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I. Choose the letter of the correct answer. USE CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY.

____1. The first person to establish a geocentric universe in which fixed, spherical Earth is at the center
surrounded by concentric celestial spheres of planets and stars.
A. Anaxagoras B. Aristarchus C. Aristotle D. Ptolemy
____2. The habitable zone is also referred to as the:
A. Gaeia B. Theia C. Solar Nebula D. Goldilocks condition
____3. Which of the following is not a gas giant?
A. Jupiter B. Mercury C. Pluto D. Saturn
____4. Edwin Hubble discovered that the universe is expanding from his observation of ____________.
A. Photons B. Redshifts C. Gravitational Pull D. Conservation of
____5. The Belgian priest to whom the big bang theory is attributed:
A. Edwin Hubble B. Albert Einstein C. George Lemaitre D. Nicolaus Copernicus
____6. It includes the crust and upper mantle.
A. asthenosphere B. Geosphere C. Hydrosphere D. Lithosphere
____7. These rocks that are formed through the cooling and solidification of magma.
A. Sedimentary B. Metamorphic C. Extrusive igneous D. Intrusive igneous
____8. It is a type of rock that has accumulated on Earths surface.
A. Sedimentary B. Metamorphic C. Extrusive igneous D. Intrusive igneous
____9. The outer layer of rocks subsequently peel off from its main mass due to successive expansion and
A. Hydration B. Exfoliation C. Frost action D. Block disintegration
____10. Which of the following is not an agent of weathering?
A. Erosion B. Hydration C. Frost action D. Human beings
____11. Which is not a consideration in generating magma?
A. Addition of heat C. Increase in pressure through convective uplifting
B. Addition of volatiles D. Decrease in pressure through convective uplifting
____12. Which statement is true for deformation of rocks to occur?
A. Deformation must be applied abruptly
B. Pressure must exceed the internal strength of the rock
C. The lower and the temperature of the rock, the more elastic it becomes
D. The rock material must have the ability to deform under pressure and heat
____13. It occurs when rock is squeezed until it folds or breaks in a convergent boundary
A. Compression B. Shear C. Tension D. Transform
____14. Anticlines and synclines are the result of which stress?
A. Compression B. Shear C. Tension D. Transform
____15. This is the occurrence of two tectonic plates moving away from each other
A. Divergent boundary C. Convergent boundary
B. Transform Boundary D. None of the above
____16. Which of the following statements on sedimentary rocks is not correct?
A. Old rock layers are almost always flat.
B. Fossils are not deposited in these layers of rocks
C. Sedimentary rocks are formed from fragments of other types of rocks.
D. All of the above
_____17. It states that when an area of land is forced to bend, this force usually comes from underneath Earths
A. Horizontally B. Superposition C. Unconformities D. Cross-cutting relations
____18. It is a principle which states that the existing rock is lost and cannot be recovered.
A. Horizontally B. Superposition C. Unconformities D. Cross-cutting relations
____19. It is an example of a parent isotope.
A. Argon B. Lead C. Strontium D. Uranium
____20. This method is used to date rocks older than 100 00 years.
A. Uranium-lead dating method C. Potassium-argon dating method
B. Carbon-14 dating method D. Rubidium-strontium dating method
____21. It refers to any hazard or threat that causes fatality or damage to property.
A. Risk reduction B. Natural disaster C. Weather forecast D. Saltwater intrusion
____22. Which of the following is NOT monitored by PHILVOLCS?
A. Volcanoes B. Earthquakes C. Weather pattern D. Volcanic activities
____23. Which of the following is NOT an effect of seismic or volcanic activity?
A. Tsunami B. Monsoon C. Landslide D. Earthquake
____24. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. All classes at kindergarten level are suspended for PSWS 1
B. All classes in all levels (including college and graduate schools) are suspended for PSWS 3.
C. A red color in the color-coded rainfall warning system alerts communities for possible evacuation
D. PSWS 1 means that the storm has a wind speed of about 30 km/h to 60 km/h which may occur in the
next 36 hours.
____25. To mitigate saltwater intrusions, which of the following should be implemented?
A. Building injection wells that create barrier for intrusion
B. Building seawalls that dissipate wave energy
C. Building groynes that redirect the flow of water.
D. Building another pumping well farther inland.
____26. The idea that frogs arise from mud is an example of __________.
A. biogenesis B. panspermia C. divine creation D. spontaneous generation
____27. About twelve to twenty four hours after taking a high-carbohydrate meal, a persons blood sugar level
normally increases. Afterwards, the blood sugar will be maintained within a fairly narrow range despite uneven
intake of sugar in between meals. This is due to the bodys ability to carry out ______________>
A. adaptation B. homeostasis C. metabolism D. nutrient uptake
____28. The process of converting food molecules to harness energy is called ___________.
A. metabolism B. photosynthesis C. natural selection D. cellular respiration
____29. In a cell, what levels of organization are represented?
A. tissue, organ, and organ system C. organ, organ system, and organism
B. organelle, molecules, and atoms D. organism, population, and community
____30. All of the chemical processes that occur inside the cell can be collectively called as ___________.
A. biotechnology B. evolution C. metabolism D. respiration
____31.The ability of the organisms to respond to stimuli is called ______________.
A. adaptability B. growth C. irritability D. movement
____32. The production of orchids by cutting is an example of __________.
A. biogenesis B. abiogenesis C. divine creation D. spontaneous origin
____33. What two products are produced from the process of photosynthesis?
A. Water and oxygen C. Water and carbon dioxide
B. Glucose and oxygen D. Glucose and carbon dioxide
____34. Where does a heterotroph obtain its energy?
A. Microorganisms C. Eating other organisms
B. Suns solar energy D. Sun and eating other organisms
____35. Which of the following occurs in both photosynthesis and cellular respiration?
A. Glycolysis B. Krebs cycle C. Calvin cycle D. Electron transport
____36. Which of the following produces the most number of ATP?
A. Glycolysis B. Krebs cycle C. Fermentation D. Oxidative phosphorylation
____37. What is another term for oxidative phosphorylation?
A. Glycolysis B. Krebs cycle C. Chemiosmosis D. Electron transport chain
____38. The process whereby an animal contains both ovaries and testes, and thus can produce both egg cells
and sperm cells is ________________.
A. budding B. fission C. hermaphroditism D. parthenogenesis
____39. During germination, the first to appear from the seeds is the ______________.
A. leaf B. root C. shoot D. stem
____40. Fruits function to _______________.
A. attract pollinators C. signal plant maturity
B. help in seed dispersal D. nourish embryo development
____41.The process in which glucose and oxygen interact in cells to release energy is known as ______________.
A. breathing B. excretion C. exhalation D. respiration
____42. Which of the following statements about urine is NOT true?
A. It carries nutrients to body cells.
B. It contains substances harmful to your body
C. It is produced by both kidneys at the same time
D. It contains substances that may form pebble-sized renal stones
____43. A modified epidermis on the outer areas of the bark of trees is called _____________.
A. cork cells B. lenticels C. periderm D. suberin
____44. Among herbaceous plants, the stem contains bundles of xylem and phloem called _____________.
A. root cap B. heartwood C. sieve plate D. vascular bundles
____45. Exchange of gases happens in young stems of green plants through the ____________
A. lenticel B. phloem C. stomata D. xylem
____46. The study of phylogeny is a description of the ____________.
A. DNA of organisms C. natural selection in species
B. mutations in the DNA D. evolutionary history of organism
____47. Darwin and Wallace both independently discovered the scientific concept of ______________.
A. mutation B. extinction C. genetic drift D. natural selection
____48. Changes occurring in groups of organisms over a long period of time are called ________________.
A. mutation B. extinction C. evolution D. developmental changes
____49. A tamaraw, a monkey-eating eagle, and a Philippine cobra are all members of the same __________.
A. community B. niche C. population D. species
____50. A key features of an estuary is _____________.
A. presence of high precipitation C. presence of little or no vegetation
B. presence of low light conditions D. presence of salt water and freshwater

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