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Studies in History

and Philosophy
of Science
Stud. Hist. Phil. Sci. 38 (2007) 555566

Kuhn, the correspondence theory of truth and

coherentist epistemology q
Jouni-Matti Kuukkanen
Department of Philosophy, Durham University, Durham DH1 3HN, UK


Kuhn argued against both the correspondence theory of truth and convergent realism. Although he likely misunderstood the nature
of the correspondence theory, which it seems he wrongly believed to be an epistemic theory, Kuhn had an important epistemic point to
make. He maintained that any assessment of correspondence between beliefs and reality is not possible, and therefore, the acceptance of
beliefs and the presumption of their truthfulness has to be decided on the basis of other criteria. I will show that via Kuhns suggested
epistemic values, specically via problem-solving, his philosophy can be incorporated into a coherentist epistemology. Further, coher-
entism is, in principle, compatible with convergent realism. However, an argument for increasing likeness to truth requires appropriate
historical continuity. Kuhn maintained that the history of science is full of discontinuity, and therefore, the historical condition of con-
vergent realism is not satised.
2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Thomas Kuhn; The correspondence theory of truth; The coherence theory of justication; Convergent realism; Rationalism

When citing this paper, please use the full journal title Studies in History and Philosophy of Science

1. Introduction rationality of science, because paradigm change allegedly

changes all standards of evaluation, making inter-para-
There are two themes in Kuhns philosophy that have digm theory comparison impossible. I am not denying that
energised a whole generation of philosophers of science some of Kuhns writings give grounds for the above views.
ever since the rst critical engagement between Kuhn and My aim is to show that his philosophy does not necessarily
the philosophers of science.1 One is the threat to scientic lead to these conclusions. Despite its anti-realist creden-
realism posed by Kuhns model of scientic development. tials, it oers ingredients for a philosophy compatible with
It has been asked whether the notions of incommensurabil- both rationality of science and convergent realism.
ity and paradigm mean that scientic revolutions cannot Throughout his career, Kuhn argued that we should
produce more truth-like theories but merely dierent ones. abandon the correspondence theory of truth. Unfor-
The other concern has been that Kuhn is impugning the tunately, he failed to understand the nature of the

This is a considerably revised version of Chapter 7 in my doctoral thesis (Kuukkanen, 2006).
E-mail address: jouni-matti.kuukkanen@durham.ac.uk
Probably the rst profound evaluation of Kuhns views was the 1965 symposium, and corresponding publication, Criticism and the growth of
knowledge (Lakatos & Musgrave, 1970).

0039-3681/$ - see front matter 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
556 J.-M. Kuukkanen / Stud. Hist. Phil. Sci. 38 (2007) 555566

correspondence theory as a non-epistemic theory, and mology. Thirdly, I examine how, and on what conditions,
therefore his argument against it fails. Nevertheless, Kuhn coherence and correspondence can be linked. Finally, I
had an important epistemic point to make. He correctly evaluate Kuhns assessment of convergent realism, arguing
maintained that it is impossible to evaluate correspondence that his rejection is empirically motivated, although not
between beliefs and reality. For this reason, Kuhn con- necessarily empirically substantiated.
cluded that the acceptance of propositions, including the
presumption of their truthfulness, has to rely on some
other epistemic criteria. 2. Rejection of the correspondence theory of truth
Kuhn suggested that we should switch our epistemolog-
ical perspective from a static and foundationalist one, as in In various texts, Kuhn rejects the correspondence theory
logical positivism and empiricism, to what he occasionally of truth. However, it is far from clear what Kuhns reason
called the historical perspective. The crux of the latter is for this apparent rejection was, and even whether he can
that the prevailing or inherited system of beliefs is taken actually be said to have objected to the correspondence the-
as presumptively justied, and the focus of epistemic eval- ory in the rst place. Bird (2000, pp. 225227) pays atten-
uation is shifted from beliefs per se to changes of beliefs. tion to Kuhns statement in a paragraph in his Postscript
During periods of normal science, the aim is to change to The structure of scientic revolutions, where Kuhn says
the system minimally. When beliefs are changed, scientists that there is no theory-independent way to reconstruct
employ ve or six inter-theoretic, or even inter-paradig- phrases like really there; the notion of a match between
matic, values. The most important of these is problem-solv- the ontology of a theory and its real counterpart in nat-
ing, because, for Kuhn, science is essentially solving ure now seems to me illusive in principle (Kuhn, 1970, p.
problems, and other values can be subsumed under it. I 206). Bird agrees with Hoyningen-Huenes interpretation
show that problem-solving can be unproblematically con- in thinking that Kuhns argument here is actually episte-
nected to a coherentist epistemology. What is more, there mological. According to Hoyningen-Huene, the problem
are indications in Kuhns writings that he might have that Kuhn highlights is that there is no independent access
accepted this conclusion. Surprisingly, this means that to both theory and reality (Hoyningen-Huene, 1993, pp.
Kuhn implicitly agreed that there could be a rational 263264). As Bird correctly remarks, this is a misguided
method of inter-paradigmatic theory comparison. attack if the target is the correspondence theory of truth.
Especially in his later writings, Kuhn argued more or Even if we could not assess a match between a theory
less directly that scientists have attempted to increase and reality, it does not make the idea that truth consists
coherence in the history of science. However, Kuhn did in a relationship of correspondence between an indepen-
not make a claim that the total coherence of science has dent world and our beliefs, theories, and so on, meaning-
increased in the course of history, and moreover, it is hard less. In other words, the correspondence theory is a
to nd any historical evidence for it. Kuhn held that scien- theory that oers an interpretation of what truth is without
tists attempts to improve the coherence of their theories any epistemic concern as to whether we can know the truth.
paradoxically tend to decrease the total coherence of sci- This suggests that Kuhn failed to understand the non-
ence, because that activity leads to the fragmentation of sci- epistemic nature of the correspondence theory of truth.
ence. This kind of speciation or specialisation of scientic Perhaps a more charitable interpretation is that he did
elds is how Kuhn came to understand scientic revolu- not formulate his argument carefully enough. In any case,
tions in the latter part of his career. however, there is a serious epistemological concern behind
The scientic realist may insist that, whether or not the Kuhns statements. As we see below, in reference to the
coherence of science has increased, the success of science correspondence theory, Kuhn denies two things: (1) that
needs an explanation, and suggest that the only explana- we can check the correspondence between a truth-bearer
tion that does not make the success of science miraculous and a truth-maker, whatever they are; (2) that we can mea-
is the one that says that current theories are (approxi- sure the distance of any truth-bearer from truth at a spe-
mately) true, and truer than earlier less successful ones. cic point of time.
Yet this argument relies not only on the conceptual expli- In two of his later important essays, The trouble with
cation of such notions as truth-likeness or verisimilitude, the historical philosophy of science and The road since
but also on an empirical verication of convergence. Kuhn Structure (both in Kuhn, 2000), Kuhn describes what it
can be said to have emphasised the importance of the his- means to make a move from a static epistemological per-
torical record of science in deciding on the validity of con- spectivewhere beliefs per se are the focus of evaluative
vergent realism. Although Kuhn had some reservations practices, such as the one by logical positivism and empir-
with regard to the concept of truth-likeness, he eventually icismto his dynamic historical perspective, where the
rejected convergent realism on historical grounds. focus is on changes of beliefs. Three consequences arise
This paper is structured along the themes presented from this shift of perspective: the rst consequence is an
above. Firstly, I discuss Kuhns (awed) rejection of the abandonment of the traditional Archimedean platform;
correspondence theory of truth. Secondly, I demonstrate the second is that evaluation becomes comparative; and
in detail how Kuhns philosophy ts a coherentist episte- the third is that it becomes impossible to judge whether
J.-M. Kuukkanen / Stud. Hist. Phil. Sci. 38 (2007) 555566 557

our theories or beliefs correspond to reality (ibid., pp. 111 and theories necessitates the employment of some other
116, 9496). epistemic values. This is something about which, I believe,
It should be noted that the third consequence actually consensus prevails among contemporary philosophers. In
derives from the rst. Because no Archimedean platform any case, Kuhns point is recognised as a fundamental issue
is available for the pursuit of science other than the histor- in epistemology by two prominent epistemologists. Lau-
ically situated one already in place, it follows that what is rence Bonjour puts it as follows:
fundamentally at stake is . . . the correspondence theory of
If truth were somehow immediately and unproblemati-
truth, the notion that the goal, when evaluating scientic
cally accessible (as it is, on some accounts, for God)
laws and theories, is to determine whether or not they cor-
. . . then the concept of justication would be of little sig-
respond to an external, mind-independent world (ibid., p.
nicance . . . But this epistemically ideal situation is quite
95). Never mind that Kuhn calls this notion the correspon-
obviously not the one in which we nd ourselves. We
dence theory of truth; his point is that any evaluation of
have no such immediate and unproblematic access to
correspondence is impossible. Kuhn says that in the previ-
truth, and it is for this reason that justication comes
ous tradition in philosophy of science, beliefs were to be
into the picture. (Bonjour, 1985, p. 7)
evaluated for their truth or for their probability of being
true, where truth meant something like correspondence to In parallel with this, Nicholas Rescher notes that as a def-
the real, the mind-independent external world. He notes initional account of truth the correspondence theory is
that we can seldom or never carry out such an evaluation superior, but as a criterion of truth the correspondence the-
directly to reality (ibid., p. 114). ory encounters drastic diculties (Rescher, 1973, pp. 59).
We need to follow a couple of more steps of Kuhns rea- He writes,
soning in order to see why he also concludes that any
. . . due to the inherent impossibility of confronting the
assessment of convergence to the truth is impossible. The
factsthe correspondence theory is criteriologically of
abandonment of the Archimedean platform and its conse-
no avail in coming to a decision as to whether or not
quence, the impossibility of direct evaluations of corre-
a given proposition is to be classed as true. (Ibid., p. 185)
spondence, means that any judgement of the truth (of
anything) has to be reached indirectlyin other words, For this reason, Rescher concludes, we need to consider
we have to use some other epistemic criteria when evaluat- some other ways to form a judgment as to whether a prop-
ing our beliefs and theories. According to Kuhn, they [i.e. osition is true, and suggests that the coherence analysis is
these other epistemic criteria] provide a replacement for the best for this purpose.
traditional Archimedean platform (ibid., p. 96). But, Kuhn Expressed in Reschers terminology, Kuhns point is
tells us, there is a price to be paid for this indirect (and that criteriologically the correspondence theory of truth is
comparative) evaluation: A new body of belief could be not viable. It cannot oer us a workable criterion that
more accurate, more consistent, broader in its range of could be applied in an evaluation whether a belief is true
applicability, and also simpler without for those reasons or not. Compare this to Kuhns conviction that the essen-
being any truer (ibid., p. 115; original emphasis). tial function of the concept of truth is to require choice
It is important to realise that Kuhn does not deny that between acceptance and rejection of a statement or a the-
scientic theories and laws could be closer to the truth: that ory in the face of evidence shared by all (Kuhn, 2000,
successive scientic law and theories grow close and closer p. 99). Therefore, as long as we are concerned with how
to the truth . . . could be . . . the case (ibid., p. 115). The actual scientists function, we cannot refer to correspon-
problem is (again) that only a xed, rigid Archimedean dence between beliefs and reality as an explanatory notion
platform could supply a base from which to measure dis- in their decisions on theory choice. That would constitute a
tance between current belief and true belief. In the absence completely non-natural claim, implying the sort of access
of that platform, its hard to imagine what such a measure- to reality that only some privileged being could have. How-
ment would be (ibid.). Kuhns concern here is an epistemic ever, to repeat, this, of course, is not an argument against
onethat in the absence of an Archimedean platform, it is the correspondence theory as such. Even if Kuhn was right
impossible to measure directly the distance from the truth about its (in)applicability, the correspondence theory may
of any given belief, theory or law. While it is far from cer- well be the best theory to pin down what it means to say,
tain that our indirect evaluative criteria lead to truth, we P is true.
cannot in any case know whether this is or is not the case.
Is Kuhns epistemological concern something that is 3. Kuhn and the coherence theory of justication
worth taking seriously? The answer has to be yes. Let
us for the moment ignore the specic form of his argument Kuhn variably called his anti-foundationalist epistemo-
(that is, his reference to the absence of an Archimedean logical point of view the historical perspective (ibid.,
platform), and instead focus on the general problem that p. 113), the developmental perspective (ibid., p. 91), or
is expressed by it. The main point in Kuhns argument is the developmental view (ibid., p. 95). This part of Kuhns
that there is no direct and unproblematic access to truth, philosophy is best understood against the backdrop of
and therefore, the evaluation (of the truthfulness) of beliefs logical positivism and empiricism, whose signicance for
558 J.-M. Kuukkanen / Stud. Hist. Phil. Sci. 38 (2007) 555566

Kuhns thinking Bird has especially emphasised (e.g. Bird, conservatism. If the whole system of beliefs is taken as pre-
2000, p. x, pp. 278280; Bird, 2002, 2004). Kuhn wished to sumptively justied, it is rational to attempt to improve the
abandon the epistemological foundationalism of these pre- justication of the old system, rather than to reject the
vious traditions in the philosophy of science. For example, whole system and try to construct an alternative one. Con-
after having expressed his view that no Archimedean plat- struction of any new system of beliefs is clearly a laborious
form is available, Kuhn tells us that this conclusion is task, and it is, without some pre-developed alternative,
pretty generally accepted: I scarcely know a foundational- probably impossible.2 This means that any evidence that
ist any more, and that the correspondence theory must suggests radical changes to the accepted system is likely
vanish together with foundationalism (Kuhn, 2000, p. 95). to be resisted. Indeed, Kuhns developmental view dic-
Further, Kuhn declares that, in his early career, he was tates that the maxim adopted in revising an old theory is
primarily motivated by widely recognised diculties . . . to change it with minimum disruption (ibid., p. 96). He
in positivism and logical empiricism (ibid., p. 106) and says that the transformation of our webs of belief should
makes clear that the abandonment of these traditions leads be seen as piecemeal.
to his historical perspective. Is the claim here, then, that the philosopher who became
We may anticipate what follows in this paper at this famous by destroying the myth of cumulative progress of
point and consider what is the major alternative theory science in favour of the revolutionary model, is really an
of epistemic justication to foundationalism: coherentism. advocate of a conservative piecemeal approach to scientic
I will show below in detail that Kuhns philosophy indeed change, or that he arrived at this conclusion in his later
ts with a coherentist epistemology. career? The full response to this question must wait a little
The historical perspective stems from research into the longer, but neither of these suggestions is strictly speaking
history of science, but is an epistemological framework correct. Kuhn did not abandon his idea of scientic revolu-
specifying how beliefs ought to be evaluated. Its fundamen- tions even in his later thinking, although he came to modify
tal premise is that scientic activity should be embodied in his account signicantly (e.g. ibid., pp. 97, 119, 250).
narrative that starts with a description of what people To repeat, Kuhns polemic against the correspondence
believed at the beginning. Further, it holds that the beliefs theory was that any examination of correspondence
described are already in place and provide the basis for between beliefs and reality is beyond the reach of scientists,
ongoing research, which may result in changes in the body and therefore, correspondence with facts or reality cannot
of accepted beliefs. Everyone is bound up with a certain be a criterion for the acceptance of beliefs. Consequently,
historical situation involving a particular relevant body Kuhns historical perspective requires the employment of
of theory that is used for the evaluation of knowledge, such epistemic values in explanations of the history of sci-
and the evaluation is thus carried out against a background ence as can properly be said to be available to practising
of accepted beliefs. scientists. Kuhn writes:
The focus is not on the evaluation of beliefs as such,
Nothing about the rationality of the outcome of the cur-
because the whole inherited system of belief is more or less
rent evaluation depends on their [beliefs], in fact, being
just taken for granted, as if presumptively justied, making
true or false. They are simply in place, part of the histor-
it pointless or even impossible to ask justication of indi-
ical situation with which this evaluation is made . . . Jus-
vidual beliefs. Therefore, whats to be evaluated is the
tication does not aim at a goal external to the historical
desirability of a particular change-of-belief (ibid., pp. 95
situation but simply, in that situation, at improving the
96) or small incremental changes of beliefs (ibid., p. 112;
tools available for the job at hand. (Ibid., p. 96)
original emphasis). A central problem is why . . . given
the body of belief with which they began, do the members This quotation raises the question of what epistemic values
of a scientic group elect to alter it (ibid.). On one occa- are used for justication of belief changes, that is, how do
sion Kuhn compares the traditional investigation of the the scientists evaluate and judge whether there should be a
rationality of belief to his proposal to focus on the ratio- change of belief(s) in the system?
nality of incremental change of belief (ibid.). First of all, any evaluation of the desirability of a change
For everyone who has taken Kuhn as a philosopher of of belief is comparative. Judgement is based on the com-
scientic revolutions, there is an element of surprise hidden parison of two theories or two bodies of knowledge and
in the implications of the historical perspective: with what is asked is whether the original or the proposed alter-
respect to scientic change, later Kuhns attitude appears nativeis better for doing whatever it is that scientists do
moderate up to the point that he may be described as an (ibid., p. 96; original emphasis). Kuhns view since The
epistemological conservative, one who has adopted a piece- structure of scientic revolutions had been that scientists
meal approach to theory change. The case is actually more try to solve puzzles, and the choice between two theories
complicated than this, but it is still true that later Kuhns turns, therefore, to the question of whether the suggested
theory of theory choice has the avour of epistemological alternative manages to solve a puzzle that the old theory

Cf. Thagard (1984, 1992).
J.-M. Kuukkanen / Stud. Hist. Phil. Sci. 38 (2007) 555566 559

could not, or whether it can solve more puzzles than the old of his philosophy does not distort his thinking. My sugges-
one.3 It is worth pointing out that problem-solving retains tion is based on two inherent elements in his thinking with
its role as a primary factor of consideration in theory- which we are now familiar: epistemological conservative-
choice in Kuhns later writings. The quotation from The ness, and the idea that science is fundamentally problem-
road since Structure (presented and published in 1990) solving.
immediately above continues as follows: And that [the To begin with, conservatism in theory choice is some-
comparative judgment] is the case whether what scientists thing that takes us smoothly to coherentism in epistemol-
do is solve puzzles (my view) . . . (Kuhn, 2000, p. 96). Fur- ogy. Suppose that a highly coherent system is constructed.
ther, in Afterwords (a conference presentation from A person does not have any incentive to change it, should
1990), Kuhn writes, coherence decrease as a consequence. To the contrary, s/
he has an incentive not to change it in such a case. And
the answer supplied in Structure still seems to me the
so, in the absence of an alternative (more coherent) system,
right one: whether or not individual practitioners are
or of a change that improves the coherence of the old sys-
aware of it, they are trained to and rewarded for solving
tem, a person should not change his/her beliefs. Naturally,
intricate puzzles . . . That is what they are trained to do
the principle of coherentism works in the other direction as
and what . . . they spend most of their professional lives
well: if there is a good reason for a change, that is, if coher-
doing. (Ibid., p. 251)
ence can clearly be increased, then the system ought to be
We may add that that in an article from the turn of the changed. In a case where one or more anomalies appear
1990s (The natural and the human sciences in Kuhn, for which there is no satisfactory explanation available,
2000) Kuhn ponders whether human sciences could ever then (conservatively) amending the existing system or occa-
become puzzle-solving research like natural sciences. The sionally even devising a new conceptual system may oer
implication is clearly that the latter is best described as a such an explanation, and thus increase overall coherence.
problem-solving activity. Consequently, Bonjour writes that achieving a high degree
Kuhn also oers a more specic characterisation of the of coherence may sometimes require a signicant concep-
criteria for the evaluation of theories. There is a whole set tual change: in this way the progress of theoretical science
of apparently intertheoretical, or even interparadigmatic, may be plausibly viewed as a result of the search for greater
criteria used in evaluation: accuracy, consistency, breadth coherence (Bonjour, 1985, p. 100).
of applicability, simplicity and fruitfulness. In the compar- Furthermore, coherentism ts in general with Kuhns
ative evaluation of a change of belief(s) we ask: which of insistence that we should concentrate on the justication
two bodies of beliefs is more accurate, displays fewer incon- for changes of beliefs rather than on the justication of
sistencies, has a wider range of applications, or achieves the beliefs themselves. If our beliefs are holistically justi-
these goals with the simpler machinery (ibid., p. 114; origi- ed, that is, if the beliefs, in a set, mutually justify each
nal emphasis). Kuhn presents on several occasions similar, other, then we have to understand the whole set as given
yet slightly variable lists of criteria that can be used in and try to improve it, rather than to try to nd a justica-
comparison.4 tion for individual beliefs on a one-by-one basis or (even
We can see that the talk of Kuhn as an outright irratio- less) to start the construction of a new system from scratch.
nalist is a misrepresentation. Even if these standards are Justication is dependent on such a large set of intercon-
not point-by-point in the way that the comparison of nections that it is impossible to ask for a complete justica-
unambiguous truth-values requires, Kuhn clearly recognis- tion for each belief. Rather, it is the case that when a belief
es some common theory comparison criteria. I wish to go is changed, the rest of the beliefs stay unchanged. For each
further than this and show that his philosophy contains ele- change one has to ask for a specic justication, and
ments that makes it t well with a coherentist epistemol- improved coherence counts as such.
ogy. Although Kuhn did not suggest this directly (some Now, let us remind ourselves why we are preoccupied
occasional allusions can be found), I believe this extension by coherentism. The rst thing to take note of is that

There is a statement in Kuhn (1970, p. 157) that seems to contradict this account: . . . paradigm debates are not really about relative problem-solving
ability, though for good reasons they are usually couched in those terms. However, the context makes clear that it is not problem-solving as an epistemic
value which is in doubt, but whether scientists are always able to compare directly the relative problem-solving capacity of two theories. It is crucial to be
able to anticipate future problem-solving ability: A decision between alternate ways of practicing science is called for and in the circumstances that
decision must be based less on past achievement than on future promise. Also, compare this statement to numerous claims that emphasise the importance
of problem-solving.
Cf. Kuhn (1970), pp. 152155, Postscript, p. 199; Kuhn (1977), pp. 322324. However, there appears to be a subjective element in theory choice
because the values on which theory choice is based may be applied dierently by dierent individuals. Yet, this does not make theory choice arbitrary or
irrational. The shared values, however dierently shaped, seem to lead to the same theory choice by community members, as most members of the group
will ultimately nd one set of arguments than another decisive (Kuhn, 1970, p. 200). See Hoyningen-Huene (1993), pp. 147154, pp. 239245, for more
references to Kuhn. Elsewhere, Kuhn concludes that the values in question form the standard list of rational criteria for evaluation of scientic beliefs and
conrms the universality of these values (Kuhn, 2000, pp. 251252; see also ibid., p. 118; cf. Laudan, 1984a, pp. 9192).
560 J.-M. Kuukkanen / Stud. Hist. Phil. Sci. 38 (2007) 555566

coherentism is a theory of justication.5 On the ground Bonjour argues that we need to highlight one kind of
that it is impossible for scientists to have direct access to inferential relation for our purposes, namely the explana-
truth, Kuhn plunged into a classication of values that tory relation. In science and other epistemological tasks
could be used in theory evaluation by scientists. There the goal is to explain a scope of phenomena, including phe-
are now clear indications that Kuhns historical perspective nomena of dierent kinds, by a relatively small number of
can be accommodated to a coherentist theory of justica- explanatory principles. A coherentist system tries to con-
tion. However, in order to demonstrate the match between nect an anomalous event or fact to known ones by nding
Kuhns epistemology and the latter in more detail, we inferential connections between it and the rest of the system
urgently need to clarify further the notion of coherence in the course of looking for an explanation for it. Anoma-
from the merely intuitive level. I will explicate the notion lies threaten the status of the explanatory principles of the
of coherence with the help of Bonjour (1985, Ch. 5), who system as general and basic, and thus decrease the coher-
oers a clear account of the notion.6 ence of a system. Bonjour adds, therefore, one more condi-
The customary way to characterise coherence is by stat- tion for coherence:
ing one or two conditions: consistency or/and explanatory
unity. Consistency means that no coherent set can contain (4) The coherence of a system of beliefs is decreased in
both beliefs that P and not-P. Explanatory unity means proportion to the presence of unexplained anomalies
that each belief P of a set is explained by other beliefs in in the believed content of the system.
the set. Consistency is also Bonjours rst condition for
coherence: This concludes our exposition of the notion of coher-
ence. There are three criteria to be taken into account in
(1) A system of belief is coherent only if it is logically determining the coherence of a system: its consistency,
consistent.7 the degree of inferential connections it contains and the
number of anomalous instances it exhibits.
A further factor to be considered is that of the points of Now we come to the crucial part. We have to assess how
contact between the components of the system. We need to epistemological coherentism meshes with Kuhns charac-
require that there be some positive connections between the terisation of science as a whole, and specically, how it
beliefs that make up the system. If they are totally uncon- agrees with the criteria that he suggests are used in theory
nected, we cannot say that the set is very coherent. Bonjour choice. As we saw above, the feature of science that Kuhn
writes that a natural idea is that connections are inference elevated above any other is problem-solving. It is true that
relations. There should be such relations that a belief or a sometimes Kuhn lists it next to other criteria of evaluation;
set of beliefs can serve as the premise(s) of an argument for yet, it also clear that problem-solving is more important
a further belief. Furthermore, if a system has subsystems, than his other criteria. It is something that is the distin-
their coherence is higher the more they are connected with guishing mark of the whole scientic period, that is, normal
each other. It is important to notice that both the relations science. It is what scientists do (Kuhn, 2000, p. 96)
between beliefs inside a set and the relations between sets whether or not individual practitioners are aware of it
that form a larger system can be understood to be a matter (ibid., p. 251).
of degree. Bonjour formulates two further conditions for That science is problem-solving is a conclusion one
coherence, as follows: arrives at by taking a look at history over a long period
of time. It is a metahistorical view, expressing what the nat-
(2) The coherence of a system of beliefs is increased by ure of science is on the whole. If we exclude problem-solv-
the presence of inferential connections between its ing, which can be used to characterise science both as a
component beliefs, and increased in proportion to criterion as it is actually applied in theory choice by scien-
the number and strength of such connections. tists and as a characterisation of the nature of scientic
(3) The coherence of a system of beliefs is diminished to activity in general, the other criteria that are supposedly
the extent to which it is divided into subsystems of used in theory choice are descriptions on the former level
beliefs that are relatively unconnected to each other only, that is, they are only applicable in the actual situation
by inferential relations. where scientists choose theories. In Kuhns philosophy, the

However, terminology varies between dierent advocates of coherence theories. Reschers intention is not to devise a coherence theory of truth to
compete with the correspondence theory, despite the name of his 1973 book, The coherence theory of truth. Therefore, I am bound to agree with Bonjour
that it is best to call the kind of coherence theory that he and Rescher are interested in the coherence theory of justication (Bonjour, 1985, p. 88 and p. 239
n. 1).
Other versions of coherentism include: Lehrer (2000), Thagard (1992), Harman (1989) and Rescher (1973).
Bonjour points out that coherence should not be equated with logical consistency, i.e. the absence of explicit contradiction. There may be cases where a
consistent system does have a low degree of coherence. By using the notion of probabilistic consistency, we may imagine a case where a person holds the
belief that P and also the belief that it is extremely improbable that P. The set is consistent, although it would be more coherent if those two beliefs would
be dropped altogether. Therefore, probabilistic consistency is another feature to be taken into account (Bonjour, 1985, pp. 9596). I ignore this
specication here, but that does not aect in any way the general argument made here.
J.-M. Kuukkanen / Stud. Hist. Phil. Sci. 38 (2007) 555566 561

usage of these standards contributes to greater success in cation can be found in The Copernican revolution. Accord-
problem-solving. For example, Kuhn sees that improved ing to Kuhn, coherence was an important epistemic value
quantitative precision, that is, accuracy, makes a theory in enabling the Copernican revolution to occur:
more likely to succeed in problem-solving than its compet-
The ear equipped to discern geometric harmony could
itors (Kuhn, 1970, pp. 153154). More generally, Kuhn
detect a new neatness and coherence in the sun-centered
makes it clear that the function of other values is to indi-
astronomy of Copernicus, and if that neatness and
cate the success in problem-solving:
coherence had not been recognized, there might have
the rationality of the standard list of criteria for evaluat- been no Revolution. (Kuhn, 1985, p. 172)
ing scientic belief is obvious. Accuracy, precision,
scope, simplicity, fruitfulness, consistency, and so on,
Compare this to Kuhns characterisation of what happens
simply are the criteria which puzzle solvers must weigh
in revolutionary change: In revolutionary change one must
in deciding whether or not a given puzzle about the
either live with incoherence or else revise a number of inter-
match between phenomena and belief has been solved.
related generalizations together . . . Only the initial and -
Except that they need not all be satised at once, they
nal sets of generalizations provide a coherent account of
are the dening characteristics of the solved puzzle.
nature (Kuhn, 2000, p. 29; my emphasis). Quite clearly,
(Kuhn, 2000, pp. 251252; original emphasis)
the implication is that scientists do not tolerate incoherence
My suggestion is that problem-solving is a natural com- but try to achieve as coherent an account of nature as pos-
ponent of a coherentist epistemology. The connection sible. Moreover, we can pay attention to how Kuhn com-
between coherence and problems (or anomalies) is obvious: ments on Hempels description of the aims of science.
Problems, that is, phenomena unexplained by the machin- Hempel says, Science is widely conceived as seeking to for-
ery of the set, decrease the number and strength of inferen- mulate an increasingly comprehensive, systematically
tial relations between the components of the set, making organised, world view that is explanatory and predictive.
the system less coherent. A potential problem is that Kuhn remarks, Because it loosens the commitment to
Kuhns criteriaconsistency, scope, accuracy, simplicity any particular prespecied goal like puzzle solving, Hem-
and sometimes also fruitfulnessdo not all appear to cor- pels formulation is an improvement of mine (ibid., p.
relate directly and unproblematically with a higher degree 210). I do not think it is far-fetched to suggest that the
of coherence. The least problematic is consistency, because terms increasingly comprehensive and systematically
the concept of coherence can be directly explicated by it. organised could be replaced by the word coherent.
Also, both scope and simplicity can be taken as values that Furthermore, interestingly, we can also nd other evi-
enhance the degree of coherence in a system. This is dence, independent of Kuhn, that scientists have attempted
because simpler or more powerful principles are used in to increase coherence. The most forceful argument that
explanations and the wider the scope of the phenomena increasing coherence has been a signicant driving motor
they subsume, the more and stronger explanatory connec- behind theory changes arguably comes from Thagard
tions there are in the system; therefore, less subsystems are (1992; see also Kitcher, 1993). Thagard shows how the
needed, that is, the system is more coherent. Accuracy (or increase of (explanatory) coherence has been a motivating
precision) might be, then, interpreted as tendency to pro- force for theoretical transition behind such well known sci-
duce minimal anomalies in the system. That is, in an accu- entic revolutions as Lavoisiers chemical revolution, Dar-
rate system, there would be an agreement between wins evolutionary revolution, Hesss theories of seaoor
predictions made and experimental results. It would be a spreading and plate tectonics (over Wegeners theory of
challenging task to link fruitfulness with the concept of continental drift) and a group of revolutions in physics
coherence. Perhaps it could be taken as something like a (the Copernican, Newtonian, Einsteinian and quantum
promise of future problem-solving capacity. However, it mechanical revolutions).
is not a problem if it, or any other poorly tting criterion, In conclusion, while Kuhn obviously takes problem or
contributes to greater success in problem-solving, and puzzle-solving as the most fundamental characteristic of
problem-solving, in turn, makes a contribution to achiev- science, he hints that he would not have objected to a more
ing a higher degree of coherence. In that case, all criteria comprehensive description of the aim of science, such as
are linked either directly or indirectly via problem-solving increasing coherence. Our consideration of the relationship
to coherence, which makes Kuhns philosophy consistently between problem-solving and coherence leads indirectly to
coherentist. Problem-solving is what science is fundamen- the same result: if scientists, as a matter of fact, attempt to
tally, and it is part of the more general search for greater solve puzzles willy-nilly, and this approach can be
coherence in science. more comprehensively described as coherence-increasing
It is an interesting question whether Kuhn himself activity, then we are warranted in saying that they try to
would have accepted this description of him as a coheren- increase coherence of science. Therefore, we are justied
tist. To say, Yes, he would have, might be too strong; but in thinking that Kuhn made an empirical claim regarding
there are certainly indications scattered in his texts that the actual practice of scientists. That is, whether always
suggest that he might well have accepted it. An early indi- aware of it or not, scientists try to make a theory as
562 J.-M. Kuukkanen / Stud. Hist. Phil. Sci. 38 (2007) 555566

coherent as possible and to choose a more coherent rent beliefs, because the real issue is whether theories are
successor if one it is available. becoming truer. Further, he/she is likely to contend that
This conclusion may appear surprising against the back- the success of science indicates that this is indeed the case.
ground of the so-called rationality debate, which involved Lets then suppose that we nd out, as a matter of fact, that
such gures as Popper, Lakatos, Kuhn and Feyerabend. a particular scientic eld, or even the whole science, has
The received wisdom is that Kuhn and Feyerabend were become more coherent over the long run (=success). The
irrationalists, while Popper and Lakatos were the defenders scientic realist would maintain that this increase of coher-
of rationality. Now we can see that this may be too crude a ence indicates that theories are truer. This can be taken as
simplication of the actual situation. Kuhn clearly accepts the case where scientists are trying to achieve as coherent a
that there are standards that enable rational comparison in theory as possible, ending up with an approximately true
scientic change, even to the extent that we might claim one, and truth therefore turns out to be a by-product of sci-
that he would have approved of the notion that there is entic activity (cf. Bird, 2000, p. 214). We may imagine this
also a rational method of theory comparison operating in as being a kind of invisible hand of truth, in the form of
science: coherence analysis. justication, which guides scientists in their theory choices.
This debate raises again the question of how the notion
4. Coherence and correspondence linked? of truth itself is understood. An easy answer would be to
advocate not only a coherence theory of justication but
Evaluation of theories via coherence (or the values sub- also a coherence theory of truth. Truth would mean some-
sumed under the notion of coherence) was meant to be thing like an ideal t or ideal coherence. This would link
something that can be used as a criterion when deciding justication to truth inherently: if a theory increases its
on the acceptability of theories. One may ask whether coherence, it will also be truer by the same token, because
coherentism has any other virtues in addition to being truth is identical to justication-in-the-long-run. However,
available in practical situations of theory choice. What rea- the realist typically understands truth as correspondence
sons, if any, are there to accept the coherence theory as a with reality, and such a coherence theory of truth is de-
normative theory in epistemology? nitely not their choice. Further, most contemporary coher-
Coherentism could be motivated by maintaining that it ence theorists agree that the correspondence theory is the
is a truth-generating method. Perhaps coherentism can be best candidate to express what truth means (e.g. Rescher,
used to discriminate between beliefs that are and that are 1973, pp. 2324, p. 27, pp. 184185, Bonjour, 1985, pp.
not presumptively true. Expressed in Reschers terminol- 158).
ogy, because it cannot be decided directly, or because one Unfortunately, there is a problem in respect of the
cannot be directly and unproblematically aware that P is alleged connection between coherence and correspondence:
true, that is, T(P), we need some criterion to give us an ade- the coherence criterion does not necessitate or logically
quate rational warrant for classing P as true, that is, C(P) guarantee truth (e.g. Rescher, 1973, p. 31, Bonjour, 1985,
(Rescher, 1973, pp. 1226). Accordingly, both Rescher pp. 157158). C(P) is not equivalent to T(P). No matter
(e.g. 1973, pp. 2324, pp. 3940) and Bonjour (e.g. 1985, how strong a warrant we have that P is true, it is always
pp. 157158, pp. 169179) suggest that the role of the theoretically possible that P is false. Specically, it cannot
coherence theory is to provide a rationale for thinking that be discounted that there are several equally coherent sys-
an inquirer whose beliefs are justied according to the stan- tems that are either equally true or equally far from the
dards of the coherence theory is likely to arrive at truth. truth. Therefore, if one wants to connect coherence to cor-
Adhering to coherentist standards is thus truth-condu- respondence, s/he has to oer an argument for it. Bonjour
cive. Further, Rescher (1985) argues that truth is tanta- correctly recognises that if the only rationale for the chosen
mount to ideal coherence. The attempt to achieve a concept of truth (read: correspondence concept of truth) is
maximally coherent system may be motivated by an an appeal to the related standard of justication, then the
attempt to construct a system that best estimates ideal argument loses it force. It would be circular to say that a
coherence, that is, the true description of the world. certain standard or epistemic justication is correct because
More generally, the scientic realist is faced with a it is truth-conducive and that the conception of truth in
related problem with truth. He/she holds that the aim of question is correct because it can connect in this way with
science is truth itself, but a sensible realist would not claim the suggested standard of justication (Bonjour, 1985, pp.
that scientic beliefs or theories are, or have ever been, 109110). In other words, an argument for the truth-con-
strictly taken, true. Taking into account the evidence from ducivity of the chosen standard of justication has to be
the history of science, this appears to be the only sensible motivated independently.
conclusion. This is also something that Kuhn is keen to Psillos has recently oered an argument that purports to
highlight. He refers to the pessimistic meta-induction and overcome this circularity problem. The strategy is to distin-
points out that all previous beliefs have turned out to be guish between vicious premise-circularity and non-vicious
false, which makes it likely that our current beliefs will rule-circularity. According to Psillos, the dierence is that
meet the same fate (Kuhn, 2000, p. 115). Yet, the realist in the former, the conclusion is either identical with or a
wont be moved by the actual falsity of previous and cur- paraphrase of one of its premises, while in the latter, the
J.-M. Kuukkanen / Stud. Hist. Phil. Sci. 38 (2007) 555566 563

argument is an instance or an application of the rule of Consequently, some realists are losing their faith in
inference vindicated by the conclusion. He suggests that attempts to formalise the notion of truth-likeness. Psillos
the principle of Inference to the Best Explanation can be would be ready to rely on the intuitive notion of truth-like-
shown to be reliable (that is, truth-tropic) by way of a ness already operating in science (Psillos, 2005, p. 278).
rule-circular argument, and the argument is therefore per- But this strategy raises the question of how strong the
suasive to someone who does not share the intuition of rational appeal of this intuitive approach is for those
its reliability (Psillos, 2005, p. 82). Psilloss idea relies on who do not take the notion of truth-likeness as intuitive,
the No Miracles Argument (NMA), that is, the notion that and the intuition does not appear to be universally shared
realism, with its claim that theories are approximately true, (cf. Kuhn, 1970, 2000; Rescher, 1977; Laudan, 1981,
is the only philosophy that does not make the success of 1984a). For example, for Rescher, it has little rational
science a miracle. He thinks that by a meta-IBE, we can appeal (Rescher, 1977, p. 170). He contends that it is
conclude that the background theories that led to the rational to think that our latest theories are better qualied
instrumental and predictive successes of science are for endowment with the presumption of truth, but one
approximately true. Further, since these (approximately should not equate a tentative claim to truth with a claim
true) theories have been arrived at by rst-order IBEs, this to tentative truth (ibid., p. 191).
realisation, together with the conclusion of the meta-IBE, At the moment I would be ready to give the benet of
entails the reliability of the IBE. Finally, NMA is not pre- doubt to those who wish to try to explicate the notion of
mise-circular, because the truth of the conclusion of NMA verisimilitude or truth-likeness. However, in addition, we
is only a part of a sucient condition for taking IBE as reli- also need to show that it applies to the history of science.
able (ibid., p. 83). In other words, one should verify empirically that science
However, it is not clear at all that the argument really is converging. Bonjour sensibly expresses the condition
retains its probative force for someone who does not for the case of convergence in the history of science. He
already accept that IBE is truth-conducive. Another scien- writes that coherentist standards may produce two dierent
tic realist, Peter Lipton, candidly and correctly, I think, types of results in the long run. The system of beliefs might
suggests that the miracle argument can rather be conceived involve constant and relatively wholesale changes over
of having some use in defending against the charge of time, and thus not approach any stable conception of the
circularity in internal debates amongst scientic realists world. The other alternative is that the system of beliefs
(Lipton, 2004, pp. 191192). Psillos leaves it somewhat gradually converges on some denite view of the world,
unexplained how someone who does not accept IBE as and thereafter remains relatively stable (Bonjour, 1985, p.
legitimate or/and does not believe that IBE is truth-tropic 170). The point is that any reasonable argument for
would accept NMA. For example, an instrumentalist, even truth-convergence requires that the latter condition prevail.
one who accepts IBE as a form of inference, would at most In the absence of continuity and stability of any kind, that
be ready to concede that the success of science indicates is, in the case of progress largely through revolutions and
that the observational consequences of the theories in total discontinuity, hitting the truth at some point would
use, not the theories themselves, are true. And if the rst be a sudden lucky shot, of which we might be wholly una-
step is blocked, then the whole argument attempting to ware. This option is simply implausible and unreasonable.
show the reliability of IBE (in the realists sense) fails. Also those impressed by NMA have to show that there
How, then, might we argue for truth-convergence in the is a relevant kind of continuity in the history of science.
history of science? Firstly, an advocate of such a view Laudan (e.g. 1981, 1984a,b) has argued that there have
should dene the notion of verisimilitude or truth-likeness. been successful but fundamentally wrong theories (by our
It is clear that early attempts, such as Poppers, failed to current standards). This is clearly unacceptable for a scien-
make sense of the notion of truth-likeness.8 Since then, tic realist, as it cuts the link between success and truth. As
there has been an admirable amount of work carried out a consequence, Psillos correctly suggests that realists
around the notion of truth-likeness and verisimilitude by should accept Laudans historical challenge. According to
Ilkka Niiniluoto, Graham Oddie and others. A recent sug- Psillos, realists should use, what he calls the divide et
gestion is that truth-likeness equates to truth plus similar- impera move to show that the theoretical laws and mecha-
ity, and similarity is used for measuring distances from nisms which have generated the success of past science have
the truth (e.g. Niiniluoto, 1999). Perhaps measuring dis- been retained as constituents of our current theories. He
tances from the truth does not necessarily require an Archi- calls these constituents truth-like constituent theoretical
medean platform, as Kuhn suggested; Kuhns point may be claims. Because they have carried over to subsequent the-
taken as a statement that the measurement cannot be given ories, they represent the best approximations of the truth
with certainty or come with an absolute guarantee. (Psillos, 2005, pp. 108111).
Nevertheless, there certainly are major diculties in pin- In other words, either the history of science settles on a
ning down the concept of verisimilitude or truth-likeness. certain conception of the world and remains stable, or it

This is largely due to the TichyMiller refutation of Poppers denition (e.g. Niiniluoto, 1999 pp. 6568; Miller, 1974).
564 J.-M. Kuukkanen / Stud. Hist. Phil. Sci. 38 (2007) 555566

keeps constantly changing. If there is constant change in eld. Kuhn thinks that specialisation is something that is
the history of science, it is totally unreasonable to say that necessary for the development of science, although it is
there is any empirical-historical evidence for convergence deplorable if one is trying to nd a coherent and unifying
and an increasing correspondence to reality, which makes worldview:
the whole argument for truth-convergence hollow. Then
Specialization and the narrowing of the range of exper-
again, if the history of science converges to a certain view,
tise now look to me like the necessary price of increas-
it raises an opportunity to argue reasonably that it may be
ingly powerful cognitive tools . . . To anyone who
best explained by the fact that the theories correspond to
values the unity of knowledge, this aspect of specializa-
reality. Of course, there is no way to make a foolproof case,
tionlexical or taxonomic divergence . . . is a condition
and no scientic realist is likely to argue that an increase of
to be deplored. But such unity may be in principle an
coherence is an infallible sign of a higher degree of verisi-
unattainable goal, and its energetic pursuit might well
militude or truth-likeness. Nevertheless, let it be granted
place the growth of knowledge at risk. (Ibid., p. 98)
that, if the development of science shows continuity,
increasing coherence and stability over the long run, an
Scientists are, in other words, forced to introduce new sub-
argument for the (approximate) truth of theories has some
elds of science. The paradoxical result is that their aim to
intuitive appeal. The crucial question is whether these con-
increase coherence of their elds, which may be in fact
ditions prevail in practice, that is, whether an increasing
achieved by getting rid of the most problematic parts,
degree of coherence, convergence and stability are detected
results in a decrease in the unity of science. Kuhn thus
in the history of science or not.
did not make an empirical claim that coherence has
First of all, it is not in doubt that the later Kuhn still
increased in science. It seems also most likely that there is
thought that there are scientic revolutions and periods
no other evidence for that conclusion either. The fact of
of normal science in the history of science, although in
specialisation suggests that the contrary is the case. For
his later work, revolutions have become local and signify
example, Rescher points out that, according to Britannica,
splits of scientic elds to new branches and subspecialities
there were nine branches of physics with nineteen special-
(Kuhn, 2000, pp. 250, 97, 119120). It is useful, then, to
ties in 1911, but already sixteen branches with 205 special-
employ the pair normalrevolutionary science in our inter-
ties in 1970 (Rescher, 1978, pp. 226229). Furthermore, the
pretation. Let us rst note that revolutions do not consti-
integration of the theory of quantum phenomena and the
tute a problem for the coherentist account, because
theory of relativity poses a special problem in physics. It
increase of coherence is in no way connected to the stability
is also likely that the total number of disciplines in general
of the existing scientic ontology or putative references.
in science has increased in the course of history. Of course,
The view that arises out of Kuhns writings is one where
this is not to say that it would be impossible to nd rela-
the scientists aim, to increase coherence of their theories
tions of reduction between these specialties, or unifying
and nd as unifying an account of nature possible, leads
explanations, in the long run, or that there is necessarily
to scientic revolutions in the new sense, that is, to splits
some kind of incommensurability between dierent elds,
of elds of science. Kuhn writes,
but it clearly indicates that it is hard to make a case that
Knowledge is the particular business of subspecialties, there has been an overall increase of coherence in science.
whose practitioners struggle to improve incrementally The lack of evidence for increase of coherence does not
the accuracy, consistency, breadth of applicability, and directly9 threaten the realists argument, because success
simplicity of the set of beliefs they acquired during their can be understood dierently10, but the historical challenge
education, their initiation into practice . . . Occasionally remains. Can we, then, historically argue that there is con-
the process runs aground, and the proliferation and tinuity in the history of science? One can, of course, focus
reorganization of specialties is usually part of the on many aspects in this search for continuity (e.g. concep-
required remedy. (Ibid., p. 117; original emphasis) tual, referential or structural continuity, or continuity of
truth-content etc.), but if we are arguing for convergence
At the time of normal science, theories are changed piece- as a kind of ideal nal description, that is, as a view or pic-
meal, but occasionally revolutions force themselves on the ture of the world, then there should be convergence in the
scientic community. We may imagine this as a situation basic concepts and ontologies of theories. Unsurprisingly,
where anomalies persist, which gives an incentive to devel- Kuhn argues against that. In The Copernican revolution
op an alternative explanation or theoretical system over the (1985) Kuhn had already expressed his conviction as
years, so that it nally evolves to form a separate scientic follows:

If the dierent knowledge systems in dierent elds turn out, at the end of all scientic inquiry, to be mutually contradictory, it raises the question
whether one has achieved the truth. Let us suppose that these all systems are part of one large system of knowledge. Is it reasonable to suppose that this
system corresponds to reality? If the answer is yes, would this mean that reality itself is somehow contradictory? Isnt it more reasonable to think that all
our beliefs in this system cannot be true? This indicates that coherence has to be a feature of any true system of knowledge, just as Rescher has emphasised
(e.g. Rescher, 1973, Ch. 7; 1985).
See Psillos (2005), pp. 104108, for an attempt to specify what success in science means.
J.-M. Kuukkanen / Stud. Hist. Phil. Sci. 38 (2007) 555566 565

But though achievements of Copernicus and Newton the conception, Kuhn was convinced of the implausibility
are permanent, the concepts that made those achieve- of the teleological view because of the historical record.
ments possible are not. Only the list of explicable phe-
nomena grows; there is no similar cumulative process 5. Conclusions
for the explanations themselves. As science progresses,
its concepts are repeatedly destroyed and replaced. We have seen that Kuhns argument against the corre-
(Kuhn, 1985, pp. 264265) spondence theory of truth is epistemological. Because Kuhn
thought that it is impossible to assess correspondence
In addition, beside his overall argument that the history of between beliefs and reality, he relied on certain inter-theo-
science comprises scientic revolutions, he is as a historian retic values to explain theory choice. For Kuhn, problem-
. . . impressed with the implausibility of the view that looks solving is the most important standard of evaluation, under
for a match between the ontology of a theory and nature which all other epistemic criteria can be subsumed. I
(Kuhn, 1970, p. 206; my emphasis). Kuhn says further, showed that problem-solving can be incorporated into a
I can see in their [Newtons and Einsteins mechanics] coherentist epistemology. This means that Kuhn implicitly
succession no coherent direction of ontological develop- accepted that there is a rational method of comparison in
ment. On the contrary, in some important respects . . . science, that is, coherence analysis. Furthermore, coheren-
Einsteins general theory of relativity is closer to Aris- tism is compatible with a view that maintains that increas-
totles than either of them is to Newtons. (Ibid., pp. ing coherence is linked to progress towards truth.
206207) Although Kuhn argued that the history of science does
not yield support for convergent realism (and for an overall
This relative closeness of relativistic physics to Aristotelian increase of coherence in science), convergent realism is not
than to Newtonian is a case that stand[s] for many (Kuhn, incompatible with his philosophy because Kuhns argument
2000, p. 206). After that, he talks of vain attempts at zero- is ultimately empirical. Kuhn may thus be said to have
ing in on natures real joints, and of the need to replace the emphasised the role of historical research in the debate on
goal-directed approach with an evolutionary one. Kuhn is convergent realism. Unfortunately, Kuhn did not oer
thus saying in eect that, in general, there is no conver- enough historical data to strongly corroborate his claim.
gence in basic ontology or in concepts in the history of sci- Finally, we may conclude that both conceptual clarication
ence. Therefore, Kuhn urges people to abandon the idea and empirical substantiation are needed in deciding the
that scientic progress has to be dened as a movement to- issue of convergence in the history of science, which there-
wards some goal, and hints that this is a relic, just like the fore requires both philosophical and historical reection.
pre-Darwinian evolutionary theories that took evolution to Kuhns career is a testimony of a fruitful interaction
be a goal-directed process planned by God (Kuhn, 1970, between these two perspectives on science.
pp. 170173). In the course of his career, Kuhn becomes
ever more convinced that an evolutionary conception Acknowledgement
should replace the old teleological conception.
It is true that Kuhn did not oer enough historical evi- I would like to thank especially the primary supervisors
dence for his view, which Sharrock and Read (2002) are at of my doctoral thesis in Edinburgh, Alexander Bird and
pains to emphasise. This may probably be explained by the John Henry, as well as two anonymous referees for com-
fact that year-by-year he moved closer to non-empirical ments that have helped to formulate my views. Also an e-
philosophical argumentation. There are naturally others mail conversation with Matthias Brendel was useful while
who have argued against convergent realism on empirical constructing the nal version of this paper. My doctoral
grounds, such as Larry Laudan. Further, on the other side, thesis was supported by the Arts and Humanities Research
Psillos has admirably followed up his divide et impera strat- Council. It is part of the project The Political Aspects of
egy and attempted to prove that the several stages of the History (20022006), funded by the Academy of Finland.
caloric theory of heat and the nineteenth-century optical Finally, I wish to thank the following institutions for their
ether theories retained the essential constituents responsi- nancial support: the Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation
ble for their respective successes, and that they, therefore, and the College of Humanities at the University of
support the realists argument (Psillos, 2005, Ch. 6). Edinburgh.
The point here is that the question of whether there is
convergence in the history of science has to be settled both References
by conceptual clarication (of such concepts as truth-like-
ness or verisimilitude) as well as by empirical studies of Bird, A. (2000). Thomas Kuhn. Chesham: Acumen.
the history of science. Although Kuhn had some reserva- Bird, A. (2002). Kuhns wrong turning. Studies in History and Philosophy
of Science, 33, 443463.
tions with the regard to the notion of truth-likeness, he
Bird, A. (2004). Kuhn and twentieth century philosophy of science. Annals
assigned to empirical historical research a central role in of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science, 12, 114.
deciding the issue of convergence. Despite the fact that Bonjour, L. (1985). The structure of empirical knowledge. Cambridge, MA:
the empirical data he oered is too thin to corroborate Harvard University Press.
566 J.-M. Kuukkanen / Stud. Hist. Phil. Sci. 38 (2007) 555566

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