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1. Lisa has a 5meter by 1meter cloth.

She needs to make 30 identical pieces of handkerchief out of this

cloth. If the size of one handkerchief is 25cm by 25cm, is Lisa’s cloth enough to make the 30
identical pieces? Justify your answer.


5m = 500cm
1m = 100cm
area of cloth = 500cm x 100cm
= 50,000cm2
area of a handkerchief = 25cm x 25cm
= 625cm2


A cloth 50,000 cm2

= =80 pieces>60 pieces
A handerchief 625 cm2

.∙. Yes Lisa’s cloth is enough to make 30 identical pieces of handkerchief.

2. Joseph has 25 marbles that displaces 500mL of water. What is the volume of one marble?


No. of marbles = 25pcs.

amount of water displaced = 500mL


500 mL
=20 mL

.∙. The volume of each marble is 20mL.

3. Juliana needs kilogram of pork to prepare a menudo that is good for 4 servings. If Juliana has 8
visitors, how many grams of pork should she prepare in order to serve 8menudo to her visitors?


X1 = kilogram
Y1 = 4 servings
Y2 = 8 servings
X2 = ?


X 1 :Y 1=X 2 :Y 2

:4= X 2 :8

X 2 = kg

kg=500 g

.∙. Juliana should prepare 500 grams of pork.

4. In the ancient Chinese world, Fire Temple is 22,400 ft above sea level and the Air temple is 4,000 km
above sea level. Which temple is taller than the other?


Height fire temple = 22,400 ft

Height air temple = 4,000 km

Height fire temple in km = ?

Height air temple in ft = ?


22,400 ft =? km

22,400 ft ( 0.3048
1 ft
)( 1 km
1000 m )
=? km

22,400 ft =6.82752 km


4,000 km=? ft
4,000 km ( 3.281 ft 1000 m
1 m )( 1 km )
=13,124,000 ft

.∙. The height of the air temple is taller than the height of the fire temple.

5. In order to observe the Mt. Everest from Bay Bengal in Bangladesh, you must be in 1,400 to 1,800 km
away from Mt. Everest. If your boat is located 2,340 miles away from Mt. Everest, will you still be able
to to see the tip of the Mt. Everest?


1,400km ≤ x ≤ 1,800km
2,340 mi = ? km

2,340 mi=? km

2,340 mi ( 1.609 km
1 mi )
=3765.06 km

.∙. You won’t be able to see the tip of the Mt. Everest

6. Joan’s height is 4ft, if we are to convert this in centimeter, how many centimeters are there in 4 ft?


4ft = ? cm


4 ft =? cm

4 ft ( 0.3048 m 100 cm
1 ft )( 1m )
=? cm

4 ft =121.92cm

7. Marcos weighs on Earth and the scale shows 60 lbs, and on the moon, 27.2 kg. In which place will
Marcos be heavier?

Mass on Earth = 60lbs
Mass on moon = 27.2 kg


Conceptually wise, mass is constant in any frame of reference, what is changing is the weight of the
object which is a product of mass and acceleration due to gravity. In answering the question, in terms of
weight, since the gravitational of pull of the Earth is greater than the moon, he will be heavier on Earth,
but in terms of mass, it is still equal.

7. You are sick and the doctor told you that you need to take 500grams of amoxicillin every six hours in
three consecutive days to prevent internal infection. How many hectogram of amoxicillin were you
able to consume after three days?


500grams of amoxicillin every six hours in three days

hg of amoxicillin in three days = ?


24 hours
=4×a day
6 hours

4×a day ∈three days=4 x 3=12׿ three consecutive days

500 g x 12=6,000 g

1 hg
6000 g ( 100 g)
=60 hg

.∙. You will be taking 60hg of amoxicillin in three consecutive days.

8. How many milliliters of carbonated drink are there in 1 cubic meter of carbonated drink?


1m3 = ? mL


1 mL=1cm3

1 m=100 cm
( 1 m )3 =( 100 cm )3

1 m3 =1,000,000 cm3

since1 c m 3=1 mL , then

1 m3 =1,000,000 mL

.∙. There are 1,000,000mL of carbonated drink in 1 cubic meter of carbonated drink.

9. Theodore and friends organized a remote-control-car racing competition. The winning car has a speed
of 500 mi/hr. The problem is Theodore has to declare the winning car’s speed in terms of meter per
second, and he mentioned the car’s speed is in 50m/s. Is Theodore’s conversion of mi/hr to m/s


Speed of RC car in mi/hr = 500mi/hr

Speed of RC car in m/s = 50m/s
500mi/hr ? 50m/s


500 mi 5 om
hr s

500 mi 1 hr
hr (
60 mins )( 601min
secs )( 1.609 km 1000 m 50 m
1mi )( km )

223.52m 50 m

s s

.∙. His conversion is incorrect because 500mi/hr is not equal 50m/s.

10. The boat’s mass in land is 28kg. What will be the mass of the boat if it is emerged in water? (State
your answer in terms of grams).


28kg = ?g


28 kg ( 1000 g
1 kg )
=28,000 g
.∙. The boat’s mass when emerged in water is 28,000g.

11. The ant needs to go to the cookie jar which is three meters away from its horizontal line of sight. If
the ant was able to reach the cookie jar in 10mins, how many centimeters can the ant reach for
every second?


3m/10mins = ? cm/s


3m 1 min
1omins 60 secs )( 1001 mcm )= 600
300 cm 0.5 cm

.∙. The ant can reach 0.5 cm every second.

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