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5L-IV MC-280S/l

Time: 09:49 CDT 80:14:49 GMT


PAD This is Skylab Control at 14 hours

49 minutes Greenwich mean time. Skylab about a minute away
from acquisition through Carnarvon. After we acquire there
we'll get a better estimate on how th e crew preparations
fo r extravehicular activity are going.
CC Skylab, we're ba~k with you through
Car narvon for 9 minutes.
CC And Skylah we're going to be dumping the
data/voice here and your bioinstrumentation data looks
PAD This is Skylah Cont r ol . The workshop
attitude will he con tr olled by the thruster attitude contro l
syste m o r TACS during the hatch opening because of venting
at that time it was decided t o swi t ch t o the TACS control
system rather than the control moment gyros. During the
daylight portions of the orbit, during EVA, the CMGs , the
gy r os will be used - -
CC We're seeing your suits pressurized
down here and we expected to be hearing you on VOX at this
PAO - - CMG control we used during the
PLT (Garble) read.
CC Loud and clear, Bill.
PLT Okay, I ' m going to go recheck the command
module con figurati on (garble) I'm hearing you on a speaker box
and we're not hearing you out of our in our head sets.
CC Okay, Bill.
PAG CMG control will be used during daylight
portions of the orbit to provide a more stable platform fo r
the S020 and the T025 experiments, that's solar photography
and sampling of the atmosphere around the spacecraft. On
the nightside of the orbits during EVA however, control will
go back to thruster attitude control system.
CC Bill, Houston, we got a suggestion for
PLT Houston, Skylab . How do you read?
CC Reading you loud and clear , Bill.
CC And we got
PLT Okay, I've gone up in the command module
gone thr ough every switch and I got it configured just as
the checkl ist says and I'm sort of at a loss right now.
CC Okay. we're working a summar y out here
for you . Check on panel 200, th e audio CCU-A , check that
that circuit breaker is closed. It's the second row from
the bottom. Seco nd r ow from the top. That's panel 200.
audio CeU-A. check that that's closed.
PLT That's ~ffirmatl v e. Story , it was closed.
CC Okay. and I guess. with your command
module work we got to verify that panel 6 15 in mode VOX and
-- .
S I. -I V MC-2805/2
'rime: 09:49 cur HO:14:49 GMT

the VOX sensitivity's on 9.

PLT That's affirm.
CC Okay. we're about 30 seconds to LOS here,
we'll see you over Guam 1n 5 minutes.
PLT Okay.
CC And how you talking to us right now, Bill?
PLT Through SIA-131.
CC On channel B1
PLT That's affirm.
CC Okay. thanks.
PAD This is Skylab Control. Carnarvon has
loss of signal. Guam will pick up tn 3-1/2 minutes. Bill
Pogue con tinui ng to search for the cause of the c ommunications
problem. We should be hearing the crew on VOX or v oice
operated microphone. as they talk back and forth. With the
exception of straightening out this c ommunicati o n s problem
Jerry Carr and Ed Gibson appear to be very near to being
ready to start this EVA.

SL-IV MC2806/1
TIME: 10:01 eDT, 80:15:01 GMT

PAO Skylab now about 2-1/2 minutes away from

Guam. We'll stand by for acquisition there.
CC Skylab, we're back with you through Guam
for 8 minutes.
CC And, Bill. we'd like you to try communicating
with us on SIAs 102 or 116 and keen (?) channel A.
PLT Say again, Story. I didn't hear you.
CC Are you on channel B right now 1130 S A,
111. BtU?
I'Ll' Negative. l ' m 102 right n ow.
C(; Okay, try talking to us on channe l A
on !-ilA 102.
CC And, we're not reading you down here
PLT That didn't help any. Story.
CC Continue
PLT (Garble) Seems like we don't have A and
B connected together.
CC Understand you can't read uS on A.
PLT Way. way down in the mud.
CC B1ll, Houston.
CC Bill, like you to go to panel 6 in the
command module and turn the S-band VOLUME up. And also
check on panel 6 that your S-band TIR switch is in T/R.
PLT Okay, now we're on BACKUP.
CDR Okay.
CC Reading you loud and c lear down here.
CDR Hey, yeah, we got you too. How do you
read us?
CC Loud and clea r, Jer.
SPT Okay. h ow do y o u r ead me. Story?
CC Loud and clear.
SPT Okay. Story, I guess Bi ll took panel 6
and put the AUDIO CONTROL to BACKUP.
PLT It's nice to know somebody else doesn ' t
understand the (garble).
PLT Okay . let's see. where were we? We were
getting read y t o depress. Okay. I have inhibited CMG control
and dope a nominal H-cage, I think. I'm going to do
it again.
CC Negative on the cage, Bill. You're loo kin g
good right now.
PLT Okay.
PLT All right. And l et me - 1 got to find
my place again after all that folderol .
PLT And we're doing so well, too.

SL-IV MC2806/2
TIME: 10:01 COT, 90:15:01 GMT

CDR Yes, we lost 20 minutes on that one.

ce Skylab, we don't understand your previo~s
communication problems. but you're cleared to go ahead with
the configuration ~ou got. And you're GO for DEPRESS. All
your systems are looking good.
CDR Okay. Story.
PLT How are you reading him. Jerry?
CDR Oh, a little bit weak but nice and
PLT A little bit weak, yes.
CDR Yes, there's a wave up in the volume .
PLT Yes, I should have done it while I
was in there. As soon as we get everything squared away here
I'll go in and turn up the volume again.
CDR Okay.
PLT Okay. airlock module depress warning
EV-l and -2.1f cuff gage drops below 3.6 psid during depres s ,
pressure equalization valve to open. Okay .
PLT Okay, it's CLOSE. EV-l and -2, note; if
low vent flow light comes on before DEPRESS complete. (garble)
EVA normal. During depress cuff gage may be 4.1 back(?) to
delta-T mode. Warning: EV-3. if beta prime(?) indicator ex-
ceedes 100 feet per minute. or if caution and warning (garble)
(garble) to low or (garble) pressure, tell EV-l to CLOSE
SPT Okay, good; going OPEN now.
CC 30 seconds to LOS. See you over Goldstone
at 15:28, about 16 minutes.
PLT Okay. Story . EV-J panel 225 MONiTOR PRE SS URE
to FORWARD using the same 04852.
SPT Okay, our PRESSURE's down to 4 - 1/2. 4-1/2
cuff gage. Yes.
CDR See how my cuff gage is hanging in thcr~.
SPT Yeah. we'll be picking up a little bit
of ice there, I see it coming in now.
PLT I ' l l tell you what, while you're doing that
I'm going to to up there and turn that volume up.
SPT Good idea .
PLT And I can piggy(?) back if any problem
comes up.
CC Going over the hill, Skylab. Everything
looks good.

, . .
SL-IV HC2806/3
TIME: 10:01 COT, 80:15:01 GMT

CDR Okay. Story; thanks .

SPT Down to 3-1/2 cuff gage, holding at 3.75.
Mine's looking good, 385.
PAC This is Skylab Control. Guam has loss
of signal. Dep~e8surization started just prior to LOS at
Guam. The airlock was down to 3-1/2 pounds per square inch
at LOS, and was being held at that pressure fo r a check before
starting on down. Skylab 14-1/2 minutes away from acquisition
through Goldstone. For c oday's planned 4-1/2 hour space
walk, the Pilot Bill Pogue will be (ontrolling the space
station's attitude, using both the thruster attitude control
system to maintain orientation 1n darkness, and the more stable
control gyroscopes for photographing the Sun and the Earth's
atmosphere during the daylight portion of each o rbit. Mission
Con trol's guidance officer says the prediction for nitrogen
gas usage by the TACs is about 1500 pound seconds . He adds,
however, that th e changes from gyropcope to gas control will
be made as necessary by the crew, and because this can vary
substantially. no computer simulations were tempted. As a
result, that 1500 pound second estimate may not be a dependable
figure. At present the space station has 13,692 pound seconds
of momentum cont rol gas left. About 2000 pound seconds per
day would permit attitude cont rol with no gyroscopes; that
is, in the event of a failure of ei~her of the two remaining
control moment gyroscopes, We'll have to await acquisition
through Goldstone to determine whether the c rew has opened
the hatch and started this EVA. The EVA clock here in the
con trol center has not ye t been started. Skylab about 12
minutes away now from Goldstone. At 15 hours 16 minutes
Greenwich mean time, this is Skylab Co ntrol.


SL-IV MC-2807/1
Time: 10:27 CDr 80:15:27 GMT

PAD This is Skylab Control at 15 hours 26

minutes Greenwich mean time . Sky lab about 2 minutes away
from Goldstone acquisition. Unofficial hatch open time and
start time for this extravehicul~r activity is 15 hours
21 minutes no seconds. The EVA clock was started at that
time, based on the progress the crew had made by LOS at
Guam, 15 hours 21 minutes Greenwich mean time, about 6-1/2
minut~s ago. In all likelihoud we'll - we'll start getting
voice communications a little bit earlier than acquisition
time since the crew is on the VOX mode. We'll stand by for
CDR - (Garble) the foot restraints and hold
you. Okay. Because this is a real arm wrestling match here.
SPT Okay, Just relax a minute and (garble).
CDR Because as 1 recall, last time also we
were reading the exposures from the top, and this would be
from the bottom.
PLT Yes. you should be ab Ie to adjust that
shutter speed knob fairly comfortably from the foot restraint
out there .
SPT Yes. Okay; 1 see the way the finger
is working.
CDR Okay. 1m going to use the foot restraints,
SPT Yes; okay. There we go .
CC Skylab. we're reading you loud and clear ,
stateside 15 minutes.
CDR Thank you. Story.
SPT Hello, Story. Okay; 1 think that's the
proper position. I'm not sure what those words said, Bill.
but they didn't tell the story.
CC Bill. Houston.
PLT Go ahead, Story.
CC If you run into any comm problems, on page
1.2-15 is a - a cutout that we sent up to you and on panel 10
there. All - all the panels 6. 9, and 10 should be that same
configuration. That's a little summary for you.
PLT Okay.
SPT (Garble) What are you dOing there?
CDR What am I doing?
SPT Yes .
CDR I'm standing in your foot restraints
holding you.
S PT Dh. okay. 1 didn't - Okay. Just let -
let me get up there .
PLT Okay, Story, those are all (garble)
that way .

5L-IV MC-2807/2
Time: 10:27 COT 80:15:27 GMT

SPT (garble) my head gets up there.

SPT Because I got to see what I'm doing.
CDR All right.
CDR How's that?
SPT (Garble)
CC Okay, Bill. No changes needed. That's
just a summary for you in case you run into any problems.
PLT Okay
SPT , Okay. Let go a (garble), Jer, and I ' l l
get posi tioned and then you can just hold me, there.
SPT Dh, it's my umbilical. That's what's
holding me up. Would you unloosen that fella?
COR That still I think is in that restraint.
SPT Yes.
CDR The re you go.
SPT There we go, Okay.
CC Jer, Houston.
CDR Go ahead.
CC While you're playing with the T025 one
unknown to us down here is how you Qlan to use Nikon 02.
Do you plan to transfer that - that eye relief or not?
CDR Yes, we'll try i t . We did i t in the glove
yesterday and it was easier than we thought it would be.
so we'll go on Rusty's advice and give it a whirl.
CC Okay; thanks.
PLT And. Story; for your information, 15:19
was hatch opening time.
CC Thank you, Bill. 15:19.
SPT Okay. I can take this tether off now,
i t ' l l make it a lot easier to work. Be another day of fin-
ger exercises.
CDR Yep.
SPT Okay. Now just lean me forward again
CDR (Garble) I just got finished clamping
your tether.
CDR Okay. There we go,
SPT Okay; how about the good words on those
knobs. Bill?
PLT Okay. Let me read the begin here. It's
a position clamp on strut halfway or beyond the first section
of D-I handrail. Secure clamp by turning top knob clockwise
until tight. Then turn lower knob counterclockwise until tight .
SPT Okay. It's in work. Okay; that's com-
PLT Okay. EV-2 pass filter (garble) to EV-l.
SPT Okay. That's already done and it's in
PLT All right. Restrain T020, okay. I'm
going to read this anyway just in case there's information
that you might need. Restrain T025 filter case

SL-IV MC-2a07/3
Time: 10:27 CDT 80:15:27 GMT

and temporary stowage hook, install filter A to the A-I,

Alfa I, position, and altgn experiment by turning X and Y knobs
until S~n imtge is located 1n the center of the oc c ulting disk.
Image will appear orange 1n center.
CDR Hey. Ed; look. There's the hole of San
Joaquin Valley over there. See it?
SPT Hold on.
CDR There's the Sierras, the San Joaquin Valley,
and the Salton Sea.
SPT Yes.
CDR Beautiful.
SPT Oh yes.
CDR , So we're out over Arizona probably;
PLT I can see the Grand Canyon from in here .
CDR Yes. There it is.
PLT Lake Powell.
SPT Let's take a look at that Skarlock(?) fault.
(garble) Las Vegas .
CDR That's a little bit too far out to the
west of us .
SPT Yes, you can't get go od definition, can
CDR Uh uh; not from here.
CDR Beautiful.
CDR We sure got a pretty country. Houston.
SPT That it 15.
CDR Okay. Back to the salt mines.
SPT Okay; now.
PLT We're just about over Salt Lake City right
PLT Okay.
SPT Hold on, Bill. I'm trying t 6 get this
thing lined up again. (garble)get the Sun.
CC Skylab. Houston.
CDR Go ahead .
CC Jer. we don't want you to get too far
downstream on T025. You got at least another 50 minutes
until sunset, and we're thinking that may be in the way of run-
ning the clothesline up and down to the center work station.
CDR Okay. Do you wan t us - Do you want uS to
put T025 in and do the clothesline work first? I was under
the impression we wanted to get T025 out of the way first of
a ll.
SPT Yes; that's the way the check li st is written,
isn't it Bill? Doesn't it have that in there?
PLT (Garble) the checklist. I was reading
and hadn't gotten that far. I was just deploying the clothes-

SL-IV MC-2807/4
Time: 10:27 COT 80:15:27 GMT

CDR Well, of : the very fi. rst comment on the

very first page for egress says to do t025 .
PLT That's right. 25 minutes prior to first
ESS. That's correct. It said stop normal EVA cps and start
T025 cps at 25 minutes prior to first BSS.
CDR Okay. So - -
PLT We - we have 47 minutes to go.
CDR They're planning on T025 on the se c ond day
pass then, I guess.
PLT Well. apparently they think they can get
i t all in in 25 minutes.
CDR Well. let's leave i t right here and see
if the clothesline can be deployed now.
PLT Okay. I'm going to drop back and regroup
here. Ed. i t would be nice 1f you CQuid get it aligned so
you didn't ha - waste any time doing that. you know.
SPT That's what I'm doing right now.
CDR Okay.
PLT All right.
CC Skylab. we think you'll do a little
better to get the 5020 started in here and then you'll
have time to get the T025 prior to Aunset.
SPT (Garble)
PLT You just get a hint of red on the edges.
if I remember.


5L-IV MC-2S0S/1
Time: 10:35 CDr 80:15:35 GMT

CDR They're planning on T025 on the second

day pass then, I guess.
PLT Well, apparently they think they can get
it all in in 25 minutes.
CDR Well, let's leave it right here and see
if the clothesline can be deployed now.
PLT Okay, I'm going to drop ba c k and regroup
here - Ed. i t would be nice if you could get i t aligned. so
you didn't have to waste any time doing that, you know.
SPT That's what 1'm doing right now.
CDR Okay.
PLT All right.
CC Skylab. we think you'll do a little
better to get the S020 - -
SPT/CDR (Garble)
CC - - started in here and then you'll have
time to get the T025 prior to sunset.
PLT You just get a hint of red on the edges if
I remember correctly. I was really torn with doubt there whether
or not I was doing it right.
SPT Wait a minute. now we're coming in.
There we go . There we go.
CDR That's a lot of red land down there under-
neath us.
SPT Let's hear the words on the al i gnment
for this thing, Bill.
PLT Okay. Align experiments by turning X
and Y knobs until Sun image is located in the center of oc-
culting disk.
CC B1ll. Houston.
CREW Go ahead.
PLT (Garble) orange in center and red on edges.
PLT Go, Story.
CC We'd like you to get going on 5020. right
now. and then you'll have plenty of time, we think, to get
going on 50 - T025, prior to sunset.
CDR Okay.
PLT Okay.
CREW Okay.
PLT Well now that says to me. if I interpret
what he says correctly, that we go right straight to the
unstow 5020 .
SPT Yep.
PLT Okay. unstow - 1'm going to page 2.4-2
where it says unstow 5020 . Unstow 5020, verify mounting
bracket 1s fully open. I'm sorry there is a write-in step
here. Un&tow thermometer.
SPT We'll get the t~ermometer after we get (garhle)

SL-IV MC-2808/2
Time: 10:35 CDT 80:15:35 GMT

PLT Okay. I'm with you.

PLT From the airlock module pouch next to
panel 36 (garble) well - Okay. unst~w S020, ~elre sort of
ad hocking this.
CREW Okay.
CDR I thought I understood what we were going
to be doing today. but I guess I didn't.
PLT I'm very confused myself. Unstow
S020, veryify mounting bracket is full y open, place vac uum valve,
shutter control to vent allow 15 se c onds to vent.
CDR Hello, Houston. Hi gang.
CC Hi.
PLT Sure a pretty pass h e re thi s time,
SPT Sure 1s.
SPT Looks like they got a good day down there.
SPT Wide open.
CDR Here you are Ed.
CC EVA days are always good.
PLT Boy. that is beautiful.
SPT Come here, Jer. and let me - get a wrist
tether on that fellow before we do anything.
PLT Man, the entire central plains is wide
CDR Okay, I g o t it.
SPT Okay, this thing goes -
SPT Oh, boy . Does it go up on top.
CDR Yes, it does.
SPT Yeah, maybe we can fit it inside there.
CDR It goes between.
SPT Yeah.
PLT San Antoni o, Austin . Han ..
SPT Okay. Jer I may need a little (garble )
PLT Right over the top of -
PLT Houston ship channel.
PLT Shows up quite well.
CDR Okay, 1111 get the thermometer ready.
SPT All right.
SPT Letls just put that on the temporary stowage
hook, Jer.
CDR Okay.
PLT Okay,
SPT Hold on, just clamping this thing
down here now.
PLT All r1gh t.
PLT Tell me when you want some more words.
SPT I've got it on the truss(?) now, Bill. I
just got to - -
PLT Okay.
SPT I wait - hold on. What I'm doing is
tightening it up before I take off my wrist tether.

SL-IV MC-2808/3
Time: 10: 35 CDT 80:15:35 GMT

PLT Yeah, just to be on the safe side, I will

briefly reread the words so you mak~ doubly certain you got
everything right.
SPT Okay.
SPT Oh, hoy. Just beautiful .
SPT I'm going to have to slide T025 down a
little bit Jer.
CDR Okay.
CDR You need to have me hold anything?
SPT Naw. I just got to get two hands on this.
SPT Up a little bit.
SPT Man, (Garble) putting that thing on there.
PLT Its a Doggone shame you've got to move i t .
PLT You know S020 does go on the far side of
the truss.
PLT Or the top. I guess. since you're looking at
SPT All right. Yeah, if you could hold my feet,
CDR Okay.
SPT Yeah. I need to be moving this thing down.
The only way 11m going to do i t is work i t - walk it on down
CDR All right, let me get -
CDR Get this thin~ tethered.
CREW There we go.
SPT Probably got it about as far as it will go.
CDR Okay.
SPT Let me tighten it up again now. (Garble)
alignment work done on it.
CC Skylab, we're a minute and a half to LOS.
Vanguard will be coming up in 12 minutes at 15:54, and Bill,
PLT Go ahead, Story.
CC Prior to starting your alignment on S020
or 1025 t go ahead and enable CKG control.
PLT Okay.
CDR Okay, got 5020 set?
SPT No I don't, I'm right now, Jer, I'm putting
T025 back on. I'm putting the second clamp - the second knob
CDR Okay.
SPT Lock that one then I'll - I got S020 on,
but I got to move it over a little bit, because these knobs
are interferring with D-7.
CDR Okay. I go t you now.
SPT See, hat'a why I had to move the whole
shebang down.
CDR Yep .
SPT Okay. That should do it, now let me just
tighten that up.
CC And as we leave you here Skylab, your
APes and all the other systems are looking good.
PLT Thank you, Story.

SL-IV MC-2808/4
Time: 10:35 CDT 80:15:35 GMT

SPT So long, Story.

PLT Ed. now before you start the S020 alignment
and TOL25 alignment again I got to do a CHG enable.
SPT OkayI -

PLT So just let me know when you're -

SPT Go ahead. I'm done:
PLT Okay.
SPT I'm ready.
SPT NOW, 1f you'll allow me to turn to my
right side here. I got to get under here where I can see the -
CDR Okay.
PLT Okay. CHG control 1s enabled and press
on with the alignment.
SPT Okay. In work.
CDR Be careful with your helment. You're
banging T025 camera.
SPT Yeah.
SPT Unfortunately. Jer. the only way you can get
the (garb Ie)
CC And we're showing the CHG s are going to
have to pull the vehicle in about 2 degrees here.
PLT Okay, Story, I'm watching the rates.
SPT (Garble) along the top here first.
PLT Outer gimbals look very good shape.

SL-IV MC2809/1
Time: 10:45 CDt, 80:15:45 GMT

SPT What's the attitude error there. Bill?

PLT Okay. Stand by for attitude error. I
was looking at rate . I should've been looking at attitude
error here, right. Okay. We got 0,1 degrees .
SPT Okay. That (garble) i t 1n pretty fast.
PLT So you should -
SPT Yeah. I - I'm just getting the - -
PLt The alignment sh o uld be good. Okay. We'r e
reading 000 and now I'm going to look at your rates . Rates are
very low. That and the noise on (garble).
PAC This 1s Skylab Control. The Kerritt Island.
Florida station has 1088 of slgnal. Next acquisition through
the tracking ship Vanguard in a minutes. Bill Pogue reported
that hatch opening was at 15 hours 19 minutes Greenwich mean
time. So this EVA ha s been underway about 27-1/2 minutes.
Two instruments: S020, the X-ray ultraviolet solar ph o tography
c amera; and T025. the coronagraph contamination measurement
instrument; both of those were designed for us e thr oug h
Sky lab's s o lar pointing scientific airlock, and both
have been taken outside for today's extravehicular activity.
This is the fourth EVA by this Sky lab crew and the ninth of
the Sky lab program. A tenth extravehicular activity was the
stand up work performed by astronaut Paul Weitz from the
command module at the beginning of the first manned Skyl ab
flight. This Sky lab crew holds the records for the two l ong est
space walks ever performed, a 7-hour 1 minute excursion t o
photograph the comet Kohoutek on Christmas day and a 6-hour-
33-minute EVA to repair a malfunctioning Earth resources
instrument antenna early in their flight last November, Novem-
ber 22nd. The - that first EVA is believed to have brought
on t he failure of Skylab's number 1 gyroscope. Today's at-
titude control configuration should hold stress to a minimum
on the remining two gyroscopes. These gyroscopes will, however,
be used during the sunlight portions of each orbit as soon as .
t he instruments f or solar and atmospheric studies are read y
to begin photography. The coronagraph contamination instrument.
T025, will take 39 photographs to measure the atmosphere sur-
rounding the Skylab solar instruments. Although the space
station is in a near perfect vacuum, some particles remain in
the vicinity of the space station as a result of nitrogen gas
fi rings . engine. used to bring the command module into o rbit,
and the venting of internal atmosphere and small amounts of
other material into space around Skylab. By photographing
the thin atmosphere left around the space station. scientists
will be able to evaluate the light scattering produced when
photographs of the Sun are taken, using the telescopes and t he
SL-IV Mc2B09/2
Time: 10:45 C~T, 80:15:45 GMT

large telescope mount.

Although T025 ~as designed for use
through the small airlock that faces the Sun. a loss of Sky-
lab's meteoroid shield required 8stron,uts to erect a sun
shade through that airlock. The parasbl remains in the Sun
side scientific airlock, preventing its use from (sic) experi-
ments. The instrument was used on the first space walk by this
crew but jammed after five frames were exposed. The failure
was believed due to an improperly seated viewfinder extender
for the camera. T025 was used also for photographing the comet
Kohoutek on December 25 and 29. Skylab's 4 minutes away
from the tracking ship Vanguard . We'll stand by for that
pass .
SPT Okay. EV-l looking at 3.62 and no lights.
PLT Okay, Jer(sic).
CDR Okay. EV-2 is 3.7 and no lights.
PLT All right. Polled(?) - move hooks toward
hatch, parenthesis, if required. close parenthesis. Okay.
SPT We're good. Trust me.
CDR Okay. EV-2. unstow. VS tree and pass to
SPT Okay. That's in work.
PLT Okay.
SPT VS trees.
CDR Okay.
PLT That's right.
SPT Thank you. Jerry.
PLT (Ga rb Ie)
SPT Coming up.
PLT And EV-l.stow VS tree in VS recepacle. F-15
in lock.
SPT Okay.
CDR Tell me when that's complete.
SPT Okay. It's in work .
CC Skylab, reading you loud and clear through
the Vanguard for 8 minutes.
CDR Roger Story.
CC And Bill. I got about four things for you
PLT Okay. Press.
CC On that CMG control, of course. get that
prior to starting the experiments on S020 and the T025. As
a general summary. you'll be in CMG control during the daytime.
and after you get through taking your T025 data. you can go
back to TACS during the nighttime. And then reenable the CHGs
prior to sunrise and starting your T025 or S020.
PLT Okay. Story. Thanks. I have the procedure
out here. We got sort of bent out of shape during all that
COMH problem. That's why I did not enable to see CHGs for
that first alignment again.

SL-IV MC2809/3
time: 10:45 CDT, 80 :15 :45 GMT

SPT Okay. We got -

PLT Okay.
SPT We got 5020 going there, Story.
PLT Unstow VC (garble)
CDR Got a 3D-minute going on that one.
SPT Okay. I've got the VS tree (garble).
CC Okay. We - we think you ought to be running
the 60-minute one on that 5020 first, Ed.
CDR Okay. That'll be fine. We could - we can
SPT Okay. That's right.
CDR ~hat's right.
CC And when you get to night, all you got to
do is go to storage in that position, and when you get back into
daylight, just go back to the number that you were taking.
CDR Okay. The way we're set up, we'll get
30 minutes out of this pass and 30 on the next pas s .
SPT Okay . Hold on -
CC Okay. That sounds fine and when you're
ready for the next exposure. all you have to do is move it up
to the next number.
CDR Okay.
SPT Roger. Story.
CDR Okay. Let me have - -
CDR Let me have - that aAgain?
CDR Had to move that (garble) out of the
CDR Okay. I got it.
SPT You got ito
PLT And the VS tree in the receptacle.
SPT It's on its way.
CDR Okay.
SPT Just handed it out the hatch(?).
PLT And the VC - 3 will be next.
SPT Okay. I'll get it. I never realized what
a tight fit that was.
CDR And Story -
SPT Okay .
CDR - - this first exposur~ was started at
cc Thank you.
CDR 48:35. Got it?
SPT I've got it. Tha n k you.
SPT Okay. The VS ana the VC-3 are in position.
PLT Okay. Now it 8ays let's do 5020 - we've all
ready done that. However, there are two steps in here which I
would like to read just to make sure we're in the right configu-
ration. EV-2. unstow the thermometer from airlock module pouch,
pane l 316, pas8 -
SL-IV Mc2809 /4
Time: 10:45 CDT, 80:15:45 GMT

to EV-l. And EV-I. stow the thermometer on the temporary

stowage hook.
CDR That's done.
SP T Okay. We've got that. What I'd like you
to do, Bill, is to give me a IO-minute hack before sunset.
PLT Okay.
SPT And I ' l l start working that thermometer.
PLT All right .
CDR Okay. Ed, I'm uneasy abo ut that T025
filter setup. 90 what do you say we 'take this tether and tether
it to the spacecraft, 'cause we might loose that off the stowage
hook while we're reaching for the - -
SPT Okay.
CDR - - thermometer.
SPT Okay. If you've got any extra - Gee. I'll
tell you what - Why don't we get that extra wrist t ethe r out there?
Now I've -
CDR I've g o t a waist tether ~ere -
SPT I might disturb aLignment. You're right. Okay.
Let's - We'll do with this one . Put t~e waist tether on the
handrail. and I'll put this other hook on the eye. I tell you
what. Let's put the - let's put it right up here where I can
work it, then . In other words, I can just tether it right there
and I won 't have to take it off the tether anymore in order to
PLT Okay. And next step - whene ve r you're
ready -
CDR Hold on now. We're working something here.
There we go. Are we on or off the storage hook?
SPT Well. let' s see n ow . Wait a minute. Is that
the way? You'll be working those filters so is there where you
want it. or do you want it on here? What I 'm thinking is I can
move that thermometer over there ~n this long tether. then I ' l l
never have to let go of it.
CDR All right. Very good.
SPT And then j ust leave , those T025s right on
the storage hook.
SPT Very good. Now if you just put that one
on the other end thara. on this end -
CDR All right.

SL-IV MC28 10 /1
TIME: 10:59 CDT, 80:15:59 GMT
SPT Very good . Now, if you just put that
on the other end there. On this end.
CDR All right.
SPT That that little lOloP there. that'll do i t .
SPT Okay.
CDR And it's locked.
CREW Very good, now let me find a convenient
location up here.
SPT Oh, I know how to do i t . And we'll just
put the thermo~eter cable right in the temporary - in this
restraining hook for the
Sun-end clothesline.
CDR Okay.
SPT That way she'll be all set to go and remain
1n the shade here.
CDR Okay, what's the next step, Bl1l?
PLT The next step EV-2. unstow DAe and pass to
EV-l .
CREW All right.
PLT EV-l stOw nAC on foxtrot 5 aft of temp
s tow hook below clothesline and lock.
CDR Below clothesline?
PLT Well, stow DAC on F-5 aft of temporary
stowage hook. I think that should probably tell you where to
put it. Then if there's any clothesline interference put it
below the clothesline and lock it.
SPT Yeah, all right.
PLT I'm having trouble visulizing it myself.
8PT Yeah, but the problem is we don't have the
clothesline out - or hooked up down to the - -
PLT (Garble) put your tether on there?
SPT Yeah. I sure better.
PLT Just to make sure I didn't miss anything.
SPT Jer's up here, so there's no way.
PLT That just left them there.
VREW (Garble) Thank you.
CC Bill. Houeton.
PLT Go. Story.
CC I'm probably saying too much here, but
you do have the windows for the data-take times on T025
right there with your cue card don't you?
PLT Windows. T025? I don't (garble)
CC Yeah, the start/stop time to sunset and
CDR That's that permanent general message. Bill.
CDR Permanent general message 48 (garble)
PLT Oh yeah, right here. Here we go.
SL-IV MC2810/2
TIME: 10:59 CD!, 80:15:59 GM!

CC The one that says start at 16:20 and 09

se conde.
PL! Okay. Let me find i t .
CC If you don't have them, I can read them
to you very nicely.
SP! Now, it's on there and locked, but boy.
I don o' t trust i t .
CDR I got to get out through there.
PL! I have the permanent general mes sage
but I don't see those times on i t .
SP! I know.
CDR Okay. we'll see what happens there - -
PL! I'll go ahead and take them down, Story.
SP! I'll tell you what, let's - -
CC It's inside the asterisks, Bill.
PLT Say again.
CC They're inside the asterisks.
CDR There's two little boxes down at the
bottom of it, Bl1l.
CC Or if you're ready to copy I can read
them to you and we'll have about an hour LOS here.
PLT Go ahead and give them to me, Story.
CC Okay, the sunset one starts at 16:20:09,
and stop at 16:25:19.
CnR Good, Ed.
SP! Then I'll have to move i t forward again.
CC And the sunrise times are between 16 :57 and
04 seconds, and stop at 17:02 and 17 seconds.
PLT That was 17:02 and 171
CC Yea, sir. And try to take about 20
exposures on the first window, and about 20 exposures in
the second window.
PLT Okay, we're all ready into our T025 times.
SP! Okay. well, that's the - that's the point.
NOW, do we want to get going on the clothesline or we want
to go T025?
cc You've got about another 17 minutes until
the window opens for T02S. 80 you can time i t accordingly.
We feel you're pretty well set up all ready.
CREW Okay.
CDR We got it all just about aligned.
CC Okay. your window doesn't start for about
another 16 minutes here; 16:20:09 seconds.
SPT Thank you, Story.
CC And, we're going LOS; we'll see you over
Goldstone in ahout an hour and 3 minutes at 17:05 .
PAC This 1s Skylab Control. The Vanguard has
SL-IV MC2810/3
TIME: 10:59 COT, 80:15:59 GMT

loss of Signal. Long LOS now clea r around to Goldstone,

California. Acquisition there in 1 hour 2 minutes. S020,
th e solar camera, 1s operating. T025. the coronagraph, has
been set up and the crew will start operating that in about
18, 19 minutes. The flight surgeon reports that both outside
~rewmen are operating at Btu levels below predictions. Had
been predicted that the level would be 1000 to 1100 . However,
the Science Pilot, Ed Gibson's Btu le ve l is 964; Commander Gera ld
Carr's is 770. We don't have heart rate information yet,
we'll get that to 10U as soon as we have it. At 16 hours
5 minutes Greenwich mean time, this is Skylab Control.

5L- I V MC- 2811 / 1
Time: 12:04 CDT 80:17:04 GMT

PAD This 1s Skylab Control at 17 hours 4

minutes Greenwich mean time. Skyl:ab coming up con acquisi-
tion through the Goldstone; California tracking station.
1 hour 45 minutes of this EVA has been expended so far. We'll
stand by for acquisition at Goldstone.
SPT - start back down that trail, and I'll
try to set up the DAC and get you a tront end - -
CDR . All right. You need to put the clothes-
line on my right wrist.
SPT Yes .
PLT Okay. I'm going to re ad - -
SPT Watch yourself now. Take care and keep
a low profile.
CDR Right.
PLT Want me to read the settings to you, Ed ?
SPT Just a second, till - till we get set
here. because I will have only to have you read them again.
PLT Okay.
SPT Okay. Just keep your - keep your head
(garble) close, There you go. Watch. your left foot has
caught the clothesline.
CDR Yes.
SPT Okay. Okay. You want to move - -
CDR You need to put a clothesline on my
w ris t.
SPT Okay . Take a look at your umbilical.
CDR It's ~till in the proper side, I believe.
SPT Yes. Okay.
ee Skylab, reading you loud and clear. state-
side for 12 minutes. dumping the data/voice here.
CREW Roger. Story.
PLT Roger, Story. And during those two
data take periods on T025 our two men got 31 sterling exposures
there, did very good work. and I'd like the next opportunity,
please, the next window.
CC Let me know when you're ready to cop y .
PLT Ready to copy.
CC Okay. The sunset starts 11:53 in 23
seconds. to a stop at 11:58 in 33 aeconda.
PLT Copy .
CDR Okay. - -
CC And the sunrise 1s 18:30 in 18 seconds.
to 18:35 in 31 second
PLT Okay. Thank you; copl-ed that. I hope
we don't need that one:
SPT All right. Let's keep me clear of -
you're not - you're not (garble) Jer, move iri ; - Now hold

SL-IV HC-2S11/2
Time : 12:04 CDT SO:17:04 GMT

on be fore we - yes, do you want to move out a little bit

(garble) - -
CDR (Garble) I want to be clear of
the clipboard and all that stuff before we d o anything more.
SPT Okay.
PLT Also, Story; S020's coo king. Started
at 17:04:04.
SPT Okay. What we~ve' done there 1s release
the - -
CDR Oh. yeah. One side of it got relea se d
up there. I
SPT Yes. Now hold on there, hold on, hold
on, Jer. Hold on.
CDR Just a minute. I got to ~nchor myself.
SPT All right. You ' re going to have to come
back, too. You've got to put the clothesline around the other
side .
CDR I - I ' l l -do i t' down t here.
SPT All right.
CDR Oh. wait a minute. 1 gue ss 1 can. There.
SPT You got it?
CDR Now where's that clipboard?
SPT That's about 3 feet to your left.
CDR Okay. All right. Now I ' l l just hang
here till yo u ' r e ready.
SPT All right. I ' ve got to move the clothe sl in e
back under the restraining hook, here.
CDR Okay. Let ' s hear a ~ood word from the
the friendly DAC there, Bill .
PLT Okay. T- 8, or F-8.
SPT Well, hold on. We goc to move the
friendly DAC up to it's location.
PLT EV-l. remove DAt and attach to VS clothes-
line hooks and lock. That what you wanted?
SPT Attach the DAt to t he clothesline?
PLT That's what it says. Keep that (garble)
on the DAC. I didn't know quite what all you wanted. I
figured you just wanted the settings (Laughter) but it also
has that in there, too . ,
SPT Yes. Hold on here.
CDR That's a handheld.
SPT It's a handheld. You know that, didnlt
you? It ' a handh'eld photos .
CDR Okay. In other words, they had us hook
it up here in this location' as a tempora r y (garble)
SPT Yes . (garb le)
CDR All right . Press on with the words.
PLT Okay. The words are, EV-I remove DAt
5L-IV MC-2811/3
Time: 12:04 CDT 80:17:04 GMT

and attach to VS clothesline hooks and lock, and EV-2

transfer DAC to VT and move DAC from VS . clothesline. and
verify settings, which I'll give you again later. -
SPT 0 - Okay. Let's get Jer down there
first and
PLT Ye~.
SPT get his umbilical straightened
CDR Did y o u want to take photos as I go out ?
SPT That is what I thought they were after, but -
CDR That's what - apparently not.
SPT Well, you could - we could do that.
There's no reason why we can't. 1 (garble) - -
CDR Yes. I didn't get them last time . becau s e
the darn the DAC failed.
SPT All right; let's do i t . Now hold on. Let
me get the umbilical squared away here.
SPT I'll just stay here till you're ready.
I'm out of harm's way here now.
SPT I'm afraid our umbilical situation is -
requires a little work. Oh boy.
ce Ed, Houston.
8FT Yes.
CC You don't need any DAC photos until Jerry
se ts into the transfer work station.
CDR You don't want any photos of me moving
('Iut there?
CC No, sir.
CDR Okay.
SPT Hey, just a minute, Jer?
SPT No way you could - you probably canlt turn
back here, but I am trying to figure where the umbilical is
(garble) -
CDR Yours has got a loop in it and mine
just goes around behind the loop.
CDR Ah - those extra (garble) and made up
SPT That did it.
CDR I'm right under your backside right now.
SPT Just slip it over the top of you like a
j umprope goIng backwards. That-a-way.
CDR Now I should be down and right side of
yo u. Can I just come out of my foot restraints?
SPT No, you don't have to.
SPT Yes, you should be, but that's what 1
was trying to pullout before. There you go. Apparently that
was a - got in a knot before .
CDR No, y o u had a loop. Yours goes out in t o
a loop, and then mine goes back beQind the loop, that's all.
SL-IV MC-2811/4
Time: 12:04 COT 80:17:04 GMT

SPT Okay.
CC B1l1. Houston.
ce Blll, you're ~ettlng none of the normal
DAC, none of the normal DAC ops or transfer and all that.
All the DAC ops ate on 2.4-14.
PLT That's what I'm looking at right now.
CC Okay.
CDR Well. we just looked down California.
(garble) can see the Salton Sea and Lake Mead.
SPT Oh yes. Yes, we're just coming up
over Southern Cal now. - -
CDR Hey, ther's Baja.
SPT You can see the awful block of fog.
just big a9 life down there.
CDR Does i t extend all the way over the to
SPT I can' t tell.
CDR I thought you'd be able to make that
SPT Oh, yeah.
CDR - observation on a moment's notice.
SPT Sorry about that. Lee.
CDR Man that's pretty.
PLT Sure 1s.
CDR I can see tho s e volcanics south of Sao
Quintin (1)
SPT Beautiful country. Glad to be coming back
to i t .
CDR Say that again.

-. ,

SL-IV MC-2B12 / 1
Time: 12:13 CDT BO:17:13 GMT

CDR I can see those volcanics south of

San Quinton.
SPT Beautiful co untry, glad to be coming
back to i t ,
CDR You can say that again.
CDR NOW, Let' s see 1 have t o go ove r the top
of the sail don't I. Ed.
SPT That's affirm.
SPT All right. And you're doing great.
SPT Okay, Story, we've got the film from
the center workstation all transferred back aod in here in the
RAS. Hold on Jet.
CDR Okay.
CC Okay. thank s . Ed.
SPT And, we worked the clothesline, Sto ry.
I t worked out pretty swift. No real hangup s with it at all.
CDR Got loose now?
SPT Yeah, you're okay.
CDR Okay.
SPT What I had to do was give you a little
more play on the clothesline itself .
CDR Yeah, I thought i t was kind of (garble)
SPT (Garhle)
CDR Boy. I'm glad we didn't have to change
any of theBe EPEA things out he re. That would have been
a workout.
CDR Doing great.
CDR Okay, I'm in the VT workstation .
CDR Read on Bill.
PLT Okay. Find my place where I wrote to start
here. And I got - I'm running out of fingers to put my place -
mark my place here.
PLT Okay.
PLT Let me reread some of this because - so
i t ' l l pick up there in continuity. Transfer VS clothesline
to VT. connect VS just (garble) making sense.
SPT No, we know what you're saying , so just
press on in a hurry~ Bill.
PLT Connect VS clothesline hook to right
glove, release hooks from VS clothesline connect VC clothesline
hooks together, restow VC clothesline bracket, straighten VS
c lothesline. That's all for EV-2.
CDR Right, press on.
PLT Okay, at thia, EV-l assist and (g a rble)
come to clip these - EVI. clip VC clothesline under clip
on F-5.
CDR Okay.
SPT All right.
CDR That's been done.

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