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Comprensin lectora en ingls

CLECV2: Bsico 1


Gua de estudio

Source: MSOffice pre-determined images/ category: sports

Ahora estamos listos para iniciar la unidad 6, que trata sobre las olimpiadas. En el captulo 1
encontrar informacin muy interesante acerca de la llama olmpica de las olimpiadas. En el
captulo 2 leer acerca de algunos deportes que no son muy comunes pero que forman
parte de las olimpiadas. Tambin practicar dos tcnicas de lectura: lectura rpida para
coger la idea principal (pgina 70) y la bsqueda de detalles (pgina 74). Con respecto al
vocabulario, estaremos trabajando el sufijo ment y palabras relacionadas con el deporte.

Trabajaremos con esta gua de estudio, as como con el libro Active Reading Skills. En esta
gua encontrar todos los procedimientos y ejercicios, as como una serie de materiales
suplementarios que le ayudar a reforzar lo aprendido.

Tome un tiempo para leer las estrategias de lectura antes de comenzar el desarrollo del
material. Le sugerimos tener presente estas estrategias al momento de hacer los ejercicios
que le presentamos. En la pgina 73 tambin encontrar informacin muy interesante
acerca del sufijo -ment.

Recuerde seguir cada unidad con su libro Active Skills for Reading y su Gua de estudio en
paralelo, sin dejar de lado la Gua del participante y verificar en su slabo de forma
permanente el calendario de actividades del curso.

Revise las pginas finales de esta gua de estudio, en ellas encontrar la solucin a los
ejercicios del libro, es importante que compare sus resultados, solo as podr verificar el
logro de sus aprendizajes.

1 Material creado en su primera versin por la profesora especialista Zarela Cruz Tejada. La presente versin ha sido revisada
por la profesora especialista Giuliana Astorne Guilln.

Idiomas Catlica
Comprensin lectora en ingls
CLECV2: Bsico 1

No olvide revisar continuamente la seccin Novedades y Correos en la plataforma educativa

Paideia PUCP, all podr leer anuncios y noticias pertinentes a la unidad. El foro de
consultas queda permanentemente a su disposicin para cualquier duda que tenga respecto
del curso o por si necesita ayuda especial.

En la siguiente hoja le presentaremos la ruta de aprendizaje de la unidad 6, la cual le

muestra el mejor camino para realizar su estudio.

Idiomas Catlica
Comprensin lectora en ingls
CLECV2: Bsico 1

Idiomas Catlica
Comprensin lectora en ingls
CLECV2: Bsico 1


(Active Skills for Reading, Book 1 page 69)

Welcome to the last unit in module 2!

Unit 6 starts with a Getting Ready section. These are some pictures of different sports to
think about. This will help you to focus on the new vocabulary to get extra information about
each sport if the topic interests you.

This will give you an idea of my own answers:

I am a sports fan and I enjoy watching the Olympics at least an hour every day. In
fact, I watched the last summer Olympic Games in London and enjoy it a lot. I also
enjoyed the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia; they were amazing.

Unit 6 Chapter 1: The Olympic Flame

Additional Information

For a list of Olympic cities, visit


Before you read: An Olympic Flame Quiz (Active Skills for Reading, Book 1,
page 70)

A. Read and check True or Flase.

B. This section is optional.

Check your answers on page 14 of this document

Idiomas Catlica
Comprensin lectora en ingls
CLECV2: Bsico 1

Reading Skill: Skimming for the Main Idea (Active Skills for Reading, Book 1,
page 70)

Read the technique before you answer the questions.


Skimming = Reading the first and last paragraphs and

the first line in each of the other paragraphs.

Exercise A focuses on skimming. You have to skim the text on the next page and answer
the question.


Scanning = Reading for specific information

In exercise B, circle the main idea of each paragraph.

Go to the Reading Passage: The Olympic Flame. You will find some words in bold
(negritas) that will clarify meaning. Dont worry about these words now. You will use them in
Active Skills for Reading, Book 1 page 72.

Check your answers on page 14 of this document

Reading Comprehension: Check your Understanding (Active Skills for

Reading, Book 1, page 72)

Do exercise A: Read the text and select the correct answer.

Do exercise B: If necessary, read the text again! Check True or False.

Check your answers on page 14 of this document

The Critical Thinking section is optional.

Idiomas Catlica
Comprensin lectora en ingls
CLECV2: Bsico 1

Vocabulary Comprehension: Words in Context (Active Skills for Reading,

Book 1, page 72)

Do you remember the words in bold in the text? This section gives you the opportunity to
use these words in context. You have to read each question or statement and choose the
best answer.

In exercise A, choose the right answer.

Exercise B is optional.

Check your answers on page 14 of this document

Vocabulary Skill: The Suffix ment (Active Skills for Reading, Book 1, page

Now you are ready to do this section!

Virtual lesson
Now you can watch and listen to virtual lesson 22: The Suffix ment.
The lesson is available under Unit 6: The Olympics in the Paideia

Read and understand the information about the suffix ment.

Complete exercise A: Add the suffix ment to the verbs that appear in the box. You will see
how easy it is to create new words! And if you want to know more about families of words,
you can use your dictionary and prepare your own lists!

Complete exercise B: Form nouns by adding the suffix ment; you will need your dictionary
to verify the words. Use the new words to complete the sentences.

Check your answers on page 14 of this document

Idiomas Catlica
Comprensin lectora en ingls
CLECV2: Bsico 1

Additional Information

WORD BUILDING: Making verbs into nouns

Agree agreement Exaggerate exaggeration
Develop development Nominate nomination
Encourage encouragement Graduate graduation
Achieve achievement Concentrate concentration
Appoint appointment Decorate decoration
Retire retirement Indicate indication

Now it is your turn to do it. Which suffix would you use?

1. starve _______________________
2. participate _______________________
3. suggest _______________________
4. converse _______________________
5. embarrass _______________________
6. entertain _______________________
7. correct _______________________
8. announce _______________________
Check your answers on page 15 of this document

Taken from The New English Advantage. Newbury House.

Unit 6 - Chapter 2: Unusual Olympic Sports

Before you Read: Unusual Sports (Active Skills for Reading, Book 1, page

A. This section is about unusual Olympic sports. Have you ever heard of:

archery? fencing? canoeing? snowboarding?

And there are others! This is also en excellent opportunity to learn more vocabulary about
sports and to get interesting information surfing the net if the topic interests you!

Check your answers on page 16 of this document

Idiomas Catlica
Comprensin lectora en ingls
CLECV2: Bsico 1

Reading Skill: Reading for Details (Active Skills for Reading, Book 1, page

Virtual lesson
Now you can watch and listen to virtual lesson 23: Reading for
Details. The lesson is available under Unit 6: The Olympics in the
Paideia PUCP CMS.

Read the information in Active Skills for Reading, Book 1, page 74, before you do the


Reading for details = Scanning to find the information

we find and after that, look for the specific details

Read instructions for exercise A. You have three alternatives this time: True, False and Not
Given (=no information in the text). Choose one option for each statement. Tick () your

Now read the section on Curling, Trampoline and Skeleton racing and choose the right
alternatives: True, False or Not Given. Once more, tick () your answer.

Check your answers on page 16 of this document

Reading Comprehension: Check your Understanding (Active Skills for

Reading, Book 1, page 76)

Read the text again and answer exercise A: choose the correct answer. Dont worry about
new vocabulary. You will see this in the next exercise.

If necessary, read the text again to do exercise B: Match the sport each sentence describes.

Exercise C (Critical Thinking) is optional.

Check your answers on page 16 of this document

Idiomas Catlica
Comprensin lectora en ingls
CLECV2: Bsico 1

Vocabulary Comprehension: Words Definitions (Active Skills for Reading,

Book 1, page 76)

Do you remember the words in bold in the text? Now you will understand them!

With these exercises, we will clarify the meaning of some difficult words in the text.

Do exercise A: You have to match the list of words with their definitions.


If needed, you can use an online dictionary to verify the

www.spanishdict.com (Diccionario bilinge)
www.enchantedlearning.com/Spanish (Diccionario ilustrado)

Use the answers in exercise A to complete exercise B.

Check your answers on page 16 of this document

Vocabulary Skill: Organizing Vocabulary: Words relating to Sports (Active

Skills for Reading, Book 1, page 77)

Virtual lesson
Now you can watch and listen to virtual lesson 24: Organizing Words
related to Sports. The lesson is available under Unit 6: The Olympics
in the Paideia PUCP CMS.

Read the information about organizing vocabulary.

Do exercise A: Classify words related to sports. You have three columns: The first one deals
with Where sport takes place, the second with Sports Equipment and the third with Sports

For exercise B, use some of the words from exercise A.

Check your answers on page 16 of this document

Idiomas Catlica
Comprensin lectora en ingls
CLECV2: Bsico 1

Real Life Skill Olympic City Requirements (Active Skills for Reading, Book 1,
page 78)

The Real Life Skill is optional (Sections A, B and What do you think?). This section can be
very useful when reading and interpreting the information taking into account punctuation.

You have finished the last chapter of this module: Unit 6!
Now you can do Self-Assessment Task 6
and prepare for your Final Exam on line.

Idiomas Catlica
Comprensin lectora en ingls
CLECV2: Bsico 1

Encuesta de opinin
Fechas disponibles: ver calendario de

La encuesta de opinin es annima y busca recoger, de manera objetiva, su opinin con

respecto al desarrollo del ciclo 2.

Su opinin es sumamente valiosa para nosotros, por ello necesitamos que la informacin
que nos proporcione sea lo ms veraz posible. Tome su tiempo al responder, analizando y
evaluando cada opcin. Los resultados nos servirn para mejorar la calidad del servicio
educativo que ofrecemos.

Para participar de la encuesta realice los siguientes pasos:

1. Ingrese al Curso Comprensin Lectora en Ingls Ciclo 2: Bsico 1 a travs de la

plataforma educativa Paideia PUCP.
2. En Unit 6: The Olympics, haga clic sobre Encuesta de opinin para participar de la
encuesta. Lea con detenimiento las indicaciones y recomendaciones que se detallan
en la misma.
3. Resuelva la encuesta de opinin, contestando todas las preguntas.
4. Para finalizar la encuesta de opinin seleccione el botn Enviar la encuesta.
5. Si se le presenta alguna dificultad que no le permita continuar con la encuesta; escriba
a su profesor tutor con copia a soportevirtual@pucp.edu.pe para que le brinden el apoyo

Idiomas Catlica
Comprensin lectora en ingls
CLECV2: Bsico 1

Self-Assessment Task 6
A partir de la fecha indicada en el calendario de
actividades, en cualquier momento hasta el trmino de la
Unidad 6

Al realizar esta autoevaluacin, el participante podr verificar sus aprendizajes de la unidad

6 del ciclo, de esta forma conocer cules son los aspectos que necesita reforzar y se
preparar para el examen final.

Para rendir esta autoevaluacin siga los siguientes pasos:

1. Ingrese al Curso Comprensin Lectora en Ingls Ciclo 2: Bsico 1 a travs de la

plataforma educativa Paideia PUCP.
2. En Unit 6: The Olympics, haga clic en Self-Assessment Task 6.
3. Esta autoevaluacin no es obligatoria pero s le sugerimos realizarla para que usted
evale sus aprendizajes.
4. Resuelva la autoevaluacin, contestando todas las preguntas y respetando las
instrucciones. Al finalizar la autoevaluacin se le brindar inmediatamente las
respuestas correctas.
5. Si se le presenta alguna dificultad que no le permita continuar con la autoevaluacin;
escriba a su profesor tutor con copia a soportevirtual@pucp.edu.pe para que le brinden el
apoyo respectivo.

Material del ciclo correspondiente a todas las unidades

El resultado de esta autoevaluacin no influir en el promedio final del ciclo.

Idiomas Catlica
Comprensin lectora en ingls
CLECV2: Bsico 1

Final Exam
Fecha y hora programada: ver calendario de

Para rendir esta evaluacin realice los siguientes pasos:
1. Ingrese a Curso Comprensin Lectora en Ingls Ciclo 2: Bsico 1 a travs de la
plataforma educativa Paideia PUCP.
2. Para ingresar haga clic sobre Final Exam. Lea con detenimiento las indicaciones y
recomendaciones que se detallan en la misma.
3. Una vez que acceda a l, contar con un tiempo de 60 minutos para responder las
preguntas planteadas, por lo tanto le recomendamos distribuir bien su tiempo para que
pueda responder todas ellas.
4. Resuelva el examen, contestando todas las preguntas y respetando las instrucciones y
los tiempos asignados que se detallan en l.
5. Para finalizar su examen guarde todas sus respuestas haciendo clic en el botn que
se encuentra en la parte inferior: Enviar todo y terminar.
6. Usted contar nicamente con un ingreso para responder la evaluacin en lnea. Si se
le presenta alguna dificultad que no le permita continuar; escriba a su profesor tutor
con copia a soportevirtual@pucp.edu.pe para que le brinden el apoyo respectivo.

Material del ciclo correspondiente a las 6 unidades
Para acceder a los resultados, ingrese a la misma evaluacin, tres das despus de haberla
rendido. En la evaluacin encontrar un reporte de las respuestas marcadas, las respuestas
correctas y el puntaje obtenido en cada pregunta.
Esta actividad ser evaluada sobre 100 puntos y representa el 35% de la nota final del ciclo.

Idiomas Catlica
Comprensin lectora en ingls
CLECV2: Bsico 1

Answers to Unit 6 Chapter 1

Before you read
A: Answers may vary. Actual answers: 1.T; 2.F; 3.F; 4.F; 5.F; 6.T.(answers on student book
page 71).


Reading skill
A: b
Paragraph 2. B (lines 7-10); Paragraph 3. A (lines 14-16); Paragraph 4. B (lines 18-23)

Reading comprehension
A: B:
1. b (lines 5-6) 1. F (The first modern Olympic torch
2. a (lines 7-8) relay took place in the summer of
3. a (line 12) 1936 in Berlin.) (line 11)
4. b (lines 24) 2. F (The torch is not always carried on
foot.) (lines 17-19)
3. T (lines 8-9)
4. T (lines 24-25)
5. T (entire passage)

Vocabulary comprehension
A: 1. a; 2.a; 3.b, 4.b; 5.b; 6.a, 7.b, 8.b
B: Answer will vary. Some examples: 3.being qualified through education or training or
experience to carry out the required role. 4. Final school exam results, grades, and any
special abilities, skills, or talents, e.g. in music or sports.

Vocabulary skill
1. agreement
2. argument
3. arrangement
4. imagination
5. judgment
6. refusal
7. selection
8. submittal/submission

Idiomas Catlica
Comprensin lectora en ingls
CLECV2: Bsico 1

1. announcement
2. government
3. encouragement
4. improvement
5. achievement
6. requirement
7. entertainment


Additional Information

1. starve _____________________________ starvation

2. participate _____________________________ participation
3. suggest _____________________________ suggestion
4. converse _____________________________ conversation
5. embarrass _____________________________ embarrassment
6. entertain _____________________________ entertainment
7. correct _____________________________ correction
8. announce _____________________________ announcement

Idiomas Catlica
Comprensin lectora en ingls
CLECV2: Bsico 1

Answers to Unit 6 Chapter 2

Before you read

A: 1. Answers will vary. Actual answer: tug-of-war.

Reading skill
A: 7. F /Early skeleton sleds only looked
1. T (line 4) like they were made out of bones.)
2. F There are four players on each (lines 27-28)
team. (lines 4-5) 8. T (lines 31-32)
3. NG 9. F (He discovered skeleton racing
4. T (lines 15-16) after the 1980 Olympics.) (lines 29-
5. F (Judges look at ten different skills.) 34)
(lines 15-16)
6. T (lines 20-22)
Reading comprehension
A: B:
1. b (lines 8-11, 19-20, 29-34)) 1. curling, skeleton (lines 4 and 26))
2. c (lines 21- 23) 2. trampoline (line 16)
3. a (entire passage) 3. curling (lines 4-5)
4. c (lines 29-30) 4. trampoline, skeleton (lines 12-14 and
5. skeleton (lines 26-27)

Vocabulary comprehension
1. h
2. a
3. e
4. d
5. c
6. g
7. f
8. b
1. control
2. race, slide
3. judge
4. took a wrong turn

Idiomas Catlica
Comprensin lectora en ingls
CLECV2: Bsico 1

Vocabulary Skill
A: Sports places: court, stadium, course, club; ice rink, field, ring;
Sports equipment: racket, ball, sled, skates, puck, sticks, , gloves;
Sports people: player, competitor, opponent, coach, team, champion, manager.

B: 1. players, team; 2. field; 3. court, ball/racket, racket/ball; 4. gloves, ring; 5. Ice rink,
skates; 6. sticks, puck

Idiomas Catlica
Comprensin lectora en ingls
CLECV2: Bsico 1

Answers to Review Unit 1
Fluency Stratey: KWL (Know, Want, Learn)

You should ask yourself three questions to improve your reading fluency and
comprehension. The letters K, W and L can be used to remind you of these

FLUENCY READING: Not Your Regular Scholarship

Answer Key

A: You should figure out that the topic of the passage is unusual scholarships
B: Answers will vary. Recall the money and student budget tips from unit 4

A: Answers will vary. You should guess what the passage is about and note questions
about things you want to learn from it.

A: Answers will vary. Fill this column after you have read the passage.
1. b (title and lines 5-7)
2. c (inference from lines 4-5)
3. b (line 2)
4. c (lines 25-30)
5. a (lines 8-15)
6. d (although the scholarship is economics-related, math is not mentioned, lines


Personal Responses to Reading Strategy
Answers will vary. The questions are intended to encourage reflection on the reading
process in general and, in particular, the use of this reading strategy.

Idiomas Catlica
Comprensin lectora en ingls
CLECV2: Bsico 1

REVIEW READING 3: Real Mail vs. Email

Answer Key
Reading Comprehension
1. b (entire passage)
2. c (lines 3-6)
3. a (lines 12-15)
4. a (lines 24-27)
5. d (lines 24-38)
6. a (entire passage)

REVIEW READING 4: Selecting the Olympic Sports

Answer Key
Reading Comprehension
1. b (entire passage)
2. a (lines 2-8)
3. a (lines 13-14)
4. c (lines 27-29)
5. c (lines 9-15)
6. a (lines 11-12, 14-16)

Idiomas Catlica

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