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Mahmoud Zalt Follow

Software Engineer Laravel Expert Docker Enthusiast Open Source Advocate (https://zalt.me)
Oct 2 6 min read

Eloquent Relationships CheatSheet

A cheat sheet for Laravels Eloquent ORM version 5.5.

One to One Relationship

Demo details:
In this demo we have 2 models (Owner and Car), and 2 tables
(owners and cars).

Business Rules:
The Owner can own one Car.
The Car can be owned by one Owner.

Relations Diagram:
Relationship Details:
The Cars table should store the Owner ID.

Eloquent Models:

class Owner
public function car()
return $this->hasOne(Car::class);

class Car
public function owner()
return $this->belongsTo(Owner::class);

Database Migrations:

Schema::create('owners', function (Blueprint $table) {


Schema::create('cars', function (Blueprint $table) {



Store Records:

// Create relation between Owner and Car.


// Create relation between Car and Owner.


Retrieve Records:

// Get Owner Car


// Get Car Owner

One to Many Relationship
Demo details:
In this demo we have 2 models (Thief and Car), and 2 tables (thieves
and cars).

Business Rules:
The Thief can steal many Cars.
The Car can be stolen by one Thief.

Relations Diagram:

Relationship Details:
The Cars table should store the Thief ID.

Eloquent Models:

class Thief
public function cars()
return $this->hasMany(Car::class);
class Car
public function thief()
return $this->belongsTo(Thief::class);

Database Migrations:

Schema::create('thieves', function (Blueprint $table) {


Schema::create('cars', function (Blueprint $table) {



Store Records:

// Create relation between Thief and Car.


// Or use the save() function for single model.


// Create relation between Car and Thief.


Retrieve Records:
// Get Thief Car


// Get Car Thief


Polymorphic One to Many Relationship

Demo details:
In this demo we have 3 models (Man, Woman and Car), and 3 tables
(men, women and cars).

Business Rules:
The Man (buyer) can buy many Cars.
The Woman (buyer) can buy many Cars.
The Car can be bought by one buyer (Man or Woman).

Relations Diagram:
Relationship Details:
The Car table should store the Buyer ID and the Buyer Type.
buyer is a name given to a group of models (Man and Woman). And its
not limited to two. The buyer type is the real name of the model.

Eloquent Models:

class Man
public function cars()
return $this->morphMany(Car::class, 'buyer');

class Woman
public function cars()
return $this->morphMany(Car::class, 'buyer');

class Car
public function buyer()
return $this->morphTo();
Database Migrations:

Schema::create('men', function (Blueprint $table) {


Schema::create('women', function (Blueprint $table) {


Schema::create('cars', function (Blueprint $table) {



Store Records:

// Create relation between buyer (Man/Woman) and Car.



// Or use the save() function for single model.


// Create relation between Car and buyer (Men/Women).

Retrieve Records:

// Get buyer (Man/Woman) Cars


// Get Car buyer (Man and Woman)


Many to Many Relationship

Demo details:
In this demo we have 2 models (Driver and Car), and 3 tables (drivers,
cars and a pivot table named car_driver).

Business Rules:
The Driver can drive many Cars.
The Car can be driven by many Drivers.

Relations Diagram:
Relationship Details:
The Pivot table car_driver should store the Driver ID and the Car ID.

Eloquent Models:

class Driver
public function cars()
return $this->belongsToMany(Car::class);

class Car
public function drivers()
return $this->belongsToMany(Driver::class);

Database Migrations:

Schema::create('drivers', function (Blueprint $table) {

Schema::create('cars', function (Blueprint $table) {

Schema::create('car_driver', function (Blueprint $table) {




Store Records:

// Create relation between Driver and Car.


// Or use the sync() function to prevent duplicated



// Create relation between Car and Driver.


// Or use the sync() function to prevent duplicated


Retrieve Records:

// Get Driver Car


// Get Car Drivers


Polymorphic Many to Many Relationship

Demo details:
In this demo we have 3 models (Valet, Owner and Car), and 4 tables
(valets, owners, cars and drivers).

Business Rules:
The Valet (driver) can drive many Cars.
The Owner (driver) can drive many Cars.
The Car can be driven by many drivers (Valet or/and Owner).

Relations Diagram:
Relationship Details:
The Pivot table drivers should store the Driver ID, Driver Type and
the Car ID.
driver is a name given to a group of models (Valet and Owner). And its
not limited to two. The driver type is the real name of the model.

Eloquent Models:

class Valet
public function cars()
return $this->morphToMany(Car::class, 'driver');

class Owner
public function cars()
return $this->morphToMany(Car::class, 'driver');

class Car
public function valets()
return $this->morphedByMany(Man::class, 'driver');
public function owners()
return $this->morphedByMany(Woman::class, 'driver');

Database Migrations:

Schema::create('valets', function (Blueprint $table) {


Schema::create('owners', function (Blueprint $table) {


Schema::create('drivers', function (Blueprint $table) {




Store Records:

// Create relation between driver (Valet/Owner) and Car.

$valet->cars()->saveMany([$car1, $car2]);
$owner->cars()->saveMany([$car1, $car2]);

// Or use the save() function for single model.


// Create relation between Car and driver (Valet/Owner).


// Or use the sync() function to prevent duplicated




Retrieve Records:

// Get driver (Valet/Owner) Cars


// Get Car drivers (Valet and Owner)

. . .

Follow me on Twitter Mahmoud Zalt.

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