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Radar do NISP agosto/setembro de 2017

Um informe bimensal sobre eventos, chamadas de trabalhos, livros, publicaes e

muitas outras coisas legais ligadas s linhas de pesquisa do NISP

Chamadas de trabalhos em peridicos

Redes, empreendedorismo e inovao social na esfera pblica

JEOD is calling for papers on Social Innovation in Social Enterprises

The Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity (JEOD) is now calling for papers for a special issue
on: Social innovation in Social enterprises: What is going on?. Guest editors: Simone Poledrini (University of
Perugia), Florence Degavre (Universit Catholique de Louvain), and Ermanno Tortia (University of Trento and
Euricse). Deadline for submissions of full paper is 13 November 2017 and the publication of the special issue is
intend for July 2018.

More info: http://www.euricse.eu/jeod-is-calling-for-papers-on-social-innovation-in-social-enterprises/

Social Innovation in an Interconnected World: Journal of Product Innovation

Management (JPIM) Call for Papers Special Issue

The deadline for papers submissions is November 15th, 2017. Submissions to the special issue should be sent
electronically through the JPIM ScholarOne System (http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jpim).
Authors need to clearly indicate in their submission information and letter that their manuscript is for the
Special Issue on Social innovation in an interconnected world. All submissions will be subject to a double
blind review process followed by JPIM. All manuscripts must be original, unpublished works that are not
concurrently under review for publication elsewhere. All submissions should conform to the JPIM manuscript
submission guidelines (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1540-
5885/homepage/ForAuthors.html) Questions about this special issue may be directed to Dr. Ruby Lee

More info: https://globaledge.msu.edu/content/uploads/special-issue-cfp---social-innovation-final-2-2-


Values in Innovation: Special issue call for papers from International Journal of Public
Sector Management

The special issue aims to address an important gap in the public innovation literature the role of values in
public services innovation. Papers are invited which cover a range of different phases of innovation from
initial creation at the front-line; through implementation, through to diffusion. The papers may derive from a
range of governance and public services. We encourage papers from different institutional contexts. Papers may
be theoretical, empirical or both. A strong literature review paper is also encouraged. The submission deadline
is September 30th 2017. Submissions to this journal are through the ScholarOne submission system

More info: http://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/authors/writing/calls.htm?id=7324

Social Enterprise and Networks: Special issue call for papers from Social Enterprise

The deadline for initial paper submissions is 24th January 2018. Submitted papers should follow SEJ submission
guidelines (http://emeraldgrouppublishing.com/products/journals/author_guidelines.htm?id=sej) and be
written in good English to be fully considered. The submitted papers will go through the usual double blind
review process as per the guidelines of the Journal. Submissions to this special issue must be made through the
Social Enterprise Journals ScholarOne submission system (http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/sejnl). When
submitting your paper, please ensure that the correct Special Issue is selected from the dropdown menu on
page 4 of the submission process. The special issue editors will also be running a special track on Social
Enterprise and Networks at the 9th International Social Innovation Research Conference 13th- 14th December
2017, Melbourne, Australia. Submitters to the special issue are encouraged to also submit to this session,
although this is not compulsory.

More info: http://emeraldgrouppublishing.com/products/journals/call_for_papers.htm?id=7038

Call for papers - special issue of Journal of Economic Policy Reform

General theme: "Innovation and public services: from the lab to enterprises and citizens"
2 guest editors : Massimo Florio, University of Milan & Stefano Cl, University of Milan
The special issue will publish high-quality articles on innovation in the SGI and the role played by
governments or public institutions, with a blend of theoretical insights, empirics and policy implications.
Abstract submission: September 30, 2017
First feedback from the Guest Editors: two weeks after the abstract is received
Full paper submission to the Guest Editors: December 31, 2017
Final publication: 2018
Abstract proposals for a preliminary consideration by the Editors should be submitted to:

More info here: http://explore.tandfonline.com/pages/cfp/gpre-special-issue-cfp-innovation-and-public-


Entrepreneurship in the Public and Nonprofit Sectors

Call for Papers for a Symposium of Public Administration Review.

Deadline for submission: May 1 st, 2018. (RECALL)
The proposed symposium seeks to bring together papers that address these issues. Another key goal of
the symposium is to foster stronger links among entrepreneurship researchers in a variety of social
science disciplines (including the field of management) and public administration scholars.

More info here: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/puar.12776/full

Sociedade civil e ao pblica, economia social e solidria e desenvolvimento territorial sustentvel

Call for Papers 6th EACB Award for Young Researchers on Co-operative Banks

The European Association of Co-operative Banks (EACB), in collaboration with its Academic ThinkTank, is
pleased to announce a competition for best papers in the field of co-operative banks. The competition is targeted
at young researchers up to 35 years old (i.e. they should be born in 1982 or after). Co-authored papers will be
accepted if all authors are up to 35 years of age. Contributions will be accepted providing they are not already
published in scientific journals or books by 31 January 2018. However, papers that have appeared in working
paper series or that will be forthcoming in a publication after 31 January 2018 will be considered. The submitted
papers should follow the standard format of scientific journals, and should contain new and original work by
the authors. The word limit is around 10,000 words or less.

More info:

Journal of Management Studies Special Issue Call for Papers: Challenges and
Opportunities in the Sharing Economy

This special issue explores how, when, why, where and under what conditions an emerging form of
collaborative consumption, popularly known as the sharing economy affects the creation and capture of
value. The sharing economy (a.k.a. shareconomy, access, collaborative, and peer economy) refers to a class of
economic arrangements in which asset owners and users mutualize access to the products or services associated

Radar do NISP 2
with these assets (Lamberton & Rose, 2012; Sundararajan, 2016). Fueled in part by advances in information
technology and excess resources, the sharing economy is now recognized as offering easy and broad connection
with customers and suppliers. Submission Process and Deadlines:
manuscripts will be reviewed according to the JMS double-blind review process.
Submissions should be prepared using the JMS Manuscript Preparation Guidelines. Manuscripts should be
submitted between November 15, 2017 and January 15, 2018 to Margaret Turner (business.jms@durham.ac.uk).
For informal inquires related to the Special Issue, proposed topics and potential fit with the Special Issue
objectives, please contact the guest editors.

More info: http://nbs.net/fora/topic/challenges-opportunities-sharing-economy/

tica, epistemologia e sociologia da cincia na Administrao Pblica

Nenhuma chamada em peridicos at o fechamento da edio.

Chamadas de trabalhos em eventos

Redes, empreendedorismo e inovao social na esfera pblica

Call for Papers - LAEMOS 2018 Conference - Subtheme: Organizing for resilience:
Organizations and Social Innovation

Abstract submission (up to 1000 words): September 30, 2017
Notification of acceptance: October 25, 2017
Submission of full paper: March 10, 2018
Please note:
+The abstracts should include the name and email address of the author(s). Please, contact the convening team
in case you want to send your abstract in Spanish, Portuguese or French. Prior LAEMOS experiences suggest
that to interact with most of the attendees, it is better to present your work in English.
+In case that your abstract were accepted by the subtheme convenors, you are then expected to upload a full
paper version via www.laemos.com website form by March 10, 2018 which you will present in your sub-
theme at the LAEMOS Conference 2018 in Buenos Aires.

More info: https://www.laemos2018.com/

Sociedade civil e ao pblica, economia social e solidria e desenvolvimento territorial sustentvel

32nd CIRIEC International Congress - Lige, Belgium - 30 May 1st June 2018

The 32nd CIRIEC International Congress will take place in Lige, Belgium on 30 May1st June 2018 about The
Public, Social and Cooperative Economy in the Digital Revolution
La transformation numrique loeuvre depuis quelques annes offre de nouveaux moyens de communication
et dchange et bouleverse profondment les modes de proprit, de production, de distribution et de
consommation. Elle remet en cause les conditions de travail, suscite de nouvelles questions et possibilits en
matire de fiscalit, offre dextraordinaires gains de productivit, ouvre de nouveaux horizons dintervention
citoyenne, Lconomie publique, sociale et cooprative est de nombreux gards acteur de cette rvolution.
Le thme du prochain congrs du CIRIEC abordera cette thmatique en confrontant les analyses et rflexions
dexperts scientifiques et de responsables politiques, conomiques et sociaux venant des quatre coins du monde.
Deadline for abstracs: 15 December 2017
Notification of selected abstracts: 25 January 2018
EARLY BIRD / PREFERENTIAL registration to the CIRIEC Congress: 28 February 2018
Final deadline for Papers submission: 15 May 2018

More info: http://www.ciriec.ulg.ac.be/en/event-ciriec/32nd-ciriec-international-congress-liege-belgium-


Radar do NISP 3
Call for Papers - LAEMOS Conference 2018 - Subtheme: Civil Society and the Resilience
of Communities

Abstract submission (up to 1000 words): September 30, 2017
Notification of acceptance: October 25, 2017
Submission of full paper: March 10, 2018
Please note:
+The abstracts should include the name and email address of the author(s). Please, contact the convening team
in case you want to send your abstract in Spanish, Portuguese or French. Prior LAEMOS experiences suggest
that to interact with most of the attendees, it is better to present your work in English.
+In case that your abstract were accepted by the subtheme convenors, you are then expected to upload a full
paper version via www.laemos.com website form by March 10, 2018 which you will present in your sub-
theme at the LAEMOS Conference 2018 in Buenos Aires.

More info: https://www.laemos2018.com

Global Challenges and Sustainability in the Asia Pacific: The Role of the Third Sector

Tenth Asia Pacific Regional Conference of the International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR).
December 4th -5 th, 2017. Jakarta, Indonesia. Deadline for submission: July 4th, 2017. (RECALL extended to 31
august 2017)

More info: http://www.istr.org/?page=AsiaPacific

ISTR PhD Seminar 2018

Amsterdam, Netherlands July 8 - 10, 2018 VU University Amsterdam

Call for Applications ISTR is pleased to announce the fourth ISTR PhD Seminar preceding the 13th International
Conference in Amsterdam, The Netherlands in July 2018. Application process Submissions will be accepted
online at https://istr.site-ym. com/page/PhD_Online_Sub by September 29, 2017. All applications must
include the following information: Full name and gender Contact details (including e-mail and phone
number) Disciplinary background Institutional affiliation and name(s) of the supervisor(s) Working title
of PhD project and formal start/end dates Indication of the stage of your research Abstract of PhD research
(min. 500 max. 800 Inside I S T R words) The abstract must include research questions, theoretical
framework, methods, and results if already applicable Letter from the faculty advisor providing information
about the quality of the candidate as well as specific information about how participation in the PhD seminar
would benefit their doctoral studies A brief description (100-150 words) of your motivation to participate in
the ISTR PhD Seminar Questions you would like to be discussed at the seminar Keywords ISTR will
consider all applications that meet the eligibility criteria. In line with ISTRs mission to build a global
community of scholars and subscribe to the values of diversity and pluralism, participants in the ISTR PhD
Seminar will be representative in terms of gender and region, as well as disciplines and stages in the PhD
process. For further inquiries, please contact the ISTR Secretariat (istr@jhu.edu). Selected applicants will be
notified by November 3, 2017

More info:

Call for Contributions: Thrteenth Internation Conference of the ISTR - Amsterdam 2018

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - Amsterdam, The Netherlands 10 July 13 July 2018 Democracy and Legitimacy:
The Role of the Third Sector in a Globalizing World DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: 27 OCTOBER 2017

This notice serves to invite interested parties to submit abstracts for contributions to the 13th Internati
onal Conference to be held at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, from 10 July t
o 13 July 2018. Founded in 1992, ISTR is a global community of scholars, policymakers, and third sector leade
rs dedicated to the creation, discussion, and advancement of knowledge pertaining to the Third Sector
and its impact on civil society, public policy and local communities.

Radar do NISP 4
More info:

tica, epistemologia e sociologia da cincia na Administrao Pblica

Journes doctorales du pragmatisme

The 1st Pragmatist Graduate Conference will be held in Paris on 18-19 January 2018. The conferences aim is to
give early-career philosophers and social scientists working on pragmatism an opportunity to meet and discuss
their work.

Submission due: 10 September, 2017

Journes doctorales du pragmatisme Pragmatist Graduate Conference
Paris 18-19 January, 2018
From interactions to institutions: pragmatism and collective experience
Keynote speakers:
Rosa Maria Calcaterra (University of Roma-III)
Hans Joas (Humboldt-Universitt zu Berlin / University of Chicago)

Pour plusiers dinformations: https://pragmataaep.wordpress.com/2017/07/17/cfa-journees-doctorales-du-


ASPA 2018 Annual Conference Mission Focused and Service First Call for proposals

ASPA's 2018 Annual Conference is headed to Denver next March and you only have five weeks left to submit
a proposal. Now is the time to start focusing on your workshop/paper/panel proposal!
The proposal process is open to academics and practitioners alike. If you're a public servantcity manager,
budget analyst, program analyst, state employeeand have an idea for a presentation, contact us or fill out our
proposal form! We'd love to hear from you with on-the-ground views about some of public administration's
most pressing subjects.
ASPA's 2018 Annual Conference will center around the theme: Mission Focused and Service First: Creating
Innovative Solutions. Presentation tracks will look to definitively bridge theory with practice, providing
opportunities not only for researchers and academicians to demonstrate their work, but also highlight ways
practitioners can put that work to useand have already done so.
Deadline: sept. 22, 2017.

More info: http://www.icontact-archive.com/Dptky8jk3Sv5E_WDvbzr7MnlgJTugIUj?w=2

Redes, empreendedorismo e inovao social na esfera pblica


O NISP em parceria com o grupo de pesquisa Strategos lana no prximo dia 21, s 18h30, no Auditrio do
Centro de Cincias da Administrao e Socieconmica (Esag), o lanamento oficial do Observatrio de Inovao
Social de Florianpolis (Obisf), uma plataforma digital e colaborativa, de acesso livre, que visa mapear, dar
visibilidade e fortalecer a rede do Ecossistema de Inovao Social (EIS) da Capital.

Resultado de uma parceria com diversas instituies representativas do poder pblico, do meio empresarial e
da sociedade civil que compe o EIS de Florianpolis (leia abaixo), a plataforma foi desenvolvida por uma
equipe de pesquisadores, professores e estudantes da Udesc Esag, por meio de uma pesquisa coordenada pelas
professoras Carolina Andion, lder do Ncleo de Inovaes Sociais na Esfera Pblica (Nisp), e Graziela
Alperstedt, coordenadora do Laboratrio de Educao para a Sustentabilidade e Inovao Social (Leds).


Radar do NISP 5
O QU: Lanamento do Observatrio de Inovao Social de Florianpolis (Obisf).
QUANDO: 21 de setembro, das 18h30 s 21h.
ONDE: Auditrio da Udesc Esag, Av. Madre Benvenuta, 2037, Bairro Itacorubi, Florianpolis.
QUANTO: Gratuito, sem necessidade de inscrio.

Mais informaes:

LAEMOS Conference 2018 - Buenos Aires

March, 22 - 22 | 2018
LAEMOS is the premier conference on Latin American and European Organization Studies. Its purpose is to
strengthen the Latin America-Europe scholarly link by encouraging interdisciplinary studies of organizations
in Latin American and European societies. The conference takes place every two years and its previous editions
have been held in countries like Chile, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil and Cuba.

More info: https://www.laemos2018.com/

Tenth Asia Pacific Regional Conference of the International Society for Third Sector
Research (ISTR)

December 4-5, 2017 | Jakarta, Indonesia | Hosted by Trisaki University

This conference is an opportunity to showcase exciting new practice developments and research that seek to
establish sustainable roles and cope with global challenges for third sector organizations in the many diverse
countries that make up the region. We are very keen to see a wide range of papers that encompass applied
research, practice research and theoretical advances and explorations in all aspects of this dynamic field.

More info: http://www.istr.org/?page=AsiaPacific

9th International Social Innovation Research Conference in partnership with the Social
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research Conference and EMES

December 12-14 2017, At Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia.

The ninth annual International Social Innovation Research Conference (ISIRC 2017) will explore social
innovation within and beyond the organisation. It invites research-led reflection on the organisational
boundaries recast by social innovation, the systemic imperatives of a growing focus on social innovation, and
the cross-cutting implications of these for theory and practice. Empirical, conceptual and practice, informed
research contributions are encouraged.

More info: http://www.istr.org/?page=Calls_menu

Sociedade civil e ao pblica, economia social e solidria e desenvolvimento territorial sustentvel

The Changing Space for Civil Society - 17 October 2017 - Berlin-Brandenburg Academy
of Sciences

In an international context, it would therefore be too tight to speak of a Shrinking Space for Civil Society. Rather,
it is necessary to analyze from a scientific point of view the changes, to work out the potential and to organize
a greater discourse from the point of view of civil society itself. The Symposium The Changing Space for Civil
Society has addressed this issue. Individual topics of the micro-, meso- and macro-level, with which the civil
society is in a special relationship of tension, should be discussed paradigmatically.

More info: http://www.istr.org/events/EventDetails.aspx?id=980033

9th Edition of the Social and Solidarity Economy Academy - Luxembourg, 25-29 sept 2017

Radar do NISP 6
The 9th Edition of the SSE will be take place in Luxembourg on 25-29 sept 2017 about The Future of Work. The
main objective of the SSE Academy will be to generate a better understanding of the concept of SSE and its
possible contribution to The Future of Work.

The following topics will be tackled during the Academy: digitalisation of work; circular economy; the creation
of decent work for refugees through the SSE; the future of work for all; training / education / new skills;
collaborative & sharing economy; innovative experiences in SSE organization incubation and acceleration and
silver economy.

More info:

2nd Grenoble Post-Keynesian & Institutionalist Conference: INSTABILITY, GROWTH &


Grenoble (France), December 7, 8 and 9, 2017.

The purpose of this conference is to question the limits of capitalist economies to provide society
withsustainable and viable economic growth, as well as durable human development. In line with the 1st
Conference in December 2015, the aim of this 2nd Conference is to contribute to the understanding of the
working of market-based capitalist and capitalist-like economies through the rise of new forms of accumulation,
regulation, socialization and the collective management of instabilities.

More info: https://cepn.univ-paris13.fr/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/CALL-2017-Grenoble-final.pdf



Call for abstracts: from November 29 to December 3, 2017 at the Universidade Federal do Amazonas,
Manaus (Brazil), will be held the 6th International Research Conference on Social and Solidarity Economy with
as general theme "Social and Solidarity Economy, Sustainability and Innovation: facing former and new social

More info: http://www.ciriec.ulg.ac.be/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/CALL-Manaus-Brasil-2017-1.pdf

International Turkish Cooperative Congress

Ankara, 5-7 October 2017.

The 22nd International Turkish Cooperatives Congress organised by the Turkish Cooperative Association in
cooperation with CIRIEC International will be held in Ankara on 5-7 October 2017. General Theme:
Social Economy Networks. Co-operation for Global Change.

More info: http://www.ciriec.ulg.ac.be/en/event-ciriec/22nd-international-turkish-cooperative-congress-5-7-


Democracy and Civil Society in Latin America and the Caribbean in a Time of Change

11th Latin America and the Caribbean Network Conference. 18th 20th October, 2017. Quito,

More info: http://www.istr.org/?page=LAC

IX Coloquio Ibrico Internacional de Cooperativismo y Economa Social

5 y 6 de octubre de 2017
Santiago de Compostela


Radar do NISP 7
First European Conference of Community Foundations

There are more than 640 reasons why civic engagement on the local level has never been more relevant or
vibrant in Europe. In 24 European countries, community foundations are helping to mobilize their local
communities and empowering citizens to find solutions to serious challenges.
The European Community Foundation Initiative and the UK Community Foundations want to build bridges
between these vital organizations and support their networking and knowledge sharing. On their behalf, I am
pleased to announce the first European Conference of Community Foundations, "Building Bridges for Local
Where: Cardiff, Wales
When: 11 September 2017 (start: noon)12 September 2017 (end: noon)
Who: Practitioners, donors, researchers, experts and other interested stakeholders involved in the field of
community foundations
It would be a great pleasure to have you and your peers participate in this conference. And wed appreciate it
if youd help us spread the word about the event on your social media and web page. Registration will open
Monday, 26 June.
And if you have any inquiries or expressions of interest, dont hesitate to contact Mike Scott

More info: http://www.istr.org/events/EventDetails.aspx?id=971882&group=

5me Journe Internationale de Recherche sur la Gestion des Entreprises Sociales et

Solidaires (GESS)

Dans la continuit des prcdentes rencontres du GESS, les journes de 2017 Reims sont une invitation
prsenter et dbattre des travaux de recherche en gestion sur les entreprises de lEconomie Sociale et Solidaire
Ces 5mes journes se proposent dentrer dans la complexit et les contingences du management des entreprises
de lESS en interrogeant les cadres de pense et les modles qui ordonnent le dsordre des situations en
questionnant les pratiques au regard des conflits de valeurs potentiels et en se livrant des analyses
prospectives sur l venir des entreprises de lESS telles que dfinies par la loi 2014.
Le management des entreprises de lESS interpelle les diffrentes disciplines de la gestion dans leur capacit
fournir aux dcideurs et aux acteurs de terrain de linformation valide scientifiquement et pratiquement, tout
en prenant en compte les valeurs et les principes fondamentaux de lESS.

Les intentions de communication sont adresser Latitia Lethielleux (chaire.ess@univ-reims.fr) jusquau 9

octobre 2017 en fichier attach au format word en indiquant dans lobjet GESS-2017 .
Le rsum de 2 3 pages comprendra une prsentation des auteur-e-s (nom, prnom, statut, institution), de la
problmatique, de la mthodologie, des principaux rsultats ainsi quune bibliographie indicative.

Pour plusiers dinformations: http://www.univ-reims.fr/minisite_92/colloque-gess-2017/appel-a-


UIA Associations Round Table Asia-Pacific 2017

The UIA cordially invites you to its Associations Round Table Asia-Pacific 2017.
For over 100 years the UIA has been working to promote and facilitate the work of international associations.
The UIA Associations Round Table is an opportunity to learn through networking and through practice:
meet representatives of other international associations and share experience and knowledge
gain practical skills and tools to help you do your work better
This year the Round Table Asia-Pacific will take place Thursday 21 and Friday 22 September in Chiang Mai,
Thailand. Please join us!

More info: https://www.uia.org/roundtable/asia-pacific-2017

tica, epistemologia e sociologia da cincia na Administrao Pblica

Nenhum evento at o fechamento da edio.

Radar do NISP 8
Artigos publicados
Redes, empreendedorismo e inovao social na esfera pblica

What Motivates Social Entrepreneurs to Start Social Ventures?

Seham Ghalwash, Ahmed Tolba and Ayman Ismail. Social Enterprise Journal, volume 13, issue: 3, pages 268-
298, August 2017.

Abstract: This study aims to explore the characteristics and backgrounds of social entrepreneurs, particularly
in relation to what motivates them to start new social ventures, through an empirical examination of the
phenomenon of social entrepreneurship in the specific context of Egypt. The study adopts a qualitative
methodological approach based on a triangulation of data sources, including extensive interviews from five
social entrepreneurs, interviews with senior executives in their organisations and industry experts, as well as
secondary data. The paper proposes a model that integrates common characteristics and motivations among
individuals who start social ventures. Findings confirm the characteristics of social entrepreneurs as
compassionate risk-takers with entrepreneurial mindsets who seek to address social issues in innovative ways.
They also have the perseverance to face the inefficient institutional frameworks prevalent in developing
economies. Social entrepreneurs are motivated by social problems and challenges, inspiration, and previous
personal experiences, as well as their social networks. There are limitations pertaining to the limited sample
size and single country focus. This research offers useful and practical insights for current and future social
entrepreneurs, particularly in developing economies. Moreover, the study contributes to expanding future
research on social entrepreneurship in similar contexts. This study makes several contributions to the literature
on social entrepreneurship. First, by presenting an integrated model for the characteristics/traits and
motivations of social entrepreneur. Second, it provides deeper understanding of social entrepreneurship in
emerging economies. Third, it highlights the importance of personal inspiration and informal social networks
as two sources of motivation for social entrepreneurs, in emerging countries.


Raiffeisen as Social Innovator

Brett Fairbairn. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, volume 88, issue 3, pages 425-448, September

Abstract: in recent years the term social innovation has become widely used by policy makers, yet important
ambiguities remain. One of these concerns what has been called the paradox of embedded agency how social
innovators conceive of something new when working with existing social institutions. So far few writers have
considered whether historical examples can, with benefit of hindsight, shed light on the relationships between
social innovators and social institutions. This paper considers the example of Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen,
creator of rural credit unions and agricultural co-operatives in 19th-century Germany. Raiffeisen was a social
conservative who worked in many ways within existing social institutions. At the same time, his desire to meet
social needs drove him to create new forms of action and organization that resulted in social innovation.
Raiffeisen's process of invention shows that social innovation, particularly in transitional eras like his, need not
be a matter of using logical-deductive processes to address a social need, but may depend critically on values,
will, a readiness to experiment, and an ability to find allies. These qualities enabled Raiffeisen to break through
existing institutions to do something fundamentally new, and they may be qualities that provide new focus for
social-innovation research and policy.


Improving Opportunities for Bridging Social Capital: The Story of a Full-Service

Community School Initiative at an Alternative High School

Xiaoxia A. Newton ORCID Icon, Shanna Rose Thompson ORCID Icon, Bangsil Oh ORCID Icon & Leah Ferullo
Graduate Sch, 14 pages - September 2017

Radar do NISP 9
Abstract: this article describes the collective efforts educators and multiple community partners are taking to
transform one alternative urban high school into a full-service community school. The article presents
preliminary findings on the opportunities for bridging social capital that the full-service initiative has created
and the impacts such opportunities have for students in urban alternative settings with multiple risk factors
stacked against them.


Estgios da Inovao Social: Anlise do Projeto de Equoterapia do Instituto Federal

Catarinense, Campus Rio do Sul

Cintia Mara Gilz Geiser, & Iara Regina dos Santos Parisotto, 14 pageds

Resumo: a inovao social surgiu em funo da busca pela diminuio dos problemas sociais e ambientais, tema
que tem gerado novas discusses e publicaes em todo o mundo. Todavia, sua definio ampla e permite
que sejam contempladas diversas formas de inovao social iniciada por atores sociais. Baseando-se nos
estgios de anlise das inovaes sociais proposto por Murray et al. (2010), o objetivo geral desse estudo foi
relacionar o Projeto de Equoterapia realizado pelo Instituto Federal Catarinense (IFC) Campus Rio do Sul,
com os estgios da inovao social. Trata-se de um estudo exploratrio e qualitativo, cuja coleta de dados se
deu por observao direta, entrevistas e documentos. A anlise dos dados foi realizada por meio da anlise
documental e de contedo. Constatou-se que o Projeto de Equoterapia est no estgio de dimensionamento e
escala, traando metas de crescimento orgnico.


Regulatory influences on innovation in the public sector: the role of regulatory regimes

Beverly Wagner & Nusa Fain, Public Management Review, 23 pages - 2017

Abstract: the purpose of this paper is to explore the impact of regulation on innovation within the public sector.
This is done by integrating two separate frameworks, related to regulatory regimes and public-sector
innovation. Through a case study of the Scottish water sector a matrix integrating these frameworks has been
empirically developed, illustrating a continuous improvement path for innovation in the Scottish water sector.
Findings indicate that customer and shareholder accountability is manifest at the transitional interface of the
regulatory regimes, facilitating movement within the different systems. Interplay with the accountabilities and
adjustments to the regulatory regime are paramount for progress. Through incentives to establish partnerships,
the regulator provides conditions for new ideas to emerge with reduced risk of failure. Experimentation allows
a new approach towards solving problems and enhancing innovation potential within the sector. The
contribution of this paper is a framework demonstrating mechanisms required to move between government-
centred, compliance- based regulation through to performance-oriented regulatory regimes.


Evaluating Social Innovations and their Contribution to Social Value: The Benefits of a
'Blended Value' Approach

Chris Dayson. Policy and politics, volume 45, issue 3, pages 395-411, July 2017.

Abstract: Social innovation is viewed as a solution to developing new services that address complex needs and
create 'social value', but what constitutes social value and how to measure it is contested. Drawing on a case
study of a social prescribing pilot, this paper provides an example of how social value can be evaluated to
support decisions by commissioners of socially innovative interventions. It argues that social value presents an
epistemological and methodological challenge for commissioners seeking to embed it in decision making and
recommends evaluating social innovations though a 'blended value' lens.


Radar do NISP 10
Sociedade civil e ao pblica, economia social e solidria e desenvolvimento territorial sustentvel

Exploring the antecedents of municipal managers attitudes towards citizen participation

Yuguo Liao & Hindy L. Schachter, Public Management Review, 22 pages - August 2017

Abstract: meaningful and representative citizen participation depends greatly on administrators attitudes. This
study examines antecedents of municipal managers attitudes towards citizen participation based on their
perceptions of its likely contributions and costs. Using data from two American states New Jersey and
Pennsylvania the research found that a managers professional identity and knowledge of successful peer
group practices involving citizens influenced both perceptions. In addition, the research found that institutional
factors such as red tape and city council diversity influenced a managers perceptions about the cost of citizen
involvement. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.


Ageing and the social economy

Brendan Murtagh. Social Enterprise Journal, volume 13, issue 3, pages 216-233, August 2017.

Abstract: the purpose of this paper is to concern with the extent to which social economies can be constructed
as alternatives to private and state markets and their purported neoliberal tendencies. The paper presents a
meta-evaluation of an integrated set of projects supported by philanthropic investment to build finance, skills,
entrepreneurship, social enterprises and non-monetised trading in the age sector in Northern Ireland. The
programme had important successes in stimulating social entrepreneurship, improving employability and
showing how social enterprises can be incubated and scaled to offer new services for older people. It also
improved skills in contract readiness, but this did not translate into new borrowing or trading models, even
among larger NGOs. In that all economies are, to some extent, constructed and socially mediated, there is value
in thinking through the components, relationships and projects that might make the ecosystem work more
effectively. This should not just offer a counterweight to the market but could explore how an alternative arena
for producing and consuming goods and services can be formed, especially among potentially vulnerable age
communities. The albeit, small-scale investment in a range of interrelated projects shows not only the value in
experimentation but also the limits in planned attempts to construct social markets. The analysis shows that
social economies need to respond to the priorities of older people, grown from community initiatives and better
connected to the capabilities and resources of the sector.


Gouvernement et secteur sans but lucratif des services la personne en Chine: une relation
dinterdpendance dpendante

Zhang Yuanfeng, Mou Jie, Chen Qiqi. Revue Internationale de lconomie Sociale (RECMA), issue 345, Juillet

Rsum: cet article examine la relation entre le gouvernement et le secteur but non lucratif des services la
personne en Chine, que les auteurs qualifient d interdpendance dpendante , alors que la relation entre le
gouvernement et les associations est gnralement analyse dans le cadre thorique de la socit civile et du
corporatisme. Aprs une courte prsentation historique de ces relations, larticle documente les diffrents types
dinstitutions qui composent le secteur, particulirement celles, nombreuses, qui grent les services la
personne. Les auteurs sintressent notamment aux relations entre le gouvernement et le secteur but non
lucratif de lassistance sociale, qui est la principale sous-catgorie des services la personne en Chine. Aprs
une prsentation des outils adopts par le gouvernement pour soutenir le secteur but non lucratif, larticle
conclut sur les principales caractristiques de cette relation dinterdpendance dpendante.


Radar do NISP 11
Learning alterity in the social economy: the case of the Local Organic Food Co-ops
Network in Ontario, Canada

Jennifer Sumner & Cassie Wever, European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 11
pages - September 2017

While the origins of the social economy date long before the period of industrialization or the modern state
(Shragge & Fontan, 2000), it is growing in importance as we find ourselves in the cancer stage of capitalism
(McMurtry, 2013). Facing issues such as exponentially growing inequality, the demise of rural communities, an
exploding obesity epidemic and jobless recoveries from repeated financial crises, more and more people are
turning to the social economy for solutions to their problems (see McMurtry 2010; Mook et al. 2010). This paper
reports on a pilot study that focused on the Local Organic Food Co-ops Network, created by people who oppose
the industrial food system and want to specialize in local, organic food. Adopting a political-economy lens to
understand this opposition through the words of participants, the study employed semi-structured interviews
to explore the learning dimensions of this social economy organization. The study found that respondents
participated in social learning and learned alterity in the social economy. The paper concludes that social
economy organizations need to prioritize social over economic values, and the potential for change associated
with social learning is key to making this choice.


tica, epistemologia e sociologia da cincia na Administrao Pblica

A captura como experincia: investigaes pragmticas e teorias do poder

Francis Chateauraynaud, Revista Brasileira de Cincias Sociais, v.32, n.95, 2017.

Por muito tempo, a sociologia pragmtica considerou que no tinha nada a dizer sobre os jogos de poder. Uma
de suas regras de mtodo exigia aproximar-se dos prprios atores quando eles se punham a desvelar, ao longo
de polmicas e processos, formas de poder ou de dominao. Apoiando-se em muitos dossis, o artigo mostra
como redirecionar a pesquisa pragmtica para apreender de outro modo a crtica das relaes de poder, cujo
grau de visibilidade pblica depende da trajetria seguida pelos atores tomados pela lgica da crise ou do
conflito. Os elementos de uma captura bem-sucedida e aqueles em que se apoia todo o trabalho de escape da
captura so, pouco a pouco, expostos: imperativo de justificao, conservao de uma necessidade de
reconhecimento do caso, controle dos instrumentos de avaliao, produo de uma troca desigual invisvel.


Radar do NISP 12
Livros publicados
Teoria sociolgica contempornea : autores e perspectivas

Carlos Eduardo Sell e Carlos Benedito Martins (organizadores)

Formato: 16x23 cm, 566 pginas
ISBN: 978-85-391-0853-4

Resumo: este livro o resultado de um trabalho coletivo realizado por

pesquisadores brasileiros com vista a fornecer uma paisagem intelectual a
propsito de determinadas vertentes explicativas que, em larga medida,
estruturam o pensamento terico contemporneo. Est organizado em seis
partes: I Realismo versus Anti-Realismo; II O individualismo metodolgico e as
microssociologias; III O holismo metodolgico e as macrossociologias; IV A
busca da grande sntese: o link micro-macro; V A teoria da modernidade e a
ontologia de nossa era; VI Os diagnsticos do presente e a teoria social

Conta com dois captulos de particular interesse para as linhas de pesquisa do

NISP: a Teoria Ator-Rede e a Sociologia pragmtica.

Ao longo da obra, o leitor perceber as condies sociais, polticas, culturais,

acadmicas e institucionais que se encontram subjacentes trajetria da teoria

Philanthropy in South Africa - Horizontality, ubuntu and social


Shauna Mottiar, Mvuselelo Ngcoya, 194 pages.


Abstract: dominant narratives of philanthropy often portray Africans as mere

recipients of aid, usually from wellendowed, Western almoners - the West
distributing charity to impecunious Africans. The contributors to this volume
turn this argument on its head and ask: what about the beneficent spirit of
multitudes of Africans whose acts of generosity sustain millions of their
compatriots? This volume is unique in that it illuminates research on
philanthropy in Africa by using case studies and ethnographic material to
examine a number of themes: cycles of reciprocity among black professionals,
social justice philanthropy, community foundations, ubuntu and giving in
township and rural settings. Leading thinkers on normative aspects of
philanthropy in Africa also critically explore the theories, perspectives and
research on philanthropy. This well-researched book will be an invaluable
resource to foundations, civil society organisations, researchers, policymakers
and students of patterns of giving in South Africa.

Radar do NISP 13
Civil Society Organizations in Turbulent Times: A gilded web?
Linda Milbourne and Ursula Murray, 224 pages.

Abstract: fundamental changes to British social policy have seen civil society
organizations assume a significant role in welfare provision, but chasing money
and status has come at a high price. What has happened to integrity and
morality, when many voluntary service organizations have become trapped in
a gilded web of neo-liberal arrangements and a rapidly privatizing services
industry? Why are they reinforcing the social, economic and political systems
they were originally established to reform? Drawing on contemporary research
conducted in diverse service fields and from varied theoretical frameworks, the
book offers vital analysis for people studying and working in civil society
organizations, and for those concerned to reawaken the critical voices and
independent spaces that could challenge the growing inequalities and failures
of current social systems.

O NISP, Ncleo de Inovaes Sociais na Esfera Pblica, um ncleo de pesquisa cientfica com sede na
ESAG/UDESC (Florianpolis-SC) que atua nas seguintes reas do conhecimento:

a) Redes, empreendedorismo e inovao social na esfera pblica;

b) Sociedade civil e ao pblica, economia social e solidria e desenvolvimento territorial sustentvel;
c) tica, epistemologia e sociologia da cincia na Administrao Pblica.

O Radar a sua publicao bimestral baseada em pesquisa prvia dos responsveis sobretudo em sites e
boletins on-line de outros ncleos de pesquisa ligados s reas do NISP. Para esta edio, foram utilizados
como referncia:

CiriecAgora.org Info Agora of the General Interest and the Social Economy (Boletim do CIRIEC
Internacional): http://www.ciriecagora.org/
ECO-SOC INFO (Boletim da Chaire en Economie Sociale da UQAM Quebc - Canad):
Inside ISTR (Boletim da International Society for Third-Sector Research):
OBSERVGO (Boletim do Observatrio de Administrao Pblica da ENAP Quebc - Canad):
Site do Centro de Pesquisa em Inovao Social (CRISES) Quebc Canad:
Site do Grupo de Pesquisa Sociologie Pragmatique et Reflexive (GSPR) Paris-Frana:
Site da Pragmata Association d`etudes pragmatistes Paris Frana:
Centre Alexandre Koyr Frana: http://koyre.ehess.fr/index.php
Cairn: chercher, reprer, avancer: https://www.cairn.info/
Perse: http://www.persee.fr/
Spell: http://www.spell.org.br

Radar do NISP 14
Carolina Andion
Daniel Ouriques Caminha

Colaboraram com esta edio

Amanda Bttenbender Nunes

Edio e leiaute
Bruno Castro

Radar do NISP 15

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