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Aphrodita Pod Call Layout - 1st edition - 24.07.


1. Intention & introduction (1 min) - Elena 7:30 - 7:31

Welcome to our circle today. Im excited to co-lead with Alina. The Intention of this
circle is to connect with the energy of the goddess Aphrodita but even more with that
part of ourselves, who knows how to love and appreciate ourselves and how to
enjoy life. Aphrodita embodies self love, passion, creativity, beauty and pleasure,
sexuality and sensuality. In today's call we are going to focus mostly on reconnecting
to our own bodies and the love for them and also with the pleasure in our life.

2. Opening grounding/presence meditation (2 mins) (total time so far 3 mins)

Elena 7:31-7:33pm
I want to invite you to sit comfortably, close your eyes, and take a couple of deep
breaths through your open and relaxed mouth. Breathe in... and out. Put your left
hand on your belly and your right hand on your heart. See your womb and your heart
starting to radiate a rose light. And with each breath this light embraces your whole
body, going into each cell leaving it relaxed, open, connected. Now start following this
rose light with your attention, as it continues its way down through your tail bone ,
down through your roots until it reaches the very core of mother Earth. Just stay for a
while that way, connected, allowing yourself to feel safe, supported and always loved.
Stay with that as I read you the invocation.

3. Invocation (1 min) (total time so far 4 mins) 7:33 - 7:34pm

I welcome you as a member for this gathering.

I open this tribe to share space with you and honor your truth.
I hold you as a member today of our sacred space.
This is my gift to you.
You belong.
I am your sister who sees your power and your truth as a leader.
I feel and honor your heart.
I accept you for who you are and who you are not.
Thank you for showing up in this world and today, in this circle.
Put down your sword, my sweet sister, for I have come to hold your hand.
Release your shield, my dear friend, for I now support you safe in my arms.
Speak to me, as you once did mother earth, whispering of your hearts deepest
Cry with me, as we again hold each other, shivering in the face of our fears.
Illuminate your brilliance, my kind neighbor -
Reflecting, like the full moon, the suns unequivocal offering.
Allow me, as you would a child, the dreams that once danced in your night vision.
Build with me, my Tribe sister,
as we roll up our sleeves,
and dig deep into the fertile soil of our collective good -
Co-creating, together, balance, harmony and peace on Earth;
A New World of Divine Feminine Leadership.

Take a deep breath in and out and slowly come back and gently open your eyes.

4. Stitching - (2 mins) (total time so far 6 mins) 7:34 - 7:36pm

** Calling in any sisters who are not present with us today.

List of all the sisters:

5. Clearings / Withholds - 5 min (total time so far 11min) - 7:36 - 7:41pm

6. Intro Our body as a connecting element and women feeling betrayed from their
bodies, disconnecting, also not surrounding with beauty, because of spirituality- 1 min

7. Meditation to connect to our body - which parts I love and which I am ashamed
of + Poem about woman's body - 15min (total time so far 26min ) 7:42 - 7:57pm
- Tell them here, before the meditation to grab their journal or paper and pen, to
have them ready.

8. Write down in Journal - 3 min, (total time so far 29min ) 7:57 - 8:00pm
- what came up in the process, is it easy for you to love and connect to your body?
(play a song)

** Elena is going to put this into the chat box.

- what came up in the process, is it easy for you to love and connect to your body?

9. Dance with the Rose and connecting to pleasure - 5min (total time so far
34min ) - 8:00 - 8:05pm (play a song)
Now we will take some time to connect with our bodies and the pleasure we can
experience from that connection. We will dance and move in a pleasurable, sensual
way. And at the same time we will caress and stroke our bodies, enjoying ourselves
with the rose you prepared. Smell the fragrance, enjoy the sensation on your skin.
This time is only for you. You can step aside from the camera. Do what you need to
relax in this experience.

10. Sharing Pleasure 1 - 3 min each - in rooms - 6min ( total time so far 40min) -
8:05 - 8:11pm
We see the body as a central piece in our capability to feel pleasure. Being
connected to it, feeling safe to it and loving and accepting it. And after going into that
part we are now diving a little deeper into our pleasure.
We will start with a paired sharing, where for 3 minutes each you will go into the
theme of theme of the Pleasure in your life with the help of these Questions. Go
through all of them or if one makes you feel uncomfortable or scares you, I would
encourage you to go more deeply into it.

- What are you doing with your Pleasure in your life?

- in this moment of your life are you nurturing it, enjoying it

- are you afraid of it? dimming it down? making it wrong?

- what kind of pleasure is easier to enjoy

- and what part of pleasure are you disconnecting from?

** Alina writing the Questions in the chatbox

11. Sharing pleasure 2 - 2min each - in rooms - 4 min (total time so far 44min)
8:11 - 8:15
Now again in paired sharing we are going to tell each other about something we
really enjoy and feel pleasure from. But we will tell it in a way that we share how
exactly we are feeling in our soul and in our body, what are we sensing while
enjoying it. Really going into detail what exactly we enjoy and why. You have 2
minutes each.

12. Pleasure Manifesto - Invocation of Afrodita 2min (total time so far 46min) 8:15
- 8:17pm (play a song)

Dear Aphrodita, I invite you into my world and in my life. Thank you for pouring your
blessings and inspiration on to me. In your honor and in mine...

I declare I am a turned-on woman. It's my birthright to feel pleasure and bring

pleasure into the world.

From this day forward, I claim my pleasure in the world.

I vow to show other women how to do the same.

An so be it!

13. Unstich - 2min (total time so far 48min) 8:17 - 8:19pm

Women to bring: sth to write ( journal/paper + pen) , candle for stich / unstich and a
flower ( preferably a good smelling rose, but any flower they like will do)


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