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C.L., 64-year old male, Filipino, Roman catholic, retired policeman, born on June 21,
1950 in San Fernando City, La Union, presently residing in Central Fairview Baguio City.
Informant is the patient with a percentage reliability of 90%.

Chief Complaint: sore throat

History of Present Illness:

Five days prior to consultation, he experienced fever and sore throat after drinking
cold pineapple juice. There was associated dysphagia and throat pain rated as 8/10 in
severity. There was slight and temporary relief with the intake of vinegar. No medications
were taken.
Four days prior to admission, in addition to the sore throat, he started to have cough.
Sputum was characterized to be whitish in color but sparse in amount.
The above symptoms progressed up to the day of consultation.

Past Medical History:

He had herpes zoster and chicken pox when he was a child. When he was a 3rd year
high school student, he underwent appendectomy. He was hospitalized in 2011 for benign
prostatic hyperplasia. He is on Tamsulosin 400 mg tab OD and Finasteride 5 mg OD.
Maintenance medication for hypertension includes Losartan 50 mg 1 tab OD, but he claims
that he only takes it when he feels palpitations or when his blood pressure would go up. He is
allergic to chicken meat and eggs. He has no allergy to drugs.

Family History:
His mother died at the age of 96 while his father died at the age of 91, both due to old
age. Relatives in both sides of the family have hypertension. No other heredofamilial diseases
such as asthma, diabetes and cancer.

Social and Environmental History:

He does not smoke. He is an occasional alcoholic beverage drinker. He lives in a
bungalow type of house, concrete cement, with 3 rooms and 3 occupants, one communal
comfort room. Garbage is segregated and collected weekly. Drinking water is purchased from
a refilling station. No history of travel. All of the other family members are apparently well.

General: no weight loss, no fever, no anorexia, no weakness
Skin: no cyanosis, no pallor, no rashes
HEENT: no headache, with eye tearing, no colds, no sneezing, with sore throat, with
dysphagia, with odynophagia, no dryness, no hoarseness of voice, no ear discharge
Respiratory: with productive cough, no dyspnea
Cardiac: no chest pain, no palpitations, no orthopnea, no paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
GIT: no abdominal pain, no vomiting, no diarrhea, no constipation
GUT: no dysuria, no hematuria, no dribbling, no hesitancy, no incontinence, no oliguria
Musculoskeletal: no joint pains, no muscle pains

Physical Examination:
General Survey: conscious, coherent, ambulatory, oriented to time, place and person, not in
cardiopulmonary distress
Temperature: 36.1C RR: 20 cpm CR: 120 bpm BP: 140/110 mmHg Weight: 100 kgs
Height: 56 Waist circumference: 40 inches
Skin: fair skin color, acyanotic, warm to touch with good skin turgor; few nevi on the forearm,
no petechiae or maculopapular rashes
HEENT: anicteric sclerae, erythematous palpebral conjunctivae, tearing of the eyes noted; no
ear discharges, intact tympanic membrane; moist and pinkish nasal mucosa, no nasal
discharges, no sinus tenderness, nasal turbinates not congested; pink and moist lips, wears
false teeth; tonsils are enlarged and inflamed with exudates; anterior cervical lymph nodes
are tender and palpable, about 1x1 cm in diameter; JVP 1 cm above sternal angle; no carotid
Chest and Lungs: symmetrical chest wall expansion, no retractions, resonant, equal tactile
fremiti, vesicular breath sounds, no crackles or wheezes
Heart: PMI at the 5th LICS, MCL, no heaves or thrills, tachycardic with regular rhythm, S1
louder at the apex, S2 louder at the base, no S3 or S4, no murmurs
Abdomen: globular, everted umbilicus, normoactive bowel sounds, tympanitic, non-tender, no
Extremities: no gross deformities, no joint swelling, no bipedal edema, ++ dorsalis pedis
pulses bilaterally
DRE: patient refused
Neurologic Exam: not applicable

#1: dysphagia, odynophagia, exudates on tonsils
#2: hypertension
#3: prostatic hyperplasia
#4: allergy to chicken and eggs

PROBLEM NO. 1: dysphagia, odynophagia, exudates on tonsils

Bases for the diagnosis/DDx:

S: 5-day onset of dysphagia and odynophagia; with productive cough; with eye tearing;
PERTINENT NEGATIVES: NO fever, headache, weakness, colds, sneezing, hoarseness of voice,
ear discharge, chest and abdominal pain

O: Temperature: 38.1C RR: 20 cpm CR: 120 bpm

Skin: warm to touch with good skin turgor; no rashes
HEENT: erythematous palpebral conjunctivae, tearing of the eyes noted; no ear or nasal
discharges, moist and pinkish nasal mucosa, no sinus tenderness, nasal turbinates not
congested; tonsils are enlarged and inflamed with exudates; anterior cervical lymph nodes are
tender and palpable, about 1x1 cm in diameter
Chest and Lungs: vesicular breath sounds, no crackles or wheezes

A: Acute tonsillitis, bacterial r/o viral

Pathophysiology (as applicable to the patient)

- CBC to check for leukocytosis and neutrophilia as signs of bacterial infection
- Throat swab for culture and sensitivity to determine causative microorganism

a. General Measures:
a. Admit patient to general ward
b. Soft diet
c. Paracetamol to control the fever
d. Hexetidine gargle as pain reliever and anti-inflammatory

b. Specific Measures:
a. Hydration with plain LRS 1 liter to run at 5 cc/kg/hour
b. Coamoxyclav 1.2 grams IV q 8 hours; describe mechanism of action

c. Patient education:

PROBLEM NO. 2: hypertension

S: 64-year old male, hypertensive but does not take Losartan regularly, non-smoker,
occasional alcoholic beverage drinker, with family history of hypertension, no chest pain, no
palpitations, no orthopnea, no paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea

O: General Survey: conscious, coherent, ambulatory, oriented to time, place and person, not in
cardiopulmonary distress
CR: 120 bpm BP: 140/110 mmHg Weight: 100 kgs
Height: 56 Waist circumference: 40 inches
JVP 1 cm above sternal angle; no carotid bruit
Chest and Lungs: vesicular breath sounds, no crackles or wheezes
Heart: PMI at the 5th LICS, MCL, no heaves or thrills, tachycardic with regular rhythm, S1
louder at the apex, S2 louder at the base, no S3 or S4, no murmurs
Abdomen: globular, no organomegaly
Extremities: no bipedal edema, ++ dorsalis pedis pulses bilaterally

A: Hypertension stage 2

- 12-leads ECG to determine presence of cardiomegaly and ischemic changes
- CXR-PA to determine presence of cardiomegaly or congestion
- FBS, lipid profile determine risk factors such as DM and dyslipidemia
- Creatinine assess kidney function since patient is hypertensive
- Urinalysis assess kidney function since patient is hypertensive

a. General measures: low fat, low salt diet
b. Specific measures: Losartan 50 mg 1 tab OD; describe mechanism of action;
Amlodipine 10 mg 1 tab OD; describe mechanism of action
c. Patient education: weight loss

PROBLEM NO. 3: prostatic hyperplasia

S: 64 years old, on Tamsulosin and Finasteride for BPH; no dysuria, no hematuria, no
dribbling, no hesitancy, no incontinence, no oliguria

O: refused DRE
P: Dxtics: PSA, ultrasound of prostate
Txtics: continue Tamsulosin and Finasteride; describe mechanisms of action

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