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________/________/________ Professora: Jlia

Avaliativa - Ingls

NOME: _______________________________________________ Turma: 7ANO

1. OBSERVE o mapa abaixo.

Descreva as rotas para chegar.

a) From the BANK to the POLICE STATION:




b) From the to the MUSEUM OF ART to the MARKET:



c) From the HOSPITAL to the BUTCHERS SHOP:




d) From the BUS STATION to the HIGH SCHOOL:




2. Duas pessoas querem ir de um lugar ao outro do mapa. Leia o dilogo e descubra onde elas
querem chegar!

a) Charlie is at the PARK.

Charlie: Excuse me, how can I get to the ___________________________?

Person: Take the exit at Mason Street and turn right at 2nd avenue. Then, turn left and its on the corner of
1st avenue.

b) John is at the PARKING LOT.

John: Excuse me, how can I get to the ____________________________?

Person: Turn right on Mason Street and walk two blocks. Turn left at Private Avenue and then, turn right
again. Its on the right.

3. Complete com HOW MUCH (incontvel) ou HOW MANY(contvel) nas perguntas abaixo.

a) __________________ dogs do you have?

b) __________________ water do you need?

c) __________________ students are there in your class?

d) __________________ juice do you want?

e) __________________ apples would you like?

f) __________________ teachers do you have?

g) __________________ coffee does she want?

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