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After interpretating the answers and passing them in the final table, I constated the fact

that the nr. 2 responder had a series of contradictory answers, thats why I contacted her and I
asked her for 15 minutes of attention.

Respondent identification data: Person of feminine sex, with a generous training in the
domain of education; with a length of service between 11 and 15 years, titular and professor of
primary schooling. The pseudonym is LMR.

After I have expressed my will to realise a coherent research, we moved on to the proper
interview in which her doubts were cleared.

I n the following rows, I will present the interview and the justification of the respondent to
the proposed questions:

Me: Hello, thank you for accepting my invitation !

LMR: Hello, the pleasure is on my side !

Me: Few weeks ago, I have asked you to respond to some questions related to repeating the

LMR: Yes, I remember the details.

Me: I came back because I feel like its my duty to complete my research with details.

LMR: Im listening to you.

Me: In the dimension related to Trusting in the effect of the repeating a year untimely you said
that repeating the year its not very usual in the primary schooling and you firmly sustain it. Why
is that?

LMR: Being a teacher, from more than 10 years I have observed that, once failure comes in the
life of a young kid, he easily loses his self-trust. Its true, its not really happening in primary
schooling, and I consider that is a good thing. Their young age and the belated failure affects the
upcoming relations and actions.
Me: Regarding the aspect of repeating the year from the perspective of the scholar results, what
aspects do you consider that a teacher should consider before letting a child repeat the year?

LMR: In my whole career, I didnt have to consider letting a kid repeat the year, it never was the
case, though always when I have to make a big decision like this, I think very hard about it and I
tell to myself: Will I contribute to something by doing this? Im that person who cares a lot
about the emotions and feelings. I consider that the grades do not always reflect the knowledge
of the kid, but his reaction to different situations, because school in fact prepares us for the life.

Me: So, the school results matter in low proportions. Do you think that parents can intervene in
the amelioration of a repeating year situation?

LMR: The parents level of attention matters very much, because in the most of the cases, the
childrens who repeat the year are the ones whom their parents dont get involved in their
education. But, like I said earlier, every small or big failure will affect their future. If the parent
doesnt get involved in the education of the kid, then, when the kid finds himself in a hard spot,
they wont get involved even then for sure. For the parents, their kid repeating the year its like
Whatever, he will learn the same stuff like the last year.

Me: Do you think a kid who doesnt study will study if hes gonna be threatened with stuff like
You will repeat the year if you dont learn ?

LMR: In primary school, the tonality and the message you are transmiting matters the most. The
little ones stimulate theirselves to become better, thats why threatening scares them. The
competitive spirit must exist until a certain age, but at some point it disappears. So, threatening
them may do them good, it will make them evolve.

Me: What do you believe? Which are types of kids from a class, from an cognitive and
intellectual point of view.

LMR: Every class has every type of kids, thats why they say diversity is the one who brings us
closer. Afterall, the kids come to school to learn, this is why we choose anindividual and
differential teaching, so that we can offer every kid the exact amount of knowledge that he needs.
This is a very difficult task, thats why the kids are divided on categories.
Me: How do you consider that repeating the year improves the whole educational system?

LMR: I do strongly believe that this thing led to something good. Of course, there are always
exceptions, I was now thinking about the mathematicians, physicists, writers but even in their
case, the old system was based on the acquirement of the minimal knowledge. Nowadays, the
system requires more and more and its based on individualization. Since the moment a student
goes through the situation of repeating the year, hes integrated in another collective, his selftrust
drops, his knowledge wont get improved by much, and by maturity he will realize that repeating
a year didnt do him any good, in fact, it stalled him from accomplishing things, so then we ask
ourselves, what kind of people wants the system to promote, people with regrets or happy

Me: Very well said! How do you see the situation of repeating a year after your years of service
in school domain?

LMR: A question that Ive been waiting for. During my service, I once took a kid that was
sentenced to repeat a year by a colleague of mine. To be honest, I dont know and I cant explain
to myself why that kid had to go through that kind of experience. Graduating social assistance
made me glad to listen to the people. Thats what I did with him, I listened. This experience
made him a shy kid, sometimes careless and unaware. A mark its given to the knowledge, but
not to their soul, the soul cant be marked. In my opinion, there should always be a balance
between these two entities, the knowledge and the soul. I sustain my opinion, that repeating a
school year will do no good and the idea of I repeated a year will have consequences on his

Me: Thank you for your time and for the professionalism you gave evidence of.

LMR: My pleasure !

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