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No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or
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The information provided in this report is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor and
this information is not to be taken as medical advice. The content of this book is based on my
understanding of the current research and my personal experiences with fitness.

This advice and tips given in this report are designed for healthy adults only. You should consult
your personal doctor to make sure the strategies outlined here are appropriate for your individual

If you have any health issue or pre-existing conditions, please consult with your physician before
implementing any of the information provided in this book.

This paper is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept any responsibilities
for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived, resulting from the use of this information.

BY OUALID ZAIM www.OZFitLife.com 2


Welcome to the Metabolic

Amplification System Workout Log!
Hopefully youve gone through the Training
Manual before reading this so Im not going
to ramble on pages and pages as you already
know how to perform each one of your

The workout log includes 3 printable workout

sheets: one for every workout routine of the
MAS training program.

The 3 workout routines are presented in

Numbers are important, but they dont always
increasing order of difficulty. You should start
speak for themselves. Add some qualitative
the program with the 1st workout sheet and
notes to your quantitative performance and
use it for 6 weeks, then move on to the 2nd
youll know exactly how to improve or what to
sheet and use it for another 6 weeks, then
correct for the following workout!
finally move on to the 3rd sheet and use it for
the last 6 weeks.
By the end of the MAS training program,
Each workout includes a Notes section to assuming youve completed the 18 weeks
write down your thoughts during the workouts. of training while being consistent with
Use it to write important stuff such as: nutrition, you should witness amazing

The last rep of the 2nd set was really progress on your physique to say the least.

If after the 18 weeks you want to keep
I could have added one more rep on the
improving your condition, you can play along
last set
with routines 2 & 3 and all the exercise
Todays workout was surprisingly variations that are available to you in the
awesome, it must be the pre-workout training manual (see the Full Exercise
banana Selection part). Whats essential is to keep
My lower back is bothering me on this applying progressive overload to your training,
exercise, I should check my technique or regardless of the routine youre using.
pick another variation

Etc. Enjoy your workouts, and Ill see you on the

other side!

BY OUALID ZAIM www.OZFitLife.com 3

Metabolic Amplification System Workout Sheet #1

Phase 1: Weeks 1-6

Day 1: Upper Body - Push Level 1
Exercises Set Reps Reps Weight Set Reps Reps Weight Set Reps Reps Weight Rest
Incline Barbell Bench Press 1 4-6 2 6-8 3 8-10 3 min
Flat Barbell Bench Press 1 4-6 2 6-8 3 8-10 3 min
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press 1 4-6 2 6-8 3 8-10 3 min
Lateral Raise 1 10-12 2 10-12 3 10-12 2 min
Rope Pushdown 1 8-10 2 8-10 3 8-10 2 min

Day 2: Rest
Day 3: Legs & Abs - Level 1
Leg Press 1 4-6 2 6-8 3 8-10 3 min
Dumbbell Lunge 1 4-6 2 6-8 3 8-10 3 min
Leg Extension 1 8-10 2 8-10 3 8-10 2 min
Calf Raises 1 12-14 2 12-14 3 12-14 90 sec
Cable Crunch 1 15-20 2 15-20 3 15-20 1 min
Knee Raise 1 F 2 F 3 F 1 min

Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Upper Body - Pull Level 1
Hex Bar Deadlift 1 4-6 2 6-8 3 8-10 3 min
Barbell Bent Over Row 1 4-6 2 6-8 3 8-10 3 min
Wide Grip Lat Pulldown 1 6-8 2 8-10 3 10-12 2 min
Bent Over Fly 1 10-12 2 10-12 3 10-12 2 min
Barbell Bicep Curl 1 10-12 2 10-12 3 10-12 2 min

Day 6 & 7: Rest

By Oualid Zaim
Metabolic Amplification System Workout Sheet #2

Phase 2: Weeks 7-12

Day 1: Upper Body - Push Level 2
Exercises Set Reps Reps Weight Set Reps Reps Weight Set Reps Reps Weight Rest
Incline Barbell Bench Press 1 4-6 2 6-8 3 8-10 3 min
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press 1 4-6 2 6-8 3 8-10 3 min
Seated Military Press 1 4-6 2 6-8 3 8-10 3 min
One Arm Cable Lateral Raise 1 10-12 2 10-12 3 10-12 2 min
Seated Triceps Press 1 8-10 2 8-10 3 8-10 2 min

Day 2: Rest
Day 3: Legs & Abs - Level 2
Barbell Squat 1 4-6 2 6-8 3 8-10 3 min
Dumbbell Lunge 1 4-6 2 6-8 3 8-10 3 min
Harmstring Extension 1 8-10 2 8-10 3 8-10 2 min
Calf Raise 1 12-14 2 12-14 3 12-14 90 sec
Cable Crunch 1 15-20 2 15-20 3 15-20 1 min
Side To Side Knee Raise 1 F 2 F 3 F 1 min

Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Upper Body - Pull Level 2
Chin-Up 1 4-6 2 6-8 3 8-10 3 min
Sumo Deadlift 1 4-6 2 6-8 3 8-10 3 min
One-Arm Dumbbell Row 1 8-10 2 8-10 3 8-10 2 min
Seated Bent Over Fly 1 10-12 2 10-12 3 10-12 2 min
Dumbbell Alternate Bicep Curl 1 10-12 2 10-12 3 10-12 2 min

Day 6 & 7: Rest

By Oualid Zaim
Metabolic Amplification System Workout Sheet #3

Phase 3: Weeks 13-18

Day 1: Upper Body - Push Level 3
Exercises Set Reps Reps Weight Set Reps Reps Weight Set Reps Reps Weight Rest
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 1 4-6 2 6-8 3 8-10 3 min
Dip (Chest) 1 4-6 2 6-8 3 8-10 3 min
Standing Barbell Overhead Press 1 4-6 2 6-8 3 8-10 3 min
Chest Fly 1 10-12 2 10-12 3 10-12 2 min
Seated Side Lateral Raise 1 10-12 2 10-12 3 10-12 2 min
Skull Crusher 1 8-10 2 8-10 3 8-10 2 min

Day 2: Rest
Day 3: Legs & Abs - Level 3
Barbell Squat 1 4-6 2 6-8 3 8-10 3 min
Bulgarian Split Squat 1 4-6 2 6-8 3 8-10 3 min
Romanian Deadlift 1 8-10 2 8-10 3 8-10 2 min
Calf Raise 1 12-14 2 12-14 3 12-14 90 sec
Cable Crunch 1 15-20 2 15-20 3 15-20 1 min
Leg Raise 1 F 2 F 3 F 1 min

Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Upper Body - Pull Level 3
Pull Up 1 4-6 2 6-8 3 8-10 3 min
Barbell Deadlift 1 4-6 2 6-8 3 8-10 3 min
Barbell Bent Over Row 1 8-10 2 8-10 3 8-10 2 min
Incline Bench Reverse Fly 1 10-12 2 10-12 3 10-12 2 min
Incline Dumbbell Bicep Curl 1 10-12 2 10-12 3 10-12 2 min
Day 6 & 7: Rest

By Oualid Zaim

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