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I. The Nature of Angels

A. Spirit Beings
Ps 104:4; Heb 1:14; Mt 1:20

B. Immortal
Lu 20:36

C. Strong
Ps 103:20; 2Th 1:7; 2Pe 2:11; Re 5:2; 18:21; 19:17

D. Created
1. By God Psalm 148:2,5

2. Before man cf. Job 38:4-7

E. Holy
Da 4:13,23; Lu 9:26; Mt 25:31

F. Elect / Chosen
1Ti 5:21

G. Learning about God

God’s Plans and dealing with man Mt 24:36; Eph 3:10; 1Co 4:9; 1Pe 1:12

H. Neither Male or Female (asexual)

Mt 22:30

I. Varied / Different Appearances

1. Appear sometimes in Human form

Ge 18:2; 19:1,10; Lu 24:4; Ac 1:10

NB: Heb 13:2 unknown to us

2. Some have both Human and Animal features

Ex 25:20; Isa 6:2; Eze 1:65-25; Re 4:8

3. Bright / Dazzling Appearances

Ps 104:4; Mt 28:2-5; Eze 1:4-14; Rev 10:1; 18:1
II. The Organisation of Angels
A. Numerous
Ps 68:17 – 10’s of 1000’s, 1000’s of 1000’s tens of thousands and thousands
of thousands.

Da 7:10 – 1000’s of 1000’s, 10,000x10,000 = 100,000,000;

Mt 26:53 – more than 12 legions (6,600x12=72,900) available on request

by Jesus;

Lu 2:13 - multitude;

Heb 12:22-23 – ‘innumerable multitudes of angels’

Rev 5:11 - ten thousands of ten thousands, and thousands of thousands;

B. Ranks / Types of angelic and other spiritual beings

Da 10:13 – chief princes;

Jude 1:9; 1Th 4:16; Re 12:7 - the archangel

Col 1:16 - thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers

1Pe 3:22 angels and authorities and powers

Isa 6:2-6 - seraphim;

Eze 10:1,20; 11:22; Ps 18:10 - cherubim;

An entire, invisible world of created beings deeply intertwined with the

everyday life of man.

Mt 18:10; - in relation to treatment of children

Heb 1:14 – ministering to God’s people

Lu 15:7,10 – whenever a sinner repents

Lu 16:22; - at the death of God’s people

Heb 12:22 – will be the company of God’s people in heaven

III. The Work of Angels
1. Worshipers of God

a) Who Do Angels worship? Php 2:9-11; Heb 1:6;

b) Why do Angels worship? Ne 9:6; Ps 148:2,5

c) How do angels worship? Ps 103:20-21;

d) Where do Angels worship? Ps 148:2,5

2. Messengers

a) Of God’s Word - Helped Reveal God’s Written word

(1) To the Prophets

e.g. Daniel (9:21), Zechariah (1:9), John (Rev. 1:1, 22:6)

(2) Gave the O.T Law Ac 7:53; Ga 3:19; Heb 2:2

(3) NOTE: There is no need for further revelation of scripture

with the completion of the canon of scripture. Cf. De 4:2; 12:32;
Pr 30:6 Rev. 22:18-19; Gal. 1:8-9

b) Of Events in Jesus Christ’s Life - Announced Key Events in the life

of the Living Word

(1) For-telling His Life (Prophecies) e.g. Da 9:21-27

(2) His Birth Mt 1:20; Lu 1:26-38; Lu 2:10-12

(3) His Resurrection Mt 28:2-8; (Lu 24:23; Joh 20:12-13)

(4) His Ascension; Ac 1:10-11

(5) His Second Coming 1 Th 4:16; Rev. 22:16

The Person of Jesus Christ is central to God’s revealed truth.

God entrusted messages of important events relating to His Son to the


What important message about His Son has He entrusted to us for the

The angels faithfully and will faithfully carry those messages? What
about us? How faithful are we in sharing the message of Jesus?
c) Of Guidance – With words and works of guidance

(1) Working in situations where guidance is needed Ge

24:7,40 (Abraham’s servant and Rebekah)

(2) For safety Mt 2:13,19 (Joseph ,Mary and infant Jesus); Ac

27:23 (Paul in storm)

(3) Concerning special births e.g. births of Samson Jg 13:1-

25; John the Baptist Lu 1:11-20; Jesus Mt 1:20-21

(4) Concerning places to share the gospel:

(a) Ac 5:19,20 (the imprisoned apostles)

(b) 8:26-39 (Philip and Ethiopian enunch) NB: v. 29 works

in accordance with the Spirit of God

(5) Concerning receiving the gospel Ac10:3 (Cornelius);

3. Agents of God’s Judgment

a) As Destroyers Ex 12:23 (in Egypt – to show God’s

power); Ge 19 (Sodom & Gommorah – to show God’s anger);
2Sa 24:16; 1Ch 21:16; 1Co 10:10 w/ Nu 14:36 ( – to chastise His
people) ; Ac 12:23(King Herod – for not giving glory to God);

b) With Christ at His Second Coming Mt 25:31; Mr 8:38; 2Th

1:7; Jude 1:14-15

c) With Christ at the Judgement Mt 13:39,41,49; 16:27;

24:31; 25:31; Mr 13:27
4. Ministers Ps 104:4

a) To Jesus Christ Mt 4:11; Lu 22:43; Mt 26:53

b) To Christians Heb 1:14;

c) In response to prayer Da 9:21-23; 10:10-20

d) At death of saints – escort to heaven Lu 16:22

5. Protectors / Deliverers Ps 91:11; Mt 18:10;

a) While surrounded by enemies 2Ki 6:17; 2Ki 19:35;

b) While in captivity Ac 5:19, 12:7

6. Heavenly Representatives

a) In relation to Children Mt 18:10

b) In relation to Repentant Sinners Lu 2:15:7,10;

7. Obey God’s Will Ps 103:20-21; Mt 6:10; Lu 11:2; 1Pe 3:22

8. Warriors against Fallen Angels

Mt 18:10; Lu 16:22; Heb 1:14

IV. The Fallen Angels

A. Designations

B. Their Fall
(2Pe 2:4; Jude 1:6

C. Their Work

D. Their Organisation

E. Their Fate
(Mt 25:41; 2Pe 2:4
V. Relating to Angels
A. Not to be worshipped
Col 2:18; Re 19:10, 22:8-9.

B. Messages to be tested

C. To live conscious of their presence.

1Co 6:3; 1Co 11:10;

IDEA: create a census form for angels. Name, rank, sex, address, date of birth, knowledge level,
power / strength level, physical features (e.g. wings); Job description (tick all that apply); knowledge
development needed in which areas (i.e. salvation);

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