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Rede de Educao Missionrias Servas do Esprito Santo

Colgio Nossa Senhora da Piedade

Av. Amaro Cavalcanti, 2591 Encantado Rio de Janeiro / RJ
CEP: 20735042 Tel: 2594-5043 Fax: 2269-3409
E-mail: cnsp@terra.com.br Home Page: www.cnsp.com.br

3 Etapa 2012

Disciplina: Lngua Inglesa Professor (a): Eliane

Ano: 9 Turmas: 91 e 92
Caro aluno, voc est recebendo o contedo de recuperao.
Faa a lista de exerccios com ateno, ela nortear os seus estudos.
Utilize o livro didtico adotado pela escola como fonte de estudo.
Se necessrio, procure outras fontes como apoio (livros didticos, exerccios alm dos propostos, etc.).
Considere a recuperao como uma nova oportunidade de aprendizado.
Leve o seu trabalho a srio e com disciplina. Dessa forma, com certeza obter sucesso.
Qualquer dvida procure o professor responsvel pela disciplina.

Recursos para Estudo /



Present Perfect Unit 5 Pages 49 and 51

Question tag Unit 4 Pages 41 and46

Indefinite Pronoun (somebody, something, ) Unit 4 Pages 39 and 46

Already / yet Unit 6 Page 57

Ever, just, for, since Units 5 and 6 Pages 51,57and


Revises do caderno
Rede de Educao Missionrias Servas do Esprito Santo
Colgio Nossa Senhora da Piedade
Av. Amaro Cavalcanti, 2591 Encantado Rio de Janeiro / RJ
CEP: 20735042 Tel: 2594-5043 Fax: 2269-3409
E-mail: cnsp@terra.com.br Home Page: www.cnsp.com.br

rea do Conhecimento: Cdigos e Linguagens Disciplina: Lngua Inglesa Etapa:3

Professor (a): Eliane M. do Nascimento Data:_____/_____/2012.

Nome do (a) aluno (a): Ano: 9 Turma: N:


1) COMPLETE the sentences. Use the Present Perfect of the verbs in parentheses.
a) Im afraid I ___________________________ my car keys. ( lose )
b) We ________________________ in Chicago many times. ( be )
c) She __________________________ my book at last. ( return )
d) He __________________________ us many times. ( visit )
e) It _________________________ a lot this year. ( rain )
f) She _____________________ tennis with Anna yet. ( not play )
g) _________________ he ________________ his History Exam yet? ( do )
h) She ____________________ lunch with Sam yet. ( have )

2) MARK the correct alternative.

a) ( ) He hasnt traveled to The USA.
( ) He hasnt travel to The USA.
b) ( ) She has already eaten Chinese food.
( ) She has already ate Chinese food.
c) ( ) I have already fall down on a sidewalk.
( ) I have already fallen down on a sidewalk.
d) ( ) Have you already eat roast beef?
( ) Have you already eaten roast beef?
e) ( ) He have just arrived.
( ) He has just arrived.
3) COMPLETE the sentences. Use the words below.
yet havent ever have - already
a) I _________________ never ridden a motorbike.
b) Have you _______________ seen a ghost?
c) Marco has _____________ sent an e-mail this minute.
d) Nina hasnt done her homework ________________.
e) They _________________ had dinner yet.

4) CHOOSE the correct answer.

a) Have you visited your favorite college ___________? ( yet - ever )
b) I have ______________ cheated on a test. ( never - yet )
c) Ive ________________ been to college. ( yet - already )
d) _____________ she ever fallen in love? ( Have - Has )
e) I havent studied Japanese _____________. ( yet - just )
f) They have just ________________ a donation. ( make - made )
g) They have never ______________ lobster. ( eaten ate )
h) I have _______________ been to the USA. ( already yet )

5) CIRCLE the correct words :

a) Have you ( visit / visited ) a university yet?
b) I have ( just / yet ) made a donation.
c) Yes, she ( has / have ).
d) I havent made up my mind ( just / yet ).
e) Ive ( yet / already ) finished my test.

6) COMPLETE using since or for.

a) ___________ three weeks. f) ___________ three years
b) ___________ last week. g) __________ about two hours
c) ___________ march, 2000. h) ___________ I was born
d) ___________ a long time. i) ____________ January
e) ___________ Christmas. j) ____________ over 150 years
7) COMPLETE using already or yet.
a) I have ___________________ had my dinner.
b) I havent had my lunch ___________________ .
c) She has ___________________ tasted our roast beef.
d) He hasnt answered all the questions ___________________ .
e) We havent made our choice ___________________ .

a) She has ___________ made a donation. ( just - yet )
b) My parents have ____________ had lunch. ( yet - already )
c) I have ______________ eaten lobster. ( never - yet )
d) Have you ______________ tasted roast beef? ( yet - ever )
e) Has she studied Japanese________________? ( just - yet )

9) COMPLETE the sentences using the correct Indefinite Pronoun (someone,anything,).

a) Ill go to the supermarket to buy ________________ to cook. (anyone something)
b) She saw your glasses __________________ in the bedroom.(someone somewhere)
c) I have already had lunch. I dont want to eat ____________________. ( something anything)
d) He went Marks house last week but there wasnt ___________________ in. (anyone someone)
e) Its going to be very difficult for me to finish this work. Ill ask ______________ to help me. (somewhere

10) COMPLETE the sentences with words from the box.

a) ____________________ phoned you yesterday, but I forgot his name. anywhere
b) Listen! He is trying to tell you ____________________. someone
c) There wasnt _____________________ at the party when I arrived. anyone
d) I didnt know ___________________ at the party, so I went home early. something
e) When I arrived at the beach, there wasnt __________________ to stay. anyone

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