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EC-Lab - Application Note #60


Distribution of Relaxation Times (DRT): an introduction

Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
(EIS) is used to identify the physical character-
istics of a system. The method is to model the Figure 1: Voigt circuit. Sometimes a resistance in series
system using what is called an electrical equiv- is added.
alent circuit, where each element of the cir-
cuit is supposed to correspond to a physical Let us consider an R/Q circuit, with R = 1 ,
characteristic of the system under study. = 0.9, Q = 1 Fs-0.1, whose impedance dia-
Fitting the impedance data using an electrical gram is shown in Fig. 2.
model gives access to the values of the ele-
ments and hence of the physical characteris-
tics, such as for instance time constants.
The choice of an electrical circuit requires
prior knowledge of the impedance of each el-
ement and this is why impedance can be con-
sidered difficult to use at first.
DRT is an analysis method which turns imped-
ance data that are function of the frequency
into a distribution of the time constants in- Figure 2: Nyquist impedance diagram of an
R/Q circuit. The half circle in full line shows
volved in the considered system. that the impedance data are not from a simple
DRT can be considered as a tool to help finding R/C circuit.
an equivalent circuit that should be used to fit
impedance data. To fit these data, we can use as an equivalent
In this note, we will present the main princi- circuit a Voigt circuit with, for instance, 17 R/C
ples behind this analysis and show the various elements. For each Rk/Ck values, a time con-
tools available to perform it. stant k can be calculated. We can then plot Rk
We will then present some results obtained as a function of k. The results are shown in
that will illustrate the advantages and the in- Fig. 3.
terest of this method and finally evoke some
of its limitations.

II-1 Finite Voigt Circuit
The Voigt circuit -also called measurement
model [1]- was used to fit impedance data. A
Voigt circuit is composed of a series of N R/C
circuits (Fig. 1), for which the impedance
writes: Figure 3: Change of Rk vs. k.

() =
=1 1+ (1)

With = Figure 3 shows that Rk values loosely follow a
Gaussian law. Furthermore, it can be verified

Bio-Logic Science Instruments, 4 Rue de Vaucanson, 38170 Seyssinet-Pariset, FRANCE 1

Tel: +33 476 98 68 31 Fax: +33 476 98 69 09 www.bio-logic.info
EC-Lab - Application Note #60

=1 1 (2)

II-2 Infinite Voigt Circuit

Let us now consider a Voigt circuit with an in-
finite number of elements. It can also be used
to fit the impedance data shown in Fig. 2 but
instead of discrete values of Rk vs. k, we have
a continuous variation of R(), that is to say a
distribution function.
Figure 4: Theoretical DRT of an R/Q circuit

The impedance of such a circuit writes [2] Other expressions can be found in the litera-
ture for example, for a finite length diffusion
() = 0 (3) impedance [3].

with G() the distribution function of the re- III EXPERIMENTAL DATA
laxation times , which is characteristic of the III-1 The problem
system under test. In the case of experimental data, the expres-
We can deduct from Eq. (3) that the unit of G sion of the impedance is not known a priori.
is s-1. This means that Eq. (3) must be numerically
If the analytical expression of the impedance solved using experimental impedance values
of the system Z() is known, we can use to extract G().
Eq. (3) to express the function G(). Eq. (3) is a Fredholm integral equation of the
For instance, for an R/Q circuit, we can have first kind, typical of an inverse problem.
[2]: There are a few methods proposed in the lit-
erature to solve a Fredholm equation: Fourier

RQ () = 2 cosh( ln(
sin((1)) transform [4], Maximum entropy [5], Bayes-
RQ )cos((1))) ian approach [6], Ridge and lasso regression
(4) methods [7] and finally Tikhonov regulariza-
With RQ = ()1 tion [8], which is the one that will be evalu-
ated and used in this paper.
For a given set of parameters R, Q and , we
can plot G(). The abscissa of the peak gives III-2 One solution
the circuit time constant RQ and the G value Several programs have been written by re-
at the peak is given by searchers to calculate DRT using Tikhonov reg-
ularization: FTIKREG [9] and DRTtools [2,10].
The latter is a MATLAB application, which was
= 0 = 2 tan ( 2 ) (5)

used to produce data shown in this note, that
are compared with the results obtained using
Figure 4 shows the theoretical DRT of an R/Q
a theoretical expression of G(), available for
circuit from Eq. (4):
an R/Q circuit and a series of two R/Q circuits.

III-2 Results
Here is the method:
i) Electrical circuits are chosen with vari-
ous parameters.

Bio-Logic Science Instruments, 4 Rue de Vaucanson, 38170 Seyssinet-Pariset, FRANCE 2

Tel: +33 476 98 68 31 Fax: +33 476 98 69 09 www.bio-logic.info
EC-Lab - Application Note #60

ii) Z Sim, the simulation tool in EC-Lab, is the R/Q elements have the same parameters
used to simulate and plot impedance data. and hence the same time constants.
iii) These impedance data are used as in- The time constant can be determined using
put in the DRTtools that is used to provide an the characteristic frequency fc at the apex of
approximation of the DRT. the diagram, which is in Fig. 5: 304 Hz. We
iv) For each circuit, the theoretical DRT is then have:
plotted using the theoretical expression of = 2 (5)

G() (Eq. (3)).
v) Both DRT are compared.
This gives = 4.6 x 10-4 s.
The circuit that we are interested in is com-
Figure 6 shows the theoretical DRT obtained
posed of two R/Q in series: R1/Q1 + R2/Q2.
for the three circuits described in Tab. I. The
relationship between G(), , and the parame-
Table I shows the parameters used for the
ters are described by Eq. (3), only in this case
three different circuits. Only the parameter
it is applied to a sum of R/Q elements.
Q2 changes.
It can be noticed that one time constant can
Table I: Parameters for the R1/Q1 + R2/Q2 circuit
be determined on Fig. 6a and two time con-
1 2 3
stants in Figs. 6b and 6c.
R1/ 1
The corresponding DRT in Fig. 6a also gives
Q1/Fs(1-1) 10-3
one peak, and hence one time constant.
1 0.9
R2/ 1 The impedance graph of the second circuit
Q2/Fs(2-1) 10-3 0.3x10-3 0.1x10-3 (Fig. 5) is more difficult to interpret as only
2 0.9 one time constant can be identified. Even
though both R/Qs have different parameters
Figure 5 shows the simulated impedance as shown in Tab. I.
graph in the Nyquist plane of the three circuits
described in Tab. I. ZSim from EC-Lab was The corresponding DRT in Fig. 6b shows two
used. peaks, which means two time constants. This
would be the main advantage of the DRT
-Im (Z) vs. Re(Z) representation: it can better resolve the
Zsim_RQRQ_1.mpr # Zsim_RQRQ_2.mpr Zsim_RQRQ_3.mpr
components of a system when two or several
303,92 Hz
time constants are close to each other.
Furthermore, the time constants can be
- Im ( Z ) /O h m

readily accessed by a simple reading on the
0,4 graph.

0 Figure 6 also gives the calculated DRT using

0 1 2
the DRTtools program and as input the
Re ( Z ) /Oh m simulated impedance data. The parameters
Figure 5: Simulated impedance graph of the three that were used are shown in Fig. 7. The export
circuits shown in Tab. I. tool was used to have data in .txt files and
they were imported in EC-Lab using the
The graph corresponding to the first circuit Import file tool.
consists in a single arc, which is expected since

Bio-Logic Science Instruments, 4 Rue de Vaucanson, 38170 Seyssinet-Pariset, FRANCE 3

Tel: +33 476 98 68 31 Fax: +33 476 98 69 09 www.bio-logic.info
EC-Lab - Application Note #60

G(tau)/Ohm /s vs. log(tau) be explained by the fact that numerical

DRT_RQRQ_1_th.mpr # DRT_RQRQ_1_.mpr solution only approach the analytical solution.

G ( t au ) /O h m /s


-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1
lo g ( t au ) /s

G(tau)/Ohm /s vs. log(tau)
DRT_RQRQ_2_th.mpr # DRT_RQRQ_2_.mpr

G ( t au ) /O h m /s




-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1
lo g ( t au ) /s

G(tau)/Ohm /s vs. log(tau)
DRT_RQRQ_3_th.mpr DRT_RQRQ_3_.mpr #

G ( t au ) /O h m /s

Figure 7: DRTtools interface window
showing the parameters used to produce
data shown in Fig. 5. Here the data from
the second circuit are shown.
-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1
lo g ( t au ) /s IV LIMITATIONS
c) DRT analysis fit impedance data using an
Figure 5: Theoretical (thick blue line) and numerical infinite Voigt circuit, whose impedance
(thin red line) DRT for a) Circuit 1, b) Circuit 2, c) Circuit modulus limits at high and low frequencies do
3 in Tab. I. not tend to infinity.
As a consequence, DRT has been used mainly
When comparing the theoretical DRT and the in the field of fuel cells to identify the reaction
DRT obtained by the DRTtools program, one mechanisms [11,12]. Impedance graphs for
can see that the peak positions are the same such materials have suitable impedance limits
and that differences only concern the height at low frequencies.
of the peak as well the shape. One can notice The method was also tentatively used with
some oscillations at the bottom of the peaks battery materials [13], which exhibit at low
especially for Figs. 6a and 6b. Differences can frequencies an increasing impedance

Bio-Logic Science Instruments, 4 Rue de Vaucanson, 38170 Seyssinet-Pariset, FRANCE 4

Tel: +33 476 98 68 31 Fax: +33 476 98 69 09 www.bio-logic.info
EC-Lab - Application Note #60

modulus. In this case, the DRT analysis is not

suitable and the data must be pre-processed
to remove the low frequency part ie the REFERENCES
diffusion part of the impedance. Pre-process 1) P. Agarwal, M. E. Orazem, Luis H. Garcia-
means that a certain knowledge of impedance Rubio, J. Electrochem. Soc., 139, 7 (1992)
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behavior at high frequencies (with an Tiffee, J. Electrochem. Soc., 155, 1 (2008) 36-
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bution of time constants, which can be easier https://sites.google.com/site/drttools/
to interpret, can be performed without 11) H. Schichlein, A. C. Mller, M. Voigths, A.
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the impedance graph, especially when they 12) C. M. Rangel V. V. Lopes and A. Q. Novais.
are quite close to each other. IV Iberian Symposium on Hydrogen, Fuel Cells
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Bio-Logic Science Instruments, 4 Rue de Vaucanson, 38170 Seyssinet-Pariset, FRANCE 5

Tel: +33 476 98 68 31 Fax: +33 476 98 69 09 www.bio-logic.info

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