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Vocabulaire marketing anglais => customer satisfaction survey

fidlit => loyalty

Franais => Anglais fidlit une marque => brand loyalty
fidlit du client => customer loyalty
un article => an item fiable => reliable
assistant marketing => marketing assistant foyer => household
achat en ligne => online buying gamme => range
achat impulsif => impulse buying une gamme => a range
un achet, un gratuit => buy one get one free haut de gamme => upscale
avantage produit => product advantage gamme de produits => product range
appel doffre => tender gamme de prix => price range
affichage publicitaire => advertising poster gratuit => free
avantage de cot => cost advantage en gros => in bulk
battage publicitaire => hype image de marque => brand image
bien de consommation rotation rapide => fast- incitation => incentive
moving consumer goods un intermdiaire => middleman
une bonne affaire => a bargain invendu => unsold
un bon dachat => voucher lancement => launching
cadeau => gift leader sur le march => market leader
campagne publicitaire => advertising campaign de luxe => luxury
une cible => a target magasin => outlet
droits dauteurs => royalty march => market
coupon rponse => relay coupon march cible => target market
un coup marketing => a marketing stunt/move marge bnficiaire => profit margin
cot => cost marges => margin
centre commercial => mall marketing oprationnel => operational marketing
carte de fidlit => loyality card marque => brand
commercialisation de masse => mass market marque dpose => trade mark
un crneau => a niche marque rfrence => brand leader
client => customer matrice SWOT => SWOT Matrix
un concurrent => a competitor moyen => average
comptitif => competitive moyens de distribution => distribution channels
communiqu de presse => press release une meilleur vente => best seller
un concurrent => competitor / rival / challenger niveau de loeil => eye level
nouveau concurrent => challenger offre => supply
cycle de vie => life cycle loffre et la demande => supply and demand
demande => demand le prix du march => market price
dmod => old-fashioned / out-dated les 4 P (product, price, promotion, place) => four
direct marketing => marketing direct Ps
disposition => layout le pouvoir dachat => buying/spending power
disponible => available produit driv => by-product
directeur marketing => marketing director prix plancher => floor price
donne => data produits, marchandises, articles => goods
un chantillon => a sample un prospectus => a leaflet
cologique => eco-friendly part de march => market share
emplacement => location point de vente => point of sale
emballage => packaging positionnement prix => price positionning
une enqute => survey positionnement marketing => marketing
tude de march => market survey/study positioning
tiquette => a label, a price tag prix forts/lev/major => premium price
tude sur le terrain => field study prix psychologique => psychological price
enqute sur la satisfaction des consommateurs
prix de dtail => retail price
pnurie => shortage
produit star => star product
prix rduit => discount price
plein tarif => full price
panneau publicitaire => billboard
une publicit => advertisement
un questionnaire => questionnaire
rabais => price cut
rayon => shelf
une rduction => a discount
un revendeur => dealer
revenu => income
responsable de commercialisation => marketer
rapport qualit prix => quality price ratio / value
for money
rupture de stock => stock shortage
un salon => an exhibition
stratagme / manoeuvre marketing => marketing
stratgie marketing => marketing strategy
segment de march => market segment
services de gestion publicitaire => advertising
management services
sexe => gender
situation gagnant-gagnant => win-win situation
soldes/ventes => sales
stratgie de vente agressive => hard sell tactics
stratgie => scheme / strategy
tendance => trend
tte de gondole => end display
tranche dge => age group
vache lait => cash cow
veille marketing => market intelligence
Verbes utiles
attirer => to attract
avoir du succs => to succeed
coter => to cost
fournir => to supply
retirer de la vente => to recall
retirer => to withdraw
positionner => to position
profiter => to benefit
proposer => to offer

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