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Extemporaneous Speech


Everyone sins. That is a truth that mankind is very much ashamed of. Whether youre a musician, a police
officer, a bus driver, an actor, a chemist, or a doctor, you would most likely commit a sin in the duration
of your life.

Some of these sins, occasionally, are very light and could easily be forgiven. But what if a person
committed a sin that is deemed unforgiveable? Something that his community looks down upon and
shames the suspect for committing such a mistake. Could you have the decency to look that person who
committed this horrendous crime in the eye and tell him that all is forgiven? After all that he has put
you through, could you forgive him for all the pain and torment that he has caused you?

These mistakes shape the very morality that mankind has adapted and governed with throughout the
centuries. These mistakes have made the laws of today possible as our ancestors saw that without
punishment for these crimes, we cannot live fully in peace and happiness.

Mankind would probably be the most kind, loving, and happy species to walk the earth. Especially in
familiar conditions where man is comfortable to live in, humanity would always be present. But when that
comfort and peace is threatened, mankind would act like any other animal that is vulnerable. Feed his
fear and man would do everything in his power to annihilate the threat. He would drop bombs in cities,
he would lead people into gas chambers, and he would drive a plane into a building full of people. These
are the mistakes that mankind needs to stop for these sins does not protect the peace and happiness that
he is protecting but threatens it further and further until all thats left of the peace and happiness that
once bloomed in a summers day is ash and smoke that billows even bigger as the sun sets over the horizon.

But mankind is only human, he is not all knowing, he does not have power that makes him God. He is only
a man, born from ash and clay. He is intelligent, yes, but his intelligence is limited to what is available to
him. He may make mistakes in his lifetime, but these mistakes, these are the ones that truly shape man
to becoming a better person for mankind is naturally good. He can love unconditionally and be your friend.
But when he is hurt, he does not forget. It is a hard thing to do, forgiving, for you cannot fully forgive
someone for their trespasses since you would always remember what they did and it will hurt you. You
will feel the pang of pain even in the slightest when you remember their mistake. But eventually, you
forgive them, you let their mistakes be a lesson to them and become the bigger person. You do the right
thing, and love them as you would your family. In a sense, you become closer to becoming divine as God
forgives even the most corrupted person who made all the mistakes that can be made and welcomes him
to His home.

We cannot change the world and how it works for it only brings more suffering and chaos. But we can,
however, change ourselves, and find peace and happiness are possible if we are willing to forgive.

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