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Schools Do "Forced" Curriculum Implementation in 2013

Wednesday, December 31, 2014 | 1:00 pm

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Not Prohibit School Education Minister Apply Curriculum 2013

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Schools Do "Forced" Curriculum Implementation in 2013

Removed in 2013 curriculum, the School Report Card While in Magelang Use

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Curriculum Implementation in 2013 began the second semester

2015 is limited in schools designated as a pilot. However, a number of new schools
implement the curriculum for a semester feel the effort "forced" to stay afloat implement
Curriculum 2013.

Secretary General of the Indonesian Independent Teachers Federation Iwan Hermawan said,
the provincial government and the city or county responsible for finance from the Regional
Budget if it would impose continue Curriculum 2013.

"So far, only schools that implement Curriculum 2013, which used to be funded pilot
Kemdikbud (Ministry of Education and Culture). Schools that went along not to charge to
parents, "said Iwan, in Jakarta, Monday (29/12).

However, teachers feel the nuances of "convoy" of the provincial education department or the
city / county through the supervisor. According to Iwan, in London there are activities to
accommodate the aspirations of teachers, but in practice, the teacher led to agree to continue
the Curriculum 2013. Teacher intimidated, if back to the 2006 Curriculum, teaching hours
will be reduced and will not get the benefits of the teaching profession.

Lecturer Graduate Program, University of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka Jakarta, Elin
Driana, say, in fact many similarities principles of Curriculum 2006 and 2013. The failure
Curriculum Curriculum Education Unit 2006 is due to obstructed determinants, such as the
lack of improvement of the quality of teachers, the lack of assistance, and collaborative

Other supporting factors, such as a change of mindset in learning and motivation for change,
improvement of facilities and infrastructure, as well as compliance with national education
standards other, nor fulfilled. (ELN)

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