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How does the family structure of students at National Law University affect their academic performance?

Kindly assist me in gathering the data by answering all the questions below. DO NOT write your name on any part of this
questionnaire. Thank you for your cooperation.


What age group do you fall in?

[ ] 16-18 [ ]18-20 [ ] 20 -22 [ ] 22 and over

What semester are you in?

[ ] Ist [ ] IIIrd [ ] Vth [ ] VIIth [ ] IXth

1. On average how do you perform in college?

[ ] Excellently [ ] Good [ ] Satisfactorily [ ] Not well

2. What do you feel are the main reasons for your (Good to Excellent) academic performance?

(you may select more than one response)

[ ] Disciplined Study Habits
[ ] Highly motivated goals and dreams
[ ] Natural Brilliance
[ ] Family Encouragement
[ ] Balanced Home Life
[ ] Limited or No stress
[ ] Financial Stability of the family
[ ] Help from family when you get work you dont understand (includes immediate help and or paying for extra

2. (b)What do you feel are the main reasons for your (Not well to Satisfactory) academic performance?
(you may select more than one response)

[ ] Lack of Studying
[ ] Not Caring
[ ] Lack of encouragement/ motivation from the family
[ ] Unbalanced home life
[ ] High Stress level
[ ] Financial instability of the family
[ ] No help received from family when you get work you do not understand
(includes immediate help and or paying for extra lessons)

3. What is your family structure?

[ ] Nuclear Mother, Father and Child/ Children within the household
[ ] Extended- Mother, Father, Children, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and Cousins within
the household.
[ ] Single Parent- Mother and Child only / Father and Child only
[ ] Other (please specify on lines below)
4. Within your household are there major factors that sometimes stop you from doing your work?
[ ] Yes [ ] No

4b. If answered yes please specify these factors on the lines provided.

5. When problems arise in your home, how do you manage your college work?
[ ] Ignore the problems and do the work
[ ] Forget the college work and worry
[ ] Go to a friends room and get the work done
[ ] Give up on everything
[ ] Pray

6. How often do these problems occur within the home?

[ ] Not often
[ ] Regularly
[ ] Never

7. What is the usual response from the family for low academic performance (if any)?
[ ] Grounding
[ ] Scolding and beating from parent
[ ] A talk with parents about why your performances are so low
[ ] No response, they dont seem to care
[ ] The silent treatment
[ ] My academics are usually high so the responses are good

8. What is the usual response from the family for high academic performance (if any)?
[ ] Getting commended/ congratulated
[ ] Receiving a gift for doing well
[ ] Nothing, it is whats expected
[ ] Told to do better
[ ] My academics are usually low so the responses are bad

9. Do you think that your family structure has anything to do with the grades you receive?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
Please explain why (for either answer) on lines below

10. Who is the main provider within the household?

[ ] Mother
[ ] Father
[ ] Both Mother and Father
[ ] Grandparents
[ ] Other (please specify) _____________________________________________

11. Who is the main caregiver in your home?

[ ] Mother
[ ] Father
[ ] Both give equal care
[ ] Grandparents
[ ] Other (please specify) ______________________________________________
12. Who usually helps you with college work at home?
[ ] Mother
[ ] Father
[ ] Grandparent
[ ] No one
[ ] Other (please specify) _______________________________________________

13. Briefly describe your family environment on the lines below.


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