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Lista 3 - Probabilidade


e varincia v, com N independente de todas as

Xi . Deixe S = X1 + ... + XN = i=1 Xi 1N >i .
1 Let (, F ) be a measure space and let Calcule Var(S).
f0, f1, . . . be an infinite sequence of F -measurable
functions of . Show that the radius R of con-
vergence of the random power series k

k=0 fk x is 6 Prove a Desigualdade de Cauchy-Schwarz
an F -measurable function of . For any two random variables X and Y, we have
|E XY | E[X 2 ]E[Y 2 ], (2)
Esperana where equality holds if and only if X = Y , for
some constant R.

2 Mostre que para variveis aleatrias dis- 7 Dados X e Z variveis aleatrias indepen-
cretas, dentes, cada uma seguindo a distribuio normal

padro, Deixe a, b R (no ambos nulos), e deixe
EX = x k P(x = x k ), (1)
k=1 Y = aX + bZ
se a srie absolutamente convergente
a) Compute Corr(X, Y ).
3 D exemplos de variveis aleatrias X e Y b) Mostre que |Corr(X, Y )| 1 nesse caso.
definas em [0, 1] com a medida de Lebesque tal c) D condies necessrias e suficientes
que P(X > Y ) > 1/2 , but E(X) < E(Y ). sobre os valores de a e b para que
Corr(X, Y ) = 1.
4 Suponha que X1, X2, . . . uma sequncia d) D condies necessrias e suficientes so-
de variveis independentes em (, F, P). Mostre bre os valores de a e b tais que para que
que as duas famlias X1, X3, X5, . . . e X2, X4, X6, . . . Corr(X, Y ) = 1.
so independentes.
8 Dada uma varivel aleatria X, ento,
5 Deixe X1, X2, . . . serem v.a i.i.d. com m- para todo  > 0, existe uma varivel aleatria
dia e varincia 2 e deixe ser uma varivel ale- limitada X , tal que P(X , X ) < 
atria tomando valores nos inteiros com mdia m
9 (O problema do coletor de cupom) ted on [0, 1]. Hint: show
Cada vez que se compra um saco de salgadinho,
obtm-se como um bnus uma figurinha (escon-

x when x [0, 1];
P[U x] = 1 when x > 1;

dida dentro da embalagem) de um jogador de fu-
tebol. Suponha que existam n imagens diferentes 0 when x < 0.

que so igualmente susceptveis de estar dentro
de cada pacote. for all x R by analyzing P[Un x] as n
Encontre o nmero esperado de pacotes para where Un := nk=1 2k Yk .

comprar para obter uma coleo completa de jo- Suppose X and Y are two random variables, not
gadores. necessarily defined on the same probability space.
Y is said to be stochastically larger than X if
P[X x] P[Y x] for all x R.
10 Considere a expanso didica de X
U(0, 1), e deixe ln ser o nmero de zeros conse-
cutivos do n-simo digito para frente. Ou seja 13 Suppose X and Y are random variables
ln = k se os dgitos n, n + 1, . . . , n + k 1 so todos and that Y is stochastically larger than X. Show
zero. Em particular ln = 0 se o n-simo digito for there exists random variables X and Y defined
1. on a common probability space (, F , P) such
a) Prove que P(ln = k) = 2k+1 1
para todo that X X, Y Y and X () Y () for
k > 0. all .
b) Prove que P(ln = ki.v.) = 1 para todo k.
c) Prove que P(ln = 0i.v.) = 0 para todo k. 4. Let X and X1, X2, . . . be random variables.
(a) Show by example that the following state-
ment is not true in general:
Distribuio If Xn X in distribution then P(Xn
A) P(X A) for every Borel set A.
(Hint: consider the random variable Xn uniformly distri-
11 Random variables induce probability buted on n values 1/n, 2/n, . . . , n/n. Identify X.)
measures on R (b) Assume that the random variables Xn have
Let X be a random variable on a probability densities fn , and the random variable X has den-
space (, F , P). Prove that X induces a proba- sity f . Show by example that the following sta-
bility measure on R in the following sense. For tement is not true in general:
every Borel subset A of R, define If Xn X in distribution then fn (x)
f (x) for every x R.
P(A) := P(X A) = P( : X() A).
(Hint: modify the example in (a) by including small in-
Prove that (R, R, P) is a probability space. tervals around the values k/n.)

12 Suppose that Y1, Y2, . . . is an infinite se- 14 Let a be a real number and X1, X2, . . . be
quence of independent random variables, all de- random variables. Prove that Xn a in distri-
fined on the same probability space (, F , P), ta- bution if and only if Xn a in probability. Here
king the values 0 and 1 with probability 1/2 each. we regard a as a random variable that takes the
Show that U := k

k=1 2 Yk is uniformly distribu- value a with probability 1.

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