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Facultad de Ingeniera Mecnica y Electrnica

de la Universidad Autnoma de Nuevo Len

Cultura de la Lengua Inglesa

Actividad 2

Ing. Jesus Estrada

Saln: 9201 Hora:M4-5-6

Picasso Prez Pablo Guadalupe 1791666

18 de septiembre de 2017 1
Brain drain grows in Mexico, alert.

In 2012, scientific investment in Mexico was 0.5% of GDP, the lowest among OECD

07/07/2015 Natalia Garcia.-Mexico contributes to world knowledge production by less than

1%. According to statistics, 30% of Mexicans who graduate as a doctor per million
inhabitants, is insufficient to achieve the human capital required in the near future,
according to a report by the Center for Social Studies and Public Opinion (CESOP) .

According to the document "Brain drain", prepared by Jos de Jess Gonzlez Rodrguez,
CESOP researcher at the Chamber of Deputies, in nations like South Korea, almost 4% of
GDP is invested in science, and it is followed in descending order by the United States,
Germany and France.In Mexico, private and public scientific investment is similar, but
insufficient. In 2012, they added 0.5% of GDP, the lowest among OECD members and
even lower than the Latin American average.

Mexican scientists travel abroad, mainly to the United States and Great Britain, to carry out
their postgraduate education. 85% of those who hold postdoctoral stays in the exact
sciences do so in other countries.

The brain drain begins at the student stage where the students move abroad, find a source of
work or join a research team in the country or region to which they arrive.

According to a survey of Mexicans conducting classes or conducting research in the United

States, 75% migrated to complete their PhD and 12% to have a job offer.

By the year 2000, it was estimated that 895,515 Mexicans with higher education resided in
the United States, of which 6.6% had postgraduate studies.

Between 1990 and 2005, according to the US population census and the American
Community Survey, the Mexican migrant population with professional and postgraduate
education living in the United States almost quadrupled, from 114,522 to 442,960 people.

In addition, there was a constant growth rate of 8.9%. And of the migrants with vocational
training, 17% had postgraduate studies.

18 de septiembre de 2017 2
The database of the National System of Investigators (SIN) of the National Council of
Science and Technology (CONACYT) records that in the area of social sciences, 41% of its
members, Mexicans or foreigners, obtained their last degrees abroad, while that the average
of the whole system is 36%.

In countries and regions such as India, South Asia, Turkey and sub-Saharan Africa, brain
drain has become a major problem. For example, in Sri Lanka the number of economically
active scientists decreased from 13 286 in 1996 to 7 907 in 2006.

Another case is that of India, which registers high percentages of experts and technicians
who leave their borders, without in turn entering a territory of specialists to balance the
balance of the international exchange of knowledge.

Although the United States remains a common destination for scientists around the world,
Switzerland has the highest percentage of immigrant scientists. On the contrary, Japan is
the country with the least exchange of specialists.


He mentions that the brain drain an event that affects many countries of the world also
happens to him to mexico. In that the most prepared "flee" in search of something better.

In the case of Mexico, more than 13 million live in the United States. Most of these are
young and technologically advanced. He stresses that the salary of a Silicon Valley
engineer is twenty times better than that of an engineer in Mexico.

The cost of living, which does not compare at all explains this better. Also some of the
biggest companies in the world are there. So it's even harder to prevent this from

18 de septiembre de 2017 3
Mexico is the seventh country with the greatest brain drain: OECD; they go in search of
better paid jobs.

Mexico City, November 5 (SinEmbargo / Radio Nederland).- Mexico ranks seventh among
countries with the highest brain drain according to the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD) ranking. According to the figures of 2011, of its
11.2 million migrants, 867 thousand have undergraduate and postgraduate studies.

For many young people, studying a masters degree and a postgraduate course abroad is not
only a good opportunity to acquire more knowledge, but to get a good job and well paid,
something that can hardly be found in Mexico.

"I think that once you have studied a degree or a master's degree and the country does not
provide you with a job offer that you can develop, it is very difficult to stay," says Alberto
Rius Vidales, a student of the ninth semester of the degree of Mechanical and Electrical
Engineering at the Universidad Iberoamericana. Another reason that motivates the young
person to migrate is, according to him, the academic quality: "In Mexico we are a bit
behind in terms of knowledge, compared to first world universities like MIT, Standford,
TU Delft, Manchester."

In the field of engineering, Mexico lags behind "five or ten years", compared to other
foreign universities. Alberto concludes: "If the country offered these two aspects, the labor
supply and the academic quality, I think there would not be such a brain drain."

For Juan Jos Fernndez, a young mechanical engineer working for an automotive
company in Sao Paulo, Brazil, the flight of talent occurs in the area of science and
technology research due to lack of economic support.

"There are many universities around the world that have very large and competent research
groups and where the Mexican who has the talent and education in these branches of very
specific technology and science, they are looking for those universities," explains

To retain all this talent, Fernandez suggests that the country develop a much more
aggressive research program in national universities, both public and private, and look for

18 de septiembre de 2017 4
ways to finance these programs and reward Mexican researchers with economic incentives
so that do your research in the country.

On the other hand, Daniel Gonzlez Maganda, a seventh-semester student of the

Mechanical and Electrical Engineering degree at the Universidad Iberoamericana, adds:
"Being the best in Mexico does not assure you anything, you have to look at the
international field and bet on being the better internationally, because, unfortunately,
Mexico is delayed in several aspects. "


Alberto Ruis Vidales plans to study a master's degree in aerospace engineering with a
specialization in aerodynamics in the United States, and is convinced to return and share his
knowledge with the country. However, it recognizes that there are limitations:

"Mexico is a developing country, we have a lot to offer and we are from countries with
more engineers. I think it is important to get the knowledge and bring them to the country,
however, it is often very difficult to return because the industry simply does not allow you
to develop the knowledge of mastery and really find a job where you can apply them, "says
Rius Vidales , and adds: "I would like to go back and do something for my country."

Like Alberto, Juan Jose Fernandez, who is about to start a master's degree in business at
Harvard University, his intention is to return to Mexico, but does not rule out working

"Finally it is the country where I grew up and I have a lot of affection and where I feel that
there are many opportunities. However, there is always the possibility of finding a good
offer, not only in the United States but in Europe or anywhere in Asia and taking it,
depending on the other factors that occur at the moment of making the decision, "says
Fernndez. insists: "Through this mastery and my previous knowledge is to be able to have
a positive impact in my country".

In contrast, Daniel Gonzalez Maganda, it is clear that he would not return to Mexico:

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"I would like to stay in the United States because there they have better infrastructure and
here in Mexico the aeronautics industry is just beginning to develop," says Gonzalez


Both Alberto and Daniel, can now swell their rsums with international recognition.

The first project that Alberto developed was a generator of potable water for semi-desert
areas and coasts.

His second project is the development of computer-designed electric car. "We are about to
finish it, it is an electric race car with two electric motors," explains Alberto Rius Vidales.
Its objective? "To serve as a platform to develop Mexican technology for transportation in
Mexico City, in a cleaner and more ecological way," he says.

Meanwhile, Daniel, along with his friend Adrin Bazbaz, obtained the second and fifth
place with the design of an unmanned aircraft, in a US aeronautics competition sponsored
by NASA.

The objective of the contest was to design a plane that will lift the largest possible weight,
controlled by radio control or GPS, to assist communities isolated by natural disasters.

"This year we got the second place in design and engineering and fifth overall, managing to
raise 19 pounds, Daniel says.

Upon returning to Mexico, the US embassy received them at a reception and told them to
"look" at the United States as an option to develop themselves in the workplace. "And what
did Mexico do to keep us? Simply nothing, he did not recognize us, it is sad that your
country does not recognize you and it is also surprising that the United States, which
neither is nor does a Mexican come to you, wants you to go there, "concludes Gonzalez

18 de septiembre de 2017 6

A study by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development shows that
according to their figures of a census carried out towards migrants says that 11.2 million
of these, 867 thousand have undergraduate and graduate studies.

Since many young people study mastery or dotorado abroad is a better opportunity to
acquire greater conosimiento something that in Mexico is not very good. He also mentions
that in the field of technical engineering is delayed for five or ten years compared to other
universities in the world, if this were in parallel with other universities in the world, this
would not happen.

Alberti Ruis is a person who plans to study masters in space engineering in the United
States, mentions that Mexico is a developing country, believes that it is better to get the
knowledge of another country and take them to Mexico but this does not ask to be at all
possible because there is not sufficient support for this or the necessary equipment is not


I agree with the idea that these two students have as much as Alberto and Daniel since
being the best in Mexico does not assure you anything you have to have a look at
international fields to be able to take all the consiento from other sides to Mexcio, but many
times this is not can for the simple fact that it does not count on everything necessary so
that all the conosimiento that applied and others can learn poreso, whenever it obtains to
obtain something on the part of Mexicans these attract other Mexicans abroad, to be able
to show their inventions by call them somehow.

It is proposed to develop a more aggressive research program in national universities, both

public and private, to find ways to finance these programs and reward them with economic

18 de septiembre de 2017 7
The brain drain in Mexico is also a reality

By Ara Rodrguez 8/30/16 - 9:59 PM

The proximity of Silicon Valley is a very difficult candy to refuse.

That the world has become a whole in which you can cross borders is a fact that everyone
knows. For better or for worse, this question is a reality. In the positive view we have the
increase of opportunities, work options and knowledge. On the negative side, a
phenomenon that, by circumstances, has forced many to seek the future outside their place
of origin not by desire, but by obligation.

A Silicon Valley engineer charges 20 times more than one from Mexico

Known as a brain drain this circumstance has affected a large part of the countries of the
world. In which the most prepared "flee" to look for something better. With the peculiar
north-south trend, in which the historical and cultural implications come into play,
thousands of young people have migrated to other places. Spain has its everlasting struggle
with convincing young people not to migrate to the paradise of engineers, Germany. And
also Mexico, because of its closeness and attachment to the United States, has a great
workhorse to confront.

The differences between these regions and their respective regions remain immense, despite
the improvements. In the case of Mexico, more than 13 million live in the United States. Of
which, a large part are young and with studies of a technological nature. And is that, the
comparisons are hateful. The salary of a Silicon Valley engineer is 20 times that he receives
a professional in the same position located in Mexico according to the Hired recruitment
network, and 16 times higher according to the Mexican Institute of Competitiveness. And
despite the difference between the figures, the point is that there is still an abyss between
both ecosystems.

The differences between the cost of living, which can not be compared at all, explain this
variable. In addition to the presence in Silicon Valley of some of the largest companies in

18 de septiembre de 2017 8
the world, with more opportunities and possibilities. With this scenario, difficult not to
leave and difficult to also compete against them.

Very nice but also complicated

Every paradise has its ugly part and, of course, Silicon Valley is not exempt from it. The
standard of living is higher because salaries are higher, and vice versa. The opportunities
are many because there are hundreds of big companies willing to fight for the best talent,
and vice versa. But, and here comes the bad part, the competition is also fierce. Half the
world has their eyes on the candy that is distributed in Silicon Valley and everyone wants to
take their part.

The contacts, the experience and the value of each are decisive factors when it comes to
highlighting. But in the factor of education little can do those who come from outside. In a
region fed by the best brains of MIT, Harvard, Yale or universities of the British league, for
those who have attended the best universities in their country, but without international
exposure, the pothole is even bigger.


He mentions that the brain drain an event that affects many countries of the world also
happens to him to mexico. In that the most prepared "flee" in search of something better.

In the case of Mexico, more than 13 million live in the United States. Most of these are
young and technologically advanced. He stresses that the salary of a Silicon Valley
engineer is twenty times better than that of an engineer in Mexico.

The cost of living, which does not compare at all explains this better. Also some of the
biggest companies in the world are there. So it's even harder to prevent this from

18 de septiembre de 2017 9

In concusion you study a place like Silicon Valley or go to work is a very tempting action
for many young people because with this it is possible to say that you can see a better way
of life in the future because, as the article says, it is twenty times more money than in this
place unlike Mexico.

Many of the young people and I include ourselves bet for a better lifestyle today and we
know that Mexico is very difficult to achieve and we see that the best way is to leave the
country to be able to have a wider understanding and to earn more money and to support
our family as they are difficult times where money is very important to be able to move

What would you do to stop your top researchers from leaving the country?

In order to avoid that the best researchers left the country in search of jobs in other
countries, it would be better to give them better job opportunities and pay them the right
thing, although with the depression of the national currency (Mexico), it does not help
much, since ( $ 270.00mx) (Changing a national currency of $ 18) the hour and in Mexico
you are paid $ 150.00mx Obviously it looks more attractive the job offer in the United
States. But life in the United States is more expensive ...

However, if we managed to offer a fair wage, much more competitive in the labor market
an international level of course would prevent the departure of researchers in the country,
also needed the tools necessary to work and that Mexico does not have the necessary tools
to these researchers work as they would in a first world country. So in the summary of the
summary in Spanish and the necessary support to the investigations with a good marriage
of work updated tools and everything they need to carry out their research.

What would you do it you had the opportunity to study or do an internship abroad?

18 de septiembre de 2017 10
If I had the opportunity to study abroad I would not miss it at all. Since Mexico is not very
well educated in education, unlike other countries such as United States, United Kingdom,
Spain, Japan, China, etc. Mexico is handled with a large number of corrupt people who for
the simple fact of being able to pass a subject, to get to the bribery is very common in
Mexico. Mexico is also a third world country that does not bet much to become the second
world or first world, such as stop selling the oil to other countries to be processed and
made gasoline and then they sell us and we sell more expensive not help much, but
nevertheless if we invest in the necessary machinery to create the gas ourselves, in the long
term we would benefit, and that same would make other countries bet more for Mexico, this
veneficiaia to the economic sector and this porsupesto to the educational sector.

But if I study abroad I repeat I would not disapprove because they have a better education
and tools needed for research, do not say anything about support and without forgetting the
possible best job offers.

What would you come back to Mexico?

Most likely, I would not return to Mexico but I do not rule out the opportunity to return
because my family is here, but nevertheless having the opportunity I would take them with
me to the place where I find myself working.

Because I would not return to Mexico, since I think I would be very busy working and it
would be very difficult for me in a matter of time, but in any case I would visit, but I would
not return to work, maybe I would at the end of my years of work only to retire and to
spend more time with my family, but definitely would not return at all. Since my main idea
has always been to leave the country in search of work.




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