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Fluid Flow in Soils and Rock Chapter 7

7-1. A clean sand having a permeability of 4.5 x 10-3 cm/s and a void ratio of 0.45 is placed in a
horizontal permeability apparatus, as shown in Fig. 7.2. Compute the discharge velocity and the
seepage velocity as the head h goes from 0 to 80 cm. The cross-sectional area of the horizontal
pipe is 95 cm2, and the soil sample is 0.65 m long.

Eq. 7.5 : v = ki
80 cm
disch arg e velocity : v = (4.5)(10)3 3
= (4.5)(10) (1.231) = 0.0055 cm s
65 cm
v = 0.55 m s
v e 0.45
seepage velocity : v s = ; n= = = 0.31
n 1 + e 1 + 0.45
vs = = 1.77 m s

7-2. A sample of medium quartz sand is tested in a constant head permeameter. The samples
diameter is 60 mm and its length is 130 mm. Under an applied head of 60 cm, 119 cm3 flows
through the sample in 5 min. The Ms of the sample is 410 g. Calculate (a) the Darcy coefficient of
permeability, (b) the discharge velocity, and (c) the seepage velocity. (After A. Casagrande.)
QL (119 cm3 )(13.0 cm)(4)
(a) Eq. 7.9 : k = = = 0.003 cm s = 3 10 3 cm s
hAt (60 cm)(6.0 cm)2 (5 min)(60 s min )
60 cm
(b) discharge velocity: v = ki = (0.003 cm s) = 0.0138 cm s
13 cm
(c) seepage velocity: v s = ; det er min e n, assume s = 2.70 g cm3
M 410 g
Vs = s = = 151.85 cm3
s 2.70 g cm 3

Vt = 13 = 367.566 cm3 ; Vv = Vt Vs = 367.566 151.85 = 215.716 cm3
V 215.716
n= v = = 0.587
Vt 367.566
v 0.0138 cm s
vs = = = 0.024 cm s
n 0.587

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Fluid Flow in Soils and Rock Chapter 7

7-3. A permeability test was run on a compacted sample of dirty sandy gravel. The sample was
175 mm long and the diameter of the mold 175 mm. In 90 s the discharge under a constant head
of 38 cm was 405 cm3. The sample had a dry mass of 4950 g and its s was 2710 kg/m3.
Calculate (a) the coefficient of permeability, (b) the seepage velocity, and (c) the discharge
velocity during the test.

QL (405 cm3 )(17.5 cm)(4)
(a) Eq. 7.9 : k = = = 0.00862 cm s = 8.62 10 3 cm s
hAt (38 cm)(17.5 cm)2 (90 s)

38 cm
(c) discharge velocity: v = ki = (0.00862 cm s) = 0.0187 cm s
17.5 cm
(b) seepage velocity: v s =
det er min e n, assume s = 2.71g cm3
Ms 4950 g
Vs = = = 1826.568 cm3
s 2.71g cm3
Vt = 17.5 = 4209.243 cm3
Vv = Vt Vs = 4209.243 1826.568 = 2382.675 cm3
Vv 2382.675
n= = = 0.566
Vt 4209.243
v 0.0187 cm s
vs = = = 0.033 cm s
n 0.566

7-.4. During a falling-head permeability test, the head fell from 49 to 28 cm in 4.7 min. The
specimen was 8 cm in diameter and had a length of 85 mm. The area of the standpipe was 0.45
cm2. Compute the coefficient of permeability of the soil in cm/s, m/s. and ft/d. What was the
probable classification of the soil tested? (After A. Casagrande.)
aL h
Falling head test, use Eq. 7.10b: k = 2.3 log10 1
At h2
A= = 50.265 cm2
(0.45 cm2 )(8.5 cm) 49 cm
k = 2.3 log10 = 6.558 105 cm s
(50.265 cm2 )(4.7 min)(60 s min) 28 cm
k = 6.558 107 m s

3.281 ft 3600 s 24 hr
k = 6.558 107 m s = 0.186 ft day
m hr day
From Fig. 7.7, this is likely a fine sand and/or silt.

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Fluid Flow in Soils and Rock Chapter 7

7-5. A falling-head permeability test is performed on a soil whose permeability is estimated to be

2.8 x 10-6 m/s. What diameter standpipe for head to drop from 31.2 cm to 19.4 cm in about 5
min? The cross section is 12 cm2 and its length is 7.4 cm. (Taylor, 1948.)
aL h
Falling head test, use Eq. 7.10b: k = 2.3 log10 1
At h2
A= = 113.097 cm2
(a)(7.4 cm) 31.2 cm
2.8(10)4 cm s = 2.3 log10 = 6.558 10 5 cm s
(113.097 cm2 )(5 min)(60 s min) 19.4 cm
a = 2.70 cm2

7-8. In Example 7.1, the void ratio is specified as 0.43. If the void ratio of the same soil were
0.35, evaluate its coefficient of permeability. First estimate in which direction k would go, higher or
lower; then proceed.

If all other items remain the same, k will decrease if e decreases because the
sample with the lower e is more dense.
Assume the test details are unchanged; i.e., 945.7 g of water were collected in 1 m in.
The 2nd soil is more dense. Assume the diameter is fixed at 7.3 cm, and compute the new length.
For the initial sample at e1 = 0.43, determine Vs .
Vt = (41.9)(16.8) = 703.92 cm3 = Vv + Vs
Vv 703.92 Vs
e1 = = 0.43 = Vs = 492.25 cm3 (assume Vs does not change)
Vs Vs
e2 = 0.35 = Vv = 172.288 cm3
the new Vt = 172.288 + 492.25 = 664.538 cm3
Vt 664.538
the length, L = = = 15.86 cm
A 41.9
QL (945.7 cm3 )(15.86 cm)
Eq. 7.9 : k = = = 0.0795 cm s = 7.95 10 2 cm s
hAt (75 cm)(41.9 cm2 )(60 s)

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Fluid Flow in Soils and Rock Chapter 7

7-9. A falling-head permeability test on a specimen of fine sand 12.5 cm2 in area and 10 cm long
gave a k of 6.2 x 10-4 cm/s. The dry mass of the sand specimen was 195 g and s was 2.71
Mg/m3. The test temperature was 23C. Compute the coefficient of permeability of the sand for a
void ratio of 0.67 and the standard temperature of 20C. (After A. Casagrande.)
Compute e1
Ms 195
Vs = = = 71.956 cm3
s 2.71
A = 12.5 cm2
Vt = (12.5)(10) = 125.0 cm3 = Vv + Vs Vv = 125 71.956 = 53.044 cm3
Vv 53.044 cm3
e1 = = = 0.737
Vs 71.956 cm3
Vv 2
e2 = 0.67 = Vv 2 = (0.67)(71.956 cm3 ) = 48.21cm3
the new Vt = 71.956 cm3 + 48.21cm3 = 120.17 cm3
Vt 120.17 cm3
the length, L = = = 9.61cm
A 12.5 cm2
aL h
Falling head test, use Eq. 7.10b: k = 2.3 log10 1
At h2
(a)(10 cm) h
6.2(10)4 cm s = 2.3 log10 1
(12.5 cm2 )( t) h2
a h
log10 1 = 3.37(10)4 values on the left side do not change
t h2
for e2 , use L 2 to compute k at 23 deg C and at e2 = 0.67
k 23 = 3.37(10)4 (2.3)(9.61) = 5.958(10)4 cm s at 23 deg C
viscosity of water at T
k 20 = k T
viscosity of water at 20 C
viscosity of water at 23 C = 0.00936 Poise
viscosity of water at 20 C = 0.01005 Poise

k 20 = 5.958(10)4 )
= 5.55 10 4 cm s

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Fluid Flow in Soils and Rock Chapter 7

7-10. A constant head permeability test is performed on a soil that is 2 cm x 2 cm square and 2.5
cm long. The head difference applied during the test is 18 cm, and 5 cm3 is collected over a time
of 100 sec. (a) Compute the permeability based on these test conditions and results. (b) A falling
head test is to be done on the same soil specimen in the same time (t1 t2 = 100 s) and the
standpipe diameter is 0.8 cm. If the average head during the test should be 18 cm what are h1
and h2?
QL (405 cm3 )(17.5 cm)(4)
(a) Eq. 7.9 : k = = = 0.00862 cm s = 8.62 10 3 cm s
hAt (38 cm)(17.5 cm)2 (90 s)
A = 2 2 = 4 cm2
QL (5 cm3 )(2.5 cm)
k= = = 0.001736 cm s = 1.74 10 3 cm s
hAt (18 cm)(4 cm)2 (100 s)

aL h
(b) Falling head test, use Eq. 7.10b: k = 2.3 log10 1
At h2
(0.8 cm)2
A = 4 cm2 ; a= = 0.503 cm2
(0.503)(2.5 cm) h
0.001736 cm s = 2.3 2
log10 1
(4 cm )(100 s) h2
log10 = 0.240
= 1.2714
h1 = 1.2714h2
h1 + h2 = 18(2)
h1 = (1.2714)(36 h1 )
h1 = 20.15 cm, h2 = 15.85 cm

7-11. The coefficient of permeability of a clean sand was 389 x 10-4 cm/s at a void ratio of 0.38.
Estimate the permeability of this soil when the void ratio is 0.61.
Assumptions : S = 100%, Vt = 1000 cm3 = Vv + Vs , k 0.38 = 389(10)4 cm s
Vv 1000 Vs
e1 = = 0.38 = Vs = 724.64 cm3 (assume Vs does not change)
Vs Vs
e2 = 0.61 = Vv = 442.03 cm3
724.64 cm3
thus; Vt 2 = 442.03 + 724.64 = 1166.67 cm3
Vt 2
k is proportional to the volume of the sample, Vt k 0.61 = k 0.38
Vt 1
k 0.61 = 389(10)4 = 0.045 cm s

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Fluid Flow in Soils and Rock Chapter 7

7-12. Permeability tests on a soil supplied the following data:

e1 = 0.70, Temp1 = 25 C, k1 = (0.32)-4 cm/s
e2 = 1.10, Temp2 = 40 C, k1 = (1.80)-4 cm/s
Estimate the coefficient of permeability at 20C and a void ratio of 0.85. (After Taylor, 1948.)
Assumptions : S = 100%, Vt 1 = 1000 cm3 = Vv + Vs , k 0.70 = 0.32(10)4 cm s
viscosity of water at T
k 0.70 = k T
viscosity of water at 20 C
viscosity of water at 25 C = 0.00894 Poise
viscosity of water at 20 C = 0.01005 Poise

k 0.70 = 0.32(10)4 )
= 2.847 10 5 cm s

V 1000 Vs
e1 = v = 0.70 = Vs = 588.235 cm3 (assume Vs does not change)
Vs Vs
e2 = 0.85 = Vv = 500.0 cm3
588.235 cm3
thus; Vt 2 = 588.235 + 500.0 = 1088.235 cm3
Vt 2
k is proportional to the volume of the sample, Vt k 0.85 = k 0.70
Vt 1
k 0.85 = 2.847 10 5 = 3.1 105 cm s

7-13. For the initial case in Problem 6.33, compute the head of water required at the top of the
silty clay layer to cause a quick condition.
Initial conditions at 10 m: v = 195.71kPa, 'v = 146.66 kPa, u = 49.05 kPa
A quick condition occurs when 'v = 0
'v = v u
Thus, a quick condition occurs when: u = 195.71kPa
195.71kPa = (9.81m s2 )(1.0 Mg m3 )hp
hp = 19.95 m

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Fluid Flow in Soils and Rock Chapter 7

7-14. Sand is supported on a porous disc and screen in vertical cylinder, as shown in Fig. P7.14.
These are equilibrium conditions. (a) For each of the five cases, plot the total, neutral, and
effective stresses versus height. These plots should be approximately to scale. (b) Derive
formulas for those three stresses in terms of the dimensions shown and e, s, and pw for each
case at both the top and bottom of the sand layer. For case IV, assume the sand is 100%
saturated to the upper surface by capillarity. For case V, assume the sand above level hc is
completely dry and below is completely saturated. (After A. Casagrande.)

continued next page

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Fluid Flow in Soils and Rock Chapter 7


Case I
top = Dg w utop = Dg w 'top = 0
bot = Lgsat + Dg w ubot = (L + D)g w 'bot = Lsat + D w L w D w g = Lg(sat w ) = Lg '
'bot = Lg '

Case II
top = Dg w utop = Dg w 'top = 0
bot = Lgsat + (L + D)g w ubot = (L + D + h)g w 'bot = Lgsat + L + D L D h gw = Lgsat hg w
'bot = Lgsat hg w

Case III
top = Dg w utop = Dg w 'top = 0
bot = Lgsat + (L + D)g w ubot = (L + D h)g w 'bot = Lgsat + hg w

Case IV
top = 0 utop = 0 'top = 0
bot = Lgsat ubot = (L h)gw 'bot = Lgsat (L h)g w

Case V
top = 0 utop = 0 'top = 0
bot = (d)gdry + (L d)gsat ubot = (L d hc )g w

( )
'bot = ddry + Lsat dsat L w + d w + hc w g = d dry sat + w + L ( sat w ) + hc w g

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Fluid Flow in Soils and Rock Chapter 7

7-15. Given the soil cylinder and test setup of Example 7.4, with actual dimensions as follows:
AB = 5 cm, BC = 10 cm, CD = 10 cm, and DE = 5 cm. Calculate the pressure, elevation, and
total heads at points A through E in cm of water, and plot these values versus elevation.

Establish the datum at elevation corresponding to point E.
Elevation Head, z Pressure Head, hp Total Head, h
Point (cm) (cm) (cm)
A 30 0 30
B 25 5 30
C 15 0 15
D 5 -5 0
E 0 0 0

h 30 0 cm
hydraulic gradient (B to D) = i = = = 1.5
L 20 cm
hC = hD + i LD C = 0 cm + (1.5)(10 cm) = 15.0 cm
hp C = hC he C = 15.0 cm 15 cm = 0.0



Elevation (cm)




5 h-pressure

-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Pressure Head (cm)

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Fluid Flow in Soils and Rock Chapter 7

7-16. For each of the cases I, II, and III of Fig. P7.16, determine the pressure, elevation, and total
head at the entering end, exit end, and point A of the sample. (After Taylor, 1948.)

For this solution, the datum is located at the tailwater elevation shown by the dashed line in the
sketch. The exit end of the sample is the end closest to the smiley face symbol.

Elevation Head, z Pressure Head, hp Total Head, h

entering end 6 4 10
point A 3 -0.5 2.5
exit end 2 -2 0
entering end -5 9 4
point A -4 7 3
exit end -1 1 0
entering end -5 9 4
point A -5 6 1
exit end -5 5 0

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Fluid Flow in Soils and Rock Chapter 7

7-17. For each of the cases shown in Fig. P7.16, determine the discharge velocity, the seepage
velocity, and the seepage force per unit volume for (a) a permeability of 0.14 cm/s and a porosity
of 46% and (b) a permeability of 0.0013 cm/s and a void ratio of 0.71. (After Taylor, 1948.)
(a) Case I
Eq. (7.1): hydraulic gradient = i = , Eq. (7.2): discharge velocity = v = ki
10 0 m
i= = 2.5, v = (0.14 cm s)(2.5) = 0.35 cm s
v 0.35 cm s
Eq. (7.8): seepage velocity = v s = , vs = = 0.76 cm s
n 0.46
Eq. (7.17c): seepage force = j = i w g, j = (2.5)(1.0 Mg m3 )(9.81m s2 ) = 24.52 kN m3

(a) Case II
i= = 1.0, v = (0.14 cm s)(1.0) = 0.14 cm s
0.14 cm s
vs = = 0.30 cm s; j = (1.0)(1.0 Mg m3 )(9.81m s2 ) = 9.81kN m3

(a) Case III

i= = 1.0, v = (0.14 cm s)(1.0) = 0.14 cm s
0.14 cm s
vs = = 0.30 cm s; j = (1.0)(1.0 Mg m3 )(9.81m s2 ) = 9.81kN m3

(b) Case I
10 0 m
i= = 2.5, v = (0.0013 cm s)(2.5) = 3.25 10 3 cm s
e 0.71 0.00325 cm s
n= = =0.415, vs = = 7.83 103 cm s
1 + e 1 + 0.71 0.415
j = (2.5)(1.0 Mg m3 )(9.81m s2 ) = 24.52 kN m3

(b) Case II
i= = 1.0, v = (0.0013 cm s)(1.0) = 1.30 10 3 cm s
0.0013 cm s
vs = = 3.13 103 cm s; j = (1.0)(1.0 Mg m3 )(9.81m s2 ) = 9.81kN m3

(b) Case III

i= = 1.0, v = (0.0013 cm s)(1.0) = 1.30 10 3 cm s
0.0013 cm s
vs = = 3.13 103 cm s; j = (1.0)(1.0 Mg m3 )(9.81m s2 ) = 9.81kN m3

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Fluid Flow in Soils and Rock Chapter 7

7-18. An inclined permeameter tube is filled with three layers of soil of different permeabilities as
in Fig. P7.18. Express the head at points A, B, C, and D (with respect to the datum indicated) in
terms of the different dimensions and permeabilities. (After A. Casagrande.)

The problem cannot be readily solved without some additional assumptions. The following
solution is presented assuming the tube is inclined at an angle of 45o and the soil is centered in
the inclined segment. For this solution, the following numeric values are implemented: H1 = 6 ft,
H2 = 2 ft, D = 2 ft, L = 0.5 ft, k1 = 0.5 x 10-5 ft/s, k2 = 1.5 x 10-5 ft/s, and k3 = 0.75 x 10-5 ft/s. It is
further assumed that the total length of the incline is 2.83 ft, measured along the top of the incline,
from bend to bend.
Determine how much h is lost in each soil section.
Total head driving the system: h = 2 ft = h1 + h2 + h3

Velocity in each section is the same: v1 = v 2 = v 3 ; vi = ki

hi ; k1
= k2
= k3
Li L1 L2 L3
h1 h2 h
(0.5 105 ) = (1.5 105 ) = (0.75 10 5 ) 3
0.5 0.25 1.0
h1 = 6h2 = 0.75h3
2 = h1 + h1 + 1.33h1
Thus, h1 = 0.8 ft, h2 = 0.13 ft, h3 = 1.07 ft
Use the datum and trigonometry to determine h, hp ,and he .

Point h (ft) he (ft) hp (ft)

A 6 0.38 5.62
B 5.2 0.73 4.47
C 5.07 0.91 4.16
D 4.0 1.62 2.38

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Fluid Flow in Soils and Rock Chapter 7

7-19. Assume the soil of Fig. 7.10 has a saturated density of 1.89 Mg/m3. If the head of water h
above elevation B is 2.45 m, compute the effective stress at elevation A at the bottom of the soil
sample during flow. What is the effective stress under these conditions at midheight in the soil
column during steady-state flow?
' at Elev. A (bottom of soil sample)
= (5 m)(1.89 Mg m3 ) + (2 m)(1.0 Mg m3 ) (9.81m s2 ) = (11.45 Mg m2 )(9.81m s2 ) = 112.32 kPa
u = (h + hw + L)gw = (2.45 + 2 + 5 m)(9.81m s2 )(1.0 Mg m3 ) = (9.45 Mg m2 )(9.81m s2 ) = 92.70 kPa
' at Elev. A: ' = u = 112.32 92.70 = 19.62 kPa

' at midheight of the soil sample

Establish the datum at the bottom of the sample, Elev. A.
Compute the total head at the bottom of the sample, hA = 5 + 2 + 2.45 = 9.45 m
Compute the total head at the top of the sample, htop = 2 m
h 9.45 2 m
The hydraulic gradient, i = = = 1.49
L 5m
Determine the water pressure at midheight of the sample, uM
total head at midheight: ht M = 9.45 m (1.49)(2.5 m) = 5.725 m
pressure head at midheight: hp M = 5.725 m 2.5 m = 3.225 m
uM = gw hp M = (9.81)(1.0)(3.225) = 31.64 kPa
M = (2.5 m)(1.89 Mg m3 ) + (2 m)(1.0 Mg m3 ) (9.81m s2 ) = (6.725 Mg m2 )(9.81m s2 ) = 65.97 kPa
' at midheight: ' = u = 65.97 31.64 = 34.33 kPa

7-20. The foundation soil at the toe of a masonry dam has a porosity of 38% and a s of 2.73
Mg/m3. To assure safety against piping, the specifications state that the upward gradient must not
exceed 30% of the gradient at which a quick condition occurs. What is the maximum permissible
upward gradient? (After Taylor, 1948.)
n 0.38
e= = = 0.613
1 n 1 0.38
w 2.73 1.0
Eq. 2.19: ' = s = = 1.072 Mg m3
1+ e 1 + 0.613
w 2.73 1.0
Eq. 7.15: critical gradient = ic = s = = 1.072
(1 + e)w (1 + 0.613)(1.0)
Allowable exit gradient, iall = 0.30 ic = (0.30)(1.072) = 0.32

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Fluid Flow in Soils and Rock Chapter 7

7-23. A contractor plans to dig an excavation as show in Fig. P7.23. If the river is at level A, what
is the factor of safety against quick conditions? Neglect any vertical shear. To what elevation can
the water rise before a quick condition will develop? (After D. N. Humphrey.)

Hsg = w ghquick : solve for hquick
(10 m)(2000 kg m3 )(9.81m s2 ) = (1000 kg m3 )(9.81m s2 )hquick
hquick = 20 m
hquick 20 m
FS = = = 1.11
hactual 18 m

7-24. Given the excavation as shown in Example 7.13, with h = 18 m and = 1915 kg/m3.
Calculate the minimum allowable Hs.
Hsg = w ghquick : solve for hquick
Hs (1915 kg m3 )(9.81m s2 ) = (1000 kg m3 )(9.81m s2 )(18 m)
Hs = 9.4 m for FS = 1.0

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Fluid Flow in Soils and Rock Chapter 7

7-25. A sheet pile wall has been installed partially through a silty sand layer, similar to the one
shown in Fig. 7.13(b). Assume a sheet pile 12 m long penetrates 6 m (halfway) into the silty sand
layer of thickness 12 m. For this condition: (a) Draw a flow net using three (or four at most) flow
channels. Note that the flow net is completely symmetrical about the bottom of the sheet pile.
(This part is needed for the solution of Problem 7.35.) (b) If the water height on the upstream
side is 5 m and on the downstream side 1 m, compute the amount of water flowing under the
sheet pile per meter of wall if the coefficient of permeability is 3.1 x 10-4 cm/s. (c) Compute the
maximum hydraulic gradient at the downstream side of the sheet pile.

(a) The sketch below contains a 5-minute flow net that is symmetric about a vertical axis through
the sheet pile.

(b) Eq. 7.20: q = khL
From the flow net: Nf = 4, Nd = 4 2 = 8, hL = 5 1 = 4 m
4 3
q = (3.1 10)6 m s (4 m) = 6.20 10 6 m per m of wall
8 s

hL hL 4 m
(c) i = ; hL = = = 0.5 m
L Nd 8
Scale the distance L from the flow net. L is the flow length in the first exit square
immediately D/S of the sheet pile. L 2.375 m
h 0.5 m
i= L 0.21
L 2.375 m

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Fluid Flow in Soils and Rock Chapter 7

7-26. Using the data of Fig. 7.16, compute the total head, piezometric head, pressure head, and
elevation head for points C and C. Assume any convenient datum.

Assume a datum at the elevation of the impervious boundary.
Total head at point C: ht C = ht @U/ S Nd(U/ S C) hL
where, ht @U/ S is the total head at the U/S reservoir, and
Nd(U/ S C) is the number of equipotential drops from the U/S reservoir to point C.
Total head at point C: ht C = 42 5 = 36.2 m above the datum (impervious boundary)
Total head at point C': ht C ' = 42 5 = 36.2 m above the datum (impervious boundary)
Elevation head at point C: he C = 28 m (obtained directly from dam x-section)

Elevation head at point C': he C ' = 0.0 m (obtained directly from dam x-section)

pressure head, hp = ht he
Pr essure head at point C: hp C = 36.2 28 = 8.2 m
Pr essure head at point C': hp C ' = 36.2 0 = 36.2 m.

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Fluid Flow in Soils and Rock Chapter 7

7-27. Assuming that you have completed the flow net of Problem 7.24, compute the total head,
piezometric head, pressure head, and elevation head for a point halfway up the sheet pile from its
base, on either side of the sheet pile. Assume the datum is at the bottom of the silty sand layer.
Plot gradient versus depth of piling and extrapolate to find the exit gradient.

Compute the heads at the midpoint of the embedded sheet pile section, on both sides.
Point B in the sketch is on the right side and point C is on the left side of the sheet pile.
Po int B
Total head at midpoint (B): ht B = ht A Nd( A B) hL
where, ht A is the total head at point A = 12 + 5 = 17 m, and
Nd( A B) is the number of equipotential drops from the U/S reservoir to point B = 6.6 m.
Total head at point B: ht B = 17 6.6 = 13.7 m above the datum (bottom of silty sand)
Elevation head at point B: he B = 9 m (obtained directly from x-section)

Pressure head at point B: hp B = ht B he B = 13.7 9 = 4.7 m

Po int C
Total head at midpoint (C): ht C = ht A Nd( A C) hL
where, ht A is the total head at point A = 12 + 5 = 17 m, and
Nd( A C) is the number of equipotential drops from the U/S reservoir to point C = 1.4 m.
Total head at point C: ht C = 17 1.4 = 16.3 m above the datum (bottom of silty sand)
Elevation head at point C: he C = 9 m (obtained directly from x-section)

Pressure head at point C: hp C = ht C he C = 16.3 9 = 7.3 m

2011 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained
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Fluid Flow in Soils and Rock Chapter 7

7-30. For the completed flow net of Fig. P7.30, compute the flow under the dam per meter of
dam if the coefficient of permeability is 4.2 x 10-4 cm/s.


Eq. 7.20: q = khL
From the flow net: Nf = 3, Nd = 9.3, hL = 6.3 m
3 3
q = (4.2 10)6 m s (6.3 m) = 8.53 10 6 m per m of wall
9.3 s

2011 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained
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Fluid Flow in Soils and Rock Chapter 7

7-31. Given the data of Problem 7.25. Using the method of fragments, determine: (a) The
amount of water flowing under the sheet pile per meter of wall. (b) The exit gradient.

Divide the flow regime into two fragments by drawing a vertical line at the sheet pile.
Both fragments are type II. s = 6 m, T = 12 m
kh K
(a) q = n ; 1 = 2 = = f(m)

m =1

s (6 m)
For type II fragment: m = sin = sin = 0.707, m2 = 0.5
2T 2(12 m)
From Appendix C table, for m2 = 0.5, 1 = 2 = = 1.000, and K = 1.854
kh (3.1 10 6 m s)(4 m)
q= = = 6.20 106 m3 s per m of wall
(1.0 + 1.0)

m =1

2h (1.000)(4 m)
(b) h2 = n
= = 2.0 m

m =1

h2 (2.0 m)
iE = = = 0.20
2KTm 2(1.854)(12 m)(0.707)

7-32. For the dam of Fig. 7.15, solve for q using the method of fragments.
Divide flow regime into 3 fragments by drawing vertical lines at U/S and D/S ends of the dam.
Assume all dimensions in Fig. 7.15 are in meters. The dam embedment depth = 3 m.
Distance from the impervious geo-boundary to the top of the foundation is 25 m, and
the dam length, L = 58 m.
fragment 1 = type II, fragment 2 = type I, fragment 3 = type II
kh K
q= n ; 1 = 2 = = f(m)

m =1

Fragment 1 and 3 (Type II) : s = 3 m, T = 25 m

s (3 m)
For type II fragment: m = sin = sin = 0.1874, m2 = 0.0351
2T 2(25 m)
From Appendix C table, for m2 = 0.0351, 1 = 3 = = 0.514, and K = 1.585
Fragment 2 (Type I) :
L 58 m kh k(26 7 m)
2 = = = 2.636; q= = = (0.2729)hk = 5.18k
a 25 3 m n
0.514 + 2.636 + 0.514

m =1

2011 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained
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Fluid Flow in Soils and Rock Chapter 7

7-37. A protective three-layer filter is proposed between the foundation and rock drain located
near the toe of a compacted earth-fill dam. Is this filter acceptable?

Use Terzaghi's criteria for piping (Eq. 7.27) and permeability (Eq. 7.28) to evaluate
the acceptability of the proposed filters. Use FS = 5.
Eq.7.27 (piping): D15 filter < (4 to 5)D85 soil and Eq.7.28 (permeability): D15 filter > (4 to 5)D15 soil
Foundation - Filter No. 1: D15 filter # 1 = 0.3 mm
(Eq.7.27): D15 filter < 5 0.1mm = 0.5 mm > 0.3 mm (OK)
(Eq.7.28): D15 filter > 5 0.12 mm = 0.6 mm < 0.3 mm (No Good)
Filter No. 1 - Filter No. 2 : D15 filter # 2 = 2.0 mm
(Eq.7.27): D15 filter < 5 1.0 mm = 5.0 mm > 2.0 mm (No Good)
(Eq.7.28): D15 filter > 5 0.3 mm = 1.5 mm < 2.0 mm (OK)
Filter No. 2 - Filter No. 3 : D15 filter # 3 = 5.0 mm
(Eq.7.27): D15 filter < 5 3.5 mm = 17.5 mm > 5.0 mm (OK)
(Eq.7.28): D15 filter > 5 2.0 mm = 10.0 mm < 5.0 mm (No Good)
Filter No. 3 - Rock Drain : D15 rock drn = 15.0 mm
(Eq.7.27): D15 filter < 5 10.0 mm = 50.0 mm > 15.0 mm (OK)
(Eq.7.28): D15 filter > 5 5.0 mm = 25.0 mm < 15.0 mm (No Good)
CONCLUSION: The proposed filters do not meet Terzaghi's filter criteria for piping and permeability.

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Fluid Flow in Soils and Rock Chapter 7

7-38. In an attempt to reduce minor surface instability and maintenance problems on the
backslopes of a rural highway, interceptor trench drains are to be installed at the top of the slope
of to intercept surface and infiltrating groundwater from the hillsides above the road. The drains
are 1 to 1.5 m deep, and the drainage trench lined with a geotextile filter. A perforated drain pipe
is placed in the bottom of the trench, and the trench is backfilled with coarse drainage aggregate.
Sieve analyses were performed on samples of soils typical of the problem areas along the
highway alignment, and the following average data (percent passing) were obtained: Design the
geotextile filter for the interceptor drains.

Following are grain size distribution plots for the three soil samples. This information can be used
to design the geotextile filter using the FHWA filter design procedure outlined in Section 7.10.4

Grain Size Distribution Plot

2" 1" 1/2" #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200

Sample A
90 Sample B
Sample C


% Passing







0 2" 1" 1/2" #4 #10 #20 #40 #100 #200

100.00 10.00 1.00 0.10 0.01
Grain Diameter (mm)

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