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Project Process Journal

23/08/2017 = Today we started work on our English Identity Project. Mr Glover explained the
project briefly and he handed out a submission sheet. Upon first completing this I handed to Mr
Glover and he gave me some very valuable feedback. He said you are not explaining or
mentioning anything about your identity. This piece of feedback was very valuable to me because
if I had not received it my project would have gone on the completely wrong foot since the task of
the project is how has your experience affected the language you speak and your identity.

30/08/2017 = Today I started on the script for my project. I also decided to break up my work into
two parts. The first part is the script for what I am going to be saying in my audio visual
presentation. The second part is the visuals of my video. I decided that it is better to do an audio
visual presentation because it would allow the reader to see and hear what I want them to. I feel
seeing a picture or video with a description will put the information in their heads using two of the
most fundamental human sense hearing and sight.

11/09/2017 = After deep consideration and keeping in mind all factors I have decided to change the
medium of my presentation. I have decided to change it from and audio visual presentation to a
spoken speech. The two main factors in me deciding to change my mode of presentation, the first
is the difficulty of making the form of presentation and the second is the time constraints I am
facing due to a lack of time planning. Today I have started work on the framework of my speech
and I have carried over most of the research I did from the other mode of presentation to this one.

14/09/2017 = Today I continued work on my speech. I decided to break it apart into 3 sections. This
means that I will convey three different factors that influence my english and my identity. I plan to
give two specific examples of how each factor has affected me and how that affect conveys my
identity to myself and other people. After working for an hour and thirty minutes I have completed
the first third of my speech. What I mean by this is I have completed the writing the section of the
speech in which I explain how the first factor which is my exposure to the world affects my english
and my identity.

18/09/2017 = After working for the first part of the afternoon today I have completed the second
third of my speech. Since this is complete it is fair to say that I have completed 75% of the project. I
identified that I was not including relevant personal details and most of my examples were very
general. After identifying this I went back and changed all examples to relate to me. What I mean
by this is I changed all the examples to things I have lived and to things that I have experienced.
This helps because from those examples people can understand how those examples affect my
identity and the language I speak. In the early evening I decided to do another 3 hours of work. In
this three hour session I completed the final part of my speech and am delighted that my whole
project is completed to a good standard.
My Language Unit
Global Context = Identities And Relationships
Key Concept = Identity
Related Concept = Context
Inquiry Statement = My English is an expression of my personal identity and has been influenced
by contexts, relationships and experiences

From these guidelines we are able to identify that this unit of study will be based on peoples
identity. This project will be a supplement to this study of identity combining everything we have
learned into a project of showcasing your identity.

Goals Of This Identity Project Ranked In Order Of Priority

1. To show how my personal experiences have created my identity
2. To show how my experiences have affected my identity
3. To show how my identity affects other peoples view of me as a person
4. To show how other people see my identity affects me

All the goals stated above

Choices And The Design Making Process

First Factor = For the first factor I chose to elaborate on how my exposure to the world has affected
my english. I chose to elaborate on this because it is a huge part of my daily social life since I
always get questions about this I decided to answer those questions in my project. This is a big
part of how people see my identity because my exposure to the world affects my accent, the words
I use and the way I speak in general. The wanted end result of this is people understanding how
my exposure to the world has affected my identity. Not only does this show how my exposure to
the world has affected my identity but it also conveys how relevant personal experiences of mine
affect how people view me and my identity its self.

Second Factor = The second factor I chose to elaborate on in my project is how the social groups
I spend time with affect the way I speak english. I give several personal examples in this section of
the speech, for example I state what the social groups I spend most time with are and I explain in a
good amount of detail how each of those social groups affect my identity. The goal of putting this
subject into my speech was to show the audience how the people I spend the most time with affect
the way I speak english and as a whole my identity. In this section I had difficulties choosing what
specific examples to include. This in my opinion is because of how many social groups I have
interacted. I believe that I have spent times with these main social groups, my immediate family,
school in Singapore, school in Sydney Australia, events of the Indian community in both Singapore
and Sydney and my extended family. Keeping in mind that I only had about four minutes to
showcase my presentation I decided to pick the main two. These are my immediate family and
school in Singapore. I decided to pick these two because they are the social groups I have spent
the most time with. I believe that these are the most relevant because I have spent the most time
with these groups this makes these more relevant than the others because the longer time I spend
with the group the more things I pick up from them and the greater affect they have on my identity
and the type of English I speak. The end result of this is the audience understanding how the time I
have spent with the two main social groups has affected my identity and the english I speak. At the
end after writing both cause and affects I decided to cut down from two social groups to one. The
primary reason of this is time constraints I am facing because I only have four minutes to present.
Third Factor = The third factor I decided to discuss in my speech is my families heritage. This
affects my identity greatly for a few reasons which I will discuss later. For the audience to
understand how my families heritage has affected my identity I first need to give a brief introduction
to my family heritage which I plan to insert at the beginning of the last third of my speech. This will
help put my explanations of how my family heritage has affected the way I speak english into
context for the audience of my speech. I chose to explain how my families heritage has affected
my identity and the way I speak english for two reasons. Firstly I chose to explain this because my
dad deliberately did certain things to affect my identity and the way I speak english. He believed
that he could condition me into an identity he wanted me to have. This by itself plays a huge part
in the way I speak english but more importantly in my identity as a whole. Secondly I decided to
elaborate on this discussion point because I believe that every member of a family shares parts of
each others identity. What I mean by this is I believe that each family has certain personal traits
and behaviours that make them unique. I wanted to convey how this affects my identity. The end
goal and wanted result of explaining this third factor is for the audience to understand how my
families heritage has affected the way I speak english but more importantly how my family heritage
has influenced my identity.

Response To Inquiry Statement And Results

I personally could not agree more with the inquiry statement of this project. I have spent this whole
project exploring this inquiry statement and have learned a few valuable things from this study.
Firstly the inquiry statement made me ask a few basic questions to myself about my identity. This
was the foundation to the main project. Some of these questions were Why am I like I am, What
has made me what I am and Can I change who I am. It was these questions that helped me
through my project because whenever I was stuck and did not know what more to add I would ask
these questions about different aspects of my life and it would allow me to understand my identity
further. This was extremely important to my project because without this it would have been
impossible to dig into as much detail as I could with those basic guideline questions. Secondly as
stated above I do agree with the inquiry statement. I agree because researching an analysing how
previous experiences of mine affect my English and then further how my English affects my identity
I have been able to identify that all contexts relationships and experiences affect your english an in
turn your identity. Overall I have learned things that are valuable to me in this project. For example
I never knew that my father did specific things to try an influence the way I speak english an in turn
influence my identity. He sated that the only reason he told me was for the benefit of me being able
to research my english and identity in the fullest detail possible and with truth. In conclusion I have
thoroughly enjoyed completing this project and have learned of valuable things that have
influenced me.

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