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38RESEW. .

,,,,top;tand what events typicallr

To be abletoTHUI"
avoid customer anger. sei 'icc providers1,, fleet)
we donot know nuich about instigationsof customer al/14
ughonin customers. S urprisinglY to date. and Maute, 19%) and waiting for service(Folkes,Kole
this w eknow that coreservice failures t Dube :.%
(Giorna hina mSe, 1llr9ia8 s7e; tTtianyglso ri.s 1 a9b9s4ei ngti.v Teh reisree fotor ea,n tgheisr ,e sxypsloteramtoatriyc sretusdeya irncvhe osnti
gthaete psrecipitating events of this n; and categorizes evense
typically instigate customer anger to fill this void. Thus it provides a conceptual model of anger instigattiont:

avoidcustomer anger.
- , _ --..:-. ficcoc on how to
services and guidelinesSC
forV IVA -

Note that familiarity with the literature is beneficial in both an academic (or fundamental) and a nona4
context In bothcases, a good.theoretical base iiillW
_ duo iism Ill., ettrAt ,. CAral
earlier that rigorous research allows the researcher to collect the right kind of information with a miniir.4
degree of bias. and facilitates suitable analysis of the data .gathered.
. . 'this
. . is obviously
- in '
both tusdi
mental and applied research.


Aner gathering preliminary informatioi . the researcher t. to ..

original broad base and detio,kr ..c _ warmand
to narrow (town the problem from tat
We the
have explained earliel, it from
is critical ths
the problem statement is unambiguous, speak. and focused, problem is addressed a spec&
academic perspective. No amount of good research can find solutions to the situation if the critical issue or ti
problem to be studied is not clearly pinpointed.

What makes a good problem statement?

Visit your interactive

Whatmakes agood problemwww.wileyopenpage.com
for Author Video:

A good problem statement includes both nt of the research ohjective(s) and the research questionIli
a stateme
7 we have exPlained that good research has a purposive focus. Whereas the purpose of fundament
or basic research in business is related to expanding knowledge ( r
general. the aim of applied research is to solve a specific
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problem to ain the work setting is the p0ur,p Porsoecoesf sthees )s otuf bduys iinn emsos satn adp mplaienda
For instance. a manager might be interested in problem encountered in the work setting. Provicit.
since an increase in employee .commitment may translate into
ism, and increased performance levels, all tit which will tnhebe
efiftittchteorosrtghaantitzraiotio-cna.sTehe purposeorobjective oftl:.
study thus explains empinive%bouldbe
nonetheless whyteTphroe
gs doof communicat
nthee. heclesaturlydythjestcat.tementof
ise btOecinu the researlcohw eobr jsetcatfifv.et(s) brief.tobUI
Urnover, ie.s absenfL,..e.

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