of scientific studies draw funny pictures on the board or use
and papers on vocabulary teaching and LARY; THE PROBLEM IS GETTING
realia. These types of experiences are THEM TO REMEMBER TO USE THESE
learning, but let me summarize the re- memorable for students, which makes
sults. Most studies agree that it is es- NEW WORDS. All we have to do is
the vocabulary you use easier to re- give them the opportunities to put what
sential to repeat or practice a new set of member as well.
words immediately after being exposed theyve learned to practice.
How to Teach an Interdisciplin-
ary ESL Unit on Careers
A career fair can be fun and in-
Because they will not have facial or
contextual clues they would normally
have in personal contact, the dialogue
will be more difficult and will challenge
formative for any student. Learning
OUT OUR LIVES, AND SOMETIMES about what other people do and what their speaking skills even further!
EVEN AS ADULTS WE DO NOT KNOW their jobs entail can inspire or clarify

THE ANSWER. BECAUSE OR IN SPITE a persons own call. Think about the WRITING
OF THIS, CAREERS OFTEN COME UP resources you have at your disposal,
IN THE ESL CURRICULUM. parents, other students, friends, bivo- You may want to use the topic
Adult students have often had experi- cational teaching colleagues, or oth- of careers to teach your students how
ence working, and are pursuing Eng- ers who might volunteer a few minutes to write a process composition. Have
lish to further their careers. Younger of their time, and invite them to your your students think about a career they
students are thinking about what they classroom to share about their jobs. might choose for the future. Then, have
want to be for the rest of their lives, and Have your students take notes on the each person list all the steps he would
talking about careers in class will give short presentations and note any un- have to make to reach that career
them the words to think their career familiar vocabulary each presenter goal. Would he have to attend school?
paths through. Whatever your reason uses. After your series of guest speak- Would he have to move to another lo-
for covering careers in the classroom, ers, which you can schedule either all cation? Would he have to meet certain
here are some activities you can use on one day or over a series of days, people and make connections? Do an
across the curriculum for your ESL review the information with your stu- example with the class pointing out all
students. dents. To test their comprehension, the steps in the process of reaching
see if they can complete a matching one particular career goal being very
HOW TO TEACH AN activity where they identify the career specific, and then have your students
INTERDISCIPLINARY that goes with a specific job duty. make their own lists for their own ca-
ESL UNIT ON CAREERS reers. Tell them to make sure every

Talking about careers with stu-
Do your students know how to
step is included so that someone who
knows nothing about the career could
follow those directions and reach the
same goal. Then, ask each person to
speak in a professional setting? Would
dents who have not yet decided on their they be able to give good customer look at his list of steps and divide it in
own is a great opportunity for introduc- service? Because customer service is logical places to make three or four
ing or reviewing the conditional tense. important in so many businesses in to- sets of steps. Finally, ask each person
Start by asking students if they had days world, take some time to do cus- to convert the list of bullet point in-
to choose a career today what career tomer service role plays with your stu- structions into paragraphs that explain
they might choose, or if you have adult dents. First, have groups of students the process, one paragraph for each
ESL students, ask them to choose a brainstorm several contexts in which group of steps. Transitional words are
career other than the one they cur- an employee would have to provide very important here, so you may want
rently have. Explain that to use the good customer service. These might to review with your class how to use
conditional in the present tense, that is include waiting tables in a restaurant, transitions within and between para-
to talk about the career they chose for working the check out at a shopping graphs as well.
today, start with the phrase If I were... center, answering customer calls or
Each person can insert a career here. any of dozens of other situations.
If I were a firefighter... or If I were a Then, have pairs of students role play WHETHER YOU ARE TEACHING ELE-
chef... Then, have your students think how they would act in one or more of MENTARY, SECONDARY OR ADULT
about the tasks they might have if they the situations. To make it more inter- ENGLISH CLASSES, YOU HAVE GOOD
pursued that career. They should then esting, you may want to put the spe- REASON TO BRING CAREERS INTO
finish the phrase I would... with the cific situations on small slips of paper THE CLASSROOM.
simple form of the verb. I would fight and have each pair of students draw These are only some of many career
fires. or I would have sharp knives. one from a hat or basket. Particularly related activities you can do with your
for example. Then let your students challenging and just as useful will be students. For more adult lessons on
work in pairs to practice the construc- role plays in which participants cannot careers, you may want to look at Busy
tion, each person choosing several see one another as they interact as in Teachers series How to Teach Your
possible careers and giving between a telephone conversation. To role play ESL Students Job Application Skills.
three and five duties he might have. a telephone conversation in the class- These articles will take you and your
This could also be a good time to in- room, have your students sit back to students through the job application
troduce some vocabulary specific to back and play out as they interact. process from determining the right job
different careers. to the final steps of getting hired.

Realistic Ways
to Teach Appointment-Making and phrases to discuss meeting time and or times before they reach success.
THE FACT THAT SOME OF OUR GROUPS place. Make a list of the ones you think One of the best ways to practice the more
MAY BE A LITTLE TIME-CHALLENGED. would be most useful for your students formalized appointment-making is to do
Teaching appointment-making in a and then take time to define and practice role plays, either scripted or unscripted.
hands-on way can provide students with them. A great way to practice this is to Put the students into small groups and
a way to re-examine how they view and actually have the students do some cal- give them several scenarios. Provide
use time. endaring of their own. Give the students some examples on a worksheet or on
a calendar for the month. Have them the board as prompts and have them role
HOW TO TEACH write in five to ten appointments that they play phone and in-person appointment
APPOINTMENT-MAKING have for that month. They can be real or
imagined commitments. Then provide
setting. Before you do this activity, you
will want to also go over what the recep-

The first thing youll want to do
when teaching appointment-making to
them with or brainstorm a list of activities.
Each student then must find a friend to
do each activity with and arrange a time
tionist is going to say and the ways they
might phrase questions or responses.
For example:
any level is to review time and the cal- and a date. This would be done best as a When would you like to come in to
endar. Remind students how we speak mingling exercise so that they got a lot of see Dr. Bradley?
about dates and times and allow them a practice asking and answering a variety We dont have availability for that day.
little practice time. You can also provide of questions. It gives them a real world The next available appointment isnt
them with some structures how to ask experience of comparing calendars and until January 27th. Can you come in
and answer questions about availability. negotiating what is best for both people on that day?
For example, have students do a few involved. Do as many different types of role plays

rounds of various types of questions and APPOINTMENT TYPES that you think the students would ben-
answers. Some examples could be: efit from and be sure to not only monitor
Once the students have practiced
- Are you available on June 10th from some informal appointment setting, they them, but also to debrief at the end and
10-12? Yes I am or No I am not. will be ready for larger tasks. It is time to answer questions.

- Are you free on the 15th for lunch? introduce the more intimidating prospect PLAN A PARTY OR EVENT
Yes I am or No I am not. of making appointments over the phone,
You can do this for as long as they need An entertaining way to wrap up or
and learning the various appointment continue reviewing appointment-making
to or get into a more detailed review of types. Brainstorm types of appointments
dates and times if they are struggling. is to have your students choose an event
with your students. These may vary de- that they would like to do as a group.
The review should be like a warm-up for pending on where you teach. Some ex-
the rest of the lesson, but if they dont They will then have to plan it. Whether or
amples that you will definitely want to not they actually do it is up to the group.
remember details or are having trouble, touch on are:
continue the review process. It could be a birthday party, BBQ, outing
Medicaldentist, doctor, pediatri-

to the movies, etc. You can split them into
NEGOTIATION cian groups to make it more manageable or
AND CALENDARING Hair cut allow them to do it as a whole class. In ei-
After they are refreshed with the details Manicure or massage ther case you will need to appoint some-
of dates, numbers and times, you can Educationalguidance counselor, one as the group leader, someone who
then get into negotiation. Negotiation teacher, principal takes all the notes and then someone
is all about finding a date, a time and a Work-related appointments or job in- who will notify the class of the decided
place that is mutually agreeable to all terviews date, time, and location of the outing.
parties involved. You can start out by Work or deliveries to your home Students need to find a date that works
discussing how it works with two friends, When working with people to organize for everyone by calling each other or talk-
and provide some language for negotiat- appointments, especially over the phone, ing in person and finding dates and times
ing. For example: you want to make sure that you stress that would work for all. You can set this
Negative responses for negotiation: some things with the students. First, they up in any number of ways, but essentially
need to ask for clarification if they are not what you want is a lot of back and forth
Im not free at that time, how about sure what the question was or what the and negotiation. You could utilize the
12:00 instead. Does that work for agreed time/date was. Second, students calendars they used earlier so that you
you? always need to repeat and confirm the are sure that there will be conflicts on ev-
I cant make it on the 12th. Are you information to make sure they got it right. eryones schedule. Get creative with this
free on the 15th? And third, it is very important for them to and adapt it to your needs!
Positive responses for negotiation: be able to think on their feet in this situa- APPOINTMENT-MAKING IS PARTICU-
Sure, Thursday works great for me. tion. When you call the doctors office to LARLY IMPORTANT TO STUDENTS TO
Yes, Im free on the 15th. Could we/ make an appointment, often times they BEGIN GAINING INDEPENDENCE. The
do you want to meet at 12 for lunch? are busy and dont have a lot of time to more they can see the real-world connec-
Sounds good. See you on the 12th spend on the phone. Also, the students tions to their language learning, the more
at 2pm. may have to suggest several dates motivated they will be to practice and take
As you see we use a lot of expressions risks.
Extreme Structures:
ESL Lessons with Strength
Whether students and teachers realize class should choose one or more people queens) of the gourd.
it or not, physics can make for some of to conduct the strength tests. The bridge
the most memorable classes in a school that is the strongest wins. Like with the bridge building exercise,
career. Anyone who has ever designed have teams write an evaluation of their
a machine to protect an egg as it falls After the bridge building and judging pumpkin chucking devices. What worked
from the roof of the school building re- are complete, have your class reflect on on the device? What did not work? What
members that experience, and there are the activity and their bridges by writing would they change next autumn? Have
plenty of similar lessons to engage and a short reflection. What was the most each group give their invention an overall
entertain students. Just because you successful part of the bridge? What part grade in the evaluation.
teach English, though, does not mean was unsuccessful? What would they do
your students cannot have these types of
memorable in class experiences. Wheth-
er it is physics or history, language is part
differently the next time they build this
type of structure? Have each person give
his or her bridge an overall grade in the
Perhaps the most commonly per-
of the learning process, so when you feel evaluation. formed physics test is the rooftop egg
inspired to bring a little daring science drop! In this contest, individuals or groups
into the language classroom, do it! Here
are some suggestions on how to make it
a successful experiment.
No, it is not the name of an alterna-
of students build structures intended to
protect an egg when it is dropped from
the school roof. You will need to supply
HOW TO PROCEED tive music group, it is a fun and energetic
activity for your ESL class if you have the
your class with some raw eggs as well
as the rules for the egg drop, and you

room and the resources to pull it off! If can find several examples online. In
BUILDING BRIDGES you live near a farm or have a farmers your rules, you should specify the height
Depending on the city in which you market nearby, the fall is probably filled from which the egg will be dropped, the
live, bridges may be hard to find or they with pumpkin sellers from September weight and size limit of the structure (if
may be around every corner. For exam- 1st through the end of October. When you choose to have any), and what cri-
ple, Allegheny County in PA, USA has Halloween is over, though, most farms teria will be used to judge the structure.
over one thousand bridges, and the city no longer have a need for the pumpkins You should give these rules to your stu-
of Pittsburgh is second only to Venice in they have been selling. If you can con- dents along with a copy of this article
number of bridges. Of course, as ESL nect with an owner or operator of a farm (www.wikihow.com/Participate-in-an-
teachers we are building bridges all the or market, he or she may be willing to Egg-Drop), which gives advice on how to
time, bridges between cultures and peo- donate all the leftover pumpkins to your construct a rooftop egg drop mechanism.
ples as our classrooms often reflects the class or your school for an unforgettable
influences of a global society. Though class activity and test of strength. Having your students work in pairs will
your students may or may not find them- challenge them to communicate with one
selves building bridges of understanding, With the extra pumpkins, challenge your another but allow each person in the pair
you can have them build bridges that students to create a device that will shoot to give significant input to the design and
test engineering and strength. Explain a pumpkin as far as possible. To get their construction of the egg drop. Give your
to your class that groups of students will creativity flowing, give your class some pairs around a week to complete their
compete in class to build the strongest time to explore the site punkinchunkin. structures and then ceremoniously drop
bridges. Each group of four students com where they can find pictures, videos the eggs from the roof! As with the other
should come up with a design to build and articles about the annual event that activities, have each team evaluate their
a bridge between two desks or tables happens the first Saturday of November. mechanism. What was most success-
in your classroom. After positioning the The Science channel broadcasts the ful about the device? What part, if any,
desks two feet apart, give student groups annual event at which some pumpkins failed on the device? What would they do
some time to design a bridge that fits be- fly as many as four thousand feet. Your differently if they were to build the ma-
tween them. You may want to provide students should not expect to build any- chine again? What would they give as an
some time for in class research on differ- thing as sophisticated and technical as overall grade?
ent types of bridges before the building what those professional pumpkin chuck-
ers do, but they can use their imagina-
session, and you may invite students to LANGUAGE IS A DYNAMIC, CREATIVE
tions and ingenuity to cast the gourd
bring materials from home or limit them CREATURE, AND LANGUAGE TEACH-
as far along a football field as possible.
to the items that can be found in the ERS CAN INCLUDE JUST ABOUT ANY
Working in groups, have your students
challenge their physics knowledge and
Once the bridges are complete, ask your ingenuity and create a pumpkin tossing
These activities are adventures in (and
students to think of an objective way to device. Make sure that on test day you
outside) the classroom and should only
measure their strength. They will have have proper safety measures in place so
be undertaken with enough planning, but
to discuss different options and work to- no one gets hurt, and then let the pump-
if you give them a try your students will
gether to choose the best one. Then the kins fly awarding the team with the far-
never forget the days in your classroom!
thest flying pumpkin the title of kings (or

Getting Serious About Fire Safety:
Essential Activities for ESL Class
Fire prevention week happens each
year in October, but there is no need
to wait until the fall to help your stu-
dents stay safe when it comes to fires.
Once your students have started think-
may want to discuss how the squares
on the paper should be proportional to
the size of their rooms at home. (You
may need to give your class a chance
The winter season is just as likely a ing about fire safety, give them some to measure their houses and/or get
time for fires since candles, fireplaces specifics on how to be safe in case of a help from their parents to make the fire
and heaters can all cause house fires. fire. Start by pointing out the fire safe- escape plan.) For the fire escape plan,
Make sure your students are safe by ty elements that are in place in your each person should label the rooms,
dedicating some of your language classroom and your school. These the fire safety features in the home,
learning practice to fire safety. might include sprinklers, smoke detec- and if you choose, the furniture in the
tors or fire extinguishers. Part of being house. Each plan should also include a
ESSENTIAL FIRE safe in a fire also includes having two meeting place outside the home in case
SAFETY ACTIVITIES exits from every room. You may have of an emergency. Then, have your stu-
FOR YOUR ESL CLASS safety ladders on the windows, and dents take their completed plans home

1 TALKING ABOUT you probably have an evacuation plan to review with their families.

posted in the classroom. Show each of
FIRE SAFETY these elements to your students and READING COMPREHENSION
How much do your students already allow them to ask questions or make AND GRAMMAR PRACTICE
know about fire safety? Find out by comments. What should you do if you find your-
breaking your class into discussion After pointing out what you have in self in a fire? This is a good question to
groups to talk about household fires. place in the school, show your class start a review of the conditional tense
Ask one person to take notes for each a completed home fire escape plan. A with your students. Before practicing
group, writing the answers that they fire escape plan is a diagram of a home this type of advice giving, review with
come up with together. If your students which points out fire safety elements. It your class the basic rules of fire safety.
are unfamiliar with some of the vo- should show all the windows and doors You can find a straightforward list of
cabulary in the questions, allow them in a home as well as the location of fire safety rules on firesafetyforkids.
to use an English/English dictionary to fire extinguishers, smoke alarms and org. Make a copy for each of your stu-
look the words up in their groups. You exits to each room. The plan should dents and give them some time to read
can give your groups these discussion also designate a family meeting place and review the rules. Then partner your
questions, or use questions of your in case of an emergency. You can find students together to practice the con-
own. a completed home fire escape plan on- ditional structure using the rules they
1. What should you do if your hear a line, but if you do not have one for your have in front of them. The first person
fire alarm? What does one sound own residence, now is a good time to should ask a question whose answer
like? What does a smoke detec- put one together. can be found in the list of rules. The
tor sound like? Are they the same question should start, What should
As you review the home fire escape
thing? you do if ... The second person should
plan with your class, this may also
2. What should you do to keep your then find the answer among the rules
be an opportune time to review some
smoke detector in proper working and answer, If ..., then you should ...
vocabulary used for items inside the
order? Then have students change roles for a
home. You should go over the names
3. Does your family have a fire es- of different rooms (kitchen, living room, second question. Continue for as long
cape plan? Describe it. Why is this bedroom, dining room, etc.), types of as students are able to think of ques-
type of plan important? furniture (couch, sofa, table, recliner, tions and find their answers in the fire
4. What fire safety mechanisms do bunk bed, etc.), and directional words safety rules.
you have in your house? Do you for talking about an escape route (e.g.
know how to use them? What fire TO CLOSE YOUR LESSON, HAVE YOUR
go left out the front door to the corner, STUDENTS RETURN TO THEIR ORIG-
safety mechanisms do we have or at the end of the hall go out the win-
here at the school? Do you know INAL GROUPS AND DISCUSS THE
dow and use the fire escape). This can SAME FIRE SAFETY QUESTIONS
how to use them? also be a good time to review preposi- AGAIN. What have they learned from the
5. What do you think a fire sprinkler tions of place as you explain the layout talk about fire safety? What does each
is? Where are they usually locat- of the home. person know now that he or she did not

PERSONAL FIRE SAFETY know at the start of the lesson? Have
6. What is a fire extinguisher? When each group share some of the things
should you use one? You have walked your class
through another familys fire escape they learned with the rest of the class.
After the groups have had a chance Then everyone can go home knowing
to discuss all the questions, bring the plan, and now each person should cre-
ate his own. Supply your class with that they will be safe and knowledge-
class back together to share their an- able in case of a house fire!
swers. graph paper for their diagrams. You

Good Luck and Bad: Secure the
Former With These ESL Activities
You spill coffee on your shirt getting they have grown up with and these in ask them to raise their hands when they
ready in the morning. You miss your English? What do students from other hear either of the repeated phrases.
bus and then realize you have forgotten cultures think about their classmates
your lesson plans when you finally get to superstitions? After reading the book a second time,
school. Not only that, it is class picture ask if any of your students remembers
day and your hair refuses to behave.
Sounds like you may have hit a spell
of bad luck. However, whether it is be-
People fall at every point along
having a school picture day. What was
that day like? What did they have to do?
Was there anything bad that happened
cause you walked under a ladder or just a spectrum when it comes to supersti- to them on that day? Working in small
woke up on the wrong side of the bed, tions. Some believe whole-heartedly groups, have your students brainstorm a
your day can still turn around. Try these and follow the advice these phrases list of all the bad things that could hap-
activities based on the idea of luck and have to give as much as possible. Still pen to someone on school picture day.
see if you and your students turn out to others disregard the whole idea of luck, Let them know that they can include the
have a luck day after all by the time you whether good or bad. Ask your students troubles Alexander ran into, but chal-
go to sleep! to think of a time in their lives when they lenge your students to be creative and
think luck played a part in a success or think of other events that could happen.
HOW TO TEACH a failure. If your students not to believe If anyone has tales of things that did
SUPERSTITIONS IN in luck, ask them to think of a time that happen to them or someone they knew
YOUR ESL CLASSROOM luck should have played a part in a situa- on a school picture day, include those
tion but did not. Have each person write too. Then come back together as a class

their narrative using chronological order
and giving as many details as possible.
Encourage each person to include a
and share your answers. Your students
will get a kick out of the creativity their
classmates display in their lists of ter-
Start the lesson with a class discussion paragraph at the end of their piece ex- rible, horrible, no good, very bad events.
about superstition. Ask if anyone in your plaining why they do or do not believe in
class is familiar with that word and, if so,
ask them to share what they know. If not,
offer them an example of a superstition,
for example, that carrying a rabbits foot
luck. Then post the stories on a bulletin
board titled Do You Feel Lucky? To add
visual impact to the board, divide it into
two sections with a strip of paper or wide Some people seem to have good luck
will bring good luck or hanging a horse- tape and define one side for those who when it comes to games and gambling,
shoe over your doorway will bring good believe in luck, one side for those who but do your students? The simple dice
luck. Ask them if they think these su- do not. Post each persons story on the game Farkle is a fun, risk taking game
perstitions are true or untrue, and make side for which he argues in his piece. that tests just how far its players will
sure you encourage your students to press their luck. Provide groups of four
share the reasons behind their respons-
es. Once your class is thinking about su-
perstitions, give them the following list of
superstations that are supposed to bring
In Judith Viorsts book Alexander
or five students with the rules for this
game, and have your students read them
and discuss in their groups until they are
and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very clear on how to play the game. Each
bad luck. Bad Day she tells the story of Alexander group will need six dice to play, and you
Breaking a mirror who has a series of bad things happen can purchase these quite inexpensively
Walking under a ladder to him on school picture day. Share the at a drug store or dollar store. Now let
Opening an umbrella inside the book with your students, and then point your class play and see just how far they
house out the type of organization Viorst uses will press their luck. If you like, arrange
in the book. She starts with the beginning a tournament where, for each group of
Having a black cat cross your path
of the day when Alexander gets out of four players, the two winners move up
Friday the 13th
bed and finishes the story at night when and the two losers move down until the
In groups of three or four students he goes to bed, that is she organizes best of the best have played and deter-
each, give your students some time to by time. Organization by time is called mined the ultimate winner.
discuss each of these superstitions. chronological, so explain this word and
Where do they think the phrases could concept to your students to make sure
have originated? Why might they bring they know what it means. In addition to WHAT IS THE QUESTION FOR TODAY?
bad luck? Do your students agree that chronological organization, Viorst re- DO YOU FEEL LUCKY?
these might be true? Once your students peats two phrases throughout the story Some of your students may answer yes
have examined each of these American to add to its structure. The title of the and others no, but either way they will
superstitions, challenge them to think of story and Alexanders sentiment that he have fun with these lessons that chal-
superstitions from their native cultures might move to Australia. Share the story lenge their idea of luck and get them talk-
which foretell bad luck. Are there any with your students a second time and ing about how it has, or hasnt, played a
similarities between the superstitions role in their lives!
Lets Go Try a Kite
Now that your students are
To follow up the writing activity,
thinking about the world in different you may want to launch message
HIGH IN THE SKY POSITION OF A ways, have them close their eyes balloons as a class. Have each stu-
KITE? and imagine what it would be like to dent write a note to the person who
You class will be able to say that they be a kite up in the sky. What would will find their balloon stating their
have after this lesson on writing from they see? What could they observe? name, the date, the schools name
a high in the sky perspective. and a brief message including a re-
Give your students five to ten minutes quest to write the postcard and place
HOW TO HAVE A KITE to freewrite. Freewriting is an exer- it in the mail. Then have your students
LESSON ON WRITING cise in which the goal is to never let attach a prepaid postcard addressed
FROM A HIGH IN THE your pen or pencil stop moving. If to themselves. They should each at-
SKY PERSPECTIVE your students know the term stream tach their notes to a helium balloon,
of consciousness, freewriting is sim- and as a class release the balloons


Before you jump into the high
ilar. For the allotted amount of time,
they should keep writing absolutely
anything that comes to mind. They
together. See how many people in
class receive the postcards from peo-
ple who found the balloons and make
sky view of a kite, read your stu- should not worry about grammar, a display to show where the balloons
dents some books about kites. You punctuation, spelling, getting off topic were found.
may want to use Catch the Wind! or organization. This activity is simply
All About Kites by Gail Gibbons or to get ideas on the paper. Another way to round out your high
The Great Kite Book by Norman in the sky unit is to get out of the
Schmidt. Once time is up, have your students classroom. If you are able to take a
go back and read what they have writ- field trip, schedule a visit to a high
Ask your students if they have ever ten. They may want to highlight any place near your school. It may be a
imagined what it might be like to be phrases or ideas they wrote that they tall building, an observation tower or
a kite high up in the air. Introduce the find particularly interesting or inspiring. a mountaintop. Encourage your stu-
term birds eye view to your class. They should then use these ideas to dents to write about what they see
What might they see from a birds write an organized and descriptive and how they feel as they observe the
eye view outside? In the classroom? piece on what it is like to see things world from so high up. You can also
At home? Give your students an op- from a birds eye view. They may ask them if they have changed their
portunity to share times they have write about what they see from their ideas since writing the kite piece. Any
seen the world from a birds eye view. high position. They may write what it thoughts or feelings that they share
These times may have been on a fer- feels like to be so high in the air fly- should be encouraged.
ris wheel, in a plane, from the top ing on the breezes. They may want
of a building or some other time they to imagine that they themselves are
were high in the air. You may even a kite and write about their dreams EVERY TEACHER WANTS HER STU-
want to have your students stand and fears. Anything is okay as long DENTS TO SOAR IN THEIR EDUCA-
on their chairs or desks to see how as they are taking a high above the TION. WHY NOT GIVE THAT FLIGHT
the room looks different based on world view. While your students write, A LITTLE BOOST BY LOOKING
your point of view. What are the you may want to play some light and AT THE WORLD FROM A KITES
similarities when they view the room airy music to set the mood. Flute PERSPECTIVE.
from a high position? What are the dif- music or the sounds of birds in nature
ferences? would be good choices.
Your students will enjoy using their
Artists also use the term worms Once your students have completed imaginations, and doing so may just
eye view to describe looking at the their pieces on kites, you may want to help them look at the world in a new
world from a position on the ground. repeat the activity taking the per- and interesting way.
You may also want to have your class spective of an ant on the ground.
lie on the floor on their stomachs and You can display the kite pieces in your
observe the room that way. What are classroom suspended from the ceil-
the similarities? What are the differ- ing or clipped to a clothesline strung
ences? in the classroom. If your students
write the ant pieces, designate a bul-
If you like, have your students make letin board for displaying them and cut
notes about the similarities and dif- out a simple anthill from brown paper
ferences they saw from a birds eye to decorate the board and post their
view, a normal view and a worms eye pieces in the burrows.
view of the classroom.

L: LOL Have Some Laughs
While Learning English
dents understand the jokes you have to appropriate, to illustrate their poetry.
There is nothing wrong with having offer or not, ask them to share some of
a little fun as we learn. One of the
advantages with teaching English
is there are many different fun and
funny things you can do with the
their favorite jokes from their native lan-
guages. They may need to explain the
humor to you as you may need to ex-
Games always bring fun to the
plain English jokes to them, but you will classroom, and here are two that are
language as you teach. all have fun even just trying to explain sure to have unexpected results. The
the humor to one another. first is one that has been very popular
LET YOUR STUDENTS historically telephone. Sit your stu-
HAVE SOME LAUGHS A whole genre of jokes that work well dents in a circle and whisper a sentence
WHILE LEARNING with ESL students are knock knock to the first. That student should then
ENGLISH jokes. Usually the punch line is a repeat what he heard in a whisper to
play on words, or a pun. For example, the next student. The pattern continues

Tongue twisters are tough.
Knock, knock. Whos there? Olive.
Olive who? I love you. In this case,
olive sounds like I love. After introduc-
around the circle until the last person.
The first person should tell the class the
original sentence, and then the last stu-
Tongue twisters are tough. Tongue ing this or another knock knock joke, dent should say aloud what she heard.
twisters are tough. Can you say that introduce your students to the concept Students will be amused at the change
quickly? The point of tongue twisters of puns. You may use egg-cellent or the sentence underwent as it travelled
is to challenge the pronunciation of the I think a job as a shoe salesman through the class.
speaker, native speaker or second lan- would be your best fit. There are
guage speaker. Giving your class some websites available whose entire pur- The second game is a writing game
time to practice tongue twisters should pose is for puns. Look there for limit- but also produces unexpected results.
help them get a few laughs out of their less ideas. Then allow your students Arrange your class in sets of four. You
studies. There are many tongue twist- to share examples that they may have may want to have them sit in circles
ers you can use with an ESL class. If encountered with puns or even share or just in the rows of desks or tables.
you choose to, you can select a spe- some from their native languages. Each person starts with a blank piece
cific tongue twister to supplement of paper and starts a sentence at the
activities on a particular sound you
are teaching. For example, if you are
stressing the difference between /r/
Limericks are another funny
top. The sentence should start with If.
For example, a student might write, If I
could fly... She then folds over the top
and /l/ here is a simple tongue twister. activity you can do with your students. of the paper so the next student cannot
Red leather, yellow leather. If you These may tie into a unit of poetry or see what she has written. Each student
are stressing the pronunciation of the w some other topic you are teaching, or should then pass the paper to the next
sound that many ESL students struggle you can use them in class for a change student and write the next phrase start-
with, use How much wood would a of pace. Explain to your students that ing with then. A student might write
wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck limericks are usually lighthearted then I would be king... Students
could chuck wood? How about rub- and often silly, and that they follow fold over the tops of their papers and
ber baby buggy bumpers when a specific structure and rhyming again pass them to the next student
teaching /b/ or Sally sells sea shells pattern. If you like, use the following. who writes a phrase starting with and.
at the sea shore when distinguish- There once was a girl with a camel She may write and eat lots of ice
ing between /s/ and /sh/. If you want a The camel was made of enamel cream... Students fold over the tops
real challenge, try having your students She ate it up quickly of the paper for the last time and pass
Then felt rather sickly
read portions of Dr. Seuss book Fox in to the final student who concludes the
And never again ate a mammal
Socks. Whatever you use, make sure sentence with an until phrase: until
your students understand that these
Ask groups of your students to count the sun goes down. Now collect the
are challenging phrases even for na- papers or have each group collect their
the number of syllables in each line,
tive speakers, and assure them that it is own and read the sentence as it is writ-
and see if they can explain the rhyming
okay if they struggle or make mistakes ten. The result will be nothing you would
scheme. After they have had enough
with these silly sayings. expect, but may sound something like

discussion time, come together as a
JOKES class and review the structure of a lim- this: If I could fly, then I would be king
and eat lots of ice cream until the
erick: lines one, two and five have
Even among native speakers of nine syllables each and rhyme with sun goes down. The silliness of the
English, humor often does not com- each other while lines three and four completed sentence will entertain your
municate across cultures, but that have six syllables and rhyme with students while giving them practice with
is no reason you should not give your each other. Then challenge your stu- the composition of clauses.
class time to share English jokes with dents either individually or in groups to
one another. The best jokes will be write their own limericks. Give them EVERY STUDENT BENEFITS FROM
those that tell a story and have an un- time to share with the class and, if age OCCASIONAL HUMOR IN THE
expected punch line. Whether your stu- CLASSROOM.
Mail Call! Turning Your Class-
room into a Life-size Post Office
Want to get your students to write other boxes will be stacked next to classes, and they will not even real-
more but afraid it may be forced or and on top of their box. If you are not ize they are practicing their writing.
boring? Did you ever pass notes in going to stack the boxes, have your These letters are not going to be the
class? (Getting caught doing it is an- students decorate the entire box. You time or the place for grammar grades.
other story.) can also modify how it opens if you Think of them more as free writing,
If you answered yes to either of these wont be stacking by cutting a slot into encouraging your students to write
questions then turning your classroom a removable lid and then accessing about their thoughts and feelings with-
into a life-size post office may be the the mail by removing the lid and then out fear of repercussion. Though there
perfect solution for you and your stu- replacing it. may be grammatical errors, there is
dents. It is fun, engaging and gets value in the writing itself, and many
them writing without them even real- Many teachers do this kind of activity of the grammatical issues will work
izing it. Read on to find great ways to around Valentines Day, but there is themselves out when your students
do it. no need to wait until then to get your get feedback from other, formal writing
students writing. The mailboxes will assignments.Having a classroom post
be even better and useful for a longer office also gives you, the teacher, the
HOW TO PROCEED period of time if they are not decorated opportunity to recognize your students
with only hearts and red paper. If you in special ways. When one of your stu-


You will want to start this class-
do this activity early in the year, the
boxes will be available for valentines
when the time comes. You can also
dents has done particularly excellent
work, drop her a note in her mailbox.
Be warned that you may find some
room transformation by assigning use your schools colors to decorate popularity issues cropping up among
each student a mailbox. You will have the boxes if you want some uniformity students if some of them do not get
a choice to make from the beginning, among the boxes, but mostly let your mail on a regular basis. Nip this in the
and it will probably be influenced by students use this opportunity to make bud by periodically assigning specific
your classroom space. Will you need their boxes their own, to show their topics to specific occasions and stu-
to stack mailboxes, or do you have personalities and to feel like they have dents. Your students can write their
room to lay them out in one layer? a permanent place in their own class- letters to whom it may concern and
If you need to stack them, you may room. then you can distribute accordingly.
need to purchase boxes or collect You can even give your students a
them yourself to make sure they are You will also need a collection of en-
velopes for your students to use when chance to respond to what the first
uniform in size and shape. If you have student has written in a letter of his
more space, you can have each stu- they are writing their classmates. Ask
your students to bring in envelopes own. Then review with your students
dent bring in his own box (a shoe box how to address an envelope (you can
is a good size) since they will not have from home whenever they have them,
and let your fellow teachers also know be as informal as writing a first name
to stack together. If you are respon- and a box number or as formal as full
sible for art classes, too, you can use that you are collecting envelopes.
Most people will have a collection of name, P.O. Box, and the address of
that period to decorate and design the the school) and have them drop their
P. O. Boxes. Each box should be se- mismatched envelopes and cards
(you can have them donate the cards, letters into a classroom mail box. You
curely closed with the front panel able can use a decorated waste paper bas-
to open. Do this by cutting the bottom too, if you like) that they are all too will-
ing to get rid of for a good cause. You ket or other container for this.
and both sides parallel to the end of the
could also include a box of envelopes

box. Keep the top intact so the mailbox
will close with a flap front. Most likely, on your beginning of the year sup- SPEEDY DELIVERY
you will have to cut the boxes yourself plies list for each student. Your class
will likely go through envelopes rather Each day, give one student the
since an Exacto or box cutter will be task of delivering the mail. This is
easiest to use. Make sure you do this quickly, so be on the lookout for scrap
or recycled envelopes throughout the great to add to a responsibility chart if
the day before the kids decorate their you keep one on a regular basis. You
boxes. Then on the day the students year.
will most likely want to do deliveries
will decorate, make available to them

at the beginning of the day. The as-
paints, markers, glitter and any other WRITE ON signed mail carrier for the day should
art supplies you have hanging around read the students name and mail box
During writing workshops, al-
your classroom. This is a great way to number from the envelope and then
low students to work on pieces they
use up leftover odds and ends from deliver it to the right P.O. Box. You
are writing for other subjects, but give
other projects. Also, keep in mind that can let students collect their mail at
them the option of writing letters to
if you are stacking the boxes, you will that point or wait until later in the day
one another as well. This will break
want to encourage your students to when they have free time. You will be
up the potential monotony of writing
decorate the front of the box because

less likely to have popularity issues
if you make your students wait until
lunch or a free period before check-
ing the mail. Each student should un-
derstand, though, that it is his or her
responsibility to check the mail every
day. In this way, your students are not
only increasing their reading and writ-
ing skills, they are also learning life
skills and responsibility.

Take the classroom post office a
step further by teaching your students
how to write letters. Make sure they
understand words like addressee,
address, return address, date, signa-
ture, greeting, closing and any other
parts of a letter you want to cover. You
can take one day to explain how to
write personal letters and another for
business letters (if your students are
old enough to distinguish between the
two). Most of the information required
for each type of letter is the same, but
the format is slightly different. And of
course, the writers voice is different
in the two. If you are teaching voice to
your students here is a great place to
practice it.


A little forethought will go a long way,
and your students will reap the ben-
efits all year. It is never too late for a
mail call, so try it out with your stu-
dents today!

No Pain, No Gain: Goal-Setting
Activities that Get Results
a new home and losing ten pounds. follow-through with the goal? Will you
GOAL-SETTING ACTIVITIES CAN BE You can supply some of the informa- need help to accomplish your goal
PARTICULARLY USEFUL AND NEC- tion that you brainstormed. This is a Timely: Is it a timely goal for you right
ESSARY IN HIGHER LEVEL GROUPS. perfect jumping off point for discus- now, and also will you be able to
Successfully presenting goal-setting sion because all three of the goals achieve you goal in a timely way. Is it
and engaging students enough to listed are very different goals with a long term plan or a short term plan?
really have them do some self-eval- varying degrees of potential. Have
uation is challenging but also very the students ask you questions about Discussing SMART goals in detail
worthwhile for everyone. Give these your goals. When do you want to do can help students hone in on the goal
strategies a try and your students will this? How will you pay for that? Why the really want to work on if they are
be climbing mountains in no time! Switzerland? Let them be their own unsure, and it can also provide some
best example because very shortly
GOAL-SETTING all the questions they are asking you,
very real guidelines as to what is re-
ACTIVITIES FOR will in turn be the same ones they ask
alistic. At this point, there is a certain
HIGHER LEVEL themselves as well as one another.
amount of self-reflection and probably
STUDENTS Youll want to be aware that goals
lots of questions. Let the students
work out which goals they are going to
are very personal. If students are shy

focus on, and have them write down
BRAINSTORMING about what their goals are, be sure to a goal statement. Provide some good
respect that and dont force the issue examples that include a specific goal
Start off with a brief discussion too much. Choose students who are
of what goals are and why they are with a timeframe.
willing to discuss their goals and go
important. Provide an example or two

through the model that you provided
from your own life or some other gen- WRITING DOWN FEARS
with your goals. You want to facilitate
eral example. Using examples that discussion, questions and enthusi- AND ROAD BLOCKS
you can then use to state a specific asm.
goal are best. You could talk about Once students have worked out the

practicing a sport, learning an instru- kinks in their goal statements, the last
ment, or getting a degree. Get them
PLOTTING OUT A COURSE step is to look at the possible road-
to ponder some questions like, why is OF ACTION blocks, fears, and anything else that
goal-setting important to us? Why do might get in the way of completion of
The next step in goal-setting is going the goal. This is important to do be-
we need to be very specific about our
beyond talking about goals with gen- cause goals arent always easy to
goals in life? Do you have goals that
eralities. It is now time to pick one of achieve and if the students can ana-
you are working toward right now?
the three goals and settle on it very lyze prospective problem areas, they
From the initial discussion youll want seriously as the one to plot out. The may be able to head them off instead
to have students do some brainstorm- focus should stay positive and be sure of getting derailed. You can have stu-
ing. First brainstorm as a group, and that students choose attainable goals. dents do more brainstorming about
get a list going of goals or types of Introduce the acronym SMART. We this, or group work where they ask
goals that exist. From that list, ask want to plot out goals that are SMART each other very important questions.
the students if any of their goals for (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Then students can take some time to
themselves are up on the board. Then Realistic, Timely): write out things that might hinder the
ask each student to brainstorm about
three of their personal, professional or SMART completion of the goal. With this, they
can then work out solutions to their
academic goals. Have a discussion Specific: If a goal is too general, it is
roadblocks and also think about how
beforehand about the difference be- also too hard to pin down. I want to
they will be held accountable to the
tween long and short term goals, and travel is too general. Focus your goal,
goal. Do they plan to hold themselves
let the students choose which ones and answer the who, what, when,
accountable or do they have some
they would like to brainstorm on. It is where, why
kind of support system that will help
a good idea for the teacher also to do Measurable: Measuring a goal is very them when they reach those road-
this, either ahead of time or along with important because it answers the blocks?
the students. Youll want to reference questions of: how much/many, how
your goal brainstorm before anyone often?
Achievable: Is the goal achievable for INGFUL LESSON FOR STUDENT TO
Once they have done some brain- you and how long do you estimate it EXPERIENCE.
storming and there is some chatter will take? It may present challenges along the
happening, share your brainstorm
Realistic: Is the goal relevant and re- way, but it will enhance the classroom
with the class. Perhaps your topics
alistic to your life? Will you be able to dynamics and provide a wealth of
include a trip to Switzerland, buying
support and enthusiasm.
Putting the Shoe on the Other
Foot: ESL Activities with Sole
Another year has rolled around and it found there. Get Smart in which the hero has a
is time once again for a unit on cloth- telephone hidden in his shoe.

ing. You have reviewed the vocabulary If you want to take the idea a step fur-
and practiced the typical role-plays. ther, the 1988 documentary American
Your students know about the differ- Tongues explores several regional NEED
ence between a button down shirt differences in English throughout the In 1776 during the American Revolu-
and a blouse as well as socks and United States. Though the documen- tionary War, the leaders of the revo-
stockings. You have reviewed acces- tary in its entirety may be difficult to lutionary forces told the Continental
sories from head to foot, but you are get a hold of, there are several clips Congress that there were only nine
still looking for something different to available on YouTube.com that you hundred pairs of shoes for more than
do with your students. Yes, the topic is may want to show your students. Af- twelve thousand soldiers. This mes-
clothing and accessories, but is there ter viewing the clips which show how sage was delivered at the beginning
not something different you can use different areas of the country speak, of December when soldiers were
to educate and inspire your students? encourage a discussion among your facing a long winter of war ahead of
The answer is yes. For those not so students about this phenomenon. them. With this in mind, ask your stu-
typical clothing and accessories les- How might these regional differences dents what people really need in order
sons, try one of the following activities influence each of your students ability to survive. What can they personally
with sole. to communicate in English? How does not live without? What would they do
it make them feel knowing that such if they did not have the basic necessi-
differences exist in just one country? ties of clothing and shelter? Give your
HOW TO TEACH ESL What are some strategies that your students some time in small group
ACTIVITIES WITH SOLE students can use if they find them- conversation to talk about what they
selves in such a situation? Encourage really need to live from day to day. Af-

Do you wear trainers? How
honest expression throughout the dis-
ter the discussion, ask each person to
make his own list of the top ten items
he needs to survive. Most people

about tennis shoes? Or are you some-
one who prefers sneakers? The truth
WHAT A SHOE IS GOOD will probably include items like cloth-
ing and shelter, but what other things
is, all of these words describe the FOR
does each person think she needs
same things. The difference between to survive? An internet connection?
If you were to ask your students what
them is not with the product but with Music? Relationships? You may be
shoes are good for, you would prob-
the speaker. These three different surprised at what your students think
ably get one answer: to wear on your
words all of which are used for athlet- they cannot live without. If you like,
feet. Surprisingly, though, shoes have
ic shoes are just one example of the post each students list on a bulletin
far more uses than just foot protec-
regional differences between speak- board titled All We Need Is ... You
tion. Give your students a chance to
ers of English. Introduce the idea of may also choose to share the Beetles
read what http://sneakers.pair.com/
regional language differences to your song All You Need is Love with your
offlabel.htm has to say about unusual
students by using this example, and students. Give each person a copy of
uses for shoes. Some information that
then ask if they are aware of any other the lyrics to read as he listens to the
the site has to offer may be expected,
examples of regional vocabulary dif- song. Then ask each person to share
but others may seem very out of the
ferences. If your class is able to offer with a partner whether he agrees or
ordinary. Encourage your students to
any, write them on the board and dis- disagrees with the famous song.
let their imaginations run wild by think-
cuss them with your class. Then you
ing up some additional unusual uses
may want to add some of your own
for shoes. Could they be used for pot- STARTING WITH THE IDEA OF SHOES,
examples. You can include the set
ted plants? How about using shoes as YOU CAN OFFER YOUR STUDENTS
of words which refer to a long sand-
a means to drink champagne in a wild SOME UNUSUAL AND INTEREST-
wich (hoagie, hero, grinder, torpedo
celebration? Have groups of about ING ACTIVITIES THE NEXT TIME YOU
and submarine) as well as any oth-
four or five students work together to DO A CLOTHING UNIT WITH YOUR
ers that come to mind. Probably the
make a list of as many unusual uses CLASS.
most popular word choice controversy These activities will challenge their
for shoes as they can think of. Then
centers around the pop versus soda understanding of language, survival
have each group choose one of their
versus coke debate. In fact, there is and everyday life as each person
ideas and present it to the class in a
an entire web page (popvssoda.com) thinks about bigger issues associated
creative way. They may want to write
dedicated to the topic. If you have the with his foot coverings. When you do,
and perform a skit, a song or some
resources and the time, encourage each person in your class will walk the
other method of delivery. You can
your students to explore the web page road of discovery though these activi-
close out the activity with a clip from
and then write a reaction to what they ties!

S: Savvy Senses -
Its All About Observation
your classroom or ask your students dents to write their descriptions.
to copy them into a notebook and add Encourage them to use as much de-
to them throughout the year. Either tail as possible but not to name the
way, they will have an increased vo- object that they are describing. They
How can you write about the world
cabulary bank to draw from and know can use the word object whenever
around you if you do not first notice
where to look when writing sensory they need to refer to what they are
it? By encouraging your students to
details. describing in their writing. Also, chal-
heighten their observation skills, you
lenge them to use some of the vo-

are half way to improving the quality
of their writing. SPIN THE DETAILS cabulary that you listed on the board
earlier. They should try to use variety
Now that your students are fa- in their word choice as well as give
HOW TO HAVE A miliar with what the five senses are thorough descriptions.
SAVVY SENSES ESL and they have some specialized vo-
LESSON cabulary to talk about them, it is time When your class is done writing, col-

to start using them for observation. lect their pieces and take turns read-
THE FABULOUS FIVE Tell your students that they are going ing the descriptions in front of the
to do an observation exercise. As class. Challenge your students to
Most people know that hu-
part of the exercise, they will create a guess what the object is that is de-
mans have five senses, but for ESL
sensory web. They should begin by scribed in the paper. Award a simple
students trying to express what they
take in from these senses can be a
selecting an object to observe. It prize to anyone who guesses correctly
can be something in the classroom or and the one who wrote those details.
challenge. Start by writing the five
something at home.
senses across the top of your
white board (hearing, touch, smell, Wrap up your observation lesson by
sight, taste) and ask your students
An apple is a good object to use, but playing a game with your students.
your students can also use items such Have them eliminate one of their
to explain what each one is. Now
as their hand, their desk or a book. senses and try to guess objects us-
that they know the vocabulary for the
Whatever object they choose, they ing the other senses. You can place
senses themselves, list under each
one words that relate to that sense.
should write that object in the center objects in paper bags for them to feel,
Ask your students to volunteer words
of their page. play sound clips for them to listen to,
that they already know. or provide simple liquids dabbed on
Next, your students should draw five cotton balls for them to smell (vanilla
For example, under smell you might
spokes coming out from what they extract, hand soap, vinegar or milk
have written in the center of the page. just to name a few). See who can get
write sniff, nose, odor, scent or oth-
At the end of each spoke, they will draw the most answers right among your
er related words. Under sight, your
a circle in which they will write their class. This will provide a whimsical
students might volunteer the words
vision, look, appearance, watch sensory observations. They should la- conclusion to your observation chal-
or stare. Write down whatever words bel the circles looks like, feels like, lenge.
your students offer, and then add tastes like, sounds like and smells
like. Then give them plenty of time
some more of your own. It is always OBSERVATION IS KEY TO PRODUC-
to make their observations and write
beneficial when you can introduce ING STRONG WRITING. IF YOUR
notes in the circles. You may want to
new vocabulary in some tangible con- STUDENTS ARE ABLE TO OBSERVE
set a minimum of tem observations for
text, and learning groups of words is THE WORLD AROUND THEM THEY
each spoke. However, warn your stu-
one way to do that, so take advantage WILL BE ABLE TO BETTER ELAB-
dents that they should not taste any-
of this vocabulary activity to teach ORATE THEIR WRITING. IF THEY
thing without permission since putting
your students some new sensory CAN BETTER ELABORATE THEIR
foreign objects in their mouths could
words. Think along the lines of differ- WRITING, THEY WILL KEEP THE
be harmful. After completing the web,
ent textures or obscure colors when READERS ATTENTION AND MAKE
you may want students to share with
coming up with the words. THEIR AUDIENCE WANT TO READ
partners the observations that they
You might also want to read your made. This will give them speaking
class some books about the five practice as well as help them formu-
senses. You can use My Five Sens- late complete thoughts before they
Taking some time to focus on obser-
es or The Five Senses or any num- write their complete descriptions.
vation is a first step to getting your
ber of others. After reading these

students to write strong, descriptive
books, allow your students to add ILLUMINATION language. Have fun while you do so,
more words to their vocabulary lists. and your students will be more likely
You can keep these lists posted in Now is the time for your stu-
to write descriptively in the future.

Conversations and Activities
for the ESL Classroom
For citizens of the United States, our their lives both in the United States Once they have a better idea about
freedoms are an important character- as well as in their home countries. If what it meant to help these escapees,
istic of our lives. Most everyone knows your students are studying in places ask your students to think about this
that the freedom of life, liberty and the other than the United States, what do question: would you risk your freedom
pursuit of happiness are part of the they think those freedoms might look and break the law to help a person you
American dream, but not everyone like in the U.S.? After groups have dis- did not know find freedom from slav-
thinks of freedom in the same manner. cussed the freedoms, ask each group ery? Give each person some time to
to choose one of them and create a prepare his thoughts and support for
Cultural perceptions about what it poster in which they draw a repre- his point of view and then ask willing
means to be free vary, but teachers sentation of the freedom in their lives. students to speak in front of the class,
of ESL have an opportunity to turn They may choose to a poster with one sharing their thoughts.
those cultural values into productive message or create a mural with many
language lessons. ESL classes, which
often have students from every corner
of the globe, are sure to have interest-
ideas depicted. In either case, display
those posters around your classroom
when they are complete and allow
Another topic which some peo-
ing conversations when it comes to your students to see how their class- ple say questions the freedom of an
talking about freedom. mates portrayed freedom. individual is the idea of prearranged
marriage. Many people today feel


In the United States, some of the
that a man or woman should be able
to choose his or her own spouse,
but that was not always the case. In
most popular symbols of freedom are times past, prearranged marriage was
the eagle, the flag, the Statue of Liber- the dominant method of the day. Put


What is freedom worth to you
ty and the Liberty Bell. Send your stu-
dents to the internet, either individual-
ly or in groups, to research how each
your students into discussion groups
to make a list of pros and cons about
prearranged marriage. Do your stu-
and to your students? Would you of these objects became symbols of dents think that prearranged marriage
give a year of service to your country freedom in the United States. Then is an infringement on an individuals
for your freedom? Would you give a challenge students to list some ob- freedom? Ask each person to imagine
lifetime of service? Would you give jects that are used in their home coun- that he or she has been found a mate
your very life? Put your students into tries as symbols of freedom. Are there through arranged marriage. He has
discussion groups, trying to have as similarities? Why or why not? After never met her and she has never met
many different nations represented in each person has enough information, him, but they are allowed to write let-
the group as possible. Give your stu- have him write a piece explaining what ters to one another before they meet
dents these questions and challenge symbolizes freedom to him. It may be on the wedding day. Ask each person
them to have an open discussion with some of the objects he researched, or to write a letter to a future spouse that
one another. What have members of it may be something completely dif- he or she knows nothing about. In the
the group already given for their free- ferent. Ask your students to illustrate letter, each person can decide to go
dom? See if the group can write a defi- their compositions and then post them through with the marriage or try to call
nition of the word freedom on which together on a bulletin board with the it off. Either way, challenge your stu-
everyone can agree keeping in mind title What Freedom Looks Like. dents to be creative in what they write
their answers to the discussion ques- and careful about how they write it.


The Underground Railroad was
used in the United States by southern
slaves who ran away seeking freedom
Taking the discussion a bit further, in- in the north. Free individuals would FROM TIME TO TIME.
troduce your students to what Frank- provide food and shelter to these run- Challenge your students to think
lin Roosevelt talked about in his State aways on their journey to freedom about what freedom means to them
of the Union address in January of even though if the runaway slaves and what freedom is worth to them.
1941. He said that every American were caught those that harbored them Through these exercises and activi-
has four basic freedoms: freedom of would have been punished by the ties that focus on freedom, your stu-
speech, freedom of religion, freedom authorities. Give your students some dents will have to think again what
from want and freedom from fear. Ask information about the Underground their freedom means to them.
these discussion groups to talk about Railroad or send them to the library
how each of those freedoms affects or internet to do their own research.

Trick or Treat: How to Teach
Giving and Making Choices
People make choices every day. We two different types of candy bars. (The ple (doctor, parent, peer). Why do they
choose what to wear, what to eat, bite size samples are a good size to think that was the case?
what to do with our time. We choose use for this activity.) Students should
where to go and who to talk to. When
you want to offer your students some
choices of their own, you can use the
unwrap the candy bars so the tasters
do not know what type they are tast-
ing and label one A and another B in a
We often hear of stories in which
following role-playing activities. Which small cup or on a plate or napkin. Then a genie offers three wishes to the per-
one will they like best? Try them all and each group of students should have the son who rubs his lamp. If your students
then choose. other half of the class try both types of were given three wishes, what would
candy. Have the testers ask which type they choose to wish for? Start this ac-
of candy the taster prefers. The taster tivity by playing a clip from Disneys
TRICK OR TREAT: HOW should give his or her answer and say Aladdin in which the genie explains the
TO TEACH GIVING AND why he prefers one to the other, and three-wish policy to Aladdin, and then
MAKING CHOICES the testers should record the answers. pose this question to your class: if you
Then switch roles. Once everyone from were given three wishes, what would

If you are doing a unit on food, a
both groups has had a chance to taste
test some sweets, have the groups of
students tally up which of the candies
you wish for? Allow students to think
about their answers and then have pairs
of students role-play the genie and the
restaurant role-play is a great way to was preferred by their class overall. one who rubbed his lamp. Encourage
practice choices with your students. You may also want to have each group your students to think of wishes they
Have your students use the vocabulary write a short report on which candy was might make for themselves, wishes
you are learning to write a menu. They more popular and why. they would make for the people that
can use an online menu as a model they love, and wishes they would make

as they write their own. Tell your class
to make sure each menu item offers
HEALTHY CHOICES for the world as a whole. After giving
ample time for the role-plays, ask each
a choice. They may give a choice of Anyone who has studied nutrition student to share with the class one of
salad dressing, a choice of bread, or knows that the choices you make on a the wishes he or she would choose.
a choice of side dishes, for example. daily basis can contribute to your good

Then have two students work together health or your poor health. Spend some LETS MAKE A DEAL
to role play one as the waiter taking time discussing with your students how
the order and one as the patron plac- important it is to make healthy choices. If you and your students have had
ing an order. The patron should select Then take some time to brainstorm as your fill of serious discussions, why not
a menu option, and then the waiter a class what some healthy choices bring a little levity to class by watching
should offer the choice that comes with might be. Make sure your list includes excerpts from Lets Make a Deal? In
that item. After the order is complete, things like eating fruits and vegeta- this game show, contestants are often
switch roles and play again. To make bles, getting enough exercise, getting offered a choice of prizes, but those
the activity more challenging and to ex- enough sleep and taking time to relax prizes are hidden behind doors, behind
pand your students vocabularies at the from work. Then brainstorm a list of curtains or in boxes. After watching
same time, bring in a collection of take unhealthy choices. With partners in enough of the program to understand
out menus from restaurants in your class, have students role play a situa- the concept, have your students cre-
area and have them use those menus tion where one person offers a choice ate their own Lets Make a Deal game
for the role-play. and the other person gives his prefer- show. In groups, have students think of
ence. You may want to have speakers prizes that a contestant might win and


With Halloween coming closer
play the role of peers, parents, doctors
or teachers. The speaker may offer a
choice between one item on the healthy
the tasks he or she may have to do to
win them. Then let your class role play
the host of the show and contestants
every day, why not share the love and list and one item on the unhealthy list, and see who wins big for the day.
the chocolate with your class by or- or he may choose two items from either
chestrating a taste test with mini candy of the same lists. The second student
bars? Of course if anyone in your class should then make a choice between EVERYONE MAKES CHOICES EVERY
has food allergies, this is not the activ- the two options. Students can then DAY.
ity for you, but if not the change of pace switch roles. You can also encourage These choices may be what type of
and the shot of sugar are a good way your students to offer choices that candy bar to eat or they might be which
to change things up for the end of Oc- do not appear on the list to see what prize curtain to take a chance on.
tober. To run a taste test, divide your their classmates would choose. Then Whether your class is choosing little
class into two groups. Have each group ask your class if the answers changed things or big ones, role-playing may be
of students prepare small squares of when they were talking to different peo- the activity to choose for practice.

X-Ray Vision: What Will You See?
If you have ever read a Superman com- among the class. Asking questions like ple, the spare rib, and the Charlie horse.
ic, you will probably understand some of the following, you can help your students You can use this game as a jumping
the appeal x-ray vision has for people use their imagination and also see the off point to talk about puns that include
of all ages. We are intrigued by the idea advantages to scientific advancement body parts. See which ones your class
of looking inside something or some- like the x-ray. already knows and introduce them to a
one and seeing what is really going on If you could look inside the body, few more. You can also ask for expres-
beyond the mysterious outside barrier. where would you want to look? sions in their native languages that use
These x-ray themed activities will give body parts. If students know, have them
Why would you want to look there?
your students a chance at x-ray vision, share the origins of those expressions.
both imagined and authentic, and it will What do you think you would see?
If you are really looking for something
give them lots to talk about. Have you ever had a medical test entertaining for your students to change
X: X-RAY VISION that looked inside the body? Tell up the normal class routine, provide a
LESSON FOR YOUR ESL your group about it. screening of Osmosis Jones. This ani-
CLASSROOM How can these tests help doctors mated movie starts Bill Murray and tells
the story of a white blood cell trying to

help their patients?
TAKE A CLOSER LOOK save Murray from a virus. Please note,
What would you like to know about
Depending on the age of your stu- this movie may not be good for all class-
the human body?
dents, they may have had little experi- es, so your best bet is to preview the film
ence with x-rays. Especially for younger Why do you want to know that? before showing it to your class.

classes, x-rays may seem like a frighten- What are some questions you would
ing thing, and you will want to help them ask a doctor who could tell you about
understand the process of taking an x- those places? You can take the idea of looking in-
ray so they can appreciate the science side the body further with a research as-
This activity would work well with part-
behind the unusual photos. You can get signment for your students. Have groups
ners or in groups. After the discussion
some books about x-rays from your li- look up information on the different types
time, you can ask someone from each
brary and make them available for your of tests that allow doctors to see inside
group to share some of the answers that
class to read during free reading time. a patients body. They should include x-
group discussed. This may be a good
They wont be as knowledgeable as an rays, CAT scans, ultrasounds and MRIs.
opportunity for you to learn about your
x ray technician but good enough for Have a group of four investigate one of
students and their families. Someone
class. You might want to include Bones each of the tests. Then take one person
may share some personal information
by Stephen Krensky or the Mysterious from each group and put them togeth-
you did not know, and this information
Rays of Dr. Rontgen by Beverly Gher- er to share the information their group
might be important especially if some-
man. learned. Your students should make a
one in the family is having a medical
chart that compares and contrasts the
Then before starting the other activi- struggle.
different medical tests.

ties in the unit, read these stories aloud
IM PUZZLED For a final treat, bring someone in from
to your class. If possible, you can also
bring in actual x-ray films for your class Now that your class has some the outside. This unit is a logical place
to look at. When your students see that shared knowledge, make a game of this to invite a guest speaker to class. If you
they are pictures of the bones inside a new science by showing your students can, have a medical technician or doc-
person, they may feel less frightened. portions of x-rays. Then challenge your tor come and speak to your class about
Viewing x-rays as a class is also a good class to name the body part in the x-ray. the advances in medicine and how these
opportunity to review some body part vo- Since you reviewed the major parts of tests help patients. You may want your
cabulary. For more advanced students, the body and specific bone vocabulary students to take notes on the presenta-
especially those at the college level, you earlier, this exercise will give your stu- tion and then ask prepared questions
may want to teach them some words for dents a chance to use the worlds they of your guest. If you really want to chal-
the major bones in the body. You can in- recently learned. You may also want to lenge your students, give them a true/
clude the skull, ribs, sternum, humerus, extend this activity by showing pictures false quiz on the information your guest
pelvis, radius, femur, patella, tibia and of organs in the body (illustrations are speaker presents to test their listening
fibula. You can find a diagram of these preferable to actual photos for younger skills.
bones on the Internet. If you give your children) and have your students guess THE HUMAN BODY IS AN AMAZING
students the new vocabulary words and what the body part is. This may provide AND MIRACULOUS CREATION THAT
a bone diagram, see if they can guess an opportunity to introduce even more SCIENCE ENABLES US TO UNDER-
which bones belong to which words. Af- vocabulary to your class. STAND MORE AND MORE EACH
ter this introduction to x-rays, move on to For a more fun alternative, give your PASSING YEAR. YOUR STUDENTS ARE
talking about them. students a laugh by playing the classic SURE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THEIR
game Operation. In this game, students
use tweezers to carefully lift out bones SCIENCE IS WORKING TO KEEP THEM
There may be some students in from the body of a patient. If they hit HEALTHY AND SAFE THROUGH THESE
your class who have had x-rays done the edge of the body, a buzzer goes off. X-RAY THEMED ACTIVITIES.
for various reasons. Encourage those The game does not use real names of You may even inspire one of your stu-
students to share their stories with the bones, but uses puns that include body dents to explore the world of medicine in
class and allow their fellow students to parts. Some of the bones in Operation his or her future.
ask questions. Then start a discussion include the funny bone, the adams ap-
Star Light, Star Bright,
Seeing Stars in Class Tonight
for years. Talk with your class about dark blue or black paper and carefully
HOW MANY PEOPLE ON HOW MANY constellations, and see how much in- cover the bulletin board. As you do,
NIGHTS HAVE GAZED UP INTO THE formation your students already have poke small holes in the paper for the
ENDLESS NIGHT SKY AND BEEN about the stories in the skies. Can they light bulb to stick out. Then, when you
TAKEN IN BY THE STARS? identify any constellations? If so, do are ready to light up your own night
We humans are fascinated by the gas- they know the names of those constel- sky, plug the lights in and watch them
eous wonders whose light may take lations? You may challenge their non- twinkle in the darkness of night. If you
years to travel from their places of text reading abilities by providing dia- like, allow your students to recite their
origin to earth. Under the stars, some grams of the night sky, both in summer poems in front of this display, and re-
find significance, their places in the and winter. Challenge your students to cord their presentation. You can use
universe. Others feel overtaken by a scavenger hunt to find certain pic- this film later to review pronunciation
the vastness of space. Whether we tures or names of specific stars. Then during a one on one conference.
feel large or small, close or distant, use those constellations as a jumping

stars may be that spark you need to off point to learn some of the mythol- HOLLYWOOD STARS
brighten up your ESL class. Try these ogy behind the beings we imagine up
activities based on the stars above us above. You can direct your students to Another popular use of the word
all and see your students improve their read the mythology behind the constel- star comes in reference to celebrities
language skills down on earth. lations. To take the exercise a step fur- in the entertainment world. The stars
ther, ask each person to write a story of Hollywood seem to change every
HOW TO PROCEED featuring one of these mythological be- day, but those who get their own star
ings either in its constellation form or on the walk of fame will be remem-


as its mythological character. bered. Have your students imagine
that they were each going to receive

If you were going to travel through the

stars, what would you pack? It is an
interesting question since life in space
One of the most popular chil-
a star on the walk of fame. Ask each
person to write an explanation of why
he or she deserves the star and what
drens poems is Star Light, Star Bright. accomplishments he or she has made
is so much different from life on earth. to earn it. Of course, these will be fic-
Have your students think about what Star light, star bright tional pieces, but your students should
possessions are most important to First star I see tonight feel free to use their imaginations and
them, and then ask them to share with I wish I may, I wish I might dream big. If you like, give each per-
a partner what items they would bring Have the wish I wish tonight. son a star template to decorate and
into the outermost regions of the uni- Some children recite this poem every make your own walk of fame around
verse. Also, remind your students that night as the first star becomes visible the classroom. If you are lucky enough
as the speed of travel approaches the in the sky. Using this poem, you can to live in the Los Angeles area, take a
speed of light, time slows. This phe- do two different activities with your walk to the stars and do some rubbings
nomenon has been portrayed in many class. First, challenge each person to of your favorites! Using a piece of pa-
popular movies. Ask your students to write his own poem about the stars. per large enough to cover the star, rub
imagine what the world on earth would He should follow the same format and the side of a crayon over the engrav-
be like after they had travelled for one rhyme scheme as this poem though he ing and see it replicated on your paper.
hundred years in space and they return should feel free to write about anything If you like, display them in your class-
to earth the same age as they are now! that has to do with the stars. Second, room.
You may want to ask groups of stu- ask each person to think about what
dents to create posters showing what she would wish for if she said this
the future of earth might be like when poem to the evenings first star. You WHETHER YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT
they return from their space travel. may want each student to discuss her THE STARS OF HOLLYWOOD OR THE
answer with a partner or have her write STARS OF MYTHOLOGICAL LEGEND,

a short paragraph explaining what she
would wish for and why. You can make
a spectacular display on a classroom
bulletin board to coordinate with the
For thousands of years, humankind
has been seeing pictures in the stars. star theme. Take one or two strings Your students will enjoy thinking, learn-
Though the pictures that ancient man of holiday lights and carefully staple ing and writing about the stars in the
saw are almost certainly different from them to a blank bulletin board, bulbs sky when you invite them into your
those we see today, the stars have in- pointing out. (To do this, situate your classroom.
spired humanity to see heavenly beings staples so they fall on either side of the
wire and do not puncture it.) Then, take

The Keys to Teaching Your
Students to Give Directions
Getting from one place to another is not list as detailed as possible. Do not forget following the directions, have him write
always easy. Very rarely can a person less popular modes of travel including down his location on the bottom of the
travel on a straight path from one point burrow, submarine, roller skates, dune paper and then return to the classroom.
to another, so it is important for ESL stu- buggy and any others you can think of. The writer of the directions should then
dents to learn how to give directions. To elicit these travel modes from your look to see if the person following his
students, you may want to mention directions ended up in the correct loca-
In this activity your students will gain the settings in which those types of travel tion. If all goes well, the intended desti-
tools they need to successfully direct would be most appropriate, the Grand nation will be the actual destination.
someone from point A to point B and Canyon for example. After you have
maybe enjoy the scenery along the way. exhausted your list, pair your students For more activities on giving and asking
and have each person tell the other directions, visit BusyTeachers section
what means of transportation he would Directions: Giving And Asking
HOW TO TEACH use to get to that point of interest in his
home country. Encourage your students
that a one-word answer is not enough.
Before you take the plane overseas,


Most international students take
what mode would you use to get to the
airport? After the plane landed what
mode of transportation would you use?
If you are feeling especially adventurous
and your students are willing to accom-
pany you, you can make a game out of
special pride when talking about their
giving directions. Once again, pair your

home countries. Ask your students to
suggest some points of interest to a
CAN YOU GIVE ME students together. Have one student
visitor to their home countries. Make DIRECTIONS? stand at one end of a playing field or the
classroom (though a larger area is bet-
sure your students know the grammati-
Finally, have your students give specific ter in which to play). The other member
cal structure for giving advice. If you
directions from your classroom to their of the pair should stand at the other end
go to [my home country], you should
place of residence. Before starting the of the location with a blindfold on. Once
see [point of interest]. Students can
directions, compile a list of vocabulary all the teams are ready, you should
suggest locations tied to sports, history
words that are necessary when giving place an item somewhere in the playing
or entertainment. Encourage your stu-
directions. Include right, left, go straight, area between the team members, just
dents to give whatever details they can
turn and stop. Then have each student be sure it is not too close to any one
about the locations.
write out very detailed and specific di- player. Each seeing player should then
rections how to get from your classroom shout directions to his teammate across
To further the idea of visiting a new
to the place that he lives. It should be so the field leading that person to the item
place, provide some travel brochures
specific as to include instructions like, you left for them. The first player should
for your students to look at. You can find
Stand up from the desk. Turn right and remain stationary throughout the game.
these types of brochures at rest stops
walk around the desks to the classroom The first player to reach the item and his
along the highway or at visitor centers
door. Turn the doorknob... Pair your direction-giving partner are the winners.
for cities. Give your students time to
students together and let them read You can then repeat the game with the
look through the brochures and think
each others directions. If a student has players roles reversed. This time move
about what they would say about one
questions or is unclear about the direc- the object to a new location. This activ-
point of interest in their country. Have
tions, the writer should clarify or revise ity will challenge your students ability to
your students make some notes on in-
his directions. both give and understand directions.
formation they would give to visitors us-
ing the brochures as an example.
As a final project, have each student

write directions from your classroom
HOW WOULD YOU GET to the school library, cafeteria or other TO FIGURE OUT ON OUR OWN HOW
THERE? location nearby. Again, have your stu- TO GET FROM PLACE A TO PLACE B?
dents write the directions, but this time MOST PEOPLE WOULD PROBABLY
Once your students are thinking about they should not write the final destina- STAY IN ONE LOCATION FOR THEIR
interesting places to visit, start a con- tion on the paper. The final sentence in ENTIRE LIVES.
versation about the different modes of each set of directions should be, You Empower your students to give and
travel. As a class, brainstorm as many have arrived. Then collect and redis- follow directions by teaching them the
different modes of travel as possible. tribute the papers to your class. Take necessary vocabulary and then giving
Note that this activity will likely leave some time and allow each student to them practice with directions. You nev-
your students in need of specific vocab- follow the directions on the paper ex- er know where they may end up if you
ulary, so you may want to allow diction- actly. When each student has finished dont.
aries during the discussion. Make the

Once Upon a Time: Teaching
ESL with Fairytales
into groups of four to five students have your students read their original
ONCE UPON A TIME IN A LAND FAR each. Ask each group to look at the stories in front of the class as well.
AWAY LIVED A BEAUTIFUL PRIN- list of fairytales and choose one for

CESS. SHE WAS UNHAPPY BECAUSE their group. This is when students THEY LIVED HAPPILY
HER PARENTS WOULD NOT LET who have mentioned unfamiliar tales
should give a more detailed descrip-
WANTED MORE THAN ANYTHING TO tion those fairytales. Each group Once your students have completed
EXPLORE THE WORLD. ONE DAY A should then plan to act out the fairytale their fairytales and illustrated them
LITTLE MAN CAME TO HER IN THE in front of the class. You can give your (though this is optional), compile all
CASTLE GARDEN... class as little or as much time to plan the stories into a class book. You can
This is not a traditional fairy tale, but the skit as you would like. If you have make it look old fashioned and fanciful
whether you use stories your students the time, encourage your students to by using a simulated leather cover and
have heard a thousand times or you discuss the story, getting in speaking a gold paint pen to write the title and
write your own, fairy tales can be an practice, and then write a script for the class authorship on the front. Make
fun and engaging way to teach Eng- skit, getting in their writing practice for this book available to your students
lish. With the following exercises, you the day. You can then have them per- during their free reading periods so
can teach a unit on fairytales and form the fairytale in class that day or they can read what their classmates
have your students write their own as give them more time to get costumes have written.
part of the process. and other elements in place.
You can do further activities with
these fairytales by assigning a com-
pare/contrast paper to your students.

They can examine two of the original
stories or compare one original story
Now that your students have brain- to one classic fairytale. You can also
Kids love to listen to fairytales.
stormed several fairytales and worked make an interclass activity by bringing
There are stories upon stories starting
with one fairytale in depth, it is time younger students into the class for a
with, Once upon a time ... and end-
for them to write their own. Help your fairytale themed day. Your class can
ing, and they lived happily ever after.
students plan what they will write by dress in fanciful costumes if desired
Starting your class by reading some
asking these questions before writing. and then read their original tales to
familiar fairytales will engage and
the younger students. You could also
entertain your students. After read- Who are the good characters in
decorate your classroom to look like
ing these stories, ask your students your story?
a castle, if you are feeling especially
what each of them has in common. Who are the evil characters in ambitious, and provide snacks for
You should look for answers such as your story? your visitors.
they are make believe, they all have
What problem(s) does the main
good characters and bad characters,
character have?
they all use similar words at the be- TEACHING WITH FAIRYTALES IS
ginning and the end of the story, and What kind of help will the main FUN AND ENGAGING AND GIVES
often the characters receive magical character get? YOUR STUDENTS AN OPPORTU-
help. Working as a class, brainstorm What magic is involved? NITY TO SHARE A LITTLE OF THEIR
fairytales they might know from either
How will the story end? CULTURAL HISTORY WITH THE REST
reading or watching movies. Encour- OF THE CLASS AS WELL AS THEIR
age students to share any fairytales
After getting these ideas together, IMAGINATION.
they know from their home cultures Encourage your students creativity by
your students should write their fai-
and languages as well. You can ask teaching with fanciful tales and letting
rytales beginning with, Once upon a
students to give a one-sentence sum- them tell their own. You may just live
time ... Students can work in pairs to
mary of the fairytale during brain- happily ever after, too.
give feedback throughout the writing
storming but encourage them to give
process. If a student is still unable to
a more detailed explanation of those
create his or her own tale, allow him to
fairytales in the next activity.
rewrite a tale he already knows. If this

is the only tale your student can write,
THERE LIVED A BEAUTIFUL ask him to choose a fairytale in his
PRINCESS native language so that he gets more
language practice as he translates
Now that you and your students have it from the original. You may want to
a list of fairytales, break your class

10 Tips to Teach Collocations
do my homework.

6 Matching exercises/completion
exercises: have students complete a
OF SPEAKING AND WRITING FLU- COLLOCATION sentence with the correct collocation
ENTLY. TO BE ABLE TO PRODUCE or match words to their collocates: do
NATIVE-LIKE SPEECH AND WRITING, Vocabulary instruction in general, and homework, give a presentation.
STUDENTS NEED TO KNOW WHICH certainly the instruction of collocation,
is not much emphasized. However,
For example, in English I do exercise there are some general principles for
not make exercise: do collocates teaching collocation: Surveys: have students survey
with exercise. Words are learned their classmates about their activities,
and stored in memory in groups, not
in isolation. Handing out traditional
vocabulary lists of isolated words is of
1 Teach students the term collo-
including verbs and their collocations,
for example.

little value if students dont know and cation and the rationale for learning it.
havent practiced the context in which Once they know the rationale behind
the word may occur. For example, instruction, they become more moti- Have students practice the
teaching the word regard is more vated to learn. phrases youve targeted. Once stu-
powerful if taught with the collocations dents been explicitly taught in con-
and phrases that go with it: in regard
to, for example. Contrast should be
taught with its collocate, in as in In
2 Notice which words go together
trast to and on the other hand, for
example, have them practice these
collocations in journal and essay as-
contrast. when giving out a new reading. Call signments.
students attention to key words and

Knowing the collocates a word occurs the words that go with them, and
with like this will make students less have them underline collocations. On
likely make mistakes in grammar, word any given page, for example, there Write a sketch/dialogue. Put
choice, and use of idiom and also con- is likely to be numerous collocates. some collocates on the board learned
tributes to fluid speech and writing as Spend some time practicing and in- from reading over the last week: e.g.,
students are less likely to need to stop teracting with these collocations with regular exercise, healthy diet,
to search for the correct word. each reading. small portion size and have students
create a dialogue in pairs and practice

Focus on salient language, lan-
guage students may use a lot or that
One of the biggest problems with col- is related to the curriculum: for exam- Write poetic descrip-
location is its arbitrary nature: there is ple, the phrase on the other hand is tions of beloved person or place
no rule or reason that its in regard used a lot in academic language, and with adjective+noun combinations or
to and not on regard toit just is. students often make mistakes in it: in adverb+adjective combinations. Again,
the other hand, on the other hands, give students some of the language for

1 LACK OF AWARENESS: etc. Explicitly teaching the phrase and the task on the board or in a handout:
practicing it is a valuable investment of dear friend, old friend, passionate-
students need to have a prob- course time. ly embrace, fond farewell, etc. Then
lem brought to their attention before have them create a poem with it.
they even know it is a problem. They
may be unaware that some words go
together better than others, especially
4 Contrast two words:
as this doesnt tend to be emphasized make do NOT RECEIVED MUCH GUIDANCE
in language instruction.
list their collocates IN IT AS ESL TEACHERS, AS LAN-

TRANSFER 5 Extend it: Have students make a
The traditional vocabulary list may be
is another ESL problem with collo- list of things they need to accomplish of little value as words are not learned
cation students transfer the ap- that week, using make and do. and used in isolation but rather with
propriate collocation from their first This establishes some of the differ- the phrases they occur in. By first rais-
language. Make and do confusion ences between the two words (which ing students awareness of collocation
is common, for example, among stu- are largely collocational). and then practicing it, students can de-
dents of Latin language backgrounds: velop their vocabulary, grammar, and
e.g., make my homework rather than use of idiom in their second language.

10 Language Activities
that Can Make Everyday Better
new, she can use an item that is al- should design a magazine ad for his or
ready popular and useful as a starting her product making sure to include the
point and think of a modification that will slogan on the page. You can provide
People everywhere are continually
make daily life better. Encourage your magazines for your students to use as
making things better, faster, smaller and
students to make some notes of their inspiration. Some may want to include a
easier whether their products are com-
ideas. You can also encourage students lot of text, explaining the benefits of the
puters or refrigerators. King Gillette was
to write a stream of consciousness to item. Others may prefer to let the prod-
one such person whose idea to make a
help them formulate their ideas and ucts image be more prominent. You
disposable razor blade changed the in-
then choose the best idea to develop may even want your students to trans-
dustry. Following in his footsteps, chal-
further. fer their designs to poster board and
lenge your students to invent something
display the ads around your classroom.

that will make everyday better with this

step by step process that makes use of
their English skills with every activity. DISCUSS
Bringing the groups back togeth-
TRY THESE LANGUAGE er, give each person a chance to share Bring the original groups back
ACTIVITIES WITH YOUR her idea with the group. She should say together to discuss the products once
CLASS what item she will improve, why she
wants to improve it and how she will
more. Have each group imagine that
they are the top leaders of the manufac-

improve it. Group members should feel turing company. This time, each person
THINGS WE USE free to ask questions for clarification. should share about his product again,
Start the process by having your but the group must choose only one of
students make a list of everything they
use on a daily basis. This will be an ac-
tivity that works better in groups since
Next, each student will write a
these products to manufacture. After
each person has made his case, the
group should discuss the advantages
manufacturing plan. Ask each student and disadvantages to each product and
your students will be able to sound
to pretend that he runs a manufactur- then choose one for manufacturing.
ideas off one another as well as spark
ing plant for the item that he has cho-
each others memories. Starting with
the blanket that goes on their beds in
morning and working their way to the
slippers they kick off their feet at night,
sen to improve. He should write a letter
to his factory supervisor explaining the
changes he wants to make to the prod-
With the product chosen, now it
uct. He should include his reasons for is time to advertise. Each group should
have these groups list every item they
the change as well as a plan for how to work together to write a commercial
use in a day.
make the improvements which may be for the new product, and they will per-

anything from changing the material it form it in front of the class. Each person
ALPHABETIZE is made from to changing the design or should have a part in the commercial,
Gillette made a list like this as well, function of an item. and groups should be as creative as
and then alphabetized it, using it later to they dare!
identify the everyday item that he would
improve. Challenge your students to
alphabetize the list of items that they
Now that each student has her
product, she should write a slogan to
made. If your students have not had a
promote that product. Make sure your Finally, each group should work togeth-
lot of practice with alphabetizing, review
students understand that a slogan is a er to develop a product analysis. In this
with them how to do it and then have
short phrase which is associated with a analysis, they should project how the
students work independently to arrange
product. To get them thinking creatively, product will change the market and how
the list their groups compiled. Once ev-
work as a class to brainstorm as many the general population will react to the
eryone is done, have students regroup
slogans as you can think of. You might product. You can also ask that they proj-
to check and see if their items are in the
want to include Nikes Just do it and ect profits once the item is ready to sell.
same order. If there is any discrepancy
Mountain Dues Do the due in your
with the alphabatizing, review the lists
lists. With these and other examples for
and give students the correct answer.
inspiration, have each person write a

slogan for her product.
Now that each person has a list of
what people use every day, challenge
each person to choose one item she
As your students think about the items
that they use every day, challenge them
to imagine the world as a better place
would like to improve. This way, rather The next step is to design an adver-
by making changes to the little things in
than inventing something completely tisement for the product. Each person
their worlds!
Survival Time:
Working Together to Overcome
worked? What did not work? What even higher level by asking your stu-
FOR YEARS, SURVIVOR HAS BEEN would they change if they were to do dents to develop a plan to scale a lo-
ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR PRO- it again? If you like, have each group cal building. This building might be
GRAMS ON TELEVISION. work together to write their evaluation the school building or a skyscraper
It redefined, and some might say cre- after they discuss the results. in your city or any other building that
ated, reality television giving us a per- might work for your class. In this ac-

fect blend of action and drama. You
CROSS THAT BRIDGE tivity, groups of students will make
can bring some of that same dramatic detailed plans for a strategy to scale
feel into your ESL classroom with- WHEN YOU COME TO IT
the building, though they will not actu-
out sacrificing the time and energy If you are teaching English as a sec- ally put their plan into action. Working
you put into language teaching and ond language in the content class- in groups of three or four, have your
learning. The following Survivor-style room, this activity may be just what students come up with a written plan
activities will require your students to you need to fulfill your science re- for how to scale the building. They
communicate with one another in situ- quirement. Start by brainstorming a should include the materials that the
ations which have positive or negative list of all the bridges your students climber would need as well as any
effects that directly affect them. The can think of. They can be located other resources (human, safety, etc.)
next time you are looking to liven up anywhere around the world. Depend- that should be included. Then each
your ESL class, try one of these activi- ing on where you live and where your group should build a model or create
ties and see just who survives! students come from, your list may not a detailed diagram explaining their
be very long, but you can expand it strategy and equipment. If you like,
SURVIVOR-STYLE considerably by going to famous- you may want to have an expert rock
ACTIVITIES FOR YOUR bridge.com. This site lists famous climber or someone who trains in par-
ESL CLASSROOM bridges around the world and includes kour visit your class and determine
which group has the best plans. While

facts and pictures about many of the
ON THE UP AND UP bridges. Your students should work in your guest is visiting, ask him or her to
groups of about three students each share a little about their sport and, if
One of the popular types of possible, give a demonstration.
as they look at these famous bridges
challenges on Survivor and other re-
and how they are constructed. Once
ality programs is building a tower out
the groups have had time to do some
of certain types of materials. You can
research, present the challenge. WORKING TOGETHER TO ACCOM-
use this same type of challenge to get
Each group will have to build a bridge PLISH A DIFFICULT TASK IS ONE OF
your students communicating with
across two desks which should be THE BEST WAYS FOR YOUR STU-
one another as they come up with a
placed exactly two feet apart. In ad- DENTS TO USE THEIR ENGLISH
strategy to build their own tower. Di-
dition, the class will have to come up SPEAKING SKILLS IN A REAL LIFE
vide your class into groups of three or
with a method of testing the strength AND PRACTICAL SITUATION.
four to plan for the challenge. In this These reality program style challeng-
of each bridge. Give your students at
activity, your students will use simple es will do just that, challenge your
least a few days to make their plans
plastic cups to build a six-foot tower. students speaking as well as prob-
and build their bridges. They will need
Give each group a package of plastic lem solving skills. The bonus is they
to communicate with one another the
cups to work with. You will also need will be able to see the effectiveness
strengths and weaknesses of the dif-
to mark a spot on the wall at the six of their communication in this real set-
ferent bridge styles they could use
foot mark (you can use a piece of ting. Try one in your class and see just
and then choose the best one and
masking tape) so you will know when how good your students are at surviv-
construct it. On the day that the bridg-
the first group has reached the tar- ing these challenging activities!
es are due, give your students some
get height. Give each group five to
time to set up their bridges. Then test
ten minutes to plan their strategy for
the strength of each one according to
stacking the cups. They will have to
the method your class decided upon
plan how to build a sturdy structure
earlier in the week. Be sure to take
and stay within the number of cups
pictures throughout the activity and
they have. They will also have to build
then display the winning bridge on a
quickly and may want to discuss who
bulletin board in your classroom.
do what once the challenge begins.

Once the groups have planned their
strategies, sound the start of the race ATTEMPTING
and see which group can reach six THE THEORETICAL
feet first. After the activity, have each
group evaluate their strategy. What You can take the challenges to an

5 Ways to Help Students Start
Improving Academic Vocabulary
demic vocabulary: sational version, - what they need to
MANY ESL STUDENTS, PARTIC- learn is the academic equivalent or
ULARLY YOUNG ONES, COME TO To: Parents translation.
From: Principal

INTERACTIONS WITH THEIR PEERS In order to depart in a timely manner, Academic vocabulary is techni-
ON PLAYGROUNDS, IN PARKS, please arrange to have your child at cal and precise, meant to convey spe-
AND OTHER AREAS OF PLAY AND the school by eight a.m. Please en- cific ideas, often when the context is
SOCIALIZING. sure that he or she is prepared with reduced. So while a parent may tell his
What many young ESL student lack is appropriate clothes and lunch. Failure child to Get down from there, now!
academic English, the language used to follow these directions will result in from an amusement ride, the sign on
for academia, the professions, and the childs inability to participate in the the ride may read Please demount
business. Academic English is what trip. the amusement ride when finished.
is used in college classes and profes- Note the numerous multisyllabic The academic version, for example
sional work, and research shows that words here, the long and detailed replaces the familiar Get down!
a strong vocabulary leads to higher sentences, and the impersonal tone- with Dismount and the nonspecific
educational gains, higher-paying jobs, -all are features of academic vocabu- there with amusement ride, dem-
and improved life quality overall. With lary in contrast to the personal, im- onstrating the difference between the
so much at stake, it is clear we should mediate, and monosyllabic nature of two forms due to context.
be concerned about our students conversational.

academic vocabularies. But how spe- IMPERSONAL

cifically do we address it? And what
exactly is it? How does it differ from LATIN ORIGIN
Finally, again because of the re-
conversational vocabulary? Many words in academic vo- duced context and distance between
cabulary are of Latin origin because addresser and addressee, academic
QUALITIES OF institutions of higher learning in Eng- language is impersonal. While a par-
ACADEMIC land used Latin while English, a Ger- ent might tell her child Hurry up, or Ill
VOCABULARY manic language, was used in more leave without you! a letter from the
every day settings. This is one reason bus company, because of the lack of

Academic vocabulary tends to
students have difficulty with academic
language its vocabulary is very dif-
ferent from that of the English they
relationship between the two parties,
might say Those who do not arrive
promptly at 7 am are in danger of be-
be multisyllabic, comprised of mor- ing excluded from the trip. Although
already know. For example, in aca-
phemes, or word parts, each of which the basic idea is the same, the lan-
demic/medical vocabulary, it is obese
carry meaning. Conversational vo- guage is very different.
female as opposed to the more famil-
cabulary, on the other hand, because
iar conversational (and rude as op-
it is more contextualized, relies less
posed to impersonal) fat girl or fat
on the words carrying meaning than
woman. 5 METHODS TO
academic vocabulary. Conversation- IMPROVE STUDENT
al English is contextualized, and the
context carries the meaning. For ex- ABSTRACT VOCABULARY
ample, a recent conversation with my Academic vocabulary tends to
daughter went something like What
time should I pick you up? Five,
Mom. Im sorry, what time? Five!
be abstract, dealing with ideas rather
than the concrete, as with conversa-
tional vocabulary. Capitalism, vio-
One of the major methods to im-
Not one word in that exchange has lence, educational system, legis- prove students academic vocabulary
more than one syllable because of the lation, law enforcement all of is to read extensively academic es-
context and the ability to clarify: I was these are abstractions I have seen in says, reports, and excerpts from con-
able to check with my daughter about the news recently, and more suited tent textbooks. In this way, students
what time she had said. The context, for news reports or academic essays. will be exposed to a number of differ-
of a mother dropping her daughter off More commonly, in conversational ent academic words, some of them
in the morning and asking about the English, they are money, fighting, from their future majors.
pick up time, is also familiar to most school, law, and police or cop.
readers and requires little elaboration.

Look at this similar exchange in aca-

Students already know the conver- 2 KEEP A WORD JOURNAL
Studies show that students not

only need to be exposed to higher-
level vocabulary, but they also need
to work with it in order to acquire it and
make it a part of their own vocabular-
ies. One way to do this is the use of
However, the rewards in increased
a word journal, in which students re-
educational and employment oppor-
cord at least three new words they
tunities make the effort worth it.
have encountered in each reading, a
definition, the part of speech, and a
new sentence with the word. This pro-
vides some extra processing to help
students assimilate the new word into
their own vocabularies.

Learning morphology, or the
parts of words, is an excellent way to
help students decode new academic
words. Again, academic vocabulary is
multisyllabic, and most of these syl-
lables, or morphemes, carry their own
meaning. As a simple example, words
that end in ment in academic
English are almost always abstract
nouns: government, employment,
containment, etc. In another exam-
ple, morphology is comprised of
two morphemes, morpho or shape,
form, and ology, meaning study
of. So morphology is the study of
(word) forms.

To further acquire academic vocabu-
lary, students can be assigned groups,
given a specific academic topic, such
as gun control and the United States,
and some academic vocabulary to
go with it: legislation, Congress,
(Second) Amendment, and so on.
They can then discuss what they think
about how gun control is practiced in
the United States, using the vocabu-
lary assigned.

Finally students can write es-
says on academic topics, like the dif-
ference in the legislative process, or
how laws are passed, between the
U.S. and other countries. This topic,
unlike more common topics like My
Favorite Place, is more likely to draw
on academic vocabulary because
even to discuss such an abstract
process as passing laws I will need
abstract, multisyllabic words, unlike
those used in describing specific plac-

Conversational & Academic Phras-
es to Fake Your Way to Fluency
qualities in applying them to the same with an individual: I dont know what to
I currently am teaching an ESL stu- person). tell you, thereby signaling the speakers
dent who has a great deal of profi- inability or unwillingness to help.

ciency in conversational English, EMPHASIS/NEGATION *I havent got a clue...
and he has expressed interest in
learning the language for conver-

Each of the following phrases is
sation, specifically commonly used used to negate some previous proposi-
phrases for conversation. tion, and do it emphatically. *Thats what Im saying...
Students at the higher levels often ex-
*By no means... *I mean you know...
press interest in phrases, perhaps be-
cause they have control over a certain By no means should our support of this *Do you know what I mean?
number of words already, but also be- proposal be taken as lack of support for
*I thought I would (With this phrase, the
cause they understand that language the president, who does not support it.
speaker clarifies some internal intent
really exists in ready-made phrases, Used in much the same way are the fol- that might not be clear to others: e.g., I
and that learning these might be a bet- lowing phrases: thought I would get up really early to see
ter investment of their time than trying *on no account ... the sunrise.)
to memorize a series of grammar rules
*under no circumstance ...

and then trying to apply them in the cor-
rect situations. It is much easier to bring
out the correct phrase than search for
the correct individual words and gram-
mar rules. Likewise, students in college
*as a result of ...
*You might as well ...
*Hang on a minute...
writing classes find a strong need for ac- *Lets have a look ...
ademic phrases for writing fluency and
sounding academic. 4 EXEMPLIFICATION
*an additional example is...
Phrases in academic writing function to There are a number of methods to teach
contrast two propositions or items, to Phrases in conversation also perform these phrases that can help students
emphasize a point, to negate it, to show specific functions. These are to em- with their fluency in English. Some of
cause and effect, and to exemplifyall phasize, to negate, to clarify, to deny them follow:
the tasks of academic writing, which are knowledge of, and to give a directive or
demonstrated in its language. suggestion. There is more clarifying
language in conversation than in writing 1 MATCHING

All of the following phrases dem-
as it takes face-to-face where the par-
ties can clarify meaning.
Various matching exercises can
be done with these phrases, in which
students connect part of the phrase
onstrate some sort of contrast, which is
often done in academic writing because
of its reflective, analytical nature, where
*Ill tell you what...
with another: On the other hand.
Phrases can also be matched with their
meanings or functions. These exercises
one might contrast the economic situa- This can be used for emphasizing a give students practice with the form and
tion of two countries, for example, or the point: Ill tell you what is so important meaning.
education system today and in the past. about this plan...
*in spite of
*in contrast to
*despite the fact that
It can also be used as a directive: Ill tell
you what youre going to do. 2 FILL IN THE BLANK
Fill in the blank exercises, in which
students fill in a missing word in the
*even though
*on the other hand
phrase, which has usually been placed
in the larger context of a paragraph or
sentence, gives students intense prac-
*Not only ... but also (This phrase works *I dont know what ... tice with the form while at the same time
in much the same way as on the other This can be simply a denial of knowl- seeing how the phrase is actually used
hand although it may not seem so at edge: I dont know what that means. in authentic writing.
first: however, Not only is she beautiful It can also be used as a brush-off: that
but also smart, sets up a contrast of two is, as a means of ending a conversation

After the practice with matching
and fill in the blank exercises, stu-
dents are now more equipped with
understanding of the function and
form to practice using these phrases
in short writing assignments, such as
paragraphs or journals on familiar top-
ics like A Life Lesson or My Favor-
ite Teacher. The teacher can specify
how many phrases students should
use, perhaps three to five.

Students can also do short role
plays after giving students a situation:
e.g., You are lost in a mall parking
lot. Talk to each other and try to find
your car. Again, students should use
a certain amount of phrases, e.g., for
directives and denying knowledge:
Hang on a minute... wasnt it back
there? I havent got a clue...

Finally, students can do longer writ-
ing assignments, such as essays on
the causes of war. Again, adding aca-
demic phrases will give their writing
a more academic sound as well as
increase connections between ideas.


Do you see the value of teaching aca-
demic and conversational phrases? If
so, how would you teach them?


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