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The art of planning

Sometimes you wander how grandmaster can analyze positions so far ahead 10, 15 moves analysis
and you don't know why they chose these moves. How they can calculate so far in advance?
Other times grandmaster looks at a position and evaluate it as a draw and there are plenty of pieces
on the board and we can not understand why it's a draw.
FEN "r2qr1k1/1p2bp1p/p2p2p1/3P3n/P2N1B2/3Q4/1PP3PP/R4R1K b - - 0 1

What is the evaluation of this position? Who has the advantage or this position is equal?
How an IM evaluates this position and how a GM evaluates this position?
As an IM Igor considered this position equal.
A GM looked at this position and saw something else.
Black can try to play on the E file and attack white's week pawns a4, d5 that are advanced. First
black will activate his forces by Nxf4 and after Rxf4 black will attack the rook making her to move
Now black can reposition his bishop to g7 by Bh6-Bg7, Qb6 or Qa5 attacking the week pawns,
Double rooks on the E file and attack the weak pawns

Then the GM asked what's the white plan?

Igor said Rf1 and the GM said but black will play Re7 and the pawn is protected. Igor thought for
some time and he could not find any plan which can be realized
The GM said that white position is dangerous close to loosing, black will improve his position
gradually realize his plan and it's hard for white to do something here. Black will be better and
better and white will lose.
The IM thought that the position is equal and the GM looked first and the plans for both parts and
he realized that black has a plan and can improve his position while white can not improve and can
lose. If you can see and understand the plans for both players you can foreseen the situation
for long time ahead and make the conclusions with the outcome of the game
FEN "r2q1rk1/pbn1ppbp/1p1p1np1/2pP2B1/P1B1P3/2N2N2/1PP2PPP/R2QR1K1 w - - 0 1

White is slightly better because he has the space advantage. The opening is finished and we think
that a long game will come for both players realizing there middle plan. This is what the ordinary
player is thinking. Kasparov says that after Qd3 black is loosing. This is really confusing.
Lets look at this position from the art of planning perspective and from the perspective of plans for
both players.
What black can do here? What are his active plans in this position? He need to break thought
somewhere if he wants to do something active and there are only 2 plans:
1. Expand on the queen side by playing a6, b5. If white plays Qd3 this advance of the pawns is very
hard. Blacks pieces are placed awkward and the advancement of a6-b5 will take a long time
2. Push on the center with e6 but white has control over D file and after white take on e6, the d6
pawn is weak and will be won by white

What are white plans?

White has the space advantage and he can place his pieces on any square he wants to breakthrough
in the center with e5 after proper preparation and after the breakthrough the attack will continue
After we evaluate the plans for both players we can realize why blacks position is so desperate
while white has the clear plan to increase his advantage and to continue the attack.
That's why Kasparov having the planing skills evaluated this position as winning for white

SUMMARY: What is the thinking difference between amateurs and GM's?

1. Average players think of which move to play. The GM perspective about the game is to
think at the plans and only then think of the particular move to play in the positions
2. Average players think only to there plan what they need to do. GM's think at opponents
plan as well because if you know the plan of both sides it's easy to anticipate what is going to
happen in 5, 10 moves

Apart from planing skills GM's posses another skill that allows them to analyze positions so deeply
FEN "1nbqk2r/1pp2ppp/r3pn2/p7/1bpP4/5NP1/PPQBPPBP/RN2K2R w - - 0 1
In this position the GM will say that white queen will take on c4 and it's a draw and gives a long
variation proving that is a draw. When you hear something like this you get confused.
Game is continues in a promoted pawn my chess journey

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