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My Father Goes to Court

Act 1

Scene 1:

Anne: Lets go outside and lets play

Grace: But I need to wash the dishes first.

Anne: Do it later!

Grace: Father will be mad at me, If I dont wash the dishes.

Anne: Dont worry I will help you later,after we play.

Grace: Ok! (Singing)

Anne: ( Singing)

Grace: So! What were going to play?

Anne: Lets play London bridge! Did you know that?

Grace: Ahh. Yes! I know that.

(While Theyre playing)

Scene 2:

Servant: lalalalalala. Hmmmm. Smells good.

Grace: Wait! I feel hungry!

Anne: Wait! Did you smell that?

Grace: smells what?

Anne: The chiken.

Grace: Is that from the rich man house?

Anne: I think so.

Grace: Lets go there!

Anne: Hmmm. Good!

Grace: You know anne! I dont feel hungry anymore!

Anne: hahhahaha.
Mr.Sy: Hmmmmm. ( looking down to the girls)

Act 2: ( Illness)

Scene 1:

Maria: Dad? Im sick!(coughing)

Mr.Sy: Oh! What happened to you my daughter?

Maria: I dont know dad.

Mr.Sy: Go to our Servant, And a medicine to take.

Maria: Ok dad.(coughing)

Princess: Dad? (coughing)

Mr.Sy: Are you also sick?

Princess: Yes dad.

Mr.Sy: ok get a medicine to our servant, and tomorrow we will go to doctor.

Princess: Ok dad.

(One night when theyre sleeping, A rich family cough in a whole night)

Scene 2:

Anne: Father, what do you think happen to them?

Bruno: I think they are sicked.

Anne: But father, they ate delicious food every day.

Bruno: Yes! But they dont experiencing the sun every morning, they are just staying inside of their house , unlike
you and Grace, youre enjoying your life and trying to be happy and smile every day.

Anne:yah! I think so dad.

Bruno: Ok! Time to sleep , Its already 8:00 p.m.

Anne: Ok! Good night father.

Bruno: Good night.

Scene 3:
Mr.Sy: ( looking down to the poor girls) Why they looked more healthy than my daughters.

Servant: You know sir, whenever I cook here some foods, theyre staying beside the window and trying to inhale
the auroma of the food.

Mr.Sy: I think they got healthy, because they are stealing the spirit of our food.Is that happened once?

Servant: No sir, It happened many times.

Mr. Sy: Hmmmmm. I have an Idea.

Servant: What sir?

Mr. Sy: Close all the win dows and doos of my house fo r them not able to smell the auroma of our food.

Servant: Good Idea sir.

Mr. Sy: ( Smile and closes th window) Ok! Continue cooking our breakfast!

Servant: Ok Sir!

Scene 4:

Anne: Grace,Did you smell that bacon?

Grace: Yes. Hmmmmm. Lets go! ( Running)

Anne: Why it is close?

Grace: I dont know.

Servant: is that the poor girls? Stealing again the spirit of our food. ( Whispering)

Bruno: Hey girls? What are you doing? Hmmm! It smells good. Is that a bacon?

Anne: Yes dad!

Bruno: Good timing! This will be my breakfast.

Scene 5:

Servant: Here is your beakfast!

Maria: Thank you. ( Coughing)

Mr.Sy: Ok girls, eat your breakfast and after you are going to take your medicine.

Princess: Ok dad!

Servant: Sir, I saw them again with their father stealing the auroma of your bacon.

Mr.Sy: They are so stabborn. Can you please get my phone , Im going to report it to the police
Servant: Ok sir.

Maria: Why dad?

Mr. Sy: You know gilrls , our servant told me that the poor family always stealing the spirit of our food.

Princess: How dad?

Mr.Sy: Through inhaling the auroma of food while our servant is cooking.

Servant: Here sir.

Mr.Sy: Thank you.

Act 3: ( Case )

Scene 1:

Police: ( Knocking )

Bruno: Why? Sir?

Police: From Mr. Sy

Bruno: What happened?

Police: Here!

Bruno: ( Open the Envelope ) We have to face the court.

Anne: Why father?

Bruno: I dont know. Lets go grace!

Grace: Where are we going father?

Anne: Father! ( Scared )

Scene 2:

Bruno: ( Knocking ) What this is all about?

Mr. Sy: You! And your daughters stealing the spirit of our food, look at my daughters, they are suffering cough
because of your daughter!

Bruno: But.

Mr.Sy: Lets meet in court. ( Strongly close the door )

Grace: Im sorry father. ( Crying )

Bruno: No! Itsa not your fault.

Scene 3:

Bruno: Anne!!

Anne: What happened father?

Bruno: They Complaint about stealing the spirit of their food.

Anne: Hows that happened?

Grace: Every time we inhaled the good auroma of their food means we are stealing the spirit of their food.

Anne: What were going to do.

Bruno: We dont have a money to get a good lawyer. But I believed its just a small things , youre not the reason
why they are suffering that kind of ill. Anne can you get my old army uniform.

Anne: Here dad.

Scene 4:

Scretary: Lets all stand.

Judge:Ok. You can now sit. Lets ow start . Reader whats the case?

Secretary:The rich family complaining about stealing of poor family in the spirit of food and their wealth.

Judge: Mr. Bruno? Whres your lawyer?

Bruno: I dont have a lawyer judge.

Judge: OK lets proceed

Lawyer: Do you or you do not agree that you have been stealing the spirit of their food.

Bruno: I do not agree.

Lawyer: Do you or you do not agree that while the complaints servant cooked a chicken or bacon, you and your
family inhaling the heavenly spirit of the food.

Bruno: I agree

Lawyer: Do you or you do not agree that wile the complaint and his children grew sickly, you and tour family
became strong and healthy.

Bruno: I agree

Lawyer: thats all judge.

Bruno: I want to see the children of complaint judge.

Lawyer: bring In the children

Bruno: Do you claim that we stole the spirit of your wealth and became a laughing family while yours became sad?

Maria: Yes

Bruno: Do you claim that we stole the spirit of your food by hanging outside your windows when your servant

Princess: Yes

Bruno: Then were going to pay you right now, May I walk to the other room and stay there for a few minutes.

Judge: As you wish

Bruno: Thank you! But I need this and do you have coins.

Grace: yes!

Bruno: put inssde. You Anne, put some coins here.

Anne: Here dad.

Bruno: Are you ready? ( Shouting )

Judge: Proceed

Bruno: ( Shake the hat with coins ) Did you hear it?

Maria: Hear what?

Bruno: The Spirit of coins, When I shook this hat.

Maria: yes.

Bruno: then You paid.

( Rich family comes out from court )

Judge: Case Dismissed. HAHAHA.

Applied Probability

Hi! My name is Jeric Abendano , And I going to make an journal about this topic, because
this topic can be used in our society, although other statistics and probability topics are also
useful for collecting and distinct data.

Applied probability is the application of probability theory to statistical problems and other
scientific and engineering domains. Probability theory is applied in everyday life in Risk
assessment and modeling.

The Risk is the potential of gaining or losing something of value.Values (such as physical health,
social status, emotional well-being, or financial wealth) can be gained or lost when taking risk
resulting from a given action or inaction, foreseen or unforeseen. Risk can also be defined as the
intentional interaction with uncertainty. Uncertainty is a potential, unpredictable, and
uncontrollable outcome; risk is a consequence of action taken in spite of uncertainty this risk that
we can experience in our daily life.
The insurance industry and markets use actuarial science to determine pricing and make trading
decisions. Governments apply probabilistic methods in Environmental regulation,

Environmental law, also known as environmental and natural resources law, is a collective term
describing the network of treaties, statutes, regulations, common and customary laws addressing
the effects of human activity on the natural environment , and entitlement analysis and Financial

Financial regulation that we may experience in our daily life, that causes us. Financial
regulation is a form of regulation or supervision, which subjects financial institutions to certain
requirements, restrictions and guidelines, aiming to maintain the integrity of the financial system.

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