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The Role of Cell-Mediated Immunity in Bacterial Infections

Helmut Hahn and Stefan H. E. Kaufmann From the Institut fur Medizinische Mikrobiologie, Freie
Universitiit Berlin, Berlin, West Germany

I. Introduction.......................... 1221 VI. T-Cell Interactions in CMf. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1234

II. Expression of Antibacterial Cell-Mediated A. The Ly-System......................... 1234
Immunity (CMI) by Mononuclear B. Interleukins as Communication Signals
Phagocytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1223 Between Leukocytes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1235
C. Association of Function, Ly Phenotype,
A. Macrophage-Dependent Resistance in the and MHC Restriction..... . .. . . 1235
Absence of Specific Immune Responses. . .. 1223 D. T-Cell Subsets in Antibacterial CMI.. . . . .. 1235
B. Augmentation of Macrophage Numbers by E. Studies with Cloned T-Cell Lines. . . . . . . . .. 1236
Local Proliferation and Influx of F. Suppression in Antibacterial CMI... .. .. .. 1237
Monocytes from the Blood. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1223
1224 VII. Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity

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C. Granuloma Formation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
D. Macrophage Activation............... ... 1224 and Antibacterial Protection:
E. The Genetic Basis of Mononuclear the Problem of Anergy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1237
Phagocyte-Dependent Resistance......... 1226
F. Role of Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes. . .. 1226 VIII. Cytokinetics and Circulation Dynamics of
T Cells of Antibacterial CMI. . . . . . . . . . .. 1239
III. Specific T Cells as Inducers of
Antibacterial CMf..................... 1227 IX. Concluding Remarks...... .. 1240
A. Transfer of Specific Immunity by
Lymphocytes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1227 I. Introduction
B. Evidence that Antibacterial CMI is Under
Control of the Thymus.. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1227 Reactions of tissues to infection by non toxigenic
1. Experiments with athymic animals. . . . .. 1227 bacteria may be conveniently divided into two
2. Experiments with antiserum to
Thy 1 antigen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1227 forms: purulent and granulomatous. Purulent in-
fections, as exemplified by pneumococcal pneu-
IV. Lymphocyte-Macrophage Interactions
in the Effector Phase of monia [1] are characterized by short duration,
Antibacterial CMf..................... 1227 acute course, and the accumulation of polymor-
A. Bicellular Nature of Antibacterial CMI. . . .. 1227 phonuclear leukocytes at sites of bacterial implan-
B. Activation of Macrophages by tation. Opsonizing antibodies exert protective ef-
T-Cell Products. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1228
1. Experiments with cell mixtures fects, and, as a rule, the disease subsides after
and supernatants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1228 polymorphonuclear leukocytes and mononuclear
2. Lymphokines........................ 1229 phagocytes have phagocytized most infecting bac-
C. Regulation of Lymphocyte/Macrophage
Interactions by the Major teria and killed them within phagolysosomes. Bac-
Histocompatibility Complex (MHC). . . . . .. 1229 teria that cause purulent infections are categorized
1. The major histocompatibility as extracellular bacteria; this category includes
complex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1230
2. MHC restriction of T-cell/macrophage cocci as well as the gram-negative rods found in
interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1230 many infections (table 1).
3. MHC restriction of interactions of T cells Bacteria that elicit granulomatous tissue re-
and virus-infected target cells. . . . . . . . . .. 1231
4. Significance of MHC restriction. . . . . . .. 1231 sponses include the species Mycobacterium,
Brucella, and Yersinia; and Salmonella typhi, Sal-
V. Role of Antigen-Presenting Cells in the
Induction of CMI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1233 monella paratyphi, Listeria monocytogenes and
related organisms, Francisella tularensis, Trepo-
nema pallidum, Pseudomonas mallei and Pseudo-
monas pseudomallei (the causative agents of
This paper is the eighth in a series edited by Ralph van Furth glanders and melioidosis, respectively), and the
dealing with the role of the phagocyte in infection. recently discovered pathogen Legionella pneumo-
We thank Mrs. A. Hausler and Mrs. L. Sliwka for their ex- phila [2-4] (table 1). These bacteria also are
cellent assistance in completing this manuscript.
phagocytized by polymorphonuclear leukocytes
Please address requests for reprints to Dr. Helmut Hahn, In-
stitut fur Medizinische Mikrobiologie, Freie Universitat Berlin, and mononuclear phagocytes, and phagocytosis
Hindenburgdamm 27, D-IOOO Berlin 45, West Germany. of these organisms may be enhanced by specific

1222 Hahn and Kaufmann

Table 1. Extracellular and facultative intracellular concluded that common carriers of DTH and pro-
bacteria. tection differing from conventional antibodies
Facultative intracellular and effective by different mechanisms must exist.
Extracellular bacteria bacteria However, although Helmholz [23] in 1909 and
Cocci Mycobacterium tuberculosis Bail [24] in 1910 had already reported transfers of
Pneumococci Mycobacterium leprae tuberculin hypersensitivity using whole blood or
Streptococci Brucella species spleen homogenate, respectively, the cellular
Staphylococci Listeria monocytogenes nature of the mediators of DTH was proven by
Neisseria species Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae
Landsteiner and Chase [25] as late as 1942. These
Gram-negative rods
Escherichia coli Yersinia species authors succeeded in initiating adoptive transfer
Klebsiella species Francisella of contact sensitivity to picryl chloride in guinea
Enterobacter species Salmonella typhi pigs with live peritoneal exudate cells, and in 1945
Serratia marcescens Salmonella paratyphi Chase [26] transferred tuberculin hypersensitivity
Proteus species Treponema pa//idum
with similar cells.
Salmonella species (except Legionella pneumophi/a
S. typhi and S. paratyphii Applications of concepts and techniques em-
Pseudomonas species and ployed in the study of DTH and transplantation
other nonfermenters immunology [27] to the problem of immunity to
Bacteroides fragi/is facultative intracellular bacteria were instrumental
Haemophi/us inf/uenzae
in proving the cellular nature of immunity in in-
fections by facultative intracellular bacteria. The
now classic concept developed mainly by Macka-
antibodies and complement as is that of extracel- ness and co-workers in the 1960s and early 1970s
lular bacteria. Yet after phagocytosis these bac- states that in the development of immunity to fac-
teria survive within polymorphonuclear leuko- ultative intracellular bacteria two cell types coop-
cytes and, at least initially, in mononuclear erate: specific T lymphocytes and mononuclear
phagocytes as well. The terms facultative intra- phagocytes. T cells act as specific inducers and
cellular parasites [5] or facultative intracellular mononuclear phagocytes as nonspecific effector
bacteria are used to indicate this fact. cells. The task of T cells is (1) to recruit and as-
Facultative intracellular bacteria cause cyclic semble mononuclear phagocytes for the formation
systemic diseases, most of which display a chronic of granulomatous lesions and (2) to activate the
course. Delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) to phagocytes for enhanced bactericidal activity in
antigens of the causative organisms normally ac- these lesions. Thus, expression of immunity to
companies the infection [6]. Immunization with facultative intracellular bacteria ultimately de-
live bacteria is required to induce protection pends on the performance of properly activated
[7-11]; neither dead bacteria nor culture filtrates nonspecific effector cells within properly struc-
containing antigen suffice to induce DTH [12] or tured lesions. This form of antibacterial immunity
protection [8, 9, 13-15], unless special forms of belongs to the group of immune phenomena that
immunization are employed such as incorporation are under the control of the thymus [28] and for
of antigen into complete Freund-type adjuvants which the term "cell-mediated immunity" (CMI)
[16], injection of antigen into tuberculous lesions has been coined by Turk [29].
[17], or immune modulation by BCG (bacille Cal- Recent advances in immunologic research in-
mette-Guerinj-infection [18]. clude the discovery of genetic restriction of T-cell
Mechanisms of immunity to infections by facul- function, of T-cell subclasses, and of regulatory
tative intracellular bacteria were a mystery long circuits in which specific and nonspecific cells in-
after humoral immunity had been understood teract and, as such, determine extent, duration,
[19]. Although the occurrence of DTH made it and quality of an immune response. The role of
likely that the infected host responded to faculta- macrophages, not only as phagocytes but as
tive intracellular bacteria in an immunologically regulators of the immune response by means of in-
specific way, adoptive transfer of protection [20] teractions with T cells as well, is increasingly ap-
or DTH [21, 22] could not be achieved with spe- preciated. Finally, new techniques have been de-
cific antibody. Zinsser and Mueller [21] in 1925 veloped, among which those most promising with
Cell-Mediated Immunity in Bacteria/Infections 1223

respect to therapeutic applications are the devel- tance expressed before that time must be consid-
opment of monoclonal antibodies, the cloning of ered T-cell independent. Also, congenitally athy-
T cells, and the production in vitro of soluble me- mic (nul nu) mice initially can protect themselves
diators in pure form. against infection with Listeria and produce ac-
This review will summarize the experimental tivated macrophages [31-37]. In fact, one group
data that have led to the classic concept of anti- reported that athymic mice in the early phase of
bacterial CMI and will integrate recent develop- infection killed 10 times more Listeria than did eu-
ments into this classic concept. Although most of thymic mice [38]. Thymectomized, X-irradiated,
the data cited are derived from animal experi- and bone marrow-reconstituted (Txbm) mice,
ments, without doubt these studies should contrib- which lack T cells, have been reported by Camp-
ute to a better understanding of the situation for bell et al. [39] as displaying a state of heightened
humans. The ultimate practical goal is to be able resistance (although not consistently). Newborg
to manipulate the immune system at will, both in and North [38] could distinguish an X-ray resis-
prophylaxis and therapy of infectious diseases; tant, preexisting state of resistance and an X-ray
however, this goal will not be reached before we sensitive mechanism, both of which were non-
have a clear understanding of mechanisms in in- specific. The X-ray sensitive mechanism was more
fectious disease immunology at the cellular and active during an ongoing listeria infection and was
molecular levels. instrumental in reducing an initial bacterial in:
oculum. Most probably this mechanism is
mediated by resident macrophages.
II. Expression of Antibacterial Cell-Mediated
Nonspecific mechanisms would gain particular
Immunity by Mononuclear Phagocytes
importance in infections due to bacteria that have
Antibacterial CMI is based on a bicellular mech- short generation times, since such organisms reach
anism: specific T cells act as inducers of CMI, overwhelming numbers before T cell-mediated
whereas mononuclear phagocytes express CMI by immunity had time to develop. Over the long run,
at least three processes. (1) Resident macrophages however, T cell-dependent mechanisms are indis-
limit early bacterial proliferation. (2) Under the pensable, and animals lacking functional T cells
influence of T-dependent immune mechanisms, succumb to the infection.
mononuclear phagocytes are attracted to the site
of bacterial proliferation and form granulomatous
B. Augmentation of Macrophage Numbers by Local
lesions. (3) Macrophages activated by lympho-
Proliferation and Influx of Monocytes from the Blood
kines act as more potent effector cells than do
nonactivated cells. Simultaneously with the onset of the specific im-
Finally, fixed cells of the mononuclear phago- mune response, the number of macrophages at the
cyte lineage have been implicated as accessory cells infection site increases. This increase is achieved in
in the induction of immune responses. The signifi- two ways. (1) As shown for infections with Lis-
cance of this function is being increasingly recog- teria, BCG, or Brucella, resident macrophages
nized (see V). proliferate [40-42]. For instance, in one particular
In this section, the experimental evidence for report [43], the number of macrophages in the liv-
the expression of CMI by mononuclear phago- ers of Listeria-infected mice increased 18-fold. (2)
cytes will be summarized. The function of specific The bulk of mononuclear phagocytes present in
T cells and their products will be dealt with below infected tissues, however, are derived from circu-
(see III, IV, VI). lating blood monocytes and are attracted into the
lesions [44].
The relative importance of blood-borne mono-
A. Macrophage-Dependent Resistance in the
cytes and resident macrophages to the expression
Absence of Specific Immune Responses
of immunity became clear when mice that were
The T-cell response following infection takes time shielded except for their livers were irradiated to
to develop. Listeria-specific T cells are not demon- selectively destroy the capacity of liver macro-
strable in mice infected with Listeria during the phages to divide. Upon infection with Listeria, the
first two days after infection [30]. Thus, any resis- shielded animals recruited typical macrophages
1224 Hahn and Kaufmann

into the liver and expressed immunity in that organ. macrophage activation occurs on day 3 [9] and on
Unshielded controls, on the other hand, neither around day 9-12 after infection, respectively [50].
accumulated macrophages nor developed immuni- Activation of macrophages is not an all-or-none
ty [44]. It was concluded that immigrant blood effect, but rather is an increase of physiologic ac-
monocytes rather than local macrophages are re- tivities of macrophages above the baseline values
sponsible for the expression of local immunity in exhibited by unstimulated cells [51]. No doubt ex-
infected tissues. ists that immunologic mechanisms normally are
responsible for activation of macrophages in in-
fections due to facultative intracellular bacteria.
C. Granuloma Formation
This idea is not weakened by the fact that athymic
As accumulation of mononuclear phagocytes at animals possess activated macrophages (see II A);
sites of infection proceeds under the influence of the mechanism by which such activation occurs is
immune mechanisms, the lesions become struc- not understood yet.
tured and granulomas form. A granuloma is Direct evidence that macrophages from animals
defined [45] as a "focal chronic inflammatory re- infected by facultative intracellular bacteria
action characterized by the accumulation and pro- possess higher microbicidal activities first was ob-
liferation of leukocytes principally of the mono- tained by Lurie [52] by means of a combined in
nuclear type." Pathogenetically, two types of vivo-in vitro culture system. Lurie demonstrated
granulomatous lesions can be distinguished: the that macrophages harvested from BCG-vaccinated
foreign body granuloma and the infectious disease rabbits and infected in vitro with live tubercle ba-
granuloma. Although both types may contribute cilli that were cultured in the anterior chamber of
to a given granuloma in infectious diseases caused the rabbit eye were better inhibitors of intracel-
by facultative intracellular bacteria, only the latter lular bacterial multiplication than were control
will be dealt with here. macrophages from nonvaccinated donor animals.
In the early phase, an infectious disease granu- Suter [53] developed an in vitro culture technique,
loma contains lymphocytes and macrophages. and he [54] and others [55] confirmed Lurie's find-
Later on, such granulomas also contain epithelioid ing in vitro. Similar observations were made with
cells, giant cells, and fibroblasts [46]. Eosinophils respect to the facultative intracellular bacteria
are present in granulomas induced by parasites Brucella [14, 56, 57], F. tularensis [58], Sal-
[46], and basophils occur in lesions of cutaneous monella [8, 59-61], and L. monocytogenes [9,
basophil hypersensitivity [47]. Within granulomas, 62-64].
cells are tightly packed, a condition that allows for Once established, the enhanced microbicidal ac-
cell-to-cell interactions and for the effective con- tivity of activated macrophages is nonspecific and
tainment and destruction of facultative intracellu- not only can be directed against the bacterial spe-
lar bacteria [46] and thus, in a reduction of the cies that originally led to macrophage activation
danger of further bacterial invasion and spread of but can be directed against unrelated facultative
infection. intracellular bacteria [11, 50, 57, 63, 65-68] and
even viruses [69], parasites [70-72], fungi [73],
and tumor cells [74-77]. These observations form
D. Macrophage Activation
the basis of tumor therapy with BCG and other
The idea that macrophages become activated dur- macrophage-activating bacterial vaccines, e.g.
ing bacterial infections dates back to Metchnikoff Corynebacterium parvum or bacterial products
[48], who saw in "the perfection of the phagocytic [78]. The extent to which nonrelated microorga-
and digestive power of the leukocytes" the main nisms are killed by activated macrophages varies
defense mechanism in infections. The term mac- with the organism causing the primary infection;
rophage activation was used by Mackaness [49] to e.g., macrophages from animals infected with my-
account for the increase in bactericidal capability cobacteria exert a higher degree of nonspecific
that macrophages acquire during infections with killing than do macrophages from Listeria-in-
facultative intracellular bacteria when the animal fected donors [79].
develops specific DTH. In the most widely used In keeping with the fact that mononuclear
models, listeriosis and BCG infection of mice, phagocytes are highly adaptable [80-82] and that
Cell-Mediated Immunity in Bacterial Infections 1225

activation represents a differentiation step [51], says. These efforts have been complicated by the
activated macrophages, besides having an en- observation (see [87]) that substances other than
hanced bactericidal capability, display a variety of bacteria, e.g., thioglycollate broth or endotoxin,
morphologic, functional, and biochemical charac- can induce the same type of biochemical changes
teristics that distinguish them from normal, rest- in macrophages as do intracellular bacteria. Yet
ing peritoneal macrophages (for reviews see [51, those macrophages in which the biochemical
68, 78, 80-87]). changes were induced by such substances do not
When activated macrophages, e.g., from BCG- possess the same bactericidal activity as do mac-
immune mice, are compared with normal macro- rophages activated during infections by facultative
phages, the former appear larger, tend to spread intracellular bacteria.
faster on glass surfaces and have more mitochon- Cohn [51] has tried to reconcile the many di-
dria, lysosomes, and pinocytic vacuoles. In acti- verging observations concerning macrophage acti-
vated cells the Golgi complex is enlarged and there vation by suggesting that activation of macro-
are more free ribosomes and a more elaborate en- phages occurs in stages and depends on the kind of
doplasmic reticulum than in nonactivated cells stimulus used and that different biochemical
[68]. parameters represent different stages of macro-
Phagocytosis by activated macrophages is in- phage differentiation. He has devised a scheme
creased in vitro [67] and in vivo [88]. Phagocytosis (figure 1) according to which nonspecific inflam-
is the essential mechanism in antibacterial defense, matory events can cause the development of most
and it is not surprising that this function is activation parameters except HzO z production
markedly enhanced in activated cells. Bacteria and and microbicidal and tumoricidal activities. The
other particles coated by specific antibody and latter two would only be induced by lymphocyte-
complement are taken up by phagocytes because derived products released during cellular immune
the latter have surface receptors: the Fe receptor reactions stimulated by exposure to facultative
and the C3b receptor. The Fe receptor binds spe- intracellular bacteria. Unfortunately, the bio-
cifically to the Fe portion of the heavy chain of chemical basis for the killing of facultative intra-
IgG. The C3b receptor recognizes C3 after the lat- cellular bacteria by macrophages is poorly
ter is cleaved by the C3 convertase and becomes understood, although some authors feel that
the C3b protein. Thus, antigens complexed with peroxide-mediated mechanisms playa crucial role
antibody of the IgG class and that also carry C3b [51].
form complexes that bind very avidly to macro- Macrophage activation is a local event and is
phages by means of multiple bonds. most marked within granulomas or elsewhere
In activated macrophages the number of recep- within inflammatory lesions induced by T cell-me-
tors for IgG [89-91] is increased. In nonactivated diated immune reactions [94]. Lurie [95] found
macrophages the main function of C3b receptors that in rabbits ingested tubercle bacilli in the cen-
is to mediate the attachment of C3b-opsonized ter of granulomas display the highest degree of
particles; however, activated macrophages appear destruction. Histochemically, macrophages near
to mediate the engulfment of particles as well [91]. the center of granulomas appear to be the richest
Receptors for C4b have been shown [92] to make in lysosomal enzymes, i.e., where bacteria show
their appearance in mouse macrophages activated the most marked signs of destruction [52, 94, 95].
with C. parvum. Thus, any attempt to collect activated macro-
A number of biochemical criteria characterize phages from sites other than those close to cellular
the activated state. In mouse macrophages these immune reactions will yield macrophages that are
include alterations in cell components, content only marginally activated.
and activity of enzymes, and metabolic and secre- It is clear that granuloma formation is of great-
tory activities [87]. This subject is dealt with in an- er importance in the control of infection than is
other review of this series [93]. Biochemical macrophage activation. The mere presence of acti-
studies of this kind have, in part, been inaug- vated macrophages in the absence of recruitment
urated by the desire to define macrophage activa- mechanisms is not sufficient for controlling infec-
tion in molecular terms and to bypass the technical tion. The insufficiency of activated macrophages
difficulties that hamper in vitro bactericidal as- alone is evident from the work of Blanden [96],
1226 Hahn and Kaufmann

Nonspecific Inflammatory Event Lymphokine-Mediated Event

1. Spreading
2. Metabolic response 7. H 2 0 2 production
Glucose oxidation
O 2- production 8. Microbicidal and tumoricidal
HMP shunt activity
3. Stimulation of E IgM C3b ingestion
Blood monocyte } t
Resident macrophage 4. Proteinase secretion
5. Stimulated pinocytosis
6. Plasma membrane
Ectoenzyme modification
5 '-Nucleotidase decreased
Alk. PDE I increased
Figure 1. Stages in the activation of mononuclear phagocytes. Reprinted with permission from the Journal of Im-
munology [51]. HMP = hexose monophosphate; E IgM C3b; = erythrocytes coated with IgM antibody and C3b;
and alk. PDE I = phosphodiesterase I.

who, working with ectromelia virus in mice, acti- L. monocytogenes. Also, chemotaxis of mono-
vated macrophages by a generalized graft-vs.-host nuclear phagocytes was reduced in nonresistant
reaction and suppressed T cell-dependent recruit- strains. The Lr gene thus appears to regulate the
ment of macrophages. The mice died of a general- production, maturation, and/or activation of
ized ectromelia infection despite the presence of mononuclear phagocytes. The gene determining
activated macrophages. Likewise, transfer of acti- this form of resistance appears to be pheno-
vated macrophages does not impart systemic pro- typically expressed in the environment of the host,
tection but imparts only local protection, if any- since the performance of mononuclear phagocytes
thing at all [20]. This inability again is due to the from either resistant or susceptible strains de-
lack of a specific focusing mechanism. pended on whether the phagocytes had been trans-
ferred into resistant or into susceptible hosts [l01].
E. The Genetic Basis of Mononuclear
Phagocyte-Dependent Resistance F. Role of Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes

Several authors [97-100] have observed that The presence of polymorphonuclear leukocytes
genetically determined differences in what has (PMNs) is characteristic of the acute stage of infec-
been termed natural resistance to listeria infection tions by facultative intracellular bacteria, be this
exist among various inbred strains of mice. This the initial phase before macrophages have arrived
resistance apparently is controlled by a single au- in large numbers or the phase when granulomas li-
tosomal, dominant, non-H-2-linked gene called Lr quify, during which PMNs may be responsible for
[97, 98]. The advantage conferred by Lr has been the softening by enzymes of the caseous center and
shown experimentally [l01] to be expressed at the for cavity formation [102, 103], However the con-
macrophage level. The basis of the advantage in tribution of PMNs to the killing of facultative in-
resistant animals is a greater cellularity of the bone tracellular bacteria is minimal, although PMNs
marrow, a decrease in the generation time of may playa part in the early events of the inflam-
monocyte precursors, and an ability to mount matory response. This aspect of PMN function
monocytosis after injection of a saline extract of has not been adequately studied.
Cell-Mediated Immunity in Bacteria/Infections 1227

III. Specific T Cells as Inducers of Antibacterial thymectomized, X-irradiated, and bone marrow-
Cell-Mediated Immunity reconstituted (Txbm), which lack functional T
cells, were defective in mounting antibacterial CMI
to Listeria and mycobacteria, respectively. These
A. Transfer of Specific Immunity by Lymphocytes
defects were measured either in terms of reduced
Although the existence of some form of specific recruitment of mononuclear phagocytes into le-
immunity to infections due to facultative intracel- sions [123] or as a reduction of cell proliferation in
lular bacteria was suggested by the observation the spleen after infection [124] or in footpads
that DTH to bacterial antigen regularly develops [125]. Although athymic (nu/nu) mice possess
during infections due to L. monocytogenes [9], activated macrophages (vide supra), their ability
Brucella abortus [63], Salmonella species [104], to develop CMI is markedly impaired, a deficiency
and mycobacteria [105-107], attempts to transfer seen by their failure to rid their tissues of
immunity with use of specific antibodies have mycobacteria [126-129], L. monocytogenes [31,
failed consistently [9, 20, 108]. On the other hand, 32, 130], rickettsiae [131], fungi [132-134], viruses
specific immunity has been transferred with use of [135], or parasites [136-140]. In athymic animals
crude cell preparations from donor animals that infections take a more chronic course characterized
were immune to tularemia [109], typhoid [110], or by the persistence of bacteria in internal organs
tuberculosis [11]. Subsequent to the important and by the absence of granulomatous lesions. In
observation by Wesslen [112] and by Coe et al. several instances the defects could be restored by
[113] that pure, viable lymphocytes from thoracic grafts of syngeneic thymus [123, 124].
ducts of immunized donors transferred DTH, 2. Experiments with antiserum to Thy 1 anti-
Frenkel [114] succeeded in transferring protection gen. After the discovery [141, 142] that the surface
to the parasite Besnoitia jellisoni and Mackaness antigen Theta (Thy 1) serves as a marker for thy-
[115], to L. monocytogenes. Both authors mus-dependent T cells and antisera (anti-Thy 1) to
employed specifically committed, viable splenic this antigen had become available, it was shown
lymphocytes. The role of lymphocytes was sub- that lymphocytes from Listeria-immune donor
stantiated further by the use of antithymocyte mice, which transfer protection to listeria antigens
globulin [116-117a] or antilymphocyte globulin [143-147] and confer DTH [148] are sensitive to
[118], which suppressed immunity to Listeria and anti-Thy 1 antiserum and complement and thus
mycobacteria, respectively. belong to the Thy I-positive lymphocyte class (fig-
Among individuals adoptively immunized and ure 2). Likewise, lymphocytes that control macro-
infected (i.e., challenged by the homologous anti- phage proliferation in vivo are sensitive to antise-
gen), changes develop identical to those in actively rum to Thy 1 [42]. The role of T-cell subgroups
immunized individuals. However, the changes oc- will be discussed in VI.
cur at a faster rate, e.g., tubercle formation is ac-
celerated [106].
IV. Lymphocyte-Macrophage Interactions in the
Effector Phase of Antibacterial CMI
B. Evidence that Antibacterial CMI is Under
Control of the Thymus A. Bicellular Nature of Antibacterial CMI

1. Experiments with athymic animals. In due That macrophages and specific lymphocytes co-
course evidence was obtained that antibacterial operate in the expression of antibacterial CMI was
eMI belongs to the group of immune reactions established in experiments in which mononuclear
under the control of the thymus [28]. Mice thy- phagocytes were eliminated by either cyclophos-
mectomized and X-irradiated as adults showed in- phamide [149], X irradiation [105, 150, 151] or
creased growth of Mycobacterium lepraemurium dextran sulfate 500, an agent potently toxic for
in tissues [119-121], and neonatally thymecto- mononuclear phagocytes [152]. Mice pretreated in
mized mice were unable to develop normal levels any of these ways were adoptively immunized by
of antituberculous immunity [122]. Likewise, an appropriate dose of specific lymphocytes from
adult rats [123] and" mice [124, 125] that were immune donor animals. On subsequent infection,
1228 Hahn and Kaufmann

1.&.1 +ATS
-' Figure 2. Protection against Liste-
CllS I
IMMUNEZ ria monocytogenes by adoptively
transferred T cells from Listeria-im-
1.&.1 +A9S mune mice. Left, abrogation of the

protective capacity of Listeria-im-
mune spleen cells by treatment with
antithymocyte serum plus comple-
ment (ATS). Complement alone (nor-
Vt CELLS mal rabbit serum [NRS]) had no
effect. Right, abrogation of the pro-
tective capacity of Listeria-immune
peritoneal exudate cells by treatment
with antiserum to thymocyte surface
antigen Thy 1 plus complement (A8S).
IMMUNE For further details see text. Redrawn

~ )(
with permission from the Journal of
Experimental Medicine [117a] and
Cellular Immunology [145].

24 48 24 48

the pretreated mice were unable to express im- lymphocytes with antigen and normal macro-
munity despite their having received an infusion of phages and the admixture of supernatants from
specific protective cells. Bone marrow-containing antigenically or polyclonally stimulated lympho-
monocyte precursors restored the capacity to ex- cytes with normal macrophages. Activated macro-
press antibacterial eMI to X-irradiated animals phages then were combined with bacteria and the
[151]. Thus, specific lymphocytes cannot protect number of intracellular bacteria determined after
by themselves but need the cooperation of various incubation periods.
mononuclear phagocytes. Likewise, in the absence Using a homologous system, Patterson and
of mononuclear phagocytes, specific lymphocytes, Youmans [154] could activate normal mouse mac-
when added to facultative intracellular bacteria in rophages with splenocytes from mice immunized
vitro, do not directly affect the bacteria. Similar with attenuated Mycobacterium tuberculosis so
conditions have been reported to prevail in the that the macrophages exhibited tuberculostatic ac-
murine ectromelia system [153]. tivity in vitro against virulent M. tuberculosis.
Krahenbuhl and Remington [155] used Toxo-
plasma-specific spleen cells to activate macro-
B. Activation of Macrophages by T-Cell Products
phages for activity against Listeria, thus confirm-
1. Experiments with cell mixtures and superna- ing in vitro the "dogma" that the macrophage
tants. Numerous attempts have been made to re- effector function is nonspecific. In these experi-
produce in vitro the activation of macrophages by ments, supernatants from Toxoplasma-stimulated
T cells or their products. In general, two ap- splenocytes led to macrophage activation. Simon
proaches have been used: the admixture of specific and Sheagren incubated specific lymphocytes
Cell-Mediated Immunity in Bacterial Infections 1229

from peritoneal exudates [156] or lymph node cells are like those seen in activated macrophages.
[157] from guinea pigs sensitive to tuberculin, bo- Whether or not MAF and MIF are identical has
vine y-globulin, or picrylated human serum albu- not been determined. In an early attempt to iden-
min with homologous antigen and achieved mac- tify and purify the soluble factor(s) responsible for
rophage activation for enhanced killing of Listeria macrophage activation in vitro, Fowles et al. [159]
and production of migration inhibition factor. obtained MIF-rich fractions after Sephadex chro-
Supernatants from incubation mixtures of spe- matography and found the active entity in a frac-
cific lymphocytes and homologous antigen acti- tion of molecular weight 25,000-50,000. Whether
vated macrophages for the killing of Listeria [158- this agent and MIF were identical was not deter-
162], mycobacteria [163, 164], or Yersinia pestis mined. Recently Meltzer et al. [173] have reported
[165] as did supernatants from lymphocytes acti- that two lymphokines can be separated chro-
vated polyclonally by plant mitogens for the kill- matographically; one causes macrophages to have
ing of Listeria [166] or Leishmania enriettii [169]. greater tumoricidal activity and the other, to have
That the activation of macrophages in vitro by greater bactericidal activity. The notion that lym-
T cells is a process sensitive to antithymocyte se- phokines actually may be involved in eMI to
rum has been shown by Krahenbuhl et al. [168], facultative intracellular bacteria has been streng-
who by treating spleen cells with antithymocyte thened by the fact that production of lymphokines
serum abolished their ability to activate normal by specifically reactive T cells from immune ani-
macrophages in vitro in the presence of antigen. mals has been demonstrated in several cases;
MaueI [169] activated macrophages parasitized thoracic duct lymphocytes from infected rats pro-
with L. enriettii with use of spleen or lymph node duce MIF [174] and peritoneal exudate lympho-
cells specifically reactive to antigens of that cytes from Listeria-immune rats produce chemo-
organism. In that study activation was abrogated tactic factor [175]. The differentiation pattern and
by treatment of the sensitized cells with an anti- migratory behavior of MIF-producing lympho-
serum of a specificity similar to that of anti-Thy 1. cytes were identical to those of protective cells
2. Lymphokines. The work discussed in the from similarly treated animals (see above).
preceding section leaves little doubt that macro- Finally, the appearance of MIF in the circula-
phage activation and probably granuloma forma- tion of mice infected with mycobacteria [176-178]
tion as well are mediated by soluble factors re- or Listeria [179] in close temporal relationship
leased by antigen-stimulated T lymphocytes. Tra- with antigen challenge must be taken as an indica-
ditionally these humoral factors have been termed tion that lymphokines actually playa role in vivo.
lymphokines [170]. Lymphokines have been iden-
tified on the basis of their biologic activity as mea-
C. Regulation of Lymphocyte/Macrophage Interactions
sured in a particular assay, a method that has led
by the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC)
to the creation of operational terms such as mac-
rophage-inhibitory factor, macrophage-activating One of the major driving forces behind the phy-
factor, chemotactic factor, and others. logeny of the cellular immune system is thought to
Macrophage inhibitory factor (MIF). MIF is be intracellular infections - viral and bacterial (re-
one of the best studied lymphokines. MIF origi- viewed in [180-185]). Therefore, perhaps it is not
nally was described by Bloom and Bennett [171] surprising that immune mechanisms combating
and David [172]. In vitro it inhibits the migration those infections should represent "the best nature
of macrophages from a capillary tube into a dish, can do" and, thus, attain model-like significance
a property that forms the basis of the assay. Per- for all of immunology.
haps the function of MIF is to prevent macro- Analysis of T cell-dependent immune mech-
phages from leaving the sites of cellular immune anisms involved in intracellular infections must
reactions. MIF not only is produced by antigen- take into consideration the peculiarities of viral
stimulated T cells but also by mitogen-activated B and bacterial infections. In viral infections, vir-
and T lymphocytes [172a]. tually all host cells are potential targets for the
Macrophage-activating factor (MAF). In vitro parasite, whereas in infections by facultative intra-
MAF causes some changes in macrophages that cellular bacteria the infecting organisms pre-
1230 Hahn and Kaufmann

dominate in cells of the mononuclear phagocyte [186-188]). In the mouse the MHC is located on
system. Virus-infected host cells must be lysed spe- the 17th chromosome and is referred to as the H-2
cifically as early as possible for viral replication to complex; the human analogue, HLA, is found on
be kept at a minimum. In intracellular bacterial in- chromosome 6. The H-2 complex can be divided
fections, on the other hand, immunologic destruc- into several loci; five of these, K, I, S, G, and D
tion of phagocytic cells would be detrimental to (in order of increasing distance from the centro-
the host owing to dissemination of bacteria from mere) have been defined (figure 3). The K, D, and
disrupted phagocytes. Here, accumulation and I loci are of particular importance in cellular im-
differentiation of immunologically active cells mune responses. The two loci that bound the H-2
must be achieved without cell destruction. The complex, K and D (counterparts in humans: HLA-
cellular immune response therefore has to ensure Band HLA-A), encode the classic transplantation
that (1) lytic signals be delivered in virus infections antigens that are detectable by cytotoxic T cells
and (2) differentiation signals be delivered infec- and alloantisera on nearly all cells. Genes of the I
tions by intracellular bacteria. Since both the viral locus of H-2 (counterpart in humans: HLA-D) are
antigen in infected cells and the antigens that have involved in the genetic control of specific immune
been phagocytized by macrophages are expressed responses to certain polypeptide antigens [189]. In
on membranes, the cell membrane is the most like- addition, it was found that the I locus also codes
ly site of antigen encounter and recognition by for cell surface structures that are expressed on
immunocompetent T cells. The discovery that cells of the immune system (B cells, macrophages,
this, in fact, is so and that membrane-associated and some T cells), which are crucial in the induc-
antigens that are coded by the MHC, i.e., alloan- tion and regulation of immune responses [187].
tigens, represent the crucial element in the selec- Accordingly, these structures are called immune
tion and restriction of cellular interactions that response region-associated antigens or, in short,
generate an optimally tailored immune response, Ia antigens.
have been the most consequential recent findings. 2. MHC restriction of T-cell/macrophage in-
Since this subject has been extensively reviewed teractions. In vitro studies of the effector phase
[180-185], only a short outline of the most perti- have established that interactions between primed
nent facts will be given. T cells and macrophage-associated antigen (mea-
1. The major histocompatibility complex. The sured by proliferation of primed T cells) in the
term major histocompatibility gene complex is guinea pig system are dependent on histocompati-
used to describe a complex of linked gene loci that bility between antigen-pulsed macrophages and T
encode transplantation antigens (reviewed in cells. This requirement does not encompass the

s G D

In association
with Ag:
response lytic signals

In association with Ag:
activation signals
Figure 3. Schematic diagram of the H-2 gene complex of the mouse and possible relationship between T-cell func-
tions and some of the H-2 products. Ag = antigen. (Note that the order of the H-21 subregions has been changed to
improve comprehensibility.)
Cell-Mediated Immunity in Bacterial Infections 1231

whole MHC; rather, donors of T lymphocytes and 3. MHC restriction of interactions of T cells
of macrophages only have to be compatible at the and virus-infected target cells. When Blanden et al.
H-2/ locus [190-192]. [205] and Zinkernagel and Doherty [206-209] in
Zinkernagel [193] made use of this finding in 1974 adapted the system of Cerottini and Brunner
the study of antibacterial CMI. He could demon- [210] for measuring specific cytolysis by T cells in
strate that transfer of immunity to Listeria by vitro to the study of interactions between T cells
splenic T cells in mice is H-2 restricted [193, 194], and lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus-infected
i.e., histocompatibility of cell donors and recipi- target cells from mice, an important difference be-
ents at the H-21 locus was necessary and sufficient tween viral and bacterial intracellular infections
for antibacterial protection. came to light. For optimum cytolysis of virus-in-
Requirement for homology at the H-21 region fected target cells, attacker and target cells' had to
has been shown for several biological functions share identity at the K and/or D locus of the H-2
that depend on cooperative cell interactions. DTH complex. This was found to be true also when Sen-
to soluble protein antigens requires the histocom- dai virus antigen [211] or simple chemicals [212]
patibility of transferred T cells and cell recipients were coupled exogenously to prospective target
[195]. In humoral immune responses to thymus- cell membranes. Similar MHC restrictions to in-
dependent antigens, helper T cells and antigen- teractions between T cell and antigen have been
presenting cells must at least share the H-2/ haplo- described for rats [213-216], chickens [217], and
type [196, 197]. Finally, helper T cells of cytolytic humans [218].
responses have to interact with antigen-presenting 4. Significance of MHC restriction. Analogies
cells that are H-21 compatible [198-200], whereas between allograft rejection and DTH to tuberculin
cytolytic effector T cells and target cells must be and chemicals prompted Mitchison [219] in 1954
histocompatible at the H-2K,D loci of the MHC to speculate that immunocompetent cells react
for cytolytic effects to occur. with bacterial antigens only when the latter are
Unanue and co-workers have conducted presented on cell surfaces.
analyses of single steps in T-cell/macrophage in- In 1959 Lawrence [220] put forth his "self-plus-
teractions in CMI. Co-cultivation in vitro of T X" theory according to which immune lympho-
cells from Listeria-immune mice and macrophages cytes not only would recognize antigen deter-
from normal mice pulsed with heat-killed Listeria minants derived from intracellular parasites but
resulted in T-cell proliferation and the production also "self structures" on the surface of infected
of a protein with mitogenic properties [201, 202] cells. Recognition of both self plus X would then
as well as in the activation of macrophages for tu- lead to immune responses of autoimmune type
moricidal activity [203]. Identity of macrophages against altered self structures.
and T cells at the H-21 locus was required; la-posi- Bloch and Nordin [221] pointed out in 1960 that
tive macrophages, which represent a minor frac- DTH occurs primarily when antigenic materials
tion, were essential. An initial short term, H-21 have been phagocytized. These authors induced
locus-restricted, contact between Listeria-specific DTH by injecting purified protein derivative that
T cells and antigen-pulsed macrophages was was bound to viable peritoneal exudate macro-
found to be the triggering event; this event was phages from guinea pigs. Pearson and Raffel
followed by nonrestricted effects, which, most [222] furnished evidence that application of
likely, were due to mediators released by triggered macrophage-digested antigen (sheep red blood
T cells [204]. Provided that production of mito- cells) will induce DTH, whereas undigested an-
genic protein and acquired tumoricidal capacity tigen leads to antibody production but not to
reflect macrophage activation, H-21-dependent DTH. The idea was introduced that processing of
restriction of immunity to Listeria in vivo [193, antigen by macrophages is necessary for the induc-
194]-at least as far as macrophage activation is tion of DTH. This ability to process antigen pro-
concerned - must be placed at the level of nonspe- ductively was subsequently shown by Oppenheim
cific effector molecules. A simplified scheme sum- and Seeger [223] to be a unique feature of
marizing the in vitro and in vivo data on T celli macrophages.
macrophage interactions in antibacterial CMI is The general principle that emerges from these
presented in figure 4. findings is that interactions of T cells with anti-
1232 Hahn and Kaufmann

1) 2) 3) Recognition 4)
Phagocyklsis Presentaticn of I-restricted Proliferation and
antigenplus la differentiation

(~~~. : It\C::e:::?rG~ 0
~ ~~0
0 0
iCE <iir:'~~
e ciiP"til'


~~ rnediabs released

Granuloma formation


Figure 4. Schematic depiction of the single steps of cell-mediated immunity as analysed in the mouse system. After
infection macrophages phagocytize but do not eliminate intracellular bacteria (1). Instead, some bacteria are pro-
cessed and antigenic products presented by macrophages in association with H-2I-encoded surface structures (2). Rec-
ognition of antigen in association with H-21 products (3) results in proliferation and differentiation of specific T cells
(4) that, after a second contact with antigen in association with H-2/ products (5), now are triggered to release lym-
phokines (6). In a nonspecific way lymphokines attract and activate further macrophages to form granulomas and
eliminate intracellular bacteria (7). Only steps 5-7 have been characterized, whereas steps 2-4 have not been repro-
duced in vitro but are inferred by analogy to step 5 and to other in vitro systems.

gens (derived from either microorganisms or other tures encoded by the H-2K and H-2D loci (or the
sources) that lead to CMI require that antigen be equivalent thereof) and differentiative interactions
presented on cell membranes in association with that are associated with fa antigens. It follows that
products encoded by loci of the MHC [180-185]. T cells must be (1) programmed to recognize not
Two types of interactions exist with respect to the only foreign antigens on cell surfaces but also a
T cell-effector function generated: lytic interac- self component determined by the MHC gene
tions that are associated with cell surface struc- complex and (2) be selected or educated in order to
Cell-Mediated Immunity in Bacteria/Infections 1233

exert programmed effector functions. The func- tions will only take place between these cells and
tion that the T cell ultimately will fulfill depends will lead to B-cell differentiation, T-cell matura-
on which MHC product it is able to react with. tion, or macrophage activation, respectively. Such
Two major alternative hypotheses, "dual recog- interactions take place in lymphatic organs and in
nition" and "altered self," have been developed to inflammatory foci. Thus, in I region-restricted in-
explain how T cells might recognize foreign anti- teractions, activating signals are "focused on the
gen in association with MHC products (sum- limited spectrum of cells on which they must exert
marized in [180-185]) (figure 5). The proposal in their effects" [180].
the dual-recognition model is that antigen is pre-
sented at a distance from the MHC product and
V. Role of Antigen-Presenting Cells in the
that T cells possess two distinct receptor sites, one
Induction of CMI
for self (MHC product) and one for foreign anti-
gen. The altered-self hypothesis postulates that T Mononuclear cells function as crucial accessory
cells recognize a complex new antigenic determin- cells, not only in secondary in vitro responses (see
ant formed from MHC-coded glycoproteins and [190-192, 223]) but also in the proliferation of T
foreign antigen. Neither model has yet been proven lymphocytes and the induction of helper T cells
formally. [227] in response to primary antigen [224] and
Thus, the condition for the separate handling of mitogen [225, 226]. Also, mixed lymphocyte reac-
viral infections and those by facultative intracellu- tions [228, 229] and the production of T cell-
lar bacteria is met. Restriction of cytolytic interac- growth factor (interleukin II) [230] all require the
tions by H-2K and/or H-2D ensures the lysis of presence of mononuclear cells.
virus-infected cells, for nearly all host cells (with In defining the role of antigen-presenting cells
the possible exception of pancreatic B cells and of in the induction of immune responses, interest has
sperm cells) express H-2K- and H-2D-coded de- recently been concentrated on two cell types: Lan-
terminants and thus can focus T cells programmed gerhans cells and dendritic cells (summarized in
to recognize these products. On the other hand, [231, 232]). Steinman and co-workers have shown
determinants coded by the H-2/ locus are ex- that dendritic cells constitute a minor fraction of
pressed on B cells, T cells, and macrophages exclu- splenic adherent cells, are morphologically distinct
sively, and hence H-2/ locus-restricted interac- from classical macrophages, and are nonphago-

Figure 5. Current models of anti-

gen presentation in association with
products encoded by the major histo-
compatibility complex (MHC). The
dual recognition model (upper left)
proposes that antigen is presented on
the cell surface independently of the
MHC marker. Accordingly, the T
cell has two receptors, one specific
for antigen and one for "self." In the
single recognition model (upper
right), the antigen is closely linked
with the MHC-encoded product. Ac-
cordingly, the T-cell receptor recog-
nizes antigen plus "self" in close
association. Although phenotypically
the receptor appears as a single unit,
at the molecular level this is a dual-
recognition model. The altered self-
model (bottom) proposes that MHC-
encoded products are modified by the
antigen and that the T cell recognizes
a new antigenic determinant.
1234 Hahn and Kaufmann

cytic but express fa alloantigens [233-235]. Den- pressed polymorphically; therefore it is possible to
dritic cells act as potent accessory cells in antigen- raise alloantisera that react with these differentia-
specific T-cell proliferation, stimulate syngeneic tion antigens by immunizing congenic mice. By
and allogeneic mixed lymphocyte reactions, and the use of anti-Ly sera plus complement, T-cell
induce trinitrophenyl-specific cytotoxic T cells subpopulations with Ly 1 or Ly 23 antigens but
and T cells that mediate DTH [234, 236-239]. A not with Ly 123 antigens can be produced by
possible involvement of dendritic cells in the in- means of a negative selection process. Ly 1 T cells
duction of cytotoxic antiviral responses and in express only Ly 1 antigens; Ly 23 T cells express
antibacterial CMI thus appears possible. only Ly 2 and Ly 3; and Ly 123 T cells express all
Langerhans cells are derived from precursors in three antigens. Ly 1, Ly 23, and Ly 123 T cells ac-
the bone marrow [240], bear fa alloantigens [241, count for rv30 070, 10 070, and 50 070 of the periph-
242], express Fe and C3 receptors [243], and are eral T-cell pool, respectively [251]. Recent studies
potent inducers of cellular immune reactions, both have indicated that in the human T-cell system the
in vitro and in vivo [239, 244, 245]. Thus, Langer- subpopulations are similar [252].
hans cells are prime candidates for cells specializ- Although exceptions exist, it is generally ac-
ing in the processing and presentation of antigen cepted that different Ly-marked subsets of T cells
to T cells. The prominent location of Langerhans mediate distinct biological functions. Ly 1 T cells
cells in the skin most likely ensures that most in- are programmed to induce cell types such as B
vading bacteria first come into contact with them cells (help in antibody production) and T cells
and that bacterial antigen is presented to the T-cell (help in the generation of Ly 23 cytolytic T cells)
compartment in an appropriate fashion. A role of to fulfill their functions [251, 253-256]. These
other macrophage subpopulations in antigen pro- cells, since they have been shown to mediate DTH
cessing cannot be ruled out as yet. In one instance to sheep red blood cells (SRBCs) and protein anti-
[246], it has been shown that the proportion of fa- gen in vivo [257-259], also appear to induce
bearing macrophages in peritoneal exudates of inflammatory cells such as macrophages. These
mice infected with L. monocytogenes is markedly reactions represent a short-lived, Jones-Mote-type
augmented. Furthermore, among human periph- of DTH [257, 260]. (Classical tuberculin allergy is
eral macrophages a subpopulation that might long-lived and possibly is regulated differently.)
be essential for antigen-induced T-cell reactivity Ly 1 T cells represent the predominant subclass of
has been identified with the use of monoclonal an- proliferating cells of those involved in macro-
tibodies [247]. phage-T-cell interactions and in mixed lympho-
cyte reactions [253, 261].
Of the Ly 23 cell subset, some cells are pro-
VI. T-Cell Interactions in CMI grammed for cytotoxic responses [251, 253] and
another subgroup (suppressor T cells) is capable
A. The Ly-Systern
of suppressing humoral and cellular immune re-
The mutually exclusive functions that the T-cell sponses [254-256, 262]. In some cases, at least,
compartment must fulfill in generating lytic and suppressor T cells can be distinguished from cyto-
differentiation signals are not vested in a homoge- toxic T cells by the presence of determinants en-
neous pool of T cells. Mainly through the work of coded by the H-2fJ sublocus [263]. A third subset,
Boyse and co-workers (summarized in [248, 249]), that of Ly 123 T cells, is poorly defined. Although
it has become evident that the murine T-cell sys- it probably represents a precursor pool from
tem can be divided into subgroups by means of which Ly 1 and Ly 23 T cells are derived, Ly 123
surface markers, notably those of the Ly-system. cells that exert specific effector and regulator
Ly antigens are glycoproteins that most prob- functions have been described [264-269].
ably are expressed on T cells exclusively (sum- Studies, most of which have been done by Ger-
marized in [248, 250]). Of these antigens, Ly 1, Ly shon, Cantor, and co-workers [265, 270-273], in-
2, and Ly 3 are of particular relevance to cellular dicate that members of distinct T-cell subsets do
immunology, although other Ly antigens have not exert their function in an isolated way. Rather,
been described. Ly 1 has been mapped on chromo- they are linked to a homeostatic system consisting
some 19 and Ly 2 and 3, which are linked to- of regulatory loops in which one cell type modifies
gether, on chromosome 6. Ly antigens are ex- the activity of others. Thus, the qualitative out-
Cell-Mediated Immunity in Bacteria/Infections 1235

come of an immune response is determined by in- recognize antigen in association with H-2/locus-
teractions among members of different T-cell sub- coded determinants, whereas Ly 23 cytolytic T
sets, macrophages, and humoral factors (sum- cells recognize antigen in association with H-2K-
marized in [273, 274]). It must be reckoned that and H-2D-coded products. At least in some cases,
visible manifestations of CMI, such as DTH reac- suppressor cells can recognize antigen directly
tions, granuloma formation, and elimination of [276], and, therefore, free antigen is able to acti-
bacteria, represent the final outcome of such com- vate suppressor T cells in the absence of MHC-
plex interactions. In these interactions, soluble coded products [277] (figure 6).
mediators (interleukins) mediate signals between Recent experiments indicate that suppressor T
cells. cells can be activated by feedback mechanisms as
well [270-272]. In these studies experimental con-
ditions were chosen so that antigen did not acti-
B. Interleukins as Communication Signals
vate suppressor T cells directly. Rather, helper T
Between Leukocytes
cells were induced by B cells to support antibody
The term interleukin has been proposed for bio- secretion by B cells. However, activation of helper
logical activities that act as signals between leuko- T cells was accompanied by regulatory interac-
cytes [275]. According to this proposal, the term tions among different T-cell subsets, which finally
interleukin 1 (lL 1) applies to antigen-nonspecific, resulted in the generation of suppressor T cells.
lymphocyte-activating factors with molecular Suppressor T cells in turn depress the immune re-
weights of 12,000-18,000 that are secreted by mac- sponse by suppressing helper T-cell activity via a
rophages. The term interleukin 2 (lL 2) is used to negative feedback loop. It appears, although it has
describe antigen-nonspecific, lymphocyte-activat- not been proven, that such suppressor circuits are
ing factors with molecular weights of 30,000- capable of controlling immune responses after the
35,000 that are secreted by T cells. IL 2 has the ca- elimination of antigen in vivo and hence are of
pacity to promote and maintain long-term cultures physiologic significance. Antibacterial immunity
of T cells. might be regulated by such feedback loops (see VII).
Studies done during the last few years have pro-
duced good evidence that IL 1 and IL 2 are impor-
D. T-Cell Subsets in Antibacterial CMI
tant transmitter substances in leukocyte communi-
cation (reviewed in [275a]). It is thought that both Kaufmann et al. [278], using the murine listeriosis
interleukins function as second signals, which are model, have established that both antibacterial
required in the process of T-cell activation in addi- protection and DTH are crucially dependent on the
tion to antigen. Activation of Ly 1 T cells of the involvement of Ly 123 T cells. These cells had
helper type not only requires their interaction with originated from Listeria-immune donors and were
antigen presented by macrophages (signal 1) but active in adoptive transfer experiments. The sig-
with macrophage-derived IL 1 (signal 2) as well. nificance of this finding is that Ly 123 cells were
On the other hand, in addition to recognizing anti- shown to be involved not only in protection but in
gen on target cells (signal 1), Ly 23 T cells of the DTH to a bacterial antigen as well. Since a short-
cytotoxic type have to be stimulated by IL 2 se- lived form of DTH develops when SRBCs or solu-
creted by Ly 1 helper T cells (signal 2). Further ble proteins are used as antigen, a form that is me-
studies will have to reveal the significance of inter- diated by Ly 1 T cells [257-260], the existence of at
leukins in regulating the immune response in vivo least two types of DTH must be inferred: one me-
since so far IL 1 and IL 2 have mostly been studied diated by Ly 1 T cells independently of Ly 123 T
in vitro. cells and the other dependent on Ly 123 T cells.
The former type of DTH has been associated with
Jones-Mote-type reactivity [257, 278], whereas it
C. Association of Function, Ly Phenotype, and
has not been decided yet whether the latter falls
MOC Restriction
into the group of classical, tuberculin-type reactions
In addition to being associated with function, the or into that of Jones-Mote-type reactions. It is
Ly phenotype also is linked with restriction pat- necessary to establish the Ly phenotype of the T
terns in the recognition of MHC-associated anti- cells involved in classic tuberculin type reactions.
gens. Thus, Ly 1 helper or DTH-mediating T cells These experiments [278] did not rule out the
1236 Hahn and Kaufmann

Ag- presentation Activated Tcell subset Signal Effect

Activation and Help. DTH

_ _ _~.. differentiation

Phagocytosis of intracellular bacteria

by macrop,ages

~ Dg
Free antigen by-passing macrophages
Signal Suppression

---""""'"-ti... Lytic LysIS


Virus infected nonphagocytic cell

Figure 6. Hypothetic association of antigen presentation, Ly T-cell phenotype, and T-cell function in the mouse
system. In the case of intracellular bacteria (top), antigen (Ag) is presented by macrophages in association with
H-2/-region encoded product (Ag + I), which is recognized by Ly 1 T cells (and/or their precursors). Ly 1 T cells are
now triggered to deliver activation and differentiation signals (via lymphokines?). This results in mediation of de-
layed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) or help in humoral or cellular immune responses. Free antigen is recognized by Ly
23 T cells (and/or their precursors), which are now triggered to suppress an immune response (middle). How far
H-2/J-encoded products are involved in activation of Ly 23 suppressor T cells remains to be established. At least
some Ly 23 suppressor T cells, however, have been shown to bear H-2/J-encoded surface markers. In the case of
viruses (bottom), antigen is presented by virus-infected target cells in association with H-2K, D region-encoded pro-
duct (Ag + K, D), which is recognized by Ly 23 T cells (and/or their precursors). Ly 23 T cells are now triggered to
deliver lytic signals, which results in destruction of virus-infected target cells.

participation of further subsets other than Ly 123 Identity of activating and attracting T cells has not
in antibacterial CMI. Also, the possibility that yet been shown. In fact, it appears possible that
specific Ly 123 T cells mature into Listeria-specific the attracting T cells that are responsible. for
effector cells of a different Ly phenotype has not granuloma formation in vivo and the activating T
been tested. Employing the in vitro system for cells are not the same cells. This question awaits
measuring T-cell proliferation and macrophage further studies, especially those employing homo-
activation described in [201-203], we have found- geneous clones of specific T cells.
in accordance with observations in other sys-
tems [253, 261] -that Ly 1 T cells proliferate in
E. Studies with Cloned T-Cell Lines
response to listerial antigens and primarily cause
the activation of macrophages for production of Recent developments in technology have allowed
thymocyte mitogenic protein [279, 279a]. This antigen-specific T cells to be propagated in vitro
finding is in keeping with the recently reported [279b]. Also, methods of T-cell cloning have
observation that Ly 1 T cells produce MIF [280]. been established [279b]. Cloned T-cell lines retain
Cell-Mediated Immunity in Bacterial Infections 1237

their antigen specificity as well as their biologic Activated macrophages are capable of inhibit-
function and thus permit the study of the bio- ing immune responses in vitro (summarized in
logical properties of populations of homogeneous, [284]). In some cases suppression of CMI by mac-
antigen-specific T cells. Applying these metho- rophages has been demonstrated in vivo as well
dologies, Kaufmann et al. I recently have suc- [285, 286]. Correlating suppressed CMI with the
ceeded in establishing cloned T-cell lines with appearance of inhibitory macrophages, Ellner
specificity for L. monocytogenes. These lines have [287] has demonstrated that diminished prolifera-
the characteristics of helper T cells, i.e., they bear tive responses of peripheral blood cells from pa-
the Lyl +2- phenotype and are restricted by the tients with low resistance to pulmonary tubercu-
H-2/A-sublocus of the MHC. In vitro, cloned T losis are due to the presence of adherent cells. A
cells proliferate, induce secretion of interleukin, similar suppressive role for adherent cells in dis-
and provide help to B cells in response to listerial seminated fungal infections has been suggested
antigen. More importantly, in vivo a single, [288]. In experimental models, macrophages from
cloned T-cell line is able to confer both DTH to mice infected with M. lepraemurium [289], BCG
listerial antigen and protection against living [290], or large numbers of Listeria [291] also were
Listeria. found to exert potent suppressor activity.
As discussed above, it has been proposed that From these data it has been concluded that acti-
the selective pressure of infections with intracellu- vation of macrophages by specific T cells will re-
lar bacteria has led to the formation of a family of sult in inhibitory activity via feedback mecha-
H-2/A-restricted T cells that are genetically pro- nisms. Inhibitory effects of macrophages are non-
grammed to deliver signals for activation and dif- specific and appear to be mediated by soluble
ferentiation. The data obtained from studies using products; a role for prostaglandins seems firmly
cloned T-cell lines with specificity to L. mono- established [292-295].
cytogenes strongly indicate that the different Suppressor T cells have been demonstrated in
biological functions - protection and DTH - can infections with M. lepraemurium [289], BCG
be mediated by one homogeneous T-cell popula- [296] and related organisms [290], and in systemic
tion that plays a central role. In such experiments, fungal infections [297]. However, suppressor T
a relatively high number of cells was required for cells are found more often than macrophages dur-
in vivo effects to occur. Thus it is probable that ing later stages of infections [289, 296]. The ap-
for optimal responses to occur Listeria-specific T pearance of suppressor T cells in the immune
cells do not act in an isolated way but rather that response to BCG was found to be preceded by a
under physiologic conditions regulatory interac- phase of late blast transformation [296]. This
tions occur with other T-cell subsets [265], at least finding may indicate that in CMI suppressor T
one of which carries the Ly 1+23+ phenotype [278]. cells are induced by feedback mechanisms rather
than by direct antigen activation and thus may
point to the possible role of suppressor T cells in
F. Suppression in Antibacterial eMf
the "turning off' of the immune response after the
Few data exist on the role of suppressor mecha- infection has subsided. In general, suppression in
nisms in CMI to intracellular bacteria. Splenecto- antibacterial CMI has been a poorly studied phe-
mized mice show increased protection to Listeria nomenon, although this field should have great
[281], a change that can be reversed by the transfer practical importance (see VII).
of syngeneic spleen cells [282] or humoral factors
obtained from Listeria-immune mice [283]. Al-
VII. Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity and
though it can be concluded from these findings
Antibacterial Protection: the Problem
that splenocytes and/or their products are in-
of Anergy
volved in the negative regulation of CMI, the ex-
act cell types involved remain to be determined. Whether a causal link exists between DTH in bac-
terial infections and protection has been a contro-
1 S. H. E. Kaufmann, H.. Hahn, and F. Melchers, "T-Cell
versial question ever since the description of
Lines with Specificity for Listeria monocytogenes: H-2 Restric- "Koch's phenomenon" [298]. Absence of DTH re-
tion and Biological Functions," manuscript in preparation. actions in patients infected with intracellular bac-
1238 Hahn and Kaufmann

teria is a phenomenon termed anergy (for reviews at its peak [320]. Turk [321] points out that in
see [299-301]). In clinical medicine, anergy in pa- leprosy host resistance is better correlated with the
tients with miliary tuberculosis, lepromatous lep- nodular granulomatous Mitsuda skin reaction
rosy, disseminated cutaneous leishmaniasis, or than with the classical lepromin reaction both in
fungal infection is considered ominous, whereas patients and in experimental animals. Therefore
the return of DTH is interpreted as a favorable results of in vitro studies of macrophage activa-
sign ([see 302]). A link between DTH and protec- tion and T-cell transformation must be interpreted
tion is suggested by the close temporal relationship with caution with respect to mechanisms of pro-
between the two phenomena [105, 303] and by the tection in vivo. The possibility that granuloma
facts that both DTH and antibacterial protection formation and macrophage activation are differ-
can be transferred by specific lymphocytes [112, ent T-cell functions must be kept in mind.
117a, 143-145, 147, 148] and that expression When one tries to reconcile these observations,
of both DTH and protection depend on bone heterogeneity of bacterial antigens first comes to
marrow-derived [151, 304] mononuclear phago- mind. Youmans and Youmans [309] have pointed
cytes [305, 306]. It has been shown recently that out that, whereas DTH and protection may de-
Listeria are killed nonspecifically in skin lesions of pend on similar mechanisms, different antigens lo-
DTH in BCG-sensitized mice [307, 308]. The cated on the same bacterium may be responsible
conclusion has been drawn that what happens lo- for each of these functions. Second, trapping of T
cally in lesions of DTH reflects events in infected cells could result in a diminished number of T cells
tissues. One important aspect of these works is that in the periphery and, hence, in negative DTH re-
DTH measured by footpad swelling need not be sponses and the depression of in vitro responses of
visibly expressed but that accumulation of few peripheral blood leukocytes. Indeed, in several in-
mononuclear phagocytes suffices for coping with stances it has been shown that antigen deposition
the bacterial load. in the spleen results in lymphocyte trapping, which
Reports summarizing evidence to the contrary is enhanced and more prolonged when high doses
are equally numerous. Dissociation of DTH to tu- of antigen are used [299, 322-328]. Trapping has
berculin and immunity to M. tuberculosis has been found in granulomas and/or inflammatory
been reported. Animals can be desensitized to tu- foci as well as in the spleen and/or draining lymph
berculin without losing resistance to M. tubercu- nodes [299, 322, 326, 327]. Perturbation of lym-
losis or can be rendered hypersensitive without a phocyte traffic during the state of anergy has been
corresponding increase in resistance [309-314]. noted in murine infections with M. lepraemurium,
Certain fractions of the tubercle bacillus give a [329-331] despite the fact that protection was
measurable degree of resistance without produc- found to be normal at various sites.
ing cutaneous sensitivity [315]. After vaccination In DTH of mice to heterologous erythrocytes,
with BCG, a certain percentage of vaccinees are during the suppressed state effector T cells are
insufficiently protected [316]. Moreover, the degree present in the spleen despite the lack of peripheral
of protection against tuberculosis could not be DTH responses [327]. Furthermore, T-cell func-
correlated with the rate of conversion to tubercu- tions in the periphery might be affected negatively
lin positivity after vaccination [317], and protec- by humoral factors such as antibodies and/or an-
tive immunity has been demonstrated in the tigen-antibody complexes [332]. In fact, some
absence of any measurable T-cell activity [318]. anergic patients have increased levels of specific
In a number of instances, tests showing an in- antibodies [300]. Perhaps some forms of anergy
crease in lymphocyte transformation were asso- are due to complex regulatory mechanisms that re-
ciated with positive skin tests rather than with pro- suit in the focusing of T cells in lymphoid organs
tection, e.g., in human leprosy it was noted [319] at the expense of peripheral sites and are not due
that lymphocyte transformation ran in closer to a general suppression of CMI [328, 331, 333].
parallel with the development of hypersensitivity Third, different T-cell subsets may be involved
than with the development of host resistance to in protection and DTH. Among themselves DTH
the organism. DTH as it is assessed by skin testing reactions are heterogeneous. For instance, Jones-
actually may be depressed when an intense cell- Mote-type reactions are mediated by Ly 1 T cells
mediated immune reaction to the same antigen is and are under the regulatory control of suppressor
Cell-Mediated Immunity in Bacteria/Injections 1239

T cells [327], whereas DTH reactions that have conferring adoptive immunity could be recovered
been induced under BCG modulation appear in the thoracic duct of rats infected sc with Listeria
much less affected by suppressor mechanisms within three days of the infection [342]. Depend-
[334]. Even tuberculin reactions are heterogeneous ing on the infection, two types of T cells, both able
[335]. In the reviewer's opinion, it appears appro- to adoptively transfer protection, could be
priate at this time to assume that certain forms of distinguished in thoracic duct lymph. In the
DTH may be mediated by the same mechanisms as acute infection listeriosis, the biologically active
is protection, whereas other forms may not be. cells are newly formed lymphoblasts and thus are
Possible differences in the susceptibility of differ- sensitive to the mitotic poison vinblastine [342].
ent mechanisms to suppression may in part offer Likewise, in mice, splenic T cells of immunity to
an explanation for the discrepancies between DTH Listeria are sensitive to X irradiation and
and protection in anergy. Certainly, precise def- therefore must be recently formed cells [151].
initions of the underlying pathologic mechanisms In BCG-infected rats, most of the BCG-specific T
and T-cell subsets involved are required. Again, cells released into the thoracic duct lymph during
work with homogeneous T-cell clones most likely the first week of infection belonged to the class of
will provide the final answer. lymphoblasts sensitive to vinblastine. Later on,
small lymphocytes that were vinblastine resistant
were added to the lymph in increasing numbers.
VIII. Cytokinetics and Circulation Dynamics of
Their resistance was due to the fact that DNA syn-
T Cells of Antibacterial CMI
thesis proceeds much more slowly in these cells.
After antigenic challenge, specific effector T cells Specific small lymphocytes also were able to pro-
of CMI are produced in stimulated lymphatic tis- tect syngeneic recipients against a challenge infec-
sues, i.e., spleen (iv infection) or draining lymph tion [339].
nodes (sc infection). Organ weight, cellularity, and Specific T lymphoblasts formed during infec-
cell proliferation are all increased [336]. Cell pro- tion with Listeria have a short life span in the cir-
liferation, as measured by DNA synthesis, is most culation, whereas specific small T lymphocytes
marked in thymus-dependent areas of lymph from donors infected with mycobacteria remain in
nodes or spleen [337], respectively, and involves T circulation for longer periods - at least several
and B cells [146]. Proliferation is related to the weeks [343]. Accordingly immunity conferred by
number of injected viable bacteria [338], their viru- Listeria-specific T lymphoblasts is short-lived,
lence [337], and the species of bacteria used for in- whereas small T lymphocytes from BCG-infected
jection [41, 339]. For instance, peak proliferation rats confer long-lasting immunity [339]. More-
in mice or rats with listeriosis, an acute infection, over, T lymphoblasts do not circulate from blood
occurs on day 6 postinfection [146], whereas in to lymph, whereas specific small T cells do [338].
spleens of mice infected with the slowly growing Thus, according to the type of infection (acute vs.
virulent organism M. tuberculosis, proliferation chronic), specific T cells are generated, some con-
reaches its peak on day 12 [340]. Specific T cells of ferring short-lived and others, long-lasting
CMI active in adoptive transfer of immunity ap- immunity.
pear and disappear in infected lymphatic organs in An important feature of specific effector T lym-
parallel with the proliferative response. For in- phoblasts of CMI is their propensity to enter in-
stance, in the spleen of Listeria-infected mice, flammatory exudates nonspecifically [344-347].
such T cells are demonstrable two to four days This property is shared by T cells that mediate a
postinfection and reach peak numbers on day 6 variety of T cell-dependent phenomena; in fact,
[146]. Subsequently, their numbers decline and the original transfer experiment by Landsteiner
reach low levels by the 10th day postinfection [30, and Chase [25] employed peritoneal exudate cells.
50, 336]. Similar findings have been reported for The exudate-seeking property is not determined by
other intracellular bacterial infections and for a antigen specificity since Listeria-specific lym-
variety of acute viral infections (for reviews see phoblasts can easily be attracted into peritoneal
[341, 342]). exudates induced by caseinate, and caseinate-
The newly formed" cells leave their production induced exudates represent an excellent source of
site and appear in blood or lymph. Cells active at T cells of any specificity [257, 344-347]. It is note-
1240 Hahn and Kaufmann

worthy that only lymphoblasts can enter inflam- lems of antiinfectious CMI, such as monoclonal
matory foci. Once within the exudate, these cells antibodies and homogeneous, functional T-cell
mature into small specific T cells, which still con- clones. Ultimately, phenomena such as antibacte-
fer protection but no longer enter inflammatory rial protection, DTH, and anergy will be explain-
exudates [337, 347]. On the other hand, small spe- able as the result of interactions of defined mem-
cific T cells that are formed in later stages of anti- bers of the immune system. New aspects and pos-
mycobacterial immunity can leave the circulation sibilities undoubtedly will emerge from this
and enter foci of chronic, but not acute, inflam- knowledge and will allow rational approaches to
mations [348]. Possibly this difference is induced the prevention of and therapy for intracellular in-
by changes in the vascular structure near such foci fections with the use of adjuvants, drugs, and vac-
(for a discussion of this point see [338]). cination procedures.
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