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time latitude longitude depth mag magType nst gap dmin rms

2013-07-0 4,645 96,665 13 6.1 mww 334 21 0.65

2013-01-2 4,927 95,907 12 6.1 mww 498 16.5 1.24
2012-07-2 2,707 96,045 22 6.4 mww 570 16.2 1.08
2012-06-2 3,009 97,896 95 6.1 mww 601 14.2 0.93
2012-04-1 2,327 93,063 20 8.6 mw 499 16.6 1.33
2012-01-1 2,433 93.21 19 7.2 mww 443 17 1.09
2011-09-0 2,965 97,893 91 6.7 mww 447 15.3 1.02
2011-01-2 2,205 96,829 23 6.1 mww 286 27.1 1.19
2010-05-0 3,748 96,018 38 7.2 mwc 611 20.6 0.92
2010-04-0 2,383 97,048 31 7.8 mwc 352 19.2 1.19
2009-12-0 2,759 95.91 21 6 mwc 245 17.9 0.9
2008-03-2 2,855 95,296 20 6.3 mwc 368 26.2 1.07
2008-03-1 2,708 94,596 25 6 mwc 390 29.6 1.1
2008-02-2 2,768 95,964 26 7.4 mwc 607 16.4 0.97
2007-12-2 2,087 96,806 23 6.1 mwc 279 30.3 1.1
2007-10-0 2,543 92,903 35 6.2 mwb 389 31.9 0.85
2007-09-2 2.9 95,523 35 6 mwc 214 33 1
2007-04-0 2,916 95.7 30 6.1 mwc 280 32.6 0.96
2006-08-1 2,403 96,348 22 6.2 mwc 290 39.5 0.79
2006-04-1 2,643 93,226 17 6.2 mwb 341 30.3 1.03
2005-11-1 2,164 96,786 21 6.5 mwb 358 20.7 0.98
2005-06-0 2.17 96,724 23.5 6.1 mwb 320 26.7 0.81
2005-05-1 5,439 93,357 2.5 6.1 mwb 105 71.3 1.28
2005-04-2 2,132 96,799 22 6.2 mwb 408 19.8 0.91
2005-04-1 2,169 96,759 24 6.1 mwb 402 26.9 1.07
2005-04-0 2,022 97,942 36 6.3 mwb 626 22.7 0.87
2005-03-3 2,993 95,414 22 6.3 mwb 402 24.3 0.86
2005-03-2 2,085 97,108 30 8.6 mww 510 22.1 0.91
2005-02-2 2,908 95,592 36 6.8 mwb 444 33.8 0.94
2005-02-0 4,797 95,117 44.5 6 mwb 500 53.5 0.83
2005-02-0 2,255 94,992 30 6 mwc 111 90.1 1.03
2005-01-2 2,699 94,602 22.2 6.2 mwb 230 38.7 1.21
2005-01-0 4,926 95,108 40 6.1 mwb 505 36.9 0.91
2005-01-0 5,099 92,304 11.7 6.7 mwc 364 62.1 0.97
2004-12-2 5,348 94.65 35 6.1 mwb 468 36 0.81
2004-12-2 2,794 94,162 30 6.1 mwc 135 65.9 1.24
2004-12-2 3,651 94,086 17.8 6 mwc 181 37.3 0.97
2004-12-2 5,499 94,213 30 6.1 mb 82 72.3 0.9
2004-12-2 3,295 95,982 30 9.1 mw 601 22 1.17
net id updated place type horizontalEdepthErrormagError magNst status
us usb000i4re2015-01-2 55km S of earthquake reviewed
us usb000esg2015-06-3 47km SSWearthquake
o reviewed
us usp000jpe2015-06-3 Simeulue, earthquake reviewed
us usp000jn42015-06-3 northern Searthquake reviewed
official official2 2017-02-0 off the we earthquake reviewed
us usp000jdar2017-02-0 off the we earthquake reviewed
us usp000j7n2017-04-1 northern Searthquake reviewed
us usp000htp2015-06-3 Simeulue, earthquake reviewed
us usp000hch2017-04-2 northern Searthquake reviewed
us usp000hat2017-04-2 northern Searthquake reviewed
us usp000h4 2017-04-2 Simeulue, earthquake reviewed
us usp000g2n2016-11-1 Simeulue, earthquake reviewed
us usp000g1j 2016-11-1 off the we earthquake reviewed
us usp000fza 2017-04-2 Simeulue, earthquake reviewed
us usp000fv02016-11-1 Simeulue, earthquake reviewed
us usp000fpv2016-11-1 off the we earthquake reviewed
us usp000fpd2016-11-1 Simeulue, earthquake reviewed
us usp000f8z 2017-04-2 Simeulue, earthquake reviewed
us usp000eqr2017-04-2 Simeulue, earthquake reviewed
us usp000eey2016-11-1 off the we earthquake reviewed
us usp000e4g2017-04-2 Simeulue, earthquake reviewed
us usp000dsg2017-04-2 Simeulue, earthquake reviewed
us usp000dr 2015-05-1 off the we earthquake 35 reviewed
us usp000dpe2017-04-2 Simeulue, earthquake reviewed
us usp000dn02016-11-1 Simeulue, earthquake reviewed
us usp000dm2017-04-2 northern Searthquake reviewed
us usp000dkp2016-11-1 Simeulue, earthquake reviewed
official official2 2017-04-2 northern Searthquake reviewed
us usp000dh02017-04-2 Simeulue, earthquake 6.4 reviewed
us usp000dfs 2016-11-1 northern Searthquake 5.8 reviewed
us usp000df2016-11-1 off the we earthquake reviewed
us usp000def2016-11-1 off the we earthquake reviewed
us usp000dcx2016-11-1 northern Searthquake reviewed
us usp000dcb2016-11-1 off the we earthquake reviewed
us usp000dbu2016-11-1 northern Searthquake reviewed
us usp000dbn2016-11-1 off the we earthquake reviewed
us usp000dbk2016-11-1 off the we earthquake reviewed
us usp000dbe2015-05-1 northern Searthquake 24 reviewed
official official2 2017-04-2 off the we earthquake reviewed
us us
us us
us us
us us
us official
us us
us us
us us
us us
us gcmt
us us
us us
us us
us us
us gcmt
us us
us gcmt
us gcmt
us hrv
us us
us us
us us
us us
us us
us us
us us
us us
us official
us us
us us
us hrv
us us
us us
us hrv
us us
us hrv
us hrv
us us
us official
y x mag lon lat mag
4,645 96,665 6.1 96,66 4,64 6,1
4,927 95,907 6.1 95,90 4,92 6,1
2,707 96,045 6.4 96,04 2,70 6,4
3,009 97,896 6.1 97,89 3,00 6,1
2,327 93,063 8.6 93,06 2,32 8,6
2,433 93.21 7.2 93,21 2,43 7,2
2,965 97,893 6.7 97,89 2,96 6,7
2,205 96,829 6.1 96,82 2,20 6,1
3,748 96,018 7.2 96,01 3,74 7,2
2,383 97,048 7.8 97,04 2,38 7,8
2,759 95.91 6 95,91 2,75 6,0
2,855 95,296 6.3 95,29 2,85 6,3
2,708 94,596 6 94,59 2,70 6,0
2,768 95,964 7.4 95,96 2,76 7,4
2,087 96,806 6.1 96,80 2,08 6,1
2,543 92,903 6.2 92,90 2,54 6,2
2.9 95,523 6 95,52 2,9 6,0
2,916 95,70 6.1 95,70 2,91 6,1
2,403 96,348 6.2 96,34 2,40 6,2
2,643 93,226 6.2 93,22 2,64 6,2
2,164 96,786 6.5 96,78 2,16 6,5
2.17 96,724 6.1 96,72 2,17 6,1
5,439 93,357 6.1 93,35 5,43 6,1
2,132 96,799 6.2 96,79 2,13 6,2
2,169 96,759 6.1 96,75 2,16 6,1
2,022 97,942 6.3 97,94 2,02 6,3
2,993 95,414 6.3 95,41 2,99 6,3
2,085 97,108 8.6 97,10 2,08 8,6
2,908 95,592 6.8 95,59 2,90 6,8
4,797 95,117 6 95,11 4,79 6,0
2,255 94,992 6 94,99 2,25 6,0
2,699 94,602 6.2 94,60 2,69 6,2
4,926 95,108 6.1 95,10 4,92 6,1
5,099 92,304 6.7 92,30 5,09 6,7
5,348 94.65 6.1 94,65 5,34 6,1
2,794 94,162 6.1 94,16 2,79 6,1
3,651 94,086 6 94,08 3,65 6,0
5,499 94,213 6.1 94,21 5,49 6,1
3,295 95,982 9.1 95,98 3,29 9,1
lon lat mag
96.66 4.64 6.1
95.9 4.92 6.1
96.04 2.7 6.4
97.89 3 6.1
93.06 2.32 8.6
93.21 2.43 7.2
97.89 2.96 6.7
96.82 2.2 6.1
96.01 3.74 7.2
97.04 2.38 7.8
95.91 2.75 6
95.29 2.85 6.3
94.59 2.7 6
95.96 2.76 7.4
96.8 2.08 6.1
92.9 2.54 6.2
95.52 2.9 6
95.7 2.91 6.1
96.34 2.4 6.2
93.22 2.64 6.2
96.78 2.16 6.5
96.72 2.17 6.1
93.35 5.43 6.1
96.79 2.13 6.2
96.75 2.16 6.1
97.94 2.02 6.3
95.41 2.99 6.3
97.1 2.08 8.6
95.59 2.9 6.8
95.11 4.79 6
94.99 2.25 6
94.6 2.69 6.2
95.1 4.92 6.1
92.3 5.09 6.7
94.65 5.34 6.1
94.16 2.79 6.1
94.08 3.65 6
94.21 5.49 6.1
95.98 3.29 9.1

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