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Fe ee ee ee ee ae eet ee aC AC We Ca) Sree ee eee SRE SEVEN So ages hie | BI ere ee eee e German Naty in Operation Rheinibung on 18 May. Less tha + Pictorial section showing fll-view and on-board photogsaphs. f the Royal Naxy during one of the + Colour guide and aetion painting on the jacket. ren te aera ee Bee ee eet ne cee eee ete ee Peete pare nap aan ey ea ce Pen ree er ~ including gencrl arrangements, aris Se ee ee ee Ne es ce ee ee eee) Pe eee eee ee ‘960kn off the west coast of Franc, This brand new addition to the wel eee a eee ee eR gE EE ee Pee ee eer Baltic Seu camouflage as of May 1941 [pune scheme Back, ask y Mid Grey RAL 7000, Light Grey RAL 7001, Brown RAL 8013) ii The Battleship IRV ta ey Na OPN g oO) es ee ee en eee an her sister ship Typitz were the largest and heaviest warships ever completed by ee eae See ee eae ee ee eee See ee eee eee en Se en eee hy eee eee ec ee ee ee ee completed. The wreck of Bismark stil ies where she sank, 4,790m down and ‘96am off the west coast of France. This brand neve addition tothe wel RE eet a ere ee rey Ore eee nee rent ent Se er Ce a ay Se eee en Se Se + Pictorial section showing fll-view and on-board photogsaphs. + Colour guide and ation painting on the jacket. + Mare than 250 perspective and 3-view drawings, with descriptive eee ne ete eee es eee eee eet + One large-scale plan on the reverse of the fold-out jacket en en Se oe ce Bali Sea camouflage as of May 1941 [pin scheme: Blak, Dark ry RAL 7024, Mid Grey RAL 7000, Light Grey RAL 7001, Red-Brown RAL 8013] AC NGARIOR Min SOMmeeet HE SH | Bi The Battleship BISMARCK JACK BROWER A GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS B_- HULL STRUCTURE A1 Plan and Profile B1 Lines and Body Plans A2/1 External Profile Starboard (1:500 scale) 81/11 Sheer Elevation (1:500 scale) (As commissioned August 1940) B1/2 Watering Plan (1:500 scale) (1500 scale) Bow (1:300 scale) | ao isis, 9 astasu as as m2 Bueesees bs ae ated y OF THE SHIP Uns Beeilosnioy © Jack Heer 205 Cony Mame Ps, 205 Fin pls n Gre Briain in 2 sri in the Unio Ses Arn 291 Wood Read, Annapeis MD 21402-5038 eect ‘eto, cere, atts pe, mechani, pce, (ek erat earths cea ht ob ett snr of hs wrk teary of Cangrs Cone No 205 ISBN Bso114.05041 his tions auth fr ae nin the United Si ee et eee eed Piitce: Nicki Maal Teal Pata: Jo Jon Des: Lee Sith Fromtispice: Bow view of Bismarck refueling, taken from Prine Eugen in tne Baltic INTRODUCTION «.-- +++ Pa Ship's History... ....ec005 ee) cTmalweectses chet ner ence Ta) Design & Specification... .0eee004.12 Hill Stace Is Protection. 6 Machinery Is Annament » Fite Control 2 Aitraf and Equipment 2 Bs 23 Notes . ‘THE PHOTOGRAPHS ‘THE DRAWINGS. A General Amangements B Hull erucure © Superstructre D Rigging. E Armament F Fite Conte G Ground Tackle H Fittings J Aircraft K Ships Boas Sourees « Bibliography 30 56 101 rey 8 Ms. 132 13 Bere 9 ssh ad da het Geman hp ae in honour of Ono vom Bismarck, whois considered the founder ofthe German Empire. Born in 1815, be became Germans ist Chancellor 187 sa seained in this post fhuh-decked August 1878. She was used msinly as. ning ves before being scken and ted as barrack hulk in 1891, The secon Ship $9) Fe Bi n until 1890, The Fit Rimerdé was 3300-10 uly 18 rete Iced on and commissioned on 27 £4430 tons buike for the Hamburg-American fine, was Lusched on 29 [November 1890, After making regular runs between Hamu and New Yek she as sold tothe Russian navy i 1904, The tind ship was the 1 armoured cruiser Fst Rsman bunched on 25 September 1897, She remained in acne service uni 1915, when converted for use asa erining an oie ‘eve and was sold for srapon 17 June 1919. The fourth ship was again a ner forthe Hambury-American in, 8 Fe Bionarce placed 8320 tons and ‘vas launched on 10 June 195. In 1913 she was renamed Fiedissrube and renamed agin as nai, which sled under the French ae before being scrapped in 1925, The SS Banc, large tre-funneled line of 36,550 Tons tothe ih yesel named in honour ofthe Chancellor. Aliough launched Fue due othe Fist Wold Wr As prt ofthe Treaty of Veale tthe end the war, the finer was completed in March 1922 anal anda oxer to the her RAMS Mojeic, When Majestic vas the ngs ner flt, The final Bimart (and subjec bin lings and heaviest warships ever completed by any European nation June 1914 a6 another Hamburg. America lise vesel, construc Lee rere this book) ws 9. She and her sister ship Tri auncha in April 1989, were the When Germany entered the Fint World War on 1 August 1914, the Kaierlche Marine (hnperal Navy: 1871-1919) comprised, in Goon ne service, four battleships ofthe Nissi clss armed with 2fom guns, nine hateships armed with 30 Kaier cass) and f Mole, Gow snd Sed im gns our ofthe Helgdand cass and five ofthe rar battlecruiers armed with 28cm guns, Vow Der Tian, Alo in German service were wenty-rw0 oer re= Areadnoughts, most of which served as training and coastal-fence ships luring the war By the end ofthe war, Germany had increase its fet wth four battleships of the King class as well as dice hatlecrusers of the eelinger clas arid with 30.5em guns, and rwo battleships ofthe Bayer class armed with 38cm gums, To further ships of the Baye clas and 160 Tartecruses ofthe Macken cls were hunched, but never commissioned When Germany signed the Avviste on 11 November 1918, i was required to have seveny-four ofits shins interned in neutral poets. On 19 November 6 1918, the German flee, including eleven batleships and five tecruiser, stile sve alrays the hope of the German navy tht he imterned ships would be the ith of Forth and was subsequently interme at Scapa Flow. It returned to Gem, but unde the peace terms the German flee was tobe surrendered fo the Ales. Homever,on 21 June 1919, while sill inrered ‘Scapa Flow; the German fst was scuttled to prevent them beg seized hy the British, With the exception of th tsi Bao, which was taken in cow and Teachod all signed the Vera Teay on 28 June 1919, the war was oficial over: Ue ‘man capital ships were suecessflly cute. When Germans ofthe treaty, Germany vs printed to retain ony ix hatships, ishemarne (Nasional Nay vith no others in reserve The newly established wi lass — Boao 1935) retained six pre-Dreadnoughts three ships ofthe Braschi gis and Hee al completed ence, 194 and 19 bree hips ofthe Dealand clas —Honwrer, Schein aa Schl Molin snd 1908, Un completed between 19 erthe tris ofthe ery, these ships ould not be replaced unl tenty yours after their launching date. The esis Treaty also ited new armoured ship displacement to 10,000 1005, but cdot place restritons on gun cline Discusion on howto epic the older barships began in 1920 ure the Amira Hehncke, Sl bound ly the Versailles Tay any ew esc could not displace than & maximum of 10,00 ens, but Germany ‘vas not prt ofthe Washington Trey denny in 1922 to Gi he calbe of guns (see page 7). Preliminary designs for German naval ships were the responsi of the Construction fie in consul sith the Weapons fice These plninary designs woud then be presented > Navy Command Office for approval, or addtional direction, There were two diferent ideas of what ‘omperion the new ships should be: (3 nw monitors with good protest (by fis, wellarmed euler with prosstion, A dat time apson (a) was rejected, asthe ships would only be suitable for coastal defence. However, in 2) as agin sued and a design known as M10 eas produced wit fur 38cm guns. In order to Keep this ship within the weight restrictions, several compromises were made which male the design unsuitable It was et shat a 200mm bee and 3mm deck was 10 weak and a sip speed of 2 knots (by hich ese na Ship armed with eight 2lem guns infor ures 90 forward and two at. This bine powerplant cape diving the hip at 32 knot, and ight amour protection was ton so: Design work then progres 0 0 Gesign known 2s 1/20 had the guns mounted om ship with 3 in ofan 80mm bee and 30mm deck. Again the Navy Command Office eect this design as unstable, and father design work was hale. SEE ‘The following year further discussions suggested ta tight be possible to mount 38cm guns ona hull displacement of 10,000 tons, but it was Ft he ales would not pert this size of gun. Subsequent design skethes were raed fr a ship mounting sx 30.Sem guns’ The fine ofthe new designs known as Enow 30 featured dss propulsion. Germany had great sce with dieses inthe hundreds of U-boats used during the Fist World War, Diese! engines offved many advantages over set pts. They ried es pac, power was enmity asihble with no wsting ime fr tu tobe guna, there was greater freer in spec selection, fever engie-room personnel were need and the economic engines allowed for greater range. They al hd some dlisnvanages in hase plane was hey and not yet as reliable Further designs were pur fort, but once again all these prove to be snstisficton In 1925, several design conferences were hel in an atemp to come up with suitable design hat would it thin the rsrction placed on Germany by the tet. This reste in sx completely new designs alo which were also dismissed, In 1926 and early 1927 yet moe desig sketches were produce Aer eighteen diferent design sketches and eight yeas of discussion the slesgn fora 10,000-0n ship arm with 28:m guns was ily agreed upon, The order for the frst new Pozeschif Armoured ship) was placed on 17 August 1928 with the Deutsche Werke yard in Kiel. This vesel, which would ‘be raed Dewshlend, was lid down on 9 February 1929, and launched on 3] May 1931. Deusehlaad was powered by eight diel engines driving to shafs; a masimum speed of 28 knots was achieved with 48,390 bhp. The ‘ese was armed with Sx 2fcm guns in wo ripe mountings, eight 15cm guns in single mountings, and si 10.Sem guns in three win mounings. Devtchlond was listed with a tandard displacement of 10,000 tons, but had an actual sandant displacement of 12,63) tonnes. It as not an uncommon practice in the years prio to the war to understate warship displacements, Deuschland and her near sister ships, Admiral Scvor commsioned 12 November 1934 and Admin Graf Spr commissioncd 6 January 1936, were -eolatonary warships hatha the sped and displacement ofa cases but the armament of a bats. They wete intended to be superior to any ‘Wasington Treaty cruiser and fist than ay bateship, To larger 20,000 tonne Pozen were also under construction: ‘PazeshiffD' Ersatz Blass and ‘Puerhiff E" Ersatz Hessen were lid owen 4 Pebrusry 1934, ‘The appearance ofthe Dowland claws wat 2 case of concer orem of the major naval powers signed upto the Washington Treaty, France thee ‘ess aa that, and promply onder 0 larger hash ofthe Dune cas: Dir down on 24 December 1932, and Sasha, id down on 25 November 1934, These ships had a stndand displacement of 26,500 tons ‘mounting eight 336m gurs, a speed of 30 Keots and amour suicent to withstand 28m shells. On hearing of the Dane cls Gersiny as Fred ‘ores its plans forte our afi Panzer, which were both oer ‘on 25 January 1938, On 5 July that yar, Adolf Hite, despite the 1000-100 limi f he Tearyof Vrs, gave his permission toad third ple turret increasing the numberof gins rine 28m, Work led onthe Poses ancl while new designs were drawn wp firs ship hat would displace 31,500 tons. On 16 March 1935, Hier unateally ches ro jgnore any retritions phiced on Germany by the Teay of Vera, and destared sovereignty in Germany’ defence matters. This meant thatthe new ships were no lnger ta be ound by the 10,00t0n init. This allawed! Germany to procsed. with the onstruction of larger ships. The newly designed Pacers was lid don again om 6 May 1935 followed by Pose D on 1S June, Ronse D was launched on 3 October 1936 a Sham, wth nse E laurel on 8 December that year a Gaiman Sharon a er ster were armed ith nine 28cm guns nthe tile mbuntngs, teh Im guns in Fur tin mountings ad four single mountings, snd fourteen 10, Scm guns in seven twin mouatigs. ach vesel hd a standard fsplacement of 31,847 tons apd armour that would withstand hits fom am hell. Teirhigh- pressure steam bier al turbines give the ships a sped of 31 knees at 160 050shp, ‘The British Govern *hought thar restrictions should putin place omit the strength and sizeof aware of the developments within Germans, the German navy. Adel Hitler, desiring reconciliation with the migjor naval powers, entered imo negotiations with Britsin, which resulted in the Anglo-German Naval Agieementsgned oa 1 Jue 1935. This agreement permited Germany thiry-ive per cea of Beis capital ship diplacement [A this ime che Royal Nays capital skips amounted t $25,000 tons, hich allowed Germany’ 188,000 tons. Once the Svhaenint-* = re 19 = © SUPERSTRUCTURE (62/2 Searchlight Deck (Scheinwerfardeck) 4 fr Tracking Staten 2 Bom Veriog Base 3 18cm Searchight Base 4 Fea Use Ammunition Bax © SUPERSTRUCTURE 62/3 Lowar Searchlight Deck (Unt Scheinwerferdeck) 8 Fog Horn C€ SUPERSTRUCTURE €2/4 Admirat's Bridge (Admiralbriicke) 2 Crane Storage Brackats 2 Heed 44 Signalman’ Standty Room 5 Chart Hous | © Admirals Bridge Shotor 7 demir Bridge B Signo! Lamp 9.3m Night Rangefinder dace 10 Magneue Compass Repester C SUPERSTRUCTURE ©2/5 Upper Mast Deck (Oberes Mastdeck) 4 Admirals Hees 2 MetooroogicalOfes $3 Weather ado Room 43:70m Gun Bose '5 7m Rangefinder Base 66 20 0/385 Gun Director 7 Obesrvaten Perecope Btw C SUPERSTRUCTURE 62/6 Lower Mast Deck (Untores Mastdeck) (1:200 scale) 1 Cabin for two Midshipman (Wevensne 2ur See) 2 Cabin far one Lswanant (gptanieurnare] 3 Batroom 4 Cabin fortwo Sub Linutenants (terteuenene2ur Se) 5 Admirals See Cabin 6 Ammunition Holst 7 ForvardArtilery Post 820 0/385 Gun Drecor 8 Forvard Command Post 10 Night Command Post 11 Ready Use Ammunition Box 12 Deck Hane 418 Bem Gun Bose 1a Helm 115 der Indicator 16 Target Ger Postion 17 Zelsaule C38 Nigre DDrastor Postion 18 infared Night Vision Telescope Typical Cabin Layoues © SUPERSTRUCTURE 2/7 Bridge Deck (Brickendockd 4 Cabin fer to Mishpnen Cabin for Radin Officer 3.518 High Angle Rangefinder ase 4 Cabin fortwo Wate Otiers 5 Cabin for avo Lutte Oars 6 Cabin for one Luft Ofcar and one Reserve 7 ammunition Host 8 Bathroom 8 Navestion Office 10 Storage Locker 11 Combat Message Canzre 12 Captain Sea Catin 19 Shotr for Nghe Commanc 14 Chere Howse 15 Amoured Communications Shot 16 anoye Sheter 17 edge 18 Bridge House 19 Magnetic Compose Raptr 20 Bridge Wing C SUPERSTRUCTURE 62/8 Lower Bridge Dack (Unteres Brucksndeck) 1 waten officer 9 brary Oice 2 S18 High Angle Rangefinder 410 Areiery Signal Room ase 11 nd Raia Otcor 4 meceorlogcat Ottce 1 Sra Meteo! orcer 5 Cabin fr two Paserves 114 Bnd Madi! Officer 6 ammuntton Host 18 tet Nevgation Officer 2 Cabin fr 8v0 Midehigen 16 tt Arilry Technical Oftcor 8 40h Macca! Offcer and 17 Cabin for to SubLiuterants 118 Sound Location Ram 19 .VHF Room 20 Offcers Bathroom 22 ain Artery Ofe= £28 Sn Artilery Offer 2a tet Ary Oficar 28 Bd Arilry Officer 26 Armoured Communication Shaft a ©2/9 First Deck (Aufbaudeck) (1:300 scale} 1 10.Sem Gun Bee 2 Arora Hangar 3 Funnel 44 Ammunition Hoist 5 Flak Gun Grew Sheer 8 Ready Use Ammunition Serene 7 Storage Locker fe Sieenooerd Room ‘Muse Practica Roam 10 Officers Bsthream 76 11 Pen Otfesrs. Store Room 12 Otfeore Head 18 Signa stare Room 11a Fan Room 15 Armoured Communicauen Shot 16 Dirk Room 418 Music Master 19 Weteh Ofioar 20 Acminieration Office 21 Gun Grew Standby Room £22 Bnd Adminstration Offcar 23 Ss Administration OMeer 24 8.7em Gun Bose 25 ammunition Landing Maton 25 Beretcleaing Tools Surage 27 instllavon Opening 23 Turret Gruna Bare gb gas baa s ea © SUPERSTRUCTURE (©2/10 Upper Dack (Oberdeck) 1 cers’ Kitchen 2 Barber Shop {Cabin for tivo Midshipmen 5 Chie PetyOicor [berocineboh 6 Dticers Bathroom 7 Dry Wesh Room @Ammuntio Transfer Room $9 Duty Preracton Room 110 Widenpmen's Work Roam 41 Nidshipmen's Parery 12 mdshipmer's Hes 113 Midshipmen's Washrcom 14 Potato Locker 15 Pharmscy 16 Armoured Communication Sat: 17 Hosptal Sore Room 18 Woting Room 19 Head 20 Irian Roar 21 Hospital Washream 22 Sick Bay 24 Xfay velopment Room 25 Hospital Admin Ofce 26 Dentst 27 Operating Roa 28 Turret runa Barbet C SUPERSTRUCTURE C3 Funnel (1:125 scale) €3/1 Starboard Elevation (632 Partial Starboard Elevation ‘Searchlight Cover in open position 1 emaust Pee 2 Bom C/30 L30 Gun 3 Horn 4 160em Seorchight S Crane 6 Handrail 7 Sesrcnight Cover 7 c3/1 -* 3/2 Eee epee C SUPERSTRUCTURE 63/3 Front Elevation © SUPERSTRUCTURE 63/4 Rear Elevation C SUPERSTRUCTURE 63/5 Plan C SUPERSTRUCTURE ] (63/6 Crane Werking Platform Plan 63/7 Crane Working Platform Elevation (63/8 Searchlight Platform Framing 63/8 Crane Werking Platform Framing 1 Leddar 2 Crane (Stoves) 1 Electric Tearing Motor c3/6 c3/8 | 4 Gearbox 4p gies '5 Manual Trining Wheel ‘ [ | 6 Ber Ore 7 Searchlight Cover © SUPERSTRUCTURE 63/12 Work Crane Front Elevation 1 lec Cable Rast 2 Cable Drum and Goer Box 3 Crane Hook 4 Counter Weight 3/10 3/11 3/12 © SUPERSTRUCTURE 4 Forward Aircraft Hangar (1:125 scale) 4/1 Hangar No. 9 Pan S be: Cade f 4 Loudspeaker at 64/2 Hangar No. 3 Starboard Elevation ca/1 ca/2 C SUPERSTRUCTURE (64/3 Hangar No. 2 Plan 1. Venton Fan 2 Ladder A 4/3 2 Boot Gracie 4 Loutepester 64/4 Hangar No. 2 Port Elevation c4/4 C SUPERSTRUCTURE (64/5 Hangar Door Elevation 4 Hangar No. 2 Port Sle 2 Hangar No.3 Starboard Side ‘3 Boot Cedle 4 Vonviatar Fan 5 Lovdepeator ren 8 Ladder TS tai freer dai 7 Hangar Door Hinges ‘t.Stang Hangar Door is pled {8 Main Hangor Door ae 19 Sicing Hangar Door 2rd, Main Door and Sing Doar sD aiding Brace © SUPERSTRUCTURE C5 Main Aircraft Hangar (1:125 scale) (65/1 Port Elevation 2 Bost Cradle 3 Loudspeaker 4 Dock Starage Locker C SUPERSTRUCTURE (65/2 Hangar Door Elevation 4 ships Bat 2 Boat Creda {3 Hangar Ooor 44 Main Door 5 Verio C SUPERSTRUCTURE 65/9 Plan View 4 Ship Be 2 Bore Cradle 3 Mast 4 Hana Winch © SUPERSTRUCTURE C6 After Superstructure (1:250 scale] (68/1 Starboard Elevation C SUPERSTRUCTURE 05/2 Port Elevation C SUPERSTRUCTURE C7 After Superstructure Deck Plans 67/1 Alter Fre Control 126 6/988 Gun Director 2 Zeieale C3 Night Drectar Postion 3 infares Nightvision Telescope 4 Target Ger Postion 19 180em Saaran Light 5 HA Rangofinéer Toner 7 Cradle fort Tender 8 Ase: 3 Hend Winen 10 ships Be C SUPERSTRUCTURE 7/2 Lower Bridge Deck (Untaras Brickendack) 4 erttar Fan 2 HA Rangefinder Tower Hose Real 4 Rend Use Ammunition Box 5 Deck Storage Box 66 Bom Gun Base 78.7em Gun Base @ Sorage Room ' Fag Offear's Cabin 10 Flak Work Staton 11 Gun Grew Standby Room 119 Che of Sats Cabin 14 Chie of Sats Ofice 18 fircrate Hangar 16 Most Bace © SUPERSTRUCTURE 67/9 First Deck (Autbaudock) 1 Turet Cisar Barbers {8 Copta's Day Cain 2 Ammunven Landing Hath 10 Coptai's Seeping Cabin 3 Barrelcleaning Tals Stzrage —_11:Coptain's Batrroom 43 7em Gn Base 12 Admirals Mess 5 Ready Use Ammunition Box 18 Admirals Oay Cabin 8 10.5em Gun Base 14 admirals Sleeping Cabin 7 Gun Grew Standoy Fear 8 HA Rangefinder Tower 15 Admirals Batarcom 46 Admirals and Capein's Petry 17 ammuntion Hoist 18 Loy 19 airoot Hangar 20 Mast Base C SUPERSTRUCTURE 67/4 Upper Deck (Oberdeck) 4 Tarot Cioar Barbies 11 Officers! Mase 2 Ofcers! Cana 12 Officers Pantry 3 Officers! Wersroom 13 artaroom 4 Officers! Wastrocm 1A otters’ Conference Room 5 Offcere Bathroom 15 secutive Oicers Oice 1 Astro Workshop 16 Executve Dficers! Cain 7 Bemirats and Captain's Kichen 17 Offi B Telepreter Room 18 Chief Ceres ofco 8 Wercreom 19 Station Officer's Oifice 10 Ammunition Host D_ RIGGING D1 Foremast (1:125 scale) 1/1. Elevation Looking Forward 01/2 Starboard Elevation D1/1 2 Lanier D1/2 D_ RIGGING D2 Mainmast & Signal Platform (1:200 scale) 02/1 Elevation Looking Forward prrarar 02/2 Starboard Elevation Da/1 D2/2 1 Mast Ugh ‘ 2 Wind Strength Transmitter {8 Wind Direction nator 4 Hand Winen 5 Puder eator , 1 8 Laer BSarailemp : {9 Sgt Platform < D_ RIGGING : 1D2/3 Elevation Looking Att 02/4 Plan 02/5 Plan Signal Platform 1 Mast igs £2 Wind Strength Transmitter 8 Wind Direction indicator 4 Hand Winch ' Pur Indestor 6 Ladder 7 Exhaust tack Signal Lame {Signal Platform By D- RIGGING D3 Crane (1:125 scale) 13/1 Front Elevation 4 tute Puts (ore 4 Puys 13/2 Side Elevation 2 ler Roller 03/3. Rear Elevation 3 iting Hook ard Puy 4 Ughe 5 Boom 1 {8 Tenson dem 7 Lut Pulleys (a) 4 Puy {2 Hoict Rope @ Hoist Motor 10 Courterwsight 11 Lut Rope D3/1 p3/2 D_ RIGGING 3/4 Plan 3/5 Schematic of Crane Tackle 4 Luft Puts fre) 4 Pulleys 7 Lt Pues (aft) 4 Puleys later Roller B Hoist Roe ‘8 Liting Hook and Pulley 8 Hoist Mezor 4 Lge 10 Counter Wight 5 Boom 11 Lute Pope 1 Tension Arm —E ARMAMENT E1 38cm SKC/34 in Drh LC/34 mount (1:125 scale) E1/1 z Sl J PS 1/1 Plan Turret Anton 4 Sighting Telescope Trainer Signe 6 Layer Sight £1/2 Side Elevation Turret — ARMAMENT 1/3. Front Elevation Turret Anton 4 Vane 2 Rangefinder ‘3 Laer 4 Sighting Telescope 15 Traner Sight 8 Layer Sight 1/4 Rear Elevation Turret Anton E1/4 E ARMAMENT 1/5 Section 1 Simaust Fan Trunking 2 10.5m Rengsiner (Removed vinear 1940/1841) 3 Breen Siot 4 Main munition Host Sheaves 5 Local Bunsigh Telescope 6 Rammer 7 Loasing Tay 8 Barbora ‘9 Turret Support Trunk 10 Auiiary Aremuntion Host 111 Machinery Space 12 Cartridge Hoist Ril 18 Certrdge Hanating Roam 14 Shall Host Rai 15 Shall Handing Reom 16 Elevation Goo Are 17 Turret Bering Track 18 Eleation ack and Prion 19 Hydraulic Host Motor 20 High-pressure fie Oflader 21 Main Ammunen Hot 22 Ravohing Cartridge Fing 25 CartridgaFing Rolors| 24 Fevoling Sho Ring 25 Shell Fing Rollers E ARMAMENT 1/6 Section 410,6m Rengofnder (Removed wintar 1040/1941) ! 2 Shel offad postion 4 Caridge,/Pouar offosd postion 4 Main Ammuntion Hos: Sheoves 5 Exauet Fan Trunking 6 Cortridge/Pondar ready positon 2 ih 7 Shel leading postion 1 Cartridge Ejector Arm ‘3 Turret Bearing Track 10 Barbone 11 Auaiiory Aenmuntion Host 12 Cerdge/Pouder Handing Room 18 Shall Handing Room 114 Main tnunition Hoi 15 Auilry Taing Motor 18 Main Training Gearbox — ARMAMENT 1/7 Gun Platform 4 Cartiige Ejector 2 105m Rangefinder (Removed winter 1940/1941) ‘3 Long Toy 4 Layer sTraner 15 Exhaust FanTasking 7 Rammac 1 Fuse Setzer Hath 10 Main Ammuntion Hoist 117 Hatch 2 Trang Pstoom E1/7 — ARMAMENT 1/8. Machinery Platform 1/3 Intermediate Platform E1/8 E1/9 —E ARMAMENT 1/10 Povidor/Cartridge Haneling Room 1/11 Shell Handling Room 1 Awitary Ammuntion Holst 2 Main kmmuntion Hoist £1/10 E1/11 — ARMAMENT 1/12 Barrel Detail Pian 1/16 Section 4 Line (Loose) 1/13 Barrel Construction Detail 1/17 Trunnion Detail Front Elevation 2 a Tube 1/14 Barrel Detail Rear Elevation 1/18 Trunnion Detail Side Elevation 3.6 Tbe 1/15 Barrel and Trunnion Detail Plan 1/18 Trunnion Detail Rear Elevation 4 vncker E1/12 =, 54/13 ‘ ony . ms Px E1/1d 1/15 ‘ 1 > £1/16 E1/17 E1/18 | £1/20 & 1/20 Plan Turret Anton w/o Rangefinder 1 ene 2 Ladder 4 Sighting Telescone 4 Traner Sight 5 Layer Sight 1/21 Side Elevation Turret ‘Anton w/o Rangefinder £1/21 E ARMAMENT 1/22 Front Elevation Turret Anton w/a Rangefinder 4 Vent 2 Ladder 3 Sighting Telescope 4 Toner Sight Layer Sight 1/23 Rear Elevation Turret Anton ‘w/o Rangefinder E ARMAMENT —2 15cm SKC/34 in Drh LC/34 mount with Rangefinder (1:100 scale) 2/1 Plan 2 Leder {3 Traner/Layar Sight 2/2 Side Elevation a E2/1 oe Nae E2/2 — ARMAMENT 2/3. Front Elevation 4 Rangetinder 2 Ladder 83 Trainer/Layor Sight 44 Armoured Door 2/4 Rear Elevation —E ARMAMENT E3 15cm SKC/34 in Drh LC/34 mount (1:100 scale) £3/1 Plan 1 Spring Teloscone 3 Traner/Layer Sight 3/2 Side Elevation E3/2 —E ARMAMENT 3/3 Front Elevation 1 Sighting Telescope 2 uncer 3 Triner/Layer Sight meted Dose 3/4 Rear Elevation E3/4 —E ARMAMENT E4 10.5cm SKC/33 in Dopp LC/31 mount (1:50 scale) 4/1 Plan 1 Fuse Setar 2 Layer Sot 1 2 : 3 Traner She 4 Breech 4/2 Side Elevation — ARMAMENT E5 10.5cm SKC/33 in Dopp LC/37 mount (1:50 scale) 5/1 Plan 1 Fuse Setor 2 Layer Sh 1 2 2 3 Tenner Sight 5/2. Side Elevation E5/2 E5/3 — ARMAMENT E6 37mm SKC/30 Dopp LC/37 (1:40 scale) 6/1 Plan 6/2 Front Elevation 6/3. Loft Elevation E6/1 56/2 E6/3 E ARMAMENT 6/4 Roar Elevation 6/5. Right Elevation 6/4 6/5 E ARMAMENT E7 20mm Flak Vierling (1:40 scale) £7/1 Plan 7/2 Front Elevation 7/3. Left Elevation E7/1 —E ARMAMENT £7/4 Rear Elevation 7/5 Right Elevation £8/1 e8/2 58/3 5/4 ARMAMENT 20mm Flak 38 Plan Front Elevation Side Elevation Rear Elevation E8/2 single (1:25 scale) E8/1 8/3 8/4 F FIRE CONTROL F1 Foretop 10.5m Rangefinder (1:75 scale) F1/1 Plan 1 ep uae 2 ran 23 Paer Atom 3 tater aon at 8 rang Sox rangurag oat coer wot 8 Hand Rail : Fas’ F1/2 Front Elevation : F FIRE CONTROL F1/3 Side Elevation F1/4 Rear Elevation F1/3 F41/4 F FIRE CONTROL F2/3 F2/4 427 F3 After 10.5m Rangefinder (1:75 scale) F9/1 Plan + Mast 2 Fuvio 23 Redr Antenna 3 Leder 4 Foot Ra 5 Training She 6 Rangetindng Sight 7 Courter Weare Honda 9/2 Front Elevation F FIRE CONTROL ce. fl I lf F3/3 J ‘ \ \ \ = i. / y. i OTANI) (ooo ce F3/4 F FIRE CONTROL F4 Foward HA Rangefinder (1:75 scale) 4/4 Pian 4/2 Side Elevation 4/3 Front Elevation F FIRE CONTROL FS 3m HA Rangefinder (1:40 scale) F5/1 Plan F5/2 Rear Elevation F5/3 Sido Elevation F5/2 F5/3 F FIRE CONTROL F& 3m Night Rangefinder (1:40 scale) F6/1 Plan F6/2 Side Elevation F6/S Front Elevation F6/2 F6/1 F6/3 F FIRE CONTROL F7 Flak ZAG (1:25 scale) F7/1 Plan F7/2 Side Elevation F7/3 Front Elevation F7/1 F7/2 F FIRE CONTROL F8 Zeilsaule C38 Night Director (1:25 scale) F/1 Plan F/2 Rear Elevation F/3 Side Elevation F8/4 Front Elevation F8/41 F8/2 F8/3 F8/4 F FIRE CONTROL F9 Target Giver (1:25 scale) £9/1 Plan £972 Rear Elevation F9/3 Side Elevation F9/4 Front Elevation F9/1 F9/2 F9/3 Fa/4 F FIRE CONTROL F10 160cm Searchlight (1:40 scale) F10/1 Plan F10/2 Rear Elevation F10/9 Right Elevation F10/2 F10/1 F10/3 F FIRE CONTROL 10/4 Front Elevation 10/5 Left Elevation F10/4 F10/5 G GROUND TACKLE G1 Bow Towing Fairlead and Jack Staff (1:100 scale) 61/1 Plan 61/2 Starboard Elevation G1/1 61/2 G GROUND TACKLE G2 Anchor Stowage (1: 62/1 Plan 2/2 Starboard Elevation 100 scale) G2/1 G2/2 G GROUND TACKLE G3 Capstan (1:100 scale) 63/1 Plan 63/2 Starboard Elevation 63/3 Section G3/1 63/3 G GROUND TACKLE G4 Bollards (1:40 scale) 64/1 Plan 64/2 Side Elevation Ga/1 Ga/2 G5 Fairlead (1:40 scale) 65/1 Plan 65/2 Side Elevation G5/1 65/2 G5/3 G GROUND TACKLE G6 Towing Fairlead and Flag Staff (1:100 scale) 65/1 Plan 66/2 Starboard Elevation 66/3 Section at O looking aft G6/2 . o G6/1 G6/3 H_ FITTINGS H1 Accommodation Ladder (1:100 scale) 11/1 Plan H1/2 Ladder Davie H13 Side Elevation 114 Ladder H1/1 H1/2 H1/3 H1/4 H_ FITTINGS H2 Ventilators (1:100 scale) 2/1 Bow Group H FITTINGS 2/2 Stern Group iii ial ali ital | H FITTINGS H3 Watertight Doors (1:25 scale) H3/1 Section H3/2 Side View (Section) 13/3 Plan View H3/1 146 H3/2 43/3 H_ FITTINGS H4 Side Scuttle (1:25 scale) HA/1 Superstructure Scuttle {open} 4/2 Superstructure Scuttle (closed) 14/8 Typical Hull Scuttle H4/4 After Superstructure Scuttle (open) H4/5 After Superstructure Scuttle (closed) H4a/4 H_ FITTINGS H5 Guard Rail (1:25 scale) H5/1 Suporetructure Profile H5/5 Bow Upper Deck Profile H5/2 Superstructure Front View H5/6 Stanchion with Stay detail (1:5 scale) H5/3 Midships Upper Dack Profile H5/7 Stanchion Pivot H5/4 Midships Upper Deck Front View H5/1 ~+H5/2 H5/3 H5/4 | e H5/5 2 H5/6 H5/7 A H_ FITTINGS H6 Watertight Doors (1:25 scale) HS/1 Watertight Door Closed (Outside view) 16/2 Watertight Door Closed {Inside view) 16/3 Watertight Door Open 16/4 Door Section (1:5 scale} H6/1 F 4 Rigo! 2 20m Door Sout 4 Hinge $5 Door Frame Angla H6/2 ~ | i J 7 Rubber Seo! {8 Goor Wedge 9 Bulkhess H6/3 tf H_ FITTINGS H7 Typical Ladders (1:25 scale) 17/1 Suporetructure Ladder Front 7/2 Superstructure Ladder Section 17/5 Superetructure Ladder Plan H7/4 Superstructure Ladder Front View H7/5 Superstructure Ladder Section H7/1 H7/2 H7/3 H7/5 H_ FITTINGS H8 Paravane (1:25 scale) 18/1 Plan 18/2 Front Elevation 18/3 Side Elevation H8/1 H8/2 H8/3 J AIRCRAFT J1 Arado 196A-3 (1:125 scale) J1/1 Plan J1/2 Front Elevation i J1/2 1/3 Side Elevation 1/4 Float Plan View s1/2 K BOATS K1_ 11m Admiral’s Gig (1:75 scale) 1/1 Plan K1/2 Stern Elevation K1/3 Starboard Elevation K1/4 Bow Elevation K1/1 K1/2 K1/3 K1/4 K BOATS K2 9m Captain’s Gig (1:75 scale) K2/1 Plan K272 Stern Elevation 2/3 Starboard Elevation K2/4 Bow Elevation K2/1 K2/2 K2/3 K2/4a 454 K BOATS K3 11m Launch (1:75 scale) 3/1 Plan 9/2 Stern Elevation 3/3 Starboard Elevation 9/4 Bow Elevation ass K_ BOATS K4 8m Long Boat (1:75 scale) Ka/1 Plan Ka/2 Stern Elevetion Ka/3 Starboard Elevation 4/4 Bow Elevation 156 Ka/4 ka/3 Ka/2 Ka/4 K BOATS 4/5 Starboard Elevation with Sail nx BYATS K5 8m Cutter (1:75 scale) 5/1 Plan K5/2 Stern Elevation 5/3 Starboard Elevation K5/4 Bow Elevation 158 K5/1 K5/3 K5/2 K5/4 K6 6m Long Boat (1:50 scale) 5/1 Plan K6/2 Starboard Elevation K7_ 4m Dinghy «7/1 Plan 7/2 Starboard Elevation K6/1 K6/2 K7/1 K7/2 159 160 BIBLIOGRAPHY Botan, Rane. Mg Oiscovry of he Dlmerek (Meson Brows Boss #890) Seroacoare Breyer, Seghes, exes T (Bohtee 159) Gaara Tea ‘Breyer. Saatred, The Garman asian "Soran (Seton 100) O88 740- rayen Saghod, To German eateehp Breisna [acheter 1200) 09870 “Siva Spe er, O88) 0 rayon Segfed & Gerhard Koop, The error Now at Wer vt (Schifer ‘se8) bee 02208 Carpe. dan, Nal Weapons of Word Ve Two (Cantey Marina Pens Yeost oarcorassa Conny, The Works Fghing Sips {SEE 1840 Conan Marte ross, 18e0) 0881778 Datrowsi, Hane Peter & Voker Koos, “ea 386 ter, 8801 © leg, Uren & Bode Heng, The ‘Basicep Berek (Scher, 408) O- saraadere aly, Hora. Saesip Simarck: Waste “ay arin Ps, 1808) (eens peoples Todo) avast iors 1B te }ads et (Caray Martine frows 18s) bs/ar do a7 Hanan, Hane Sgn, Th Seo cho “ari Het Tal 8 na fine Pes, toob) oa7oT eos see Kegp, Gamers & ruse: soe, Belial {Grew Bs 1000) 1 85087.200% Kap, Garon & ue eter Seto, ‘unease ne Spare Claas {Gre one o00) 85057-3653 ‘loaded Sie reer Soo 2200) sesso Kp, Garon & Kauai Stro, Bhan uses otk Rca opt Say ree Boo, 2000 a Bineeny Sonera asm Prose, 1958) 058197-7404 Lye, Hu, Te encod of ne ioral warange Leaur os, sate thr ere oye enna Peer er il iba Sait neg fuk ey re abe eran Spice aaa Thee Sia em ie tries Gr Ars ote se re Sa aria serine a, atone aa eee, “ime Ute Books, War on the High Saas Time, 1880) mos Ve Mien ac, arn Batra Novae Press: 1900) 087007 hin M.., Garman Capea Sti of ‘rk awe (Casal 8 Co 1888) Goa Serars ‘aerial rece Fs, 1865) seas) osaado7 ost SOURCES ARCHIVES: fundesarhi; Marah Freiburg, Grmany US Nasona reves. Washingron DC, USA PAPERS/REPORTS 144123-208: dem Aaidloading Cannon /34 AVES Report No, 700/41: AVKS Tests aboard Batlchip ‘amare ‘Soyer Siege fed, The Armour of German Warships "730-18a5" Marina sana WEBSITES ak (oy Jn Assn) remark com (by oso M. Rs) ete cm ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS | would the bo hank John Asmussen, Gaarge H. dan Wilam J Juans bsctarce with is projet. woul io Ihe to thank Fru Barbar Kiesow Bundearchiv in Koblenz fo al te help in making the valle information oie. | ould no ket express my very dean grr to Bor Lochner: whose hop and rondship was indspensabl, Most of 8 would ke thank fri Holy, Rachel ard Jose, wha shaved grt lv, pions and understanding we dey mised som of ter Fe ee ee ee ee ae eet ee aC AC We Ca) Sree ee eee SRE SEVEN So ages hie | BI ere ee eee e German Naty in Operation Rheinibung on 18 May. Less tha + Pictorial section showing fll-view and on-board photogsaphs. f the Royal Naxy during one of the + Colour guide and aetion painting on the jacket. ren te aera ee Bee ee eet ne cee eee ete ee Peete pare nap aan ey ea ce Pen ree er ~ including gencrl arrangements, aris Se ee ee ee Ne es ce ee ee eee) Pe eee eee ee ‘960kn off the west coast of Franc, This brand new addition to the wel eee a eee ee eR gE EE ee Pee ee eer Baltic Seu camouflage as of May 1941 [pune scheme Back, ask y Mid Grey RAL 7000, Light Grey RAL 7001, Brown RAL 8013) ii

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