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Entreprise => A company

Entretien dembauche => A job interview

Vocabulaire anglais de l'entreprise un entrepreneur => an entrepreneur
un fabricant => a maker
une filiale => a subsidiary
Franais => Anglais Formation professionnelle => Vocational
un accord => a deal Formation => Training
un actionnaire => a shareholder Formation continue => adult education
Actions, titres => stock Fabricant => Manufacturer
Agence pour lemploi => A job center Fournisseur => Supplier
Assitant de direction => Personal assistant Frais gnraux => Overheads
un associ => a partner Fusion => Merger
Atelier => A workshop Grve => Strike
Agence pour lemploi => employment agency Heures de bureau => Office hours
une augmentation => a salary rise Industrie => Industry
Atelier => Store floor Industriel => Industrial
une affaire => a bargain Insertion => Integration
Apprenti => Apprentice Intrimaire => Temporary worker
Avantage en nature => Perk International, mondial => Global, worldwide
Bnfice => Profit Jour de cong => Day off
Bien pay => Well-paid Livraison => Delivery
Bonus, prime => Premium Locaux => Premises
un bureau => an office Main-duvre => The workforce
Biens de consommation => Consumer goods Mal pay => Badly-paid
Bourse => Stock exchange Marges bnficiaires => Profit margins
Carrire => Career Marque => Brand
Chmage => Unemployment Matires premires => Raw materials
Carrire => A career Main doeuvre => workforce
Conditions de travail => Working conditions Mentalit dentreprise => Corporate spirit
Cots de production => Production costs Norme de qualit => Quality standard
Chiffre daffaire => Turnover une offre demploi => a job offer
un cadre => an executive Ouvrier => A blue-collar worker
un cadre moyen => a junior executive un partenariat => a partnership
un cadre suprieur => a senior executive Patronat => Employers
Collgue => Colleague PDG => Chief executive Officer (CEO)
Comptabilit => Bookkeeping, accounting Prsident du conseil dadministration =>
Compte dexploitation => Operating income Chairman of the board
Concurrence => Competition une prime => an incentive
Conseil dadministration => Board Prise de pouvoir, prise de contrle => a
Consommateur => Consumer takeover
Dfectueux => Faulty Production en srie => Mass production
Directeur => Manager un produit => a product
Directeur administratif et financier (DAF) => Paperasserie => Paperwork
Chief financial Officer (CFO) Personnel => Staff
Directeur commercial => The Sales Manager un procs => a lawsuit
Directeur technique => Chief technical officer Profession => Occupation
(CTO) Partage du temps => Time sharing
Dure de vie dun produit => Shelf life une photocopieuse => a copy machine
Employ => Employee Poste pourvoir => Vacancy
Emploi => Job Poste de travail => Workstation
Qualification => Skill Moderniser => to upgrade
Recyclage => Recycling Prvoir => to forecast
Recherche et Dveloppement => Research Produire => to produce
and Development (R & D) Postuler un emploi => to apply for a job
Remise neuf => refurbishment Prendre un jour de cong => to take a day off
Rentable => Profitable Prendre sa retraite => to retire
Restaurant dentreprise => Staff canteen Rechercher un job => to look for a job
Rentabilit => Profitability Renvoyer => to fire
Renvoi => Dismissal Restructurer une entreprise => to restructure,
Retrait => Pensioner, retiree to reshape, to overhaul
une runion => a meeting Suivre des cours => to take courses
un salaire => a salary, a wage Travailler comme => to work as ..
S.A. => Public company Travailler mi-temps => to work half-time
S.A.R.L => Private company Travailler temps partiel => to work part-time
Sans emploi => Unemployed Travailler temps plein => to work full-time
Secteur dactivit => Field Travailler de jour / de nuit => to do day / night
Secteur public => Public sector shift
Secteur priv => Private sector
un stagiaire => a trainee
Socit => Company
Sous-pay => Underpaid
Socit de capitaux => Join-stock company
Stage => Training period
Syndicat => Trade-union
Syndicat ouvrier => Organized labour
Syndicaliste => Trade-unionist
TVA => VAT (Value Added Tax)
une usine => a factory, a plant

Verbes utiles
Aller au travail => to go to work
Agrandir (s) => to expand
Avoir une longue journe de travail => to work
long hours
Accorder une remise => to grant a discount
Crer une entreprise => to found, to create a
Dmissionner => to resign
Dposer son bilan => to file for bankruptcy
Distribuer un produit => to market a product
Diriger une entreprise => to run a company
Embaucher => to hire
tre promu => to promote from within
tre en grve => to be on strike
tre responsable de => to be in charge of
Externaliser, sous-traiter => to outsource
Faire de la publicit => to advertise
Faire faillite => to go bankrupt
Faire des heures supplmentaires => to work
Fusionner => to merge
Gagner sa vie => to earn a living, to make a
Grer une entreprise => to manage a firm
Licencier pour raisons conomiques => to
make someone redundant

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