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Institute of Accounts Business and Finance

Dear Respondents,
The following questionnaire pertains to a research project being conducted by fourth year financial
management students of Far Eastern University. The intent of this study is to find out The Effects of
Environmental Factors in the Stock Investment Behavior of Investors. This survey will take less than 10
minutes to answer all the questions. Rest assure that all your answer will be kept confidential.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Directions: Put a check on your corresponding answer.


1.1 Name (optional): ___________________________________

1.2 Age:
( ) 20 years old
( ) 21-30 years old
( ) 31-40 years old
( ) 41-50 years old
( ) 51 years old and above

1.3 Gender:

( ) Male
( ) Female

1.4 Educational Attainment:

( ) College (Under Graduate)

( ) College Graduate
( ) Masteral Graduate
( ) Doctoral Graduate

1.5 Economic Status:

( ) Employed
( ) Unemployed
Part 2:

2. In what sector of stock did you invest in? Check many as you have.

( ) Banks ( ) Construction, Infrastructure & Allied Services

( ) Other Financial Institutions ( ) Chemicals
( ) Electricity, Energy, Power & Water ( ) Electrical Components & Equipments
( ) Food, Beverages & Tobacco ( ) Hotel & Leisure
( ) Other Industrials ( ) Education
( ) Holding Firms ( ) Casino & Gaming
( ) Property ( ) Retail
( ) Media ( ) Other Services
( ) Telecommunication ( ) Mining & Oil
( ) Information Technology ( ) Transportation Services

2.1 What is/are your reason/s in investing?

STATEMENTS Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
The stock can easily liquidate into cash
You can get a high dividend
You have a trust in that company you want to
invest in
It is easier to gain profit in investing stocks
You have enough money to use for investing

3. How many companies comprise your stock portfolio?

( ) One ( ) Five
( ) Two ( ) Six
( ) Three ( ) Seven
( ) Four ( ) Eight and more

3.1 Have you made some changes in your portfolio?

( ) Yes - If yes, please answer no. 3.2

( ) No If no, please proceed to no. 4
3.2 Which of the events influenced your behavior to make some changes in
your portfolio?

STATEMENTS Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
Changes in economic policy
There is changes in your analysis in the business
that leave you to believe that the stock is no longer
offer the same value.
There is a crisis in the company you invested in

The stock you owned have no longer margin of

safety at the current price
The personal need for cash

4. When do you sell a stock?

STATEMENTS Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
When a business fundamental declines
If the price of the stock is at its peak
When it hits the target price
When the companys sales are stalling or falling

4.1 How often do you monitor the stock price movement in the stock market?
( ) Every minute
( ) Every hour
( ) Everyday

5. What will be your reasons from pulling out your investment/s in the stock

STATEMENTS Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

Disagree Disagree
The fear of big losses
The lack of knowledge in investing in the stock
The lack of confidence in taking a risk
The lack of money to invest
There are many competitive companies in the
High interest rate

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